NCP Samch
NCP Samch
NCP Samch
S: “Wala Risk for Impaired Parenting Short term goal: Perform physical assessment with Short term goal:
kaayo ko related to lack of knowledge After 8 hours of the mother present, and After 8 hours of nursing
kabaw unsaon nursing demonstrate common newborn intervention the short-
pag atiman sa Scientific Basis: intervention, the characteristics and behaviors. term goals were met.
ako anak kay Inability of primary caregiver to patient will be able Rationale: The patient was able to
first time create, maintain or regain an to enumerate To promote parents’ knowledge enumerate concepts
mom ko and environment that promotes the concepts and roles of newborn physical and roles of parenting,
mahadlok ko optimum growth and of parenting, and characteristics and behaviors. and was able to create
kay fragile kay development of the child. to create realistic realistic goals for her
ako baby” Reference: goals for her Encourage patient participation in parenting role as well
Verbalized by https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. parenting role as care behaviors such as putting on as identified personal
the mother gov/medgen/781321 well as identify diapers, breast feeding, and strengths, individual
personal bathing. needs and methods to
strengths, Rationale: achieve the goals.
individual needs To promote familiarity with
O: and methods to behaviors and decrease parental
Temperature: achieve these anxiety and to enhance parental
36. 5 degree goals. feeling of contribution as
Celsius newborn’s primary caretakers.
Pulse Rate: Long term goal:
145 bpm Observe the attachment
Respiration Long term goal: behaviors between the parent After 3 days of nursing
Rate: 40 cpm and newborn. Recognizing the interventions the long
After 3 days of patient family history and term goals were met.
nursing experiences may help. The patient was able to
interventions the Rationale: demonstrate parenting
patient will be able Identifying factors that may techniques and assume
to demonstrate influence the failure to bond responsibility for
parenting between mother and newborn emotional, mental, and
techniques and will help us address them physical care and well-
assume beforehand, so that it cannot being of her newborn.
responsibility for affect subsequent parent-child Furthermore, the
emotional, mental, interactions. patient was also able to
and physical care express confidence in
and well-being of Create an environment in which taking care of her baby.
her newborn. the relationship can be
Furthermore strengthened
patient will also Rationale:
express confidence
in taking care of To improve learning and positive
her baby between mother and newborn
therefore enhancing