Water Base Paint
Water Base Paint
Water Base Paint
Definition :
• Ethylene Glycol.
• Kerosene .
1. Anti Rust (Sodium Benzoate ).
2. Sodium Hexa meta Phosphate .
3. Anti scratch (Silicone ).
4. Anti Foam .
5. pH controller (Alkaline ).
6. Leveling Agent.
7. Wetting Agent.
How does water base paint dry?
• When paint dries, a thin polymer film is
formed that adheres to the surface and
suspends the pigments.
Formulation Of water base Paint low cost
• Charging
• Stabilizing
• Letdown
• Finish Product
Machine For Water Base Paint
Mowilith 63P Binder // Latex 9 Add at last when filler get ambient
water 6 temp
Total 100
PRE – CLEANING Surface Contaminants
▪ Types
▪ Loose Rust
▪ Loose Paint
▪ Salts
▪ Dirt and Dust
▪ Oil and grease
▪ Chalk
▪ Efflorescence (cement only)
▪ Latence (cement only)
▪ Removal Methods
▪ Solvents
▪ Steam
▪ Potable Pressurized Water
%age Density Volume
Specific Gravity
Density = Mass/Volume
Titanium 25.00 4.2 6.00
Sp.gravity 1.18
Paint - substrates
• Paint applied on a wide range of substrates:
- Concrete
- Aluminum
- Steel structure etc .
Must focus ON:
• Conditioning of the Paint : control Rheology and
• Keep the Paint clean from any kind of contamination
• Keep the Paint in motion through proper pumping /
• Keep the Paint under control (viscosity, pH for the
w/b systems, temperature, solvent level, foam level