SAC FEM VPM Quality Manual 20APR2020 Final
SAC FEM VPM Quality Manual 20APR2020 Final
SAC FEM VPM Quality Manual 20APR2020 Final
SAC Higg FEM Verification
Quality Assurance Manual
Version 1.0
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
1. QA Activities Overview........................................................................................................... 4
2. Quality Assurance (QA) Procedures ...................................................................................... 7
A. Verifier Body and Verifier Selection Process 7
B. Assessing Verifier Bodies’ (VB) Internal Management Systems 10
C. Desktop Review (DR) 11
D. Counter Verification (CV) 13
E. Duplicate Verification (DV) 18
F. Shadow Verification (SV) 21
G. Feedback from Facilities 23
H. Disputes 24
I. Verifier Scoring 26
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................27
Appendix I – Extreme Cases (for Invalidating Reports) 27
Appendix II – List of Abbreviations 28
Among the suite of tools, the Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is a holistic self-
assessment tool that evaluates the environmental performance of facilities that produce textiles
and apparel. Upon completion of the self-assessment, facilities can choose to verify the
accuracy of their self-assessed results. The SAC approves Higg FEM Verifier Bodies (VB) and
Higg FEM Verifiers based on detailed criteria SAC members have aligned on through the
extensive member engagement process. More details about the Higg FEM Verification
Program can be found at
This Quality Assurance Manual describes the quality assurance (QA) activities that are applied by
the SAC Higg FEM Verification Program Manager (VPM). QA activities are designed to ensure a
qualified pool of SAC approved verifiers is available to Higg FEM users, and to ensure quality and
integrity during the Higg FEM verification process. It includes a description of the goals and
expected outcomes of QA processes and the specific procedures that define how the VPM
executes QA.
QA Activities
In Q4 2019, the SAC conducted a QA pilot to better understand how each Higg FEM QA
activity works and to determine sample size for a 2020 roll out of Higg FEM verification. Based
on the learnings of this pilot, these QA activities were chosen for 2020:
A. Vetting and testing applicant verifiers and verifier bodies (VBs)
B. Assessing VBs’ internal management systems
C. Desktop Reviews
D. Counter Verifications
E. Duplicate Verifications
F. Shadow Verifications
G. Feedback from Facilities
H. Disputes
I. Verifier Scoring
The SAC determines the coverage (exact number of verifications to conduct) for each QA
activity, considering the cost and value of each activity. In determining how many times to
conduct activity, the SAC makes sure that QA ensures the quality of the Higg FEM verification
process and generating insights for overall system improvements.
1. QA Activities Overview
QA activity Why What
Vetting and Through vetting and • Assessing of candidate VBs and Verifiers against
testing of testing applicant Verifier SAC criteria (regarding their experience
Verifiers Bodies (VB) and Verifiers, conducting environmental assessments,
Verifier the VPM ensures that knowledge of legal requirements and
Bodies (VBs) requirements are met international standards and education) for the
regarding professional countries where they propose to operate
experience, internal • Mandatory taking of e-learning training course
quality management on Higg FEM verification program and
systems and auditing processes
• Exam to test candidate Verifiers on technical
skills and knowledge of
skills, and their knowledge of SAC procedures
SAC procedures and
and protocols
Assessment As it is the responsibility An assessment of the policies and procedures VBs
of VBs of VBs to ensure that have in place to ensure their Higg FEM Verifiers’
management Verifiers have the skills competency and consistency of Verification
systems and experience required activities.
to perform Higg FEM
Verifications, these
assessments help ensure
that VBs have the
management system in
place to ensure quality
and integrity of their
Desktop Desktop Reviews are an A Desktop Review is a remote assessment of
Review effective method of verified reports. A Desktop Review assesses report
ensuring that verifiers are content, with a focus on instances where the
completing verification Verifier has provided a corrected response.
reports correctly and that
data in reports is accurate. A Desktop Review identifies any issues in the report,
They are also used to including:
identify aspects of the ● Whether approved and qualified verifiers
SAC system that are not completed the verification
well understood by ● Corrected responses that are inaccurate
verifiers. ● Instances where a facility provides
inconsistent information that is not
corrected by the verifier
● Any instances where it appears that the
question was misunderstood by the verifier,
causing the “corrected response” to be
2. VB Selection process
2.1 Candidate VBs who meet the criteria are approved as Higg FEM VBs and can then have
individual verifiers associated with their organization apply to become Verifiers using the
process outlined below (Section 3).
2.2 All approved VBs are subject to review to ensure that VBs uphold their commitments to
develop policies and procedures on Higg FEM Verifier competence, training and internal
quality management
4. Selection process
4.1 Candidate verifiers who meet the criteria take the required training. Training is delivered
4.2 Once training is complete, Higg FEM Verifier candidates must take an exam.
4.3 Only Verifiers who have completed the training and passed the exam are eligible for Higg
FEM Verifier Status.
6.3 Review
6.3.1 The VPM completes the audit within 14 days of receiving information from the
6.3.2 Additional information may be sought from the applicant based on their
6.3.3 If the applicant provides incorrect data/evidence, they have one additional
chance to provide correct data/evidence.
6.3.4 After performing the audit, the VPM determines whether the self-reported data
provided by the applicant is accurate.
VPM: review applications and apply scoring; determine eligibility based on application score;
administer exam.
SAC: approves criteria
3. Reporting
3.1. The outcomes of VB assessments are recorded in a standard report form.
3.2. Outcomes of VB assessments are shared with VBs so they can take steps to address gaps
in their programs.
4. Corrective Action
4.1. If the VPM finds significant gaps in the VB’s program, the VB will be required to take
corrective action to address those gaps.
4.2. VBs that do not take corrective action may be subject to disqualification of their VB status
and the status of all associated verifiers.
VPM: Select VBs for assessment in coordination with the SAC; ensure this procedure is
consistently followed; qualify staff as VB assessors.
VPM VB Assessor: Conduct VB assessment in line with this procedure and generate report.
SAC: Select VB’s for assessment in coordination with VPM.
VBs: Provide information and documentation, as requested by the VPM
2. Report Review
2.1. Each facility response, verification selection (accurate, inaccurate, no response),
corrected response and verification comments, supporting documents are reviewed.
2.2. The report review identifies any instances where the report is incomplete or where
verified data is not supported with evidence including:
● Unclear language: English answer is interpretable in multiple ways, short answers
that do not do justice to the question.
● Facility responses that were not verified (No “Verification Response” selected).
● Corrected responses that are inaccurate (“Verification Comment” in the tool does not
support “corrected response”).
● Instances where facility provides inconsistent information that is not identified by the
● Instances where it appears that the question was misinterpreted by the verifier,
causing “false positive” response.
● Misapplication or misinterpretation of local statuary requirements.
● Misapplication or misinterpretation of Higg FEM questions.
● Verification data supporting a corrected response is outside the scope of the
verification (prior year).
4. Reporting
4.1. Desktop Review outcomes are recorded in a standard report format.
4.2. Desktop Review reports are completed within 10 working days of selection of the report
4.3. Information regarding Verifier performance is captured in the Verifier scorecard.
4.4. The VPM provides the SAC with a summary of issues identified through Desktop
4.5. Individual Desktop Review reports are not provided to VBs. The VPM aggregates
information on common mistakes and misunderstanding and may issue technical
bulletins to all VBs, so they are informed of common mistakes and critical issues. The
VPM may follow up directly with individual VBs if Desktop Review shows their verifiers
do not understand SAC protocols and the VB needs to take specific action to improve
their reports.
5. Invalidating Reports
5.1. If the Desktop review finds any of the issues listed in Appendix I, Extreme Cases, the VPM
may invalidate the Verification report.
5.2. If VPM determines a report must be invalidated, the VPM informs VBs and the facility
5.2.1. The VPM emails the facility and the VB informs that the report will be invalidated. A
short explanation of why the report is being invalided is provided.
5.2.2.Four calendar days after the facility and VB are informed, the VPM sets the report
status to Verification Invalidated (VRI) on the
5.3. Instances where reports are invalidated due to errors or oversights by the verifier will be
captured in the Verifier scorecard. If a verification is invalidated due to significant issues
with verifier performance, the VPM may suspend the Verifier from conducting additional
verifications. Decisions to suspend Verifiers will be made jointly by the VPM and the SAC.
VPM: ensure this procedure is consistently followed; select reports for review; qualify staff as
report reviewers.
When inconsistencies in data are found a Counter Verification investigates further to assess
whether it is a competency issue (e.g. individual verifier’s knowledge and skills, training program),
a procedural issue (e.g. Verification Protocol quality, VB management procedures), or an ethical
issue (e.g. bribery, corruption).
This procedure defines how the VPM conducts Counter Verifications so that they produce
consistent and reliable feedback on the verification process.
5.3. Differences between initial Verification results and Counter Verification results
5.3.1. Differences between facility responses and what is observed on site and
differences between corrected responses and what is observed on site will be
captured by Counter Verifiers.
5.3.2. Counter Verifiers will spend a portion of the Counter Verification determining the
underlying reasons for the differences between what is contained in the verified
report and what is observed on site. To do this analysis, Counter Verifiers may
conduct additional document review, worker interviews and/or management
5.3.3. If a Counter Verifier observes any differences between what was reported during
the initial verification and the Counter Verification, they investigate fully to
determine whether the discrepancy is due to corruption or falsification of records.
5.3.4. Counter Verifiers will capture as much information as possible on the underlying
reasons for the discrepancies in the Counter Verification report.
5.4. Submission of Counter Verification Data to the VPM
5.4.1. If a Counter Verification is performed by a VB, the Counter Verifier submits an
initial Counter Verification Report to the VPM, using a standard report template
provided by the VPM.
5.4.2. The initial Counter Verification report includes data on what the Counter Verifier
assessed on-site, highlighting any differences between the initial verification and
the Counter Verification.
5.4.3. Initial Counter Verification reports are due to the VPM within 5 business days of
the Counter Verification.
8. Invalidating Reports
8.1. If the Counter Verification finds any of the issues listed in Appendix I, Extreme Cases, the
VPM may invalidate the report.
8.1.1. The VPM emails the facility and the VB informs that the report will be invalidated.
A short explanation of why the report is being invalided is provided.
8.1.2. Four calendar days after the facility and VB are informed, the VPM sets the report
status to VRI on
8.2. Instances where reports are invalidated due to errors or oversights by the verifier will be
reflected in the verifier scorecard. If a Verification is invalidated due to bribery or to
significant issues with verifier performance, the VPM may suspend the verifier from
conducting additional verifications. Decisions to suspend verifiers will be made jointly by
the VPM and SAC.
When inconsistencies in data are found between the original and duplicate verifications, the
VPM investigates further to assess whether it is a competency issue (e.g. individual verifier’s
knowledge and skills, training program), or a procedural issue (e.g. Verification Protocol quality,
VB management procedures), or an ethical issue (e.g. bribery, corruption)
8. Invalidating Reports
8.1. If the Duplicate Verification finds any of the issues listed in Appendix I, Extreme Cases,
the VPM may invalidate the report.
8.1.1. The VPM emails the facility and the VB informs that the report will be invalidated. A
short explanation of why the Verification is being invalided is provided.
8.1.2. Four calendar days after the facility and VB are informed, the VPM sets the report
status to VRI on the
8.2. Instances where reports are invalidated due to errors or oversights by the verifier will be
reflected in the verifier scorecard. If a Verification is invalidated due to bribery or to
significant issues with Verifier performance, the VPM may suspend the Verifier from
conducting additional Verifications. Decisions to suspend Verifiers will be made jointly by
the VPM and SAC.
4. Invalidating Reports
4.1. If during the Shadow Verification, the VPM finds any of the issues listed in Appendix II,
Extreme Cases, the VPM may invalidate the report.
4.2. The VPM emails the facility and the VB informs that the report will be invalidated. A short
explanation of why the Verification is being invalided is provided.
Shadow Verifiers: Conduct Shadow Verifications in line with this procedure
● Ensure that this procedure is followed consistently;
● Conduct QA reviews of Shadow Verification reports;
● Determine Shadow Verification facilities, in cooperation with SAC.
SAC: Approve updates and amendments to this procedure and determine Shadow Verification
facilities, in cooperation with the VPM.
Brands and Facilities: Support and facilitate scheduling of Shadow Verifications
1. Feedback forms
1.1 A feedback form is sent to all facilities after they complete a verification. Facilities are
asked to provide comments on the verification process and verifier conduct.
Completing the form is optional.
2. Feedback outcomes
1.2.1 All feedback is captured and analyzed by the VPM. The VPM provides SAC with reporting
on feedback.
1.2.2 Feedback is used to determine if any SAC system users need additional training, guidance
or support.
VPM: Collect feedback data into database; analyze feedback data;
1. Raising Disputes
1.1. Disputes are instances where a facility has an issue with their verified assessment. The VPM
receives such disputes.
1.2. Only facilities may raise disputes.
1.3. Disputes are raised on the platform. When initiating a dispute, facilities are required
to provide information on the reason for the dispute. This information should be provided in
the Dispute survey which appears when the facility clicks “Dispute Verification” on the left
pane titled “Available Actions” in the module Overview section.
1.4. A facility has one opportunity per verification to raise a dispute. Multiple issues may be
included within a single dispute. For example, if the dispute is raised because the Verifier did
not spend enough time on site and because the Verifier did not speak the language of
management at the Facility, these issues are raised together in one dispute.
1.5. A facility should raise a dispute within 5 days of a verified module with the status being set
to VRC by Verifier
2. Substantiating Disputes
2.1. Within 5 working days, the VPM evaluates the dispute to determine if it is valid.
2.2. To be valid, a dispute must relate to Verifier conduct or the Verification Protocol and must
relate to a specific verification. Question level issues are not considered valid disputes.
2.3. If a dispute is not substantiated, the VPM sets the status of the verified module to VRF on
2.3.1. The VPM notifies the Facility that the dispute is not substantiated.
2.3.2. Within 5 working days after the notification, the VPM sets the status to VRF.
2.4. Disputes that are not substantiated may be treated as complaints. This does not impact the
status of the verified assessment.
3. Investigating Disputes
3.1. If a dispute is substantiated, the VPM investigates.
3.2. The Facility, Verifier and/or VB may be contacted to provide additional information.
3.3. The VPM may consult with SAC regarding the dispute.
3.4. The VPM shall resolve all disputes within 10 working days, unless there is coordination issue
with the related parties.
4. Outcomes of Disputes
4.1. There are three potential outcomes of a dispute: 1) the VPM determines a change is needed
to the report, 2) the VPM determines the report is invalidated or 3) the VPM determines no
change is required and the report is finalized with no edits.
4.1.1. If the VPM determines that a change is needed to the report: The VPM informs the Verifier and Facility of the change required. The VPM sets the status of the verified module to VRC. The Verifier and the Facility have 7 days to make and review the change.
VPM: Collect, review and investigate disputes.
• Verifier failed to spend the appropriate amount of time to properly assess the accuracy
of the facilities self-assessment data. E.g. Although it was recommended that the
Verifier spend two days as per person-day guidance, the verifier only spent one day
and also failed to review all of the energy use documentation provided by the facility.
This lack of review of documentation resulted in the Verifier wrongly noting the self-
assessment question as ‘inaccurate.’ This would be a failure to follow the established
protocols and would be considered unprofessional behavior.
The facility provided an environmental strategy document to the verifier. Upon review the
Verifier determined in their judgement the document did not meet the minimum requirement
for a “Yes” and marked the facilities answer of “Yes” as ‘inaccurate’ and corrected the response
to “No.” The facility disagrees with this assessment. This would be question level disagreement
on the verifier’s judgement. These should be addressed directly with the verifier and Verifier
Body on a collaborative way during the VRC status.
1. Scoring Inputs
1.1. The following sources of data on Verifier performance are used to calculate the verifier
● Verifier exam scores
● Desktop Review outcomes
● Counter Verification outcomes
● Duplicate Verification outcomes
● Shadow Verification outcomes
● Facility feedback
2. Scoring Criteria
2.1. Verifier performance is rated by the VPM according to set criteria.
2.2. A score is provided for each verification for which data is available.
2.3. The scoring inputs described in 1.1 are aggregated into a single numeric verifier score.
2.4. The verifier score is an average score from all verifications for which scores exist.
2.5. Inputs are weighted based on importance (QA items are considered more important than
2.6. Data on scores is stored in VPM database and attached to each verification.
VPM: Collect scoring data and calculate verifier scores
When a verified assessment report is considered invalid, the status ‘’invalidated’’ is attributed in
the and all stakeholders are notified (facility, verifier, end user).