Paper 9709/12 Pure Mathematics 1
Paper 9709/12 Pure Mathematics 1
Paper 9709/12 Pure Mathematics 1
Paper 9709/12
Pure Mathematics 1
Key messages
Several questions on this paper required clear verbal explanations. One thing candidates could improve on
for the future is to make sure their intended meaning and each stage in their workings are made clear.
General comments
When a question requires more than one answer candidates are encouraged to look for ways in which
additional solutions may be generated.
Question 1
The understanding of the requirement to integrate f’(x) and the skills to do so were evident in most answers.
The correct calculation of the constant of integration was also seen extensively. Whist denominators
containing fractions are given credit in the working for the integration and the constant it is expected that the
final expression of y or f(x) will have no fractions in any denominators.
Question 2
The elimination of y to obtain a quadratic equation in x and the calculation of the discriminant was the only
method seen in this question and it was often used very successfully. The solution of the resulting inequality
in c was challenging for some candidates but where a sketch was used the correct regions were nearly
always selected.
Question 3
(a) Most candidates were able to select the required term and then evaluate it. Occasionally the use of
brackets around the variable terms was a source of errors. The selection of the required term
should be encouraged rather than generating a complete expansion.
(b) The need to consider the answer to part (a) and the term in x −3 was seen in many responses and
those who didn’t make sign errors often reached the correct final answer.
Question 4
The two equations linking the given terms were nearly always quoted correctly. The algebra involved in the
elimination from these of r or a and d was completed correctly in the better answers. Sign and algebraic
errors were seen in a considerable number of answers, and these made it challenging for candidates to be
able to use the arithmetic progression sum formula even though they appreciated this was required.
Question 5
(a) The required form was often quoted correctly but sometimes confused with the form 2( x − a)2 + b .
However, most answers gained some credit. An area candidates can improve on is reducing the
amount of working they do as this will help them reach the right answer more easily.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(b) Many candidates were able to clearly express a correct sequence of transformations. Most
candidates showed a clear description of translations using vectors and the use of a scale factor
and direction with the stretch.
Question 6
(a) Most candidates were able to substitute the linear equation into the circle equation and went on to
reach a correct quadratic equation in x. When this was solved using an acceptable method
(factorisation, formula or completing the square) full marks were commonly gained.
Candidates should note that a clear method must be shown for solving a quadratic if full marks are
to be awarded.
(b) A variety of methods were used for finding the equation of the circle. A popular successful method
was to find the centre of the circle and the midpoint of AB and equate the distance between them to
the radius of the required circle. Candidates should check their work carefully as sign errors were
common in finding the distance between the two points. Equally successful were those who let the
equation of the circle be (x + 1)2 + (y – 2)2 = r2 and solved this with the equation of AB and realising
that the resulting equation had equal roots, set the discriminant to zero to find r2 . The
straightforward method of finding the radius as the distance of the centre from the line AB using a
formula was rarely used but was usually successful.
Question 7
(a) Obtaining an expression with a common denominator was well understood as was expanding
brackets. As in other questions careful checking of working would have enabled candidates to spot
the common sign errors. Use of cos2 θ + sin2θ = 1 was well understood and most candidates who
were able to simplify the numerator of their single fraction went on to reach the correct expression.
As with any question where the answer is given it is expected that candidates will show clearly
each step in their working.
(b) Most answers showed the result of part (a) equated to 5 and most of these reached a correct value
of cos θ. A minority found both values of cos θ and both values of θ. It should be noted that the
units of the answer should be the same as the units of the given domain.
Question 8
(a) The algebraic requirements for this part were well understood with a majority of candidates
answering this question correctly. A few errors such as taking a negative square root or
interchanging the coordinates of A and B could have been avoided if the given diagram had been
used more effectively.
(b) Most candidates rearranged the circle equation and set up a correct integral. The integration was
mostly carried out successfully. Finding the volume of the cylinder where it was seen was generally
done successfully either using the volume of a cylinder formula or by integration. The substitution
of the upper and lower limits from part (a) had to be shown for full marks to be awarded.
Question 9
(a) Those candidates who followed the guidance for this exam and showed their methods clearly were
able to gain all marks either by squaring 4 x 2 = 1 + x and solving the resulting quadratic equation or
1 1
by solving x − 4 x 2 + 1 = 0 as a quadratic in x 2 and squaring the two answers. Candidates need to
understand that 2 − 3 was in the domain and knowing this would have enabled them to find the
second x value.
(b) The required composite function was nearly always found correctly and usually expanded and
equated to f(x) correctly. Only the better answers showed this expression treated as an identity and
the correct values of m and n appropriately selected. Candidates who had solved part (a) by first
writing f(x) in completed square form were able to quickly compare this with their initial form of the
composite function to find m and n correctly.
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 10
(a) The trigonometry skills needed to find the required angles were evident in most answers.
Candidates worked in angles or degrees to find the arc lengths correctly. The 5, 12, 13 triangle was
often recognised and DE quoted correctly. Some candidates angles found to two decimal places
which in this case led to acceptable answers for the perimeter. This will not always be the case and
working should always be carried out using one more level of accuracy than the final answer
(b) This proved to be straightforward for those who had correct angles from part (a) and were able to
use the sector area formula. In this part angles rounded to two decimal places did not lead to an
area in the required range.
Question 11
(a) The requirement to integrate y was apparent to all but the lowest scoring candidates and many
error free first derivatives were seen. Setting this derivative to zero was often seen but algebraic
errors resulted in few completely correct answers. Some candidates expanded ( 3x − k ) too early
or didn’t include the negative square root. Avoiding these errors would have also enabled them to
answer the question successfully.
(b) Most candidates chose to differentiate f(x) and solve f’(x) = 0 rather than using k = 4 with their
answer to part (a) even when it was available. The use of the second derivative was usually seen
although only the best answers showed a correct process and clear explanation of the nature of the
turning point. An area candidates can improve on is making their workings out, methods and
explanations clearer.
(c) Here again the need to use the first derivative was seen in most answers. The justification of the
first derivative always being positive had to be shown through reference to the nature of the terms
within the derivative rather than the substitution of values into the derivative.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9709/22
Pure Mathematics 2
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9709/32
Pure Mathematics 3
Key messages
General comments
The standard of responses on this question paper was quite varied. Many candidates applied their
knowledge and skills well, but others needed to show all their working which would have enabled them to
perform better. For example, on Question 4, there was a given answer and candidates must ensure that they
show all their working for such a question.
Candidates should ensure that they read the question carefully and try to fulfil all of its requirements
especially where they are asked to give their answer in an exact form, as in Question 9 and Question 11(b).
In Question 9 the candidates are tested on their knowledge of the laws of logarithms as the question
requests the answer to be in an exact form, as opposed to simply using a calculator. Likewise in Question
11(b) the examiner is requesting an exact form to ensure that candidates know the exact value of sine or
cosine of as opposed to its numerical value obtained from the calculator.
Candidates are reminded to write clearly, with letters and symbols of a reasonable size, and work logically
down the page to help the reader to understand their solutions.
Question 1
Most candidates opted to solve the quadratic equation as opposed to pairs of simultaneous equations.
However regardless of the approach the critical values were usually correct. Many candidates chose the
incorrect region in their final answer or decided that - was less than ‒3.
Question 2
Many candidates incorrectly stated their centre as one of (–2, –3), (2, 3) or (2, –3). Although the radius of the
correctly centred circle was usually denoted to be 2 and usually went through the point (0, 3), in many cases
it did not also pass through, or close to, the points (–2, 5), (–2, 1) and (–4, 3). The half line was often a full
line or did not bisect the 90° angle at the origin in the second quadrant, in fact it often passed through the
centre of the circle itself. Even candidates with all the required features correct often shaded the region
inside the circle to be that below the half-line, see Key messages.
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Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 3
Candidates generally found this question challenging but many were able to take logarithms of the given
equation. Common errors occurred when candidates either substituted lnx and lny into the given equation,
for example used (0.31, 1.21), instead of the exponential values from the given coordinates. Some also
substituted ln(lnx) and ln(lny) into the simplified equation found by taking logarithms of the given equation, for
example using (ln(0.31), ln(1.21)), rather than (0.31, 1.21), see Key messages.
Question 4
Candidates generally found this question to be challenging, a common error was incorrect chain rule
dy dy dθ
application. Some candidates confused θ with x in sin θ and dθ, whilst others replaced with ÷
dx d θ dx
and then went straight from (cosθ–1) to −2sin2 without showing any working, see Key messages.
Question 5
Many candidates found this question rather straightforward and produced some excellent responses were
seen. Candidates need to ensure they know the correct expansion formula for tan(α + β) and are reminded
to double check their working out, as arithmetic errors were common. Candidates who commonly scored 5
marks did not obtain the obtuse angle required.
Question 6
Most candidates successfully identified that they needed to introduce w = x + iy and w* = x – iy and this
enabled them to complete the question successfully. Candidates who tried to work with w and w* found it
more difficult to do so. However, when equating real and imaginary parts candidates needed to understand
that the imaginary part of 1 was 0, not 1. That meant the equation arising from this incorrect equating of
imaginary parts could not be solved. Those candidates that did realise that the imaginary part of the right
side of the equation was 0 usually were able to establish one of the roots. The other root often disappeared
from x being cancelled out as opposed to being set to zero. Few candidates included w = 2 – i, having been
given that real(w) ⩽ 0, see Key messages.
Question 7
(a) Candidates need to bear in mind that sketching and plotting graphs are different processes. Most
candidates just plotted around 4 points for each graph and joined these points. Without graph
paper and an accurate scale it is impossible to obtain a smooth curve using this approach.
Candidates need to be aware that sketched graphs should show the main features of the functions
over nearly the whole interval. So y1 = 4 – x2 needs to be a smooth curve passing through (0, 4)
and (2, 0), with an increasing negative gradient, and reaching x = π or close to that value. Whereas
y 2 = sec x should pass through (0, 1), have an increasing gradient and have a large value of y
as x approaches π. In addition the point of intersection needs to be related to the root by some
means or other, usually via being highlighted or some comment at the side of the graphs.
(b) Candidates needed to understand that the values 1 and 2 are not in degrees, knowing this would
have helped them to answer this question successfully. They should have been comparing the
values of y1 and y2 at these two values of x (using radians) or comparing y2 ‒ y1 with zero.
However, it should be noted that there are many other functions that can be used at these values,
1 2
for example x and 4 − sec x
(c) Many candidates used degrees to answer this question, therefore were unable to get the correct
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 8
(a) Many candidates answered this question well. Occasionally candidates made arithmetic errors
towards the end of their long division.
(b) Candidates needed to be aware of the link between parts (a) and (b) and doing so would have
helped them answer this question more successfully. Some candidates identified the relationship
between the two parts but were unable to express the integrand as Quotient + , often
4 x2 +1
omitting the denominator and finishing with the integrand 2x + 7. Other candidates had the quotient
divided by (4x2 + 1). This was all before reaching the integration stage. When integration did take
place, it usually resulted in the quotient being integrated correctly but the rest either being a ln
term, or a multiple of tan–1(2x) with an incorrect coefficient. Some candidates who reached an
expression of the form ax2 + bx + ktan–1(2x) but they needed to return their tan–1(1) as and not
45°, see Key messages.
Question 9
Most candidates separated correctly and integrated the term for the first two marks. Others managed to
introduce partial fractions to convert the integrand of the function of x into a form that they could integrate.
Most of these candidates were successful with the integration of but struggled with the coefficient
x +1
when integrating . Evaluating the value of the constant of integration and determining y(3), where
3x + 1
exact values were required, usually saw candidates turning to decimals when this was not required, see Key
Question 10
(a) Most candidates could establish vector AB correctly, although some candidates thought that this
was the vector equation of the line. Many candidates used the correct method for the vector
equation of the line, however the left hand side of this equation was commonly either expressed in
words, or vector AB or denoted by lAB instead of the vector r.
(b) Correct angles were often found by those candidates commencing with the correct directions of AB
and l. Several candidates had at least one of these vectors incorrect as they used either a point on
line l or OA or OB.
(c) Nearly all candidates correctly established a general point on the line AB or l in component form
and solved for one of the line parameters. Some candidates, having found the parameter correctly,
made a mistake in trying to show that the coordinates of the points of intersection were different for
the two lines. It should be stated that there are many different approaches by which this question
can be solved by using any pair of equations from the available three equations. In addition
candidates can compare points of intersection or different values of a parameter found using
different pairs of equations.
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Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 11
(a) Most candidates knew how to proceed with this question but experienced problems applying the
chain rule to cos2x. Although this problem could be made much simpler by substituting for cos2x in
terms of cos2x this is not usually the case and it is advisable to just differentiate the given
expression, as such substitutions often lead to other problems. Despite an incorrect differentiation
using the chain rule, provided the error was restricted to the omission of the factor 2, it was
possible to equate the derivative to zero following one or two substitutions of the double angle
formulae and establish an equation that was acceptable for the method marks. 2sin2x was often
replaced by 2sinxcosx making it very difficult to know if the double angle substitution was correct. It
is essential that the initial differentiation is undertaken virtually correct otherwise it is impossible to
establish a correct trigonometrical equation that is solvable.
(b) Many candidates struggled to establish a correct integral in terms of u, however many good
attempts were seen. A common error was the inaccurate replacement of cos2x by 2cos2x – 1
accurately. If candidates established the correct integral in u they usually completed the question
successfully, although occasionally the x limits were muddled with the u limits or they were
reversed, see Key messages.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9709/42
Key messages
• Non-exact numerical answers are required correct to three significant figures or angles correct to one
decimal place as stated on the question paper (See Question 3, Question 4 and Question 5).
Candidates would be advised to carry out all working to at least 4 significant figures if a final answer is
required to 3 significant figures.
• When answering questions involving an inclined plane, a force diagram could help candidates to include
all relevant terms when forming a Newton’s Law equation or a work/energy equation. This was
particularly noticeable here in Question 3, Question 4 and in Question 7.
• In questions such as Question 6 in this paper, where acceleration is given as a function of time, then
calculus must be used and it is not possible to apply the equations of constant acceleration.
General comments
There were some excellent responses which demonstrated clear method. Overall a wide range of
performance was seen but the questions were generally well answered.
Some candidates did not give answers to 3 significant figures as requested and prematurely approximated
within their calculations leading to the final answer. This was often seen in Questions 3, 4 and 5. In
Question 4 and Question 7 the sine of an angle is given in the question. In such questions it was not
necessary to determine the actual angle to 1 decimal place as this often leads to premature approximation
and frequently also to a loss of accuracy marks. In fact if this exact angle is not used then it is not possible to
achieve the correct given answer in Question 7(a).
One of the rubrics on this paper is to take g = 10 and it has been noted that virtually all candidates are now
following this instruction. In fact in some cases it is impossible to achieve a correct given answer, such as in
this paper in Question 7(a), unless this value is used.
Question 1
(a) The majority of candidates answered this part well. It was necessary to find the potential energy
gained in the process of raising the block by 15 m. In addition to this the given work done against
resistance must be added. Most candidates correctly found the potential energy. A common error
was to subtract the given work done against resistance instead of adding it.
(b) Many candidates correctly attempted to find the required time by using the definition of average
Work done
power in the form Average power = . Some candidates preferred to use the
Total Work Done
relationship P = Fv but this required finding the average force acting as F =
and the average velocity v = needed to travel 15 m in t seconds. Either method was
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 2
(a) In this question there were several different approaches that could be taken but all of these used
one or more of the equations for constant acceleration. The most straightforward approach which
was adopted by the majority of candidates was to use the equation v2 = u2 + 2as with v = 0, a = –g
and s = 20. Care must be taken when using this equation, if the upwards direction is taken as
positive, to ensure the correct sign of the acceleration. This error led to solutions in which some
candidates’ value of u2 was negative. Overall most candidates found this result correctly.
(b) In this part of the question there were several different possible approaches. A method used by
many candidates was to use the equation s = ut + at 2 with s = 15, u = 20, a = –g and solve this
to find the two values of t when the particle is at 15 m above the ground. By subtracting the two
values the required time that the particle is at least 15 m above the ground can be found. Most
candidates found the correct value. Some added the two t values instead of subtracting. Others
used the incorrect sign for the acceleration.
Question 3
(a) In this question, since the car-trailer system is travelling at constant speed, the problem can be
solved either in terms of a work/energy equation or in terms of the forces acting on the system.
40 000
Those who chose to use forces had to determine the constant frictional force as . As the
system moves with constant speed, the net force acting parallel to the hill must be zero. This
means that the component of the weight of the car-trailer system down the plane is equal to the
resistance force. Solving this equation gives the required value of m. Alternatively an energy
approach could be taken in which the loss of potential energy is exactly balanced by the given work
done against resistances. Most candidates performed well on this question. Some lost accuracy in
their final answer by prematurely approximating their calculations.
(b) In this part of the question either the car or the trailer must be considered separately since the
tension in the tow-bar is required. The most straightforward approach is to apply Newton’s second
law to the trailer using a = 0. If the force in the tow-bar is treated as a tension then the forces acting
down the hill are the required tension and the component of the weight of the trailer. These two
forces are balanced by the resistance force on the trailer of 200 N. Equating these forces gives the
required tension. Candidates found this part to be challenging, often as they did not consider the
component of the weight of the trailer.
Question 4
(a) This question was well done by the majority of candidates. The problem involved applying
Newton’s second law to the motion of the cyclist and this involved four terms. First it is necessary
P 180
to determine the driving force, DF, by using the formula DF = = . The forces acting on the
v 6
cyclist are the driving force, the component of the weight of the cyclist and bicycle down the hill and
the required resistance force F . This combination of forces is equated to mass × acceleration and
this can then be solved for F . Candidates needed to ensure they used the correct component of
the weight, check there were no sign errors and not leave out force terms. This would have helped
them to answer the question successfully.
(b) In this part there is no acceleration as it is required to find the steady speed. The forces acting are
the new driving force , the component of the weight down the hill and the resistance force
found in 4(a). The driving force is balanced by the sum of the resistance force and the component
of the weight and this equation leads to the required value of v. Some candidates continued to use
the 30 N driving force found in 4(a). Other common errors generally involved incorrect signs and
trigonometric errors.
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 5
(a) Overall, candidates made a good attempt at this question. The method used by most candidates
was to resolve the given forces horizontally and vertically and equate both of these to zero since
the forces are in equilibrium. At this stage this gives two simultaneous equations in F and G which
must be solved. The majority of errors that were seen were numerical errors involved in the
solution. Several candidates prematurely approximated during their calculations and so lost the
accuracy of their final answer.
(b) In this part of the question many candidates misunderstood the wording. It is given that the
resultant force is perpendicular to the 10 N force. This means that there is a zero component in the
vertical direction (the direction of the 10 N). Hence the sum of the components of the forces parallel
to the direction of the 10 N force must be equated to zero and this gives the required value of G.
However, many candidates incorrectly equated the sum of the horizontal components of the forces
to zero.
Question 6
(a) Many good responses to this question part were seen. Since the acceleration is given as a function
of t the constant acceleration equations cannot be applied and that calculus techniques are
required. The value of k that is required is the time at which the particle is at rest and so it is
necessary to find the velocity v by integrating the given acceleration and setting this to zero. The
majority of candidates took this approach. The most common errors were in solving the resulting
equation, with some candidates having difficulty with the fractional powers.
(b) In this part of the question it is necessary to determine when the particle reaches its maximum
velocity. This occurs when the acceleration is zero and so the given expression for a must be set to
zero and solved to find the time t at which the particle reaches its maximum velocity. Once this
value of t has been found it can be substituted into the expression for v found in 6(a) which enables
the required velocity to be found. Most candidates performed well on this part. The majority of the
errors seen were in solving the equation a = 0 due to the challenge of dealing with fractional
(c) In this part an expression for the displacement is required. This can be found by integrating the
expression found for velocity in 6(a). Most candidates made a good attempt at this integration.
Once this expression is found it is necessary to use limits on the integral. The upper limit is the
value of k found in 6(a) and the lower limit is the value of t found in 6(b). It is important to make
sure that these upper and lower limits are used correctly.
Question 7
(a) This question involves an exact given answer. In order to achieve this value correctly use must be
made of the given exact angle property but the angle itself must not be approximated. There are
two possible approaches, either a work/energy method or one involving acceleration and Newton’s
Laws. Either method is acceptable. If the Newton’s law approach is taken, firstly the acceleration
must be found from the given information. Newton’s law can then be applied along the wire using
this acceleration to determine the friction force, F. Resolving forces perpendicular to the plane will
give a value for the normal reaction, R. Use can then be made of the relationship μ = in order to
prove that the value of μ = 0.25. Most candidates used this method and many good solutions were
seen. Some candidates needed to take care when making calculations and to ensure they were
confident using the right symbols and terms for Newton’s law equation.
(b) In this part it is first necessary to apply the principle of conservation of momentum to the two
particles so that the initial speed of particle B can be found. Newton’s law must then be applied to
particle B to determine its acceleration from the given information relating to the coefficient of
friction between B and the wire. The acceleration of A is the same as in 7(a). Since the initial
velocities and the accelerations of both particles are known, it is now possible to find expressions
for the displacements of A and B after the collision. Equating these two expressions gives the time
at which A and B collide again. Most candidates applied the principle of conservation of momentum
correctly. However, many continued to use the displacement 0.45 m which did not have any
involvement in this part. Errors were commonly seen in finding the acceleration of B.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9709/52
Probability & Statistics 1
Key messages
Candidates should be aware of the need to communicate their method clearly. Simply stating values often
does not provide sufficient evidence of the calculation undertaken, especially when there are errors earlier in
the solution. When errors are corrected, candidates would be well advised to cross through and replace the
term, rather than overwriting.
Candidates should state only non-exact answers to 3 significant figures, exact answers should be stated
exactly. It is important that candidates realised the need to work to at least 4 significant figures throughout to
justify a 3 significant figure value. The only exception is if a value is stated within the question. It is an
inefficient use of time to convert an exact fractional value to an inexact decimal equivalent, there is no
requirement for probabilities to be stated as a decimal.
The interpretation of success criteria is an essential skill for this component. Candidates would be well
advised to include this within their preparation.
Candidates should be aware that different skills and techniques can be included in the same question part,
for example, Question 2(b), and to be confident in using work that has already been completed in later
question parts, for example Question 4(c) could efficiently utilise work from 4(a) and 4(b).
General comments
Although many well-structured responses were seen, some candidates made it difficult to follow their thinking
within their solution by not using the response space in a clear manner. The best solutions often included
some simple notation to clarify the process that was being used.
The use of simple sketches and diagrams can help to clarify both context and information provided. These
were often seen in successful solutions. Candidates should be aware that histograms are a visual
representation of the distribution and should be constructed accurately. It was encouraging that the labelling
of the statistical diagram has improved.
Sufficient time seems to have been available for candidates to complete all the work they were able to,
although some candidates did not complete the last question. A few candidates did not appear to have
prepared well for the assessment, with little or no progress made in many questions. Many good solutions
were seen for Questions 1 and 4. The context in Questions 2, 5 and 6 was found to be challenging for
Question 1
(a) Almost all candidates attempted a probability distribution table. The best solutions included an
outcome space diagram which was an efficient method to identify the required probabilities.
Weaker solutions often struggled with the negative numbers and contained arithmetical errors. A
small number of solutions omitted 0 as an outcome. In general, probabilities were given as
fractions but some candidates converted to decimals and then rounded to 3 significant figures,
which resulted in a total probability greater than 1. Where a calculation approach was used, most
solutions determined the final probability by subtracting from 1.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(b) Most candidates used the standard variance formula accurately with the values from the probability
distribution table in 1(a). The best solutions provided a fully unsimplified expression while weaker
solutions stated the values to be summed. A small number of solutions also calculated E(X) rather
than use the value provided.
Very few solutions used the more numerically complex P ( X ) ( X − E ( X ) ) approach and when
Question 2
(a) This binomial approximation question was answered well by many candidates. The best solutions
stated the unsimplified expression and then calculated the final answer using the calculator
efficiently. Misinterpreting the success criteria was the most common error with many answers
including two days in the calculated probability. The interpretation of success criteria is an essential
skill in this component, and something that candidates would be well advised to practice.
A small number of candidates worked to 3 significant figures throughout, and this premature
approximation did not lead to a value within the acceptable range.
(b) Most candidates found this two-stage problem extremely challenging. The best solutions refined
the method from 2(a) with the new success criteria and then stated an unsimplified binomial term
for two of the three periods fulfilling the given requirement. Many solutions were incomplete, either
simply attempting to find the probability of 0 out of 7 days with more than 10 cm of rain and some
also tried calculating the probability of 0 out of 21 days with more than 10 cm of rain.
Question 3
The quality of histograms presented in this question was variable, with many being drawn without the use of
a ruler, which is unlikely to provide the expected level of accuracy. Most diagrams used scales that were
reasonable and sensible to achieve accurate plots from their values.
(a) The best solutions stated the class widths before calculating the frequency density, used scales
which enabled values to be plotted accurately, often translating the time axis so that the continuity
adjustment was on a grid line, used a ruler for lines and labelled both axes appropriately. A
common error was to assume the upper boundary of the class was stated in the data table, which
led to incorrect frequency densities and placement of the class boundaries on the histogram. It was
encouraging that the inclusion of units in the time axis label was more common.
The weakest solutions simply constructed a bar chart from the data table.
(b) Although a large number of candidates identified the correct class containing the median value, the
best solutions included justification for the decision. A common error was to simply state the middle
class from the data table without justification.
(c) A significant number of candidates made no attempt at this part. Candidates who attempted this
question usually correctly referenced that the data was skewed, although better responses tried to
give an orientation to the skew which was not required and there was some confusion about the
appropriate description (left or negative skew would be anticipated). Some candidates identified
that the data was not symmetrical. Many comments referred to outliers or extreme values, often in
a generic manner, which was not relevant in this context.
Question 4
Almost all candidates recognised that the question required the normal approximation throughout, and that
the variable was continuous and did not require a continuity correction to be used in the standardisation
formula. The best solutions often contained a sketch of the normal distribution curve with the required
probability area highlighted.
(a) Almost all candidates substituted accurately at least once into the standardisation formula. A
variety of different approaches for obtaining the required probability area were seen, with the best
solutions providing clear supporting justification for the calculation. A noticeable number of
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
solutions were inaccurate due to premature approximation in the process and Φ(1.16) being found.
A common error was to simply find the difference between Φ(1.167) and Φ(1.5).
A small number of candidates assumed that 46 and 62 were equidistant from the mean.
(b) The best solutions stated the appropriate critical z-value, formed an equation with the
standardisation formula and solved with clear supporting algebra. Candidates should note that the
use of critical values from the tables is an expectation within the component and alternative values
will not gain full credit. A number of solutions which found a z-value subtracted from 1 prior to
forming the equation while others equated a probability with the standardisation formula.
(c) A significant number of candidates made no attempt at this question and many found it very
challenging. The best solutions recognised that the question built upon the previous parts, using
their work in 4(a) to state P(male < 46) and the standard deviation from 4(b) to calculate
P(female < 46). Weaker solutions often recalculated P(male < 46) and used the male standard
deviation to calculate P(female < 46). The majority of candidates who obtained two probabilities did
find the product as required, although the common error was finding their sum, although the
difference was also seen if previous errors resulted in a sum greater than 1.
Question 5
Most candidates identified that the use of combinations and permutations was required in the question and
that part (c) required a different approach to the other parts. The use of simple diagrams to visualise the
given criteria was often seen in good solutions.
(a) Most solutions recognised that this was a fairly standard selection question involving combinations.
The most common approach was to combine the boys and girls into a single group to choose 4
from, although candidates who considered all the scenarios that the boys and girls could be
selected to form a group were normally successful. Many solutions did not identify that there were
five different adults that could join the group and omitted to multiply by 5. A small number of
solutions added rather than multiplied by this value.
(b) A large number of candidates recognised the structure of the success criteria and identified the
possible scenarios initially. The best solutions used a systematic approach when listing, stated
unsimplified calculations for each scenario before summing to obtain a total. Common errors were
to either only calculate the number of ways the adults could be selected in each scenario or
assume that the boys and girls not selected for the scenario were included with the adults. The
omission of possible scenarios often occurred when a less systematic approach to listing was
Candidates should be aware that clear communication of their method is expected, and in
questions like this linking calculations to scenarios should be explicit.
A number of responses unsuccessfully attempted to use an approach where two boys and one girl
are selected initially and then the remaining two members of the group would be selected from the
nine people but did not consider where selections are repeated.
(c) Many found this question very challenging. The best solutions nearly always had a simple diagram
that visualised the requirements of the question. The diagram could guide directly to the required
calculation for the number of arrangements. Weaker solutions either used combinations to select
the two adults for the ends or simply assumed that there was only one way to select these adults. A
common error was to calculate the number of arrangements that the three boys could stand in.
Several correct unsimplified expressions were evaluated inaccurately.
Question 6
Some excellent solutions were seen for the question as a whole. These frequently included a tree diagram to
assist with parts (c) to (e), clear communication of the success criteria in parts (a) and (b) and accurate
evaluation of probabilities using fractions.
(a) The majority of candidates identified that a geometric approximation was appropriate. However,
many did not interpret the success criteria accurately and calculated either the sixth or eighth
chocolate chosen would have a lemon flavour. Weaker solutions simply calculated the probability
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
of not choosing six lemon flavour chocolates. Candidates should be aware that the interpretation of
success criteria is essential in this component.
(b) A significant number of candidates did not attempt this question. The best solutions recognised that
choosing a lemon flavour chocolate after checking at least six chocolates has the same probability
as not choosing a lemon chocolate six times. The alternative approach of finding the complement
of the probability of choosing a lemon flavour on either the first, second, … and sixth selection was
usually successful when attempted. A small number of candidates used a binomial approximation
approach without success.
(c) Most candidates recognised that there was a new scenario for this part.
This was quite a straightforward without replacement probability context, with the best solutions
including some justification for the calculation presented identifying that there were initially 10
chocolates which were not flavoured orange. Many candidates presented a tree diagram from the
given data, and so identified all the different scenarios that lemon and strawberry flavour
chocolates could be chosen. These individual probabilities were calculated and then totalled. This
more involved approach often involved the omission of one or more possible scenarios. The
weakest attempts often replaced the chosen chocolate or removed the chocolate without reducing
the overall number of chocolates in the box.
(d) Candidates who had drawn a tree diagram in part (c) were often successful in this part, supporting
their solution with outcomes identified on the tree diagram. Almost all solutions presented did use
the correct probabilities without replacement. The most common error was not recognising that
there were different orders that the chocolates could be selected in and omitting to multiply by 6.
(e) Many candidates found this question challenging and a significant number of candidates made little
or no progress to a solution. Better solutions stated the general conditional probability formula, then
calculated the values for the numerator and recognised that the denominator was the answer of
part (c). A common error was not recognising that there were different ways that one lemon and
two strawberry chocolates could be selected.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9709/62
Probability & Statistics 2
Key messages
General comments
This was a reasonably well attempted paper, with most candidates finding questions to demonstrate their
knowledge, though there were questions which candidates found challenging.
The questions on the paper which candidates found particularly demanding were Questions 5(b) and 6(d).
Other questions that some candidates found demanding were 1(b), 6(a) and Question 3 whilst the questions
that many candidates found reasonably straightforward were Questions 4, 5(a), 6(b) and 7(a)(ii).
The comments below indicate common errors and misconceptions, however, there were also some full and
correct solutions presented too.
Question 1
(a) In general this question was reasonably well attempted, though there were the usual cases where
candidates confused the two formulae for the unbiased estimate of the variance. Very few
candidates calculated the biased estimate and calculations to find Σx and Σx2 were mainly
accurate, though there was some confusion between Σx2 and ( Σx)2 . Some candidates did not
maintain 3 significant figure accuracy due to premature rounding.
(b) Many candidates did not identify that the sample size was small and made comments such as ‘the
data items collected were too similar/not varied enough’ or ‘not measured accurately enough’.
Some candidates suggested the whole population needed to be used rather than a sample.
Question 2
Many candidates found this question to be challenging. It is important for candidates to be able to recognise
æ 1ö
the distribution in a given scenario (here B çç300, ÷÷÷ ) and to be able to find a suitable approximating
çè 5ø
distribution (here N(60,48)). Many candidates used an incorrect normal distribution and use of a wrong, or
no, continuity correction was commonly seen. It was important that a clear and valid comparison was shown
between the calculated z and the critical z, or equivalent area comparison (where a common error seen was
to compare with 0.05 rather than 0.025). The conclusion reached must be in context, using non-definite
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9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
language; many candidates merely left their conclusion as ‘Reject H0’ which without further in-context and
non-definite comment (such as ‘there is evidence that the spinner is biased’) this was not sufficient.
Question 3
Candidates also found this question to be challenging. Candidates who successfully realised and used
est(p) = 0.4 were usually successful in at least finding the z value (2.054), and some went on to correctly find
the confidence level of 96 per cent (others incorrectly thought it to be 98 per cent). Many candidates could
not progress with the question without a value for p whilst others incorrectly used 0.445 or 0.355 for p.
Question 4
(a) On this question many candidates correctly declared their hypotheses, standardised to find the
required z value and usually gave a clear and valid comparison in order to make their conclusion.
As in Question 2, it was important to give the conclusion in context and to use language with the
required level of uncertainty. On the whole candidates were confident in their approach to this
(b) Many candidates appreciated that they had to check if H0 had been accepted or rejected in order to
answer the question. Some candidates showed confusion between accepting or rejecting a
hypothesis and it actually being true or false.
Question 5
(a) This part was confidently answered. Use of N(91.5,31.25) was often seen with many candidates
reaching the required answer. Common errors included finding an incorrect value for the variance
and calculated the wrong probability area (> 0.5 rather than < 0.5).
(b) Many candidates found this question part to be particularly challenging. Many correctly found
E(Difference)=0 but commonly errors were made in calculating the variance. Standardising was
often done well, but not all candidates fully realised what the question was asking for. In order to
calculate the probability that the difference in heights between two randomly chosen buildings was
less than 1, the height of (Building1 – Building2) < 1 needed to be considered as well as the height
of (Building2 – Building1) < 1.
Question 6
(a) Candidates needed to be aware that here the probability density function was a quadratic curve
and that the symmetry of the curve meant that the mean was 2. Many candidates did not mention
symmetry and thought that the mean was 2 because the mean of the end points 1 and 3 was 2 with
1+ 3
often being given as their answer. Others stated 3 – 1 = 2 as an incorrect reason for the
mean to be 2.
(b) A large number of candidates were able to correctly show that k was , mostly with sufficient
working provided. Candidates mainly used the fact that the area between 1 and 3 was equal to 1,
but some correctly used the fact that the mean was equal to 2 in order to find k.
(c) A reasonable attempt was made here to find the variance. Common errors included omitting to
subtract the mean squared, and sign errors were common (mostly from omitting the negative sign
from the function).
(d) Many candidates were unsure how to calculate the probability of greater than 2.5 and some
incorrectly used a normal distribution. Those who did a correct calculation to find the probability of
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Level
9709 Mathematics March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
greater than 2.5 usually reached the correct part answer of . However, most candidates though
this was the final answer, or multiplied this answer by 3, and did not answer the question posed.
Question 7
(a) (i) Most candidates used the correct values of 1.2 and 1.08 in their Poisson expressions. However,
few went on to combine their two answers correctly, with many adding them and others leaving
them as two separate answers.
(ii) This part of the question was answered well. Many candidates used the correct value of lambda
(2.28) and used a correct Poisson expression to reach the required answer. Errors included having
an additional incorrect term in their Poisson expression or using an incorrect value of lambda.
(b) Some candidates successfully found that k was 2 but although some found two correct expressions
in λ and μ they did not use them correctly to find k. Algebraic errors were often seen, in particular
the use of 2μ2 rather than (2μ)2.
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