Internship Report (Saman Kayani)

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Name: Saman kayani

Roll No: BSM-F18-M37

Degree Program: BS (Hons) Management Sciences

Session: 2018-22

Internship Organization Name: City District Government Branch and Address:

Civil Lines Jhelum.

Internship Supervisor: Additional Deputy Commissioner(General) Jhelum

Internship Supervisor Contact Number: 0544-9270109

Internship Supervisor Email ID:


In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious, most merciful and most beneficial who endowed me
with the will and thoughts to complete this project with the praise of his beloved Holy Prophet
(PBUH). I am very thankful to my supervisor who kept my morale high by his suggestions and
appreciation. Without his precious guidance and help I could never be able to complete this project.
I would like to acknowledge extremely valuable assistance provided by all the Officers and other
staff members for their great cooperation. They provide the proper guidance and support time to
time which helped me a lot to work in such competitive environment and the timely completion
of assignments. The office working environment is very good. I would also like to admit that I
owe all our achievements to our truly, sincere and most loving parents, who mean the most to me,
and whose prayers are a source of determination for me. In the end I would like to say thanks to
all of those who helped me in any way and made it easier for me to complete this task.

Student Name:

Saman kayani

Chapter 1: Introduction to Organization (City District Government) ........................................................... 7
Heads of offices and groups: ..................................................................................................................... 7
Basic Tasks of Deputy Commissioner: ......................................................................................................

1.1 Brief History: ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Nature of Organization: ................................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Organogram and Number of Employees: ...................................................................................... 8

Hierarchy: ..................................................................................................................................................
Departments and office of City District Government Jhelum ................................................................... 9
• Department of (Finance & Planning) ................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Revenue) ..................................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Municipal Services) .................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Education) ................................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Information Technology) ............................................................................................ 9
• Department of (Literacy) ...................................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Works & Services) ...................................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Community Development) .......................................................................................... 9
• Department of (Health) .........................................................................................................................
• Department of (Agriculture) ................................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Vision:............................................................................................................................................
1.5 Mission: .........................................................................................................................................

1.6 Values: .........................................................................................................................................

1.7 Goals and Objectives: .................................................................................................................. 10
Objectives: ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Goals (Financial Goals, Marketing Goals, HR Goals) ........................................................................ 10

1.8 Business of Organization: ............................................................................................................ 11

Chapter 2 Public Management Practices at different CDG offices: ............................................................
Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue: ............................................................................................... 11
Additional work of Deputy Commissioner (Revenue): ....................................................................... 12

2.1 Organization and Management: ................................................................................................... 13
.............................................................................................................................................. 13

Leading: ...............................................................................................................................................
Controlling: ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Staffing/human Recourse: ........................................................................................................... 14

2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting: ........................................................................................... 15

2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................
2.5 Organizational Culture: ............................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects: ..................................................................................................
2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement: ............................................................................................... 15
An Overview of Assistant Commissioner Office Jhelum: .......................................................................... 15
2.1 Organization & Management: ..................................................................................................... 16

Planning: ..................................................................................................................................................
Organizing: ..........................................................................................................................................
Leading: ...............................................................................................................................................
Controlling: ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Staffing & Human Resource: ....................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting: ........................................................................................... 18
2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................

2.5 Organizational Culture: ............................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects: ..................................................................................................
2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement: ............................................................................................... 20

DEA Jhelum (District Education Authority) Jhelum- An overview: .......................................................... 20

2.1 Organization and Management: ................................................................................................... 20
Planning: ..................................................................................................................................................
Organizing: ..........................................................................................................................................

Leading: ...............................................................................................................................................
Controlling: ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Staffing & Human Resource: ....................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting: ........................................................................................... 23
2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................
2.5 Organizational Culture: ............................................................................................................... 23
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects: ..................................................................................................24

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement: ............................................................................................... 24

Rescue 1122 Office Jhelum. An overview: ................................................................................................. 24
2.1 Organization and Management: ................................................................................................... 25
.............................................................................................................................................. 25

Organizing: ..........................................................................................................................................
Leading: ...............................................................................................................................................
Controlling: ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Staffing & Human Resource: ....................................................................................................... 27

2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting: ........................................................................................... 27
2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................
2.5 Organization culture: ................................................................................................................... 28
2.6 DONORS/DRIVEN PROJECTS: ............................................................................................... 28

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement: ............................................................................................... 29

District Accounts Office-An Overview: ...................................................................................................... 29
2.1 Organization & Management: ..................................................................................................... 29
Planning & Organization ..................................................................................................................... 29
Leading & Controlling:........................................................................................................................ 30
2.2 Staffing/Human resource: ............................................................................................................

2.3 Financial Resources & Budgeting: .............................................................................................. 31

2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................
2.5 Organizational Culture: ............................................................................................................... 32
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects: ..................................................................................................
2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement: ............................................................................................... 32
Livestock Department- An Overview: .........................................................................................................
2.1 Organization & Management: ..................................................................................................... 32

Planning: ..............................................................................................................................................
Organizing: ..........................................................................................................................................
Leading: ...............................................................................................................................................
Controlling: ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2 Staffing and Human Resource: .................................................................................................... 35
2.3 Financial Resources & Budgeting: .............................................................................................. 35
2.4 Stakeholders:................................................................................................................................35

2.5 Organizational Culture: ............................................................................................................... 36
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Project: ................................................................................................... 36
2.7 Community & Citizen Engagement: ........................................................................................... 36

Chapter 3: Tasks and Duties at Internship ................................................................................................... 36

Function(s)/Department(s) of Internship: ................................................................................................ 36

3.1 Week 1: ........................................................................................................................................

3.2 Week 2: ........................................................................................................................................
3.3 Week 3: ........................................................................................................................................
3.4 Week 4: ........................................................................................................................................
3.5 Week 5: ........................................................................................................................................
3.6 Week 6: ........................................................................................................................................
Chapter 4: SWOT Analysis of [City District Government]: ....................................................................... 37

Chapter 1: Introduction to Organization (City District Government):
City District Government (CDG) is a part of Government of the Punjab and tackles all matters
related to administration of the Jhelum city.

Heads of offices and groups:

The District Coordination Group of Offices shall be added by the District Coordination Officer.

A group of offices, other than the District Coordination Group of Offices, shall be headed by an
Executive District Officer.

The District Officers shall head the district offices.

The Government shall setup sub-offices of the offices decentralized to district government in every
tehsil or town in a city district depending upon the needs of such tehsil or, as the case may be,
town for such sub-office: Provided that where any sub-office exists or is set up in a tehsil or town
in a City District the Deputy District Officer shall head such sub-office.

Basic Tasks of Deputy Commissioner:

According to the Punjab local government rule, In every district, the Government shall appoint a
District Coordination Officer who shall be a civil servant of the Federation or of the Province, as
far as possible in Basic Scale 20: Provided that in a City District, the District Coordination Officer
may be a civil servant of the Federation or Province in Basic Scale 21.
Enlisted below are the main duties of revenue administration.

• Maintenance & updating of Periodical Revenue/ Land Record.

• Recovery of Government dues i.e. Land Revenue, water rate, Capital Value Tax and
Agricultural Income Tax
• To achieve targets fixed by the provincial Government pertaining to recovery of stamp duty
and Registration fees etc.
• Disposal of pending court cases in accordance with the provisions of law/ Rules
• Transparency in registration of sale, gift/ mortgage/ redemption etc transactions of Land in
accordance with provision of Law/ Rules and maintenance of record of said deeds in the
offices of concerned Sub registrars
• Transparency of transactions, i.e. sale, Purchase, lease and transfer of Lands in accordance
with provision of Law/ Rules and their updated record in relevant documents. And to
provide services to stake holders i.e. land owners/ lessees tenants etc.


• Tehsil Offices
• Sub Registrar Offices
• Girdawars and record of Patwaris
• Khasra Girdawari
• Different Branches of the Revenue Department
Judicial Work

• 2nd Appellate Court in partition cases

• Appeal against the order passed by the Assistant Commissioners in appeals about sanction
of mutation and in Redemption cases Ejectment cases and Production Suit
• Appellate Court in respect of correction of Revenue Record and in Lumberyard cases. Land
Reforms and Settlement Cases

1.1 Brief History:

The CDG was established in 2001 during the process of devolution and the CDG Administration
was divided between District Coordination Officer & District Police Officer.

1.2 Nature of Organization:

CDG is purely a Governmental Organization which is established to solve out the general public
problem related to any field in the district.

1.3 Organogram and Number of Employees:

The organization has almost 1000 Employees.


Departments and office of City District Government Jhelum

I had been working in the different department and duration of the internship

There are following Departments and offices in City District Government Jhelum where I have
done work

• Deputy Commissioner office
• Additional Deputy Commissioner office
• Department of (Finance & Planning)
• Department of (Revenue)
• Department of (Municipal Services)
• Department of (Education)
• Department of (Information Technology)
• Department of (Literacy)
• Department of (Works & Services)
• Department of (Community Development)
• Department of (Health)
• Department of (Agriculture)
All the given departments have their own responsibilities and working properly. The departments
work as their duties and send the performances to the head (District Coordination Officer).

1.4 Vision:
To maintain Law and Order (Directly and indirectly) in Sub-division and to conduct free and fair
elections and to make a good management system in district Jhelum.

1.5 Mission:
Maintenance of law and order, to collect Land revenue, appoint Police-Patil in villages, Drought
survey, Land acquisition and rehabilitation, Disaster management eg. Flood, earthquake, issuing
various certificates such as caste certificate, Income certificate, and to conduct free and fair
elections. He has his peculiar role to coordinate with LEAs and to be an active partner in many
decisions making on law and order.

1.6 Values:
The supreme values of City District Government are following as quoted by DC:

LEADERSHIP We strive to uphold the highest work ethic, treat everyone fairly, empower people
to do their best, promote continuous improvement, foster teamwork, communicate openly and
respectfully so as to achieve trust and accountability throughout our community.

INCLUSIVENESS We cultivate an environment of trust and respect for all residents and visitors
alike. We strive to ensure that our actions are inclusive and reflective of the diverse community of
which we aim to be.

INTEGRITY We safeguard public trust through honest business practices and open
communication. Our credibility with the public depends on our strong ethical stewardship of all

COLLABORATION We promote transparent engagement with citizens and stakeholders and

expect our managers and consultants to understand the needs and values of our community.

1.7 Goals and Objectives:

From district administration to the highest levels of policy making in the federal government, the
officers of the Pakistan Administrative Service play the most pivotal part in running the entire

Goals (Financial Goals, Marketing Goals, HR Goals)

Finance& Planning

Executive District Officer Finance & Planning is the head of Finance & Planning department. Two
district officers, District Finance Officer (DFO) and District Planning Officer (DPO) are assisting
head of the department

Functions of Finance & Planning Department

• Planning & Development

• Finance
• Accounts
• Budget preparation

Marketing Goals

City District Government has no marketing goals such like a private organization but they are
responsible for providing good services on district level to local community.

HR Goals

In Government sector, government recruits the people through different type of examination
system like PPSC etc on different scales.

1.8 Business of Organization:
CDG is purely a Governmental Organization which is established to solve out the general public
problem related to any field in the district.

CDG covers the whole District and responsibilities are very high in volume because, the area is
very big and people to handle having a huge strength 1.2 million almost. For this purpose District
Government Jhelum works with a different departments of the different type of responsibilities

Chapter 2 Public Management Practices at different CDG offices:

I have worked in different offices of CDG. The names of offices are as follow:

• Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue Office

• Assistant Commissioner Office
• Education Office
• Rescue 1122
• Accounts Office
• Livestock Office.
Now I will explain about each office briefly:

Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue:

This department is responsible for:
• Revenue collection &management of expenditure and handle cases in court at District

• Maintenance & updating of Periodical Revenue/ Land Record.

• Recovery of Government dues i.e. Land Revenue, water rate, Capital Value Tax and
Agricultural Income Tax
• To achieve targets fixed by the provincial Government pertaining to recovery of stamp duty
and Registration fees etc.
• Maintenance & updating of Periodical Revenue/ Land Record.

Additional work of Deputy Commissioner (Revenue):

• HRC branch
• Settlement Branch
• Land Reforms Branch
• NTO Branch
• Litigation Branch
• Copying Branch

• Inspections of brick kilns, child labor, anti-encroachment any other enforcement related
• Law & Order and Security Matters
• Overseas Pakistanis’ Commission / complaints
• Establishment of Ramzan Bazaars / Itwar Bazaars / Christmas Bazaars and submission /
uploading reports.
• Service matters of all ministerial/revenue field staff of DC office & ARCs (i.e. posting/
transfer, appointment, retirement, leave, disciplinary cases, service book etc.).
• To maintain record of vacancy position of all other departments of the district.
• ACRs of staff of DC Office(s).
• Courses/Training of Officers/Officials.
• Land acquisition cases.
• Recovery of govt. dues including land revenue.
• Lease/agreement.
• Matters pertaining to state/nazul land.
• Removal of encroachment from illegal occupant on government land.
• Remission/suspension of govt. dues.
• Issues related to Bar Associations.
• Appointment of Notary Public/Oath Commissioner/Stamp Vendor etc.
• Coordination among different departments in case of Flood/Earthquake/other natural
calamities matters/to establish District Disaster/Relief Cell.
• Monitoring and Supervision of LRMIS Centres and related issues
• District Disaster Management Committee.
• Illegal LPG Decanting
• Miscellaneous matters related to Armed Forces other than security.
• Matters of Probationer Officers/their visits.
• Other duties assigned from time to time.
2.1 Organization and Management:
As it is a pure Government Organization, all management functions like Planning, Organizing,
Leading and controlling is done by Punjab Board of Revenue, which is headquarter of revenue
department in Punjab.

The departments under Punjab Board of Revenue are:

• Revenue department.
• Relief and Crisis Management Department.
• Colonies Department.
• Consolidation Department.
• Special Institute, Punjab Land Commission.
• Attached Departments, Directorate of Land Records & Directorate of Kachi Abadies.

The department aims to achieve the following milestones:

• Integration with commercial banks for online processing of mortgages

• Digitization of crop inspection (Gardawari)
• Inclusion of CNIC in the revenue records
• Archiving of historical records (Revenue and Deed)
• Digitization of maps - baseline for geospatial infrastructure
• Creation of Urban Land Records System - Uniform Property Administration System

As by organization we mean, assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating
authority, and allocating resources across the organization. So, organization by this department is
done by following map:

The leadership of this department is as follow:

Naveed Haider Sherazi

Revenue and Establishment

Munir Ahmed Shah

Settlement and Consolidation

Rana Khalid Mehmood


Nasir Jamal Hotyana
Settlement and Rehabilitation
There is certain key performance Indicators for any ADCR in any district. These are as follow:

• Registration and filing compliance.

• Taxpayer services and education. • Returns processing and payment
• Arrears collection.
• Audit and investigations
• Appeals.

2.2 Staffing/human Recourse:

In ADCR Jhelum office, there are up to 20 staff members. The hierarchy in this department in
Jhelum is as follow:



2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting:

The budgeting of this department is done by Punjab Board of Revenue. The Budgeting details for year of
2019-20 are as follow:

Year Type Original 3 qtrs release Expenditure

(up allocation to jan20)

2019 – 2020 Salary 402,863,000 312,348,000 295,871,813

Non-Salary 92,325,000 69,866,000 35,666,464

2.4 Stakeholders:

Stakeholders of ADCR office are all the concerned parties of related to land. But if we classify
broadly, all the citizens of city are stakeholders to some extent.

2.5 Organizational Culture:

The organizational culture is pure Hierarchal, there is a complete and well defined hierarchy as we
can expect in any government office.

2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects:

Currently, there are neither donors of this department nor donor driven projects. All the
expenditures and projects are carried out by budget allot to this department by Punjab Board of

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement:

Citizens who have a common interest of usually land, taxes and stamp paper license holders are
usually engaged to this department. These individuals usually come in group form for their
common cause. ADCR is responsible for listening to their cases and take dictions in prescribed
time period.

An Overview of Assistant Commissioner Office Jhelum:

According to the Punjab Civil Administration Act 2017 (Act III of 2017), The Government shall
appoint a Commissioner for each Division, a Deputy Commissioner for each District and an
Assistant Commissioner for each Tehsil in the Punjab from amongst the officers of the Service.

Job Description of Assistant Commissioner:

In Pakistan, Assistant Commissioner is responsible for maintenance of peace, harmony, rule of
law, situation of Law & Order under check, price controlling, wheat procurement, disaster
management, overall monitoring of Educational Institutes, Hospitals & Health Units, development
work in concerned Tehsil, liaison with the law enforcing agencies, Land transfer approval/ deeds
and other departments. It is a broader understanding that all the powers vested in Commissioner
at Division level are entrusted upon Assistant Commissioner at Tehsil Level. Assistant
Commissioner reports to Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner on official business.

In addition to these duties an Assistant Commissioner is also responsible for:

• Sub-divisional land revenue collection.

• Sub-divisional land acquisition collector.
• Issuance of Domicile.
• Price magistrates.
• Co-coordinating role for all other departments.
• Monitoring and Supervision of LRMIS Centre and related issues.
• Sub-divisional Census Offices.

• Implementation of Government Policies at Sub-divisional level.

2.1 Organization & Management:

All the organization and management functions are done by Commissioner office Rawalpindi and
some are done by DC office Jhelum.

The AC Jhelum aims to achieve the following milestones:

• Check all the subordinate offices of AC Jhelum.

• Implementing higher authority’s orders.
• Development of DPD (District PUBLIC school) • Same price of basic necessities all over
the Jhelum.
• Implementation of Marriage Act.
The organization of AC office Jhelum has been done by following map:

Commissioner Rawalpindi

Deputy Commissioner Jhelum


Assistant Commissioner Jhelum.

The leadership of AC Office Jhelum is as follow:

Chief Commissioner Rawalpindi:

Gulzar Hussain Shah (PAS/BS-21)

Deputy Commissioner Jhelum: Rao

Parvaiz Akhtar

Assistant Deputy Commissioner (General):

Omer Iftikhar Sherazi

Assistant Deputy Commissioner (Revenue):

Mr. Muhammad Irshad

Assistant Deputy Commissioner (Finance & Planning):

Mr. Waqar khan

Assistant Commissioner Jhelum:

Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

There is certain key performance Indicators for any AC in any district. These are as follow:

• Revenue
• Recovery
• Court cases
• Visits
• Price controlling
• E-governance
• Demarcation cases
• Health & Education cases
• Feasibility reports.

2.2 Staffing & Human Resource:

Currently, there are 12 employees working in AC office Jhelum. Vacant posts are some around
08. There is acute shortage of human resource in AC office Jhelum.

The hierarchy of Assistant Commissioner in Jhelum is as follow:



Naib Tehsildar




2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting:
All the funds are issued by Provincial Government of Punjab which has headquarters in Lahore.
The revenue collected by AC Jhelum in form of fines and plenty also goes to Lahore first and then
distributed to various departments for further functions.

2.4 Stakeholders:
All the citizens of Jhelum are somehow stakeholders of AC office by following means :

• Pakistan Citizen’s Portal:

Pakistan Citizen Portal is an integrated citizens grievance redressed system connecting all
government organizations both at federal and provincial levels. The system serves as carrier of
complaints to their respective offices across all over Pakistan. AC office Jhelum takes a very quick
action against each complaint as per law/ policy.

• Punjab Charity Commission:

To register and regulate charities and collection of charitable funds, AC office Jhelum has started
to collect necessary data from NGOs and enter information in their portal. It is necessary to make
effective provisions for the registration, administration and regulation of charities, fund-raising
appeals and collection of charitable funds for charities and other institutions; and, for other

• District Management Price Control:

The provincial government is employing digital monitoring mechanism and toll free helpline
devised by the PITB for recording complaints against profiteering and hoarding in trade of
essential commodities. If a shopkeeper charges more price than mentioned on Qeemat Punjab App,
he will be imposed fine or even FIR. Citizen register their complaint on Pakistan Citizen portal,
and then AC office Jhelum is responsible to take actions according to law.

• No Dustbin No Business Campaign:

AC Office Jhelum has started a campaign to reduce pollution from the city by imposing “No
Dustbin, No Business” rule. Every shopkeeper has been notified by formal notice and strict actions
will be taken on violation.

• Overseas Pakistani’s Complaint Portals:

PITB, in collaboration with the Overseas Pakistanis Commission (OPC), developed an online
complaint portal for effective communication and to redress the complaints in time. The main
reason behind setting up the online portal is to decrease workload and make the complaints
tracking process easier.

• Enforcement of the Punjab Marriage Function Act 2016:
In Jhelum, AC office is responsible to enforce Marriage Function act in the city. If a marriage hall
owner, violates this rule he has to pay a fine of 50,000 to 20,00,000 and an FIR can be registered
against him.

• Providing guidelines to bricks kiln owners about green loans to adopt zigzag
The Punjab government has decided to transfer brick kilns to zigzag technology and provision of
loans in the shape of matching grant. In Jhelum, AC office provides necessary information to kiln
owners to get the loans and grants from Punjab government.

2.5 Organizational Culture:

The organizational culture is pure Hierarchal, there is a complete and well defined hierarchy as we
can expect in any government office.

2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects:

Currently, in Jhelum there is donor driven project under the supervision of AC Jhelum with the
name of “Uqad Assan Program”. The donors of this program are marriage hall owners.
According to this program, poor and the needy girl’s marriage ceremony will be held by the owners
of marriage hall.
2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement:
As discussed above, all the citizens of Jhelum are somehow engaged with this office. It is either
by citizen portal, price controlling, marriage act or by Uqad asan program.

DEA Jhelum (District Education Authority) Jhelum- An overview:

District Education Authorities (DEAs) were established under PLGA, 2013 (Punjab Local
Government Act).

In Jhelum, Dr. Asad Naeem Manuchaher is Chief Executive Officer (Education).

Functions of DEAs under Section 93:

• Establish, manage and supervise: (Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary
Schools, Adult literacy and Non-formal basic education, Special Education institutions of
the Government in the District)
• Implement policies and directions of the Government including achievement of KPIs set
by the Government for education.
• Ensure: (Teaching, infrastructure, student safety and hygiene standards, Minimum
education standards for quality education as may be prescribed.)

• Undertake: (Students’ assessment and examinations, Ranking of schools on terminal
examination results and targets, Promotion of co-curricular activities, sports, scouting, Girl
Guide, Red Crescent.)
• Constitute school management councils to monitor academic activities.
• Approval/re-appropriation of the budget and execution of development schemes.
• Plan and finance maintenance of school, support enrolment and retention.
The stats for schools operating in the district of Jhelum are as below:
Category of School Male Female

Higher Secondary Schools 04 07

High Schools 73 74

Elementary Schools 57 84

Primary Schools 174 318

Grand Total 308 483

2.1 Organization and Management:
The organization and management is done by headquarters of DEA which are located in Lahore.
The CEO Jhelum aims to achieve the following milestones:

• Legislation, Policy Formulation and Planning

• Maintaining Standards of Education
• Monitoring and Evaluation System
• Promotion of Quality Education
• Staff Development
• Regulatory policy concerning private sector schools
• Children libraries and libraries affiliated with Children Library Complex
• Promotion of sports in schools
• Provision of compulsory and free education to all of age 5-16 years
• The matters relating to the Punjab Daanish Schools and Centers of Excellence
• To promote quality education through public-private partnership through Punjab
Education Foundation
• The matters relating the Punjab Teachers' Foundation
• Budget, accounts and audit matters
• Purchase of stores and capital goods for the department
• Service matters except those entrusted to Services and General Administration Department

In the District Education Authority, the organization can be observed in following map:

At district level, Deputy Commissioner is the chairman of DEA (District Education Authority).
Chief Executive Officer is directly answerable to him. All DEOs are further responsible to take
orders from CEO and implement them.

There are certain key performance indicators for DEOs to measure performance of them. Some of
them are as follow:

School Functionality and Environment:

• School visits.
• Co-curricular activities.
• Functioning of ECE
• School hygiene
• Maintenance work
• Funds utilization
• Service record
Community Mobilization:

• Implementation of School Council policy

• Implementation of all orders/instructions/ policies of School Education Department
• School Council meetings.
• Ensure presence of all teachers in all trainings.
• Parents/ Teachers engagement meetings.
Infrastructure Indicators:

• Safe Buildings
• Litnum materials
• Sufficiency of toilets.

2.2 Staffing & Human Resource:

Currently, there are 23 employees working DEA office Jhelum. This number should be 29, so there
is a little shortage of workers in this office.

There are following posts in DEA office Jhelum.

• CEO DEA Jhelum.

• DEO (W-EE) Jhelum.
• DEO (SE) Jhelum.
• DEO (M-EE) Jhelum.
• Dy. DEOs (W-EE)
• Dy.DEO (SE) Jhelum.
• Dy. DEO (M-EE) Jhelum.
The hierarchy of DEA is as follow:

2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting:

Resources are allocated by headquarters which is located at Lahore. All the revenues
collected in form of fines are submitted to headquarter first and then they are distributed to
all over the department.

2.4 Stakeholders:
All the teachers and students are stakeholders of DEA Jhelum. Also we can say that parents of
students are stakeholders of DEA Office Jhelum to some extent.

Teachers are main stakeholders as they get all the promotions, pensions, placement orders, transfer
orders by this office.

2.5 Organizational Culture:

The organizational culture is pure Hierarchal, there is a complete and well defined hierarchy as we
can expect in any government office.
2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects:
There are some donor driven projects which include many schools built with the help and aids of

Many other donor driven projects are:

• School Buildings.
• Uniform Distribution to needy students.
• Distribution of Books to needy Students.
• Water Filtration Plants in schools for Students.
• Installations of fans in government schools.
• Building Maintenance etc.

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement:

All students and teachers are engaged by this department by citizen portal, teachers are directly
engaged too. They get all the orders of placement, transfer, permanent allocation, etc orders from
this office.

Students are directly engaged to this office through activities like training sessions of girl guide,
boys scouts, boys cadets etc.

Rescue 1122 Office Jhelum. An overview:

Sixteen years of service to humanity known with the name Rescue-1122 provided sense of safety
to the citizens of Pakistan from October 2004 to 2020 till to date. This service was necessitated
after failure of repeated attempts to revitalize and modernize the old organizations mandated for
emergency management. Recall the past memories, when there was no ambulance, fire and rescue
services. The Punjab Emergency Service Act 2006 was also unanimously passed from Punjab
Assembly to provide legal cover to the emergency services. Now the Rescue service has become
the leading emergency service of South Asia after getting international certification from United
Nations in the field of search and rescue. The service started from city of Lahore has been
expanded in all 36 districts of Punjab and is being replicated down to tehsil level and other
provinces of Pakistan except Sindh province. Today the Rescue service has completed 16 years of

serving to humanity. During this span of time, despite of all challenges over many victims of
emergencies were rescued, first modern fire rescue service was established and responded over
150,000 fire incidents in the start of the Rescue, saved worth over Rs.450 billion losses with timely
emergency response and professional firefighting, motorbike ambulance service set new standard
of emergency response dealt over 600,00 emergencies in 9 divisional headquarters with average
response time of 4 minutes, patient transfer service was provided to over 800,000 patients from
lower health facility to higher health facility.
2.1 Organization and Management:
Every organization works on a complete management system. The management system that helps
to run the daily activities of the organization, the organization management system based on the
reporting system in rescue 1122 and the activity control based on the information and quick
response and decision making of the commander. The main purpose of the organization
management is to use the better resources of the organization for the better outputs the outputs that
serves the nation. The management of the organization also works on the store of rescue as well
as on the repair and maintenance of the station.
Organizational structure of Rescue 1122:

Normally, an organization planning process includes a successful plan about the achieving of the
goal’s organization. Every organization plans strategies for the better outcomes or results of the
organization. The main planning purpose of Punjab emergency service was started as an
emergency ambulance service from Lahore in 2004. The purpose of this ambulance service is to
provide facility to the people of the nation or area of the Punjab. the establishment of this service

was a great challenge, especially when there were no trained emergency personnel or emergency
training institute available in Pakistan. Against all the odds, the service was established to serve
the nation. Planning of the Punjab emergency service:

• Development of Emergency management force

• Provide pre-hospital emergency ambulance
• Provide fire safety to the all the levels of district Punjab
• Development and establishment of vehicles and tracking monitoring system
• Maintain its response time of less than 7 minutes
• Saving lives and guide people
• Making rescue a model for other provinces and also for all SAARC countries • Effective
performance and monitoring system
• Working on the community safety programs.

These are the planning’s of the rescue 1122 that the working staff worked hard to get the maximum
outputs the only devotion which works with the staff of the rescue is to save the lives in any
emergency situation.
The Rescue station Jhelum is highly following the patterns of the organization’s organizing rules.
The system works on the high professional level of decision making, assigning work, controlling
work loads of staff, shuffling of morning, evening and night shifts. Moreover, the allocation of
resources and designing task for the better performance of the rescue station 1122. There are no
specific working hours of Rescue 1122 the staff works according to the set patterns and roasters
of by the admin staff to organize the activities of the Rescue station. The Rescue is an emergency
force and rescue the people of the Jhelum in the emergency situation, this is the front view or
thinking of the common people but there is a complete procedure following by the Rescue officers
to fulfill the emergency activities. The organizing function includes the managers or higher
command officers organizing the coordination and allocation of resources in order to carry out the

The leading of rescue 1122 includes the extra-ordinary leadership qualities of District Emergency
Officer and other officer of the lower rank and specially the officers of management and admin
officer that the motivate their officer to work with the devotion to the save the life of the

• Control the work pressure

• Stress managing of the officers
• Vision to develop the safe communities
• Focused people to help them and provide good care
• Motivating officers to work hard to save the lives of people of the district.
• Creating sense of safety within the people

• Building the trust of the people of the district
• Guide the people to build safe community
• Give basic training to the volunteers
All the activities involve of the rescue works under clear chain of command and everyone work
under the complete check and balance. the shift officer that gives duty for the emergencies work
under the shift in charge that change after some hours in the time difference of morning, evening
and night. EMTS and LTVS and FR, DR works under the shift in charge the shift in charge is
directed to report the SI of the station, what is SI? It is known as the station in charge of rescue.
The whole station works under the command of SI, SI is responsible for the daily activities the
shift in charges work under the direction of the SI. The SI is directed to report to the RSO or EO
of the station that holds the administration wing, EO controls the operation of control room, repair
and maintenance, and drafting of station. The check and balance on the activities are important as
well as the reporting system is the main working system of rescue 1122, every matter that take
place in the office it is recorded and maintain a fully record about the happening of control room
the agreements made by the admin staff the notice for the employees etc.

2.2 Staffing & Human Resource:

There are approximately more than 100 employees in Rescue 1122 office Jhelum. There is a
complete and clear cut hierarchy in the office.

The hierarchy of Rescue office 1122 is as follow and same hierarchy is followed in every office

of Rescue 1122..

2.3 Financial Resources and Budgeting:

1. The Service has a Fund comprising of
• The grant provided by the Federal and Provincial Governments for the
establishment, maintenance and performance of the Service; and
• The donations or contributions received or generated from private persons or
public, local, foreign or international organizations.

2. The Fund shall be maintained in a scheduled bank and shall be operated in accordance with
the rules or directions of the Council.
3. The Fund shall be regularly monitored by the Council and audited in the same manner as
is done in the case of the funds of other Government Departments.
4. The annual audit report of the Fund shall be made available to the general public and
submitted to the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.
5. No person from the Service shall organize, conduct or take part in any proceedings for
collecting or soliciting money or property from the public except the person authorized by
the Council and in accordance with such conditions as may be laid down by the Council.

2.4 Stakeholders:
The UNDP in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan to identify the
gaps and formulate a strategy for effective management of emergencies and mitigation of disasters.
Effort has also been made to identify possible sources of volunteers who can be of use during
disasters. The government of Punjab is responsible for the funding of the service as well as the
Punjab government of Pakistan is directly linked with the operation financially in all the ways.
Rescue 1122 also linked with the ENGOS to create the better community in the districts of Punjab
and Jhelum. The increasing number of emergencies and disasters taking place due to the change
in the environment, habitat, global warming, Ozone depletion and pollution etc. have necessitated
all communities to join hands to rescue the mother earth so that we can prevent these disasters.
The police coordinate with the rescue 1122 in the crime cases of the district and also share the
funds on the better performance of the rescue and in the moment of the protocol the police linked
with the rescue station Jhelum for the ambulance cover and worked with mutual coordination.

2.5 Organization culture:

The organization culture of Rescue1122 is hierarchical type that includes a proper chain of
command, division of work and task briefing to the officers from higher command to the lower
command. These rules regulation and clear chain of command shows that rescue is hierarchical
type of organization and everyone must follow the rules and work according to the service orders.


The donor and driven project are based on the funding of third sector like NGOs. rescue1122 is a
government institute it also counts in the third sector because it helps the people without having
the concern of profit, but it is the government under and government of Punjab provide the finance
to meet the needs of rescue 1122. Rescue 1122 is a public service to help and rescue people of the
country to serve the people the department needs the donations to work and run the organization
efficiently. The budget of the rescue is set by the Punjab government but the other driven projects
can be handled by the city’s station. The private NGOs are the major organizations that provide
donations to the rescue station of Jhelum, they donate in terms of money that spend on the
emergencies of the city to save the life of the people of Jhelum. The donation can be in the way of
things that used in the ambulance like: medicine, cutters, stretchers, stationary etc. The recent
donors of rescue 1122 are dar-ul-sukun, care foundation Pakistan, Ansar foundation Trust.

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement:
It includes the community safety wing that develops the trust on the rescue and sense of
protectiveness among the people of the district. Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)
to help citizens making their localities safe communities. CERT basically concern with community
welfare program to enhance living standards of individuals. Rescue scouts are its members and
rescue warden performing the role of leader of their group. Rescue 1122 is not just providing the
emergency victims with the basic right to timely emergency care but believes in
“saving lives and changing minds”. This is vividly reflected in the mission statement of the Service
which is “development of safer communities through establishment of an effective system for
emergency preparedness, response and prevention”.

District Accounts Office-An Overview:

Office of the Accountant-General Punjab is responsible for payment of pay, general provident fund
and pension to the employees of the Government of Punjab. In addition to the payment function,
Accountant-General Punjab is also responsible for the compilation of accounts on monthly/annual
basis. Authorization of payments requires great care and caution as chance of over/unauthorized
payment cannot be ruled out due to huge quantum of work. In order to minimize the chances of
error/omission this office carries out internal audit of various sections at the main office as well as
the Districts at regular intervals for early pointation of errors (if any) and then subsequent

2.1 Organization & Management:

The management and organization is supervised by head office of DAO which is situated at
Planning & Organization
The targets which are set by DAO are as follow:

• To prepare and maintain the account of the Federation, Provinces and District Government
in the district
• To authorize payment and withdrawals according to the budgetary provision, and after pre-
audit checks as prescribed by the Auditor General
• To provide guidance/advice to facilitate other Govt. Departments in relation with the
service matter, etc.
• To provide information required by the Federal, Provincial or District Govt. with reference
to the accounts compiled by this office
• To develop an efficient system regarding payment of pension and other claims to the
government employees.

Other important functions of District Accounts Office are:

General Provident Fund

• Provision of General Provident Fund Balance Sheet
• General Provident Fund Facilitation Center for Speedy Disposal of Fund Cases


• SAP Generated Monthly Civil Accounts

• SAP Generated Monthly Appropriation Accounts


• Establishment of Pension Facilitation Center

• One Window Operation for Pensioners


• Computerized change tracking system

• SAP generated Last Pay Slip (LPC)

Leading & Controlling:

The team is led by following personals:

• Abdul Ghafoor Khan Accountant General

• Dr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman
Director General
• Dr. Zahid Habib Bhutta Additional Accountant General
• Mahmood Latif
Additional Accountant General
• Shahzadi Andleeb Fatima Deputy Accountant General
• Arshad Bhatti
Deputy Accountant General
(G.P Fund & TM)
• Humayun Ahsan
Deputy Accountant General
(Pension & Computer)
• Saba Hameed
Deputy Accountant General

The controlling functions can be assessed to some extent by following functions:

• Bill Status
• DDO Budget Report
• Salary slip
• Vendor Information
• DDO Reconciliation.

2.2 Staffing/Human resource:

There are nearly 50 staff members in District Accounts Office Jhelum.

The hierarchy of this office is distributed in two wings:

Provincial Wing: Federal Wing:

DAO 1 (District Account Officer 1) DAO 2 (District Account Officer 2)

4 AAOs (Assistant Account Officer) 4 DDAOs (Deputy District Accounts Officer)

Senior Auditor

Junior Auditor

Computer Operators

2.3 Financial Resources & Budgeting:

The budget to this department is allocated by head Office of District Account Offices Punjab
located at Lahore. All the slips and salary plans are issued by this department of all the government
employees, including monthly pays, pensions, and payrolls and also include the calculation of how
many paid leaves government employees can get in a month or in a year.

This department sends the slips to the head office and then the salaries of government employees
are transferred to their accounts.
2.4 Stakeholders:
All the government employees who are currently in services or got retired are somehow
stakeholders of this office. Because salary slips, pension schedule, calculation of paid leaves etcall
is done by this department.

2.5 Organizational Culture:

The organization culture of District Accounts Office Jhelum is hierarchical type that includes a
proper chain of command, division of work and task briefing to the officers from higher command
to the lower command.

2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Projects:

Currently, there are no donors of this department as no donors driven projects are being driven by
this department.

2.7 Community/Citizen Engagement:

As we can see that the community which is engaged to this department is of government employees
whether they are government teachers, doctors, clerks, office staff, and from scale 22 to scale 01.

Livestock Department- An Overview:

The Agriculture Sector contributes 21% of GDP of Pakistan, which consumes 46% of direct labor
force, coming from 67% of the population. Out of Agriculture, the share of livestock sector is 56%.
However, the head count involved in both sectors is same as livestock and agriculture supplement
each other in the rural landscape. Livestock’s value exceeds the combined value of all the major
and minor crops by about 6.1%. The share of livestock products in the generation of foreign
exchange is about 13%. More significantly, livestock is an integral part (30-40%) of livelihood of
about 30 to 35 million rural farmers. Presently, the reported gross value addition of livestock stands
at PKR 1,172 billion, whereas livestock share in export is 8.5%.

Province has 49% of Pakistan’s cattle, 65% of the buffaloes, 24% of the sheep, and 37% of the
goats.1 In value of product, it is producing 62% of milk, 43% of beef, 32% of mutton and 75% of
poultry of Pakistan. However, livestock productivity and standards of preventive health are far
below world benchmarks. The reasons are inextricably not linked with the genetic potential of the
breeds but with wider market distortions.

2.1 Organization & Management:

The management of livestock department is overlooked by PUNJAB LIVESTOCK & DAIRY

Punjab Livestock & Dairy Development Board (PLDDB) is a non-profit Organization established
under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The PLDDB has been aimed to develop
Livestock & Dairy sector of the Punjab while facilitating small & large farmers in production,
processing & marketing with the latest infrastructure and modern farming technologies to improve
their animals’ genetics and milk/ meat production ratio. PLDDB is also meant to accelerate private
investment opportunities in this sector. The whole domain will resultin poverty alleviation and
economic growth of the Punjab.

• The Board is being operated by 4 major wings:

• Farm Production & Planning
• Nutrition Resource Management,
• Field Service & Capacity Building and Finance & Admin.
PLDDB has focused on the up gradation of more than 90% small farmers of the province by
providing technical & in kind assistance as per their need, the women empowerment is another

added domain of the board & the team is working closely with the women working in Livestock
& Dairy Development management.

This department has set following milestones to achieve:

• Estab. of Model Veterinary Hospital in each tehsil

• Augmenting rural poultry R&D in Punjab
• Shadbaad Cooperative Livestock Farms Project
• Propagation of ducks rearing in Punjab
• Establishment of Model Veterinary Hospital at one Tehsil of each Division in Punjab
• Development of Ostrich Farming In Punjab
• Developing Rural Poultry Models
• Delivery of Better Extension Services to Accelerate Fish Culture Practices
• Establishment of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur
The department has taken several vital initiatives for the uplift of Livestock sector in Punjab. Some
of these initiatives are mentioned: 1st Livestock & Dairy Development Policy, Paradigm Shift (
From Curative to Preventive), Livestock Breeding Act (2014) and Establishment of Livestock
Breeding Services Authority, Mobile Hospitals, Dispensaries, Labs & Bikes, Poverty Alleviation
Scheme, Mass Vaccination Campaigns, Deworming Campaigns, Anti Ticks / Anti Congo
Campaign, 9211 Virtual Governance System, Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed
Act (2016) and Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola, Save the Calf / Calf fattening Scheme,
Community Facilitator Project, Duck Distribution, Capacity Building Training of L&DD Staff,
Ostrich Farming and Revitalization of Disease Diagnosis and Surveillance setup in Punjab among

The organization of this department is as follow:

DG Research Office supervises the following Directorates:

• Directorate of Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) Lahore

• Foot & Mouth Disease Research Center (FMDRC) Lahore
• Directorate of Poultry Research Institute (PRI) Rawalpindi
• Project Directorate of Disease Diagnostic Labs Punjab DG Extension Office

supervises the following directorates:

• Director LSTC Bahadurnagar

• Director Livestock Farms
• Director Breed Improvement
• Director BLPRI Kherimurat
• CRO BRI Pattoki
• Director RCCSC Jhang
• Director LPRI Bahadurnagar
The performance of this department is assessed by following programs:

• How many animals got vaccinated?

• By which quantity milk production has been exceeded?
• How many Poultry Farms has formed new?
• Average response rate of Mobile dispensaries.

2.2 Staffing and Human Resource:
There should be 161 staff members in each district but currently total number of staff members in
district Jhelum is 106.

There are 10 dispensaries in District Jhelum

There are 4 slaughter houses and 4 mobile dispensaries.

The Hierarchy of this office is as follow:

Additional Director

Deputy Director

APVO (Add. Principle Vet


SVO ( Senior Vet Officer)

VO (Vet Officer)

Para vet Staff

2.3 Financial Resources & Budgeting:

This department gets budget from head office in form of grants for various projects. All the salaries
and pensions are issued by head office.

• There is just 5Rs. Fee for receipt of vet hospitals.

• Vaccination is totally free
• Some special vaccines have maximum charges of 300 to 500.

2.4 Stakeholders:
Mostly, the farmers are main stakeholders of this department. And people who are fond of small
poultry farms at homes are also their stakeholders. Other stakeholders include all the people who
have pet at homes are somehow engaged to this department.
2.5 Organizational Culture:
The organization culture of District Livestock office Jhelum is hierarchical type that includes a
proper chain of command, division of work and task briefing to the officers from higher command
to the lower command.

2.6 Donors/Donors Driven Project:
There are no as such donors who are carrying out any project but District livestock Office Jhelum
is helping needy people to provide them with hens who lay eggs at a very low cost. This program
not only increasing egg production but also it increasing poultry farm awareness in public.

2.7 Community & Citizen Engagement:

The citizens engagement to this department is going to be increased buy following program:

Community Organizations (COs):

All village/farmer level project interventions will be implemented through active involvement of
community organizations established in each target village. CO formation, mobilization and
organizational structure/process will follow the already well-established process developed by
RSPs/NGOs. These COs will primarily be women-centered. A CO level need assessment for
livestock development will inform the plan of interventions in each CO, articulating the mutual
responsibilities between the CO and project. COs will be required to contribute in cash or kind
20% of all community based infrastructure and 50% of all household based investments. All
decisions about project interventions in any village will be made in CO meetings, preferably with
consensus and, if need be, majority vote.

Chapter 3: Tasks and Duties at Internship

Function(s)/Department(s) of Internship:
I worked in following departments of City District Government:

• Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue).

• Assistant Commissioner Office.
• DEA (District Education Authority).
• Rescue 1122 Office Jhelum.
• District Accounts Office Jhelum.
• District Livestock Office Jhelum.

3.1 Week 1:
In first week, at ADCR office I was assigned the duty of Dairy Dispatch of letters and notifications
to concerned departments.
3.2 Week 2:
At AC office Jhelum, I was assigned the task of getting reports from all the concerned magistrates
on daily basis.

I also did dairy dispatch of letters there. And we got lectures on management issues of district from
AC daily.

3.3 Week 3:

At DEA, I got different tasks like giving instructions to AOEs from getting higher authorities to

I also did dairy dispatch of letters there, Filing, Typing of letters etc.

3.4 Week 4:
At Rescue office, I was given the training of first aid, Emergency room visits, Understanding the
wings, culture of the Rescue station, the understanding & development with the organogram and
the designation of the officers under the RSO of the Rescue station Jhelum.

3.5 Week 5:
At District Accounts Office, the main duty I was assigned was punching of data in different
accounts. Here, I learned how SAP is used for accounts.

Dairy Dispatch of letters was also my duty for 1 week.

3.6 Week 6:
At District Livestock Office, we were told about how the department is working in district level
and about it’s significance, we also visited their laboratories and witnessed how they do the work
over there.

Chapter 4: SWOT Analysis of [City District Government]:

Strengths Of City District Government:

Following are some Strengths of City District Government:

• Well Structured Organization

• Loyal Staff
• Good Reputed Organization
• Employees Engagement to work
• Citizen Engagement
• Availability of Funds. Weaknesses:

• Acute Shortage of HR
• Shortage of Funds to some departments
• Lack of skilled workforce
• Old workers do not have any computer training
• Rigid Structured
• Change resistant • Not innovative
• Old Gadgets.

• Power of Government offices
• Public is answerable to them
• Job Security
• Digital System has eased many tasks.
• No one can kick you out of the job without any reason.
• Good Allowances like for health, education of children etc Threats:

• To some extent, answerable to Public.

• Must respond the Public before deadline.
• No Work Life Balance
• No Chance of mistakes especially in accounts department.


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