Applied-Mechanics L1
Applied-Mechanics L1
Applied-Mechanics L1
Prepared By
Prof. Dr. Raju Bhai Tyata
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1. Introduction
1.1 Definition & scope of mechanics, Engineering mechanics and
1.2 Concept of particle, rigid body, deformed & fluid bodies
1.3 Equations of static equilibrium in 2D & 3D
1.4 Free body diagram ( Definition, importance & examples)
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1. Engineering Mechanics: Statics and
Dynamics (3th Edition): Irving H. Shames
2. Mechanics for Engineers-Statics and Dynamics F.P. Beer
and E. R. Johnston
3. Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, R.C.
Hibbeler, Ashok Gupta
4. Applied Mechanics Dr. Rajan Suwal
5. Applied Mechanics Dr. Hari Ram Parajuli, Er. Sudan
6. Applied Mechanics(Statics) Mahendra Raj Dhital
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What is mechanics?
Mechanics is branch of physical science which deals with
the state of rest or motion of bodies under the action of
forces. It is divided into three parts:
1. Mechanics of Rigid body
2. Mechanics of Deformable bodies and
3. Mechanics of Fluids
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Branch of engineering mechanics
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Applied Mechanics
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Applied Mechanics
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Rigid-body Mechanics
Statics: deals with equilibrium of bodies under action of forces
(bodies may be either at rest or move with a constant velocity).
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Rigid-body Mechanics
• Dynamics: deals with motion of bodies (accelerated
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Mechanics: Fundamental Concepts
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Scope of Applied mechanics?
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Scope of applied mechanics
Applied mechanics, bridges the gap between
physical theory and its application to technology. It is used
in many fields of engineering, especially Civil engineering,
Mechanical engineering, Structural and Construction
engineering, Materials science and engineering, Chemical
engineering, Electrical engineering, Bio engineering,
Aerospace engineering. .
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Scope of applied mechanics
Much of modern engineering mechanics is based on
Isaac Newton's laws of motion while the modern practice
of their application can be traced back to Stephen P.
Timoshenko, who is said to be the father of modern
engineering mechanics.
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Scope of applied mechanics
Within the theoretical sciences, applied mechanics is useful
in formulating new ideas and theories, discovering and
interpreting phenomena, and developing experimental and
computational tools.
The knowledge of applied mechanics is very useful to
enhance the knowledge in other subjects such as strength of
material, theory of structure, machine design, hydrostatics
and hydrodynamics etc.
It is important for design and analysis of many structural
members, mechanical components and electrical devices
encountered in engineering.
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Scope of applied mechanics
The principles of mechanics are central to research and
development in the fields of vibrations, stability and
strength of structures and machines, robotics, rocket and
spacecraft design, automatic control, engine performance,
fluid flow, electrical machines and apparatus, and
molecular, atomic, and subatomic behavior.
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Mechanics: Fundamental Concepts
Length: needed to locate position of a point in space, &
describe size of the physical system Distances, Geometric
Time: measure of succession of events basic quantity in
Mass: quantity of matter in a body measure of inertia of a
body (its resistance to change in velocity)
Force: considered as a “push” or “pull” exerted by one
body on another. It represents the action of one body on
another characterized by its magnitude, direction of its
action, and its point of application. Force is a Vector
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Mechanics: Fundamental Concepts
Newtonian Mechanics
Length, Time, and Mass are absolute concepts
independent of each other.
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Rigid Body: A combination of large number of particles
in which all particles remain at a fixed distance
(practically) from one another before and after applying
a load.
40 kN 160 kN
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Fundamental Concept and Principles of
Mechanics: Newtonian Mechanics
First Law: A particle originally at rest, or moving in a
straight line with constant velocity, tends to remain in
this state provided the particle is not subjected to an
unbalanced force.
F = ma
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Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction
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Weight of a Body:
If a particle is located at or near the surface of the earth, the
only significant gravitational force is that between the earth
and the particle
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1. What is Mechanics? How can you categorized it?
2. What do you meant by Engineering Mechanics?
What is the importance of this subject for the
engineering field?
3. Define rigid, deformed and fluid bodies.
4. Define Statics. How it is different from
5. Define Newton’s laws of motion. Interpret it.
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