Yessi Tifvani - Tugas Completion

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Top Schedule Other Income & Expense

For The Year Ended 31 December 2019

WP Balance PAJE/PRJE Audited Audited

Descriptions per Book Balance Balance
Index Debit Credit
31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2018

Interest revenue TB - 1,270,000 1,270,000 < PY -

Other revenue - 1,298,550 1,298,550 -
Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss 5,980,260 4,516,045 1,464,215 4,061,040
Interest expense (95,797,100) 56,633,667 (152,430,767) (68,366,273)
Bank Adm Expense (1,292,013) 50,000 (1,342,013) (1,350,000)
Loss on disposal of assets 9,125,000 (9,125,000)
Gain on disposal of assets -

Total (91,108,853) 70,324,712 2,568,550 (158,865,015) (65,655,233)

^ ^ ^

: Agree to trial balance as of 31 Dec 2019

: Agree to prior year audited balance as of 31 Dec 2018
: Footed

Prepared by (date) Reviewed by (date) Schedule Description Indeks

Top Schedule Other Income & Expense 40
Top Schedule Operating Expenses
For The Year Ended 31 December 2019

WP Balance PAJE/PRJE Audited Audited

Descriptions per Book Balance Balance
Index Debit Credit
31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2018

Selling Expense
Sales Incentive 6,667,320 6,667,320 5,341,280
Sales Incentive - Director 9,984,810 9,984,810 9,682,560
General and Administration Expense
Employee Salary and Benefit - 47,072,640
Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense 48,183,795 48,183,795 60,736,280
Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense-Director 63,567,660 63,567,660 2,588,500
Bonus and Compensation Expense 2,788,500 2,788,500 13,880,000
Bonus and Compensation Expense-Director 14,388,000 14,388,000 3,500,000
Meal and Catering 9,149,415 9,149,415 11,954,600
Employee Medical Expense 12,304,390 12,304,390 2,139,520
Employee Insurance Expense 2,886,675 2,886,675
Depreciation and Amortization - -
Depreciation Expense Land Improvement - 2,500,000 2,500,000 156,250,000
Depreciation Expense Building - 605,468,750 605,468,750 114,218,750
Depreciation Expense Equipment - 150,625,000 150,625,000 200,000,000
Depreciation Expense Vehicle - 210,000,000 210,000,000
Utilitization, Adm, Rent & Others Expense - 28,097,297
Electricity Expense 28,996,997 28,996,997 7,441,263
Telecommunication Expense 5,756,643 62,500,000 68,256,643 41,320,920
Expedition, Post & Stamp Expense 2,628,615 2,628,615 29,273,760
Travelling Expense 7,196,300 7,196,300 11,037,960
Consultant Expense 9,237,195 28,000,000 37,237,195 8,000,000
Rent Expense 9,000,000 9,000,000 75,000,000
Insurance Expense 438,500,000 500,000 13,500,000 425,500,000 32,469,600
Office Supplies Expense 10,632,054 1,800,430 12,432,484 2,692,760
Pantry Expense 2,526,680 3,800,000 (1,273,320) 8,261,280
Car Rental Expense 7,445,130 17,875,000 25,320,130 6,635,880
Advertising Expense 18,000,000 48,000,000 66,000,000 1,863,960
Fuel, Parking & Tol 1,705,935 1,705,935 699,840
Transportation Expense 962,280 962,280 125,000
Repair Expense 250,000 200,000,000 200,250,000 17,131,440
Others General & Adm Expense 2,319,735 93,895,585 96,215,320 -
Total 715,078,129 1,421,164,765 17,300,000 2,118,942,894 897,415,090

: Agree to trial balance as of 31 Dec 2019

: Agree to prior year audited balance as of 31 Dec 2018
: Footed

Prepared by (date) Reviewed by (date) Schedule Description Indeks

Top Schedule Operating Expenses 30
PT Gilang Gemilang
Trial Balance
31 Desember 2019 and 2018

31 Des 2019 31 Des 2018

Acc # Account Name
Debit Credit Debit Credit
1000 Cash and Bank
1001 Cash on Hand 29,956,950 74,183,500
1002 Cash in Bank - Permata 1,327,806,160 452,802,236
1003 Cash in Bank - BNI 86,182,080 28,382,480
1100 Account Receivable 3,497,381,800 510,510,769
1110 Others Receivable - -
1200 Inventory 3,003,561,530 1,964,407,659
1410 Prepaid Advertising 6,000,000 -
1420 Prepaid Insurance 644,500,000 525,000,000
1500 Security Deposit 12,300,000 18,420,360
1600 Advance Payment 332,050,000 519,142,401
1700 Plant Assets
1701 Land 550,000,000 520,000,000
1702 Land Improvement - -
1703 Building 5,200,000,000 5,000,000,000
1704 Equipment 1,285,000,000 1,285,000,000
1705 Vehicle 1,610,000,000 800,000,000
1710 Acc Depreciation Plant Asset
1711 Acc Depreciation Land Improvement - -
1712 Acc Depreciation Building 156,250,000 156,250,000
1713 Acc Depreciation Equipment 114,218,750 114,218,750
1714 Acc Depreciation Vehicle - 200,000,000
2100 Account Payable 269,031,200 2,543,799,400
2105 Other Current Payable 50,000,000 -
2200 Accrued Expenses 17,176,500 5,758,314
2300 Advance Receipt 692,000,000 1,810,125,000
2500 Bank Loan 5,200,000,000 -
3000 Share capital 5,280,000,000 5,280,000,000
3001 Retained Earning 1,587,697,941 -
4000 Revenue
4100 Sales 10,977,589,499 5,503,775,725
4200 Interest revenue - -
4300 Other revenue - -
5000 Cost of Sales 5,953,038,388 2,953,007,461
6000 Selling & General Administration Expense
6100 Selling Expense
6105 Sales Incentive 6,667,320 5,341,280
6106 Sales Incentive - Director 9,984,810 9,682,560
6200 General and Administration Expense
6210 Employee Salary and Benefit
6211 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense 48,183,795 47,072,640
6212 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense-Director 63,567,660 60,736,280
6213 Bonus and Compensation Expense 2,788,500 2,588,500
6214 Bonus and Compensation Expense-Director 14,388,000 13,880,000
6215 Meal and Catering 9,149,415 3,500,000
6216 Employee Medical Expense 12,304,390 11,954,600
6217 Employee Insurance Expense 2,886,675 2,139,520
31 Des 2019 31 Des 2018
Acc # Account Name
Debit Credit Debit Credit
6220 Depreciation and Amortization
6221 Depreciation Expense Land Improvement - -
6222 Depreciation Expense Building - 156,250,000
6223 Depreciation Expense Equipment - 114,218,750
6224 Depreciation Expense Vehicle - 200,000,000
6230 Utilitization, Adm, Rent & Others Expense
6231 Electricity Expense 28,996,997 28,097,297
6232 Telecommunication Expense 5,756,643 7,441,263
6233 Expedition, Post & Stamp Expense 2,628,615 41,320,920
6234 Travelling Expense 7,196,300 29,273,760
6235 Consultant Expense 9,237,195 11,037,960
6236 Rent Expense 9,000,000 8,000,000
6237 Insurance Expense 438,500,000 75,000,000
6238 Office Supplies Expense 10,632,054 32,469,600
6239 Pantry Expense 2,526,680 2,692,760
6240 Car Rental Expense 7,445,130 8,261,280
6241 Advertising Expense 18,000,000 6,635,880
6242 Fuel, Parking & Tol 1,705,935 1,863,960
6243 Transportation Expense 962,280 699,840
6244 Repair Expense 250,000 125,000
6245 Others General & Adm Expense 2,319,735 17,131,440
7000 Other income (expense)
7100 Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss 5,980,260 4,061,040
7200 Interest expense 95,797,100 68,366,273
7300 Bank Adm Expense 1,292,013 1,350,000
Total 24,349,944,150 24,349,944,150 15,617,988,229 15,617,988,229

- -

6,765,205,630 10,983,569,759 3,920,138,824 5,507,836,765

4,218,364,129 1,587,697,941

1 Cash on hand 1,298,550

Other income 1,298,550

2 Other receivables - employee receivables 3,280,000

Cash on hand 3,280,000

3 Cash in Bank - Permata 4460000.000

Bank adm expense 50000.000
Interest income 1270000.000
Advance receipt 3240000.000

4 Cash in Bank - Permata 20650000.000

Advance receipt ###
(SGD 2.000 x 10.325)

5 Other income - Foreign exchange loss 1127245.000

Cash in Bank - Permata 1,127,245

6 Sales - Invoice 001/01/2020 61,400,000

Account Receivable 61,400,000
Inventory - Invoice 001/01/2020 49,120,000
Cost of sales 49,120,000 4,516,045

7 Sales - Invoice 002/01/2020 138,000,000

Account Receivable 138,000,000
Inventory - Invoice 002/01/2020 96,600,000
Cost of sales 96,600,000

8 Other income - Foreign exchange loss 338,800

Account Receivable 338,800

9.000 Employee receivable 9000000.000

accounts receivable 9000000.000

10 Inventory - promotion display unit 61,166,000

Inventory - washing machine top loading 61,166,000

11 Cost of sales 25,520,000 (4 x 6.380.000)

Inventory - washing machine front loading 25,520,000

Account receivable 38,280,000 PT Thalia Electronics

Sales return 19,140,000
Sales 19,140,000


12 Inventory - AC 1 pk 52,592,000 (19 x 2.768.000)

Cost of sales 52,592,000
Sales return 78,888,000 (1.5 x 52.592.000)
Account receivable 78,888,000

13 Account receivable 68,414,040 PT Mika Electronics

Sales 68,414,040
Cost of sales 45,609,360 (12 x 3.800.780)
Inventory - AC 1.5 PK 45,609,360

14 Inventory - kipas angin 17,638,900 (352.778 x 50)

Account payable 17,638,900

15 Opex-other G & A exp-Inventory obsolence stock exp 57,345,585

Provision for inventory obsolence stock 57,345,585

16 Accounts payable-PT Gavin 9,000,000

Other current payable 9,000,000

17 Accounts payable-PT Naomi 3,800,000

Pantry expense 3,800,000

18 Accounts payable-PT Giada 4,950,000

Other current payable 4,950,000

19 Advertising expense 48,000,000

Accrued Expense 48,000,000

20 Car rental expense 17,875,000

Accrued Expense 17,875,000

No entry

21 Others General & Adm Expense - Cleaning servic 27,800,000

Other current payable 27,800,000

No entry

22 Others General & Adm Expense - Cleaning servic 1,250,000

Other current payable 1,250,000
23 Office Supplies Expense 1,800,430
Other current payable 1,800,430

24 Telecommunication expen 62,500,000

Advance payment PT Daniel 62,500,000

No entry

25 Other receivable-employee 10,200,000

Advance payment-Swasti 10,200,000

26 Inventory 160,500,000
Advance payment PT Giada 160,500,000

27 Consultant expense 28,000,000

Advance payment Nina 28,000,000

28 Others General & Adm Exp 1,500,000

Security deposit 1,500,000
Security deposit 2,700,000
Other Current Payable 2,700,000

29 Others General & Adm Expense 6,000,000

Prepaid Advertising 6,000,000

30 Prepaid insurance 6,000,000

Insurance expense 6,000,000

31 Insurance expense 500,000

Prepaid insurance 500,000

32 Prepaid insurance 5,000,000

Insurance expense 5,000,000

33 Employee receivable 5,000,000

Prepaid insurance 2,500,000
Insurance expense 2,500,000

Employee receivable 320,000,000

Vehicle - kijang innova 320,000,000

Repair & Maintenance Expense 200,000,000

Building 200,000,000

Land Improvement 30,000,000

Land 30,000,000

Accumulated depreciation - equipment 2,875,000

Loss on disposal of plant assets 9,125,000
Equipment 12,000,000

Depreciation expense - land improvement 2,500,000

Depreciation expense - building 605,468,750
Depreciation expense - equipment 150,625,000
Depreciation expense - vehicle 210,000,000
Accumulated depreciation - land improvement 2,500,000
Accumulated depreciation - building 605,468,750
Accumulated depreciation - equipment 150,625,000
Accumulated depreciation - vehicle 210,000,000

Advance Receipt 692,000,000

Current portion of - bank loan 692,000,000

Other expense - forex exchange loss 3,050,000

Current portion of - bank loan 3,050,000

Interest expense 4,633,667

Accrued expenses - interest 4,633,667
(USD 333 x 13.901)

Interest expense 52,000,000

Accrued expenses - interest 52,000,000
(Rp x 12% x 1/12)

Retained Earning 360,000,000

Dividend Payable 360,000,000
(4.800.000 x Rp 75)

Others receivable 770,000,000

Share capital - Ibu Sally 770,000,000
PT Gilang Gemilang
Trial Balance
31 Desember 2019 and 2018

31 Des 2019
Acc # Account Name
Debit Credit
1000 Cash and Bank
1001 Cash on Hand 29,956,950
1002 Cash in Bank - Permata 1,327,806,160
1003 Cash in Bank - BNI 86,182,080
1100 Account Receivable 3,497,381,800
1110 Others Receivable -
1200 Inventory 3,003,561,530
Provision for inventory obsolence stock
1410 Prepaid Advertising 6,000,000
1420 Prepaid Insurance 644,500,000
1500 Security Deposit 12,300,000
1600 Advance Payment 332,050,000
1700 Plant Assets
1701 Land 550,000,000
1702 Land Improvement -
1703 Building 5,200,000,000
1704 Equipment 1,285,000,000
1705 Vehicle 1,610,000,000
1710 Acc Depreciation Plant Asset
1711 Acc Depreciation Land Improvement -
1712 Acc Depreciation Building 156,250,000
1713 Acc Depreciation Equipment 114,218,750
1714 Acc Depreciation Vehicle -
2100 Account Payable 269,031,200
Current Portion of Bank Loan
Dividend Payable
2105 Other Current Payable 50,000,000
2200 Accrued Expenses 17,176,500
2300 Advance Receipt 692,000,000
2500 Bank Loan 5,200,000,000
3000 Share capital 5,280,000,000
3001 Retained Earning 1,587,697,941
4000 Revenue
4100 Sales 10,977,589,499
Sales Return and Allowance
4200 Interest revenue -
4300 Other revenue -
5000 Cost of Sales 5,953,038,388
6000 Selling & General Administration Expense
6100 Selling Expense
6105 Sales Incentive 6,667,320
6106 Sales Incentive - Director 9,984,810
6200 General and Administration Expense
6210 Employee Salary and Benefit
6211 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense 48,183,795
6212 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense-Director 63,567,660
6213 Bonus and Compensation Expense 2,788,500
6214 Bonus and Compensation Expense-Director 14,388,000
6215 Meal and Catering 9,149,415
6216 Employee Medical Expense 12,304,390
6217 Employee Insurance Expense 2,886,675

31 Des 2019
Acc # Account Name
Debit Credit
6220 Depreciation and Amortization
6221 Depreciation Expense Land Improvement -
6222 Depreciation Expense Building -
6223 Depreciation Expense Equipment -
6224 Depreciation Expense Vehicle -
6230 Utilitization, Adm, Rent & Others Expense
6231 Electricity Expense 28,996,997
6232 Telecommunication Expense 5,756,643
6233 Expedition, Post & Stamp Expense 2,628,615
6234 Travelling Expense 7,196,300
6235 Consultant Expense 9,237,195
6236 Rent Expense 9,000,000
6237 Insurance Expense 438,500,000
6238 Office Supplies Expense 10,632,054
6239 Pantry Expense 2,526,680
6240 Car Rental Expense 7,445,130
6241 Advertising Expense 18,000,000
6242 Fuel, Parking & Tol 1,705,935
6243 Transportation Expense 962,280
6244 Repair Expense 250,000
6245 Others General & Adm Expense 2,319,735
7000 Other income (expense)
7100 Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss 5,980,260
7200 Interest expense 95,797,100
7300 Bank Adm Expense 1,292,013
Loss on Disposal of Plant Asset
Total 24,349,944,150 24,349,944,150
PT Gilang Gemilang
Trial Balance
31 Desember 2019 and 2018


Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit

1,298,550 3,280,000 27,975,500 74,183,500

25,110,000 1,127,245 1,351,788,915 452,802,236
86,182,080 28,382,480
106,694,040 287,626,800 3,316,449,040 510,510,769
1,117,480,000 1,117,480,000 -
437,616,900 132,295,360 3,308,883,070 1,964,407,659
57,345,585 57,345,585
6,000,000 - -
11,000,000 3,000,000 652,500,000 525,000,000
2,700,000 1,500,000 13,500,000 18,420,360
261,200,000 70,850,000 519,142,401
30,000,000 520,000,000 520,000,000
30,000,000 30,000,000 -
200,000,000 5,000,000,000 5,000,000,000
12,000,000 1,273,000,000 1,285,000,000
320,000,000 1,290,000,000 800,000,000

2,500,000 2,500,000
605,468,750 761,718,750
2,875,000 150,625,000 261,968,750
210,000,000 210,000,000
17,750,000 17,638,900 268,920,100
695,050,000 695,050,000
360,000,000 360,000,000
47,500,430 97,500,430
122,508,667 139,685,167
692,000,000 23,890,000 23,890,000
770,000,000 6,050,000,000
360,000,000 1,227,697,941
199,400,000 87,554,040 10,865,743,539
78,888,000 19,140,000 59,748,000
1,270,000 1,270,000
1,298,550 1,298,550
71,129,360 198,312,000 5,825,855,748 2,953,007,461

6,667,320 5,341,280
9,984,810 9,682,560
48,183,795 47,072,640
63,567,660 60,736,280
2,788,500 2,588,500
14,388,000 13,880,000
9,149,415 3,500,000
12,304,390 11,954,600
2,886,675 2,139,520

31 Des 2018
2,500,000 2,500,000 -
605,468,750 605,468,750 156,250,000
150,625,000 150,625,000 114,218,750
210,000,000 210,000,000 200,000,000
28,996,997 28,097,297
62,500,000 68,256,643 7,441,263
2,628,615 41,320,920
7,196,300 29,273,760
28,000,000 37,237,195 11,037,960
9,000,000 8,000,000
500,000 13,500,000 425,500,000 75,000,000
1,800,430 12,432,484 32,469,600
3,800,000 - 1,273,320 2,692,760
17,875,000 25,320,130 8,261,280
48,000,000 66,000,000 6,635,880
1,705,935 1,863,960
962,280 699,840
200,000,000 200,250,000 125,000
93,895,585 96,215,320 17,131,440

4,516,045 1,464,215
56,633,667 152,430,767 68,366,273
50,000 1,342,013 1,350,000
9,125,000 9,125,000
4,645,431,327 4,645,431,327 26,226,053,027 26,226,053,027 15,617,988,229

- - -
31 Des 2018




31 Des 2018


Working Balance Sheet 1
For The Year Ended 31 December 2019

WP Balance per Book PAJE/PRJE

Acc # Descriptions
Index 31 Desember 2019 Debit
1000 Cash and Cash Equivalent A TB 1,443,945,190 26,408,550

1100 Account Receivable B 3,497,381,800 106,694,040

1200 Inventory C 3,003,561,530 437,616,900

1400-1600 Other Current Assets D 994,850,000 1,131,180,000

1700 Plant Assets (NBV) E 8,374,531,250 32,875,000

17,314,269,770 1,734,774,490
^ ^

TB : Agree to trial balance as of 31 Dec 2019

PY : Agree to prior year audited balance as of 31 Dec 2018
^ : Footed

Prepared by (date) Reviewed by (date) Schedule Description

Yessi Tifvani (5 Februari 2020) Working Balance Sheet 1
PAJE/PRJE Audited Balance Audited Balance
Credit 31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2018
4,407,245 1,465,946,495 < PY 555,368,216

287,626,800 3,316,449,040 510,510,769

189,640,945 3,251,537,485 1,964,407,659

271,700,000 1,854,330,000 1,062,562,761

1,530,593,750 6,876,812,500 7,134,531,250

2,283,968,740 16,765,075,520 11,227,380,655

^ ^ ^

le Description Indeks
g Balance Sheet 1 WBS 1
Working Balance Sheet 2
For The Year Ended 31 December 2019

WP Balance per Book PAJE/PRJE

Acc # Descriptions
Index 31 Desember 2019 Debit
2100 Accounts Payable AA TB 269,031,200 17,750,000

2105-2400 Other Current Liabilities BB 759,176,500 692,000,000

2500 Long Term Liabilities CC 5,200,000,000

3000-3001 Shareholders' Equity DD 11,086,062,070 360,000,000

17,314,269,770 1,069,750,000
^ ^

TB : Agree to trial balance as of 31 Dec 2019

PY : Agree to prior year audited balance as of 31 Dec 2018
^ : Footed

Prepared by (date) Reviewed by (date) Schedule Description

Yessi Tifvani (5 Februari 2020) Working Balance Sheet 2
PAJE/PRJE Audited Balance Audited Balance
Credit 31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2018
17,638,900 268,920,100 < PY 2,543,799,400

1,248,949,097 1,316,125,597 1,815,883,314

5,200,000,000 -

770,000,000 11,496,062,070 6,867,697,941

2,036,587,997 18,281,107,767 11,227,380,655

^ ^ ^

Description Indeks
Balance Sheet 2 WBS 2
Working Profit Loss
For The Year Ended 31 December 2019

WP Balance per Book PAJE/PRJE

Acc # Descriptions
Index 31 Desember 2019 Debit
4000 Sales (Net) 10 TB 10,977,589,499 278,288,000

5000 Cost of Sales 20 (5,953,038,388) 71,129,360

6000 Operating Expenses 30 (715,078,129) 1,421,164,765

7000 Other Income & Expenses 40 (91,108,853) 70,324,712

4,218,364,129 1,840,906,837

TB : Agree to trial balance as of 31 Dec 2015

PY : Agree to prior year audited balance as of 31 Dec 2014
^ : Footed

Prepared by (date) Reviewed by (date) Schedule Description

Yessi Tifvani (5 Februari 2020) Working Profit Loss
PAJE/PRJE Audited Balance Audited Balance
Credit 31 Desember 2019 31 Desember 2018
106,694,040 10,805,995,539 < PY 5,503,775,725

198,312,000 (5,825,855,748) (2,953,007,461)

17,300,000 (2,118,942,894) (897,415,090)

2,568,550 (158,865,015) (65,655,233)

324,874,590 2,702,331,882 1,587,697,941


> 2,702,331,882

e Description Indeks
Profit Loss WPL
PT Gilang Gemilang
Statements of Income
For the years ended 31 December 2019 and 2018
In Rupiah Amount
2019 2018

Net Sales 10,805,995,539 5,503,775,725

Cost of Sales (5,825,855,748) (2,953,007,461)
Gross Profit 4,980,139,791 2,550,768,264
Operating Expenses
Selling Expense (16,652,130) (15,023,840)
Depreciation and Amortization (968,593,750) (470,468,750)
Employee Salary and Benefit (153,268,435) (141,871,540)
Utilitization, Adm, Rent & Others Expense (980,428,579) (270,050,960)
Total Operating Expenses (2,118,942,894) (897,415,090)
Income from operation 2,861,196,897 1,653,353,174
Other Income and Expenses
Other Income
Foreign Exchange Gain 1,464,215 4,061,040
Interest Income 1,270,000
Other Revenue 1,298,550
Total Other Income 4,032,765 4,061,040
Other Expenses
Interest Expense (152,430,767) (68,366,273)
Bank Adm Expense (1,342,013) (1,350,000)
Loss on Disposal Plant Asset (9,125,000)
Total Other Expenses (162,897,780) (69,716,273)
Total Other Income and Expenses (158,865,015) (65,655,233)

NET INCOME 2,702,331,882 1,587,697,941

25% 29%
46% 46%

26% 30%
PT Gilang Gemilang
Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
Years Ended 31 Desember 2019 and 2018
In Rupiah Amount
Total Shareholders'
Share Capital Retained Earnings Equity
Balance as of 31 December 2017 5,280,000,000 - 5,280,000,000
Net income for the year ended 31 Dec 2018 - 1,587,697,941 1,587,697,941
Balance as of 31 December 2018 5,280,000,000 1,587,697,941 6,867,697,941
Addition of Share Capital 770,000,000 770,000,000
-/-Dividend Payable 2019 - 360,000,000 - 360,000,000
Net income for the year ended 31 Dec 2019 2,702,331,882 2,702,331,882
Balance as of 31 December 2019 6,050,000,000 3,930,029,823 9,980,029,823
PT Gilang Gemilang
Statement of Financial Position
As of 31 December 2019 and 2018 (In Rupiah)

ASSETS 31-Dec-19 31-Dec-18


Cash and Bank 1,465,946,495 555,368,216 CA 9,888,263,020 4,092,849,405

Account Receivable 3,316,449,040 510,510,769 CL 1,585,045,697 4,359,682,714

Others Receivable 1,117,480,000 - 6.24 0.94

Inventory 3,251,537,485 1,964,407,659 CA 9,151,413,020 3,030,286,644

Prepaid Expenses 652,500,000 525,000,000 CL 1,585,045,697 4,359,682,714

Security Deposit 13,500,000 18,420,360 5.77 0.70

Advance Payment 70,850,000 519,142,401

Total CURRENT ASSETS 9,888,263,020 4,092,849,405


Acquisition Cost

Land 520,000,000 520,000,000

Land Improvement 30,000,000 -

Building 5,000,000,000 5,000,000,000

Equipment 1,273,000,000 1,285,000,000

Vehicle 1,290,000,000 800,000,000

Total Acquisition Cost 8,113,000,000 7,605,000,000

Accumulated Depreciation

Accumulated Depreciation Land Improvement (2,500,000) -

Accumulated Depreciation Building (761,718,750) (156,250,000)

Accumulated Depreciation Equipment (261,968,750) (114,218,750)

Accumulated Depreciation Vehicle (210,000,000) (200,000,000)

Total Accumulated Depreciation (1,236,187,500) (470,468,750)

Total PLANT ASSETS, net book value 6,876,812,500 7,134,531,250

Total ASSETS 16,765,075,520 11,227,380,655

LIABILITIES and EQUITIES 31-Dec-19 31-Dec-18


Current Liabilities

Account Payables 268,920,100 2,543,799,400

Other Current Liabilities:

Other Current Payable 97,500,430 -

Accrued Expenses 139,685,167 5,758,314

Advance Receipt 23,890,000 1,810,125,000

Dividen Payable 360,000,000

Current Portion of Bank Loan 695,050,000

Total Other Current Liabilities 1,316,125,597 1,815,883,314

Total Current Liabilities 1,585,045,697 4,359,682,714

Long Term Liabilities 5,200,000,000 -

Total LIABILITIES 6,785,045,697 4,359,682,714


Share capital 6,050,000,000 5,280,000,000

Retained Earnings 3,930,029,823 1,587,697,941

Total SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 9,980,029,823 6,867,697,941

Total LIABILITIES and SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 16,765,075,520 11,227,380,655

- -
Acc # Account Name Account Description
1000 Cash and Bank berisi kas di tangan dan kas di bank yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan

1001 Cash on Hand berisi kas kecil yang terdapat di tangan kasir
1002 Cash in Bank - Permata berisi kas di bank Permata
1003 Cash in Bank - BNI berisi kas di bank BNI
1100 Account Receivable berisi piutang usaha
1110 Others Receivable berisi piutang lain-lain yang tidak termasuk ke dalam piutang
1200 Inventory usaha
berisi persediaan barang dagangan perusahaan
1410 Prepaid Advertising berisi iklan dibayar di muka
1420 Prepaid Insurance berisi asuransi kendaraan dibayar di muka
1500 Security Deposit berisi pembayaran deposit untuk sewa kantor
1600 Advance Payment berisi uang muka untuk pembelian barang dagangan dari pemasok

1700 Plant Assets berisi aset tetap berwujud milik perusahaan

1701 Land berisi tanah yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan digunakan untuk
operasional perusahaan
1702 Land Improvement berisi land improvement yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan
digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
1703 Building berisi bangunan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
1704 Equipment berisi peralatan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
1705 Vehicle berisi kendaraan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
1710 Acc Depreciation Plant Asset berisi akumulasi depresiasi aset tetap berwujud milik perusahaan

1711 Acc Depreciation Land berisi akumulasi depresiasi land improvement milik perusahaan
Improvement dan digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
1712 Acc Depreciation Building berisi akumulasi depresiasi bangunan milik perusahaan dan
digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
1713 Acc Depreciation Equipment berisi akumulasi depresiasi peralatan milik perusahaan dan
digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
1714 Acc Depreciation Vehicle berisi akumulasi depresiasi kendaraan milik perusahaan dan
digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
Acc # Account Name Account Description
2100 Account Payable berisi hutang dagang dari pembelian persediaan barang dagangan

2105 Other Current Payable berisi hutang yang tidak termasuk di account payable
2200 Accrued Expenses berisi beban yang belum dibayar dan/atau invoice atas transaksi
tersebut belum diterima pada tanggal 31 Desember sehingga nilai
dari invoice yang bersangkutan belum dapat diketahui secara

2300 Advance Receipt berisi uang muka penjualan barang dagangan dari pembeli
2500 Bank Loan berisi pinjaman dari bank dalam jangka panjang
3000 Share capital berisi modal perusahaan
3001 Retained Earning berisi laba ditahan perusahaan
4000 Revenue berisi pendapatan dari penjualan barang dagangan dan lainnya

4100 Sales berisi penjualan barang dagangan

4200 Interest revenue berisi pendapatan bunga Bank Permata dan Bank BNI
4300 Other revenue berisi pendapatan lainnya
5000 Cost of Sales berisi beban pokok penjualan barang dagangan
6000 Selling & General Administration berisi beban penjualan dan beban administrasi perusahaan
6100 Selling Expense berisi beban penjualan barang dagangan perusahaan
6105 Sales Incentive berisi komisi kepada staf penjualan
6106 Sales Incentive - Director berisi komisi kepada direktur penjualan
6200 General and Administration berisi beban administrasi perusahaan yang tidak berkaitan dengan
Expense penjualan barang dagangan, terdiri dari gaji, depresiasi, dan
beban administrasi lainnya

6210 Employee Salary and Benefit berisi beban gaji pegawai dan employee benefit
6211 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense berisi beban gaji,lembur, dan THR untuk semua staf

6212 Salaries, Overtime & THR Expense- berisi beban gaji,lembur, dan THR untuk direktur
6213 Bonus and Compensation Expense berisi bonus tahunan yang diberikan kepada semua staf

6214 Bonus and Compensation Expense- berisi bonus tahunan yang diberikan kepada direktur
6215 Meal and Catering berisi biaya makan untuk semua karyawan perusahaan
6216 Employee Medical Expense berisi biaya pengobatan untuk semua karyawan
6217 Employee Insurance Expense berisi biaya asuransi untuk semua karyawan
6220 Depreciation and Amortization berisi biaya depresiasi aset tetap perusahaan

6221 Depreciation Expense Land berisi biaya depresiasi land improvement milik perusahaan dan
Improvement digunakan untuk operasional perusahaan
6222 Depreciation Expense Building berisi biaya depresiasi bangunan milik perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
Acc # Account Name Account Description
6223 Depreciation Expense Equipment berisi biaya depresiasi peralatan milik perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
6224 Depreciation Expense Vehicle berisi biaya depresiasi kendaraan milik perusahaan dan digunakan
untuk operasional perusahaan
6230 Utilitization, Adm, Rent & Others berisi biaya lainnya dalam operasional perusahaan
6231 Electricity Expense berisi biaya listrik kantor
6232 Telecommunication Expense berisi biaya telekomunikasi kantor
6233 Expedition, Post & Stamp Expense berisi biaya pengiriman dan biaya perangko untuk keperluan
6234 Travelling Expense berisi biaya perjalanan untuk keperluan kantor
6235 Consultant Expense berisi biaya konsultan pajak untuk keperluan kantor
6236 Rent Expense berisi biaya sewa kantor
6237 Insurance Expense berisi biaya asuransi kantor
6238 Office Supplies Expense berisi biaya perlengkapan kantor
6239 Pantry Expense berisi biaya pantry kantor
6240 Car Rental Expense berisi biaya sewa mobil untuk keperluan kantor
6241 Advertising Expense berisi biaya yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan pemasaran
6242 Fuel, Parking & Tol berisi biaya parkir, bensin dan tol kendaraan kantor
6243 Transportation Expense berisi biaya transportasi keperluan kantor selain menggunakan
mobil kantor
6244 Repair Expense berisi biaya-biaya perbaikan aset milik perusahaan
6245 Others General & Adm Expense berisi biaya-biaya lainnya
7000 Other income (expense) berisi biaya lain-lain yang tidak berhubungan dengan keperluan
7100 Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss berisi keuntungan dan kerugian dari selisih kurs
7200 Interest expense berisi beban bunga dari pinjaman ke bank
7300 Bank Adm Expense berisi beban administrasi bank

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