The document lists various colors and their combinations with black. For each main color such as light blue, yellow, red, and green, it pairs the color with "& Black". It also lists purlins that would be yellow, red, and white in color paired with "& Black (C-Purlins)".
The document lists various colors and their combinations with black. For each main color such as light blue, yellow, red, and green, it pairs the color with "& Black". It also lists purlins that would be yellow, red, and white in color paired with "& Black (C-Purlins)".
The document lists various colors and their combinations with black. For each main color such as light blue, yellow, red, and green, it pairs the color with "& Black". It also lists purlins that would be yellow, red, and white in color paired with "& Black (C-Purlins)".
The document lists various colors and their combinations with black. For each main color such as light blue, yellow, red, and green, it pairs the color with "& Black". It also lists purlins that would be yellow, red, and white in color paired with "& Black (C-Purlins)".