Social Media Marketing in The Promotion of Incubator Business Programs
Social Media Marketing in The Promotion of Incubator Business Programs
Social Media Marketing in The Promotion of Incubator Business Programs
Oleh :
Andi Febri Herawati 1)
Muhammad Yusuf 2)
Pandu Adi Cakranegara 3)
Ferdinandus Sampe 4)
Andri Haryono 5)
Universitas Tadulako 1)
STIA Bandung 2)
President University 3)
Universitas Atma Jaya Makasar 4)
STSIP Bina Marta Martapura 5)
E-mail: 1) 2),id 3) 4) 5)
One of the reasons the government will continue to implement public information
disclosure is the public's lack of understanding and knowledge about government service
programs. As one of the government agencies that provides public services, the Bandung
Industrial Training Center uses social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and
WhatsApp as marketing media to provide information and market the Business Incubator
program. According to Gunelius, the concept of implementing Social Media Marketing is
used to analyze the implementation of Social Media Marketing, namely Content Creation,
Content Sharing, Connecting, and Community Building. The goal of this study is to identify
and analyze how the Bandung Industrial Training Center uses Social Media Marketing to
promote the Business Incubator program. The descriptive qualitative research method was
used, as well as the constructivism paradigm. The Bandung Industrial Training Center,
according to the findings, implemented four critical elements that contributed to the
success of Social Media Marketing: Content Creation, Content Sharing, Connecting, and
Community Building. However, the application in the three social media platforms remains
unbalanced, and the use of features in each social media platform is inefficient. This article
uses terms such as business incubator, public service, and social media marketing.
Keywords: business incubator, public service, social media marketing
Salah satu alasan pemerintah tetap melaksanakan keterbukaan informasi publik adalah
kurangnya pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang program-program pelayanan
pemerintah. Sebagai salah satu instansi pemerintah yang memberikan pelayanan publik, Balai
Diklat Industri Bandung menggunakan platform media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook,
dan WhatsApp sebagai media pemasaran untuk memberikan informasi dan memasarkan
JURNAL DARMA AGUNG, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2022) Agustus : 623 - 633 624
In terms of social media marketing Center employs a Social Media
communications, the Bandung Industrial Marketing strategy to share information
Training Center uses Facebook, in the form of interesting content on
Instagram, and WhatsApp to share useful social media in order to provide
information about startup businesses with information about the Pasundan Business
the public, as well as complete Incubator program. However,
information about the Bandung Industrial implementation is still not optimal or
Training Center's Business Incubator significant, and many people are unaware
program. This is in accordance with of the existence of government public
Article 2 paragraph 1 of Law No. 14 of service programs in which the general
2008 on Openness of Public Information, public can participate. As a result, the
which states that all Public Information is authors are eager to learn more about the
open and accessible to all Users of Public use of Social Media Marketing Bandung
Information. Industrial
According to the We Are Social 2021
survey results, there are 170 million 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
active social media users in Indonesia, Marketing Communication
accounting for 61.8% of the total A company's marketing
population. Increased consumer trust in a communication strategy is used to
brand or company that uses social media introduce, promote, persuade, and
as a marketing communication medium convince the audience about the product
provides an excellent opportunity for or service they offer. According to
businesses to be more aggressive in Watono and Watono, as cited in
marketing their goods/services via social (Pamungkas, 2018), the cognitive stage or
media (Ekarina, 2020). As a result, social the stage to build and increase awareness
media marketing has become the primary and knowledge of a brand (brand
focus of marketing communications. Not awareness & brand knowledge) to the
only does using social media as a audience is the target of the marketing
medium of marketing communication communication activities carried out. The
today provide a wider reach and more affective stage is used to persuade
comprehensive supporting features, but it prospective customers of a brand's
also has a lower cost when compared to superiority over competitors. The last
traditional marketing communications. stage is the behavioral stage, also known
The Bandung Industrial Training as consumer behavior. According to Lane
JURNAL DARMA AGUNG, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2022) Agustus : 623 - 633 626
responsibilities as a public servant to that analyzes data in the form of words,
improve the welfare of the community. It both written and oral, and human
is consistent with Public Services Law behavior, so that researchers can analyze
No. 25 of 2009, which states that the data from a phenomenon without having
standard of public services is a to rely on statistical data to draw
measurable benchmark used as a conclusions from the phenomenon
guideline for service delivery and a studied. This study was conducted at the
reference for evaluating service quality Bandung Industrial Training Center in
as an obligation and promise of the Bandung, and 7 (seven) informants were
organizer to the community in the involved, including key informants,
context of quality, fast, easy, and expert informants, and related supporting
affordable services. informants, as well as direct observations
and documentation to obtain specific
Incubator Business data. The qualitative method was used in
A business incubator is a program that this study to examine the use of social
assists new businesses in developing from media marketing in the Pasundan
the ground up so that they can be useful Business Incubator program. Data
in everyday life. According to (Agustina, analysis techniques include data
2011), a business incubator is a program reduction, data display, and conclusion
that assists the community in building drawing/verification (Abednego, 2020).
and developing their business prospects Miles and Haberman (1984) This study
in order to be able to survive in the real also employs data source triangulation
business world. This Business Incubator techniques to double-check the accuracy
Program has a fairly long series, and validity of the data obtained.
beginning with an introduction, briefing,
formulation of business ideas and ideas, 4. RESULT AND DISSCUSION
and continuing with time-sensitive Informan Characteristic
business development. The characteristics of the informants
were chosen in this study using a
3. RESEARCH METHOD purposive sampling technique, in which
In this study, qualitative research the researcher selected several
methods were used. According to (Prof. informants who met the criteria for the
Dr. Alfrizal, 2014), qualitative research informants' characteristics through direct
methods are defined as a research method semi-structured interviews.
JURNAL DARMA AGUNG, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2022) Agustus : 623 - 633 628
implementing the Pasundan Business completed. Following the creation of
Incubator program. The work unit content visualization, review by the
determines the program's targets, information and documentation manager,
implementation, and the facilities creation of captions, and determination of
provided during the Pasundan Business hashtags and tags, new content can be
Incubator program in order to provide the uploaded to social media. Almost all of
best service and help produce creative the features for sharing content have been
and innovative young generations. The used, but utilization is still not optimal, so
Bandung Industrial Education and interaction with the audience on social
Training Center's use of social media media is still lacking. The use of
marketing to promote the Pasundan advertising features was also used to
Business Incubator program will be share content about the Pasundan
evaluated using the theory of four Business Incubator program with a wider
important elements that become variables audience, but this is no longer done,
of social media marketing success despite the fact that the feedback received
(Gunelius, 2011), namely content is quite good enough to attract an
creation, content sharing, connecting, and audience.
community building. According to key informants, there is
no set time for sharing content on social
Content Sharing media because it all depends on the
Understanding According to situation and conditions, as well as the
(Gunelius, 2011), content sharing is the content. The use of the content calendar
sharing of informative and interactive in setting the timeline for content uploads
content that can be useful in raising brand has also been carried out with the
awareness and indirectly triggering sales assistance of interns, but this is no longer
through the informative content that is implemented due to limited human
shared. The Bandung Industrial Training resources (Human Resources) who
Center promotes the Pasundan business specifically manage social media.
incubator program solely through the Bandung Industrial Training Center used
social media platforms Instagram and social media Content Sharing elements to
Facebook, with WhatsApp serving as a spread information about the Pasundan
medium for more detailed information Business Incubator program. However,
(contact center). Before sharing content due to the extensive use of its features, its
on social media, several steps must be application has not been maximized, and
JURNAL DARMA AGUNG, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2022) Agustus : 623 - 633 630
Service to aid in the dissemination of sub-research chapter on the Analysis of
information about the Pasundan Business Social Media Marketing Bandung
Incubator program. This is done to Industrial Training Center in Promoting
strengthen ties between groups that share the Pasundan Business Incubator
common goals and interests. Program, a conclusion can be drawn that
Sharing common information through the Bandung Industrial Training Center
social media groups in each community has implemented four important elements
can be said to require less effort to reach that become variables of success in
a larger audience. This is because implementing Social Media Marketing,
members of the community collaborate namely Content Creation, Content
to disseminate information obtained Sharing, and Connecting. The Bandung
through the WhatsApp group to other Industrial Training Center has done a
groups they have, allowing the good job with content creation
information to be more widely implementation, but the types of content
disseminated. Nonetheless, the content are still limited and do not fully
and quality of the information shared correspond to the information requested
must be considered so that it is effective, by the audience. Then, content sharing
interesting, and not overly lengthy so that was implemented by utilizing the features
the audience can easily understand it. available on the three social media
The success of Community Building in platforms, which, while not fully utilized,
social media marketing can be seen in received positive feedback from the
how a brand can build and establish audience. However, in terms of content
relationships in a community to share upload settings, it does not yet have a
information via social networks. In this specific schedule and time in setting up
case, the Bandung Industrial Training content uploads, despite the fact that it
Center has done so by creating and previously had a content calendar that
joining a community, as well as was no longer implemented due to limited
collaborating to raise audience awareness human resources who focus and are
of the Bandung Business Incubator specifically responsible for content on
program. social media. Meanwhile, the
implementation of Connecting and
5. CONCLUSION Community Building in promoting the
Suggestion Pasundan Business Incubator program
Based on the findings of the previous through social media has been carried out
JURNAL DARMA AGUNG, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2022) Agustus : 623 - 633 632
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