Digitalsigles 2022k
Digitalsigles 2022k
Digitalsigles 2022k
Program Update
February 2022
Crown Holdings, Inc.
In 2020, Crown took an exciting step on its journey toward becoming the best Company
possible with the launch of the Twentyby30 program, an ambitious set of targets
addressing the most pressing sustainability issues of our time. Twentyby30 includes
not only science-based Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission target reductions and water
stewardship goals, but also tackles areas of sustainability such as employee safety,
Diversity and Inclusion, responsible sourcing and other environmental, social and
governance topics.
While still on our journey toward realizing Twentyby30, we have already identified areas
where we will further challenge ourselves to realize the Company’s full growth potential.
With this in mind, we are refreshing select Twentyby30 goals to meet these more
ambitious targets.
As sustainability evolves and the world continues to grow, we will continue to strive to be
the best steward of the environment, global citizen, and Company that we can. We are
proud to share these updates to the Twentyby30 program with you and continue the
journey together.
Our Mission
We will take climate action, advance the Circular Economy and attract
and retain highly skilled and diverse employees, while also creating
efficiency and continuing to build a brand reputation that is trusted
and valued by our stakeholders.
Our Vision
Our Strategy
Our Pillars of Action
Climate Action
Climate change is the most significant risk of our time. Corporate action to reduce
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions will have a significant impact on the fight against
climate change and Crown is up for the challenge.
We have set Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) goals to reduce our Scope 01
emissions coming from the combustion of fossil fuels in our operations; our Scope
02 emissions generated from the production of non-renewable electricity used in our
operations; and our Scope 03 emissions coming from our value chain, in particular from
the production of the materials we buy to make our products.
Our Climate Action strategy focuses on production efficiency, product and process
innovation, strategic material procurement and utilization of renewable electricity.
This strategy acknowledges that climate change can
have financial impacts on our global business, but we
can create opportunity for growth by proactively mitigating
risks throughout our value chain.
Climate Action
1 2 3
Our Approach
• Drive fuel use efficiency • Drive electricity use efficiency • Partner with suppliers to
• Substitute inefficient • Substitute inefficient reduce the GHG footprint of
equipment with new and equipment with new and materials, focused on steel and
innovative equipment that innovative equipment that aluminum, coatings
yields increased efficiency yields increased efficiency and varnishes
or eliminates fuel use or eliminates non-renewable • Partner with suppliers to
• Substitute equipment electricity use reduce the GHG footprint of
powered by internal combustion • Renewable electricity our capital goods
of fuel with electricity (where procurement • Reduce downstream logistics,
renewable electricity is available) distribution and transportation,
fuel consumption and mileage
Our Goals
4 5
Our Approach
• On-site company-owned equipment • Continue to develop precision application
• On-site and off-site bundled Power options to control coating weight and monitor
Purchased Agreements (PPA) application performance
• Grid renewable electricity - green tariff • Reduce number of coating pass applications
• Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA) • Increase use of water-based coatings
• Broaden the use of dry coating through use of
*In accordance with our SBTi GHG goals
power, laminate, and UV coating technologies
• Install and upgrade Regenerative Thermal
Oxidizers (RTOs), as specified by
local regulations
Resource Efficiency
Water scarcity will have an impact on over half of the global population by 2030 and is now
one of the biggest threats to food security around the world. Under the Resource Efficiency
Pillar, Crown aims to protect this valuable resource by establishing a water stewardship
strategy focused on:
• Minimizing our use of water and ensuring that any discharges do not degrade the quality
of the receiving water bodies, the health of receiving soils, or in any other way cause harm
to ecosystems or people.
• Ensuring that our employees continue to have access to safe drinking water, hygiene
and sanitation.
• Ensuring that our water consumption does not undermine the quantity and quality of water
available for people and ecosystems that depend on the watersheds where we operate.
To meet this challenge, Crown is committed to strict water monitoring, establishing best
practices for water use efficiency, investing in innovative equipment that allows for water
re-use. In addition, Crown will invest in the replenishment of highly scarce watersheds.
Resource Efficiency
6 7
Our Approach
• Measure, monitor and report water • Monitor and record wastewater quantity,
consumption company-wide quality, compliance and location of discharge
• I
dentify and eliminate losses and leaks • Adopt company-wide standard operating
• Install flowmeters to measure and procedures defining wastewater discharge
report water consumption and enhance quality and standard monitoring requirements
water conservation
• Increase wastewater systems’ efficiency
• Identify and incentivize water
re-use opportunities
• Identify, benchmark and replicate water use
efficiency best practices
• Pilot and replicate new and hybrid
technologies towards Minimal to Zero
Liquid Discharge
Our Goals
to those watersheds
8 9
Our Approach
• Ensure continued access to safe • Validate number of plants in high water
drinking water scarcity locations
• Offer continued access to sufficient and clean • Identify watershed level projects to
personal hygiene facilities, suppliers and implement in high water scarcity locations
education globally
• Implement projects in collaboration
with local partners
• Measure and report project
implementation progress
Optimum Circularity
Optimum Circularity
Our Approach
• Incentivize and improve the efficient • Partner with suppliers across the
use of raw materials through value chain to ensure the increase of
responsible waste management, look beneficial uses of waste streams and
for opportunities to remanufacture or to reduce value leakages from our
re-use waste products system. This includes diverting waste
• Create a waste reduction culture, and streams from landfill, innovating to
continuously improve by sharing best reduce quantity of waste, and where
practices and focus on hard to re-use possible, creating and increasing value
and recycle materials • Validate and verify disposal practices
• Improve data availability and quality to maximize circularity
about each waste stream amount,
type and final destination
*“Zero waste” is defined as >98% landfill diversion of waste from our continuing operations. Our diversion
metrics and goals are applicable to locations where compliant and environmentally safe recycling systems are
available and appropriate. Our methodology does not consider any of our recycled process metal scrap waste,
nor is the reuse of plastic strap and edge board scrap in our process counted in our total recycling figures.
11 12
Together with Industry Associations and
12 other partners, work to increase metals
recycling rates in our major markets
>90% 80%
Goals by
Our Goals
industry-wide recycled by 10% globally
content average in
metal cans and Transit
Packaging products
13 14
Our Approach
• Work in collaboration with • Increase recycling capacity
suppliers to increase knowledge at recycling centers
and understanding of the current • Source recycled material,
supply of recycled content to both internally and externally
our operations supplied, at strapping centers
• Maintain and expand our efforts to
improve the industry-wide recycled
content average in metal packaging
and transit paper, steel and plastic
packaging products
Working Together
Crown holds an unwavering commitment to our most important asset, our employees. That
is why we have taken numerous steps to protect the safety, health and welfare of our team
members around the world. We have made our Total Safety Culture an integral part of our
operating philosophy. This approach is built into every one of our processes, procedures
and systems and into the attitudes and values of every employee.
We also view a diverse and inclusive workforce as critical to our future business success.
We know that drawing from diverse backgrounds and points of view fosters innovation and
creativity, enhancing the products and services we can offer to customers and setting new
industry standards.
Thus we promote an employee-centric organization where our employees can feel physically
and psychologically safe to contribute at their very best. In that environment we ensure
that everyone is respected as an individual and can be authentic at work. We give everyone
an equal opportunity and encourage collective performance. This means that according to
social heritage, background and experience of our employees, we want to develop them to
reach their highest level of potential and contribution.
Our leaders must seize every opportunity to demonstrate their inclusive leadership, explore
opportunities and create the space to engage people. Within their teams, they must promote
interpersonal dynamics and value both collective and individual initiatives.
Working Together
15 16
Our Approach
Our Goals
organizational culture allowing our people to be authentic
at work. Encourage our top management to be D&I role
models as a source of inspiration for all
Our Approach
1 D
iversity and Inclusion awareness will 3 Crown is an inclusive workplace for all by:
be embedded in Crown’s management •
Promoting a positive work environment, free
culture through: from harassment and bullying
• The deployment of inspirational workshops •
Assessing current policies, guidelines and
starting from management level practices to ensure they are inclusive and
Specific D&I training programs focusing, sensitive to various cultures
among other things, on unconscious biases, •
Implementing Divisional D&I Committees to
gender gap, and women in leadership facilitate our cultural and organizational shift
The recognition of the best D&I initiatives
implemented in our Crown facilities
Never Compromise
Crown’s products are used by billions of people globally each year and we are proud
of the trust that consumers place in the packaging we produce.
The Never Compromise Pillar implements Crown’s Product Stewardship strategy.
We are committed to working throughout our product lifecycle to ensure that our
materials are sourced responsibly, our products are designed to minimize risks to
people and the environment and everything we manufacture meets the highest
chemical safety standards.
Never Compromise
our products and processes through consolidated “One Crown Standard.” This
eco-design and manufacturing innovation. new standard will unify existing standards
Crown will devote at least 50% of and procedures including all aspects of
its Research and Development (R&D) migration, toxicology and safety utilized in
technology developments toward minimizing our various geographical locations. By 2025,
its products’ and manufacturing footprint Crown will have screened all food contact
materials for the presence of Chemicals of
Concern (COC) and will take appropriate
action where necessary
18 19
Our Approach
• Use lifecycle thinking to identify opportunities • Build the One Crown Standard for unification of
for improvement in our products’ footprint via existing standards and food contact regulatory
eco design, focused on material utilization requirements from key geographical territories
reductions; energy, water and emissions • Implement the One Crown Standard globally
reductions; improved safety and end-of-life across all Crown Divisions
• Use lifecycle thinking to identify • Support all Crown Divisions in meeting the
opportunities for improvement in our One Crown Standard for all food contact
manufacturing processes’ footprint, focused materials by end of 2022
on spoilage reductions; energy, water and
emissions reductions; improved safety; • Screen all food contact materials for COC
process efficiency and improved by 2025
process protocols • Eliminate the COC (if a solution is technically
feasible and available)
• Submit for an independent safety evaluation
if the COC cannot be eliminated
• Where the safety evaluation identifies an
insufficient safety margin, we will work with
the material supplier to reformulate the material
to reduce exposure and potential risk to a level
deemed acceptable
Our Goals
By 2030, 100% of Crown’s core raw materials and service
suppliers, by spend, are assessed and comply with Crown
Responsible and Ethical Sourcing policies and requirements,
with an interim target of achieving 75% by 2025
Our Approach
• Extend responsible sourcing program globally
• Incorporate social and environmental
criteria in new contracts or review/renew/
reappraise processes
• Third-party assessments and audits for
goods and services purchased that fall into
risky categories
• Accept suppliers and their supply chain’s
third-party verification (when deemed by
Crown and stakeholders as a credible source
of verification)
• Deploy a training program on responsible
sourcing and ethical trade for procurement
teams globally
& Ethics
Measuring, Monitoring
and Reporting
Ultimately, the more we know about our operations, the more we will
be able to offer resources, innovation, advances and opportunities
to improve performance.
We are committed to identifying and reporting on the most material,
business-specific sustainability risks and opportunities and to
elaborate on how these are managed. Additionally, KPIs for the goals
established through Twentyby30 will be disclosed and performance
against them verified.
Aligned with the United
Nations Sustainable
Development Goals
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6 7 8
15 16 17 20 10 12 14 18 16 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 10 11 12
13 14 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 10 17 16 3 9 10 12 13
External Reporting