Astrophysics and Space Science
Astrophysics and Space Science
Astrophysics and Space Science
Syllabus For
B.Sc. Part -I
Unit 1 30 Lectures
History of Astronomy and Apparent Luminosity of Stars:
Ptolemy’s astronomical work, Copernican heliocentrism and Tychonian system, Luminosity
(Apparent and Absolute) of stars, Magnitude scale, Luminosity measurement: 1)Visual Method
2) Photographic method and 3) Photoelectric method. (7)
Unit 2:-
Stellar Evolution (HR diagram): Life cycle; Stellar Processes (Nuclear) and spectral classification of Stars
O, B, A, F, G, K, M. (7)
Unit 3: -
Unit 4
Asteroids, Meteors, Comets and Galaxies:
Asteroids: Discovery and designation, Origin, Nature and Orbits of Asteroids.
Meteors : Meteor showers and sporadic meteors.
Comets : Periodic comets, Brightness variation in Comets. Gas production rates, dust and ion
tails. ( 8)
1. Astronomy structure of the Universe. A.E. Roy and D. Clarke, Adam Hilger Pub.
2. Source Book of Space Sciences, Samuel Galsstone; D.VanNostrand Co. Inc
3. Textbook of Astronomy and Astrophysics with elements of cosmology, V.B. Bhatia,
4. Structure of the Universe, J.V. Narlikar
5. Introduction to Astrophysics - Baidyanath Basu
6. Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies- K.D.Abhyankar: Tata McGraw Hill Publication(Chap.2)
7. “Astrophysics: A modern Perspective” - K. S. Krishnaswami New Age International.
8. K. S. Krishnaswami, “Understanding cosmic Panorama” New Age International.
9. Frontiers in Astronomy by Jastrow
B. Sc.Part I Semester I
Paper II: DSC36A:Mathematical course for Astrophysics and Space science
Theory :30 hrs Marks : 50 Credit: 02
Unit1 30 Lectures
Vector Algebra and Calculus: (8)
Scalar triple product and their interpretation in terms of area and volume respectively, Scalar and
Vector fields, Vector Differentiation: Directional derivatives and normal derivative, Gradient of
a scalar field and its geometrical interpretation, Divergence and curl of a vector field, Del and
Laplacian operators, Vector identities.
1. Mathematical Physics – P. K. Chattopadhyay New Age International Publishers.
2. Mathematical methods in the Physical Sciences (Second Edition) – Marry L. Boas John Willy
and Sons Publication.
3. Mathematical methods for Physicists: Weber and Arfken. (6th edition ) Academic press – N.
4. Theory and problems of vector analysis- Schaum outline series- Murray R. Spiegel
5. Differential equations - M. L. Khanna, Meerut Publications.
6. Mathematical Physics -H. K. Dass S. Chand and Company Ltd.
7. Mathematical Physics -B. S. Rajput : Pragati Prakashan Ltd.
B. Sc. I Semester II
Paper III: 35B :Introduction to Space Science
Theory :30 hrs Marks : 50 Credit: 02
Solar System, Kepler’s Laws, Earth-Moon System, Solar and Lunar types, Exploration of Solar
System by Telescopes, Rockets and Satellites. (8)
Unit II
Structure of Earth’s Atmosphere- Lower, Middle and Upper Troposphere (0-10 km),
Stratosphere (10-50km), Ionosphere (50-1000 km), Protonosphere (10,000 to 60,000 km towards
sun), Interplanetary space (Beyond 60,000 km towards the sun), Earth as a Magnetic Comet. (8)
Unit III
In-situ measurements of chemical, physical and dynamical parameters using Kites, Balloons,
Aeroplanes, Rockets and Satellite Payloads. (7)
Unit IV
Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Neutrinos, Mesons, leptons, and quarks. The concept of Basic
forces viz., strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational forces. (7)
Unit 1 30 Lectures
Tools of the astronomer: Optical telescopes, (Galielian, Newtonian, Cassegranian & Hubble
Space Telescope), Magnifying power & Resolving power of telescopes, UV, x-ray, IR, Radio &
gravitational Astronomy, Spectroscope. (5)
Unit II
Simple methods of Measurements and Astronomical Units: (3)
Measurement of terrestrial distances, distance of moon, distance of planets, Astronomical unit
aberration of star light, Trigonometric parallax of stars, light years and parsec.
Interferometry: (5)
Michelson's interferometer and it's applications to measure i) wave length of' light ii) refractive
index of thin film, construction and working of Fabry – Perot interferometer, superiority of F-P
interferometer over Michelson’s interferometer.
1. Astrophysical Techniques - C. R. Kitchin:
2. Astronomical Observations - an Optical Perspective - Gordon Walker: (Cambridge University
3. Astronomical Photometry- Henden and Kaitchuck:
4. Astrophysics-Stars and galaxies - K.D.Abhyankar.
5. Tools of the Astronomers - C. R. Miczaika and W. M. Sinton:
6. Astronomical Techniques- W. A. Hiltner (Ed):
7. Methods of Experimental Physics - Carleton: Vol. XIIA.
8. Geometrical and Physical optics - D. S. Mathur.
9. A Text book of optics (New edition) - Subrahmanyam and Brijlal.
10. Fundamentals of optics - Jenkins and White.
11. Optics (second edition) - Ajay Ghatak.
B. Sc.Part I Semester I Practicals
DSC A(LAB- I)( Paper I &II)
1. I-V Characteristics of solar cell and verification of inverse square law of intensity.
2. Study of Plane diffraction Grating.
3. Determination of focal length of convex and plano-convex lenses by auto collimation
4. Calibration of spectrometer.
5. Measurement and identification of spectral lines (Hg and Na source)
6. Intensity distribution curve of ordinary electric bulb using photo cell.
7. Study of solar spectrum
8. Sunspots activity analysis.
9. Measurement of Planck’s constant using LED.
10. Measurement of wavelength of given LASER source using diffraction grating.
DSC-B(LAB- II)( PaperIII and IV)
1. Assignment on Vector analysis
2. Problem solving assignment on Differential equations
3. Problem solving assignment on Matrices
4. Constellation map drawings – a) Orion b) Ursa Major (Big Dipper) c) Auriga d) Taurus.
5. To use idea of parallax to determine large distance.
6. Spherical aberration (caustic curve).
7. Resolving power of telescope.
8. Resolving power of Microscope.
9. Cardinal Points by Newton’s method
10. Study of polar graph.
Report on Field Visit to any local space centre or laboratory or Observatory will
remain mandatory.
Scheme of Marking (Theory)