This document appears to be notes from a nursing ethics course, covering different approaches to ethics including principlism, deontology, teleology, virtue ethics, and the ethics of care. It defines key terms and compares different ethical frameworks such as whether they take a deductive or inductive approach, are duty-based or consequentialist, and draw from philosophers like Kant or focus on virtues.
This document appears to be notes from a nursing ethics course, covering different approaches to ethics including principlism, deontology, teleology, virtue ethics, and the ethics of care. It defines key terms and compares different ethical frameworks such as whether they take a deductive or inductive approach, are duty-based or consequentialist, and draw from philosophers like Kant or focus on virtues.
This document appears to be notes from a nursing ethics course, covering different approaches to ethics including principlism, deontology, teleology, virtue ethics, and the ethics of care. It defines key terms and compares different ethical frameworks such as whether they take a deductive or inductive approach, are duty-based or consequentialist, and draw from philosophers like Kant or focus on virtues.
This document appears to be notes from a nursing ethics course, covering different approaches to ethics including principlism, deontology, teleology, virtue ethics, and the ethics of care. It defines key terms and compares different ethical frameworks such as whether they take a deductive or inductive approach, are duty-based or consequentialist, and draw from philosophers like Kant or focus on virtues.
2. Teleology; greatest good: Deontology; duty based 3. Ethics of Care ; caring: Virtue ethics ;competency or excellence 4. Deductive : general : inductive approach; particular 5. Deontology ; cause of justice : Teleology ; the end justifies the means Deontology (Duty Based) 6. Kant ; the ultimate end of reason is autonomous of an individual’s desires: Roach ; Virtue Ethics 7. Arete ; virtue : Virtus ; manliness 8. Intuitionism; insights: Teleology ; consequences 9. Deon ; one must : Telos ; end 10. Teleology ; Deductive : Ethics of Care ; Inductive