13.week13 Sea204b2 Escobedo
13.week13 Sea204b2 Escobedo
13.week13 Sea204b2 Escobedo
Name ESCOBEDO VERNIE D. Year and Section 3rd Year/ MT-NPBST-32A1
Course Code SEA 204B2 Course Title TRIM, STABILITY AND STRESS II
Module Number 13 Content Topic Trim and Draught Calculations
Using Trim Tables
Teacher Date
A Problem Solving:
Ship had the following drafts:
F = 8.50 m.
A = 50 m.
M = 8.50 m.
T = 0.00 m.
MTC 570.,
TPC 51.7,
LCF -1.92.
She had to transfer 1,373 tons from Hold No. 2 to Hold No. 3 in order to have a trim
LBP = 181 m.
Mid G Hold No. 2 = (-) 37.92 m.
Mid G Hold No. 3 = (-) 8.88 m. (Mid G is the Longitudinal center of gravity of the cargo holds, tanks or cargo)
1. Change of trim
2. Aft draft correction
3. Forward draft correction
4. Final drafts: F A M T
1. Change trim = Weight to transfer x distance of cargo to shift MTC
A= 8.50 m.
Aft draft corr’n + 0.34 m.
Aft draft = 8.84 m.
Mean draft = Forward draft + Aft draft 2
= 8.15m. + 8.84 m./2
=8.49 m (Mean draft is affected by the location of the center of flotation)
1. Decrease of draft or rise = Weight discharged/TPC
= 1,178 /59.2
= 19.8 cm. or 0.19 m
= 1,178 x 49.71
= 105 cm. or 1.05 m.
A= 8.90 m.
Rise - 0.19 m.
8.71 m.
Aft draft corr’n – 0.51 m.
Aft draft = 8.02 m
Subtract the aft draft correction from aft draft because the Mid G is abaft the center of flotation. Cargo was
discharged abaft the center of flotation. Add the forward draft correction to forward draft.;
1. Increase of draft or sinkage
2. Change of trim
3. Aft draft correction
4. Forward draft correction
5. Final drafts: F A M T
1. Increase of draft or sinkage = Weight to load/TPC
= 1,359 t/55.7
= 24 cm
A= 9.17 m.
Sinkage = + 0.24 m.
9.41 m.
Aft draft corr’n – 0.44 m.
Aft draft = 8.97 m
Explain the draft corrections of forward draft or aft draft added or subtracted in order to obtain the final
When discharging cargo abaft the center of floatation add the forward draft correction to forward draft.
Subtract the aft draft correction from aft draft because mid G is abaft the center of floatation and minus
the rise for both forward and aft draft, While on cargo loading its just the same add both forward and aft
draft to their draft corrections and add the rise for both forward and aft drafts to obtain the final draft.