Hayrynen Production of ADI
Hayrynen Production of ADI
Hayrynen Production of ADI
Kathy L. Hayrynen
Applied Process Technologies Division, Livonia, MI
Austempered Ductile Iron, the myth that a special type of 2 1050 / 150 700 / 100 7 80 / 60 302 – 363
ductile iron is needed still persists. In fact, the only
necessary ingredient for the production of ADI is high 3 1200 / 175 850 / 125 4 60 / 45 341 – 444
quality ductile iron with the appropriate alloy content for
hardenability, if needed. 4 1400 / 200 1100 / 155 1 35 / 25 366 – 477
This paper will review the austempering heat treat 5 1600 / 230 1300 / 185 N/A N/A 444 - 555
The formation of pearlite can be caused by several Nickel additions are made when the level of Cu has
things, most notably a lack of quench severity or a low been maximized. Ni additions of up to 2 % are typically
hardenability for the effective section size. It is possible made. Beyond that, the price becomes an important
to increase the quench severity of molten salt quench consideration. Lastly, Molybdenum is a potent
bathes by making water additions. Oil quench hardenability agent. Unfortunately, it segregates highly
equipment is limited to the production of Grade 5 ADI to the intercellular/interdendritic locations between the
because of the quench temperatures necessary to graphite nodules. Molybdenum is a strong carbide
produce Grades 4 and higher. former. Figure 7 contains a photomicrograph of
Molybdenum carbides that were present in ADI with a
The alloy content in ADI is necessary for hardenability Mo addition. The formation of Mo carbides is
purposes or the austemperability of the ductile iron. In undesirable, especially if a component is to be machined
general, section sizes greater than 19 mm or 0.75 after heat treatment.
inches require an alloy addition. Typically, a foundry will
work closely with the heat treater to determine the
optimum chemical composition of the ductile iron to be
The production of ADI is not a highly complicated
process. Any foundry that works in conjunction with a
heat treater can conceivably make ADI. However, there
are important considerations in order to be successful.
High quality ductile iron with the proper alloy content is
the necessary ingredient. Remember that austempering
is not the cure for poor quality as it will make bad iron
even worse.
The author would like to thank the following individuals
for their assistance in putting this paper together: Kristin
Brandenberg, Terry Lusk, and John Keough. The
support of the employees of Applied Process, Applied