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A Study on Customer Experience and its Relationship with Repurchase

Intention among Telecom Subscribers in Coimbatore District

Article  in  International Journal of Management Studies · July 2018

DOI: 10.18843/ijms/v5i3(3)/11


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Kavitha S
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women


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International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

DOI : 10.18843/ijms/v5i3(3)/11

A Study on Customer Experience and its Relationship with Repurchase

Intention among Telecom Subscribers in Coimbatore District

Dr. S. Kavitha, P. Haritha,

Associate Professor, PhD Research Scholar,
Department of Management, Department of Management,
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.


Today, the organizations need customers more than the customer needs the organization. Nearly
nine out of ten customers says that they will switch after a single bad experience. More than 50%
of the organizations redirect their investments in building positive customer experience. Building
positive customer experience needs to gain in-depth knowledge about customers from all customer
touch points and channels across the entire organization. This paper has attempted to study the
customer experience at different touch points in telecom sector like customer care, service
delivery, store, network, billing, etc and their repurchase intention. Also it attempted to study
about the usage pattern, preference and the relationship between customer experience dimensions
and the repurchase intention among the telecom subscribers of Coimbatore district. Data were
collected from the telecom subscribers of Coimbatore district using structured questionnaire and
analyzed using percentage analysis, multiple response analysis, weighted average ranking
analysis and correlation analysis. Results reveal that the telecom customers are mostly reluctant in
sticking to one particular service and the network experience, service delivery experience and
store experience were found to have highly correlated with the repurchase intention. Various touch
points of telecom sector are identified and customer experience at those touch points are studied,
however future researchers can identify the major touch points and conduct an in-depth study of
those touch points and their impact on repurchase intention. The study can be carried out using
different analytical tools like regression analysis, AMOS, etc.

Keywords: Customer Experience, Repurchase Intention, Telecommunication, Network Experience.

Customer Experience is the customer’s perception of how the organization treats them. This customer’s
perception affects customer’s behavior like customer loyalty, word of mouth, repurchase intention and so on. If
the customers like the company and continue to like, they do the business again and again with the company
and recommend to the others. On the other hand, if they have bad experience, it will results in customer churn.
Esteban Kolsky claims that “67% of customers mention bad experiences as a reason for churn, but only 1 out of
26 unhappy customers complain. The rest, they just leave”.
To make the customers like the company, the company should know their customers very well to deliver
personalized experiences. The company’s intent to deal the customer experience is the key success factor of any
business and also this is the one way in which companies can differentiate itself from their competitors. The
starting point for delivering positive customer experience is the touch points where the organization directly or
indirectly contacts the customer.
The telecom sector is the epicenter for growth and innovation of any industry. India has emerged as the 2nd
largest telecom market and ranked 3rd with regard to number of internet users in the world (, April

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [83]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

2018). The telecom industry is facing challenging times after the launch of Jio as it has disturbed the current
landscape of telecom sector. No industry has faced such an exponential increase in penetration and fall in
revenues. The rising complications in the telecom sector have brought new challenges for service providers
looking out to increase their revenues. Focusing on the customer has become critical factor to achieve this goal.

David Havir (2017) summed up the researches on customer experience, compared the various dimensions of
customer experience explained in seven conceptual models and findings from 17 research projects carried out
after the year 2010. Finally, the dimensions and the factors described in the researches and also the similarities
found in them were grouped into several groups with the aim of solving the fragmentation issue.
Preethi Subramanian and Dr.Sellappan Palaniappan (2016) explored the various factors that affect customer
experience in the telecom industry by performing confirmatory factor analysis. Data was collected from 518
mobile customers in Malaysia through structured questionnaire. Random sampling method was adopted to
collect data by using touch point survey technique and snowball sampling technique. The tools used for analysis
includes Statistical Packages for Social Sciences SPSS 21 and Analysis of Moment Structure AMOS 21. The
study concludes that factors like pricing of the operator, billing issues, indoor and outdoor network coverage,
signal quality, call and data connectivity, value as a customer, friendly customer care, knowledgeable and
responsive customer care, proud to use a brand, brand image and positive publicity of the brand determines the
customer experience in Telecom industry.
Domb et al (2016) tried to find the determinants of customer experience for telecom operators in Indian
Telecom Industry. A yardstick called ACEI score was defined to quantify customer experience in Telecom
industry. A conceptual framework was proposed to facilitate the Communication Service Providers to improve
the total customer experience in all the touch points of the customer’s journey with the network operator. Data
was collected from more than 5000 respondents in 36 centers all over India. Questionnaire method was used for
data collection. Pilot study was done with 166 respondents. The study confirmed that there are six main
determinants for customer experience in telecom industry which includes network experience, service delivery
experience, customer care experience, brand image, billing experience, store/gallery and website/self service
experience. Also the study identified that the network experience has the highest impact on customer experience
explaining about 51.480% of the total variance in customer experience, followed by service delivery experience
explaining about 6.453% of the total variance in customer experience, third is the customer care experience
explains about 4.974% of the total variance in customer experience, fourth is the brand image explains about
4.478% of the total variance in customer experience, fifth is the billing experience 3.233% and last is the
store/gallery/web/self service explains about 2.635% variance in customer experience.
Dey et al (2016) identified and ranked the antecedents necessary for building positive customer experience in
Indian Telecom Industry. Questionnaire method was used for data collection. Descriptive statistical tools like
mean and standard deviation were used for analysis. The respondents of the study were customers of BSNL.
Anyone who uses prepaid, post paid, broadband or landline services of BSNL were included. The sampling area
was the Raipur region. Simple random sampling method was used for data collection. The researcher had taken
fifteen antecedents of customer experience from literature reviews and ranked those antecedents based on the
mean score obtained. Service quality was ranked first with the mean score of 4.13, next comes Customization
(4.01) followed by Marketing Mix (3.92), Service Process (3.87), Speed (3.81), Technology (3.75),
Telepresence (3.67), Affordability (3.65), Employees (3.62), Online Services (3.57), Convenience (3.46), Trust
(3.37), Physical Environment (2.96), Influence of other customers (2.89) and Emotional aspect (2.84).
There are various studies on antecedents of customer experience in telecom sector but there are no studies about
the impact of customer experience on its behavioral outcome like repurchase intention in telecom sector, so this
research study is undertaken with the following objectives.


1. To know the demographic profile and usage pattern of the telecom subscribers, and identify their preference
towards various cellular service providers.
2. To find the current state of customer experience and the behavioral outcome repurchase intention among the
telecom subscribers in Coimbatore district.
3. To identify the relationship between customer experience dimensions and the behavioral outcome repurchase

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [84]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

The Proposed hypotheses of the study are;

H1: There is an association between Brand Image (BI) dimension of customer experience and repurchase
intention in telecom sector.
H2: There is an association between Service Delivery Experience (SDE) and repurchase intention in telecom
H3: There is an association between Network Experience (NE) and repurchase intention in telecom sector.
H4: There is an association between Customer Care Experience (CCE) and repurchase intention in telecom
H5: There is an association between Store Experience (SE) and repurchase intention in telecom sector.
H6: There is an association between Billing Experience (BE) and repurchase intention in telecom sector.
H7: There is an association between Website/Self service Experience (WSE) and repurchase intention in
telecom sector.

The study is descriptive in nature. Primary and secondary data were collected. Questionnaire was used as a
source of primary data and secondary data was obtained from newspapers, magazines, websites and books. The
population of the study was the telecom customers of Coimbatore district. A sample of 114 respondents
participated in the study. Convenience sampling method was used for the collection of primary data through
survey method. The questionnaire used for the study was divided into three parts. First part includes questions
related to the demographic profile of the respondents and the second part includes the respondent’s opinion of
their experience about different determinants of customer experience in telecom sector like brand image, service
delivery experience, network experience, customer care experience, store experience, billing experience and
web internet / self service. The third part includes respondents opinion about the repurchase intention. The
respondents had given their opinion in a five point Likert Scale (5-Strongly Agree, 4-Agree, 3 – Neutral, 2 –
Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree).


Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is used for analyzing the data collected. Tools used for analysis
includes percentage analysis, multiple response analysis, weighted average analysis, chi-square analysis,
correlation analysis.
Reliability Analysis:
Reliability of the variables was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha test of Reliability. The results are shown in table
1. All the variables had α value greater than 0.7 which depicts the reliability coefficient value at the acceptance
level (Nunnally, 1978) ensuring that the items pertaining to scale were internally consistent and can be used to
measure the proposed phenomena.

Table 1: Reliability analysis – Constructs and their Cronbach’s alpha value

Constructs Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items
Brand Image 0.765 4
Service Delivery Experience 0.808 7
Network Experience 0.824 6
Customer Care Experience 0.877 5
Store Experience 0.852 5
Billing Experience 0.726 4
Website/Self service Experience 0.871 4
Repurchase Intention 0.826 6

Simple Percentage Analysis:

The demographic profiles of the respondents included in the study are age, gender, marital status, education,
profession and monthly income. The distribution is tabulated in table 2.This is the primary step in the data
analysis and this gives an overview of the characteristics of the respondents used in the study.

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [85]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Table 2: Demographic profile of the respondents

Demographic No of Percentage of
S.No Group
variable Respondents Respondents
Upto 20 14 12.28
21 – 30 57 50
31 – 40 26 22.82
1 Age(years)
41 – 50 13 11.4
Above 50 4 3.5
Total 114 100.0
Male 76 66.67
2 Gender Female 38 33.33
Total 114 100.0
Married 59 51.75
3 Marital status Unmarried 55 48.25
Total 114 100.0
12th & Below 6 5.26
Diploma 20 17.54
4 Education UG 62 54.39
PG & Above 26 22.81
Total 114 100.0
Student 26 22.81
Housewife 5 4.39
Business 21 18.42
5 Profession Government Employee 0 0
Private company Employee 53 46.49
Others 9 7.89
Total 114 100.0
Upto 10000 38 33.33
10001 – 20000 33 28.95
Monthly Income 20001 – 30000 10 8.77
(Rs) 30001 – 40000 17 14.91
Above 40000 16 14.04
Total 114 100.0

Table 2 shows that the majority of the respondents (50%) are in the age group of 21 to 30 years, 66.67% of the
respondents are male, 51.75% of the respondents are married, 54.39% of the respondents are having their
educational qualification as under graduation, 46.49% of the respondents are working in private company,
33.33% of the respondents are having their monthly income up to Rs 10000.

Usage Pattern of the Respondents:

The respondents are asked to give their usage pattern of their cellular service details like number of cellular
service used, attitude towards owing a cellular service, frequency of changing the cellular service provider, type
of connection used, 4G network used for the internet service, number of years of using the cellular service,
spending per month for internet, the cellular service preferred by the respondents when given with the mobile
portability option. The results are tabulated in Table 3.

Table 3: Usage pattern of the respondents

S.No Usage Pattern S.No Response Frequency Percentage
1 1 41 36.0
Number of cellular service 2 2 67 58.8
used by the respondents 3 3 6 5.3
Total 114 100.0

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [86]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

S.No Usage Pattern S.No Response Frequency Percentage

1 Necessity 103 90.4
2 Luxury 2 1.8
Attitude towards owing a 3 Status
2 2 1.8
cellular service
4 Compulsion 7 6.1
Total 114 100.0
1 Often 5 4.4
Frequency of changing the 2 Sometimes 53 46.5
service provider 3 Never 56 49.1
Total 114 100
1 Prepaid 84 73.7
Type of Connection used 2 Postpaid
4 30 26.3
by the respondents
Total 114 100.0
1 Airtel 47 41.23
2 Vodafone 19 16.67
4G network used by the 3 Idea
5 4 3.5
4 Jio 44 38.60
Total 114 100.0
1 Less than 1 year 31 27.2
2 1 to 3 years 47 41.2
Usage of the cellular 3 4 to 6 years 18 15.8
6 4 7 to 9 years
service in years 8 7.0
5 10 years and above 10 8.8
Total 114 100.0
1 Upto 200 35 30.7
2 201-400 48 42.1
Spending per month for 3 401-600 25 21.9
7 4 601-800
Internet 4 3.5
5 Above 800 2 1.8
Total 114 100.0
1 Airtel 46 40.35
2 Vodafone 16 14.04
Network preferred by the 3 Idea 10 8.77
respondents 4 BSNL 20 17.54
5 Jio 22 19.30
Total 114 100.0

Respondents are asked to give details regarding the number of cellular services they are holding currently, table 3
shows that 36% of the respondents are having single cellular connection, 58.8% of the respondents are having two
cellular connections and 5.3% of the respondents are having three cellular connections. When asked about the
attitude towards owing a cellular service, 90.4% of the respondents had agreed that they are holding cellular
service for necessity, 1.8% of the respondents for luxury, 1.8% of the respondents for status and 6.1% of the
respondents for compulsion. Regarding the frequency of changing the cellular service, 4.4% of the respondents
have agreed that they would change the cellular service often, 46.5% of the respondents told that they would
change the cellular service sometimes and 49.1% of the respondents had given that they would never change the
cellular service. As far as the type of connection used by the respondents, majority of the respondents 73.7% are
using prepaid connection and 26.3% of the respondents are using postpaid connection. Network analysis shows
Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [87]
International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

that 41.23% of the respondents use Airtel for their 4G service, 16.67% of the respondents uses Vodafone, 3.5% of
the respondents uses Idea and 38.6% of the respondents uses Jio for their 4G service. With regard to the number of
years of usage of the cellular service, 27.2% of the respondents are using for less than 1 year, 41.2% of the
respondents are using between 1 and 3 years, 15.8% of the respondents are using for 4 to 6 years, 7% of the
respondents are using for 7 to 9 years and 8.8% for 10 years and above. Responses related to the amount spent per
month for internet shows that 30.7% of the respondents spends upto rs 200, 42.1% of the respondents spends
between rs 201 and 400, 21.9% of the respondents spends between rs 401 and 600, 3.5% of the respondents
spends between rs 601 and 800 and 1.8% of the respondents spends above rs 800 for internet. Respondents are
asked to mention their preferred cellular service provider when given the mobile portability option. Results shows
that 40.35% of the respondents prefer Airtel, 14.04% of the respondents prefer Vodafone, 8.77% of the
respondents prefer Idea, 17.54% of the respondents prefer BSNL and 19.30% of the respondents prefer Jio.

Weighted Average Rank Analysis:

In order to analyze the order of preference towards different cellular service providers, weighted average
analysis was used. The respondents are asked to rank the different cellular services based on their preference.
The results are shown in the table 4.

Table 4: Ranking of the service providers

Ranking given by respondents Weighted

Service Providers Rank
1 2 3 4 5 6 average
Airtel 43 29 30 3 2 3 539 1
Vodafone 19 29 29 11 5 2 420 2
Idea 3 8 9 15 38 11 226 5
BSNL 12 14 15 24 11 7 303 4
Tata Docomo 1 0 2 5 19 55 122 6
Jio 30 18 12 24 5 4 404 3

Respondents had given first rank to Airtel, second rank to Vodafone, third rank to Jio and last rank to Tata

Multiple Response Analysis:

Respondents are asked to give their multiple responses for the different cellular service providers based on the
number of cellular service used by them and the results are tabulated in table 5

Table 5: Multiple Response Analysis

Service providers Number Percentage
Airtel 68 35.4
Vodafone 48 25
Idea 9 4.7
BSNL 13 6.8
Tata Docomo 1 .5
Jio 53 27.6
Total 192 100.0

Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1

From table 5, it can be inferred that Airtel (35.4%) is the most used cellular service by the respondents, Jio
(27.6%) is the second most used cellular service and Vodafone (25%) is the third most used cellular service.

Current state of Customer Experience and Repurchase Intention:

To find the current state of the variables customer experience and repurchase intention, the mean, standard
deviation, minimum value and maximum value of the variables are taken. Respondents are grouped under three
heads low, medium and high.

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [88]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Table 6: Current state of Customer Experience and Repurchase Intention

Variable Current State No of Respondents Percentage
Low 14 12.3
Medium 76 66.6
Customer Experience
High 24 21.1
Total 114 100.0
Low 23 20.2
Medium 77 67.5
Repurchase Intention
High 14 12.3
Total 114 100.0

Table 6 reveals that 12.3% of the respondents have given their current state of customer experience to be low,
66.6% of the respondents to be medium and 21.1% of the respondents to be in the high state. 20.2% of the
respondents have given their current state of repurchase intention to be low, 67.5% of the respondents to be
medium and 12.3% to be in the high state.

Correlation Analysis:
Correlation analysis is the method used to know the association between the variables with respect to all the
dimensions used in the study. To find the association between various dimensions of customer experience and
repurchase intention, correlation analysis was carried out and results are tabulated as below

Table 7: Correlation Analysis

BI Pearson Correlation 1 .539** .554** .572** .555** .301** .490** .399**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 .000
N 114 114 114 114 114 114 114
SDE Pearson Correlation 1 .499** .548** .587** .363** .327** .510**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 114 114 114 114 114 114
NE Pearson Correlation 1 .413** .505** .430** .464** .495**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 114 114 114 114 114
CCE Pearson Correlation 1 .508** .270** .298** .406**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .004 .001 .000
N 114 114 114 114
SE Pearson Correlation 1 .381** .512** .546**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 114 114 114
BE Pearson Correlation 1 .368** .421**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 114 114
WSE Pearson Correlation 1 .395**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 114
RI Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [89]

International Journal of Management Studies ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 ISSN (Online)2231-2528

Table 7.1: Ranking table for Correlation analysis between dimensions of

Customer Experience and Repurchase Intention
Hypothesis Description R Values P Value Rank Result
H5 Store Experience – Repurchase Intention .546** .000 1
Service Delivery Experience – Repurchase ** H2
H2 .510 .000 2
Intention Supported
Network Experience – Repurchase H3
H3 .495** .000 3
Intention Supported
H6 Billing Experience – Repurchase Intention .421** .000 4
Customer Care Experience – Repurchase H4
H4 .406** .000 5
Intention Supported
H1 Brand Image – Repurchase Intention .399** .000 6
Web/Self service Experience – Repurchase H7
H7 .395** .000 7
Intention Supported
There is a highest positive correlation (r=0.546; p<.01) between store experience and repurchase intention, the
next highest positive correlation (r=0.510; p<.01) between service delivery experience and repurchase intention
and third highest positive correlation (r=0.495; p<.01) between network experience and repurchase intention,
followed by billing experience (r=0.421, p<.01), customer care experience (r=0.406; p<.01), brand image
(r=0.399; p<.01) and web/self service experience (r=.0395; p<.01).


From this study, it is concluded that majority of the respondents (58.8%) are using two cellular services
simultaneously, prepaid users are more in number than postpaid users, most of the respondents are using the
cellular connection for necessity, nearly half of the respondents are changing their service provider sometimes.
Though more percentage of respondents (38.6%) are using Jio cellular service for their 4G connection, when
asked about their preferred network, only less percentage (19.3%) of the respondents have preferred Jio
network. This might be due to the free offers declared by the Jio service. Most of the respondents prefer Airtel
service which is very clear from ranking analysis followed by Vodafone and Jio. Hence, the usage pattern of the
respondents shows that the telecom customers are mostly reluctant in sticking to one particular service. In this
situation, concentrating on customer experience strategies would definitely help telecom operators to achieve
their target.
Only 21.1% of the respondents are found to have their level of customer experience to be high, remaining
78.8% of the respondents are found to be in either medium or low level of customer experience. 12.3% of the
respondents are found to have high level of repurchase intention, remaining 87.7% of the respondents are found
to have either medium or low level of repurchase intention. Telecom operators of Coimbatore district should
concentrate on coping strategies to convert those respondents who are in low and medium level of customer
experience and repurchase intention to high level to improve their profitability. Network experience, service
delivery experience and store experience are found to have highly correlated with the repurchase intention, so
operators could concentrate more on these determinants to improve the repurchase intention of the customers.

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Vol.–V, Issue –3(3), July 2018 [91]

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