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‘It was like being hit with a brick’: a

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
qualitative study on the effect of
clinicians’ delivery of a diagnosis of eye
disease for patients in primary and
secondary care
Anne Ferrey  ‍ ‍,1 Lucy Moore,1 Jasleen Kaur Jolly  ‍ ‍2,3,4

To cite: Ferrey A, Moore L, ABSTRACT

Jolly JK. ‘It was like being Objectives  To explore patients’ experiences of getting a STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY
hit with a brick’: a qualitative diagnosis of eye disease, the psychological impact of this ⇒ Our study included in-­depth interviews with partic-
study on the effect of clinicians’ ipants who varied in age and time since diagnosis.
and how this could be improved.
delivery of a diagnosis of eye ⇒ Very little other work has looked specifically at the
Design  An exploratory qualitative interview study using a
disease for patients in primary
narrative approach and inductive methods. impact of the way in which a diagnosis of eye dis-
and secondary care. BMJ Open
2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/ Setting  This study was conducted with patients who ease is delivered to patients.
bmjopen-2021-059970 had attended ophthalmic appointments in primary and ⇒ Limitations included poor representation of partici-
secondary care and in opticians located in the South of pants from ethnic minorities.
► Prepublication history and ⇒ Participants were asked to recall their experiences
additional supplemental material of diagnosis that might have occurred some time
Participants  18 people diagnosed with eye disease in
for this paper are available
England. ago, and they may not retain all the information that
online. To view these files,
please visit the journal online Results  Four themes were identified: the convoluted they were told at the time of diagnosis. Moreover,
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/​ process of being diagnosed, the impact of clinicians’ some of these recollections may include practices
bmjopen-2021-059970). words, the search for information and reflections on what that have improved over time.
could be improved. The prolonged wait for a definitive
Received 07 December 2021 diagnosis was a source of frustration and anxiety for many
Accepted 27 June 2022 patients. Professionals’ words and tone when delivering detailed experiences of patients during the
a diagnosis sometimes affected a patient’s view of their process of diagnosis. In particular, the way the
diagnosis and their later ability to come to terms with it. diagnosis is delivered by clinicians can impact
Patients were desperate for information, but many felt they a patient’s perception of their disease and
were not provided with sufficient information at the time their ability to develop coping mechanisms
of diagnosis and did not know whether to trust information and come to terms with their vision loss.6
found online. Participants felt the provision of a hospital
Receiving a diagnosis of a long-­term illness
liaison service and/or counselling could mitigate the
is a profound event in peoples’ lives,7 often
© Author(s) (or their impact on patients and families.
employer(s)) 2022. Re-­use Conclusions  Interactions with clinicians can have a leading to reactions such as shock and devas-
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No lasting impact on how a diagnosis is experienced and how tation.8 Being given a diagnosis of vision loss,
commercial re-­use. See rights well the patient is able to come to terms with their visual in particular, is experienced as a ‘traumatic
and permissions. Published by event’9 as sight is considered by many people
impairment. Receiving little or no information left patients
feeling lost and unsupported. This led them to search for to be their most valued sense, which they
Department of Primary Care
Health Sciences, University of
information from less reliable sources. Clinicians should most dread losing.10
consider how they communicate a diagnosis to patients, However, the shock and upset of being
Oxford, Oxford, UK
Vision and Eye Research how and when they offer information about diagnosis given a diagnosis of eye disease leading to
Institute, Anglia Ruskin and prognosis and where possible signpost patients to vision loss could be mitigated by a sensitive
University, Chelmsford, UK additional support systems and counselling services as
response from the diagnosing clinician. Long-­
Nuffield Department of Clinical early as possible.
Neurosciences, University of
term adjustment to disability is more effective
Oxford, Oxford, UK when the news is given in a positive, empa-
Oxford Eye Hospital, Oxford INTRODUCTION thetic way and includes adequate amounts
University Hospitals NHS The process of being diagnosed with eye of information about the condition.11 12 It is
Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK disease leading to vision loss has a signifi- therefore important to understand how the
Correspondence to cant psychological impact, impairing mental clinician’s words and actions are understood
Dr Jasleen Kaur Jolly; health,1 2 well-­being3 4 and quality of life.5 by the patient, the way these interactions are
​jasleen.​jolly@​aru.​ac.​uk However, little research has focused on the remembered and recounted by the patient

Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 1

Open access

attended various hospitals and care settings in England.

Table 1  Patient demographic data

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Potential participants received an introductory letter and
Frequency an information sheet. In the case of telephone interviews,
Age consent forms were sent and returned via post. Partici-
 <39 years 3 pants were encouraged to ask questions about the study,
 40–59 years 6 and all interviews were arranged at a time and location
(in the case of in-­person interviews) of their choosing. We
 >60 years 9
sought a maximum variation purposive sample in order
Gender to capture a wide range of experiences. Demographic
 Female 9 data are presented in table 1.
 Male 9
Condition Design
This was an exploratory qualitative study. A narrative
 Diabetic retinopathy 1
approach13 and inductive methods elicited in-­depth expe-
 Ushers syndrome type 2 2 riences of participants when diagnosed with eye disease,
 Stargardt disease 2 the psychological impact of this and how this process
 Macular degeneration 2 could be improved. Data were collected through semi-
 Bilateral central vein occlusion 1 structured interviews. NVivo V.12 software (QSR Interna-
tional Ltd) was used to inductively analyse and code data
 Choroideremia 1
to identify themes related to participants’ experience of
 Retinitis pigmentosa 8 being diagnosed and their interaction with clinicians.
 Degenerative myopia and glaucoma 1
Interview type Interviews and data analysis
 In person 11
Interviews lasted about an hour and were conducted by
an experienced interviewer (AF) between July 2018 and
 Telephone 7
February 2020. Interviews were conducted in person or
by telephone, as preferred by the participant. Interview
later and the suggestions made by patients as to how the length generally varied between approximately 60 and 90
experience of diagnosis could be improved. min and was designed to be unstructured, allowing partic-
Our work focuses on the acute impact on patients at ipants to describe their experiences in as much rich detail
the time of diagnosis, including the sometime-­convoluted as they would like. This was the case for both in-­person
pathway to receiving a diagnosis. By the time the diagnosis and telephone interviews. All participants were adults
is received, patients may have undergone many months and gave informed written consent prior to the interview.
of stress, uncertainty, testing and worry depending on The topic guide began with an open-­ended section. This
the condition. Some rare and non-­urgent conditions can allowed participants to describe their experience of vision
require meetings with several professionals and many loss and its effects. This was followed by semistructured
months of waiting before patients are seen by the right prompts based on topic areas identified from a literature
people and have all the investigations completed. Our search and the clinical experience of the authors (see
aims were to explore patients’ experiences of being diag- online supplemental file 1). All interviews were digitally
nosed by optometrists and ophthalmology consultants, recorded and transcribed verbatim from the encrypted
understand how the psychological impact of a diagnosis recordings by professional transcribers and checked by
of vision loss could be mitigated and identify patient pref- the researchers. Final transcripts were uploaded to NVivo
erences for help and support. These professionals are V.12 (QSR International, USA) for initial coding by AF,
particularly important as they are frequently involved in a psychologist and experienced qualitative researcher.
diagnosing vision loss and informing patients that this An iterative, deductive approach was employed initially
loss is irreversible. with close reading and line-­by-­line coding of the interview
transcripts. NVivo was used to organise the data using
the ‘node’ function, and coding reports were generated
MATERIALS AND METHODS and used for an initial overarching thematic analysis. A
Sample and recruitment coding framework of emergent overarching themes was
Eighteen participants with a diagnosis of eye disease developed with early ‘nodes’ such as ‘Coming to terms
causing irreversible vision loss were recruited (table 1) with vision loss’, ‘Emotional impact’ and ‘Experience of
and interviewed in person or by telephone. We used a diagnosis’. These were based on issues raised by partici-
variety of recruitment methods: patients were identi- pants on particular topics and segments of data related
fied by the hospital eye department or volunteered after to participants’ experiences being diagnosed and their
hearing about the study from a charity, group, via social interactions with clinicians. Further analysis using written
media or through existing contacts (‘snowballing’). methods and mind mapping led to a consolidation of
Due to these methods of recruitment, participants had four themes related to the process of their diagnosis,

2 Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970

Open access

the impact of receiving a diagnosis, searching for infor-

Box 1  The convoluted process of being diagnosed

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
mation and support, and reflections on how their expe-
riences could be improved. Themes were independently Patients described their experiences when they were first diagnosed.
assessed by LM to address the risk of bias, including For some it was a prolonged and emotional period, often being passed
attending closely to contradictions and negative cases, from one professional to another (eg, if initially referred by an optician).
and any discrepancies were resolved by discussion and Some patients endured long waits, multiple tests and sometimes no
consensus.14 The diversity of participants was also taken definitive diagnosis.
into account. Pseudonyms were assigned to all partici- Illustrative quotes for this theme
pants to ensure confidentiality and anonymity. ‘I had a few eye tests. Nobody would ever tell me what the eye tests
Data were securely stored on a university server and were related to. But, eventually after one set of eye tests in early 1999,
transferred using a secure service (OxFile). I got the letter - a four line letter, saying that I had retinitis pigmentosa,
I was below the required limit for driving, hand my licence in. And that
Patient and public involvement statement was it’. (Colin)
We undertook a participant debrief session in May 2022, ‘The initial diagnosis was a bit of a car crash, from most of the profes-
which allowed for member checking of themes and recom- sionals I came across, to be honest’. (Jamie)
mendations that emerged from the data. Participants ‘I went to the hospital - you know, having checks and things done. And
were involved in the planning of additional research, I'd said to them, ‘I have awful pain in the back of the eye’. And they
shared their thoughts on the usefulness and feasibility of checked it all out again, and couldn't find any reason for it. And then
I had to go back…They made another appointment with another de-
a potential intervention that might be developed based
partment, and they checked through. More so at the back of the eye.
on this research and provided feedback on dissemination Could find nothing. And then by the end of that week, it had - I'd lost the
of this research. central vision’. (Clara)
‘Of course I didn't pass the test that they do to see if you could drive.
And then they send me to the hospital, they couldn't find what it was’.
Four themes related to patients’ experience of diagnosis ‘I was quite oblivious. I just thought ‘oh, well that’s probably just - may-
were identified: the convoluted process of being diag- be I'm just not very good at that particular test’. And so it was… a huge
shock when they eventually told me what they were testing for… And
nosed, the impact of clinicians’ words, the search for
obviously in the moment of diagnosis as well, that was a huge shock’.
information and reflections on what could be improved.
The convoluted process of being diagnosed
Almost all interviewees referenced the long, often convo-
luted process of being diagnosed. Many had months or You are told ‘okay, something is wrong, you're going
years to wait for a definitive diagnosis from the first time to have an appointment in fourteen weeks to have
a visual problem was identified. This was a source of frus- this test done, you then need to wait five months for
tration and anxiety for many patients. the results of this test’… Five or six months is a long
The initial identification of a sight problem was gener- time when you're waking up every day worried, and
ally through a visit to an optometrist for a routine eye you're not sleeping well… And it’s affecting potential-
test, followed by referral to a hospital. This could trigger ly relationships with other people, it’s affecting your
feelings of worry or panic during the gap between a job. (Jamie)
problem being picked up and the final diagnosis. Partic-
ipants appreciated a quick referral to the hospital eye The impact of clinicians’ words
department by the GP or optometrist; however, many The words and demeanour of optometrists, ophthalmol-
described protracted delays in diagnosis and treatment. ogists, nurses and other professionals had a significant
Differing opinions between professionals led to delays in impact on patients. Professionals’ words and actions
some cases and an incorrect or missed diagnosis meant sometimes affected a patient’s ability to come to terms
worsening sight loss for some. Luisa obtained a second with their diagnosis and were often recalled years later.
opinion abroad before her definitive diagnosis. Deborah The tone of voice also made a difference: for example,
was initially told by the optometrist that her vision was when patients felt like they had been spoken to in a
fine, but a consultant said that she had ‘a sort of retinal callous manner or when an optometrist or consultant
atrophy’; in the end, it took months for a definitive diag- appeared impatient or condescending during sight tests.
nosis. Christos went ‘completely off the rails’ when he was Jamie recalled being treated ‘like a child and an idiot’
eventually diagnosed with Usher’s syndrome vision loss when he could not complete a routine eye test.
at age 16 years, after a routine eye test, several months Participants did appreciate receiving their diagnosis in
of waiting and multiple tests. Illustrative quotations are person, ‘not something horrible like a letter’ (Christos).
presented in box 1. Patients recognised consultants were very busy but felt it
The impact of a protracted diagnosis is summarised by should not affect the way they spoke to patients. Although
Jamie, a younger patient who was told he probably had some patients could recall a consultant breaking the news
one of three genetic conditions: of their diagnosis in a sensitive way or taking the time

Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 3

Open access

Box 2  The impact of clinicians’ words Box 3  The search for information

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Patients described the way the clinician’s words and demeanour im- Patients described the lack of information when diagnosed and their
pacted them emotionally, especially in terms of the way they were in- search for answers and explanations. Often they searched on the inter-
formed of their diagnosis. This could affect how they came to terms net and for some this led to confusion or misinformation.
with their condition:
Illustrative quotes for this theme
Illustrative quotes for this theme ‘I do think it’s a really crucial part of someone’s journey with this, with
‘He looked at me, sort of shook his head and he said ‘You poor, poor this condition or something else, I think. That first hour, when you've
boy’ and… that has actually stayed with me my whole life… (it) really found out, I think that can go a long way to helping you in the future. It’s
made me feel like it was something incredibly bad… it sort of tainted hard, because it would be nice to have had someone say to me at the
my view… of the condition’. (Lee) time, ‘look, it’s not the same for everybody - some people will be com-
‘He said to me ‘Right… there’s no point in beating about the bush… pletely blind by the time they're 25, some people keep some vision until
You’re blind’…It was like being hit with a brick’. (Margaret) they're 60’. I didn't know that. All I knew was you have this condition,
‘I did feel to begin with it was very much ‘yeah, there’s your diagnosis - you're going to lose your vision and we can't tell you when’. (Christos)
can't do anything, thank you’. (Deborah) ‘When I looked online for that (retinal atrophy), (I found) it’s the sort of
‘When I first went to the hospital, they said I had dry macular. And I thing that dogs and cats get… I don't really know what that means, but
went to the opticians and they sent me to the hospital. And because it it doesn't look very good’. (Deborah)
was dry, they more or less said, ‘oh, no treatment, nothing we can do’. ‘If had been explained to me a little bit more about what it actually was.
And that was it. And I wasn’t frightened, but I was a little bit worried. I I mean, I had to come home and look it up on the internet, really. Find
thought, ‘well, I've just been left on the shelf, with nothing’’. (Joan) out what was actually going on’. (Betty)
‘It was very brief… very clinical I suppose… they literally just told me ‘I recognise the consultant may not be able to spend all the time you’d
that I had this and in time slowly going blind. There was no cure and want talking about it so what they should do say, you know, here is a
they hoped I had something (new treatments) in probably 30 odd years’. brief explanation, take time to digest it, here’s a leaflet I will pass on
(Dev) your number to this organisation or someone within the hospital or the
support team and they will call you to discuss with you in about a week
or so…I don’t need to speak to a consultant or someone that’s an ab-
solute expert in their field, sometimes you just need to talk to someone
during a consultation to have a little chat to and tell them
to explain, you know what it might be a year, it might be 50 years’. (Lee)
how well they were coping, there was a strong sense that
consultants were only interested in conditions they could
treat. Patients recounted feeling ‘fobbed off’, told there websites’, ‘misinformation’ and ‘scare stories’ in user
was nothing to be done and they should just ‘get on with forums. Participants were sometimes confused about
it’. Illustrative quotations are presented in box 2. As one the terminology and which search terms to use in order
patient remembered: to find helpful, trustworthy information. However, the
internet could be helpful, particularly for connecting
I was told in no uncertain terms by the doctors - quite
with vision-­related charities and support groups. Some
callously, I thought… ‘the sight’s gone in that eye,
family members also looked for information, particularly
cells have been damaged beyond repair’, ‘that’s gone,
in the case of mothers searching for information about
forget that’. That was actually said to me. (Betty)
a child’s diagnosis. The information obtained could be
distressing for family members as well – when Christos’
The search for information mother discovered the severity of a diagnosis of Usher
The lack of information at diagnosis, sometimes-­confusing syndrome, she ‘went over the edge, and just didn’t realise
conversations with clinicians and long gaps between how severe this was going to be’. Illustrative quotations
appointments drove many people to search for informa- are presented in box 3.
tion on their own. Betty, an older patient, went home
after her appointment and searched the internet to find Reflections on what could be improved
out ‘what was actually going on’. Some participants were Some patients highlighted things that would have
advised by the hospital not to research their condition on improved their experience of being diagnosed or their
the internet - indeed, as Jamie said, ‘Everyone knows that attempts to come to terms with their vision loss. Christos
if you Google conditions… the news is never good’. said, ‘That first hour… when you've found out, I think
However, it was very important to patients that they that can go a long way to helping you in the future’.
understood their diagnosis and most were clear that they Patients recognised that consultants and specialists had
wanted to know about their condition and prognosis, no little time available for each patient. However, having
matter how negative. It was also important to patients that someone else to talk to immediately after their diagnosis
they understood why particular tests were being done – would have helped. Those who were referred to a hospital
one patient described being very angry because ‘nobody liaison service found this useful. Patients proposed that
would ever tell me what the eye tests were related to’ such a service could provide more information on the
(Colin). specific condition, a link to charities or helplines, support
Some participants mentioned worries about coming groups, counselling or therapy services. Signposting to
across untrustworthy information, including ‘dodgy reputable sources of information online was also essential.

4 Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970

Open access

Linking up with charities or services could also help

Box 4  Reflections on what could be improved

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
patients learn about tools to manage with reduced
vision (‘gadgets’) or obtain instructions on how to use Patients explained what would have been helpful to them when first
canes effectively. Several patients mentioned that they diagnosed, including having someone to talk to immediately after di-
would have benefitted from a referral to a helpline, agnosis, being signposted to services such as charities or helplines, or
support group or some form of therapy or counselling, referral to counselling.
as Margaret said, ‘proper counselling and not just being
Illustrative quotes for this theme
told “well, you’re blind”’.’ One patient mentioned that a ‘Probably having someone to talk to there (at the hospital) would have
joint support service for the patient and family would also been quite useful… But I think not being sent away and told ‘that’s what
help to mitigate the impact on patient’s relatives. Younger you've got, thank you’.’ (Deborah)
interviewees (in their 20s) suggested an app that could ‘I think [they should offer] some form of therapy or counselling. For
connect people with others who had the same condition sure…I think it’s insane that I wasn't offered that…But also the same
and with trustworthy information about the condition. for family of the person who’s been diagnosed, too’. (Christos)
‘I mean, for me, it’s gadgets… Like I will be so happy if they could get
something that I could go, for shopping, and I could see everything’.
‘I think support groups are one of the biggest things. Helplines…But
Patients in our study described their experience of being
most of the time, they're usually funded by charities. And it’s just having
diagnosed with eye disease, with particular reference to
that funding to support these groups’. (Nathan)
the words and actions of clinicians and how the process ‘It would be nice to have somebody there that could explain a little bit to
of diagnosis could be improved. Several described the them, about what it is. And the prognosis. Particularly younger people…
shock of failing a standard eye test unexpectedly, having But I think they have what they call a welfare person up there now…
never realised that there was a problem with their vision. Somebody like that, to just quickly give you a quarter of an hour expla-
Subsequently, most were referred elsewhere and some nation of what to happen, and who you could go to see’. (Clara)
had experiences of initial misdiagnosis or clinicians being ‘They were talking about the fact that they have people in eye hospitals
uncertain of the genesis of the problem. who will do exactly that, talk to people who have had a diagnosis or
Patients vividly described the experience of finally some problem with their eye. And I said to the chap who was telling us
receiving a diagnosis and the impact of a clinician’s about this, “have they got anybody like that in the [local eye hospital]”,
and he said “no”. And I thought that’s the one hospital… that really,
words and attitude. When done kindly, this was a difficult
really needs somebody like that’. (Betty)
enough experience, but some participants described the
clinician’s manner as ‘callous’, which they found to be
upsetting. Several patients were told that nothing could
be done and were frustrated that they were sent away with experiences with clinicians, these largely aligned with
little information about their condition, so that they had best practices around breaking bad news. Participants
to search for information themselves. This lack of support appreciated being given their diagnosis in person, partic-
highlights the importance of being proactive about refer- ularly when an ophthalmologist took the time to speak
ring patients to low vision services and charities. Research to them. However, they would have appreciated more
shows that using a proactive approach from the start and information about the potential course of the disease,
enabling patients to ask for help can improve long-­term including timelines and potential outcomes. The oppor-
outcomes.9 Eye care liaison officers (ECLOs) are another tunity to speak to someone about living with a visual
valuable source of support, as they can provide advice, impairment and share information about their particular
emotional help, information and signposting to other condition would be particularly valued, especially if this
services as well as streamlining the process to improve information was also available to their families. Further
patient care.15 16 Participants reported ECLO support information could be provided by a liaison officer or a
being helpful as a source of information in busy clinics representative from a charity. This highlights the impor-
so they were not left feeling as lost (see box 4). ECLOs tance of providing written disease-­specific information to
are not found in all eye care clinics in the UK despite help patients digest the information given at the time of
evidence that they are effective.17 the consultation. In addition, information about relevant
Previous work on ‘breaking bad news’ resulted in the support charities could provide the patient with an addi-
development of the SPIKES strategy,18 which has also tional source of support.
been used specifically for preparing students for breaking The experience of diagnosis of an eye disease or other
bad news in optometry (eg, ref 19). The SPIKES strategy visual impairment in the participants we spoke to was
includes, for example, providing clear information on similar to the experiences described in the literature of
the diagnosis, expressing empathy and validating the patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes20–22 or
patient’s feelings. However, training given to students cystic fibrosis.23 We found that interactions with clinicians
in optometry varies, and some may not learn effective during the process of diagnosis could have a significant
methods of breaking bad news. This lack of training impact on how the diagnosis was experienced and how
can have a negative effect on the experience of patients. the patient was able to come to terms with the condition.
Where participants discussed positive aspects of their Patients felt lost and unsupported, prompting a search

Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 5

Open access

for information from less reliable sources. Optometrists It can be difficult to cover all details of diagnosis, treat-

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970 on 21 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 29, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and support staff who conduct routine tests must be ready ment and prognosis in one visit, and patients may also not
with a sensitive and empathetic response should test retain all of the information provided by the clinician.
results be different to what is expected. Providing patients The time between diagnosis and recall was different for
with information about the reason for referral would also each participant, which may have affected the accuracy
help patients cope with an unexpected test result. of the memory; however, the lasting emotional imprint of
The moment of diagnosis is emotionally charged. Clini- the interaction has been retained.
cians’ words are impactful, and patients in our study A strength of this study is the inclusion of a multidis-
remembered these words for years after diagnosis. The ciplinary team. The researcher who undertook the data
way the diagnosis is presented could also affect how a collection and initial analysis was not a clinician and was
person felt about their condition. In our study, patients therefore able to listen to participants in a more open
who felt pitied by clinicians had a negative view of their way, unbiased by previous experiences with patients with
diagnosis compared with a more positive outlook from eye disease. However, a clinical member of the team was
patients who were admired for the way they were coping. then able to understand the resulting themes from the
Clinicians carry a heavy responsibility when diagnosing perspective of a clinician involved in diagnosis.
patients and could improve patients’ experiences by Education for professionals regarding empathic
exploring positive elements of a negative diagnosis.24 communication can still be improved. The time of diag-
Patients also felt that clinicians appeared uninterested nosis is a vital part of the patient journey. It involves
in conditions for which treatments were not available. providing information, giving hope and signposting to
However, even then, patients wanted information about appropriate support services. The provision of help and
their prognosis and ideally follow-­up appointments to see information immediately after giving a diagnosis, for
how their condition was progressing. They would have example, from an ECLO, would be greatly appreciated
liked to have been referred to someone who understood, by patients.
could explain their condition and provide them with In conclusion, there are a number of valuable lessons
trustworthy sources of information, such as an ECLO. here for eye care practitioners. The manner in which bad
Practical help and information, such as training with a news is delivered can have a lasting impact on patients.
cane or information about tools and gadgets that could Patients want to be treated with empathy and respect at
mitigate some of the difficulties of vision loss, would also the time of diagnosis with timely, trustworthy information
have been valued. Many also mentioned they would have about their condition and prognosis and signposting to
liked to have been referred for counselling to help them additional support systems available for them and their
come to terms with their diagnosis. family. Future longitudinal research should explore the
A person-­centred approach to diagnosis and aftercare long-­term impact for patients who receive a diagnosis
by professionals would improve patients’ experience of leading to vision loss, particularly in reference to the type
diagnosis and vision loss. A patient needs to be acknowl- of information provided and the demeanour of the clini-
edged as a person with their own narrative, illness account cian at the time. Future work could also examine how
and symptoms as ‘it captures the person’s suffering in the secondary support structures, such as low vision clinics
context of their everyday lifeworld, in contrast to medical and the charity sector, could overcome some of the diffi-
narratives that reflect the process of diagnosing and culties that arise from a difficult experience of being
treating the disease’25 (p. 408). Fostering a partnership diagnosed.
with patients, where they have opportunities to ask ques-
tions, learn about their condition and set goals for them- Twitter Jasleen Kaur Jolly @jkjolly4
selves can enable patients to become well informed and Contributors  All authors contributed substantially to this article. AF and JKJ
develop a practical understanding that increases their conceptualised and designed the study. JKJ conducted recruitment. AF carried
out data collection. AF and LM analysed the data, and JKJ also provided input into
confidence and independence.26 Traditional practices, interpretation. AF wrote the initial manuscript. LM and JKJ revised the manuscript.
attitudes and healthcare structures can work to the detri- The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and
ment of patients’ well-­being and sense of self.27 that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted. JKJ acts as guarantor.
Funding  This study was supported by a grant from Oxfordshire Health Services
Strengths and limitations of the study Research Committee grant number 1379. JKJ is funded by a College of
Our study included in-­depth interviews with participants Optometrists Clinical Research Fellowship. This work was also supported by the
NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
who varied in age and time since diagnosis. Very little
Disclaimer  The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily
other work has looked specifically at the impact of the way those of the National Health Service, the National Institute for Health and Care
in which a diagnosis of eye disease is delivered to patients. Research or the Department of Health. The sponsor and funding organisation had
Limitations included poor representation of participants no role in the design or conduct of this research.
from ethnic minorities and the fact that participants were Competing interests  None declared.
asked to recall their experiences of diagnosis, which might Patient and public involvement  Patients and/or the public were involved in the
have occurred some time ago. Some of these recollec- design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research. Refer to
tions may include practices that have improved over time, the Methods section for further details.
and we have relied on participants’ recollection of events. Patient consent for publication  Not applicable.

6 Ferrey A, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059970. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059970

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