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Laura Moore has recently left her job as a Graphic Designer to open her own
Company; a Graphic Design Agency dedicated to the creation and design of
apps for mobile devices. Laura has decided to be self-employed.

To do so, she will have her business premises, which belongs to her father, in
Barcelona downtown and she will have to hire:

- A visual designer
- A developer
- An administrative assistant

1. To hire the administrative assistant, Laura has decided to offer an indefinite

contract. It is her first employee that she will hire and this has a recognised
degree of disability of 37%. Explain to Laura what bonuses and reductions
could be applied in the hiring of the administrative and what type of contract
should do exposing its main characteristics. You must prepare the work contract
of the Administrative Assistant in the corresponding oficial model.

Once the contract has been drafted and completed according to Spanish
regulations, you must specify in detail the differences of this if it had been made
in the United Kingdom.

Not solely is it Laura Moore’s prison responsibility however an moral

responsibility ( CSR ) to rent a person with a disability. Spanish law requires
that organizations appoint at least 2% of their team of workers that is disabled.
The Euro Blind association (EBU) has consolidated all the incapacity regulation
in a few quick paragraphs that comply with taking into account Spain: Article
27 that states, “Employers who appoint a disabled worker on the foundation
of a permanent work contract are entitled to a provide of up to 901 Euros to

adapt the premises, to a deduction of 6.000 Euros on Corporate Income Tax
and to a wage subsidy of up to 3.907 Euros per employee. Employers also get
hold of a bonus discount on social protection contribution tax. The amount of
the bonus is set depending on the profile of the employee, ranging from 4.500
Euros per annum for a worker with a incapacity rated beneath 65%, to 5.100
Euros for a disabled employee with a incapacity equal or foremost to 65% and
for a girl worker with any incapacity and up to 5.700 Euros if the employee is
over forty five These schemes require that the enterprise retain the worker for at
least 3 years.
Employers who hire a disabled worker on the groundwork of a transient work
contract are entitled to a bonus reduction on social security contribution tax. The
amount of the bonus is set relying on the profile of the employee, ranging
from 3.500 Euros per annum for an worker with a disability underneath 65%, to
4.100 Euros for a disabled worker with a disability equal or ideal to 65%
and up to 4.700 Euros if the worker is a woman or is over forty five Employers
who hire a disabled worker on an intervening time work contract may obtain
a 100% bonus on their social security contribution tax for every disabled
employee. These employers may also additionally practice for a provide to
adapt the premises if the contract is for 12 months or more.
Employers who hire a disabled character on the groundwork of a traineeship
work contract are entitled to up to a 50% bonus on their social protection
contributio tax per trainee. These employers may additionally additionally apply
for a furnish to adapt the premises if the contract is for 12 months or more.
Further bonuses can follow if the traineeship is later converted into a
everlasting work contract. Employers may additionally additionally rent disabled
workers underneath the Work Enclave machine whereby employees from a
sheltered employment centre briefly join the company. In this case, employers
are entitled to a bonus of 7.814 per annum and per everlasting contract and to a
grant to adapt their premises. Furthe bonuses are relevant if the contract is full-
Sheltered employment centers are supported underneath a precise scheme.
Employers receive a a hundred percent bonus on their social security
contribution tax for each disabled employee, up to 1.803 Euros per employee to
adapt the remises and a wage subsidy scheme (up to 50% of the Spanish

minimum wage). They are also exempted from Value Added Tax on public
subsidies. Centers where 70 to 90% of the staff is disabled receive a bonus
subsidy of 9.015 Euros, and up to 12.020 Euros if greater than 90% of the
employees are disabled.”
Spanish Article 27 does provide a considerable benefit for Laura Moore to hire a
disabled worker on an indefinite ( everlasting ) work contract. The Eneb
undertaking paper is now not very exact in its “ Background “ statistics for the
college students to give an exact benefit quantity for hiring an administrative
assistant who is 37% disabled, as we do now not understand if the worker had
beforehand been a part of the Sheltered Employment Centre or not.

At the minimum Laura Moore will recognize the following for hiring a disabled
administrative assistant on an indefinite contract:
● Adapt premises for the disabled individual - everlasting position, upto € 901
● Corporate earnings tax discount of € 6,000
● Wage subsidy of up to € 3,907
● Social safety contribution tax reduction of up to € 4,500
● Host of more benefits if a employee is from Sheltered Employment Centers

There are some monetary advantages for hiring a transient contract employee
however the gain quantities are notably much less when in contrast to an
indefinite contract employee.
Laura Moore has made a smart selection with the aid of offering the
administrative assistant an indefinite contract. Below is an employment contract
for an indefinite length employee.


This indefinite employment contract is between GRAPHIC DESIGN AGENCY,
which will additionally be referred to as the “ employer “ and JANE DOE, who
will additionally be referred to as the “ worker “

The corporation and employee agree to the following:

Place of Employment: The place of business for the employee will be at 123
Main Street, Barcelona
Date of Employment: The employment time period will start on January 2,
2020, for an indefinite period of time.
Trial Period: The probationary period for the employee will be two months. In
which time the employee’s employment may additionally be terminated without
purpose and the organisation will not be held responsible or pay any severance
pay to the employee.

Duties:The worker is expected to perform the following task:

● Answer phone and ignore on messages to fantastic departments/people
● prepare correspondences from Laura Moore and reply to all incoming
correspondences in a well timed manner
● Handle all sides of Administration work of Graphic Design Agency
● Handle payments and disbursements of petty-cash
● Other duties as assigned through the employer

Category: This position of

Administrative Assistant will
be classified as
category 7 - Administrative

Base Salary: Base salary
will be € 1,500.00 per month
with a total of 14
payments made in a calendar
year, with the 1st extra
payment payable in June
and the 2nd in December.
Paid on a monthly basis.
Timings: Workday will
commence at 9 am for a
period of eight hours and the
work-week will be from
Monday - Friday.
Holidays: Nine national
and Five local holidays will
be granted with a maximum

of 14 holidays allowed in
total in a calendar year.
Category: This position of Administrative Assistant will be classified as category
7 - Administrative Assistants.
Base Salary: Base salary will be € 1,500.00 per month with a total of 14
payments made in a calendar year, with the 1st extra payment payable in June
and the 2nd in December. Paid on a monthly basis.
Timings: Workday will commence at 9 am for a period of eight hours and the
work-week will be from Monday - Friday.
Holidays: Nine national and Five local holidays will be granted with a maximum
of 14 holidays allowed in total in a calendar year.
Vacation: Employee is entitled to 30 calendar days of paid vacation after
completion of one 12 months of service.
Notices: Any correspondence from the agency to the employee or vice versa
shall be mailed to the following address:

Design Agency
Attn: Laura Moore
123 Main St.
Barcelona, xxxxx
EMPLOYER: Graphic Design Agency
Attn: Laura Moore
123Main St.

Barcelona, xxxxx

345 Madrid Road
Barcelona, xxxxx

If this contract was drafted for an organization and worker that had been based
in the U.K, the similarities between the two contracts would be overwhelming
and solely a few differences would be observed when in contrast to the Spanish
employment contract:
MIN.WAGES €1,598.69 €1,050.00 ( €900/month
(monthly) plus evenly
distributed amount from
the extra two
payments that are paid
in July and
December )
Legal System Based upon British common law Based upon Romano-
Germanic legal tradition
Employment Not mandatory for indefinite or Mandatory for temporary
Contract temporary employment. employment. Suggested
for indefinite term

Work Duties Employees have to be informed The job description has
of their duties and responsibility to be spelled out in the
could be written or verbal. contract
Payment frequency Payments could be weekly, bi- Most employees are paid
weekly or monthly. monthly with two extra
payments in July and
December.This info is
stated in work contract
CBA Collective bargaining Agreement CBA takes precedence
only applies to trade union and is either national or
workers at that particular regional.
business or trade
Judicial System Legal and rule-based Worker friendly rules and
interpretation of the contract interpretations of the
law. work contract.

Employer would state in the Pre-employment checks,
employment contract that a Pre- as well as the exclusion

employ employment check is required of candidate as a result

and ask permission from the of those checks is

me employee to run the check. considered

Upon satisfactory clearance, the discriminatory, and
nt check employee would be offered the which clearly infringes on
Pre-employment job. Article 14 of the Spanish
check Constitution and Article
4.2 c of the WS2
Over-time When deemed necessary by The law mandates that
management and could be 8 no employee will work
hours per week more than 80 hours a
YEAR, meaning on
average of 1.5 hours a
week. This rule can be
relaxed in an emergency
situation or by contr

2. We know the salaries agreed with two of the workers.
It develops the different steps to follow to prepare the payroll of each of them
and the financial nature of each of the ítems involved:

a. Administrative Assistant. Three-month seniority. He has an indefinite work

contract, base salary: € 1,500. Collective bargaining: € 50.
He has two extraordinary six-month accrual pays and receives the mon 06/30
and 12/31 of each year for an amount equal to the base salary. He has a
disability of 37% and is single without children. He has made two overtime
hours that month at a rate of € 15/h.

Administrative Assistant’s salary calculations:

The assumption here is that we are not paying the administrative assistant
accrual this month, as this month is neither June nor December.
Base Salary 1,500
Collective Bargaining 50
Overtime ( 2hours@ 15/hr ) 30

Deductions: Yearly Tax

Monthly Tax
Income tax: 0 - 12,450 @
19%= 2,365.50 197.13
12450 - 20,200 ( 7,750 )@
24%= 1,860.00 155.00
20,200 - 21,000 ( 800 ) @
30%=  240.00 20.00
Annual Salary 21,000 / Total
Tax 4,465.50 372.13
Deductions: Yearly Tax Monthly Tax
Income tax: 0 - 12,450 @ 19%= 2,365.50 197.13
12450 - 20,200 ( 7,750 )@ 24%= 1,860.00 155.00
20,200 - 21,000 ( 800 ) @ 30%= 240.00 20.00
Annual Salary 21,000 / Total Tax 4,465.50 372.13

Social Security:( includes 250 euro accrual - 2 months salary divided by 12 )

Common contingencies @
4.7% 86.01
@1.6% 29.28
Professional training @
0.10% 1.83
Total Social security 117.12
Common contingencies @ 4.7% 86.01
Unemployment @1.6% 29.28
Professional training @ 0.10% 1.83
Total Social security 117.12

NET PAY ( A minus B minus C ) = 1,090.75

b. Visual designer. 2-month seniority. He has a temporary contract.

Base salary: € 1,950. Collective bargaining: € 100. Productivity: € 6 / day. It has
two extraordinary six-month accrual payments and receives them apportioned
each month. He is married and has a 9-year-old son (his spouse receives
income of over € 1,500/year).

Once you have developed all the steps to follow in each case and the amount of
the items, make the offcial payroll of the administrative assistant.

Visual Designer salary calculations:

Base Salary 1,950
Collective Bargaining 100
Productivity premium @ 6 euros/day 180
Accrual Pay ( 1/12 of 2 month’s base salary ) 325
GROSS PAY 2,555 (A)

Deductions: Visual designer has an exemption of 14,516 euros a year as he is

married and has a child. Therefore his taxable income will be ( 1,950 x 14=
27,300 less exemption of 14,516 = 12,784)
Yearly Tax Monthly Tax

Income tax: 0 - 12,450 @ 19%= 2,365.50 197.13

12450 - 12,784 ( 334 )@ 24%= 80.16 6.68
Annual TaxableSalary 12,784 / Total Tax 2,445.66 203.81(B)

Social Security:
Common contingencies @ 4.7% 120.09
Unemployment @1.6% 40.88
Professional training @ 0.10% 2.56
Total Social security 163.53 ( C )

NET PAY ( A minus B minus C ) = 2,187.66

3. A year and a half after being hired, the administrative officer requests a
period of leave of six months due to personal reasons.
Make the severance taking into account that:

- The leave is granted from July 25th.

- The worker has 10 days of vacations pending.
- During the month of July he made a total of 6 overtime hours

You must specify the conditions of the periods of leave in Spain and compare
them with the terms of one of the countries studied; UK, United States or
Canada (you can choose the country you want).

Administrative Assistant severance dated July 25 The assumption we have

made is that the Administrative assistant has not received an increase in salary
since they started working 18 months ago.

Base Salary 1,500 x 25/30 1,250

Over time 6 hours @ 15 90
Vacation Pay annual salary 18,000/ 360 days x 10 days owing 500
Accrual ( 2 months salary= 3,000 x 25/360) June paid 208.33
GROSS PAY 2,048.33

Common contingencies 4.7% 96.27
Unemployment 1.6% 32.77
Professional training 0.10% 2.05
Total Deductions 131.09

NET PAY 1,917.24

The assumption we have made is that considering taxes have been paid from
January to June of this 12 months and the administrative assistant has
requested 6 months go away due to private reasons, therefore they will no
longer be working the rest of the year. The taxes owed will be appreciably much
less as we had made the assumption that they would be required to pay taxes
on all earnings from January to December.

3b) Comparison of condition of leave in Spain compared to the USA.

Employees in Spain are granted a whole of 30 calendar days ( 22 working days
and 8 weekend days) of depart after one year of service. Plus personnel are
given nine countrywide vacations and up to five regional holidays, which equate
to a complete of 14 days of paid holidays. The amount of annual go away can
amplify primarily based upon the worker’s collective bargaining agreement. If an
employee is let go or quits his /her jobs then they are entitled to the prorated
amount of money in lieu of time off.

While on the different hand, the USA does not mandate any time off for the
workers, however most non-public employers do provide 10 days off after one
year of employment. This can expand to 14 days after 5 years, 17 days after 10
years and 20 days off after 20 years of service. The employees are given nine
countrywide holidays. If those vacations take place to fall on a weekend then
the following Monday or preceding Friday will be given off to the employee. I
had examined the list compiled through Wikipedia and I am amazed at the fact
that out of 150 atypical international locations listed on their evaluation chart,

only one us of a does now not mandate any holiday time for its employees,
which happens to be the USA.

“Minimum Wage and Average Salary in Spain | Expatica.” Expat Guide to Spain
“Noticias Jurídicas.” Noticias Jurídicas, Accessed 1 Jan.

What Is the Minimum Wage in Uk - Google Search.”,
ome&ie=UTF-8. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021

Wikipedia Contributors. “List of Minimum Annual Leave by Country.” Wikipedia,

Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Nov. 2019,

International Comparative Legal Guides.” International Comparative Legal

Guides International Business Reports,
“Employee Background Check UK | Accurate Employee Background Checks.”
Checkback International, 9 Feb. 2018,
check-uk/. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021

“5.2.4 Working Hours.” Guide to Business in Spain (ICEX),
2-4-jornada-laboral/. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.


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