Course: BPED
Year and section: 1-I
The abstract based on the low attention of 1.Is there an effect on development of students
teachers on students’ potential compared to academic multiple intelligences?
ability. Teachers’ focus on academic ability as the sole
determinant of successful learning causes learning to be 2.Is there significant effectiveness learning on students
incapable of developing the students’ potential called motivation and emotional intelligences?
Multiple Intelligences (MI).The study revealed that
Multiple Intelligences strategy has an effect on and can
be a significant predictor of the development of
students’ Multiple intelligences. The results of this
study will change the teaching strategy in the future,
from academic ability oriented to be multiple
intelligences oriented and focus on the potential of
each student.
This Application is to adjust learning strategies (Abdi, et Al,2013) The effect of teaching strategy based
with students’ intelligence has improved learning on multiple intelligences on students’ academic
motivation and emotional intelligence to positively achievement in science course.
impact student achievement. However, it tent to be
more focus on the impact of learning strategies on (Armstrong,2004) Multiple Intelligences in the
learning achievements. It is expected to contribute to classroom.
the improvement of the quality of science lesson, thus
(Campbell,1997) How teachers interpret MI theory.
the science lessons will no longer aims to merely
Educational Leadership.
improve academic ability, but also develop students’
thinking skills and potentials. (Celikoz, 2017) Multiple intelligence distribution of
prospective teachers.
Course: BPED
Year and section: 1-I
On this study you will find the discipline of 1. Is a person's satisfaction in teaching as an occupation
Counseling and guidance. It date scientific inquiries related to his personal degree of self-actualization?
have explore the area of relationships between the
degree of self actualization and other characteristic of 2. Are there any relationships between a person's
teachers. The study focus primarily and directly on the degree of self-actualization and selected personal
specific relationship of the self actualization and variables?
satisfaction on job.
3.Are there any relationships between a persons degree
of satisfaction in teaching as an occupation and selected
personal variables?
Viewed from the focus of the discipline of (Allport, 1955) Becoming Basic consideration for a
counseling and guidance, this study proposed to fill psychology of personality.
some gaps and needs. Scientific inquiries have explored
the area of relationships between the degree of self- (Barmen, 1971) Human relations training in three rural
actualization and other characteristics of teachers, Manitoba high schools.
attempting to 8 assess effectiveness variables proposed
(Berkowitz,1964) The development of motives and
in this research, namely, self-actualization and
values in the child.
satisfaction on the job. The current concern with a "full
life" rather than simply "full employment calls for (Brayfield, et Al,1957)Interrelationship among measures
scientific information on which counselors can base of job satisfaction and general satisfaction.
generalisations applicable to individuals or to groups as
an aid facilitating analysis, guidance and/or counseling
of teachers.