CAMCAR Activity 1 - Capuchino
CAMCAR Activity 1 - Capuchino
CAMCAR Activity 1 - Capuchino
An ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg Name: Rosalinda Del Rosario (RDR) The patient had unusually heavy and protracted menstruation five
implants and grows outside of the uterus's main cavity. days before admission. Her last regular menstrual cycle occurred on
Ectopic pregnancy is most commonly found in a fallopian Age: 35 years old November 7, 2022. The current menstrual flow began on December
tube, which transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. 20, 2022, and lasted until the day of the first clinic visit. As she
A tubal pregnancy is a form of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic Address: BRGY II, Mataasnakahoy,
suffered little flow during the first three days of this cycle, the
pregnancy can develop in other parts of the body, such as Batangas
patient sought therapy from another clinic to "boost" the flow of her
the ovary, abdominal cavity, or the lower section of the menstrual. Her menstruation grew thick and protracted after
uterus (cervix) that links to the vagina. An ectopic Status: Married
therapy. As a result, she sought a second opinion.
pregnancy cannot be carried out normally. If left untreated,
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
the fertilized egg cannot survive, and the developing tissue
may cause life-threatening hemorrhage. Date and Time of Admission: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY
. January 25, 2023/ 10:45am At the age of 15, the patient experienced her first menstrual cycle.
She has had Asthma since she was three years old and had her flu
OBJECTIVES vaccine in January 2022. In 2016, she acquired a widespread rash
ECTOPIC after a kidney infection that was treated with ampicillin. Despite
Identify symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. having no known food allergies, the patient was sensitive to dust
Explain the correct ectopic pregnancy evaluation.
Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a serious condition. CHIEF COMPLAINT
Delayed diagnosis could lead to life-threatening FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY
outcomes. The study aimed to develop a diagnostic Severe stomach cramps, nausea, and
predictive model for EP to approach suspected vaginal bleeding with clots, followed Mrs. RDR is the only daughter of the S family. Her father died in a
cases with prompt intervention before the rupture by an episode of light-headedness vehicle accident when she was 43, and her mother died at the age of
occurred. while seated at her work 67 from varicose veins, headaches, and hypertension. Her eldest
brother, on the other hand, has high blood pressure but is generally
The goal of the evaluation is to ensure that healthy at the age of 56, and her other brother is equally healthy
maternal blood loss is replaced and the bleeding save for moderate arthritis at the age of 51.
would stop.
Mrs. RDR, the patient, has never experimented with illicit
A 35-year-old female G2P1 reported to the Emergency If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed
substances or alternative remedies. She smokes one pack of
Room after experiencing a pre-syncopal episode at work. early but active monitoring isn't
cigarettes every day at the age of 18. She also seldom consumes
Next morning, the patient had severe stomach cramps, suitable, treatment with a medicine
alcohol and has no history of abuse. The patient's diet is poor in
nausea, and vaginal bleeding with clots, followed by an called “methotrexate” may be
calcium, with minimal milk or cheese and a low salt intake. She
episode of light-headedness while seated at her work. The recommended. This works by
routinely consumes high-fat mid-morning and night-time snacks.
patient denied experiencing any loss of consciousness, stopping the pregnancy from growing.
Her sleep is generally decent, with an average of 7 hours each day.
dyspnea, chest discomfort, palpitations, or fevers/chills. It's given as a single injection into
She remarked that she does not have time to work-out.
your buttocks.
LABORATORY AND MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Describe the side effects of medical therapy and symptoms to
DIAGNOSTICS REVIEW monitor (eg severe abdominal pain, lightheadedness)
Risk for “Deficient Fluid Volume” related to Patients should be advised regarding their risk of future
Transvaginal Ultrasound bleeding from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy ectopic pregnancy
Hematology “Powerlessness” related to early loss of In patients with no history of subfertility or tubal pathology, no
Complete Blood Count (CBC) pregnancy secondary to ectopic pregnancy difference in the risk of future tubal ectopic pregnancy or tubal
Urinalysis patency rates is seen between the different management
The trophoblast grows in the
fertilized ovum and invades the MEDICATION: Return if patient has increasing abdominal or pelvic pain or
tubal wall profoundly. heave vaginal bleeding
Have chest problems or shoulder pain
↓ Methotrexate
Return to emergency department if patient feels like they are
going to faint
After implantation, the trophoblast Dextrose 5% Lactated Ringer’s (D5LR)
generates hCG, which keeps the DIET
corpus luteum in place. ENVIRONMENT:
Fiber supplements It is very important to include fiber in your
↓ Clean, Quiet, and Dim Environment
diet while you are recovering from surgery for an ectopic
The corpus luteum secretes TREATMENT:
oestrogen and progesterone, Eat fresh fish Fish is a food rich in protein, low in fat and
transforming the secretory Expectant management – your condition is
offers many health benefits. In particular, white fish has a
carefully monitored to see whether treatment
endometrium into decidua. The lower fat content than any other animal protein source
is necessary
uterus expands and softens for up to Medicine – a medicine called methotrexate
8 weeks. Milk Women after an ectopic pregnancy need to supplement
is used to stop the pregnancy growing
milk because milk is full of substances such as protein, sugar,
Surgery – surgery is used to remove the
lipids, potassium, and multivitamins
pregnancy, usually along with the affected
fallopian tube
REVIEW OF SYSTEM HEALTH EDUCATION: Limiting the number of sexual partners and using a condom
Signs of rupture include during sex helps to prevent sexually transmitted infections and
Advise the patient on the advantages and
tachycardia, orthostasis, may reduce the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease
disadvantages of each treatment option
rebound tenderness and
Women may grieve at the loss of pregnancy
guarding Excessive physical exertion or sexual activity might cause the
and may need appropriate support
Abdominal tenderness is ectopic pregnancy to rupture. Inquire with your doctor about
Patient with confirmed ectopic pregnancy when it is safe to have sex.
should avoid using intrauterine device as
Cervical motion tenderness is
contraception since this can increase the
chance of ectopic pregnancy
A palpable mass is present
Any practice of intentionally delaying treatment of a reliably diagnosed ectopic pregnancy on non-clinical grounds
until rupture of the fallopian tube has occurred or is imminent, in order to justify terminating the ectopic pregnancy
on the grounds of saving the patient's life, is unethical and illegal. Catholic hospitals may utilize salpingectomy based
on the principle of twofold impact because it permits embryo death to be considered as an unintentional outcome of
therapy. With a salpingostomy, the lady can save her reproductive functions. In some respects, this is more ethical
because it encourages future procreation.
- Anxiety related to the LONG TERM:
“Hindi ko talaga unfamiliarity of the - Monitor physiological - It could be an indicator - The client is well-
naiintindihan ang condition andthe - After completing the responses like dizziness, of the level of fear the informed about her
kundisyon ko, akala ko perceived threat to the nursing interventions, headaches, and tingling client is feeling—the condition and its actual
normal lang lahat ng mother's and fetus's the patient should be sensations, as well as client might feel out of effects, and she was
nararamdaman ko” as biologic integrity as a able to: behavioral cues like control or panic. able to devise coping
verbalized the patient result of a pregnancy restlessness and Symptoms, on the other mechanisms, making
complication. irritability. hand, may be linked to her appear calmer.
OBJECTIVE: physical condition or
- Appear relaxed and shock. - Client was able to use
T-36.8 °C, report anxiety reduced relaxationtechniques
HR-99/minute to a manageable level. -Create a relaxing and - Removing the client such as deep breathing
RR-25/minute calm environment from outside stressors exercises to help her
BP-90/60mmHg encourages relaxation relax.
- Verbalize and may improve
Pain Scale- 9/10Facial understanding of copingabilities. - Client is able to
Grimace- Wincing and condition, prognosis, participate in and follow
in a guarding position. and potential - Provide accurate, - Patients and families through with her
complications. concrete information who are informed are therapeutic regimen
about the effects of her more likely to follow without any confusion
- Participate in her condition on her theprescribed therapy or fear of the procedures
therapeutic regimen by pregnancy, delivery, and and participate in the and medications that
accurately monitoring maternal and fetal well- therapeutic regimen. will be administered.
and weight, blood being, as well as the Informing the client
pressure, urine protein, procedures and about the plan of care
edema,fetal activity, medications that will be reduces unnecessary
signs of improving or performed and anxiety about
worsening administered. unknowns.
preeclampsia, and side
effectsor effectiveness - Encourage people to - Creating a therapeutic
of medications.reporting express their worries by relationship.
speaking them out loud.
Actively listen to the
client as they express
their feelings.
- Acute pain related to SHORT TERM:
“Masakit ang aking distention or rupture of -Monitor maternal vital - To determine presence - After 1 hour of
tiyan” as verbalized by fallopian tube. - After 1 hour of nursing signs. of hypotension and nursing interventions,
patient. interventions the patient tachycardia caused by the patient’s pain has
will be relieved or rupture or hemorrhage. been ease as evidence
OBJECTIVE: controlled. by 5/10 from 9/10 using
-Monitor for presence -To further assess the pain scale.
T-36.8 °C, and amount of vaginal present situation
HR-99/minute bleeding. indicating hemorrhage.
BP-90/60mmHg - Monitor for increase - Increased pain and
and pain and abdominal abdominal distention
Pain Scale- 9/10Facial distention and rigidity. indicates rupture and
Grimace- Wincing and possible intra-
in a guarding position abdominalhemorrhage.
CAMCAR Activity 1