Zaratazarat's Manse
Zaratazarat's Manse
Zaratazarat's Manse
Manse From Knock! - By Nobboc -
Note: this version of Zaratazarat’s Manse was published inside the dust cover of Knock!#1. The only change is the layout . Given the
format of the dust cover and to minimize clutter, the text is «tight» and the descriptions are necessarily minimalist
Zaratazarat is a mage of dubious reputation stew, fish head paté on Sundays. Pay extra for
and average power. He lives a solitary life in boiled onions. Tepid reed beer. Fisheye booze
the Fevoriz Marshes, inside a bleak rocky hill he for the audacious (increases rep among locals. 1
made his abode in. Zaratazarat spent most of his in 6: blind and deaf for 1d6 days).
life constructing a summoning platform named - In the store: everything an adventurer needs
Ragga Gyxy’s Random Encounter Table after his and a bit more. Strongbox with Brolg’s savings:
inventor. The wizard was going to raise an army 135 GP in small change, half a gold bar (70 gp).
of monsters for his own nefarious purpose. He
recently completed the construction and was 2 - Temple of Goombo the Mucky
ready to welcome (and bind to his service) the High wooden hut filled with sour smoke; two
first summoned monsters. But when the fist underground rooms (trapped chest contains 274
d4+2 goblins appeared, the overwhelmingly GP). Hag of a priestess and two scrawny aco-
enthusiastic wizard stammered... The goblins lytes, all nameless. Amiable, provide care, reme-
knocked him out, argued for a while about what dies, and minor miracles.
to do with him, and finally left him when an
angry ogre appeared on the Table. Since then, 3 - The Pontoon
Zaratazarat has been hiding and trying to survive Yuzkers too old or otherwise unable to support
in his own lair. The Table is regularly spitting out themselves often opt for “the Deep Ending”. On
monsters: most of them try to escape and run a full moon, they sit at the end pontoon where
back home, or take the opportunity to loot or eat the barks are moored, and wait in the cold, so-
whatever they can... metimes taking advantage of offerings of booze
and food. Around midnight, in absolute silence,
THE VILLAGE OF YUKZ a gigantic tentacle emerges from the water,
About fifty mud and wood houses closely packed grasps the volunteer to the cheers of the spec-
on a rise of land, loosely surrounded by a row of tators and takes him nobody knows where. A
moss covered stakes. Yukz is a mandatory stop memorable and picturesque spectacle! (The inn
on the road along the edges of the Fevoriz Mar- rents folding stools).
shes, inhabited by apathetic fisher folk.
4 - The Prison
• POINTS OF INTEREST (not much) A series of muddy holes barred with bamboo
1 - The Drowsy Carp (inn, general store). Draf- near a wood cabin, home of Bullgolg the Fatalis-
ty, cold common room crowded at night, filthy tic, the incorruptible sheriff, judge and executio-
rooms upstairs, stable, storehouse. Chatty Brolg, ner. Prisoners are allowed out in the day to make
always tired and mute: innkeeper and shopkee- fishnets and hooks. Only petty criminals enjoy
per. Old Solog, moaner, lazy: handyman. this life. The more dangerous are chopped up
- On the menu: fish porridge, fish mush, fish and sold as fish bait.
1 - “The old snob passes through once a At the end of a raised causeway, protected from the Mar-
month with his apprentice. Comes back, shes’ many dangers by conic runestones, stands a mossy
his two mules laden with imported food hill 90’ high. The causeway becomes a staircase into the
and wine and stuff! Dunno where he rock.
finds the coin!” (T) Climbing on top of the hill itself is a risky affair, but it co-
2 - “He usually spends the night at the mes with a 1-in-6 chance of finding a chimney or skylight
inn, meets some foreigners, and goes every hour (to 5, 6 or 10).
back in the morning.” (T)
3 - “He‘s a good host, always opening a • Rooms descriptions
fancy bottle for his unexpected visi- - What can be seen at first glance.
tors.” (F) - “Who’s here?”: roll 1d4 the first time the adventurers en-
4 - “There’s only one road that goes in ter this room. If they return later, roll 1d6 (unless the room
the Marshes. Half a day to Wizard’s Rock was barred or otherwise impossible to get in).
and no further!” (T) If you roll the same encounter twice, just use the one
5 - “The lizard folk have left us alone for above or below. If you rolled all of them, roll on Ragga’s
years. Marshes are safe if you stay on table (see sidebar).
the road...” (T) - The room’s features. Details appearing after closer ins-
6 -”Some of the wizard’s guests were pection are in italics.
never seen again...” (T) • Encounters’ attitude
The letter, a, b, or c after an encounter shows which reac-
HOOKS tion table to use (see sidebar). The text may give some
• “I found three lizard folk eggs in the priority indications, though. Monsters are aware they
Marshes. Sell them to the wizard, and were summoned away from their daily life.
bring back half of the reward. I’ll have • Random encounters
a shindig and go to the pontoon after 1 in 6, every 2 turns or every turn the adventurers are par-
that! Deal?” Folg, decrepit fisherman ticularly noisy. Use Ragga’s Table. On a 2, clamour, shrieks,
with gleaming eyes. or calls for help can be heard.
• “I came here to meet Zaratazarat the • Meeting Zaratazarat
Mage a week ago at the inn. He didn’t When the party enters new room, roll 3d20. If all the rolls
show. Would you bring him this letter are lower than the room’s number, the wizard is here,
for me?” Albelia, rich and flirty travel- naked and pathetic. If he doesn’t show up before they
ler. visit room 23, that’s where the party find him. See sidebar
• “The old Zarat’ always looks for for his stats, personality and goals.
young daring lads. Wizards always need • Most of the loot can be sold in a city or to important
you get something somewhere for people. Some pieces draw attention, especially Zarataza-
them. Do it, get rich!» Jegog, one-eyed rat’s if he’s still alive.
former adventurer, one-armed, legless.
Engraved pentacle just ahead of a destroyed door. A few
corpses, burnt to ashes, on the pentacle.
ELF: AC 5 [14], HD 1+1, hp 5,
• Who’s here?
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d8), THACO 18 [+1], MV 120a’
(40’), SV D12 W13 P13 B15 S15, ML 8, AL N, XP 19
o 1. Elf, running like hell to the causeway.
o 2. 2 orcs, playing ball with an Elf’s head.
ORCS: AC 6 [13], HD 1, hp 4, 5. 3+. Nobody’s here.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 6, AL C, XP 10 - Door, smashed from inside.
- Pentacle, ineffective now, out of charges.
- Slippery stone stairs, well hidden by bushes, lead to 18.
Att 1 x club (or 1d10), THACO 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 10, AL C, XP 120
Greenish marble column in the centre, 8 chairs, coat
and hat rack.
DWARF: AC 4 [15], HD 1, hp 4.
Att 1 x weapon (or1d8), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), • Who’s here?
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 8, AL L, XP 10 o 1. Badly wounded ogre (b), (4 hp) trying to hide behind
GREEN SLIME: AC -, HD 2, hp 9. the column.
Att 1 x touch (consume flesh), THACO 18 [+1], o 2. Crawling dwarf (a), covered in green slime (c). Clothes
MV 3’ (1’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, and armour will be consumed in 1d4 rounds.
AL N, XP 25 3+.. Nobody’s here.
- Marble column. Engraved: a myriad of animated globular
eyes scanning the room. Small holes at the top.
- On the rack. 3 silk and fur coats (30 gp each). In the pockets:
38 gp, small ivory key, pipe that lights on «Smoke!» (50 gp),
silver nail clippers (1d2 damage) (10 gp), 2 ebony mules
figurines (turn into living mules with «Oh-giddy up!», back
CENTIPEDE: AC 9 [10], HD 1/2, hp 2. with «Oh-whoa!»)(300 gp each). 3 conic hats matched to the
Att 1 x bite (poisonh), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), coats. Giant centipede (c) well hidden in a fur hat.
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 7, AL N, XP 6 - Chairs. Maliciously grumble when you sit on them.
BULLYWUG: AC 5 [14], HD 1, hp 2. 4 comfy armchairs. Floating silver bowl. Circular rug.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) or 2 x claw (1d2),
THACO 19 [0], MV 30’ (10’), • Who’s here?
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 7, AL C, XP 13 o 1. Drunk bullywug (a, c when
sober) in the silver bowl.
GOBLINS: AC 6 [13], HD 1-1, hp 3. o 2. 1d4 goblins (b) on all fours,
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’),
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 7, AL C, XP 5
fascinated by the rug, while a halfling (a) hides in shadow.
o 3. Elf, recovering arrows from a dwarf’s body (b).
HALFLING: AC 7 [12], HD 1-1, hp 3 4+. Nobody’s here.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 90’ (30’),
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 7, AL L, XP 5 - Never-ending punch bowl comes closer when you snap
fingers (300 gp). Always full of strong booze and improbable
ELF: AC 5 [14], HD 1+1, hp 4, fruit. When drunk, roll 1d6. 1-3: gain 1D100 XP, 4-6: lose
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d8), THACO 18 [+1], MV 120’
1D100 XP
(40’), SV D12 W13 P13 B15 S15, ML 8, AL N, XP 19
- Silk rug with animated patterns. Shows picturesque yet
fantastic landscape, slowly changing (300 gp). Save vs spells
if watching for more than a few minutes or be dazed. Save
every turn to overcome daze. Strong slaps (1d4 damage) also
grant a save.
Large fireplace.
DWARF: AC 4 [15], HD 1, hp 5. • Who’s here?
Att 1 x weapon (or1d8), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), o 1. Grumpy dwarf (b), stocking up on rations.
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 8, AL L, XP 10
o 2. 3 goblins (b), cooking improbable dishes.
GOBLINS: AC 6 [13], HD 1-1, hp 2,4,5. o 3. 2 orcs (c), roasting a half halfling.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), 4+. Nobody’s here.
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 7, AL C, XP 5
- In the chimney. Hidden gnome (a). Knows about the stirges
ORCS: AC 6 [13], HD 1, hp 5, 3. in 6. Chimney flue blocked by iron grate 12’ from bottom. 1d4
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 6, AL C, XP 10
hours of noisy work to remove it.
- Locked closet. 3 boxes: silverware, finely engraved with
GNOME: AC 5 [14], HD 1, hp 4. grotesque figures (400 gp) including a large silver knife
Att 1 x weapon (or1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’),
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 8, AL L, XP 10 (1d4+1 damage).
Spartan bedroom. Fireplace.
HOBGOBLIN: AC 6 [13], HD 1+1, hp 4,7. • Who’s here?
Att 1 x weapon (or1d8), THACO 18 [+1], MV 90’ (30’), o 1. 2 hobgoblins (b) busy trying to fix the door.
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 8, AL C, XP 15 o 2. Giant ferret (b) in the bed.
FERRET: AC 5 [14], HD 1+1, hp 5. 3+. Nobody’s here.
Att 1 x bite (1d8), THACO 18 [+1], MV 150’ (50’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 8, AL N, XP 15 - In the chimney. 3 stirges (c), busy building a nest. Blocked by
iron grate (identical to 5). Unsealed brick hides apprentice’s
savings (122 gp in small gems) and personal diary (pathetic
factotum life for an irascible master. Mentions Ragga’s table
«the old fool will kill us!» and the alembic «I did it! can’t wait
to make potions!»)
- Locked chest, containing: 1 magic object of Chris Tamm’
list (Knock! page 116), portrait of young lady.
Austere but comfortable with four poster bed, chest, mirror
on the wall, window.
• Who’s here?
CRAB SPIDERS: AC 7 [12], HD 2, hp 8,10, o 1. 2 crab spiders (b) on the ceiling.
Att 1 x bite (1d8 + poison), THACO 18 [+1], MV 120’ o 2. 2 orcs (c), throwing darts on a crucified duergar.
(40’), SV D12 W13 P13 B15 S15, ML 7, AL N, XP 25
3+. Nobody’s here.
ORCS: AC 6 [13], HD 1, hp 3, 7. - Window. No glass. Gloomy view on the marshes 60’ below.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 6, AL C, XP 10
Neatly written sign: “Do not lean out the window”. If living
matter goes through the window’s frame, guillotine blade
falls (trap rearms itself immediately). Save vs paralysis or
3d10 damage.
- in the chest, hidden gnome (a), looking for his cousin (see
5). Gives an item from Chris’s list (see Knock! page 116) in
- Mirror. Sealed in the wall. Small hinges on the side. Touch or
hit mirror: 1d10 electricity damage. If destroyed(AC 7 [12],
20 hp), passage to 19.
- Four poster bed. Concealed in the canopy: heavy grid with
pointy spikes. Deadly device released by button in 19.
Pool of ever lukewarm water.
4 columns. Pots and flasks.
ZOMBIES: AC 8 [11], HD 2, hp 8,11. • Who’s here?
Att 1 x weapon (or1d8), THACO 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’),
o 1. 2 zombies (c), busy eating soap and spitting bubbles.
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 12, AL C, XP 20
o 2. 3 acolytes (b) of the Cyclops God relaxing in the pool.
ACOLYTES: AC 2 [17], HD 1, hp 3,4,4. Insist on converting visitors by gouging out their left eye.
Att 1 x mace (1d6), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’),
SV D11 W12 P14 B16 S15, ML 7, AL C, XP 10
3+. Nobody’s here.
- Pots & flasks. Rare perfume and soap (120 gp)
LAMPREYS: AC 5 [14], HD 5, hp 22. - Columns. Bas relief of ferocious aquatic animals, and a
Att 1 x bite (1d6 + blood drain), THACO 15 [+4], rabbit. Press on the rabbit: bell rings, and 1d4 giant lampreys
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
ML 7, AL N, XP 300
from the lake below enter by a trapdoor at bottom of the
Hemispheric room, encrusted with pulsating gems in interla-
FUNGOIDS: AC 9 [10], HD 1, hp 3,5. cing patterns.
Att 1 x clubbing hands (1d4), THACO 19 [0], • Who’s here?
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, o 1. 2 fungoids (b), softly hum-ming. Get mad if one touches
ML 8, AL l, XP 10
the gems.
INSECT SWARM: AC 7 [12], HD 3, hp 13. o 2. Peaceful swarm of flies(b).
Att 1 x swarm (3 hp), THACO 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), o 3. Duergar, stealing gems from walls (b).
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 11, AL N, XP 35
4+. Nobody’s here.
DUERGAR: AC 4 [15], HD 1, hp 4. - Magic-users memorizing spells here store one extra 1st level
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d8), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’), spell.
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 8, AL N, XP 13 - Gems. 1 hour of work: 40 gp of gems per worker (max: 800
Open pit, 9’ long, with 3 dying goblins on spikes. One has a
crossbow and 10 silver tipped bolts. Narrow passage on the
sides. Lever on east side closes the trapdoor.
RATS: AC 5 [14], HD 1+1, hp 4, 4, 7. Piles of dirty laundry, linens, brooms, buckets, etc..
Att 1 x bite (1d8), THACO 18 [+1],
MV 150’ ((0’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
• Who’s here?
ML 8, AL N, XP 1 o 1. 3 giant rats (b) nibbling on a barely alive goblin.
GOBLINS: AC 6 [13], HD 1-1, hp 4, 6, 5. o 2. 3 goblins (b) petting a giant rat.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) THACO 19 [0], o 3+. Nobody’s here.
MV 60’ (20’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, - Hidden in linens. Funny looking person with black eyes and long
ML 7, AL C, XP 5
front teeth (actually a wererat). Affable, offers to join the party. Re-
WERERAT: AC 7 [12] (9 [10] sous forme
humaine, HD 3, hp 13 Att 1 x bite (1d4) or
gularly and insistently asks if anyone has silver or magic weapons.
1 x weapon (or 1d6) THACO 17 [+2], Acts accordingly: he’s hungry but careful.
MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
Messy collection of lab equipment, and a bubbling alembic on a
workbench. Anatomical skeleton. Cluttered shelves.
SKELETONS: AC 7 [12], HD 1, hp 3,5. • Who’s here?
Att 1 x weapon (or1d6), THACO 19 [0], o 1. 2 skeletons (c), busy trying to wake up the display skeleton.
MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
ML 12, AL C, XP 10
o 2. Goblin (b), just mixed ingredients in test tube, gazing at resul-
ting sparks. Explosion in 1d3 rounds, 1d6 damage in most of room.
GOBLIN: AC 6 [13], HD 1-1, hp 5. If goblin survives, remembers the formula and can prepare 2d4
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) THACO 19 [0], similar grenades.
MV 60’ (20’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18,
ML 7, AL C, XP 5
3+. Nobody’s here.
- Alembic. Contains a bubbling, glittering liquid. Open tap to slowly
fill a flask with potion base liquid (1 hour).
- Ivory box on shelves. Poison dart on the lock (save vs poison or
die). Can be opened by ivory key from 2; contains: 12 small pots of
coloured powder (4 blue, 4 magenta, 4 yellow), 6 small iron flasks.
Letter (“Dear Raz’, I heard your alembic is ready. As agreed, here are
my special powders. Don’t mess it up, consult the book! - Zeg.”). As
explained in Zegerim’s book (10), mix two measures of powder and
one measure of the alembic liquid to get a magic potion. Blue mix:
Healing - Green mix: Diminution - Yellow mix: Flying - Orange mix:
Speed - Magenta mix: Strength - Violet mix: Polymorph Self.
First door is a Mimic. Moves aside with ”I am the Master“. Four pos-
MIMIC: AC 6 [13], HD 9, hp 40. ter bed, crystal ball on pedestal, desk, full size
Att 1 x pseudopod (3d4) THACO 12 [+7], mirror.
MV 30’ (10’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14,
ML 9, AL N, XP 1600 • Who’s here?
Nobody’s here if the door was closed. Otherwise, on 1 in 6: roll on
Ragga’s table.
- Crystal ball. Shine it: shows the waiting room in fisheye view. Press
flickering green gem button: top of the column in 2 releases green
poisonous gas (save vs death or die every round). Release it: the gas
returns in the column.
- Opaque black mirror. Frame engraved with question marks. Touch
the mirror: devilish figure appears and says in sinuous voice: “I know
everything. Ask a question I can answer by yes or no. It has a cost...”.
This is true, but the character asking loses one point in a random
ability score.
- Locked chest. Spellbook (Charm Person, Ventriloquism, Read Lan-
guages, Read Magic, Web, Locate Object, Invisibility, Clairvoyance).
Trap: cast Read Magic on any page, save vs spells or lose 6d100 XP.
Laser pistol with 6 charges (1d12 damage). Medallion with half
an 8-pointed star. Potion of healing. 5 magic objects from Chris’s
list (see Knock! p. 116). The Anarchical Grimoire of Propylonic
Discharges (see bookmark!)
- Cluttered desk. Frenziedly annotated, imposing rotulus in
alien language about Ragga’s table. Making any sense of this
would take years of study.
Same trap as in 12, closed and ready to use.
SPIDERS: AC 7 [12], HD 2, hp 8,8.
Att 1 x bite (1d8 + poison), THACO 18 [+1], MV 120’ Lever on north side.
(40’), SV D12 W13 P13 B15 S15, ML 7, AL N, XP 25
BULLYWUG: AC 5 [14], HD 1, hp 0. 17 - SECRET EXIT LOBBY
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d6) or 2 x claw (1d2), Marshy smell and cold air. Bench, pair of boots, sturdy coat.
THACO 19 [0], MV 30’ (10’), • Who’s here?
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 7, AL C, XP 13
o 1. 2 Crab spiders (c) wrapping an unconscious bullywug.
DUERGAR: AC 4 [15], HD 1, hp 5. o 2. Duergar (b), mumbling and gazing at the south wall.
Att 1 x weapon (or 1d8), THACO 19 [0], MV 60’ (20’),
o 3+.. Nobody’s here.
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 8, AL N, XP 13
- Boots & coat. Magical, always dry, warm, clean, and to your
size (250 gp).
- South wall. Looks intermittently blurry. Illusory wall. Must
fail a WIS check when first trying to cross it to 18.
GARGYLES: AC 6 [13], HD 2, hp 11,13. Safe cobbled path with a view to the putrid bog. Conic runes-
Att 2 x claw (1d3), 1 x bite (1d6), 1 x horn (1d4) tones. Smoother rock wall at the end.
THACO 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’),
SV D9 W10 P11 B11 S13, ML 9, AL C, XP 55
• Always here.
2 lesser gargoyles (HD2, THAC0 18 [+1] guarding the secret
passage. They demand a toll: fisheye booze from Drowsy
- Smooth wall. The illusory wall looks intermittently blurry.
Must fail a WIS check when first trying to cross to 17.
GIANT BATS: AC 6 [13], HD 2, hp 8,10,9. Armchair, glowing red button on the armrest. Window.
Att 1 x bite (1d4), THACO 18 [+1], MV 30’ (10’), • Who’s here?
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 8, AL N, XP 20 o 1. 3 sleeping giant bats (c) on the ceiling,
hangry if woken up.
o 2+.. Nobody’s here
- Window. Back of the mirror in 8, lets one see the room. Han-
dle to open it.
- Red button. Press and spiked grid of bed canopy falls on the
GREEN SLIME: AC -, HD 2, hp 9. mattress (3d10 damage).
Att 1 x touch (consume flesh), THACO 18 [+1],
MV 3’ (1’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, 20 - GAOL
AL N, XP 25 Cells with metal doors, 3 locked. Smells like dead meat and
GHOUL: AC 6 [13], HD 2, hp 9. urine.
Att 2 x claw (1d3 + parlaysis), THACO 18 [+1], • Who’s here?
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
ML 9, AL C, XP 2(
o 1. Green slime (c) on the ceiling.
o 2. Ghoul (c), hungrily trying to open the blacksmith’s cell.
3+. Nobody’s here.
POLTERGEIST: AC 9 [10], HD 2, hp 9.
Att 2 x hurled object (1d4 ), THACO 18 [+1], - In closed cells.
MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, 1. Rotten corpse and loads of fatty worms. Ring +1 on
ML 12, AL C, XP 20 decayed hand.
2. Poltergeist, stays quiet, then follows and hassles
3. Master blacksmith (a), Fanolg, near death, forced laborer
for Zaratazarat on the Table.
Torture chair, complete rack of dental surgeon tools. Iron
GREEN SLIME: AC -, HD 2, hp 7. • Who’s here?
Att 1 x touch (consume flesh), THACO 18 [+1],
o 1. Green slime to the ceiling. Digesting a goblin. Spits out
MV 3’ (1’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12,
AL N, XP 25 mostly dissolved body before attacking.
2+. Nobody’s here
TROLL: AC 4 [15], HD 6+3, hp 8.
Att 2 x talon (1d6), 1 x bite (1d10) THACO 13 [+6], - Grunts from Iron Maiden. Tied up, weakened Troll (c). Tank
MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, collects his blood (1 gallon a day, 50 gp). Drink a gulp: save vs
ML 10, AL C, XP 650 death or die in agony. On a success: regenerate like troll for
24 hours.
Dazzling 10’ x 10’ metal platform hovering above the ground.
Radiating ghostly purple radiance. Smells like ozone and
• Who’s here?
o 1-2. Just appearing on the table: roll on Ragga’s table.
3+. Nobody’s here.
- Ragga Gyxy’s Random Encounter Table. Made of alien me-
tals, engraved with thousands of runes beyond understan-
ding filled with crimson liquid.
- Zaratazarat. Under the table (if he wasn’t encountered
somewhere else). See sidebar.
- Destroying the table. Automatically hit, 100 hp. Non blunt
weapons do half damage, but the hammer from 24 does
double damage. Most damaging spells work too. 2 in 6 every
25 damage: roll on Ragga’s table. When destroyed: pieces
turn to dust and disappear. Regenerates 1 hp/round.
- Open edge. View on a gloomy lake cavern. Slippery stairs
down to the water 12’ below. Moored rowboat
Paved and slimy, 15’x15’ area. Docking ring
SAHUAGIN: AC 5 [14], HD 2+2, hp 6. on a stone bollard.
Att 1 x weapon (or1d6 or 2 x claw (1d2)
1 x bite (1d4), THACO 17 [+2], • Who’s here?
MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, o 1. Wounded sahuagin (6 hp) (c) busy pondering the mea-
ML 8, AL C, XP 25 ning of life.
ROBBER FLIES: AC 6 [13], HD 2, hp 8,10. o 2. 3 robber flies (b) devouring a dead sahuagin.
Att 1 x bite (1d8), THACO 18 [+1], 3+ Nobody’s here
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16,
ML 8, AL N, XP 20 - Cavity. In shape of an eight pointed star on the floor. Ap-
plying the two pieces found in 15 and on Zaratazarat: green
slab pivot and reveals the treasure cache (otherwise, 1d10
hours of noisy work to open it).
NECROPHIDIUS: AC 1 [18], HD 2, hp 9.
Att 1 x bite (1d8 + paralysis), THACO 18 [+1], - Treasure cache. Necrophidius inside. 22 gold bars wearing
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, a Z mark (140 gp each), vibrating gleaming alien metal ham-
ML 12, AL C, XP 30 mer (+1, double damage vs Ragga’s Table and alien beings),
the helmet Xororox (Knock! P. 104), short black gladius (+2 vs
magic users, bonus +1 to Save vs Spell).
The adventurers arrive at Yukz on Day 1. If they don’t destroy the table, or prevent the monsters to
...Day 8: more monsters escape, some raid the area. Bullgolg the sheriff and a trained militia come to
Zaratazarat’s manse and investigate....
...Day 12: news of the fall of the wizard spreads. Borotoboros, Zaratazarat’s intimate rival floats in on
bat-winged slippers and carefully investigates. ...
...Day 15: and after: adventuring parties show up to do their thing.
A 5
12 60 f
14 C
B 7
16 9 3 2
17 8
18 60 ft
C 20
Zaratazarat’s Manse
• Rooms are vaulted. Walls and floors are polished rock, diffusing crepuscular light du-
ring daytime.
• Corridors are 5’ large with a low ceiling (large creatures must almost crawl. Combat is
uneasy even for human sized people).
• Signs of violence and corpses in many rooms