Rtos MCQ

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1) In real time operating system

a) all processes have the same priority
b) a task must be serviced by its deadline period
c) process scheduling can be done only once
d) kernel is not required

2) Hard real time operating system has ______________ jitter than a soft real time operating system.
a) less
b) more
c) equal
d) none of the mentioned

3) For real time operating systems, interrupt latency should be ____________

a) minimal
b) maximum
c) zero
d) dependent on the scheduling

4) In rate monotonic scheduling ____________

a) shorter duration job has higher priority
b) longer duration job has higher priority
c) priority does not depend on the duration of the job
d) none of the mentioned

5) In which scheduling certain amount of CPU time is allocated to each process?

a) earliest deadline first scheduling
b) proportional share scheduling
c) equal share scheduling
d) none of the mentioned

6) The problem of priority inversion can be solved by ____________

a) priority inheritance protocol
b) priority inversion protocol
c) both priority inheritance and inversion protocol
d) none of the mentioned

7) Time duration required for scheduling dispatcher to stop one process and start another is known as
a) process latency
b) dispatch latency
c) execution latency
d) interrupt latency

8) Time required to synchronous switch from the context of one thread to the context of another
thread is called?
a) threads fly-back time
b) jitter
c) context switch time
d) none of the mentioned

9) Which one of the following is a real time operating system?

a) RTLinux
b) VxWorks
c) Windows CE
d) All of the mentioned

10) VxWorks is centered around ____________

a) wind microkernel
b) linux kernel
c) unix kernel
d) none of the mentioned

11) What is the disadvantage of real addressing mode?

a) there is a lot of cost involved
b) time consumption overhead
c) absence of memory protection between processes
d) restricted access to memory locations by processes

12) Pre-emptive, priority based scheduling guarantees ____________

a) hard real time functionality
b) soft real time functionality
c) protection of memory
d) none of the mentioned

13) Real time systems must have ____________

a) preemptive kernels
b) non preemptive kernels
c) preemptive kernels or non preemptive kernels
d) neither preemptive nor non preemptive kernels

14) What is Event latency?

a) the amount of time an event takes to occur from when the system started
b) the amount of time from the event occurrence till the system stops
c) the amount of time from event occurrence till the event crashes
d) the amount of time that elapses from when an event occurs to when it is serviced.

15) Interrupt latency refers to the period of time ____________

a) from the occurrence of an event to the arrival of an interrupt
b) from the occurrence of an event to the servicing of an interrupt
c) from arrival of an interrupt to the start of the interrupt service routine
d) none of the mentioned

16) Real time systems need to __________ the interrupt latency.

a) minimize
b) maximize
c) not bother about
d) none of the mentioned

17) The amount of time required for the scheduling dispatcher to stop one process and start another is
known as ______________
a) event latency
b) interrupt latency
c) dispatch latency
d) context switch

18) The most effective technique to keep dispatch latency low is to ____________
a) provide non preemptive kernels
b) provide preemptive kernels
c) make it user programmed
d) run less number of processes at a time

19) Priority inversion is solved by use of _____________

a) priority inheritance protocol
b) two phase lock protocol
c) time protocol
d) all of the mentioned

20) In a real time system the computer results ____________

a) must be produced within a specific deadline period
b) may be produced at any time
c) may be correct
d) all of the mentioned

21) In a safety critical system, incorrect operation ____________

a) does not affect much
b) causes minor problems
c) causes major and serious problems
d) none of the mentioned

22) Antilock brake systems, flight management systems, pacemakers are examples of ____________
a) safety critical system
b) hard real time system
c) soft real time system
d) safety critical system and hard real time system

23) In a ______ real time system, it is guaranteed that critical real time tasks will be completed within
their deadlines.
a) soft
b) hard
c) critical
d) none of the mentioned
24) Some of the properties of real time systems include ____________
a) single purpose
b) inexpensively mass produced
c) small size
d) all of the mentioned

25) The amount of memory in a real time system is generally ____________

a) less compared to PCs
b) high compared to PCs
c) same as in PCs
d) they do not have any memory

26) What is the priority of a real time task?

a) must degrade over time
b) must not degrade over time
c) may degrade over time
d) none of the mentioned

27) Memory management units ____________

a) increase the cost of the system
b) increase the power consumption of the system
c) increase the time required to complete an operation
d) all of the mentioned

28) The technique in which the CPU generates physical addresses directly is known as ____________
a) relocation register method
b) real addressing
c) virtual addressing
d) none of the mentioned

29) Earliest deadline first algorithm assigns priorities according to ____________

a) periods
b) deadlines
c) burst times
d) none of the mentioned

30) A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU burst of
35. The total CPU utilization is ____________
a) 0.90
b) 0.74
c) 0.94
d) 0.80

31) A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU burst of
35., the priorities of P1 and P2 are?
a) remain the same throughout
b) keep varying from time to time
c) may or may not be change
d) none of the mentioned
32) A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU burst of
35., can the two processes be scheduled using the EDF algorithm without missing their respective
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) None of the mentioned

33) Using EDF algorithm practically, it is impossible to achieve 100 percent utilization due to __________
a) the cost of context switching
b) interrupt handling
c) power consumption
d) all of the mentioned

34) T shares of time are allocated among all processes out of N shares in __________ scheduling
a) rate monotonic
b) proportional share
c) earliest deadline first
d) none of the mentioned

35) If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is assigned
50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and C is assigned 20 shares.
A will have ______ percent of the total processor time.
a) 20
b) 15
c) 50
d) none of the mentioned

36) If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is assigned 50
shares, B is assigned 15 shares and C is assigned 20 shares.
B will have ______ percent of the total processor time.
a) 20
b) 15
c) 50
d) none of the mentioned

37) If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is assigned 50
shares, B is assigned 15 shares and C is assigned 20 shares.
C will have ______ percent of the total processor time.
a) 20
b) 15
c) 50
d) none of the mentioned
38) If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is assigned
50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and C is assigned 20 shares.
If a new process D requested 30 shares, the admission controller would __________
a) allocate 30 shares to it
b) deny entry to D in the system
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

39) To schedule the processes, they are considered _________

a) infinitely long
b) periodic
c) heavy weight
d) light weight

40) If the period of a process is ‘p’, then what is the rate of the task?
a) p2
b) 2*p
c) 1/p
d) p

41) The scheduler admits a process using __________

a) two phase locking protocol
b) admission control algorithm
c) busy wait polling
d) none of the mentioned

42) The ____________ scheduling algorithm schedules periodic tasks using a static priority policy with
a) earliest deadline first
b) rate monotonic
c) first cum first served
d) priority

43) Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the __________

a) processing time of a periodic process is same for each CPU burst
b) processing time of a periodic process is different for each CPU burst
c) periods of all processes is the same
d) none of the mentioned

44) In rate monotonic scheduling, a process with a shorter period is assigned __________
a) a higher priority
b) a lower priority
c) higher & lower priority
d) none of the mentioned
45) There are two processes P1 and P2, whose periods are 50 and 100 respectively. P1 is assigned higher
priority than P2. The processing times are t1 = 20 for P1 and t2 = 35 for P2. Is it possible to schedule
these tasks so that each meets its deadline using Rate monotonic scheduling?
a) yes
b) no
c) maybe
d) none of the mentioned

46) If a set of processes cannot be scheduled by rate monotonic scheduling algorithm, then __________
a) they can be scheduled by EDF algorithm
b) they cannot be scheduled by EDF algorithm
c) they cannot be scheduled by any other algorithm
d) none of the mentioned

47) A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU burst of
35. The total CPU utilization is?
a) 0.90
b) 0.74
c) 0.94
d) 0.80

48) A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU burst of
35. Can the processes be scheduled without missing the deadlines?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) None of the mentioned

49) _______ OS pays more attention on the meeting of the time limits.
a) Distributed
b) Network
c) Real time
d) Online

50) Real time systems are ________.

a) Primarily used on mainframe computers
b) Used for monitoring events as they occur
c) Used for program development
d) Used for real time interactive users

51) In ______ OS, the response time is very critical.

a. Multitasking
b. Batch
c. Online
d. Real-time
52) Which scheduling policy is most suitable for a time-shared operating system
a) Shortest-job First.
b) Elevator.
c) Round-Robin.
d) First-Come-First-Serve.

53) The basic types of OS are ...................

a) batch and time sharing
b) sequential and real time
c) direct and interactive
d) batch and interactive

54) In real time operating system

a) all processes have the same priority
b) a task must be serviced by its deadline period
c) process scheduling can be done only once
d) kernel is not required

55) In rate monotonic scheduling

a) shorter duration job has higher priority
b) longer duration job has higher priority
c) priority does not depend on the duration of the job
d) none of the mentioned

56) In which scheduling certain amount of CPU time is allocated to each process?
a) earliest deadline first scheduling
b) proportional share scheduling
c) equal share scheduling
d) none of the mentioned

57) Identify which of these are real-time applications scenarios:

a) An on-line bus ticketing system
b) Printing of annual report of a company’s annual report
c) Reconciling a day’s transactions in an account book of a small company
d) An aircrafts’ yaw control system

58) Identify the category of the following real-time systems as “hard, soft or firm”
a) An on-line celebrity cricket bat auction
b) A patient monitoring system in an ICU
c) A library book reservation system
d) A bank’s credit card defaulters notice generation program

59) Which of the following describes the RTOS design philiosophy best
a) Maximize the throughput of the system
b) Maximize the processor utilization
c) Minimizing the response time
d) Response within certain stipulated time period
60) Scheduling of tasks is a very important consideration in RTOS. Which of the following best described
the scheduling policy design:
a) The scheduler must follow a pre-emptive policy
b) The scheduler must not use pre-emptive policy option
c) The scheduler must not only use pre-emptive policy options with the priority considerations.
d) The scheduler must not use pre-emptive policy option, but must employ priority consideration.

61) Keeping a task’s schedulability in mind, which way a task may be scheduled: Operating
Systems/Real-time OS and Micro controllers Multiple Choice Questions
a) The task has a predetermined time after which it may be scheduled.
b) The task has a predetermined time before which it may be scheduled
c) The task has a predetermined time interval during which it must be scheduled any time.
d) The task start has a worst case delay estimate before which it must be scheduled.

62) Describe which of these scheduling policies is most suited for controlling a set of periodic tasks.
b) Least laxity first
c) Earliest dead line first
d) Rate monotonic policy schedule

63) Which of the following strategy is employed for overcoming the priority inversion problem?
a) Abandon the notion of priorities altogether
b) Have only two priority levels
c) Allow for temporarily raising the priority of lower level priority process
d) Use pre-emptive policies strictly based on priorities

64) Is it true that, in general, in an embedded system the application tasks have higher priority than
system tasks?
a) Yes
b) No

65) Where are the device drivers located in RTOSs with a microkernel:
a) In the kernel space
b) In the user space
c) In separately allocated space which is neither kernel space nor user space.

66) RM Schedulable upper bound for a system with 4 tasks is

a) 0.66
b) 0.95
c) 0.44
d) 0.76

67) IRIS Stand for :

a) Increased Reward with Increased Service
b) Iney Reward with Increased Service
c) Increased Raw with Increased Service
d) None of these
68) Earliest deadline first (EDF) is a dynamic priority scheduling algorithm used in real-time operating
systems to place processes in a priority queue.
a) True
b) False

69) Consider the following inequalities with respect to a Real-Time system with N tasks and total
utilization u
1. u < N(21/N – 1)
2. u<1
which among the following is TRUE for a RM schedulable task set.
a) Both 1 and 2 are necessary
b) 1 is necessary and 2 is sufficient
c) 2 is necessary and 1 is sufficient
d) Both 1 and 2 are sufficient

70) Consideration of storage, input and output devices are considered as requirement of
a) hardware requirement
b) communication requirement
c) software requirement
d) process requirement

71) Use of robot by the car manufacturing companies is an example of

a) machine controlled computers
b) network controlled computers
c) applicant controlled computers
d) user controlled computers

72) Designing of system take into considerations of

a) hardware
b) communication system
c) operating system
d) all of above

73) Slack time

a) is the amount of time left after a job if the job was started now.
b) is the amount of time left before a job if the job was started now.
c) is the amount of time left from a job if the job was started now.
d) is the amount of time left required by a job if the job was started now.

74) The priority of a real time task :

a) must degrade over time
b) must not degrade over time
c) may degrade over time
d) none of the mentioned

75) Delay and Jitter :

a) mean the same thing
b) are two completely different things
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

76) if jobs have unpredictable release times, a task is termed :

a) aperiodic
b) sporadic
c) periodic.
d) None of these

77) A hard real-time system is one in which ...

a) Failure to meet a single deadline may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure.
b) Missing more than a few may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure.
c) Performance is degraded but not destroyed by failure to meet response-time constraints.
d) None of the above

78) A hard real-time system is one in which ...

a) Failure to meet a single deadline may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure.
b) Missing more than a few may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure.
c) Performance is degraded but not destroyed by failure to meet response-time constraints.
d) None of the above

79) Which of the following is/are synchronous aperiodic event ...

a) Garbage collection
b) Externally generated exception
c) Cyclic code
d) Branch instruction

80) Which of the following is/are asynchronous periodic event ...

a) Typical branch instruction
b) Regular, but not fixed-period interrupt
c) Clock-generated interrupt
d) Traps

81) Which of the following pair of CPU utilization % and Zone type is/are correct ...
a) 83–99, questionable
b) 70–82, dangerous
c) 26–50, very safe
d) None of the above

82) Disciplines that impact on real-time systems engineering is/are...

a) Control Theory
b) Operations Research
c) Both a and c
d) None of the above
83) Which of following regarding RTOS is correct/ not misconception...
a) The study of real-time systems is mostly about scheduling theory.
b) There are no universal, widely accepted methodologies for real-time systems specification and
c) Rate-monotonic analysis has solved “the real-time problem.
d) None of the above

84) Overall system utilization U= ...

a) i
b) i/pi
c) Both a and c
d) None of the above

85) A system is said to be time-overloaded if...

a) U ≥ 100%
b) U ≤100%
c) U < 100%
d) U> 100%

86) Which of the following statement is true?

a) Any occurrence that causes the program counter to change non-sequentially is considered a change
of flow-of-control
b) The release time is the time at which an instance of a scheduled task is ready to run, and is
generally associated with an interrupt
c) Both a and c
d) None of the above

87) Which of the following represent a possible change in flow-of-control?

a) Invocation of procedures in C
b) Instantiation of an object
c) If-then, goto, and case statements
d) All of the above

88) The (CPU) utilization or time-loading factor, U, is a ...

a) Measure of the percentage of idle processing
b) Measure of the percentage of non-idle processing
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

89) Which of the following is example of RTOS?

a) Inertial measurement system for an aircraft
b) System used to control a set of traffic lights at a four-way traffic intersection
c) System that controls all aspects of the bottling of jars of pasta sauce
d) All of the above
90) Many real-time systems utilize time-stamping and global clocks for...
a) Synchronization
b) Task initiation
c) Data marking
d) All of the above

91) Real-time systems are often ...

a) Reactive systems
b) Embedded systems
c) Data marking
d) a and b

92) Which of the following is/are system wide bus?

a) Power
b) Address
c) Data
d) All of the above

93) In signaling between devices is it is important to have a mechanism for “recording” the appearance
of that signal for later processing. This process is called ...
a) Latching
b) Tristate logic
c) Triggering
d) None of the above

94) FireWire technology was originally developed by...

a) Microsoft
b) Apple
c) Google
d) None of the above

95) Using EDF algorithm practically, it is impossible to achieve 100 percent utilization due to
a) the cost of context switching
b) interrupt handling
c) power consumption
d) all of the mentioned

96) There are generally …… kinds of instructions.

a) 5
b) 4
c) 7
d) 6

97) In rate monotonic scheduling, a process with a shorter period is assigned

a) a higher priority
b) a lower priority
c) higher & lower priority
d) none of the mentioned
98) A single 1394 port can be used to connect up External devices.
a) 58
b) 64
c) 62
d) 63

99) The CISC is based on which of the following principle.

a) Complexity handled by the compiler and software
b) Instructions executed directly by hardware
c) There are multiple instructions and addressing modes
d) Highly pipelined design

100) Which of the following require special data-movement instructions

a) Memory-Mapped Input/Output
b) Programmed Input/Output
c) Direct Memory Access
d) None of the above

101) Upon receipt of the interrupt signal, the contents of the program counter are saved to a
designated memory location called the…
a) Status register
b) Interrupt-handler location
c) Interrupt return location
d) None of the above

102) The interrupt vector contains the…

a) Bit map of all pending interrupts
b) Value of the lowest interrupt that will currently be honored
c) Identity of the highest-priority interrupt request
d) None of the above

103) Intel 82093AA I/O Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller supports …… programmable
a) 24
b) 32
c) 16
d) None of the above

104) Interrupt register contains...

a) Identity of the highest-priority interrupt request
b) Bit map of all pending (latched) interrupts
c) Value of the lowest interrupt that will currently be honored
d) None of the above
105) Every real-time system has a set of timing constraints, timing constraints can be broken down
into ______ categories.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

106) Watchdog timers are used to ensure that...

a) CPU continues to function
b) Task initiation
c) Certain devices are serviced at regular intervals
d) Both a and c

107) The entry of all the PCBs of the current processes is in

a) Process Register
b) Program Counter
c) Process Table
d) Process Unit

1. For real time operating systems, interrupt latency should be

1. Maximum
2. Minimal
3. Zero
4. Dependent on the scheduling

2 . There are 10 different processes running on a workstation . Idle processes are waiting for an input
event in the input queue. Busy processes are
1. tQ = 15ms
2. tQ = 40ms
3. tQ = 45ms
4. tQ = 50ms

3. Consider the following set of processes, the length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds :
Process Burst time
P1 6
P2 8
P3 7
P4 3
Assuming the above process being scheduled with the SJF scheduling algorithm :
1. The waiting time for process P1 is 3ms
2. The waiting time for process P1 is 0ms
3. The waiting time for process P1 is 16ms
4. The waiting time for process P1 is 9ms

4. The_______scheduling algorithm schedules periodic tasks using a static priority policy with
1. earliest deadline first
2. rate monotonic
3. first come first served
4. priority
5. The method munlock( ) method does
1. Unlock complete process address.
2, Lock complete process address.
3. Unlock region Locked using mlock
4. None of the above

6. In FreeRTOS each call to vTaskSwitchContext() checks

1. if any task is unblocked due to delay function
2. if any task is blocked due to delay function
3. if any process is blocked due to delay function
4. in any process is unblocked due to delay function

7. In proportional share algorithm,

CPU time = 100 shares (T = 100)
P1 - 50 shares
P2 = 15 sharesS
P3 = 20 shares
what is the cou utilzation ?
1. 0.079
2. 0.85
3. 0.085
4. 0.79
8. RTOS makes use of Cortex-M3
1. SysTick
2. Pendsv
3. SVC interrupts
4. All of the above

9. Rate Monotonic Algorithm upper bound for a system with 4 tasks is:
1. 0.66
2. 0.95
3. 0.44
4. 0.76

10. what is the disadvantage of real addressing mode?

1. there is a lot of cost involved
2. time consumption overhead
3. absence of memory protection between processes
4. restricted access to memory locations by processes

11. which type of semaphore intializes by rt_sem_init()

1. Resources
2. Binary
3. Counting
4. None of these

12. which RTOS scheduling algorithm cannot use CPU upto 100% ?
1. Propostional share
2. Earliest deadline frist
3. Rate Monotonic Scheduling
4. Hone of the above

13. when high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium priority task effectively inverting the
relative priority of the two tasks, the
1. Priority Inversion
2. Priority Removal
3. Priority Exchange
4. Priority Modification

14. A process Pl has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period
of 80 and a CPU burst of 35. The total cru utilization is :
1. 0.90
2. 9.74
3. 0.94
4. 0.80

15. If the taskPrioritySet is called on a blocked task, its new priority

1. is considered while selecting the task to be unblocked
2. is not considered while selecting the task to be unblocked
3. is considered while selecting the task to be blocked
4. is not considered while selecting the task to be blocked

16. Scheduling jitter means,

1. The variation in scheduling latency
2. The variation in interrupt latency
3. similar to schduling latency
4, None of the above

17. what parameter is of less significance with reference to RTOS?

1. Interrupt latency
2. Interrupt recovery time
3. Interrupt response time
4. Throughtput

18. The scheduler admits a process using

1. two phase locking protocol
2. admission control algorithm
3. busy wait polling
4. none of the above
19. which of the following describes the RTOS design philiosophy best Select one:
1. Maximize the throughput of the system
2. Maximize the processor utilization
3. Minimizing the response time
4. Response within certain stipulated time period

20. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes A, B, and C. A is assigned 50
shares, B is assigned 15 shares, C is assigned 20 shares,
A will have _____percent of the total processor time.
1. 20
2. 15
3. 50
4. None of these

21. There are two processes pi and P2, whose periods are so and 100 respectively. P1 is
1. yes
2. no
3. maybe
4. none of the mentioned

22. RTAI API is used to execute semaphore only if calling process is not blocked:
1. rtf_sea_post( )
2. rif sea wait ( )
3. ref_sem_trywait( )
4. rif sem_timed wait()

23. If the period of a process is p , then the rate of the task is :

1. p/2
2. 2*P
3. 1/p
4. P
24. Under multiprogramming, turnaround time for short jobs is usually_______and that for long jobs is
1. Lengthened; Shortened
2. Shortened; Lengthened
3. Shortened; Shortened
4. Shortened; Unchanged

25. ___________to used to allocate a message pipe buffer.

1. rtf_pipe_alloc()
2. rt_alloc_pipe()
3. rt_pipe_alloc()
4. ref_alloc_pipe()

26. Which of the following is an independent scheduling?

1. LL
2. IST
3. EDD
4. RMS

27. Assume a task set: { (1,3), (1,5), (1,6), (2,10) } what is the CPU utilization time?
1. 0.84
2. 0.89
3. 0.92
4. 0.93

28. A_________of a task is the time at which the release of a task will produce the largest response time.
1. soft instance
2. hard instance
3. critical instance
4. None of the above

29. Reentrant function is one that

1, should be executed by only one task at a time otherwise data corruption occurs
2. will allow 2 tasks to use it but not more than 2
3. will allow any number of task to execute it without data corruption
4. None of the above
30. Which of the following is not work of the Real time executive?
1. Task Management
2. IPC
3. Memory Management And File 10
4. Scheduling

31. In Rate monotonic analysis the schedulability of a task can be calculated by

1. ∑ (Ei/Ti) < u(n) = n(2^1/n - 1)
2. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^1/n - 1)
3. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^n - 1)
4. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^n)

32. what is the priority of a real time task?

1. must degrade over time
2. must not degrade over time
3. may degrade over time
4. none of the mentioned

33. what is Event latency?

1. the amount of time an event takes to occur from when the system started
2. the amount of time from the event occurrence till the system stops
3. the amount of time from event occurrence till the event crashes
4. the amount of time that elapses from when an event occurs to when it is serviced.

34. The Cortex-M3 port includes which of the following standard FreeRTOS features
1. Pre-emptive or co-operative operation
2. very flexible task priority
3. Queues
4. Mutex
5. All of the above

35. In a round robin scheduler the execution window is set for 2 time slots and three tasks T1, 12 & T3
were defined with 3,4,2 time slots of execution respectively. Which task will complete first and what is
the overall execution time to finish one cycle of all tasks
1. T1, 10
2. T3, 9
3. T2, 10
4. T3, 10

36. Preemptive priority based scheduling guarantees:

1. Hard real time functionality
2. Soft real time functionality
3. Protection of memory
4. None of the above

37. Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the :

1. processing time a periodic process is different for each CPU burst.
2. processing time a periodic process is same for each CPU burst.
3. periods of all processes is the same
4. none of these

38. Complex scheduling algorithms :

1. Are very appropriate for very large computers
2. Use minimal resources
3. Use many resources
4. All of the above

39. which one of the following is a real time operating system?

1. RTLinux
2. VxWorks
3. Windows CE
4. All of the mentioned

40. If a set of processes cannot be scheduled by rate monotonic scheduling algorithm, then_______
1. They can be scheduled by EDF algorithm
2. They cannot be scheduled by EDF algorithm
3. They cannot be scheduled by any other algorithm
4. None of the above
1. For real time operating systems, interrupt latency should be
1. Maximum
2. Minimal
3. Zero
4. Dependent on the scheduling

2 . There are 10 different processes running on a workstation . Idle processes are waiting
for an input event in the input queue. Busy processes are
1. tQ = 15ms
2. tQ = 40ms
3. tQ = 45ms
4. tQ = 50ms

3. Consider the following set of processes, the length of the CPU burst time given in
milliseconds :
Process Burst time
P1 6
P2 8
P3 7
P4 3
Assuming the above process being scheduled with the SJF scheduling algorithm :
1. The waiting time for process P1 is 3ms
2. The waiting time for process P1 is 0ms
3. The waiting time for process P1 is 16ms
4. The waiting time for process P1 is 9ms

4. The_______scheduling algorithm schedules periodic tasks using a static priority policy

with preemption.
1. earliest deadline first
2. rate monotonic
3. first come first served
4. priority
5. The method munlock( ) method does
1. Unlock complete process address.
2, Lock complete process address.
3. Unlock region Locked using mlock
4. None of the above

6. In FreeRTOS each call to vTaskSwitchContext() checks

1. if any task is unblocked due to delay function
2. if any task is blocked due to delay function
3. if any process is blocked due to delay function
4. in any process is unblocked due to delay function

7. In proportional share algorithm,

CPU time = 100 shares (T = 100)
P1 - 50 shares
P2 = 15 shares
P3 = 20 shares
what is the cou utilzation ?
1. 0.079
2. 0.85
3. 0.085
4. 0.79

8. RTOS makes use of Cortex-M3

1. SysTick
2. Pendsv
3. SVC interrupts
4. All of the above
9. Rate Monotonic Algorithm upper bound for a system with 4 tasks is:
1. 0.66
2. 0.95
3. 0.44
4. 0.76

10. what is the disadvantage of real addressing mode?

1. there is a lot of cost involved
2. time consumption overhead
3. absence of memory protection between processes
4. restricted access to memory locations by processes

11. which type of semaphore intializes by rt_sem_init()

1. Resources
2. Binary
3. Counting
4. None of these

12. which RTOS scheduling algorithm cannot use CPU upto 100% ?
1. Propostional share
2. Earliest deadline frist
3. Rate Monotonic Scheduling
4. Hone of the above

13. when high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium priority task effectively
inverting the relative priority of the two tasks, the
1. Priority Inversion
2. Priority Removal
3. Priority Exchange
4. Priority Modification
14. A process Pl has a period of 50 and a CPU burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period
of 80 and a CPU burst of 35. The total cru utilization is :
1. 0.90
2. 9.74
3. 0.94
4. 0.80

15. If the taskPrioritySet is called on a blocked task, its new priority

1. is considered while selecting the task to be unblocked
2. is not considered while selecting the task to be unblocked
3. is considered while selecting the task to be blocked
4. is not considered while selecting the task to be blocked

16. Scheduling jitter means,

1. The variation in scheduling latency
2. The variation in interrupt latency
3. similar to schduling latency
4, None of the above

17. what parameter is of less significance with reference to RTOS?

1. Interrupt latency
2. Interrupt recovery time
3. Interrupt response time
4. Throughtput

18. The scheduler admits a process using

1. two phase locking protocol
2. admission control algorithm
3. busy wait polling
4. none of the above
19. which of the following describes the RTOS design philiosophy best Select one:
1. Maximize the throughput of the system
2. Maximize the processor utilization
3. Minimizing the response time
4. Response within certain stipulated time period

20. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be divided among three processes A, B, and C. A
is assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares, C is assigned 20 shares,
A will have _____percent of the total processor time.
1. 20
2. 15
3. 50
4. None of these

21. There are two processes pi and P2, whose periods are so and 100 respectively. P1 is
1. yes
2. no
3. maybe
4. none of the mentioned

22. RTAI API is used to execute semaphore only if calling process is not blocked:
1. rtf_sea_post( )
2. rif sea wait ( )
3. ref_sem_trywait( )
4. rif sem_timed wait()

23. If the period of a process is p , then the rate of the task is :

1. p/2
2. 2*P
3. 1/p
4. P
24. Under multiprogramming, turnaround time for short jobs is usually_______and that
for long jobs is slightly________it.
1. Lengthened; Shortened
2. Shortened; Lengthened
3. Shortened; Shortened
4. Shortened; Unchanged

25. ___________to used to allocate a message pipe buffer.

1. rtf_pipe_alloc()
2. rt_alloc_pipe()
3. rt_pipe_alloc()
4. ref_alloc_pipe()

26. Which of the following is an independent scheduling?

1. LL
2. IST
3. EDD
4. RMS

27. Assume a task set: { (1,3), (1,5), (1,6), (2,10) } what is the CPU utilization time?
1. 0.84
2. 0.89
3. 0.92
4. 0.93

28. A_________of a task is the time at which the release of a task will produce the largest
response time.
1. soft instance
2. hard instance
3. critical instance
4. None of the above
29. Reentrant function is one that
1, should be executed by only one task at a time otherwise data corruption occurs
2. will allow 2 tasks to use it but not more than 2
3. will allow any number of task to execute it without data corruption
4. None of the above

30. Which of the following is not work of the Real time executive?
1. Task Management
2. IPC
3. Memory Management And File 10
4. Scheduling

31. In Rate monotonic analysis the schedulability of a task can be calculated by

1. ∑ (Ei/Ti) < u(n) = n(2^1/n - 1)
2. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^1/n - 1)
3. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^n - 1)
4. ∑ (Ei/Ti) ≤ u(n) = n(2^n)

32. what is the priority of a real time task?

1. must degrade over time
2. must not degrade over time
3. may degrade over time
4. none of the mentioned

33. what is Event latency?

1. the amount of time an event takes to occur from when the system started
2. the amount of time from the event occurrence till the system stops
3. the amount of time from event occurrence till the event crashes
4. the amount of time that elapses from when an event occurs to when it is serviced.
34. The Cortex-M3 port includes which of the following standard FreeRTOS features
1. Pre-emptive or co-operative operation
2. very flexible task priority
3. Queues
4. Mutex
5. All of the above

35. In a round robin scheduler the execution window is set for 2 time slots and three tasks
T1, 12 & T3 were defined with 3,4,2 time slots of execution respectively. Which task will
complete first and what is the overall execution time to finish one cycle of all tasks
1. T1, 10
2. T3, 9
3. T2, 10
4. T3, 10

36. Preemptive priority based scheduling guarantees:

1. Hard real time functionality
2. Soft real time functionality
3. Protection of memory
4. None of the above

37. Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the :

1. processing time a periodic process is different for each CPU burst.
2. processing time a periodic process is same for each CPU burst.
3. periods of all processes is the same
4. none of these

38. Complex scheduling algorithms :

1. Are very appropriate for very large computers
2. Use minimal resources
3. Use many resources
4. All of the above

39. which one of the following is a real time operating system?

1. RTLinux
2. VxWorks
3. Windows CE
4. All of the mentioned

40. If a set of processes cannot be scheduled by rate monotonic scheduling algorithm,

1. They can be scheduled by EDF algorithm
2. They cannot be scheduled by EDF algorithm
3. They cannot be scheduled by any other algorithm
4. None of the above

1. What will the output after executing the following code of segment?

main() {
printf("Hello"); }
How many child processes will be created in this?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

2. Relocatable programs
A. cannot be used with fixed partitions
B. can be loaded almost anywhere in memory
C. do not need a linker
D. can be loaded only at one specific location

3. Preemption is
A. forced de allocation of the CPU from a program which is executing on the CPU
B. release of CPU by the program after completing its task
C. forced allotment of CPU by a program to itself
D. a program terminating itself due to detection of an error

4. Normally user mode bit is represented by

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. none of the above

5. Which one of the following is not shared by threads?

A. program counter
B. stack
C. both (A) and (B)
D. none of the above

6. To avoid race condition, the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside
their critical section is
A. 8
B. 1
C. 16
D. 0

7. What do you mean by memory compaction?

A. combine multiple equal memory holes into one big hole
B. combine multiple small memory holes into one big hole
C. divide big memory hole into small holes
D. divide memory hole by 2

8. What does belady‟s anomaly related to?

A. page replacement algorithm
B. memory management algorithm
C. deadlock prevention algorithm
D. disk scheduling algorithm

9. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is
termed as
A. waiting time
B. turnaround time
C. response time
D. throughput

10. Which of the following is page replacement policy using this strategy “Replace the
page that hasn‟t been used for the longest period of time” ?
A. least recently used page replacement
B. optimal page replacement
C. fifo page replacement
D. second chance page replacement
11. Time quantum is defined in
A. shortest job scheduling algorithm
B. round robin scheduling algorithm
C. priority scheduling algorithm
D. multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

12. Which one is the fastest form of IPC

A. shared memory
B. pipe
C. message queue
D. sockets

13. What is the return value of read system call when end of file occurs?
A. 0
B. a positive number
C. -1
D. none of these

14. Information about a process is maintained in a

A. stack
B. translation look aside buffer
C. process control block
D. program control block

15. The usual effect of abnormal termination of a program is :

A. signal destruction core dump file generation
B. system crash
C. program switch
D. core dump file generation

16. Using optimal page replacement algorithm calculate the number of page faults in
referencing the following string of page numbers with the number of frames 3
A. 6
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10

17. Thrashing
A. is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems
B. can always be avoided by swapping
C. always occurs on large computers
D. can be caused by poor paging algorithms

18. Using priority scheduling algorithm, find the average waiting time for the following set
of processes waiting time for the following set of processes given with their priorities in
the order:
Process Burst Time Priority
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 4
P4 1 5
P5 5 2

A. 8
B. 8.2
C. 7.75
D. 3

19. Address binding is

A. going to an address in memory
B. locating an address with the help of another address
C. binding two addresses together to form a new address in a different memory space
D. a mapping from one address space to another

20. If the resources are always preempted from the same process, …………. can occur.
A. deadlock
B. system crash
C. aging
D. starvation

21. The banker’s algorithm is an example of a technique for

A. deadlock prevention
B. deadlock avoidance
C. deadlock detection
D. deadlock recovery

22. In segmentation, the segment base contains the :

A. starting logical address of the process
B. starting physical address of the segment in memory
C. segment length
D. none of the above

23. With the FIFO page replacement policy and enough space for storing 3 page frames,
the memory page reference string „ABCABDDCABCD‟ would produce:
A. 5 page faults
B. 6 page faults
C. 7 page faults
D. 8 page faults

24. When the valid – invalid bit is set to valid, it means that the associated page:
A. is in the TLB
B. has data in it
C. is in the process’s logical address space
D. is the system‟s physical address space

25. Situation where two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and
the final result depends upon who runs precisely is called?
A. race condition
B. critical section
C. mutual exclusion
D. message passing

26. fork system call returns ……………to child process

A. child‟s pid
B. 0
C. 1
D. -1

27. Thread synchronization is achieved by

A. pthread_create
B. pthread_join
C. pthread_self
D. pthread_exit

28. Which semaphore API function provides a number of control operations on

A. semctl()
B. semget()
C. semop()
D. semstat()

29. Consider the following program

main() {
int p[2];
fork(); }
Choose the correct answer
A. the pipe will be recognized only by the parent process
B. p[0] is the file descriptor of the write end of the pipe
C. there will be 4 file descriptors in memory
D. the pipe will not be shared by both the parent and child processes

30. shmdt ( ) function is used to ………………….address space of our process

A. map
B. unmap
C. block
D. unblock
31. In real time operating system
A. all processes have the same priority
B. a task must be serviced by its deadline period
C. process scheduling can be done only once
D. kernel is not required

32. For real time operating systems, interrupt latency should be

A. minimal
B. maximum
C. zero
D. dependent on the scheduling

33. A conventional RTOS supports

A. preemptive kernel
B. non-preemptive kernel
C. depends on implementation
D. none of the above

34. Time duration required for scheduling dispatcher to stop one process and start
another is known as
A. process latency
B. dispatch latency
C. execution latency
D. interrupt latency

35. The priority of a real time task:

A. must degrade over time
B. must not degrade over time
C. may degrade over time
D. none of these

36. A task executing in the ready state cannot be moved into which of the following
A. wait, ISR state
B. running state
C. dormant state
D. both (B) and (C)

37. The ......................... scheduling algorithm schedules periodic tasks using a static
priority policy with preemption.
A. earliest deadline first
B. rate monotonic
C. first cum first served
D. priority
38. A conventional real time task can be allocated
A. only fixed size stack, decided by kernel
B. variable size stack, decided by developer
C. dynamically expandable stack
D. all of the above

39. Reentrant function is one that

A. should be executed by only one task at a time otherwise data corruption
B. will allow 2 tasks to use it but not more than 2
C. will allow any number of tasks to execute it without data corruption
D. both (A) and (B)

40. Preemptive, priority based scheduling guarantees:

A. hard real time functionality
B. soft real time functionality
C. protection of memory
D. none of the these
1. The __________ Operating System pays more attention to the meeting of the time
A. Network
B. Distributed
C. Online
D. Real-time
Answer: D

2. In real time operating system is__________

A. kernel is not required
B. process scheduling can be done only once task
C. must be serviced by its deadline period
D. all processes have the same priority
Answer : C

3. The interrupt latency should be _________ for real time operating systems.
A. maximum
B. minimal
C. dependent on the scheduling
D. zero
Answer: B

4. Which scheduling amount of CPU time is allocated to each process?

A. equal share scheduling
B. none of the mentioned
C. earliest deadline first scheduling
D. proportional share scheduling
Answer: D

5. When the System processes data instructions without any delay is called as
A. online system
B. real-time system
C. instruction system
D. offline system
Answer : B

6. Which of the following is Preemptive, priority-based scheduling guarantees?

A. protection of memory
B. hard real-time functionality
C. soft real-time functionality
D. all of the above
Answer: C

7. What is the priority of a real time task?

A.must degrade over time
B.must not degrade over time
C.may degrade over time
D.none of the mentioned

8. Priority inversion is solved by use of .....

A priority inheritance protocol
B.two phase lock protocol
C. time protocol
D. all of the mentioned
Answer : A

9. The technique in which the CPU generates physical addresses directly is known as .
A.relocation register
B.real addressing method
C.virtual addressing
D.none of the mentioned
Answer: B

10. Memory management units .....

A.increase the cost of the system
B. increase the power consumption of the system C.increase the time required to
complete an operation
D. all of the mentioned
Answer: D

1. Identify the standard software components that can be reused?

a) application manager
b) operating system
c) application software
d) memory
Answer: b

2. What does WCTE stand for?

a) wait case execution time
b) wait case encoder time
c) worst case execution time
d) worst code execution time
Answer: c

3. For which of the following WCET can be computed?

a) C program
b) assembly language
d) program without recursion
Answer: d

4. The WCET of which component can be computed if the task is mapped to hardware?
a) hardware
b) task
c) both task and hardware
d) application manager
Answer: a

5. Which estimation approach is used by Jha and Dutt for hardware?

a) accurate cost and performance value
b) estimated cost and performance value
c) performance value
d) accurate cost
Answer: b

6. Which estimate approach is more precise?

a) estimated cost and performance value
b) accurate cost and performance value
c) performance value and execution time
d) estimated cost
Answer: b

7. Which estimate approach takes more time to consume?

a) accurate value
b) estimated value
c) accurate cost and performance value
d) estimated cost and performance value
Answer: c

8. Which estimation technique can be used if interfaces to software synthesis tools and
hardware synthesis tools exist?
a) Performance value
b) estimated cost
c) estimated cost and performance value
d) accurate cost and performance value
Answer: d

9. Which of the following is the base for scheduling algorithm?

b) time
c) execution time
d) address accessing time
Answer: a

1. What type of fault remains in the system for some period and then disappears?
a) Permanent
b) Transient
c) Intermittent
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

2. Which of the following approaches are used to achieve reliable systems?

a) Fault prevention
b) Fault removal
c) Fault tolerance
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

3. A system maintaining its integrity while accepting a temporary halt in its operation is
said to be in a state of
a) Full Fault Tolerance
b) Graceful Degradation
c) Fail Soft
d) Fail Safe
Answer: d

4. Which of the following Error Detection checks is not a part of Application detection?
a) Hardware checks
b) Timing checks
c) Reversal checks
d) Coding checks
Answer: a

5. Exception handling is a type of

a) forward error recovery mechanism
b) backward error recovery mechanism
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

6. Non-occurrence of improper alteration of information is known as

a) Available Dependability
b) Confidential Dependability
c) Maintainable Dependability
d) Integral Dependability
Answer: d

7. In N-version programming which is the independent generation of N, the value of N is

a) greater than 1
b) less than 1
c) greater than 2
d) less than 2
Answer: c

8. In Log-based fault tolerance, logs of undetermined events are saved and replayed on
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

9. All fault-tolerant techniques rely on

a) Integrity
b) Dependability
c) Redundancy
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c

10. It is imperative for a communicating processes to reach consistent recovery points to

avoid the _________ effect, with backward error recovery mechanism.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Domino
d) Whirlpool
Answer: c
1. In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with ______________
a) each instruction
b) each process
c) each register
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

2. If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ____________
a) concurrent
b) non-concurrent
c) monotonic
d) non-monotonic
Answer: a

3. If a process is executing in its critical section ____________

a) any other process can also execute in its critical section
b) no other process can execute in its critical section
c) one more process can execute in its critical section
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

4. A process can enter into its critical section ____________

a) anytime
b) when it receives a reply message from its parent process
c) when it receives a reply message from all other processes in the system
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

5. For proper synchronization in distributed systems ____________

a) prevention from the deadlock is must
b) prevention from the starvation is must
c) prevention from the deadlock & starvation is must
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

6. In the token passing approach of distributed systems, processes are organized in a ring
structure ____________
a) logically
b) physically
c) both logically and physically
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

7. In distributed systems, what will the transaction coordinator do?

a) starts the execution of transaction
b) breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
c) coordinates the termination of the transaction
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d

8. In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected by ____________

a) bully algorithm
b) ring algorithm
c) both bully and ring algorithm
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

9. In distributed systems, election algorithms assumes that ____________

a) a unique priority number is associated with each active process in system
b) there is no priority number associated with any process
c) priority of the processes is not required
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

10. According to the ring algorithm, links between processes are ____________
a) bidirectional
b) unidirectional
c) both bidirectional and unidirectional
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

1. Which of the following works by dividing the processor’s time?

a) single task operating system
b) multitask operating system
c) kernel
d) applications
Answer: b

2. Which of the following decides which task can have the next time slot?
a) single task operating system
b) applications
c) kernel
d) software
Answer: c

3. Which of the following controls the time slicing mechanism in a multitasking operating
a) kernel
b) single tasking kernel
c) multitasking kernel
d) application manager
Answer: c

4. Which of the following provides a time period for the context switch?
a) timer
b) counter
c) time slice
d) time machine
Answer: c

5. Which of the following can periodically trigger the context switch?

a) software interrupt
b) hardware interrupt
c) peripheral
d) memory
Answer: b

6. Which interrupt provides system clock in the context switching?

a) software interrupt
b) hardware interrupt
c) peripheral
d) memory
Answer: b

7. The special tale in the multitasking operating system is also known as

a) task control block
b) task access block
c) task address block
d) task allocating block
Answer: a

8. Which of the following stores all the task information that the system requires?
a) task access block
b) register
c) accumulator
d) task control block
Answer: d

9. Which of the following contains all the task and their status?
a) register
b) ready list
c) access list
d) task list
Answer: b

10. Which determines the sequence and the associated task’s priority?
a) scheduling algorithm
b) ready list
c) task control block
d) application register
Answer: a

11. Which can control memory usage?

a) operating system
b) applications
c) hardware
d) kernel

12. Which can control the memory sharing between the tasks?
a) kernel
b) application
c) software
d) OS
Answer: a

13. Which of the following can implement the message passing and control?
a) application software
b) operating system
c) software
d) kernel
Answer: d

14. How many types of messages are associated with the real-time operating system?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: a

15. Which of the following can carry information and control task?
a) semaphore
b) messages
c) flags
d) address message
Answer: b

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