AC3202 WK2 Exercises Solutions
AC3202 WK2 Exercises Solutions
AC3202 WK2 Exercises Solutions
Week 2 Solutions
Question 1 (a)
1. Depreciation expense
Dr. Depreciation expense – equipment 20,000
Cr. Accumulated depreciation – equipment 20,000
2. Wages payable
Dr. Wage expense 5,000
Cr. Wages payable (10,000 – 5,000) 5,000
3. Interest payable
Dr. Interest expense 2,000
Cr. Interest payable ($60,000*8%*5/12) 2,000
5. Prepaid Rent
Dr. Prepaid Rent 1,500
Cr. Rent expense 1,500
6. Tax expense
Dr. Tax expense 3,000
Cr. Tax payable 3,000
Bell Ltd.
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2018
Note $
Sales (256,000+3,000) 259,000
Cost of goods sold (145,000)
Gross profit 114,000
Administrative expenses 1 (50,300)
Distributions costs 2 (14,800)
Other operating expenses 3 (25,300)
Operating profits $23,600
Interest expense (2,400+2,000) (4,400)
Profit before tax 19,200
Tax expense (3,000)
Profit for the year $16,200
Note 3: Other operating expenses
Other operating expenses 5,300
Depreciation – equipment 20,000
c) Bell Ltd.
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2018
$ $ $
Balance at 1 January 2018 100,000 132,300 232,300
Profit for the year 16,200 16,200
Balance at 31 December 2018 100,000 148,500 $248,500
d) Bell Ltd.
Statement of Financial Position
As at 31 December 2018
$ $
Non-current assets
Equipment, less accumulated depreciation 128,000
(225,000 - (77,000+20,000))
Current assets
Inventories 87,000
Accounts receivables 85,000
Prepaid rent 1,500
Cash 60,000
Current liabilities
Accounts payables (38,000)
Wages payable (10,000)
Interest payable (2,000)
Tax Payable (3,000)
Net current assets 180,500
Total assets less current liabilities 308,500
Non-current liabilities
Note payable (60,000)
Net assets $248,500
Share Capital 100,000
Retained profits 148,500
Total Equity $248,500
Question 2
1. Depreciation expense $ $
Dr. Depreciation expense – buildings 10,505
(247,600-90,000)*5% + (90,000*5%)*7/12
Cr. Accumulated depreciation – buildings 10,505
3. Prepaid insurance
Dr. Insurance expense 2,000
Cr. Prepaid insurance (7,000 – 5,000) 2,000
4. Accrued sales
Dr. Accounts Receivables 12,000
Cr. Sales 12,000
5. Accrued expenses
Dr. Sales commissions 900
Cr. Sales commissions payable 900
6. Tax payable
Dr. Tax expense 10,000
Cr. Tax payable 10,000
7. Dividends payable
Dr. Dividends 7,200
Cr. Dividends payable 7,200
Bond Ltd.
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
Note $
Sales (770,000 + 12,000 – 27,000) 755,000
Cost of sales (465,800 + 8,000) (473,800)
Gross profit 281,200
Administrative expenses 1 (113,530)
Selling and Distribution expenses 2 (104,525)
Operating profits 63,145
Interest expense (2,400+120) (2,520)
Profit before tax 60,625
Tax expense (10,000)
Profit for the year $50,625
Bond Ltd.
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2018
Share Retained
capital Earnings Total
$ $ $
Balance at 1 January 2018 260,000 120,125 380,125
Profit for the year 50,625 50,625
Dividends (7,200) (7,200)
Balance at 31 December 2018 260,000 163,550 $423,550
Bond Ltd.
Statement of Financial Position
As at 31 December 2018
$ $
Non-current assets
Land 80,000
Buildings, less accumulated depreciation
(247,600 - (18,000+10,505)) 219,095
Furniture and Fixtures, less accumulated
depreciation (15,000 - (9,000+1,500)) 4,500
Current assets
Inventories (94,700-8,000) 86,700
Accounts receivables, less allowance for doubtful 86,925
accounts ((79,500+12,000) – 4,575)
Prepaid insurance 5,000
Cash 50,250
Total current assets 228,875
Total assets $532,470
Share Capital 260,000
Retained earnings 163,550
Total Equity 423,550
Non-current Liabilities
Loans Payable 18,000
Current liabilities
Accounts Payable 72,700
Interest Payable 120
Sales Commission payable 900
Dividends payable 7,200
Tax Payable 10,000
Total current liabilities 90,920
Total equity and liabilities $532,470
Question 3
1. Furniture – correction of error
Dr. Furniture and fixtures 12,000
Cr. Administrative expenses 12,000
2. Depreciation expense
Dr. Depreciation expense – plant and equipment 22,750
Cr. Accumulated depreciation – plant and equipment 22,750
3. Inventory count
No entry
4. Tax payable
Dr. Tax expense 4,000
Cr. Tax payable 4,000
5. Interest payable
Dr. Interest expense 1,200
Cr. Interest payable (120,000*6%*2/12) 1,200
6. Proposed dividends
No entry
b) P&G Co.
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2018
Note $
Sales (409,000-20,430) 388,570
Cost of goods sold 1 (201,220)
Gross profit 187,350
Administrative expenses 2 (63,900)
Selling expenses (48,650)
Other operating expenses 3 (47,100)
Operating profits $27,700
Interest expense (3,600+1,200) (4,800)
Profits before tax 22,900
Tax expense (4,000)
Profits for the year $18,900
Note 2: Administrative expense
Administrative expenses (39,900-12,000) 27,900
Office Rent expense 36,000
P&G Co.
Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2018
Share Retained
capital Earnings Total
$ $ $
Balance at 1 January 2018 100,000 108,020 208,020
Profit for the year 18,900 18,900
Dividends (interim) (9,000) (9,000)
Balance at 31 December 2018 100,000 117,920 $217,920
P&G Co.
Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2018
$ $
Non-current assets
Plant and Equipment (net)
(227,500 – (46,780+22,750)) 157,970
Furniture and fixtures (net)
((65,500+12,000) - (21,300+7,350)) 48,850
Current assets
Inventories 60,000
Accounts Receivables, less allowance for doubtful 89,200
accounts (91,000 – 1,800)
Cash 34,400
Current liabilities
Current portion of Loans Payable (30,000)
Accounts Payables (47,300)
Interest Payable (1,200)
Tax Payable (4,000)
Net current assets 101,100
Total assets less current liabilities 307,920
Non-current liabilities
Loans Payable (120,000 – 30,000) (90,000)
Net assets $217,920
Share Capital 100,000
Retained earnings 117,920
Question 4
1. Insurance expired $ $
Dr. Insurance expense 4,800
Cr. Prepaid insurance (8,000*3/5) 4,800
3. Depreciation expense
Dr. Depreciation expense – equipment 24,000
Cr. Accumulated depreciation – equipment 24,000
4. Rent income
Dr. Unearned rent (15,000*5/8) 9,375
Cr. Rent income 9,375
5. Wages payable
Dr. Wages expense 6,000
Cr. Wages payable 6,000
6. Tax payable
Dr. Tax payable (5,200 – 3,000) 2,200
Cr. Tax expense 2,200
7. Dividends Payable
Dr. Dividends 8,000
Cr. Dividends Payable 8,000
Golden Limited
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2018
Note $
Sales 795,200
Cost of sales (432,300)
Gross profit 362,900
Other income – Rent income 9,375
Administrative expenses 1 (177,560)
Selling and Distribution expenses 2 (97,740)
Other operating expense 3 (77,300)
Profit before tax 19,675
Tax expense (5,200-2,200) (3,000)
Profit for the year $16,675
Golden Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2018
Share Retained
capital Earnings Total
$ $ $
Balance at 1 January 2018 170,000 66,500 236,500
Shares issued 30,000 30,000
Profit for the year 16,675 16,675
Dividends (8,000) (8,000)
Balance at 31 December 2018 200,000 75,175 $275,175
Golden Limited
Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2018
$ $
Non-current assets
Equipment, less accumulated depreciation 138,400
(220,600-16,200) - (42,000+24,000)
Current assets
Inventories 110,000
Trade debtors, less allowance for bad debts
(127,200–3,300) 123,900
Prepaid insurance (8,000-4,800) 3,200
Cash 79,300
Current liabilities
Trade creditors (57,000)
Unearned rent (15,000-9,375) (5,625)
Wages Payable (6,000)
Tax Payable (3,000)
Dividends Payable (8,000)
Net current assets 236,775
Total assets less current liabilities 375,175
Non-current liabilities
Loans Payable (100,000)
Net assets $275,175
Share Capital 200,000
Retained earnings 75,175
Total Equity $275,175