Hayrynen Production of ADI

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2002 World Conference on ADI

The Production of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)

Kathy L. Hayrynen
Applied Process Technologies Division, Livonia, MI

ABSTRACT describe the matrix microstructure of ADI as “ausferrite”

Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) results from a specialty was introduced.
heat treatment of ductile cast iron. Strength
improvements up to 100% (or more) in combination with The five Grades of ADI according to ASTM A897/897M
excellent toughness can be realized by using this are listed in Table 1. Figures 1(a) and (b) show the
process. ausferrite microstructure for Grades 1 and 5 ADI,
Successful production of ADI requires a cooperative
effort between the foundry and heat treater. High quality Table 1: ASTM A897/897M Minimum Property
ductile iron is the necessary raw material. The proper Specifications for ADI Castings
heat treatment will then yield the desired mechanical
properties. Tensile Yield Impact Typical
Grade Strength Strength Energy Hardness
INTRODUCTION (MPa/Ksi) (MPa/Ksi) (J/ft-lb) (BHN)

After several decades of successful production of

1 850 / 125 550 / 80 10 100 / 75 269 – 321

Austempered Ductile Iron, the myth that a special type of 2 1050 / 150 700 / 100 7 80 / 60 302 – 363
ductile iron is needed still persists. In fact, the only
necessary ingredient for the production of ADI is high 3 1200 / 175 850 / 125 4 60 / 45 341 – 444
quality ductile iron with the appropriate alloy content for
hardenability, if needed. 4 1400 / 200 1100 / 155 1 35 / 25 366 – 477

This paper will review the austempering heat treat 5 1600 / 230 1300 / 185 N/A N/A 444 - 555

process and the foundry requirements that are

necessary for the production of ADI.


The austempering process was first developed in the

early 1930’s as a result of work that Bain, et al, was
conducting on the isothermal transformation of steel. In
the early 1940’s Flinn applied this heat treatment to cast
iron, namely gray iron. In 1948 the invention of ductile
iron was announced jointly by the British Cast Iron
Research Association (BCIRA) and the International
Nickel Company (INCO).

By the 1950’s, both the material, ductile iron, and the

austempering process had been developed. However,
the technology to produced ADI on an industrial scale
lagged behind. The 1970’s would arrive before highly
Figure 1a: Photomicrograph of Grade 1 ADI.
efficient semi-continuous and batch austempering
Specimen was etched with 5% Nital.
systems were developed and the process was
commercially applied to ductile iron.

By the 1990’s, ASTM A897-90 and ASTM A897M-90

Specifications for Austempered Ductile Iron Castings
were published in the US while other specifications were
developed worldwide. In addition, a new term to
2002 World Conference on ADI



Figure 3: A schematic of an equilibrium phase

Figure 1b: Photomicrograph of Grade 5 ADI. diagram of graphitic ductile iron. The
Specimen was etched with 5% Nital. symbols present represent austenite (γ),
ferrite (α) and graphite (G). The Upper
THE AUSTEMPERING PROCESS Critical Temperature (UCT) and Lower
Critical Temperature (LCT) are labeled.
Figure 2 contains a schematic of the austempering
process. This process includes the following major The austenitizing temperature should be chosen so that
steps: the component is in the austenite + graphite (γ + G)
1. Heating to the Austenitizing Temperature (A phase field. Elements like Silicon raise the UCT while
to B) Manganese will lower it. If the austenitizing
2. Austenitizing (B to C) temperature is below the UCT or in the subcritical range
3. Cooling to the Austempering temperature (C (γ + α + G), then proeutectoid ferrite will be present in
to D) the final microstructure, resulting in a lower strength and
4. Isothermal heat treatment at the hardness material. Once the ferrite forms, the only way
Austempering temperature (D to E) to eliminate it is to reheat above the UCT. Figure 4
5. Cooling to room temperature (E to F) shows the microstructure of an austempered material
that was austenitized below the UCT.

Figure 2 : A schematic of the Austempering


Austenitizing Temperature and Time

The choice of austenitizing temperature is dependent on
the chemical composition of the ductile iron. Figure 3 Figure 4: A photomicrograph of ADI that was
shows a schematic of an equilibrium diagram for a austenitized below the Upper Critical
graphitic ductile iron. Temperature (UCT). The light regions are
2002 World Conference on ADI

The time at the austenitizing temperature is equally as

important as the choice of temperature. The ductile iron
components should be held for a time sufficient to create
an austenite matrix that is saturated with carbon. This
time is additionally affected by the alloy content of the
ductile iron with heavily alloyed material taking longer to

Cooling to the Austempering Temperature

Cooling from the austenitizing temperature to the
austempering temperature (as shown from C to D in
Figure 2) must be completed rapidly enough to avoid
the formation of pearlite. If pearlite is formed, the
strength, elongation and toughness will be reduced.
Figure 5 shows a photomicrograph of Grade 2 ADI that
contains pearlite. Figure 6: A Schematic showing the Segregation of
Alloying Elements in Ductile Iron during

The alloying elements that are typically added for

hardenability purposes include: Cu, Ni and Mo.
Manganese additions are not recommended because of
the tendency of Mn to segregate to the regions in
between the graphite nodules. Manganese delays the
austempering reaction, which can result in the formation
of martensite due to the presence of low carbon

Copper additions are often initially recommended

because of price considerations. However, more is not
necessarily better when Cu additions are considered.
Levels in excess of 0.80 can create diffusion barriers
around the graphite nodules and inhibit carbon diffusion
Figure 5: Pearlite (dark constituent) in Ausferrite. during austenitizing.

The formation of pearlite can be caused by several Nickel additions are made when the level of Cu has
things, most notably a lack of quench severity or a low been maximized. Ni additions of up to 2 % are typically
hardenability for the effective section size. It is possible made. Beyond that, the price becomes an important
to increase the quench severity of molten salt quench consideration. Lastly, Molybdenum is a potent
bathes by making water additions. Oil quench hardenability agent. Unfortunately, it segregates highly
equipment is limited to the production of Grade 5 ADI to the intercellular/interdendritic locations between the
because of the quench temperatures necessary to graphite nodules. Molybdenum is a strong carbide
produce Grades 4 and higher. former. Figure 7 contains a photomicrograph of
Molybdenum carbides that were present in ADI with a
The alloy content in ADI is necessary for hardenability Mo addition. The formation of Mo carbides is
purposes or the austemperability of the ductile iron. In undesirable, especially if a component is to be machined
general, section sizes greater than 19 mm or 0.75 after heat treatment.
inches require an alloy addition. Typically, a foundry will
work closely with the heat treater to determine the
optimum chemical composition of the ductile iron to be

Figure 6 shows a schematic of how the alloying

elements segregate in ductile iron during solidification.
2002 World Conference on ADI

Once the ausferrite has been produced, the components

are cooled to room temperature. The cooling rate will
not affect the final microstructure as the carbon content
of the austenite is high enough to lower the martensite
start temperature to a temperature significantly below
room temperature.



The austempering process creates a product that is

stronger than conventional grades of ductile iron. As a
result, it is more sensitive to any defects that could be
present in the base ductile iron. Austempering is NOT a
cure for poor quality iron. Rather, the effects of the
slightest defects on the mechanical properties of ductile
Figure 7: Molybdenum carbides (white) in ADI. iron become magnified as a result of austempering.
Thus, the toughness of an ADI component can be
Recommendations for alloying ADI are summarized in severely compromised by the presence of non-metallic
Table 2. inclusions, carbides, shrink and dross even if their levels
were acceptable for conventional ductile iron. There is
Table 2: Recommendations for Alloying ADI no “one” optimum recipe for ductile iron that is to be
austempered. However, high quality is imperative in all
Recommended Limit
(wt pct)
Manganese Max section > 13mm 0.35 max
Nodule Count and Nodularity
Max section < 13 mm 0.60 max
The recommended minimums for nodule count and
Copper 0.80 max – only as needed
nodularity for ductile iron to be austempered are as
Nickel 2.00 max – only as needed
Molybdenum 0.30 max – only as needed
Nodule Count 100/mm2 ( with a uniform
Choice of Austempering (Quench) Temperature and Nodularity 85%
The choice of austempering temperature and time is Nodule count is especially important when alloy
dependent on the final properties desired. The typical additions are made. Low nodule counts lead to larger
temperature ranges utilized are 460 – 750°F (or 238 - spacing between the graphite nodules and larger
399°C). The lower grades (1 and 2) require temperature regions of segregation (Note Figure 6.). In the worst
choices at the upper end of the range while the higher case scenario, these regions can become so heavily
grades are produced at lower quench temperatures. segregated that they do not fully transform during
austempering, resulting in the formation of low carbon
Time at temperature is dependent on the choice of austenite or even martensite. Figure 8 shows regions of
temperature as well as the alloy content. For example, segregation that did not transform during austempering.
Grade 1 ADI will transform faster than Grade 5 as the Higher nodule counts will break up the segregated
quench temperature is approximately 200°F (93°C) regions shown in Figure 8.

The components are held for a sufficient time at

temperature for ausferrite to form. Ausferrite consists of
ferrite in a high carbon, stabilized austenite. If held for
long time periods, the high carbon austenite will
eventually undergo a transformation to bainite, the two
phase ferrite and carbide (α. + Fe3C). In order for this
transformation to occur, longer periods of time are
typically needed – much longer than would be
economically feasible for the production of ADI.
2002 World Conference on ADI

Table 4: Suggested Targets and Typical Control

Ranges for the Production of ADI

Element Suggested Typical

Target Control
Carbon – C 3.6% ± 0.20%
Silicon – Si 2.5% ± 0.20%
Magnesium – Mg (%S x 0.76)+0.025% ± 0.005%
Manganese – Mn
Max section > 13 mm 0.35% maximum ± 0.05%
Max section < 13 mm 0.60% maximum
Copper – Cu 0.80% maximum ± 0.05%
(only as needed)
Nickel – Ni 2.00% maximum ± 0.10%
(only as needed)
Molybdenum - Mo 0.30% maximum ± 0.03%
(only as needed)
Figure 8: Segregated regions (white) with a high Mn Tin - Sn 0.02% maximum ±0.003%
content in ADI. (only as needed)
Antimony – Sb 0.002% maximum ±0.0003%
Casting Quality (only as needed)
Castings to be austempered should be free of non- Phosphorus – P 0.04% maximum
Sulfur – S 0.02% maximum
metallic inclusions, carbides, shrink and porosity. In
Oxygen – O 50 ppm maximum
order to achieve the property minimums in Table 1, the
Chromium – Cr 0.10% maximum
following levels should be maintained.
Titanium – Ti 0.040% maximum
Vanadium – V 0.10% maximum
Carbides + Nonmetallic inclusions - maximum 0.5%
Aluminum – Al 0.050% maximum
Porosity and/or Microshrinkage – maximum 1% Arsenic – As 0.020% maximum
Bismuth – Bi 0.002% maximum
Carbon Equivalent Boron – B 0.002% maximum
The Carbon Equivalent (CE = %C + 1/3 %Si) should be Cadmium – Cd 0.005 maximum
controlled to produce sound castings. General Lead – Pb 0.002% maximum
Guidelines are provided in Table 3. Selenium – Se 0.030% maximum
Tellurium – Te 0.020% maximum
Table 3: Carbon Equivalent Guidelines for the
Production of ADI Once chemical composition ranges have been
established between the foundry and the heat treater, it
Section Size CE Range is important for the foundry to produce ductile iron within
0 – 0.5 inches ( 0 – 13 mm) 4.4 – 4.6 the established ranges. Wide variations in chemical
0.5 – 2 inches (13 – 51 mm) 4.3 – 4.6 composition can lead to variations in the pearlite/ferrite
Over 2 inches (51 mm) 4.3 – 4.5 ratio in the as-cast ductile iron as well as a need to
adjust the heat treatment parameters. The response or
Chemical Composition growth during austempering is a function of the prior
The chemical composition ranges for a component microstructure and the austempering temperature.
should initially be established between the foundry and Figure 9 shows the linear dimensional change as a
the heat treater. The amount of alloy (if needed) will be function of austempering temperature for ADI with prior
a function of the alloy in the foundry’s base metal, the microstructures of ferrite, pearlite and a ferrite/pearlite
part configuration (section size and shape) and the mix.
austempering equipment that is used. Suggested
chemistry targets along with typical control ranges are
listed in Table 4.
2002 World Conference on ADI

Process Technologies Division, AP Westshore and AP

Southridge are also noted.

A special thank you to Dr. Karl Rundman and Dennis

Moore for the introduction to metal castings and ADI.
Their enthusiasm and encouragement over the past 15
years has been sincerely appreciated.

Lastly, the author would like to acknowledge the late Dr.

Bela Kovacs for the invaluable contributions he made to
the ADI world and for being a great mentor and friend.


1. Hayrynen, K.L., “ADI: Another Avenue for

Ductile Iron Foundries”, Modern Casting, August 1995,
pp. 35-37.
2. Section IV, Ductile Iron Data for Design Engineers,
published by Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Inc, 1990.
3. Foundry Requirements for the Production of ADI –
Internal Information, Applied Process Inc.
4. Kovacs, B. V., “ADI – Fact and Fiction”, Modern
Figure 9: Linear Dimensional Change as a function Casting, March 1990, pp. 38-41.
of Austempering Temperature for various
prior microstructures.
Figure 9 shows that the growth is different for pearlite or
ferrite. However, the growth is consistent from one heat + Websites
treat lot to another if the chemical composition ranges www.appliedprocess.com
are obeyed. End users use the consistent growth of ADI www.ductile.org/didata
to their advantage. Components can be designed to be www.asminternational.org
machined prior to heat treatment and then grow to size www.afsinc.org
during austempering. www.matweb.com

The production of ADI is not a highly complicated
process. Any foundry that works in conjunction with a
heat treater can conceivably make ADI. However, there
are important considerations in order to be successful.
High quality ductile iron with the proper alloy content is
the necessary ingredient. Remember that austempering
is not the cure for poor quality as it will make bad iron
even worse.

Knowledgeable heat treaters will work with a foundry to

establish the proper chemical composition of the ductile
iron to be austempered. The proper choice of heat
treatment parameters will then lead to the successful
production of any grade of ADI.

The author would like to thank the following individuals
for their assistance in putting this paper together: Kristin
Brandenberg, Terry Lusk, and John Keough. The
support of the employees of Applied Process, Applied

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