Dated og/04/2021
07/04/2021 (F/N).
1. He will not claim any TA/DA/TP/Joining
will be fixed as existing rules.
2. His pay on transfer per
list of the new unit as laid down in Rule 8
3. His seniority on transfer will be fixed in the gradation
of BSNL's Employees Transfer Policy dated
having qualified in the departmental examination
His Claim for the benefit of promotion, on
that a request to this
while working in the parent unit shall be permitted subject to the condition
of six months of declaration of the result or finding place
effect is made by him within a period
in the select panel.
was available
even if a permanent vacancy
5. He should forego his entire claim in the parent unit, reason he
of post or for any other
or become available because of the retrospective permanency
is/was entitded for confirmation against such post in his old unit/SSA.
He will have no claim for any change or transfer/mutual exchange within next five years.
7. He can not claim for a posting in any particular station of the new SSA/circle.
in the gradation of the new unit.
8. He is eligible for confirmation, only according to his position
9. All terms and condition as laid down in the BSNL's employees Transfer Policy notified vide letter
no. 6-1/2007-Restd. Dated 07/05/2008 as amended from time to time.
Asstt. General Manage adhin
Copy for information and necessary action to:
The CGM, BSNL, Assam Circle Guwahati: With reference to his letter no. SRES-5/44/Pt-1/24
1 dated 28-09-2020. The declaration submitted by the concerned executive with regard to
Rule-8 transfer must be pasted in the service book of the executive & sent to Chapra OA
(Muzaffarpur BA).
The GM (HR/A) / Dy. GM (A), C.o. Patna.
The BA Head Muzaffarpur /0A Hed Chápra.
The GM Kamrup TD, Assam.
The AGM (E) / AGM (CSC), C.0. Patna.
. The AGM (HR/A) 0/o the CGM, BSNL, Assam Circle Guwahati: ACR folder of the executive
may be sent to the AGM (E) 0/o the CGMT, BSNL, Bihar Circle, Sanchar Sadan, Budh Marg.
The PRO/PPS to CGMT, Bihar Telecom Circle, Patna.
The AGM (IT), C. O, Patna for uploading on Intranet Portal.
9. The executive concerned.
10. P/F of the executive concerned.
S/B of the executive concerned.
Ofice copy. um 04
3D 2
Sub Divisibnal Engineer (ERP)