A Web-Based Visitor Log Monitoring System v.5

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PRE-PROPOSAL STATEMENTS (Proposed Revision 2022)

Date : February 17, 2022

Academic Year : Third Year
Semester : First Semester

THESIS / CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLE: Web-based Visitors Log Monitoring System with Mobile-based
QR Code scanner


Tolentino, Gerald B. BS in Information Technology in TSM

Technology is now an essential part of lives. In the present complex world, existence without technology is
inane. One of the primary purposes of technology is to merge tools to ease the creation and exchange of knowledge to
make work easier and address a variety of problems. The importance of technology must be emphasized in how it is
used. It is crucial to human existence since it improves and makes lives more efficient and comfortable. Technology
is progressing and expanding in all countries. Organizations' ability to stretch their wings is based on their ability to
be creative. The positive impact of technology on culture has ushered in change and enabled humanity to reach
previously unimaginable heights as shown in [1].

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted negatively on education systems around the world, affecting
approximately 1.6 billion students in over 200 countries worldwide as mentioned earlier [2]. As seen in [3] that
COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant loss of human life around the world and poses an unprecedented
challenge to public health, food systems, and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the
pandemic is devastating, tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number of
people who are undernourished has increased dramatically.

The COVID-19 virus spreading mainly from person-to-person contact but touching surfaces that have been
coughed or sneezed on by someone who has the virus is a less common way. You could encounter a contaminated
countertop or doorknob and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes as shown in [4]. As mentioned earlier on [5] contact
tracing is an important aspect of maintaining excellent public health. It allows health officials to pinpoint areas where
a COVID-19 outbreak is more likely to occur. This provides an early warning to people who may have been exposed,
allowing them to take precautions and prevent the disease from spreading further. The public plays an important role
in supplying complete information to contact tracers, which helps to minimize the number of new instances.

In the traditional logbook for customers/visitors in the establishments is hand-written sheets of paper. This
process of login is less secure of information, hustle and nowadays is risky for the reason of infecting COVID-19 as
shown in [5] and [6]. According in [6] digital Logbook are being taken consideration in business offices by most
companies, costumers and visitors because of pandemic, information safety and less of time consuming. The visitor
registration and sign-in sheet have gone computerized in today's modern office. Visitor sign-in apps have become
popular in smart offices to keep track of who comes into your office or coworking space, when they come, who they
are there to see, and why they are there. In this case we can track individuals who has been contacted in the peoples
has Corona Virus Disease.

Digital logbook is being implemented in some establishment but mostly is preferred the traditional logbook.
Studies and literatures about digital logbook are available on the world of internet mostly they are intended in locale
or specific establishment or company. The researcher’s observation from the other studies that are related to the
researchers implementing solutions there is comparable with researchers proposition maybe same in purpose but not
same in structures. In addition, the studies reviewed by the researchers have limitation that includes specific users can
use, business used only, and it implemented only for staff of the company wherein will be addressed and take into
consideration by the researcher’s upon developing the web-based system together with mobile-based application.

The studies and literatures that have been reviewed by the researcher varies in some way because in contrast with
researcher’s proposition, the studies reviewed are implemented in local and offline establishments. The researcher’s
developed web-based system that will helped to monitor customer/visitors time-in and time-out on the establishments
to trace individuals that might involve in spreading virus. The researchers also developed mobile-based application to
register the individual’s information and scan the QR Codes for in that is provided by the establishment that is came
from the web-based system.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic the traditional logbook on entering establishments is not safe, and through this
traditional logbook is the information also is not well protected, and hard on inspect because it is written only in the
papers. The researchers would like to build a digital logbook system enable to easily trace the individuals that have
been close in contact by the individuals that have been admitted has Corona Virus Disease and hoping to easily
contact the involve individuals to give early warnings. The researcher also builds the mobile-based application to help
them to prevent the corona virus disease wherein by utilizing the application provided by the researcher, the
individuals does not need to utilize object like sheet of paper and pen that might coughed or sneezed on by someone
who has the virus and enable to the individual to have efficiency by utilizing QR code that providing seamless
transaction through the web-based system and secured information on entering the establishments.


The developed web-based system aims to provide a real time log monitoring system cloud database wherein the
companies and government easily trace the individuals that have been contacted with the individual who has the
virus. The developed mobile-based application aims to provide an efficiency on entering the information on the
system, the instrument to give the information to the system and to help preventing the risky traditional logbook due
to COVID-19. The system and mobile application will provide help to the community, to the establishments in public
or private and to the governments.

The purpose of the web-based system and mobile-based application is also to provide safety on entering the
private and public establishment and enable to the government to trace the individuals who have been contacted to the
person who has virus so that individuals will receive an early warning. The researchers hoping that it minimized the
corona virus disease that has been affect and loss of the individual’s life.

For the visitors of the establishment the mobile application providing an QR code scanner enable to have safe in
information, safe in covid and efficiency entering the establishment.

For authorities that were investigating and tracking individual that might interacted to the individual has been
admitted with covid, with the help of admin the authorities can contact the individuals to give early warnings.

For the administrator of the account in the system, the system providing computerized information that enable to
easily manage information easily to find contact on tracing the individuals.

For the researchers of this study, this will be a great opportunity to expand their knowledge and demonstrate how
they wanted to make a difference in the community through this developed application, which will also be useful after
graduation if they are unable to find work due to unforeseen circumstances.

The general objective of the study is to develop and design a Web-based Log Monitoring System with Mobile-
based application enabling that will scan the provided QR code of the system so that the system will receive the
registered information of the visitors in the establishments. The mobile application will help also in regards of
efficiency on entering the establishments. The web-based system is providing a real time database wherein data are
provided by the mobile application users that has been scanned QR code provided by the System.

Specifically, the study aims to achieve the following:

1. To build a web-based system and a mobile application with the following modules and features:
1.1. Mobile Application
1.1.1. Users or Client User Login and Registration User Profile Limited Time of Visiting QR Code Scanner
1.2. Web-based System
1.2.1. Establishment or Business Specific QR code provided by the System
1.2.2. Admin Admin Login and Registration Visitors Log Monitoring QR code Generating from System Ease of Managing Information Backup Information Features Microsoft Excel Integration Report
1.2.3. Authorities Ease of tracking individuals Ease of getting the contacts of users to give early warning
2. To evaluate the performance of systems and applications on testing instrument by performing the
following type of test:
2.1. Web-Based System
2.1.1. Instrument
2.1.2. TestingWhiz Functionality Testing Usability Testing Web UI Testing Compatibility Testing Performance Testing Security Testing
2.2. Mobile Application
2.2.1. Instrument Test IO
2.2.2. Black Box Testing Functionality Testing Compatibility Testing


The researchers developed a web-based visitors log monitoring system with mobile-based application with QR
code scanner. The system develop is focuses in managing the information that be given by the mobile application
through QR code scanning that have been given by the system in the specific establishment, the information
includes: time of entering establishment, full name of the user, contact number, email, and Facebook account. It
provides contact of the users it because in this way the authorities can easily contacts user incase, they have been
interacted with the person who had been admitted has COVID-19. The function of the mobile application is to
scan QR code enable to the system read and get the information of the user. The feature of the mobile application
helps to ease on entering of the user information through the system, and the web-based system easily to manage
the information since the information is computerized. The visitors have limited time staying in the

In reality, where media usage on cell phones continues to dominate workspaces and other related gadgets,
researchers utilize cutting-edge future developments and technologies to build up and develop a “Web-based
Visitors Log Monitoring System with Mobile-based QR Code scanner”. The researchers used a software and
hardware to build the project.

The mobile application is only available in Android Operating System, and it will not be run in IOS while the
Web-based system supported browser Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. The system has a
backup function where the information automatically imported into excel file in case the system server would
crash the backup file remain. The admin module is being built on web system and its not supported on mobile
browser application unless browser support “desktop site” functionality. The authorities have no access in the
system but through the help of admin they can inspect users’ information in the system.


A visitor logbook used to be a series of handwritten sheets of paper. Visitors would enter their name, the name of
the business they were visiting, the date and time of their visit, and then sign their name. The visitor registration and
sign-in sheet have gone computerized in today's modern office. Visitor sign-in apps have become popular in smart
offices to keep track of who comes into your office or coworking space, when they come, who they are there to see,
and why they are there. [6]

Today, a lot of people preferred using technology, for the reason that it simplifies the tasks in daily lives.
Technology is defined as a complete process based on the systematic and careful use of science and knowledge in a
variety of aspects of life in order to achieve essential and worthwhile goals for individuals and societies as said in [7].
The virtual logbooks are created more efficient employees and eliminates paper logs and Spreadsheets as shown in

Table 1. Functionality and Feature Matrix

Software 1 2 3 4 5 6

iGuard ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕
Valgenesis ✓ ✓ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✕
AmpleLogic eLog
Book ✓ ✓ ✕ ✕ ✓ ✕

Everlance ✓ ✓ ✓ ✕ ✓ ✕
Visitorz ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

1. Log in process efficiency


2. Secured Information
3. Monitoring Login History
4. QR Code Scanning
5. Less documentation
6. Users Time Limit

Table 1 shows the core functionalities and features of the software that have been reviewed, based on result
they all have different strength and weakness as well. All reviewed software has the feature Login process efficiency
because of technology implementation, but some are it used only for the staff of the companies. The commonality of the
software is Log in process efficiency, Secured Information, and less documentation. These features enable users to have
efficiency and safe information. People are preferring technology as a tool in process which is effective to ease the task,
in that way most of the developer are implementing a software wherein can ease the task. The application and system
implemented by the researchers have all the features in the Table 1 that may help in choosing of it.

One of the factors to consider on developing a system is communication and better understanding in the
method of developing it. Efficiency and minimizing the risk of user information and infecting in disease are the futures
of the system and mobile application. Most of the reviewed software by the researchers are lacking monitoring login
history by the end of users, and the software is only implemented in specific companies. The developed application
provides quality service and fulfills all other software insufficiency. The iGuard is very similar to the researcher’s
project but the functionality is not the same, the iGuard app is providing an QR code in the Mobile Application but the
researcher’s project the system is providing the QR code to verify the specific establishments. The Visitorz is concept is
similar to the researcher’s project but not the same in some features since the researcher’s develop and design a web-
based system so that it will manage the information easily, the Visitorz Application doesn’t have a back-up data feature.

Table 2. Literature Matrix [AT LEAST 2 LOCAL AND 2 INTERNATIONALS]


Valgenesis.com [9] Truly a paperless Paperless Validation, More scenarios of use for
validation product Clean and Seamless life gxp “good practice” and
hosted on the cloud. The cycle process across life sciences domain
features are genuinely multiple groups and specific case study can be
incredible in terms of sites, safe and secured incorporated
saving time and money. information
During this difficult management.
viral epidemic, the best
software to operate
remotely is Assessment,
project, change, and risk
management in
accordance with GxP
"best practices" are all
integrated and
Softwaresuggest.com/us/ The application is for Workflow The application is not the
everlance [10] startups and small management, multi- best for financial business
businesses, the app currency, activity spending. Expense
provides a full-featured tracking, approval reports could be better.
fleet management process control, Utilizing Maps like
software. It provides dispatch management, Google Maps or Apple
full-service web fuel management, Maps is simply more
application mileage monitoring, dependable and running
development. With our and routing is being two apps on
online Fleet implemented. mobile phone consumes
Management solution, too much battery life.
mileage tracking,
management, receipt
management, and
activity tracking are all
available in one place.

Foreign Literature

One of the applications that aims to offer a paperless so that there will be no more searching through archives,
double-checking different files, missing papers, or manual errors. The application also offering validation that
should be standardized, consistent, assess and manage risk through the entire process to implement risk-base.
Collaboration so that users do not let physical offices constrain users’ validation processes it support home-office

workers, distributed sites and teams, remote inspections, and more. Compliant where users gain peace of mind
with digital validation software that's FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 compliant. Valgenesis is a logbook
software for electronically monitoring employee's work schedules. This program offers SOP “Standard Operating
Procedure” approved logbook, electronic signature, equipment data log maintenance, asset management,
inventory control, and work order management. The application is entirely adaptable, offering you the most
flexibility when it comes to personalizing it to your specific organizational needs. Without any specific
programming abilities, the system administrator at your location can make the necessary changes to replicate
your present process flow as show in [9]. Like the researcher’s project, the researchers providing paperless
service, safe and secured information, and seamless processing on login, but the developed system and
application by the researcher’s client are the customers and visitors of the establishments.

Several applications have attempted to provide ways to provide quick support when needed in recent times.
Everlance is a small business workflow tracking program that uses an electronic logbook. Workflow
management, multi-currency, activity tracking, approval process control, dispatch management, fuel
management, mileage monitoring, and routing are all features included in this program. The application is a full-
featured fleet management software for startups and small businesses. It offers end-to-end Web Application
development services. Mileage Tracking, Reimbursement Management, Receipt Management, and Activity
Tracking are all available in one location with this online Fleet Management solution as shown in [10]. This
application has similarity in researcher’s project in the different of use. The researcher’s project aims to track the
possible infected person, while the application is tracking to the business transportation and cost services.

Foreign Study

Recently, with the rapid development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, RFID now has the
potential to distinguish between different people. Compared with traditional attendance mechanisms, RFID-based
attendance systems are based on living biometrics. A study was conducted and develop a smart attendance
system that pulls unique phase features from individuals to allow for target recognition. For further perfectly
alright recognition of targets with comparable traits, a frequency distribution histogram is produced as a
fingerprint and the K-means clustering approach is used. RFID-based attendance systems, in contrast to
traditional attendance mechanisms, are based on living biological properties, which considerably decreases the
likelihood of false data. Extensive experiments were undertaken to assess the performance of our system. With
an average accuracy of 92 percent, the results reflect the efficiency and accuracy of our technology. Furthermore,
the system evaluation reveals that our design is resistant to changes in clothes and time of day, confirming the
system's good performance as shown in [11]. Comparable to the researcher’s project, the researchers developed a
virtual logbook to monitor who entered the establishment. In the other side the researcher’s project in same in
concept for seamless entering establishments, but in different target of users. The developed application and
system are targeting the costumers and visitors of the establishments.

Now a day the attendance system exists in different places like institutions, organizations, hospitals, defense
etc., both morning and the evening time sign or thumb impressions are mandatory for all the staff members. This
study was conducted and develop a multimodal biometric attendee system wherein the only need is the
availability of the smart phone to every employee and availability of firm’s own wireless network in their
campus. The system provides a smart biometric wireless attendance system that tracks understudy participation
and keeps track of their presence in a school without having to wait in line. Now that everyone has an Android
phone, we designed a wireless attendance system program that will take a daily image of the faculty or capture a
fingerprint mark sensor module and every impression, which will then be transferred to the admin data base
through wireless connections. Through wireless transfer system attendance reports are saved on the computer
system. Toward this path, this task shows a unique fingerprint based biometric attendance that records the
candidates consequently as show in [12]. The researcher’s developed project is similar to the study, wherein the
smartphone is the instrument of transmission of data through the system. The researcher’s also providing
seamless process. However, scanning QR Code is way of transmission through the system.


[1] “Why technology is important in our daily life?” Digital Edenz, 18-Oct-2019. [Online]. Available: https://digitale-
denz.com/why-technology-is-important-in-our-daily-life/. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[2] S. Pokhrel and R. Chhetri, “A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning,”
SageJournals, 19-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available:
%20has,of%20the%20world's%20student%20population. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[3] “Impact of covid-19 on people's livelihoods, their health and our Food Systems,” World Health Organization, 13-
Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.who.int/news/item/13-10-2020-impact-of-covid-19-on-people's-
livelihoods-their-health-and-our-food-systems. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[4] M. Ratini, “How coronavirus is transmitted: Here are all the ways it can spread,” WebMD, 21-Jan-2022. [Online].
Available: https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-transmission-overview#1. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[5] “What is COVID-19 contact tracing: Coronavirus: UC Davis Health,” What Is COVID-19 Contact Tracing |
Coronavirus | UC Davis Health, 24-Jan-2022. [Online]. Available: https://health.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/covid-19-
transmission/contact-tracing. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[6] “Why your office needs a digital visitor logbook: Greetly Sign in App,” Visitor Management System, Logbook,
Badges & Support, 15-Feb-2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.greetly.com/blog/why-your-office-needs-a-
digital-visitor-logbook. [Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].

[7] “The importance of technology in our daily life - how has technology changed our lives?,” The Scientific World -
Let's have a moment of science, 27-Oct-2021. [Online]. Available:
https://www.scientificworldinfo.com/2019/11/importance-of-technology-in-our-daily-life.html. [Accessed: 18-Feb-

[8] N. Crocker, LogBook, 06-Oct-2021. [Online]. Available: https://trylogbook.com/. [Accessed: 18-Feb-2022].

[9] “Paperless validation software for Life Sciences Companies,” ValGenesis. [Online]. Available:
https://www.valgenesis.com/. [Accessed: 18-Feb-2022].

[10] “Everlance pricing, reviews, features,” Everlance Pricing, Reviews, Features - Free Demo. [Online]. Available:
https://www.softwaresuggest.com/us/everlance. [Accessed: 18-Feb-2022].

[11] Q. Miao, F. Xiao, H. Huang, L. Sun, and R. Wang, “Smart attendance system based on frequency distribution
algorithm with passive RFID tags,” IEEE Xplore, 02-Apr-2020. [Online]. Available:
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8821515. [Accessed: 19-Feb-2022].

[12] A. Mishra, R. Kamble, V. Pare, and R. Sahu, “Multimodal biometric attendance system,” SSRN, 07-Apr-2020.
[Online]. Available: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3568531. [Accessed: 19-Feb-2022].

[ ] Approved
[* ] For modification
[ ] Rejected


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