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1 s2.0 S2772665722000113 Main
1 s2.0 S2772665722000113 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Hydroxyapatite (HA) bioceramics have garnered considerable attention owing to their applications in the field of
Projection based 3D printing bone repair and excellent biocompatibility. Compared to extrusion-based 3D printing, projection-based 3D print-
Hydroxyapatite ing (3DPP) can fabricate parts with complex geometry, high accuracy, and efficiency, which is very promising for
bioceramic scaffolds. However, conventional 3DPP using a paste with low viscosity will cause severe shrinkage
of the parts after sintering, which makes it unsuitable for bioceramic scaffolds, and a system investigation of the
printing process remains insufficient. In this study, we proposed a 3DPP device suitable for bioceramic scaffolds
and investigated the additive manufacturing of HA scaffolds. Ceramic paste properties and process parameters of
curing, debinding, and sintering were initially examined. The mechanical properties, shrinkage, and biocompati-
bility in vitro of the sintered samples were further investigated. The obtained results indicate that HA bioceramics
with uniform morphology, complex structure, and high accuracy can be manufactured using the 3DPP equip-
ment. HA scaffolds have the mechanical strength of human cancellous bone, while HA scaffolds cultured with
osteoblast precursor cells possess strong biocompatibility and can promote osteoblast adhesion, proliferation,
and differentiation. These results suggest a promising application of the 3DPP technique in the preparation of
bioceramic scaffolds, and the HA scaffolds fabricated using the 3DPP technique exhibit promising potential in
fulfilling a constructive role in the biomedical field of human bone regeneration repair.
Corresponding authors at: School of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China. School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou 310027, China.
E-mail addresses: shaohf@hdu.edu.cn (H. Shao), yongqin@zju.edu.cn (Y. He).
Received 17 February 2022; Received in revised form 11 April 2022; Accepted 25 April 2022
Available online 16 June 2022
2772-6657/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES). This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
printing speed compared to other additive manufacturing methods. In 2. Materials and Methods
this study, 3DPP technology was applied to fabricate HA scaffolds to
ensure accuracy and significantly improve the molding efficiency. 2.1. Materials
The paste used for bioceramic scaffolds has the characteristics of
high viscosity and poor fluidity, and the conventional 3DPP that adopts HA powders with diameters of 20 nm and 12 𝜇m were purchased
a paste with low viscosity will cause severe shrinkage of the parts after from Shanghai Ruiyong Biotechnology Co. Ltd. The resin material was
sintering, which makes it unsuitable for bioceramic scaffolds. Therefore, obtained from Shanghai Guangyi Chemical Co., Ltd [29]. HA powder
a 3DPP equipment suitable for pastes with high viscosity was devel- and resin materials were ground in a planetary ball mill for 3 h, and a
oped. The improved rheological properties of the ceramic pastes were paste with a solid content of 10–50 wt% was prepared.
achieved using photosensitive resin and HA powder. The process pa-
rameters of 3DPP were analyzed and optimized to prepare complex HA 2.2. 3DPP equipment
ceramic structures with high precision. The biocompatibility of porous
HA scaffolds was tested in vitro. The 3DPP scaffold exhibits high mechan- A home-made 3DPP equipment was employed to fabricate the ce-
ical strength and a suitable pore structure for cell adhesion growth. The ramic samples, and its mechanical structure is illustrated in Fig. 1. The
porous HA scaffolds fabricated using the 3DPP technique demonstrated light source of the 3DPP equipment can emit ultraviolet light at a wave-
capabilities for application in the biomedical field of bone regeneration length of 405 nm. The dimensions of the experimental molding substrate
repair. were 45 mm × 65 mm, and the z axis accuracy was 10 𝜇m. Fig. 2 presents
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
Fig. 3. Characteristics of the printing process: (a) Influence of shear rate on paste viscosity with different solid content and powder size; (b) Influence of shear rate
on paste viscosity with different solid content (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 wt%) for micron grade HA powder; (c) Curve between exposure time and single layer thickness;
(d) Fitting curve between exposure energy and layer thickness; (e) Top views of curing samples after different exposure times.
the printing principle of the 3DPP equipment. In the initial stage of print- scraper (Fig. 2(d)). Finally, repeating the steps from Fig. 2(a) to (d), the
ing, the distance between the printing platform or printing part and the part undergoes a layer-by-layer stacking formations until it is printed.
upper surface of the transparent membrane is the single-layer curing
thickness, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a). The light source then projects a 2.3. Preparation of ceramic samples
slice image of the model in that layer and solidifies the paste. When
the paste is completely solidified, the printing platform is lifted, and a The ceramic sample was designed using a 3D drawing software and
blank is formed at the rotating trough due to the poor fluidity of the exported to an STL format. Subsequently, the model was sliced and im-
high-viscosity paste (Fig. 2(c)). Next, the rotating trough rotates, and ported into the 3DPP equipment. The paste, which was poured into
the previous blank is filled with paste under the action of a stationary the rotating trough, was solidified with 2000 𝜇W/cm2 light intensity
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
Table 1
Characteristics of the paste with different powder sizes.
All data are expressed as the mean value ± standard deviation (SD).
Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), and p < 0.05 was considered to be significant.
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
Fig. 8. Ceramic samples: (a) 3D model of the sample; (b) Sample before and Fig. 10. Fluorescence test of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured with HA porous scaffolds
after thermal treatment. for 1 day.
Fig. 5(b) illustrates the distortion mechanism of side holes. When the printing accuracy, and the exposure time of a single layer was 5 s to
lower part of the side hole is printed layer by layer, the uncured paste ensure interlaminar bonding strength.
in the red area solidifies owing to the transmission effect of ultraviolet The thermal treatment parameters of the 3DPP samples are presented
light, thereby resulting in smaller side holes and shape distortion. The in Fig. 6. First, the heating rate was controlled at 1 °C/min, while the
distortion of the side hole could be improved by reducing the exposure sample was dehydrated at 80 °C and 110 °C for 30 min. Then, the heating
time (Figs. 5(c) and (d)). The layer thickness was set to 50 𝜇m to ensure rate was controlled at 0.5 °C/min, and the sample was debonded at 300
Fig. 9. Compressive test of porous samples: (a) Compressive test platform; (b) Curve between displacement and load.
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
Table 2
Sample size for different forming stages.
Fig. 12. CCK-8 results of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured with HA scaffolds for 1, 3, 3.2. Mechanical properties
and 5 days, respectively.
A porous scaffold sample with a diameter of 10 mm and altitude of
15 mm with a 1 mm hole diameter was designed (Fig. 8(a)). An image
°C and 400 °C for 120 min, and 500 °C for 60 min. After heating to 1100 of the sample before and after the thermal treatment is presented in
°C for 180 min at a heating rate of 3 °C/min, the furnace was naturally Fig. 8(b). It is deduced that the precision of the 3DPP sample is high
cooled to 25 °C naturally. Accordingly, the sintered ceramic sample was and the sizes of the samples at the different molding stages are presented
prepared. in Table 2. The shrinkage rate of the sample in the X-Y direction after
As illustrated in Fig. 7, a complex three-dimensional ceramic struc- thermal treatment was 31.47%, and the shrinkage rate of the sample
ture can also be fabricated. Compared to other additive manufacturing in the Z direction after sintering was 28.42%. The size of the sample
methods, 3DPP technology exhibits significant advantages in the fabri- decreased considerably after thermal treatment owing to the paste with
cation of ceramic structures. Owing to the surface exposure, a plan for a low solid content. The overall shrinkage of the samples was 66.39%.
the path of cross-section forming is not required, and its molding speed is After the thermal treatment, the porous scaffold sample was adopted
not influenced by the size of the sample in the horizontal direction. This for the compressive test (Fig. 9). At a deformation to 0.28 mm and load
can improve printing efficiency while ensuring manufacturing accuracy. of 229.9 N, the bottom layer of the sample was crushed. The compressive
The conventional UV curing 3D printing equipment is not suitable for strength and compressive modulus of the sample (porosity is 54.6%)
the fabrication of ceramic bone scaffolds because of the low solid con- were 6.18 MPa and 0.38 GPa, respectively. The compressive strength of
tent of the paste. The 3DPP equipment adopts the method of rotating the human cancellous bone ranges from 1.5 to 38 MPa, and its Young’s
paint, which is suitable for high-viscosity pastes, and can manufacture modulus range is 0.1–4.5 GPa. For the cortical bone, its compressive
artificial bone scaffolds with precision up to the micron level, complex strength ranges from 35 to 283 MPa, and its Young’s modulus range is
shape, controllable pore shape and structure, and controllable pore in- 5–23 GPa [29]. In the future, the mechanical properties of the sample
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021
Fig. 13. Mineralization result of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured with HA scaffolds for 21 days. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
can be made closer to that of the human cortical bone by changing the will promote the biological behavior of bone formation [37]. The mi-
porosity of the sample. crostructures of porous scaffold can provide a place for cells to reside
and differentiate, and also adsorb biological factors that can promote
3.3. Cell culture analysis in vitro osteogenesis function in the medium, to provide a suitable microenvi-
ronment for cells, induce the expression of cell osteoblast genes, and
The activity and distribution of MC3T3-E1 cells in the scaffold after 1 ultimately promote cell ossification [38].
day of culture were examined by DAPI fluorescence staining (Fig. 10). In The in vitro cell culture results demonstrate that the porous HA scaf-
this experiment, the green part represents cells attached to the scaffold, folds exhibit favorable cytocompatibility. The material and the inherent
which is important for bone scaffolds [31]. Cell adhesion ability is gen- characteristics of the design and fabrication exert a significant influence
erally related to the properties, structural characteristics, and surface on cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation.
morphology of the scaffold materials [32]. The surface of the porous
4. Conclusions
scaffold manufactured using 3DPP technology exhibits a certain rough-
ness, and there are several microstructures, such as protruding parti-
In summary, a 3DPP equipment suitable for manufacturing bioce-
cles and stair-stepping, which provide a significant number of adhesion
ramic scaffolds was developed, and hydroxyapatite ceramic structures
points for cells and facilitate cell grasping and adhesion [33]. In this
with high accuracy were successfully fabricated via the 3DPP technol-
current study, the porous HA scaffold was observed to undergo cell ad-
ogy. Micron HA powder and resin were utilized to prepare a paste with
hesion on both the inner and outer surfaces of the scaffold, which is
a solid content of 50 wt%, which was suitable for 3DPP. The opti-
beneficial to cell adhesion owing to its structure and material.
mized printing parameters based on the HA ceramic paste were iden-
Fig. 11 presents fluorescent images of living and dead cells in the
tified as a layer thickness, light intensity, and exposure time of 50 𝜇m,
scaffold after 1, 3, and 5 days of culture, respectively. The cells main-
2000 𝜇W/cm2 , and 5 s, respectively. The compressive strength and
tained a very high survival rate, which is consistent with the results of
compressive modulus of the HA porous scaffold were 6.18 MPa and
the cell adhesion experiment. After 5 days, the cell density increased
0.38 GPa, respectively. The in vitro cell culture results demonstrated
significantly. It exhibited the quantity proliferation in a 3D distribution.
that the HA porous scaffold exhibited no visible cytotoxicity and was
The results demonstrate that the HA scaffold exhibited optimal biocom-
beneficial to cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation owing to
patibility, and that the cells planted on the scaffolds survived and pro-
its material and structure. The obtained results also indicate that 3DPP
liferated continuously.
technology is ideally suitable for fabricating ceramic structures with
As illustrated in Fig. 12, the OD value of the HA groups increased
controlled sizes and shapes, which are required for patients in differ-
significantly compared to that of the control groups cultured for 1, 3,
ent repair areas.
and 5 days. The CCK-8 results indicated that the HA porous scaffold
promoted the proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells and had no visible cyto- Declaration of Competing Interest
toxicity compared with the control group.
Fig. 13 demonstrates that several red areas, which are mineralized The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
nodules, appear on the scaffold. In addition to adhering to the surface interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the work
of the scaffold, the cells also underwent osteogenic differentiation dur- reported in this paper.
ing the culture period. The final feature of osteoblast differentiation is
the mineralization and production of calcium nodules, which is one of CRediT authorship contribution statement
the important features of biological ossification [34]. The obtained re-
sults indicate that HA scaffold can promote osteogenic differentiation Huifeng Shao: Conceptualization, writing review & editing. Zhi-
of MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts, which is consistent with a previous study heng Nian: Writing review & editing. Zhuoluo Jing: Writing review
[35]. This is mainly because Ca2+ and phosphate can promote calcium & editing. Tao Zhang: Writing review & editing. Jiahua Zhu: Writ-
phosphate precipitation and provide a crystal nucleus for the calcifi- ing review & editing. Xiang Li: Writing review & editing. Youping
cation osteogenesis of bone cells [36]. The porous structure also has Gong: Writing review & editing. Yong He: Resources, funding acqui-
a more diversified mechanical stimulation on cell proliferation, which sition, writing review & editing.
H. Shao, Z. Nian, Z. Jing et al. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers 1 (2022) 100021