Mandela Report Filde Work
Mandela Report Filde Work
Mandela Report Filde Work
In 1964, the two companies merged into a single company which is TANESCO and incorporated
under Cap 212 of the companies Act, it is directed by a Board of Directors whose powers and
responsibilities are in accordance with the Act. The company’s core business is Generation,
Transmission and Distribution. The company also sales electricity to the mainland and bulk
power supply to the Island of Zanzibar.
TANESCO is whole owned by government and has traditionally operated as a monopoly for a
long time. It has generally not been a strictly profit-making enterprise. Being a parastatal
organization under the Ministry Of Energy and minerals, it generates, transmits, distributes and
sells electricity in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, The distribution of electricity in Zanzibar
and Pemba is the responsibility of the Zanzibar State Fuel and Power Cooperation (ZECO).
TANESCO is a parastatal organization deals with selling electricity power to the individuals and
industries in general.
District manager
In recent years TANESCO has implemented a thermal hydro power generation mix program. A
substantial of generation comes gas and diesel thermal generation through own plants and
independent power plants (IPPs). Own thermal generation comes from the Dar-es-salaam based
Ubungo Plant 100MW and The Tegeta 45MW which was commissioned in December 2009.
TANESCO owns interconnected power grid made up of generation system transmission and
distribution system. Transmission system comprises of grid substations (38) interconnected by
transmission lines. The transmission lines comprise of 2732.36km of system voltage 220kv;
21538km of 132kv; and 546km of 66kv, totalling 4817km by the end of September, 2009.
Transmission line use pylons made of steel. The system is all alternating (AC) and the system
frequency is 50Hz.
The total installed capacity in the main Grid system amounts to 1051MW. The system is
hydropower dependent, constituting about 562MW or 58.51% of total installed capacity.
The Distribution system Network supply Voltage are 33kv and 11kv which serve as the back
bone stepped down by distribution transformer to 400/230 volt for residential, light commercial
and industrial supply. There are big commercial and light heavy industries supplies directly at
33kv and 11kv. Distribution activities are most intensive in terms of geographical coverage.
There are more than 849755 customers linked by these distribution lines. By the end of October,
2010 there were 12418km of 33kv lines, 5166km of 11kv lines, 26548km of LV lines and 9490
distribution transformer.
The maximum energy demand for the year 2010 was 833MW occurred on 11 th November 2010
at 20:00hrs. The maximum energy demand is currently 16,350,360 kWh per day.
TANESCO owns transmission and distribution lines estimated to comprise of 2,624.36 km.
The major challenges facing the transmission and distribution systems are:
i. It is proposed to look for capital for strengthening the high voltage power lines and
embark on urgent maintenance, upgrading and expansion of the current transmission and
distribution systems.
ii. Vandalism: There are problems of theft of transformer oil, stealing conductors, and
outright theft of electricity through illegal service lines and meter tampering.
The marketing Business Unit is one of the three technical business units in TANESCO.
Marketing Business Unit deals with distribution of electricity energy in one hand and customer
services on the other. The business unit also drives the safety function in the company. In
Tanzania, distribution starts from 33 Kilovolt voltage level down to 0.4 Kilovolts, while
66Kilovolt and above remain in transmission function.
Basically it is not that much easy to determine the level of technology because the technology
level can be of current in one place but outdated in the other, by comparing various output
released by different companies at the market one can determine the level of technology used
and dare to range them.
In operating different activities of the company I tried to determine the level of technology
used and realize that the level of technology is advanced and capable to release the updated
services to the customers on their respective requirement.
Having this system enables the company to have the following importance:
Efficiency at work, using the computerised system the company manages to run its
obligations in efficiency manner, in most cases there was no way to perform the work without
the computer knowledge and thus the data posted to the head quarter could be more efficient
compared to manual way of posting data.
Also improve accuracy of data processed; as the data posted via the computer system is more
accurate compared to manual system. The technology used enables the company to avoid
problem of human errors and accuracy.
Apart from the importance it poses to the organization the technology systems is very sluggish
in its operation and thus hinder smooth operation of works done.
For this case I would to advise the company to at least to increase the number of IT experts to
the company in Magomeni district because there is only one permanent employee for
Information Technology all over the district.
According to trainee investigation list of supplier at TANESCO headquarter was obtained
through Tendering process.
The organization was invites the tender for provision of proposed goods or services in a news
paper both local and International newspaper and those suppliers who were interested to provide
certain goods or services at TANESCO were made submission of Bid document to organization
who done evaluation for tender competition. Through tender advertisement the organization got
a lot of supplier for provision of the proposed goods or services to organization. This is for the
case of materials needed for service lines.
For the case of searching suppliers for the maintenance and repair of vehicle the company has
its restricted number of suppliers responsible for the supply of the mentioned services, therefore
when the need arise we could only deal with the mentioned suppliers.
As the company operates all over the country with monopolistic character it has the number of
customers which can be divided into different groups such as individual customers, corporate
and industrial customers. All these customers expect to be supplied with electricity power to
their residence in different bulk for them to operate in their daily duties.
Individuals customers usually are the customers from different residence needs power for
normal family uses such as cooking, shower, lighting and electronics support. In supplying
power to this customer after they raise an order for the supply of electricity, an engineer has to
visit the customer residence and check for the service line requirements and record them to the
Stores Requisition voucher, there after the surveyor is to survey the area and raise the map on the
location and area to place poles and general direction of connecting power. There after the store
keeper after he has received a store requisition voucher he has to start an issuing process.
Normally meters used to this kind of customers are 1phrase LUKU meter and sometimes
3phrase LUKU meter for bulk power as most of households’ power usage rate is quite low. Also
when it comes to the issue of security the company has the seals which are normally tied to the
meter to control meter reader in accordance.
Corporate customers are those joint groups having the company to operate and thus require the
power for the running the machines and other equipment in the business for that case it calls for
the company to sell electricity to these customers in bulk. These customers also follow the
mentioned above procedures but the only different is on bulkiness of power supplied.
For corporate or industrial customers the meter used is huge and usually having the survey
ants/camera which detect any crime happens to it, it has also a communication connection
system mostly Vodacom company is used which takes control on whatever done around the
particular meter. These meters are very securable and are called Automatic Meter Reader
In issuing these materials to the customers the company applies FIFO (first in first out)
method as the basis for inventory/stock valuation. The method suggests that, material used to be
received first are the first to be issued. The method suggested due to its role in preventing expiry
or obsolesces of stock.
TANESCO customers use two types of meters which are:
The name LUKU is a Kiswahili abbreviation for “LIPA UMEME KADIRI UNAVYOTUMIA”
which means “pay for electricity as you use it”. Customers can plan and budget for electricity
usage; control the amount of electricity they use; can embark on voluntary conservation, and can
purchase their electricity at any convenient sales point. The software has been designed mainly
for residential and commercial consumers not industrial type. A PC based financial
administration package (System Master Station or SMS) and complementary service equipment.
Credit meters
These meters allow for customers to be billed after consuming electricity for a month.
A strategic direction is always determined by the top leaders thus Strategic Management team
who normally forecast the long term plans of the company and try to see what should be done in
more than 5year to come.
TANESCO strategies are to restructure the present vertically integrated monopoly utility along
the functional units of generation, transmission and distribution. Introduce competition in the
sector while safeguarding stakeholders and consumers interests, Review the Electricity
Ordinance Act for private sector to provide public electricity supplies, establish a regulatory
agency before the privatization assets in the electricity sector and to provide incentives to
encourage private investments in energy sector.
Talking of strategic direction of the company I can describe using its vision and mission
The overall strategic direction of TANESCO is to operate commercially and improve
reliability and quality of the power supply. The company also expects to manage new project
goals such as Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL’s).
The company is also set out the strategic direction of the sector for the next 25yearsand get
assured of avoiding electricity shortage.
Our mission as the company is to generate, purchase. Transmit, supply and sell electricity in the
most effective, competitive and sustainable manner. Also to be efficient and commercially
focused electricity utility supporting the development of Tanzania and to be the power house of
East Africa
After the reporter arrival within the organization she reported to the Procurement and
logistick Manager office and provided with general information of the company thus they mainly
deals with selling of electricity power services to all over the country. The reporter was then
located in the procurement and Transport department which is a bit far from this district office,
this department is quite big constitute of offices, warehouse which can accommodate all
customers within the place, vehicle packing area, marshalling area (an area for assembling and
inspection), and station area where different transformer are controlled to ensure appropriate
services is delivered to the customers.
Talking of warehouse, its origin was first a normal building and converted to be warehouse
and thus though it has some advantages such as least cost in converting the building to
warehouse, there are disadvantages found such as poor access to the warehouse, unsatisfactory
floors, low ceiling/roof height, unnecessary partitions and weak doors and window.
Within the department of Procurement and Transport Management the reporter was practically
guided and channeled in obtaining knowledge concerning different area of professionalism
includes procurement procedures, warehouse management and inventory management as well as
vehicles management.
Here she generally took knowledge on how real inventories can be better being managed so as
to avoid unnecessary cost such as cost of losing the entire customers, also realized that the
department is not much concerned with procurement activities instead warehouse management
and logistics at large.
The reporter prepared the Requisition To Purchase (RTP) which shows the description of item
required based on quantity and price it cost and sent the copy of which to the accounting and
finance department for permission of purchase based on available vehicle budget assigned during
the procurement planning of the department.
The reporter was also considering the amount quoted if it was to exceed 1million the reporter
was to send the decision to purchase to the district tender committee and if exceeded 7.5 million
the decision to purchase was passed to the Zonal tender committee.
The reporter also used another computerized system (ISCALA) to prepare local purchase order
(LPO) to the picked supplier so as to allow him to perform the required work on the specified
The reporter had to prepare five copies of order (LPO) of different colors and each of which
had its function such as to inform supplier on the acceptance to deal with vehicle, and one will be
accompanied with delivery note from supplier and invoice, one will be for payments and
accompanied with good receiving note to the supplier and the rest remained to the procurement
and accounting departments for referencing when needed for different purpose such as auditing.
There after the reporter have been dealing with files and physically attach the document such
as Works order, RTP, LPO, delivery note and copy or Good receiving Note of each order for
easy accessibility in case they are needed for any reason. In this task the reporter was to apply
the knowledge of File Management.
These data was mainly concerned with daily vehicle oil usage and speed kilometers covered of
which several description such as whether the vehicle was packing, serviceable and fit to work or
totally destroyed and name of appropriate driver was recorded and posted to the Head Quarter
for updates so as to enable them to determine the efficiency of vehicle usage and to have better
inventory control, also this was important to the department as we could not supplied with diesel
oil even if physically we are stock out until the Head quarter get to know how our stock is,
through this system.
In this system the following important details was recorded date of issue, customer order
number of which each customer is given at the very first time when they place order and
customer control number which is assigned to each voucher in sequence manner for easy
accessibility when required. In addition the bin card which shows quantity and balance of stock
was always found where the item located and it is very helpful in determine the maximum stock
level, re-order level if any and Minimum stock level which is useful in inventory control.
Refer appendix 2.
In issuing these materials to the customers via the sub stores messengers, the reporter was
required to record to the appropriate voucher the meter number and seal number for security
purpose, this is helpful when it happens the customer has illegal disconnect the speed meter
reader and use power at low cost in doing so the store management can notify which seal number
has destroyed and take legal action to the respective customer using the record kept.
In this system after each item have been posted as far as we as stores management we were
dealing with materials therefore materials order were closed and posted to the accounting and
finance department for them to deal with labor an transport costs incurred in supplying materials
to the mentioned customers, also in this system Store Issuing Voucher (SIV) number and control
number was recorded and used as the customer reference number. The system found to be very
systematic and efficient though it was somewhat slow in running operation.
Another task was to receive materials delivered to us from the headquarter in this process
different materials such as meters, seals and brackets were received and in receiving we were to
use a delivery note from the supplier via the driver which shows the amount of materials and
description of its state and we could compare with the LPO from the headquarter and see
whether there is any mismatch.
Therefore for any results found good or bad we could raise Good receiving note together with
an Acceptance certificate and hand over to the supplier, and the copy of Acceptance Certificate is
sent to the accountant for payment on only the accepted items.
In case we were to receive wooden poles we had to use the same procedures but when it
comes on downloading, the reporter was to climb on the fork lift together with my supervisor
and see how he is always unloading poles from containers.
Before opening the container we used to check the seals number tied to the container if they
match to the ones written in the Delivery Note (DN), and then if they are, we opened and start to
Also in receiving diesel oil the reporter was to climb on the vehicle and check for the amount
of oil if is appropriate as recorded to the DN using the iron equipment responsible for
measurement and after notify its appropriateness we also check for the seal numbers on the
vehicle if they much to the records on the DN, there after we had to allow the messenger to
unload the oil to the tank.
In most cases it happens that the supplier for oil is subcontracting the supplying work to the
other company so as avoid an additional cost of transporting oil, in this way we could use a
Consignment Note from our contract supplier via the sub contracted supplier on amount of oil
The reporter have been also doing stock taking in which with support of supervisor they were
physically verifying the quantity of stocks in a store by counting, measuring and sometimes
estimating the items in stock, this activity was done so as to ascertain whether or not the stock
records are written accurately and also to disclose any weakness in the whole system and
procedures in materials flow from acquisition through storage, control and handling to issuance
to final users.
The process of stock taking was basically done periodically and since I arrived in the
department I did it once.
Another task was to post data to the Head Quarters through “ISCALA” system concerning
project management as the company tends to have several projects of distributing power to
different areas particularly on remote areas where there is no electricity at all and there is no way
individuals could get power without the support of the company, in this case it happens different
materials sent to these areas therefore it was important to update the head quarter on the material
usage rate.
Also the reporter has been doing reconciliation for materials issued manually via bin card and
‘ISCALA’ computerized system as against physical balance left in stock. This was done to
check if there is any mismatch between these data then the reporter was to countercheck why
mismatch happened. In reconciliation process the reporter was to deal with bin cards for the
specific item, stock transaction list which represent materials posted via the system and physical
In stock transaction list the reporter was dealing with the materials received from the other
company’s warehouse and materials issued to the warehouse within the company.
Also the reporter was interested with the use of crane and fork lift in handling of materials
such as cable and wires. In additional the reporter was also interested with the process of
unloading diesel from the vehicle and taking control of all procedures for receiving and issuing
of materials.
In other way the duties perform was reach a point of boredom when the reporter was to
repeating doing the same work for more than two weeks without having new task to perform and
sometimes it happens there is no works to do at all and that was also boredom. Also when it
happens the system is slow to a point she couldn’t perform any task in that way the reporter was
get bored.
Despite the fact that the tasks assigned was interesting also there was some challenging factors
such as the computerized system used was very sluggish to perform the work in accordance it
could take minutes to hours performing a very tiny work and this can be due to incapability of
the database and server at TANESCO Headquarter which has to control all activities in each
region and thus overloaded. This was the main challenge as most of activities were done using
computerized system.
Also when it happens that the number of customers service officers from different stores in
Dares salaam arrives at once and need immediate service it was a bit challenge as we were to
serve them using extra energy.
Another challenge happened when the supplies of seal wires is not matches with the number
quoted to be delivered, such as the number recorded on the packet is shown to be greater that the
physical amount of seals, when this happens we had to take time and countercheck while
recording the available number of seals and try to look which one is missing so as to inform the
Suppliers, in this way it hinders fast delivery of materials to the customers.
Another challenge faced was double handling of materials, this problem happens when
materials are handled more times than is necessary, this is mainly happen due to inefficiency of
the whole materials management system, in most cases it happens when materials were often
stored in a wrong places and have to be moved later to their right locations. This could be to
outdated warehouse of the company in Magomeni which could not having neither enough space
nor storage equipments.
Also the reporter have been facing the problem of inadequacy of facilities required for
performing the work such as computers and its devices such as printers, photocopy machines,
carbon papers and furniture.
Some of the top officials were not readily available to give some information required at a
reasonable time. Due to their time table of activities some were sometimes not in their offices for
example, sometimes they had managerial meetings or official duties. Therefore the reporter was
trying to follow their timetable by visiting them as their timetable requires.
Also there was the problem on confidential data, some data were confidential therefore the
reporter could not be able to access them for the study there fore she could search data from
Documentaries, Internet and Libraries.
In addition to that the reporter was also facing the problem of financial constraints, since the
amount of money could not corresponds to the requirements during field training.
In other ways the reporter also advise the company to install the server with capacity of
accommodating the operation in a very supersonic speed and thus efficiency and effectiveness at
For the case of customer arrival rate it is only individual activeness to save them by setting a
fixed time of which a single customer can receive his order in complete so as to have a customer
good will.
Also for the case of double handling the reporter could advise the store keeper to allow the
materials to be located only in the appropriate place so as to avoid unnecessary time wastage in
handing materials more than once.
For the case of warehouse, I advised the company via the senior manager to construct a new
warehouse which matches with the current technology so as to avoid the problems it poses to the
Though there is experience gained through this field but the reporter expectation before
going for the field was to apply different procurement methods such as competitive and restricted
tendering in acquiring materials such as meters and seals but what happened all this were to be
done by headquarter and we were to replenish our store using the headquarter main store, so we
were only doing the window shopping in obtaining some minor materials example stationeries
and for the vehicle service as against my expectation.
The reporter was also expecting to be given her own office with assistant of a head of
procurement unit in procurement of materials.
The reporter also expected to take control over the warehouse and apply the inventory
management and warehouse management principles in operations.
. The reporter was also expecting to acquire new knowledge and practical experience, also
improving my confidence in solving problems.
If any the reporter expected to have some allowances such as payments after completion of my
field work as thanks given to me for the works I have been doing.
Unfortunately the reporter expectation was some met and other were not, in this way the reporter
was to cope with the situation and bided by the rules and regulations for the performance of
works assigned .
Provides consistent quality.
Gives a stable background.
Provides a good service back-up.
Is responsive to our needs.
Keeps promises.
Provides technical support.
Keeps us (buyer) informed on progress.
Also new things learnt in receiving and issuing of materials is applications of documents such
as Stores Packing Note (SPN), Acceptance certificate, Debit Note and Gate pass form;
Within the company the reporter was assigned to receive different materials such as wooden
poles following procedures of different kind example for the supply of wooden poles the
company tends to advertise tender and after obtaining the appropriate supplier the headquarter
has to supply LPO’s to different district warehouses includes our office of which after passing
several stages of procurement cycle the appropriate bidder has to supply poles using their drivers
as per LPO’s instructions from headquarter.
When materials arrives at our store we together with storekeeper with the copy of LPO we
receive poles and assisted to check them by the team responsible for checking materials. There
after an Acceptance certificate a document which comments or recommend on materials state
and condition and if they are fit for use or not, it is attached together with the Good Receiving
Note (GRN) plus a copy of delivery note which was given to us in receiving the consignment,
the1n all this document are attached and handed to the supplier using the driver.
For the case of issuing materials to the other warehouse owned by the company located in the
other district or region after the representative submit a requisition forms from their customers’
needs a service of supplied with electricity which called Stores Requisition Voucher (SRV), then
the storekeeper is to check on possibility of supplying the materials required and issue to that
In issuing the materials recorded are written on the document called Stores issuing Voucher
(SIV) are physically handed to the messenger from the appropriate warehouse in need, the
materials given to the messenger usually a driver is accompanied with the Stores Packing Note
which act as a materials transfer note, it is an internal document which used by the company
within the warehouses which prepared by the issuing warehouse and received by receiving
warehouse and the copy of which is sent to the accounting department.
This Store Packing Note it is responsible to describe materials coded a certain number in store
has been issued in a certain quantity and delivered using a certain vehicle having a certain plate
number with an SIV number together with a delivery note and Gate pass which allows or permit
the driver to get off the warehouse with materials.
In preparation of store issuing voucher three copies are prepared of different color therefore
after the materials has been physically issued the copy retained pink in color is used as the Debit
Note which is used by the store management department to inform the Headquarter on the
materials issued.
they realize her presence and dare to speak out am capable to work with them and when it
happened I’m absent they could search for my presence.
Also they told the reporter that they will prepare a certificate which expresses her capacity and
competition at work which will assist in her interviews when searching for job opportunity as a
working experience.
Unfortunately the not yet got any promise on employment opportunity but they really
appreciate her presence and give an opportunity of working with her for any chance, and in
addition they took her contacts in case any job opportunity happens. Also they provide the
reporter with their contact in case of referees and any carrier assistant.
For the case of knowledge the reporter had knowledge on theory perspective but when it comes
to field she upgrade knowledge on practice aspects and thus gives her an opportunity of
determine the capacity in application of theory in practice.
Also in terms of confidence the reporter could determine how confident she was in solving
problems in accurate and efficient manner, this field practical enables the reporter to have
confidence of interacting with employees, customers and administrative leaders in solving
organizational problems to reach a predetermine goals and objective.
As personal skills can be acquired, developed and improved, this field attachment assisted the
reporter to develop the skills she had, it acted to her as the key of living the fullest potential as
she know with interest on specific matter influences the skills chose to be developed, since the
field was very interested to the reporter succeed to developed skills which kept her in position of
upgrading leadership skills and ability to take initiatives at work places.
The reporter also get the skills on being good listener to the customers and people as well as
having good communication skills to the public when it happened she had to disconnect power to
the people’s residence.
In academic point of view the reporter realized that the education obtained is capable of
operating warehouse activities, vehicles management and procurement related activities in
efficiency and competent manner.
This field also enables the reporter to get spotlight or exposure to the community as she used to
save the customers requisition and acted as people’s person thus get connect to them, it enables
the reporter to be very close to a number of people in a very short period of time, and when she
pass around the town the reporter realized that there was new exposure to the people for the good
service she offered to them via the company assistance.
On top of that now the reporter have new attitude or perception on how to work with
organizations as she have enough strength and power obtained through challenges faced and
learn from the company as the reporter worked with employees and managed to overcome as a
conqueror or champion. Example when the reporter was to battle with the slowest operating
system and accomplish the tasks assigned no matter it was weekdays, weekends or late hours/
hours of darkness she could attend to the office
Field training is a special aspect which enables individual to integrate between theory and
practice, as learning theoretically is never being complete unless there is practical. Up to the end
of practical training, it is expected that students will be enhanced with skills, working abilities,
positive attitude towards their area of specialization and being exposed to the market.
This field training acted to me as the special ladder through which I could determine my position
of applying knowledge I had in theory into practice.
Also this field train assisted me to upgrade my skills in terms of leadership and communication
as it could gives me an opportunity of facing different challenges and in solving them my
leadership skills upgraded.
As a trainee I had an opportunity of interacting with customers and employees in such a way I
could get some advice on how to conquer in my interview, they also train me on kind of
questions they likely to be asked.
In other way this field training enhance the confidence I had in such a way I sure I can work
with any organization freely, also it was the my chance of obtaining a certificate through which it
will add my curriculum vitae in application for job opportunity.
Also inns should take responsibility of looking for the field attachment availability positions to
the most reputable companies so as to ensure their students are obtain appropriate trains on their
area of professionalism.
There should be an arrangement for academic tours at least for each semester to the different
organizations this will enables students to cope with working environment. These arrangements
for trips should be arranged by the academic department with the help of dean of students in
ensuring that the target is met.
Also there should be seminars on descriptions of what important areas trainee/student should
learn in practice at field areas because in absence of this guideline a student can perform
irrelevant duties as against the purpose of field practical.
Also organizations which train students in their academic perspectives should ensure tasks
assigned are relevant so as to assist the student in good way of management.
Also organization should consider the trainee as the part and parcel of the company in any
decisions, ideas, meetings and seminars so as to allow the student feels at work.
Also university should allow inter colleagues’ interaction so as to allow the new ways of
management to the schools.
Adequate training on data base system must be provided to the students especially those involved
in purchasing activities in order to make aware on procurement and other new issues related to it.
The organization should have to employ professional qualified purchasing staff; this will help
the department and organizations as whole in practicing effective procurement of materials.
Choosing the most appropriate types of equipments for any particular application is important for
getting the most productive and cost effective working of the system and time spent on
equipment specification and selection is time well spent, therefore organization should take that
into consideration.
Users are the ones who identify the need and are the base to the purchasing of materials.
Organizations have to make sure users must be specific and provide detailed information on
materials to be procured so as to avoid unnecessary cots encountered in making specification.
On top of that the government should reduce taxes or tariffs on TANESCO in their services
provision so as they can lower prices and thus individuals manages to purchase power services to
their residence.