Following fee and charges will be applicable for the selected facility/facilities, after my application has been
Bundle Top up: 50% of processing fees will be charged on fresh loan
amount or min PKR 5000 whichever is higher if customer is using
active SCB Easy Credit/Credit card.
Minimum Pre- Loan Pre-
Period of Payment Period Payment
Loan Charges Charges
12 3Months 10% >3Months 5%
24 6Months 10% >6Months 5%
36 9Months 10% >9Months 5%
Pre-payment 48 & above 12Months 10% >12Months 5% Late Payment
PKR 500
charges 10% of outstanding amount if prepaid after serving minimum period of Charges
5% of amount outstanding if prepaid after serving more than minimum
period of loan.
All back to original and loan enhancements will be treated as new loans
For settlement, the client must call our Client Centre in order to place
his/her request for settlement of loan.
Extra days mark-up will be levied from the disbursal date of the loan to the first EMI date for the
Extra Days additional days (greater than 30). This mark-up will be based on the interest rate applicable to your
Interest Personal loan account and will be communicated in the Loan Sanction Letter when your loan is
disbursed in the account. The extra days mark-up will have to be paid along with the first EMI.
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Mark-up Rates per Employee Banking Non-Employee Banking
Income less Income greater or Income greater or Income greater or
Mark-up Months of Bureau than 50k equal to 50k equal to 50K equal to 100k
(Lower of the Less than 12 months - 25% - -
eligible rate 12 months + -
will be 26% 24% 24%
24 months + 24%
Mark up rate for self-employed remain 27% for all income segments.
(Daily mark- Loan Amount
up (Fresh Loan amount)
calculation 1 Mln to 1.99 Mln
based on - 19% - 21%
365/366 2.0 Mln to 2.99 Mln - 18% - 19%
3 to 4 Mln - 16% - 17%
Balance Transfer
20% or as per the above pricing grid, whichever is lower.
Facility (Minimum BTF
No BTF amount requirement for on-us RC conversion.
amount PKR 500,000)
Final mark-up rate will be the weighted average of the current
rate and the revised rate applicable as per the grid (Rounded off
to the nearest number).
Mark-up = (Current Rate x Outstanding Loan Balance) + (New Rate x Top-up Amount)
Outstanding Loan Balance + Top-up Amount
Mark-up Top-up Financing
Rates (Top- The Top-up rate will be the weighted average rate OR the
up Financing) rate applicable as per pricing grid whichever is higher
*In case of Top up, previous loan will be settled, and new
rate will be applicable on Loan
Total loan amount will be calculated by adding the outstanding
amount of existing loan and the new loan amount. The total
Mark-up loan amount then should be mapped against the grid above to
Rates calculate the mark-up rate.
Second Loan
Loan) • Please note that previous mark-up rate should be less
than current grid rate.
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Credit Cards
Employee Banking: There is no Joining Fee; however, Annual Fee will be waived for the first year only.
Non-Priority: There is no Joining Fee; however, Annual Fee is applicable as per Schedule of Charges,
as mentioned below after the application has been approved.
Priority: There is no Joining Fee and Annual Fee is waived on my card till the time I am a Priority
Account holder of Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited. If I do not meet the Priority Client criteria
Joining Fee / for my Bank Account with Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Limited Annual fee will be charged on my
Annual Fee Credit Card.
Premium: There is no Joining Fee and no Annual fee for first year only. However, Annual Fee will be
applicable from second year as per Schedule of Charges, as mentioned below in table 1:
Charges mentioned in the Credit Card Summary Box will be applicable once my application is approved
- Standard disbursement time of my facility is 2-3 weeks from the date of my application and standard delivery time for
my credit card is 4-6 weeks from the date of my application.
- My monthly salary will be transferred to an account opened by Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited and auto
debited as per my instructions or I will pay a monthly amount, as per the issued disbursal letter/repayment schedule/
monthly statement by Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited (SCPBL).
- I understand that the document(s) submitted with this application form will not be returned to me.
- I will not make any cash payment with the application. SCBPL shall not take responsibility for cash handed to any person
in connection with this application.
- The Bank’s sales representative is not in a position to advise the Personal Instalment Finance amount and / or Revolving
Credit Line Limit and / or Credit Card limit which will only be determined after assessing my income details and documents
thoroughly, in case my application is approved.
- I understand that the payment to my account will be applied in the following order:
1. Insurance Premium (where charged)
2. Fees in Arrear
3. Interest/ rental
4. Late Charge
5. Principal
- I understand that if the Bank determines that the loan disbursed to my account has not been utilised till 3 months, the
loan will be rolled back.
- I understand that Bank possesses exclusive right to approve or reject any application without giving any reason
- I undertake, acknowledge and warrant that I will not hand over cash/bearer/self cheque(s) for deposit in my account or
for any fee / charges to any of the Bank’s representative(s) for whatever reason. SCBPL shall not take responsibility for
cash/bearer/self cheque(s) handed to any person in connection with this application.
- I will not disclose / share my TIN number / cheque book with any of the Bank’s representative(s) / sales staff. It is my
prime responsibility to keep my Cheque Book/Debit Card/PIN/TIN secure at all times.
- In case I become delinquent; the collections/recovery may contact me in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
and Debt Collections Guidelines provided by the State Bank of Pakistan and report to bureaus.
- I solemnly undertake that the drawings from the clean Personal Financial Facility / Revolving Credit Line / Credit Card
approved in my favour will not be used for subscription in an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of shares in a Public Limited
Company and for any speculative purposes. I also authorise Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited not to honour
cheques, drafts or other transfer payment instructions intended for an IPO Subscription Account from this clean Personal
Instalment Finance / Revolving Credit Line / Credit Card.
- I solemnly agree that the Personal Financial Facility / Revolving Credit Line / Credit Card obtained by me from Standard
Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited in my favour, will be specifically used / utilized by me for the payments of goods and
/ or services, expenses and or purchase of consumer durables only. I further confirm that I shall not utilize the Personal
Financial Facility / Revolving Credit Line / Credit Card for any other purpose other than the ones stated above. In view
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of the BPRD Circular Letter No. 14 dated July 24, 2006 issued by the State Bank of Pakistan, I hereby guarantee that
the funds released by the Bank shall be used for the stated purpose only and not for any other purpose.
- I shall indemnify and keep the Bank free and harmless from and against all liabilities, losses, claims and damages arising
from negligence, fraud, collusion or violation of the terms of this agreement on my part and/or a third party provided there
is no gross negligence on the part of the Bank. In addition, the Bank shall not be liable for any expense, claim, loss or
damage arising out or in connection with this agreement including but not limited to war, rebellion, pandemic, typhoon,
earthquake, electrical, computer or mechanical failures.
- You must read this document in conjunction with Customer Terms updated on our website
I undertake that the detail of my existing exposure from the “Entire Banking Sector” as on _____________ is as under:
Details of Credit Cards (Clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit
Details of Credit Cards (Secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit
Details of Personal Installment Finance (Clean) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Limit Amount Outstanding on
Application date
Details of Personal Installment Finance (Secured) limits being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. Name of the Bank / DFI Approved Amount Outstanding on
Limit Application date
Details of other facilities if any (Clean & secured) being availed from other banks/DFIs:
Sr. Name of the Bank / DFI Nature (Clean / Approved Current Outstanding
Secured) Limit
- I confirm that Bank shall use its best endeavors to provide error free operation of the account and the services to its
clients. Notwithstanding the same, I hereby confirm that Bank shall not be liable for and indemnifies and agrees to hold
harmless the Bank and its respective officers, directors, employees and representatives, agents and contractors from
and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, payments and obligations and all expenses (including without
limitation reasonable legal costs) incurred, suffered, sustained or required to be paid, directly by, or sought to be imposed
upon the Bank, arising out of, inter alia, my / our email or fax or mobile phone number or my mobile phone SIM is misused
by any person unauthorizedly and resulting in suffering of financial loss or fraud by me / us for which Bank shall not be
held liable for any expense, claim, loss or damage arising out or in connection with this agreement.
- Bank may share my Personal information with any authority group offices of SCB, Regulator agencies/bureaus for any
purpose(s), under applicable laws for verification, reporting etc. as it may deem appropriate.
- Bank can use my Credit Bureau / third-party details for portfolio review, other business proposals and for advising me
products and services.
- I understand that the bank may call me prior to processing of any asset product (Credit Cards, Personal Loan, Autos or
Mortgage Loan) I have applied for to ensure that I am fully aware of all terms & conditions and fees and charges
associated with the product. The outcome of this call-back may be cessation of further processing of the asset
- In case I have applied for a payroll account along with any asset product, only my payroll account will be processed in
case I am non-contactable due to any reason
- You must read this document in conjunction with Customer Terms updated on our website
- My card will be closed after 24 months of issuance by the bank if I don’t use it.
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Credit Card Summary Box
The information contained in this Box summarizes key features of Credit Cards and is not intended to replace any term
& condition of the product. It is very important that client should carefully read the full terms & conditions before agreeing
and signing this information.
Employee Banking: There is no Joining Fee; however, Annual Fee for all cards except Easy Credit,
will be waived for the first year only.
Non-Priority: There is no Joining Fee; however, Annual Fee is applicable as per Schedule of
Charges, as mentioned below after the application has been approved.
Priority: There is no Joining Fee and Annual Fee is waived on my card till the time I am a Priority
Account holder of Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited. If I do not meet the Priority Client
criteria for my Bank Account with Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Limited Annual Fee will be
applicable as per Schedule of Charges, as mentioned below in table 1:
Premium: There is no Joining Fee and no Annual fee on my Credit Card for the first year only.
However, Annual Fee will be applicable from second year as per Schedule of Charges, as
mentioned below in table 1:
For all Easy Credit clients, Annual Fee will be reversed based on spending
Table: 1
Card Type Basic Card (PKR) Supplementary (PKR)
VISA Gold 6,000 2,500
VISA Platinum** 10,000 4,000
Mastercard Platinum 10,000 4,000
MasterCard Cashback 4,000 2,000
MasterCard Titanium 7,500 3,500
Mastercard World 14,000 5,000
MasterCard Easy Credit Card (limit less 3,000 850
than PKR 150,000) ***
MasterCard Easy Credit Card (limit 4,500 850
more than PKR 150,000) ***
** 50% VISA Platinum Credit Card Annual Fee waiver (Primary card) for first year for customers
spending PKR 75,000 within two months of issuance of the Credit Card. Upon spending required
amount; I will call Client Centre on 111-002-002 / 111-722-723 for intimation and to get my annual
fee charge reversed.
***First year fee waiver for customers converting onus RC into EC. I will call contact centre on 111-
002-002 / 111-722-723 for card activation and to get my annual fee charge reversed.
As a special promotion, my supplementary credit card’s first year annual fee will be waived
by the Bank if I avail supplementary credit card. Promotion valid till 31st December 2021. This
offer excludes Emirates Platinum and Emirates Infinite Cards.
As a special promotion, my credit card's first year annual fee will be reversed by the Bank if I
spend as per the following grid in table 2 within 3 months of issuance of the card. Upon
spending required amount; I will call Client Centre on 111-002-002 / 111-722-723 for intimation
and to get my annual fee charge reversed.
Table: 2
Card Type Basic Card (PKR) *Supplementary (PKR)
MasterCard Easy Credit Card 30,000 15,000
MasterCard Cashback 20,000 10,000
Visa Gold 30,000 15,000
Master Titanium 30,000 15,000
*Supplementary card spending requirement for annual fee reversal will not be applicable during
the promotion period.
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- From 20% to 42%
Annualized - Annualized Percentage Rate (APR)
Percentage Rate Mark-up paid for the period X 365 X 100
Outstanding principal amount No. of Days
Product VISA Credit Card MC Easy Credit Master BTF /Aasan
Card Card Installment
Annual 30.00% for EB*
Interest Rates 39.00% 39.00% 42.00%
Interest Rate 36.00% for Non-EB
Monthly 2.5000% for EB*
3.250% 3.250% 3.500%
Interest Rate 3.000% for Non-EB
*Current Annual interest rate is 30% for EB. The promotional rate of 21% is applicable till 31st
Promotional December,2021. After the promotion period ends, the annual interest rate will be reverted to
Offer on MC 30%. Current Annual Interest rate is 36% for Non EB. The promotional rate of 30% is
Easy Credit applicable till 31st December,2021. After the promotion period ends, the annual interest rate
will be reverted to 36%.
Interest Free - Up to 51 days for all card types on retail transactions excluding Easy Credit Card
Period - Mark-up on Easy Credit Card will be charged from the date of transaction
Mark-up will be levied on credit card if I pay any amount less than the billed amount. Mark-up is
calculated from the date of transaction to the date of payment (except for Easy Credit, Cash Advance
and Balance Transfer Facility where mark-up is levied from the transaction date irrespective of
Interest Charging
Information From Until Mark-up is calculated on daily
Purchases Transaction Date Paid in full basis on unpaid balance from
the date of transaction to the
Cash Advances Transaction Date Paid in full date of payment.
Balance Date debited to your Paid in full
Transfer account
Payment to your account will be applied in the following order:
Payments 1. Installment Amount 2. Financial Charges 3. Fee Charges
4. Cash Advance 5. BTF 6. Retail Transaction
1% of Principal Outstanding + Interest Charges + Fee + Installment Amount + Arrears + Over
Credit Limit
Minimum If I make a minimum payment, interest will be charged on the remaining balance after due date so it
Monthly will cost more and take longer to clear the balance. Interest free period is also lost if any balance of
Repayments the previous months’ bill is outstanding
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Late Payment Charges Cheque Return Charges Direct Debit Failure Fee
Default Charges PKR 1,500 or 10% of the minimum PKR 1,000 per instance PKR 1,000 per instance
amount due (whichever is higher)
Renewal As per Annual Fee Grid Cancellation Charges None
- All fees / charges mentioned within the table and any other fees / charges are subject to change and will be applicable
as mentioned below. The below mentioned charges may change from time to time and any future changes can be seen
in the Schedule of Charges that is issued by the bank bi-annually, which is also available at the branches and Bank’s
- My signature below is proof of having read the above information. I hereby apply for Personal Installment Finance /
Revolving Credit Line / Credit Card offered by Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited
and detailed in the attachment to this document. I hereby warrant that no bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced
against me, that all the information furnished by me in this document is true, complete and accurate and that I have not
withheld any material fact. I hereby authorise the Bank and third parties, including my bankers, to exchange information
for the purpose of processing my application and for the conduct of any of my account(s) of the Bank so long as I remain
the client of the Bank. I acknowledge the fact that the loan facility requested by me will be available to me at the absolute
discretion of the Bank.
- In case the Personal Installment Finance amount approved is within the limit I have indicated on the application form;
the Bank will disburse the amount in my account without any further confirmation. For any reversal / cancellation post
disbursement, I will have to pay the Prepayment charges as indicated in the Fee and charges table.
- In case my application for Personal Installment Finance is approved, I authorise the Bank to recover monthly dues against
this Personal Installment Finance facility from the account in which the Bank will disburse the Personal Installment
Finance funds.
- For Credit Card Cancellation, I have to call Client center in-order to place my request for cancellation.
- I acknowledge that I have received the Credit Card Summary Box (if applied for a Credit Card)
After reading, understanding and accepting the above-mentioned Fee, Charges and Conditions I sign this
application for: (tick applied product)
_______________________________________ ______________________________________________
Client Name Client Signature
Authorised Banker’s Signatures and Stamp Date: ________________________________________
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