Department of Main Roads MRS11.84
Standard Specification Deck Wearing Surface
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.1
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Department of Main Roads MRS11.84
Standard Specification Deck Wearing Surface
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MRS11.84 Department of Main Roads
Deck Wearing Surface Standard Specification
(c) Supply of asphalt; and Quality System Requirements are listed in Clause 1
(d) Laying, compacting and finishing the surfacing of Annexure MRS11.84.1.
layer. 4.3 Conformance Requirements
2.3 Calculation of Quantities The conformance requirements which apply to lots
of work covered by this specification are
2.3.1 Bituminous Waterproof Membrane summarised in Table 3.
The quantity of bituminous waterproof membrane
shall be calculated as the actual area of the bridge Table 3 - Conformance Requirements
deck between kerbs, including the relieving slabs.
Clause Conformance Requirement
2.3.2 Asphalt MRS11.30 Dense graded asphalt
The quantity of asphalt shall be calculated in MRS11.33 Stone mastic asphalt
accordance with Clause 2.3 of MRS11.30 Dense
Graded Asphalt Pavements, MRS11.33 Stone Mastic MRS11.34 Open graded asphalt
Asphalt Surfacing or MRS11.34 Open Graded
Asphalt Surfacing, as appropriate.
The terms used in this specification shall be as The bridge deck shall be thoroughly broomed to
defined in Clause 3 of MRS11.01 Introduction to remove all loose material. Any deposits of cement
Standard Specifications. mortar, grout or concrete adhering to the surface
shall be removed. Any patches of oil or other
material which might degrade the adhesion of the
4 QUALITY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS primer shall be removed using a suitable solvent.
4.1 Hold Points, Witness Points and The gap in the deck surface at any expansion joints
Milestones shall be temporarily sealed. The concrete surface
directly under the future expansion joint and
General requirements for Hold Points, Witness surrounding bedding material shall be covered to
Points and Milestones are specified in Clause 5 of prevent bituminous products adhering to the
MRS11.01 Introduction to Standard Specifications. concrete.
The Hold Points and Witness Points applicable to
this specification are summarised in Table 2. There 6 BITUMINOUS WATERPROOF
are no or Milestones defined. MEMBRANE
Table 2 - Hold Points and Witness Points 6.1 General
Prior to construction of the deck wearing surface, a
Clause Hold Point Witness
waterproofing membrane, in the form of a sprayed
6.5 1 Application of bituminous seal, shall be applied to the surface of
prime the concrete deck.
7.4 2 Lifting of surface The waterproofing membrane shall consist of one of
levels of deck the following types as stated in Clause 2.1 of
wearing surface Annexure MRS11.84.1 —
7.1 Laying of dense (a) Type A - crack sealing followed by a seal
graded asphalt with bitumen binder in accordance
with the requirements of
8 Laying of asphalt Clause 6.2; or
surfacing layer
(b) Type B - a seal with polymer modified
binder in accordance with the
4.2 Construction Procedures requirements of Clause 6.3.
Construction procedures which are required to be
submitted by the Contractor to the Superintendent in
accordance with Clause 5 of MRS11.50 Specific
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Department of Main Roads MRS11.84
Standard Specification Deck Wearing Surface
6.2 Type A Waterproof Membrane Hot applied bitumen based joint sealant shall be
mixed, heated and applied strictly in accordance
Type A waterproof membrane shall consist of crack with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
sealing followed by a prime and a single application
of binder and cover aggregate.
6.5 Priming Concrete Surface
All joints in the deck surface (other than at
The primer shall be a proprietary product suitable
expansion joints) shall be sealed with a hot applied
for use as a bituminous primer for concrete surfaces.
bitumen based crack sealant in accordance with the
The primer shall consist of bitumen and one or more
requirements of Clause 6.4.
substances in a mixture which performs as a rapid
The concrete surface shall be primed in accordance curing prime.
with the requirements of Clause 6.5.
Approved products are listed in Clause 2.5 of
The binder shall consist of Class 170 bitumen in Annexure MRS11.84.1. Alternative products may
accordance with the requirements of MRS11.17 be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.
Bitumen. The binder shall be applied in accordance
The primer shall be applied to the surface of the
with the requirements of Clause 6.6.
concrete deck using a certified bitumen sprayer in a
The cover aggregate shall be precoated aggregate safe manner having regard to the material safety data
conforming to the requirements of MRS11.22 Supply sheet for the product, a copy of which shall be
of Cover Aggregate of nominal size as stated in provided to the Superintendent prior to application
Clause 2.2 of Annexure MRS11.84.1 or, where not of the primer Hold Point 1 .
so stated, of nominal size 8 mm. Cover aggregate
The rate of application of the primer shall be as stated
shall be spread in accordance with the requirements
in Clause 2.6 of Annexure MRS11.84.1, or where not
of Clause 6.7.
so stated, the rate of application shall be 0.5 L/m2.
6.3 Type B Waterproof Membrane
6.6 Application of Binder
Type B waterproof membrane shall consist of a
The binder shall be applied in accordance with the
prime and a single application of binder and cover
requirements of MRS11.11 Sprayed Bituminous
Surfacing (Excluding Emulsion) to achieve the spray
The concrete surface shall be primed in accordance rate, measured at 15EC, stated in Clause 2.7 of
with the requirements of Clause 6.5. Annexure MRS11.84.1. Where no such rate is stated,
the application rate for the binder shall be 1.8 L/m2 for
The binder shall consist of a polymer modified polymer modified binder and 0.8 L/m2 for bitumen.
bituminous binder conforming to PMB Class S0.3B
in accordance with the requirements of MRS11.18 6.7 Spreading of Cover Aggregate
Polymer Modified Binder. Subject to the approval
of the Superintendent, the Contractor may substitute Cover aggregate shall be spread in accordance with
an alternative binder. The binder shall be applied in the requirements of MRS11.11 Sprayed Bituminous
accordance with the requirements of Clause 6.6. Surfacing (Excluding Emulsion) using a self-
propelled mechanical spreader to achieve the spread
The cover aggregate shall be precoated aggregate rate specified below.
conforming to the requirements of MRS11.22 Supply
of Cover Aggregate of nominal size as stated in The cover aggregate spread shall be calculated from
Clause 2.3 of Annexure MRS11.84.1 or, where not the equation —
so stated, of nominal size 14 mm. Cover aggregate 1000
shall be spread in accordance with the requirements Spread Rate ' m2/m3.
of Clause 6.7. where —
6.4 Bitumen Based Crack Sealant ALD ' average least dimension of cover
aggregate in mm.
Bitumen based crack sealants shall exhibit superior
adhesion to concrete surfaces and extension 6.8 Protection of Kerbs, Parapets,
characteristics at temperatures between -15EC and Scuppers and Rails
75E. Bitumen based joint sealants shall melt at
elevated temperatures (greater than 170E) and form Kerbs, parapets, scuppers and rails shall be protected
a soft rubber at ambient temperatures. during the spraying of primer and binder to prevent
adherence of any overspray.
Approved products are listed in Clause 2.4 of
Annexure MRS11.84.1. Alternative products may
be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.
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MRS11.84 Department of Main Roads
Deck Wearing Surface Standard Specification
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Department of Main Roads MRS11.84.1
Standard Specification Deck Wearing Surface - Annexure
Annexure MRS11.84.1
Deck Wearing Surface
Specific Contract Requirements
Contract Number
Note: Clause references within brackets in this Annexure refer to clauses in the parent
Specification MRS11.84 unless otherwise noted.
Type B
2.2 Cover Aggregate Nominal Size for Type A Waterproof Membrane (Clause 6.2)
2.3 Cover Aggregate Nominal Size for Type B Waterproof Membrane (Clause 6.3)
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MRS11.84.1 Department of Main Roads
Deck Wearing Surface - Annexure Standard Specification
Megaprene Hot Melt Joint Sealant supplied by Vivacity Engineering Pty Ltd
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