Week 10 - Agency Guiding Questions
Week 10 - Agency Guiding Questions
Week 10 - Agency Guiding Questions
Agency is fundamentally important to international businesses because there are three ways to do business
internationally with the use of an intermediary, using a sales representative, a distributor or a commercial agent.
Most buisnesses will be dealing with the need to import/export, and agency is fundamental because to
international businesses because national laws vary widely on the meaning of designating a foreign represent as
an agent. Often, under several national laws, an agent can bind the principal to contracts with 3 rd party customer,
through actual or apparent authority. However, across countries apparent authority may or may not be presumed
in specific situations. As a result, in businesses at the beginning, a legal relationship in which one person (agent)
represents another (principal) and is authorized to act for him/her.
National laws vary widely on the meaning of designating a foreign represent as an agent. Often, under many national
laws, an agent can bind the principal (manufacturer-exporter) to contracts with third-party customers, either through
actual or apparent authority.
However, across countries apparent authority may or may not be presumed in specific situations. In beginning a
new agency or distribution relationship, the exporter should not initially give a foreign sales representative the
ability to bind it to contracts with third parties. Instead, although inconvenient, the exporter should retain the
right to approve or disapprove any such contracts. In the United States, depending on the agent’s title and
characteristics, apparent authority is often presumed. However, in international practice actual or apparent
authority is not presumed. In such cases the foreign purchaser should ask for proof of the agent’s authority to
bind the exporter.
It is especially important in international distribution contracts to provide for the protection of intellectual
property rights (IPR), trade secrets, and know-how. A common clause is called the non-challenge or validity
clause, which prohibits the distributor from challenging the validity of the manufacturer-exporter’s IPR
Role of the agent: the person who is authorized to act on behalf of the Principal: this
relationship allows the Agent to bind the Principal to contracts with 3 parties (customers,
Role of the principal: the person who authorizes another to act on his/her behalf; example:
Principal-agent relationship: Formed when an employer hires an employee and gives that
employee authority to act and enter into contracts on their behalf
There are two types of authority:
} Fiduciary Duty
Duty of Loyalty
Duty of Care
} An Agent is a Fiduciary for the Principal
For example, an advisor might have several investment funds that are
available to offer a client, but instead only offers the ones that pay the
advisor a commission for the sale. The conflict of interest is an agency
problem whereby the financial incentive offered by the investment fund
prevents the advisor from working on behalf of the client's best interest.
The agency problem may also be minimized by incentivizing an agent to
act in better accordance with the principal's best interests. For example, a
manager can be motivated to act in the shareholders' best interests
through incentives such as performance-based compensation, direct
influence by shareholders, the threat of firing, or the threat of takeovers.
Principals who are shareholders can also tie CEO compensation directly to
stock price performance. If a CEO was worried that a potential takeover
would result in being fired, the CEO might try to prevent the takeover,
which would be an agency problem. However, if the CEO was
compensated based on stock price performance, the CEO would be
incentivized to complete the takeover. Stock prices of the target
companies typically rise as a result of an acquisition. Through proper
incentives, both the shareholders' and the CEO's interests would be
aligned and benefit from the rise in stock price.
1. Contract design