Module 2 Physics - With Answers
Module 2 Physics - With Answers
Module 2 Physics - With Answers
Part 66 : Physics Question
Module 02. Physics
505 questions
1. Matter. ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1. Mechanics – Statics. ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Mechanics – Kinetics. ..................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3a. Mechanics – Dynamics. ................................................................................................................................ 25
2.3b. Mechanics – Dynamics. ................................................................................................................................ 29
2.4a. Mechanics ‐ Fluid Dynamics. ........................................................................................................................ 30
2.4b. Mechanics ‐ Fluid Dynamics. ........................................................................................................................ 33
3a. Thermodynamics. ............................................................................................................................................ 34
3b. Thermodynamics. ............................................................................................................................................ 38
4. Optics (Light). ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5. Wave Motion and Sound. .................................................................................................................................. 52
6. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 55
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Module 02. Physics Pag. 3
Question Number 23. Option C. the two jacks will exert the same force.
The difference between two pressures is. Correct Answer is. the smaller jack will exert a force of
Option A. vacuum pressure. 200 lb and the larger a force of 400 lb.
Option B. differential pressure. Explanation. Force = pressure * area. 100 * 2 = 200
Option C. static pressure. lbs. 100 * 4 = 400 lbs.
Correct Answer is. differential pressure. Question Number 28.
Explanation. Differential pressure is the difference The purpose of an accumulator in a hydraulic system is to.
between two pressures (such as inside and outside the
Option A. collect air from the hydraulic fluid, thus
aircraft cabin).
reducing the requirement for frequent
Question Number 24. bleeding.
What torque loading would you apply to a nut if the force Option B. relieve excess pressure.
is 50 lbs, exerted 2 feet from its axis?. Option C. store hydraulic fluid under pressure.
Option A. 100 lbs.ft. Correct Answer is. store hydraulic fluid under pressure.
Option B. 600 lbs.ft. Explanation. An accumulator stores hydraulic
Option C. 251 lbs.ft. pressure for use when the main pressure pump fails.
Correct Answer is. 100 lbs.ft. Question Number 29.
Explanation. Torque loading = force * distance. If the hydraulic system accumulator has a low air
Question Number 25. pressure, it will cause.
In a jack with a ram only on one side and hydraulic fluid Option A. rapid pressure fluctuations during operation
applied from both sides. of services.
Option B. rapid movement of the operating jacks.
Option A. a condition of hydraulic lock exists and no
Option C. slow build up of pressure in the system.
movement will take place.
Option B. the ram will move opposite to the side Correct Answer is. rapid pressure fluctuations during
where the ram is due to pressure acting on operation of services.
differential areas. Explanation. The secondary purpose of an
Option C. the ram will move to the side where the ram accumulator is to damp out pressure fluctuations.
is, due to pressure acting on differential
Question Number 30.
The specific torque loading for a bolt is 50 lbs.ins but an
Correct Answer is. the ram will move opposite to the
extension of 2 inches is needed to reach the bolt in
side where the ram is due to pressure acting on differential
addition to the 8 inches torque wrench. What will the
actual reading?.
Explanation. The non-ram side has a greater area, so
Option A. 54 lb.ins.
the ram will be pushed from that side to the ram side.
Option B. 40 lb.ins.
Question Number 26. Option C. 60 lb.ins.
Using the same hydraulic pressure, the force applied by a Correct Answer is. 40 lb.ins.
hydraulic jack of 4 sq. inch piston area. Explanation. New torque reading = desired torque x
Option A. will be half that applied by a similar jack of L/(x+L). 50 * 8/10 = 40 lb.ins.
2 sq. inch piston area.
Question Number 31.
Option B. will be equal to that applied by a similar
jack of 2 sq. inch piston area. If 1500 psi hydraulic pressure is pumped into an
Option C. will be twice that applied by a similar jack accumulator, with a pre-charge air pressure of 1000 psi
of 2 sq. inch piston area. the gauge will read.
Correct Answer is. will be equal to that applied by a Option A. 2500 psi.
similar jack of 2 sq. inch piston area. Option B. 1500 psi.
Option C. 1000 psi.
Explanation. Force = pressure * area.
Correct Answer is. 1500 psi.
Question Number 27.
Explanation. The accumulator pressure gauge reads
A pressure of 100 PSI acts on two jacks in a hydraulic the hydraulic pressure only when it is above the charge
system, having piston areas 2 sq in and 4 sq in. pressure.
Option A. the smaller jack will exert a force of 50 lb
and the larger a force of 25 lb.
Option B. the smaller jack will exert a force of 200 lb
and the larger a force of 400 lb.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 14
Question Number 54. Option A. medians from a vertex to the opposite side.
The addition of 2 different vectors to produce another Option B. angle bisectors.
vector is called. Option C. perpendicular bisectors.
Option A. component. Correct Answer is. medians from a vertex to the
Option B. resolution. opposite side.
Option C. resultant. Explanation. NIL.
Correct Answer is. resultant. Question Number 60.
Explanation. The resultant of two vectors. The When a square block of material is pushed into a
mathematical process is actually called 'composition'. parallelogram, the material is under what stress type?.
Question Number 55. Option A. Compression.
Two items weighing 11kg and 8kg are placed 2m and 1m Option B. Torsion.
respectively aft of the C of G of an aircraft. How far Option C. Shear.
forward of the C of G must a weight of 30kg be placed so Correct Answer is. Shear.
as not to change the C of G?. Explanation. NIL.
Option A. 2m.
Option B. 1.5m. s/1R30_20.GIF
Option C. 1m.
Question Number 61.
Correct Answer is. 1m.
A quantity which has size but no direction is called a.
Explanation. Total moment = (11*2) + (8*1) =
Option A. Scalar.
30kgm. The 30 kg mass must be placed such that 30kg *
Option B. Moment.
Xm = 30 kg m. Hence X = 1m.
Option C. Vector.
Question Number 56. Correct Answer is. Scalar.
A point at which the total force of a body acts is known as Explanation. scalar has size only (mass, area etc.). A
the. vector has size and direction (velocity, force etc.).
Option A. centre of gravity.
Question Number 62.
Option B. point of equilibrium.
Option C. centre of mass. The advantage of using a machine is.
Correct Answer is. centre of gravity. Option A. mechanical advantage of input.
Option B. mechanical advantage of output.
Explanation. If by force they mean 'weight' then it is
Option C. input work is less than the output work.
Centre of Gravity.
Correct Answer is. mechanical advantage of output.
Question Number 57.
Explanation. Mechanical advantage is usually on the
A load of 600N is suspended by a cable. If the stress in the outp.
cable is said to be limited to 15N/mm2 the minimum cross
sectional area of the cable must be. Question Number 63.
Option A. 0.025mm2. Which of the following can transmit pressure?.
Option B. 9000mm2. Option A. Liquids and gases.
Option C. 40mm2. Option B. Solids and gases.
Correct Answer is. 40mm2. Option C. Any matter can transmit pressure,
depending on temperature.
Explanation. Stress = Force/Area. Area =
Force/Stress = 600/15 = 40mm2. Correct Answer is. Liquids and gases.
Explanation. NIL.
Question Number 58.
A spring, operating within its elastic range, shortens by Question Number 64.
60mm when a load of 480N is applied to it. Calculate the A moment is created by a force of 5N acting 4m from the
total shortening when the load is increased by 120N. pivot on a uniform bar. At what distance must a force of
Option A. 82mm. 10N be applied to balance the beam?.
Option B. 45mm. Option A. 8 m.
Option C. 75mm. Option B. 4 m.
Correct Answer is. 75mm. Option C. 2 m.
Explanation. 600/480 * 60 = 75mm. Correct Answer is. 2 m.
Explanation. 5 * 4 = 20, 10 * X = 20 X = 2m.
Question Number 59.
The c.g. of a triangular plate is at the intersection of.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 17
Question Number 34. Correct Answer is. The driven rotates twice as fast.
Which of Newton’s Laws apply most directly to a car Explanation. smaller wheel rotates at the faster speed
which is slowing down due to the braking action?. (of a ratio equal to their diameters).
Option A. The 1st law. Question Number 40.
Option B. The 3rd law.
An aircraft of 2 metric tonnes lands with 400 kilojoules of
Option C. The 2nd law.
energy, 10 kiloNewtons of force is applied at the brakes,
Correct Answer is. The 2nd law. how far does the aircraft take to stop?.
Explanation. The car is decelerating therefore it is Option A. 40 M.
obeying the second law - Force = mass * acceleration (but Option B. 400 M.
technically all three laws apply). Option C. 800 M.
Question Number 35. Correct Answer is. 40 M.
F = ma is an equation which expresses. Explanation. Work done = Force * energy. Work
Option A. Newton’s 1st law. required to convert all the kinetic energy = Force *
Option B. Newton’s 2nd law. distance. So Force * distance = 400,000 Joules. 10,000 N
Option C. Newton’s 3rd law. * distance = 400,000. Distance = 40 m.
Correct Answer is. Newton’s 2nd law. Question Number 41.
Explanation. Newton's second law is F = ma (Force = A radar rotates 1 revolution each 30 seconds and uses 10J
mass * acceleration). of energy each revolution. How many joules does it use in
a day?.
Question Number 36.
Option A. 28.8 kJ.
What force is required to produce an acceleration of 5
Option B. 720 kJ.
m/s2 on a mass of 2 kg?.
Option C. 7200 kJ.
Option A. 2.5 N.
Correct Answer is. 28.8 kJ.
Option B. 10 N.
Option C. 50 N. Explanation. =2 8 60 = 120 revs/hour = 120 8 24 =
2880 revs/day. 2880 8 10 = 28800 Joules = 28.8 kJ.
Correct Answer is. 10 N.
Explanation. F = ma = 2 * 5 = 10 Newtons (Force is Question Number 42.
measured in Newtons). A light aircraft flies in a semi-circle from point A to point
B. If the circle has a radius of 20km and the time taken is
Question Number 37.
30 minutes, the average speed is.
If a force of 10 lbf produces an acceleration of 2.5 ft/sec2,
Option A. 125.7 km/h.
on what mass is it acting?.
Option B. 110 km/h.
Option A. 4 slugs. Option C. 80 km/h.
Option B. 4 lb.
Correct Answer is. 125.7 km/h.
Option C. 25 slugs.
Explanation. arc distance = radius x angular distance
Correct Answer is. 4 slugs.
(in rads) = 20π = 60 km (approx, taking πas 3). 60 km in
Explanation. F = ma, 10 = m * 2.5, m = 10/2.5 = 4 30 minutes is 120 km/h (answer is slightly more because π
slugs. = 3.14, not 3.
Question Number 38. Question Number 43.
What is acceleration?. The landing speed of an aircraft is 54 m/s2. If the
Option A. Rate of change of velocity. maximum deceleration is 3m/s2 the minimum length of
Option B. Rate of change of movement. runway required is.
Option C. Rate of change of position. Option A. 162m.
Correct Answer is. Rate of change of velocity. Option B. 486m.
Explanation. Acceleration is rate of change of Option C. 360m.
velocity. Correct Answer is. 486m.
Question Number 39. Explanation. NIL.
In a gear train the driver has 100 TPI and the driven has 50
Option A. The driven rotates twice as fast.
Option B. The driver and driven rotate at the same
Option C. The driven rotates half as fast.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 23
Question Number 44. Correct Answer is. increase with increasing mass of the
The number of radians in a semi circle are. object.
Option A. exactly 3. Explanation. NIL.
Option B. π. Question Number 50.
Option C. 2π.
For an object in circular motion at constant velocity, if the
Correct Answer is. π. radius of its path is doubled the centripetal force will.
Explanation. full circle = 2π radians, so a semicircle Option A. double.
= π radians = 3.142. Option B. remain the same.
Question Number 45. Option C. half.
The angular velocity of 500 RPM is, in rads/seconds is Correct Answer is. half.
equal to. Explanation. NIL.
Option A. 1000π rads/s. Question Number 51.
Option B. 8.33π rads/s.
An aircraft weighing 6400 pounds lands at a speed of 10
Option C. 16.66π rads/s.
ft/Sec and stops in 10 Seconds. What force was generated
Correct Answer is. 16.66π rads/s. by the brakes (assuming gravity as 32 ft/sec).
Explanation. 500 * 2π/60 = 1000π/60 = 100π/6 = 16.66. Option A. -2000 Lbs.
Question Number 46. Option B. -200 Lbs.
Which of Newton's laws relates to the formula: Force = Option C. -640 Lbs.
mass * acceleration?. Correct Answer is. -200 Lbs.
Option A. 1st. Explanation. NIL.
Option B. 2nd. Question Number 52.
Option C. 3rd.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.'
Correct Answer is. 2nd. This is known as.
Explanation. Newton's Second Law F = ma. Option A. Newtons second law.
Question Number 47. Option B. Newtons third law.
The period of simple pendulum is. Option C. Newtons first law.
Option A. independent of its mass. Correct Answer is. Newtons third law.
Option B. longer for a heavy pendulum bob. Explanation. NIL.
Option C. longer on the earth than on the moon. Question Number 53.
Correct Answer is. independent of its mass. One radian is equal to.
Explanation. The only things that affect the period of Option A. the angle subtended at the centre of a circle
a pendulum is the length (greater length = longer period) when the arc-length formed between two
and gravity (greater gravity= shorter period). radial lines is equal in length to the radius.
Question Number 48. Option B. 66.67 degrees.
A satellite requires 10 Joules to rotate half a revolution, Option C. the angle subtended at the centre of a circle
which takes 30 seconds. What is the energy required for when the arc-length formed between two
one day?. radial lines is equal to π.
Option A. 14,400 J. Correct Answer is. the angle subtended at the centre of
Option B. 1,200 J. a circle when the arc-length formed between two radial
Option C. 28,800 J. lines is equal in length to the radius.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 25
Module 02. Physics Pag. 29
A pilot requests 9.2 tonnes of fuel. The bowser driver Explanation. 10 * 62.4 = 624. 624 * 081 =.
reports to the pilot that the specific gravity is 0.8, what
will the uplift be?.
Option A. 7360 litres.
Option B. 11500 litres.
Option C. 9200 litres.
Correct Answer is. 11500 litres.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 32
Module 02. Physics Pag. 33
Correct Answer is. 69.2 C.H.U. and 49.5 C.H.U. Explanation. NIL.
Question Number 33. Explanation. Air is 78% (approx. 4/5) nitrogen and
The dew point is. 21% (approx 1/5) oxygen.
Option A. the point when air is cooled at which the Question Number 39.
moisture just starts to condense. What is meant by adiabatic?.
Option B. the point at which air can be heated.
Option A. All heat crosses the boundary.
Option C. the point when air is cooled at which the
Option B. No heat crosses the boundary.
moisture does not condense.
Option C. Some heat crosses the boundary.
Correct Answer is. the point when air is cooled at which
Correct Answer is. No heat crosses the boundary.
the moisture just starts to condense.
Explanation. No heat is lost or gained in an adiabatic
Explanation. Check the definition of dew point.
Question Number 34.
Question Number 40.
What are common refrigerant agents?.
If a gas is heated and its temperature is raised by 1K. What
Option A. formaldehyde, ammonia, carbon dioxide. happens to its volume?.
Option B. water, freon, ammonia.
Option A. Decreases by 1/273.
Option C. Dry ice, methyl bromide, water.
Option B. Increases by 1/273.
Correct Answer is. water, freon, ammonia. Option C. Remains the same.
Explanation. Water is used in cooling towers (and Correct Answer is. Increases by 1/273.
when you sweat). Freon and ammonia are commonly used
Explanation. Charles's Law. Also how the absolute
in fridges and air-con systems.
zero (-273 °C is calculated).
Question Number 35.
Question Number 41.
During a process of gas heating, no heat is absorbed or
If a block of ice melts in a glass of water, the level of
given out. It is.
water in the glass will.
Option A. adiabatic.
Option A. fall.
Option B. isochoric.
Option B. rise.
Option C. isothermal.
Option C. remain the same.
Correct Answer is. adiabatic.
Correct Answer is. remain the same.
Explanation. No heat absorbed or given out is
Explanation. NIL.
Question Number 42.
Question Number 36.
If heat is constant, and if pressure increases on a liquid
During a pressurising process, all heat is given away. It is.
what will the volume do?.
Option A. adiabatic.
Option A. Increase.
Option B. isochoric.
Option B. Remains constant.
Option C. isothermal.
Option C. Decrease.
Correct Answer is. isothermal.
Correct Answer is. Remains constant.
Explanation. All heat given away keeps the process at
Explanation. Liquids are considered incompressible,
constant temperature - thus 'isothermal'.
therefore their volume remains constant.
Question Number 37.
Question Number 43.
A material capable of going direct from solid to gas is a.
Radiant heat of a body, heated from a radiant source is.
Option A. substrate.
Option A. inversely proportional to the square of the
Option B. substance.
Option C. sublimate.
Option B. proportional to distance.
Correct Answer is. sublimate. Option C. inversely proportional.
Explanation. A sublimate can go directly from solid Correct Answer is. inversely proportional to the square
to gas. of the distance.
Question Number 38. Explanation. The wording of this question is terrible,
The composition of the atmosphere is approximately. but it is probably referring to radiant heat being inversely
proportional to the square of the distance from the source
Option A. 1/5 oxygen and 4/5 nitrogen.
of the.
Option B. 4/5 oxygen and 1/5 nitrogen.
Option C. 2/5 oxygen and 3/5 nitrogen.
Correct Answer is. 1/5 oxygen and 4/5 nitrogen.
Module 02. Physics Pag. 42
Module 02. Physics Pag. 44
Module 02. Physics Pag. 52