Chapter 2 Basic Chemistry
Chapter 2 Basic Chemistry
Chapter 2 Basic Chemistry
Basic Chemistry
Title Page:
The Human Body: An Orientaion
- J.Villarin, PTRP
The focus deals with the basic chemistry in relation to the normal
physiology of the body.Written in modular form, the course covers the
entire basic chemistry that will aid them in the future lessons in the
anatomy and physiology and arranged into units sequenced in order they
are normally presented in class.
This will ensure safe, appropriate and holistic learning in the
course of anatomy and physiology.
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the following:
Rule of eights
The key to chemical reactivity
Atoms are considered stable when their outermost (valence) shell has
8 electrons
Atoms with 8 electrons in the valence shell are considered stable and
chemically inactive (inert)
The exception to this rule of eights is shell 1, which can hold only 2
Reactive elements
Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons to complete their outermost
orbitals when fewer than 8 electrons are in the valence shell
Chemical bonding helps atoms achieve a stable valence shell
Types of Chemical Bonds
Covalent bonds can be described as either nonpolar or polar
Nonpolar covalent bonds
Electrons are shared equally between the atoms of the molecule
Electrically neutral as a molecule
Example: carbon dioxide
Covalent bonds can be described as either nonpolar or polar (continued)
Polar covalent bonds
Electrons are not shared equally between the atoms of the
Molecule has a positive and negative side, or pole
Example: water
Hydrogen bonds
Extremely weak chemical bonds
Formed when a hydrogen atom is attracted to the negative portion,
such as an oxygen or nitrogen atom, of a polar molecule
Responsible for the surface tension of water
Important for forming intramolecular bonds, as in protein structure
Formed of four interlocking rings
Include cholesterol, bile salts, vitamin D, and some hormones
Some cholesterol is ingested from animal products; the liver also
makes cholesterol
Cholesterol is the basis for all steroids made in the body
Account for over half of the body’s organic matter
Provide for construction materials for body tissues
Play a vital role in cell function
Act as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies
Contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
Built from building blocks called amino acids
Amino acid structure
Contain an amine group (NH2)
Contain an acid group (COOH)
Vary only by R-groups
CRITERIA Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Score
CRITERIA Below Needs Improvement Satisfactory Exceeds Score
Expectation Expectations
Organization o No apparent o There is some o The o The presentation is
30 points organization. organization, but the presentation has carefully organized.
o Evidence is speaker occasionally a focus. o Speaker provides
not used to goes off topic. o Student convincing evidence
support o Evidence used to provides some to support
assertions. support conclusions is reasonable conclusions.
weak. evidence to
Content o The content is o The content is o The content is o The content is
20 points inaccurate or sometimes inaccurate generally accurate and
overly general. or incomplete. accurate and comprehensive o
o Listeners are o Listeners may learn reasonably Listeners are likely to
unlikely to learn some isolated facts, complete. gain new insights
anything or may but they are unlikely o Listeners may about the topic.
be misled. to gain new insights develop a few
about the topic. insights about the
Delivery o The speaker o The speaker o The speaker is o The speaker is
40 points appears anxious occasionally appears generally relaxed professional, relaxed,
and anxious or and comfortable. and comfortable.
uncomfortable uncomfortable, and o Listeners are o The speaker
and reads notes, may occasionally read generally interacts effectively
rather than notes, rather than recognized and with listeners.
speaks. speak. understood.
o Listeners are o Listeners are often
ignored. ignored or
References o Speaker fails o Speaker integrates o Speaker o Speaker integrates
10 points to integrate 1 or 2 relevant journal integrates 3 or 4 5 or more relevant
relevant journal articles into the journal relevant journal articles into
articles into the speech. articles into the the speech.
speech. speech.
Final Score:
Name & Signature of Evaluator
CoN-Rubric form 01
E. Marieb & S. Keller (2018) Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology Twelfth Edition