Yoga For The Eyes
Yoga For The Eyes
Yoga For The Eyes
Looking at screens for extended periods of time makes users focus the eyes at a short distance for
prolonged periods, which can make the eyes tired and strained. Try these exercises to relieve eye
strain, relax your body and focus your mind.
1. EYE MOVEMENTS. Slowly move your eyes in these directions. Repeat 6-8x each. Breathe deep.
2. EYE FOCUSING. Shift your eye focus from near to far and back. Repeat 6-8x each. Breathe deep.
Shift the gaze from the thumb of your extended hand to some Look at your thumb. Slowly move it closer
object at a distance and back. to your nose and then away from it.
3. PALMING. Rub the hands vigorously together for couple of minutes until you feel the warmth in
your palms. Then cup your hands over your eyes to block out the light, but making sure not to
touch the eyelids. Feel the warmth of your hands on your eyes, breathe deep and relax your eyes.
4. DRSHTI. Focus your eyes on some object at a distance and look at it for few minutes. Keep your
gaze soft and imagine resting the gaze on the object. Instead of paying attention to the minor
details of the object, see if you can grasp its essence.
5. DRIFTING. Focus your eyes at a distant object, breathe deeply, take it in for a breath or two.
Then slowly shift the gaze to another distant object and observe it for couple of breaths. Then
move on to another object. Continue to drift slowly like that taking in your surroundings. It is best
to do this outdoors or look out the window.
6. TRATAKA. Look at the light of the candle in a darkened room. Keep your gaze soft and
do not blink. This is a traditional purification exercise, so you will feel your eyes watering.
Then close your eyes and visualize the candle as clearly as possible. Maintain the image
for a while. Overtime try to extend the length of the visualization.
7. COVER AND REST. In a supine position close your eyes and cover them with a towel. Breathe
deep, relax your body and keep softening your eyes and your body with every exhalation.
During the day take breaks away from the screen, look out the window often and close your eyes
occasionally to rest them.