Zly 201 Past Questions 2015

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2008 – 2015

Typically, the first stage in animal development after zygote formation is a solid
ball of cells called the

A) blastula

B) morula

C) gastrula

D) planula

Other than Radiata, eumetazoans are

A) ablastic (having no tissue layers)

B) triploblastic

C) monoblastic

D) diploblastic

The eumetazoan phylum sometimes called "wheel animals" because of their

feeding mechanism is

A) Porifera

B) Rotifera

C) Nematoda
D) Anthozoa

A class of cnidarians that lacks a medusa stage is

A) Hydrazoa

B) Cubazoa

C) Anthozoa

D) Scyphozoa

For excretion, flatworms use

A) nephridia

B) flame cells

C) osmosis

D) regurgitation

The nervous system of most flatworms can be correctly described as

A) a nerve net

B) a nerve ladder

C) a nerve chord

D) a nerve ring

E) lacking

Cnidarian digestion is

A) internal and extracellular

B) internal and intracellular

C) internal, extracellular and intracellular

D) external and intracellular

E) external, extracellular and intracellular

The largest phylum of pseudocoelomates is

A) Cycliophora

B) Platyhelminthes

C) Cestoda

D) Nematoda

E) Rotifera

Cnidarian larvae are known as

A) planulae

B) cercariae

C) metacecariae

D) polyps

E) medusae


Which of the following statements about nematocysts is incorrect?

A) stings from nematocysts may be fatal

B) the osmotic pressure of a nematocyst may exceed 100


C) nematocysts turn inside out when fired

D) nematocysts are used only by cnidarians

E) nematocysts may occur on bodies of cnidarians as well as on

their tentacles


The parasite that infects people who eat undercooked pork is

A) Clonorchis
B) Schistosoma

C) Trichinella

D) Caenorhabditis

E) Dugesia


Which of the following is characteristic of sponges?

A) symmetry

B) sexual reproduction

C) tissues

D) organs

E) adult mobility


In humans, the infective stage of the liver fluke is the

A) sporocyst

B) redia

C) miracidium

D) metacercaria

E) cercaria


Which of the following is not a characteristic found in cnidarians?

A) tissues

B) symmetry

C) sexual reproduction

D) asexual reproduction

E) organs

Which one of the following characteristics is found in cnidarians?

A) organs

B) respiratory system

C) blood vessels

D) specialized internal cavity

E) nervous system


Tapeworms attach to the digestive lining of the host by means of their

A) proglottids

B) stylets

C) osculum

D) mastax

E) scolex


Water taken in through the pores in sponges exits through the

A) mesoglea

B) spicules

C) osculum

D) gastrovascular cavity

E) coelenteron


The planulae of _______________ develop only into polyps

A) Hydrozoa

B) Ctenophora

C) Scyphozoa

D) Cnidaria
E) Anthozoa


The scyphozoa are called jellyfish because of their

A) mesoderm

B) mesoglea

C) mesenchyme

D) mesentery

E) pectin


Which of the following have a one-way digestive system?

A) ctenophorans

B) flukes

C) tapeworms

D) free living flatworms

E) cnidarians


Of the Eumetazoa listed below, the _______________ are generally

considered the most primitive.

A) Chordata

B) Rotifera

C) Onychophora

D) Ctenophora

E) Pogonophora


The phylum of the simplest animal to have a blood filled circulatory system is

A) Annelids
B) Nemertea

C) Arthropoda

D) Mollusca

E) Chordata


Which of the following phyla were discovered most recently?

A) Cycliophora

B) Cnidaria

C) Porifera

D) Nematoda

E) Platyhelminthes


The phylum of the simplest animals to possess a complete digestive system is

A) Nemertea

B) Rotifera

C) Onycophora

D) Ctenophora

E) Annelida


Sexually, most flatworms are

A) parthenogenic

B) asexual

C) hermaphroditic

D) amorphous

E) aphrodisiac

Animals with the simplest tissue level of organization are:

A) mesoblastic

B) meroblastic

C) monoblastic

D) diploblastic

E) triploblastic


Which term is incorrectly identified?

A) planula -- hollow, ciliated ball of cells

B) proglottids -- repeating units of the body of a tapeworm

C) proboscis - a long muscular tube found in nemerteans

D) flame cells -- protonephridia found in flatworms

E) mesentery -- peritoneum that forms a double layer of tissue

surrounding and anchoring the digestive tract and associated organs


In vertebrates the blastopore becomes the anus, and during cleavage, the
regulatory signal in the egg are evenly distributed in the cells. An invertebrate
phylum sharing these characteristics is the:

A) Arthropoda

B) Nematoda

C) Annelida

D) Mollusca

E) Echinodermata


The sponges have all of the following characteristics except:

A) highly specialized cells

B) simple tissues
C) a gel-like matrix

D) cell recognition

E) complex multicellularity


The outer covering and nervous systems of eumetazoans develop from the:

A) ectoderm

B) endoderm

C) mesoderm

D) a and c

E) a, b, and c


Which one of the following is not a member of the phylum Cnidaria?

A) jellyfish

B) comb jelly

C) hydra

D) coral

E) sea anemone


Cnidarians are:

A) asymmetrical

B) bilaterally symmetrical

C) radially symmetrical

D) trisymmetrical

E) none of the above


A cnidocyte is a specialized cell used for:

A) sensing light

B) digesting food

C) capturing food

D) sensing movement

E) circulating water


Key evolutionary advances of the solid worms are bilateral symmetry and:

A) a coelom

B) internal organs

C) a one-way digestive tract

D) a body cavity

E) a circulatory system


The free-swimming larval stage of cnidarians is the planulae.

A) True

B) False


The presence of collar cells in sponges suggests an evolutionary relationship

between the sponges and ciliates.

A) True

B) False


Sponges belong to the subkingdom Eumetazoa.

A) True

B) False

A jellyfish is an example of a medusa body form.

A) True

B) False


Nematodes are animals with a body cavity between the endoderm and the

A) True

B) False


Solid worms are pseudocoelomates.

A) True

B) Fals

1. Which of the following Phyla have radial symmetry?

a. Arthropoda (insects, spiders, crustaceans)
b. Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, and corals)
c. Mollusca (clams, squid, octopus, and snails)
d. Ctenophora (comb jellies)
e. b and d

2. How do sponges feed?

a. Filter microorganisms from water brought in through pores
b. Use nematocysts to capture small prey
c. Extract decaying plant material form sediment
d. Absorb Hydrogen Sulfide directly from the water

3. Which of the following are constraints imposed by the blind sac body plan?
a. Only occurs in asexual organisms
b. Restricted to small size organisms
c. No separation of consumption and excretion
d. b and c

4. What is a coelom (true body cavity)?

a. A body cavity partially lined with mesoderm
b. A body cavity lined with endoderm
c. The body cavity of a sponge
d. A body cavity completely lined with mesoderm

5. Which of the following phyla is thought to have evolved first?

a. Arthropoda (insects, spiders, crustaceans, etc.)
b. Mollusca (clams, snails, squids, etc.)
c. Echinodermata (starfish, urchins, sea cucumbers)
d. Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, etc.)

6. Which of the following are sensory abilities that are found among
a. Contact chemosensation
b. Gravitational sensation
c. Color vision
d. Sound or vibrational sensation
e. All of the above
7. Which of the following are dissimilar in ant and termite societies?
a. Caste determination
b. Sex of the workers in colony
c. Chemical trails used to recruit workers
d. a and b

8. Which of the following factors contribute to problems in invertebrate

a. Lack of knowledge of invertebrate biology and distribution
b. Collecting and consumption by humans
c. Introduced species
d. Habitat destruction
e. All of the above

9. Which of the following is not a mechanism of asexual reproduction?

a. Parthenogenesis
b. Fission
c. Budding
d. Hermaphroditism
e. Fragmentation

10. Which of the following animal groups do not display complex life cycles?
a. Mammals
b. Cnidaria (anemones, hydroids, jellyfish, corals, etc)
c. Arthropoda (insects, crustaceans, spiders, etc.)
d. Mollusca (clams, snails, squids, etc.)

11. Which of the following is not an advantage of the exoskeleton in arthropods

and mollusks?
a. Provides protection from predators
b. Provides rigid places for muscles to insert and against which they can do
c. Enhances sensory perception
d. Permits greater range of movement than body plans without a rigid
skeletal structure

12. Why is it impossible to have a single celled organism or an organism with only
two tissue layers the size of an elephant?
a. Not impossible, just by chance such an animal has never evolved
b. Locomotion would be difficult
c. Not enough materials could be moved across cell membranes quickly
enough to meet nutritional and energetic requirement, nor to remove
waste products relative to the mass of such an organism
d. Vulnerability to predators
13. Which of the following phyla do not have blind-sac body plans?
a. Annelida (polychaete worms, earth worms, leeches)
b. Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
c. Ctenophora (comb jellies)
d. Cnidaria (anemones, hydroids, corals, jellyfish, etc)

14. Which of the following is not an advantage of the tube-within-a tube body
a. Permits specialization of tissues for different functions
b. Allowed sexual reproduction
c. Allowed the development of true muscle tissues permitting greater
d. Allowed separation of feeding and excretory pores

15. Which of the following is not a major factor in the success of the
Arthropoda (insects, crustaceans, spiders, etc.)?
a. Paired jointed appendages
b. A chitinous exoskeleton
c. Body segmentation and the fusion of body segments into functional regions
of the body (head, thorax, abdomen)
d. Radial symmetry

16. Within the Bilateria which of the following characters does not distinguish
the Protostomes (mollusks, annelids, arthropods) from the Deuterostomes
(echinoderms, chordates)?
a. Protostomes have spiral and determinate cleavage while Deuterostomes
have radial and indeterminate cleavage
b. In Protostomes solid masses of mesoderm give rise to coelom, in
Deuterostomes folds of archenteron form coelom
c. In Protostomes there are only two tissue layers, in Deuterostomes there
are three tissue layers
d. In Protostomes the mouth develops from blastopore, in Deuterostomes
the anus develops from blastopore

17. Which of the following are ways in which the ecology of invertebrates
differs from vertebrate animals?
a. Vertebrates play a larger role in the decomposition of dead plant and
animal tissues
b. Invertebrates are more likely to have eruptive population dynamics (large
fluctuations in abundance)
c. Invertebrates tend to have complex life cycles with morphologically
distinct juvenile and adult stages
d. b and c
e. a and c

18. Which of the following are not arguments that have been made for
conserving invertebrate animals?
a. Invertebrate help prevent overpopulation of the earth by humans
b. Invertebrates are a valuable resource for human use
c. Invertebrates provide valuable ecosystem services
d. It is legally mandated
e. Ethical arguments that all species have a right to existence
19. Which of the following phyla are not consumed for food by humans?
a. Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, corals, hydroids).
b. Arthropoda (insects, crustaceans, spiders, etc.)
c. Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
d. Echinodermata (starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, etc)
e. Annelida (polychaete worms, earth worms, and leeches)

20. Which of the following is not an ecosystem service provided by

a. Decomposition of plant and animal tissues
b. Pollination of plants
c. Suppression of herbivorous pests of crops
d. Vectors and intermediate hosts of parasites that attack humans

21. Which of the following are ways that animals obtain energy and nutrients?
a. Symbiotically from algae
b. By eating the feces of other animals
c. By farming and consuming fungi
d. From symbiotic bacteria that metabolize H2S (Hydrogen sulfide)
e. All of the above

22. Which of the following are not trends observed in the evolution of the
central nervous system in invertebrates?
a. Increasing size of cerebral ganglia and formation of a “brain”
b. Reduction in the number of nerve chords
c. Replacement of nerve chords by nerve nets
d. Dominance of the ventral pair of nerve chords

23. Which of the following behaviors occur in invertebrates?

a. Learning
b. Deception
c. Spatial memory
d. Kin recognition
e. All of the above

24. Hamilton’s rule rB > C (where r is the degree of relatedness, B is the benefit
to the recipient, and C is the cost to the altruist) predicts that natural
selection should favor altruistic acts under certain circumstances. Which of the
following circumstances are unlikely to lead to selection favoring altruism?
a. B is small
b. C is large
c. r is small
d. All of the above
25. Which of the following are resources acquired by some invertebrates?
a. Thermal energy
b. Chemicals for signaling and defense
c. Water
d. Shelter
e. All of the above

26. Which of the following are not social behaviors displayed by some
a. Parental care
b. Channel surfing
c. Communal nesting
d. Cooperation in brood care between parents and offspring
e. b and d

27. Which of the following are sensory abilities displayed by some insects?
a. Perception and production of ultrasound
b. Perception of UV radiation
c. Contact chemosensation
d. Perception of vibrations
e. All of the above

28. Euglandina, a snail, caused the extinction of species of native snails in the
genus Partula on the island of Morea. By what mechanism did these extinctions
a. Habitat destruction
b. Predation
c. Pollution
d. Competition

29. Which of the following are not methods that invertebrates have employed
to escape predators?
a. Warning coloration
b. Feeding in the daytime
c. Crypsis and camouflage
d. Spines and shells
e. Chemical exudates

30. Which of the following are not items that animals must obtain through their
a. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
b. Essential amino acids
c. Minerals
d. Non-essential fatty acids

1. The Arthropoda and the Nematoda are the two largest (number of species)
phyla that comprise the Ecdysozoa. A. True
2. The Porifera (sponges), Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, etc.) and
Platyhelminthes (flatworms) are phyla with radial symmetry. B. False
3. Primitive nervous systems in invertebrates consisted of a single ventral nerve
chord and more recently evolved nervous systems consist of nerve nets. B.
4. Invertebrates act reflexively – that is they behave in a specific manner when
confronted with specific sensory information their central nervous system does
not integrate information sensory structures leading to context dependent
behavior. B. False
5. Haplodiploidy is the situation in Hymenoptera (bees, ants, wasps) where
females have one set of chromosomes and are produced from unfertilized eggs,
and males have two sets of chromosomes and are produced from fertilized eggs.
B. False
6. Complex social (eusocial) behavior only occurs in invertebrates that have a
haplodiploid mechanism for sex determination. B. False
7. Alternation of generations refers to the alternation of sexual and asexual
stages in the life cycles of Hydrozoans (hydroids), aphids, and Cynipid wasps.
8. Many groups of invertebrates including Platyhelminthes (flatworms) are
hermaphroditic, they may be simultaneously male and female, or they may
change sex within their life cycle either from male to female or vice versa. A.
9. Semelparous refers to animals like spiders that reproduce once and then die,
while iteroparous refers to animals that may have several cycles of
reproduction and rearing of young before the adults die. A. True
10. A hydrostatic skeleton is an incompressible fluid within a body cavity
(gastrovascular cavity, coelom, etc.) against which muscles can do work for body
movement or movement of tentacles or a proboscis. A. True
11. Besides their body shape, the phyla within the Radiata differ from the phyla
within the Bilateria in that they have only two tissues layers, rather than the
three layers that characterize all bilateral phyla. A. True
12. Plague locusts are an example of eruptive population dynamics. A. True
13. Three species of butterflies, the Satyr Butterfly, the Pheres Blue, and the
Xerces Blue, once lived in San Francisco and went extinct because of habitat
loss. A. True
14. Animals are heterotrophs. They are incapable of producing their own energy
and must consume plants or animals to obtain their energy and nutrients. A.
15. The spiders and starfish have external digestion. A. True
16. Deposit-feeders, like earthworms, eat their way through dirt or sediments
and extract partially decayed organic material consumed along with the soil or
sediments. A. True
17. Statocysts are mechanoreceptors that function to provide invertebrates a
sense of equilibrium. A. True
18. Crustaceans and insects have single-lens eyes, but jellyfish, spiders,
polychaetes, and mollusks have compound eyes. B. False
19. One of the major trends in the evolution of the nervous system and in
sensory perception is the trend toward increasing cephalization (concentration
of sensory and nervous structures in anterior of body) in invertebrates. A.
20. Slave making is common among termites, but absent in ant societies. B.

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