Onyx Fire Alarm System Manual - Notifier

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ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual—

Operating and Programming Manual

Document 52442
07/05/2005 Rev:
P/N 52442:1 04-559
Fire Alarm System Limitations
While a fire alarm system may lower insurance rates, it is not a substitute for fire insurance!
An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke detec- Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm only
tors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined rate or
and a fire alarm control panel with remote notification capability—can reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be
provide early warning of a developing fire. Such a system, however, subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this reason, the rate-of-
does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once per year
resulting from a fire. by a qualified fire protection specialist. Heat detectors are designed
The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detectors be to protect property, not life.
located throughout a protected premise following the recommenda- IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room
tions of the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association as the control panel and in rooms used by the system for the connec-
Standard 72 (NFPA 72), manufacturer's recommendations, State and tion of alarm transmission wiring, communications, signaling, and/or
local codes, and the recommendations contained in the Guide for power. If detectors are not so located, a developing fire may damage
Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at the alarm system, crippling its ability to report a fire.
no charge to all installing dealers. A study by the Federal Emergency Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people if these
Management Agency (an agency of the United States government) devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or
indicated that smoke detectors may not go off in as many as 35% of are located on another floor of a building. Any warning device may
all fires. While fire alarm systems are designed to provide early warn- fail to alert people with a disability or those who have recently con-
ing against fire, they do not guarantee warning or protection against sumed drugs, alcohol or medication. Please note that:
fire. A fire alarm system may not provide timely or adequate warning,
or simply may not function, for a variety of reasons: • Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in people
with conditions such as epilepsy.
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the
• Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear a fire
detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on roofs, or on the
alarm signal, do not respond or comprehend the meaning of the signal.
other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors also may not sense a
It is the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and other
fire on another level or floor of a building. A second-floor detector, for training exercise to make people aware of fire alarm signals and
example, may not sense a first-floor or basement fire. instruct them on the proper reaction to alarm signals.
Particles of combustion or “smoke” from a developing fire may not • In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause tempo-
reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because: rary or permanent hearing loss.
• Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, or chimneys A fire alarm system will not operate without any electrical power. If
may inhibit particle or smoke flow. AC power fails, the system will operate from standby batteries only for
• Smoke particles may become “cold,” stratify, and not reach the ceiling a specified time and only if the batteries have been properly main-
or upper walls where detectors are located. tained and replaced regularly.
• Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air outlets. Equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible
• Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching the with the control panel. It is essential to use only equipment listed for
detector. service with your control panel.
The amount of “smoke” present may be insufficient to alarm smoke Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premise to
detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at various levels of a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily dis-
smoke density. If such density levels are not created by a developing abled. For added protection against telephone line failure, backup
fire at the location of detectors, the detectors will not go into alarm. radio transmission systems are recommended.
Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limita- The most common cause of fire alarm malfunction is inadequate
tions. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing chambers tend to maintenance. To keep the entire fire alarm system in excellent work-
detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, which have little visi- ing order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer's
ble smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type sensing chambers tend recommendations, and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum, the
to detect fast-flaming fires better than smoldering fires. Because fires requirements of NFPA 72 shall be followed. Environments with large
develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, amounts of dust, dirt or high air velocity require more frequent mainte-
neither type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detec- nance. A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the
tor may not provide adequate warning of a fire. local manufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be sched-
Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warning of uled monthly or as required by National and/or local fire codes and
fires caused by arson, children playing with matches (especially in should be performed by authorized professional fire alarm installers
bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent explosions (caused by escap- only. Adequate written records of all inspections should be kept.
ing gas, improper storage of flammable materials, etc.).

2 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate
to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all sources of power erratically or can be damaged when subjected to lightning-induced
before servicing. The control unit and associated equipment may be transients. Although no system is completely immune from lightning
damaged by removing and/or inserting cards, modules, or intercon- transients and interferences, proper grounding will reduce susceptibil-
necting cables while the unit is energized. Do not attempt to install, ity. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended, due to an
service, or operate this unit until this manual is read and understood. increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the
CAUTION - System Reacceptance Test after Software Changes. Technical Services Department if any problems are anticipated or
To ensure proper system operation, this product must be tested in encountered.
accordance with NFPA 72 after any programming operation or Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting
change in site-specific software. Reacceptance testing is required circuit boards. Failure to do so can damage circuits.
after any change, addition or deletion of system components, or after Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, ream-
any modification, repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. ing, or punching of the enclosure. When possible, make all cable
All components, circuits, system operations, or software functions entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifications, verify that
known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, they will not interfere with battery, transformer, and printed circuit
to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected, at least board location.
10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected by the change, Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs. Over-tightening
up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper sys- may damage threads, resulting in reduced terminal contact pressure
tem operation verified. and difficulty with screw terminal removal.
This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C Though designed to last many years, system components can fail
(32°F to 120°F) and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (noncon- at any time. This system contains static-sensitive components.
densing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before handling any
system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static-
adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies removed from
Therefore, it is recommended that this system and all peripherals be the unit.
installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15-
27° C/60-80° F. Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and program-
ming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indicating to the control panel and associated equipment. FACP operation and
device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more than a 10% I.R. reliability depend upon proper installation by authorized personnel.
drop from the specified device voltage.

FCC Warning
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radi- Canadian Requirements: This digital apparatus does not
ate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise emissions from
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interfer- digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regula-
ence to radio communications. It has been tested and tions of the Canadian Department of Communications.
found to comply with the limits for class A computing device Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radio-
pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which is electriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils
designed to provide reasonable protection against such numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Reglement sur
interference when operated in a commercial environment. le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to Communications du Canada.
cause interference, in which case the user will be required
to correct the interference at his own expense.

Acclimate Plus™, HARSH™, NOTI•FIRE•NET™, VeriFire™, NION™, NOTIFER Integrated Systems™ and ONYXWorks™ are trademarks, and ONYX®, FlashScan®,
UniNet®, VIEW®, NOTIFIER® are registered trademarks of Honeywell. Simplex® is registered trademark of Tyco International Ltd. Echelon® is a registered trademark and
LonWorks™ is a trademark of Echelon Corporation. ARCNET® is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of
the Microsoft Corporation. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company.
©Tuesday, July 05, 2005 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 3

Documentation Feedback
Your feedback helps us keep our documentation up-to-date and accurate. If you have any comments, you can email
Please include the following information:
• Product name and version number (if applicable)
• Manual page number
• Your comment
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Please note this email address is for documentation feedback only. If you have any technical issues, please contact
Technical Services.

4 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
1.1: ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Specifications...........................................................................................................9
1.1.1: Environmental Operating Conditions..................................................................................................9
Table 1.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Computer and Touchscreen Specifications ......................................9
1.1.2: ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Compatibility and Architecture ...................................................................11
Table 1.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Node Compatibility Table ..............................................................11
Figure 1.1 Example ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Network..........................................................................12
1.2: ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool................................................................................................12
1.3: Conventions Used in this Manual................................................................................................................13
1.3.1: Notes, Cautions, and Warnings .........................................................................................................13
1.3.2: Procedures .........................................................................................................................................13
Figure 1.2 Example for Procedure Explanation ...................................................................................13
1.3.3: Referencing Other Manuals...............................................................................................................13
1.4: Related Manuals ..........................................................................................................................................14
Table 1.3 Related Manuals ...................................................................................................................14
Section 2: The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
2.1: The Current Situation for a Firefighter ........................................................................................................15
2.2: The Technology of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ...........................................................................................15
2.2.1: Making Commissioning Easier .........................................................................................................15
2.3: Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ..............................................................16
2.3.1: Example Emergency Situations.........................................................................................................16
Figure 2.1 Fire Scene Scenario Floor Plan Information.......................................................................16
Figure 2.2 Fire Scene Scenario Roof Plan Information .......................................................................17
Figure 2.3 Fire Scene Scenario HAZMAT Information ......................................................................17
Figure 2.4 Fire Scene Scenario Building Information..........................................................................18
Figure 2.5 Example Building Site Plan Information ............................................................................19
Figure 2.6 Example HAZMAT Information ........................................................................................20
Figure 2.7 Example Contact Information.............................................................................................21

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 5

Table of Contents

Section 3: Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System
3.1: Introduction..................................................................................................................................................23
3.1.1: An Overview of the Tasks in this Section .........................................................................................23
3.1.2: Installing the ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool................................................................24
3.1.3: Before Starting Your Building Design ..............................................................................................25
3.1.4: About Starting or Exiting a Configuration Tool Project ...................................................................27
Figure 3.1 Start Selection .....................................................................................................................27
Figure 3.2 Exit Selection ......................................................................................................................27
3.1.5: Creating the Building Design that will be Displayed on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ .......................28
Figure 3.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example:
Building/Contact Information and Building Site Plan Buttons ............................................................29
Figure 3.4 Configuration Tool Blank Building ....................................................................................29
Figure 3.5 Building Properties..............................................................................................................30
Figure 3.6 Configuration Tool Floor Entries........................................................................................32
Figure 3.7 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: High-Rise Building Floor Buttons...................33
Figure 3.8 Floor Properties ...................................................................................................................34
Figure 3.9 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Floor Plan Background ....................................35
Figure 3.10 Add Background Example ................................................................................................36
Figure 3.11 Position Floor Plan Background .......................................................................................36
Figure 3.12 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Smoke Detectors in Alarm ............................37
Figure 3.13 Add Object ........................................................................................................................38
Figure 3.14 Device Properties ..............................................................................................................39
Figure 3.15 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example:
Apparatuses Adjacent to Smoke Detectors in Alarm ...........................................................................40
Figure 3.16 Add the Multi-Level Graphic Icon....................................................................................41
Figure 3.17 Define the Properties of the Multi-Level Graphic Icon ....................................................41
Figure 3.18 Duplicate the Multi-Level Graphic Icon on Each Floor ...................................................42
Figure 3.19 Add Other Graphic Icon....................................................................................................43
Figure 3.20 Define the Properties of the Other Graphic Icon...............................................................44
Figure 3.21 Add Annotation (Site Plan Only) ......................................................................................44
Figure 3.22 Floor Entries to Display ....................................................................................................45
Figure 3.23 Cut Floor Plan ...................................................................................................................46
Figure 3.24 Paste Floor Plan.................................................................................................................46
3.1.6: Prepare Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ......................................47
Figure 3.25 Choose Building Design to Export as XML File ..............................................................47
Figure 3.26 Export Building Design as XML File ...............................................................................47
3.1.7: Importing a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building Design ......................................................48
Figure 3.27 Find VeriFire Database to Import .....................................................................................49
Figure 3.28 Imported VeriFire Database Example...............................................................................49
Figure 3.29 Identify a Imported VeriFire Addressable Device ............................................................50
Figure 3.30 Cut the Imported VeriFire Addressable Device................................................................50
Figure 3.31 Paste a Imported VeriFire Database Addressable Device.................................................51

6 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Table of Contents

Section 4: Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System
4.1: Process Overview ........................................................................................................................................53
Figure 4.1 Example System..................................................................................................................53
4.2: Make Component and Communication Connections to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ..................................54
Figure 4.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Keyboard and Mouse Connections ...............................................54
Figure 4.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ LAN Connector Location..............................................................54
4.3: Turn on Power to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™..............................................................................................55
4.4: Establish Communication Between Your LAN and the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ........................................56
Figure 4.4 Windows® LAN Connection Status...................................................................................56
Figure 4.5 Windows® LAN Connection Properties ............................................................................56
Figure 4.6 Windows® Internet Protocol Properties .............................................................................57
4.5: Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher ..................................................................................58
4.5.1: Setting Up Master Launcher..............................................................................................................58
Figure 4.7 Add Master Launcher Menu ...............................................................................................58
4.5.2: Using Launcher to Add Gateways.....................................................................................................59
Figure 4.8 Add Gateway Connections..................................................................................................59
4.5.3: Additional Launcher Capabilities......................................................................................................60
Figure 4.9 Launcher Login ...................................................................................................................60
Figure 4.10 Launcher View Connections.............................................................................................61
Figure 4.11 Launcher View Network Echo..........................................................................................61
Figure 4.12 Windows Task Switching .................................................................................................62
Figure 4.13 Launcher Configure Monitor Fan, Logging, and Debug Menus ......................................62
4.6: Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ .........................................................63
Figure 4.14 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ USB Connector Locations...........................................................63
4.7: Start the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Software Application...............................................................................64
4.8: Test Your Building Design on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ ..........................................................................64
Section 5: Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
5.1: Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received ...................................................................................65
Figure 5.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: No Off-Normal Events ....................................65
Figure 5.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Floor Number Icon ..........................................66
Figure 5.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Building Information .......................................67
Figure 5.4 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Zoomed Floor Plan ..........................................68
Figure 5.5 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Moving Through a Zoomed Floor Plan...........69
Figure 5.6 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: HAZMAT Information....................................70
5.2: Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received ....................................................................................71
Figure 5.7 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Events ..........................................71
Figure 5.8 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Event Zoomed Floor Plan ...........72
Figure 5.9 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Event Alarm List .........................73
Index......................................................................................................................................... 75

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 7

Table of Contents

8 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Section 1:Introduction
The contents of this manual are important and must be kept in close proximity to the hardware. If
building ownership is changed, this manual and all other testing and maintenance information must
also be passed to the current owner of the facility. A copy of this manual was shipped with the
equipment and is also available from the manufacturer.

WARNING: Improper Installation

! Improper installation, maintenance, or lack of routine testing could result in system malfunction.

1.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Specifications

1.1.1 Environmental Operating Conditions
The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ must be installed in the following environmental conditions:
• Temperature range of 0ºC - 50ºC (32ºF - 120ºF).
• 10-95% humidity non-condensing at 30ºC (86ºF).
• Vibration of 10-50Hz, 0.5G Peak to peak
• Shock 15G, 11ms maximum


Product 17" Interactive Graphic Display


Rough Opening Dimensions 18" W x 17.75" H

(in wall mounting space)

Material aluminum

Finish Black epoxy powder coat finish, fine texture

Mounting Panel

Power Requirements +24 volt DC – 3 Amps solenoid dependent


Size 17"

Resolution 1280 x 1024, 75 Hz, 32 Bit colors

Surface acoustic wave touchscreen USB TS controller

Table 1.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Computer and Touchscreen Specifications

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 9

Introduction ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Specifications


Digital I/O (1) DO – Lock control, (3) DO – Brightness control

ACPI Compliant Not required

Processor Low Power VIA Fanless CPU

Speed 733MHz

Form factor Embedded


Video Integral

Serial ports (1) RS-232

USB ports TWO

System RAM 512 MB

LAN One 10/100 Base-T interface


Compact Flash Disk 1GB

Connectors DB9 COM1, (1)DIN- KYBD, (1) RJ-45 10/100BT

USB "A" Ports on the face of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
Dual speakers(2 WATTS)

Operating System Windows® XP Embedded


Door Dimensions 20" W x 18.5" H x 0.4" D

Material 0.060 Galvaneal

Door Finish Black epoxy powder coat finish, fine texture – Door only

Door Plex shield 0.125 scratch resistant acrylic

Conduit punch outs (2) ½" and (2) ¾" on the top and bottom of the enclosure (8) total

Mounting (6) mounting holes for screw mtg. #10/12

Lock CFE – Notifier Standard Lock

Magnetic Latch Power Off/Command Latch release

Table 1.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Computer and Touchscreen Specifications (Continued)

10 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Specifications Introduction

1.1.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Compatibility and Architecture

The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ allows users to view floor layouts for a building to see where sensors
(smoke, fire) have been activated and to plan routes and methods for attacking a fire. To function
correctly, the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ requires specific hardware installation and its software must
be configured using the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Configuration Tool.
The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is compatible with the node types listed in the following table.

Minimum Compatible Network Board Minimum Compatible

Version Used Network Board Used

NFS-640 2.0 NCM-W/F 2.4

NFS-3030 1.0 NCM-W/F 2.4

BACnet Gateway 3.1 NCM-W/F 2.4

NFN Web Server 2.1 NCM-W/F 2.4

NCA 2.0 NCM-W/F 2.4

ONYXWorks™ 1.0 NFN Gateway 1.0

AFP-200 3.02 NAM-232W/F 5.0

AFP-300/400 3.6 NAM-232W/F 5.0

AM2020/AFP1010 4.1 SIB-NET 5.5

Table 1.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Node Compatibility Table

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 11

Introduction ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool


The following figure illustrates a possible architecture that includes the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.


IP Network

NFN Gateway


NFS-640 NFS-640 NFS-3030

Figure 1.1 Example ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Network

Before it can be used by first responders, the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ must be configured with
information about the building in which it is installed. This information includes the layouts of all
floors in the building, the locations of all sensors with which it communicates, locations of building
features (such as water supplies) and hazards (such as flammable or reactive chemicals).
The configured panel is installed in a secure enclosure on a building wall. It is wired into the
building’s electrical and communications systems.

1.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool

Refer to Section 3, “Customize the ONYX FirstVision™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System”,
on page 23 for information.

12 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Conventions Used in this Manual Introduction

1.3 Conventions Used in this Manual

1.3.1 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
This manual contains notes, cautions, and warnings to alert the reader as follows:

NOTE: Supplemental information for a topic, such as tips and references.

CAUTION: Summary in bold

! Information about procedures that could cause programming errors, runtime errors, or equipment

WARNING: Summary in bold

! Indicates information about procedures that could cause irreversible equipment damage, irreversible
loss of programming data or personal injury.

1.3.2 Procedures

Figure 1.2 Example for Procedure Explanation

Example Text: Main Menu select Graphics>Add Floor.
the graphic above is represented in the Example Text. All selections, fields, buttons, and
screen titles are spelled (upper/lower case) exactly as they appear on the display.

1.3.3 Referencing Other Manuals

Example: Refer to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operating and Programming Manual.
italic text is used to reference a manual by its specific name.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 13

Introduction Related Manuals

1.4 Related Manuals

For a complete understanding of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ or to become familiar with related
ONYXWorks™ applications, refer to manuals listed in the following table.

Title Manual Number

ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Product Installation Document 52441

ONYXWorks™ NFN Gateway Embedded Manual 52306

ONYXWorks™ NFN Gateway PC Manual 52307

AMPS-24/E Power Supply Manual 51907

NOTI FIRE NET™ Manual, Network Version 4.0 & Higher 51584

NFS-640 Installation Manual 51332

NFS-640 Operations Manual 51334

NFS-640 Programming Manual 51333

NFS-3030 Installation Manual 51330

NFS-3030/E Operations Manual 51344

NFS-3030/E Programming Manual 51345

AFP-200 Operating Instructions 15620

AFP-300/AFP-400 Analog Fire Panel Operation 50260

AFP-400 Operating Instructions 50364

AM2020/AFP1010 Installation/Programming/Operating 15088

You can find most of documents listed here this web site: http://www.magni-fire.com/

Table 1.3 Related Manuals

14 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Section 2:The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

2.1 The Current Situation for a Firefighter

When Firefighters arrive on the scene of a building fire emergency, they must gather information to
accurately assess the situation and plan their attack on the fire. Prompt assessment is essential—the
sooner the seat of the fire and its progression are identified, the sooner the attack on the fire can be
planned and launched. With speed and accuracy of response comes a reduction in loss of property
and life.
Current fire annunciation panels used in commercial buildings provide the primary source of
information for Firefighters arriving on the scene. This is particularly true at night when building
occupants may not be available to report their observations. However, current alarm panels provide
sensor/detector information in a formats that are not always easily interpreted. Typically, these
panels present activated smoke/heat detectors as items in a scrolling alphanumeric alarm list. Each
activated smoke or heat detector is described only by an alphanumeric location code and an
activation time.

2.2 The Technology of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is simple and intuitive because it cannot be assumed that the
Firefighters have either computer experience or training in its use. It enables the Firefighter to
reduce the time to understand the situation.
The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ has an interactive display that orients Firefighters to the building using
floor by floor layouts. It decreases situation assessment time by showing the location of water
supplies, evacuation routes, access routes and points, fire barriers, shutoffs for gas and power. The
ONYX FIRSTVISION™ also shows structural hazards.
During installation the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is set up with the layouts for each floor that show the
locations of sensors, hazards, water supplies, and other important devices and information about
building configuration. The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is installed in a location where Firefighters are
expected to enter the building when responding to an event.

2.2.1 Making Commissioning Easier

To customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ for a building—making it possible to pinpoint fires and
their progress, to see where important building features and hazardous materials are located, and so
on—the building manager must commission the systems with building-specific data.
Data to drive the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ display comes from a wide range of sources. Sources
include drawings of building floor and site plans from CAD files, sensor data from building fire
panels, location data for objects such as standpipes, and textual data associated with hazardous
materials documentation. One of Honeywell’s goals was to design a software application that gave
the building manager the flexibility to pull in the best data available from different but existing
sources. The resulting Configuration Tool provides an interface into which building managers enter
or add fire detection information that customizes the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to the building.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 15

The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

2.3 Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX

The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ supports tasks that help Firefighters determine whether a fire is
occurring. To illustrate how the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ helps the Firefighter, example emergency
situations, "Fire Scene 1" and "Fire Scene 2", provide a fire scene scenario and a description of the
how Firefighters might use the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ in that fire scene emergency.

2.3.1 Example Emergency Situations

Fire Scene 1
A fire has started in a second floor office near the front (above the lobby) of a building with a two-
level roof. That is, part of the building has three floors above ground and the other part only two.
The office that contains the fire is directly under the roof on the shorter side of the building. The
building roof is reinforced with high-tension steel cable.
The Fire Department arrives at the building in less than five minutes after the department receives
the alarm. Possible Firefighter responses to this fire scene are described in the following

0 seconds 1. The enclosure unlocks and the touch screen displays the floor on which the alarm

0 seconds 2. The Incident Commander enters the building at the main entrance, goes to the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ and opens the enclosure to view the screen.

5 seconds 3. The Commander:

– Verifies that the address is for the building that sent the alarm. (as shown in the
example in Figure 2.1)
– Sees the floors where the detector activations have occurred.

Figure 2.1 Fire Scene Scenario Floor Plan Information

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Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

10 4. After verifying the building and seeing fire location, the Commander radios firefighting
seconds team. As he calls, he continues observation:
– Checks layouts of other floors and the roof (as shown in the example in
Figure 2.2) to be sure the fire is contained on only those levels.
– On the alarm floors, checks for presence of hazardous materials near the fire. (as
shown in the example in Figure 2.3)
– Checks location of water supplies and entry points.
Note: Notice the Caution on this background. It was added when the background was
developed in the graphics software application. It was not added with the Annotation because
an Annotation can only be added to a Building Site Plan.

Caution: Tensioned Concrete Roof

Figure 2.2 Fire Scene Scenario Roof Plan Information

Figure 2.3 Fire Scene Scenario HAZMAT Information

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The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

20 5. The Commander begins directing the team how to attack the fire: where to enter the
seconds building, how to approach the fire area, where to get water, how to vent the fire.

6. The Commander notes that no windows have blown out. Since the room with the fire is
directly under the roof, it seems best to vent the smoke through the roof. He touches the
Building Information button to be sure there are no structural details that could cause
problems. (as shown in the example in Figure 2.4) Here, he sees that the roof is
tensioned concrete and tells the team that they will have to knock out a window from the
outside of the building for venting.

Figure 2.4 Fire Scene Scenario Building Information

30-60 7. The Incident Commander has gathered the data required to plan the attack and relayed
seconds the information to the team. Within two minutes of arrival, the team is containing and
putting out the fire.

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Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

Fire Scene 2
In this scenario, the fire is near the front of the building and the main entrance drive, so trucks can
be positioned easily. If the fire occurred in a back corner or the far side of the building, the Incident
Commander would use the Building Site plan to see safe routes for driving the trucks closer to the
fire (as shown in the example in Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5 Example Building Site Plan Information

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The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

If hazardous materials were stored near the fire, the Commander would touch the Hazard icon to
see what the materials were and how to handle fire in the area (as shown in the example in
Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6 Example HAZMAT Information

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Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

If the materials were unfamiliar, the Commander could touch the Contact button to see the on call
number for the State Hazardous Material expert. That expert would advise the team dangerous or
come personally to the scene (as shown in the example in Figure 2.7).

Figure 2.7 Example Contact Information

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The Development of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Expected Firefighter Interaction with the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

22 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Section 3:Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your
Building’s Fire Alarm System

3.1 Introduction
The ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool is used to customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™’s
Graphical User Interface (GUI) to your building’s fire system Your customized ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ GUI will serve the responding Firefighters and is key to them identifying the
location of the Off-Normal event and responding to that event.
After your ONYX FIRSTVISION™ GUI design is completed, you will copy your exported GUI
design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™, overwriting the current building database file in the ONYX
The copying function can be accomplished using various connection methods. Your copy method
will be contingent on your PC connection.
• If your ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and your PC are both part of a TCP/IP network you can copy
your GUI design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ over that network.
• The USB connector on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ can be used, i.e. connect a flash memory
stick and copy your GUI design.
After you have copied your the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ GUI design, verify that building
information such as floor layouts and sensor locations are displaying appropriately on the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™. Also test and verify that the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is making reliable
communication with the gateway.
Configuration Tool Database
When the Configuration Tool is opened and a building design is created the building design is
stored in a database file (C:/FacilitiesMonitoring/FITConfig/fit.mdb). The following information
is noteworthy about the database file:
• The database file can contain multiple building designs.
• Existing building designs in the database file can be leveraged as new building designs.
• Building designs names are deleted from the database file, not their respective data.
• Building designs are exported as a XML file from the database file, the entire database file is
not exported.

3.1.1 An Overview of the Tasks in this Section

These are the Configuration Tool tasks done with the software application and what you do with
your design files after your design is complete.
• "Installing the ONYX FirstVision ™ Configuration Tool".
• "Before Starting Your Building Design".
• "About Starting or Exiting a Configuration Tool Project".
• "Creating the Building Design that will be Displayed on the ONYX FirstVision™".
• "Prepare Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX FirstVision™".
• "Importing a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building Design"

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

3.1.2 Installing the ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool

The PC that the Configuration Tool can be installed on any PC that meets the following
• Intel Pentium Processor
• Windows® 2000 or XP
• VGA Display Card
• CD-ROM Drive
• 1.0 GHz CPU
• 128 MB of RAM
• 10 MB of free hard-disk space

NOTE: All procedures are written with the assumption that your PC mouse clicking operations
use default settings for left and right mouse clicks.

How to Install the Configuration Tool Software Application

Step 1. Insert the CD-ROM in PC CD-ROM drive.
If the CD-ROM does NOT automatically start, use Windows Explorer to locate and start this
file: (your CD-ROM Drive letter):\Setup.exe.
Step 2. Perform the on-screen prompts.
Step 3. Remove the CD-ROM.
Rebooting your PC is not required to start using the Configuration Tool.

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

3.1.3 Before Starting Your Building Design

Although you can stop and return to your building design at anytime during your development
process you may want to create floor plan background graphics before you start using the
Configuration Tool. Also you should acquire information about your building and site. Your
building design and subsequent entered information will be displayed as information that is
important to the Firefighter using the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.
Configuration Data to Acquire Before Starting

NOTE: To enhance your customizing of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to your building fire alarm
system, you should be capable of using terminology familiar to a Firefighter.

You will need to have this information available to complete your building information
configuration tasks.
• Building:
• Commissioning date.
• Primary use.
• Number of occupants-daytime.
• Number of occupants- nighttime.
• Hazardous structures (steel bar joist construction; tensioned concrete in walls or roof).
• Name and phone/pager information for contacts:
• Building owner.
• Facility manager.
• HVAC maintenance technician.
• Power company emergency contact.
• Gas company emergency contact.
• Water department emergency contact.
• State Hazardous Materials Duty Officer.
• Location, function, and addresses of all the alarm or emergency devices that ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ will monitor.
Some or all of device data may be retrieved from the ONYX FIRSTVISION™, but it will need to
be interpreted and related to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™’s GUI.
• Location and nature of all hazards.
• Location of standpipes and hydrants.
• Location of weight constraints.
• Locations of stairs, entrances, elevators.

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

Create Floor Plan Images to Import Before Starting

Use the Configuration Tool to import drawing files (raster or vector) that you created in graphic
software applications for your building design’s floor plan background. Since the Configuration
Tool will convert all floor plan background formats to BMP format when your building design is
exported for use in the ONYX FIRSTVISION™, choose your file format accordingly. The better the
resolution of the floor plan background in the Configuration Tool the better the resolution on the
ONYX FIRSTVISION™. The width of your graphic determines the sizing of the floor plan
background in the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ window; the graphic is always scaled to the width
The ONYX FIRSTVISION™ window, where your building design is displayed, has these pixel
• 960 x 768 pixels.
For best results create and scale your floor plan background according to those dimensions in
the software application you use to create the floor plan background.
The supported graphic formats that can be imported into the Configuration Tool as a floor plan
background are:
• Window Meta File (*.wmf)
• Bitmap (*.bmp)
• JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
• Graphic Image Format (*.gif).

„ Using Raster Files

Bit Map (BMP), Graphic Image Format (GIF), and Joint Photographic Experts (JPG) files types
(raster) can be imported into the Configuration Tool. However those files types degrade in visual
display quality.

„ Using Vector Files

Windows® Meta Files (.WMF) file types (vector) can be imported into the Configuration Tool.
The WMF file type typically degrades much less in visual display quality than a raster file.

NOTE: Remember that the Configuration Tool will convert all floor plan backgrounds formats to
BMP format when your building design is exported regardless of the file format they were when
you added them as floor plan backgrounds in the Configuration Tool.

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

3.1.4 About Starting or Exiting a Configuration Tool Project

This information provides an overview about when you start a project and when you exit that
project using the ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration Tool.
About Starting the Configuration Tool
• The installation program has added an entry for the Configuration Tool in the Windows
>Start>Programs menu.
• The first time you start the Configuration Tool you must select <Create New Building> to open
the Configuration Tool; it will not start unless you do.
• Each time the Configuration Tool is started you are required to make a choice about whether to
start a new building design or to select and open an existing building design; it will not start
unless you do.

Figure 3.1 Start Selection

About Exiting the Configuration Tool
• When a current building design is being edited:
• It is being updated as changes and entries are made.
• No save function is provided or necessary.
• You can NOT exit to back-out of a unwanted changes to your building design.
• When the Configuration Tool is exited (File>Exit) changes made to the building design up to
that point are saved.

Figure 3.2 Exit Selection

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

3.1.5 Creating the Building Design that will be Displayed on the

These steps are a suggested method to customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to your building’s fire
alarm system. Some steps can be performed before others, so their order is not always implicit to
completing your new building design.
Step 1. "Enter Information about Your Building".
• "How To Add Information about Your Building".
• "How To Add Your Building Site Information"
Step 2. "Add and Define the Properties for the Levels in Your Building".
Step 3. "Add a Background for Each Floor of Your Building".
Refer to “Create Floor Plan Images to Import Before Starting” on page 26.
Step 4. "Add and Define the Properties for the Devices on Each Floor in Your Building".
• "Importing a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building Design".
Step 5. "Add and Define Building Contents and Apparatuses".
• "Add Multi-Level Information".
• "Add Other Information".
Step 6. "Verify Your Building Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree".
Step 7. "Save Your Building Design to the Building Database"
Step 8. "Prepare Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX FirstVision™".

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

Enter Information about Your Building

This task is where you describe your building and site around the building. The information
entered will be displayed on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

„ ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Action and Its Relationship to These Configuration Tool

These ONYX FIRSTVISION™ icons display information when the Firefighter touches them.
• Building Information - name of building, address, number of people occupying the building
after normal business hours.
• Contact Information - personnel a Firefighter may need to contact to inform them about
relevant response events.
• Building Site Plan - bird’s-eye view of the building and it orientation to access roads and fire

Figure 3.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Building/Contact Information and

Building Site Plan Buttons

„ Start the Configuration Tool

When starting the Configuration Tool for the first time the software application automatically loads
a blank building design as shown in the following graphic; you will modify it in the following
steps. For more information see Section 3.1.4, “About Starting or Exiting a Configuration Tool
Project”, on page 27.

Figure 3.4 Configuration Tool Blank Building

The following tasks should be performed:
• "How To Add Information about Your Building".
• "How To Add Your Building Site Information".

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

How To Add Information about Your Building

Step 1. Right-click on Building displayed in the Building Layout Tree and then select Properties.
The Properties window displays.
Step 2. Enter the Building Properties information.
Step 3. Enter other Building Properties and Building Contact information.

NOTE: Even though most of the information in these fields is not required, remember that this
information will be displayed at the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and used and interpreted by the

Step 4. Click Apply (save/window remains open) or OK (save/closes window) to enter the

Figure 3.5 Building Properties

Step 5. You should now "Add and Define the Properties for the Levels in Your Building" or "How
To Add Your Building Site Information".

NOTE: You may want to complete your building design before completing your building site plan
design because the steps you will use to create other components of your building designs will
familiarize you with the steps you will use to create your building site design.

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

How To Add Your Building Site Information

Step 1. Double-click on the name of the building in the Building Layout Tree. It may have been
renamed from the default if you performed “How To Add Information about Your
Building” on page 30.
Step 2. Use the following information as guidelines to add information about your building’s site.
Although the following procedures are written in the context of adding information to the
floors in your building design, the steps are identical for your building site design.
• "Add a Background for Each Floor of Your Building".
• "Add and Define the Properties for the Devices on Each Floor in Your Building".
• "Add and Define Building Contents and Apparatuses".
Step 3. You should now "Add and Define the Properties for the Levels in Your Building".

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

Add and Define the Properties for the Levels in Your Building
This task is where you enter the total number of floors in your building and provide additional
information about each of those floors. A floor entry will correspond to a "numbered" icon on the
It is absolutely critical to have the understanding of how entries made in the Properties window
display in the Building Layout Tree, and both relate to how those entries are displayed on the
ONYX FIRSTVISION™. After your building design is exported and copied to the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™, you will see their relationship (shown in the following graphic). If your Building
Layout Tree does not exhibit the needed or your desired hierarchy; see “Verify Your Building
Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree” on page 45 for details on modifying its hierarchy

Figure 3.6 Configuration Tool Floor Entries

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Action and Its Relationship to This Configuration Tool

When the Firefighter touches the numbered icon it displays the corresponding floor plan and
graphic icons on that floor. In the following figure the example building is a high-rise type
building. When a floor range button is touched, the individual buttons for each floor in the range
will display and the lowest floor in the range will display in the adjacent window. The range button
is automatically calculated by the software application; the range cannot be set in the Configuration
Tool. A maximum of 99 floors can be entered and therefore displayed.

Figure 3.7 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: High-Rise Building Floor Buttons

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

„ How To Define the Properties for the Levels in Your Building

Flexibility of the Configuration Tool enables you to either create a representative entry for all of the
floors in your building and then modify their properties, or you can add one floor and then modify
its properties before adding another floor to your building design.
It is recommended that you use simple "floor descriptions". You should consider if your building
has a primary floor. The primary floor can be the ground-level floor where the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ is installed and the primary floor has been determined to be where Firefighters will
most likely enter your building.
Add a Floor
Step 1. Main Menu select >Graphics>Add Floor.
A default Floor name will appear in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Repeat the Add Floor selection until the desired number of floors is achieved.

NOTE: Floors in the Building Layout Tree can not be dragged and dropped to change their
position in the tree. Their floor must be cut and pasted and then the number property renumbered
to match its new position.

Enter Information About a Floor

Step 1. Right-click on a floor’s name displayed in the Building Layout Tree and select Properties.
The Floor Properties window will appear.
Step 2. Enter the information about the floor in your building.

NOTE: Remember that this information will be displayed at the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and
interpreted by the Firefighter.

Figure 3.8 Floor Properties

Step 3. Click Apply (save/window remains open) or OK (save/closes window) to enter the
information into the building database
Step 4. You should now "Add a Background for Each Floor of Your Building".

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

Add a Background for Each Floor of Your Building

This task is where you add an image of the floor plan to correspond to the floor in your building.

„ ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Action and Its Relationship to This Configuration Tool Entry
When a Firefighter touches a floor number icon on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ this floor plan
background will display as the background.

Figure 3.9 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Floor Plan Background

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

„ How To Add a Background for Each Floor of Your Building

This background image is created in another software application and imported into your building
design. See “Create Floor Plan Images to Import Before Starting” on page 26.
Step 1. Double-click on the name of a floor displayed Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Main Menu select >Graphics>Add Background.

Figure 3.10 Add Background Example

Step 3. Use the Windows Explorer to locate and select the desired background image.
Step 4. Position the background image exactly the same for each floor in your building using the
screen X and Y Position coordinates.

NOTE: Positioning all the floor plan backgrounds at the same screen coordinates ensures
consistency when navigating between floors views on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

Figure 3.11 Position Floor Plan Background

Step 5. You should now "Add and Define the Properties for the Devices on Each Floor in Your

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

Add and Define the Properties for the Devices on Each Floor in Your Building
This task is where you add and define the properties for all addressable devices on the floor and
then position addressable devices’ icon at its location over the floor plan background for each floor
in your building.

„ ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Action and Its Relationship to This Configuration Tool Entry
When the Firefighter touches a floor number icon that is indicating it has an Off-Normal event
taking place, the addressable device that experiences the first event will display and stay on. Any
subsequent addressable devices that experience an Off-Normal event will begin flashing in the
order they experience their event.
Addressable device graphic icons are not displayed on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ unless they are
experiencing an Off-Normal condition. When they are displayed touching them will display the
information you enter in the in the Properties window.
• Common Label field entry is displayed as "Type:".
• Common Location Label field entry is displayed as "Location:"

Figure 3.12 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Smoke Detectors in Alarm

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„ How To Add and Define the Properties for the Devices for Each Floor in Your
You will need information about all the addressable devices when you are ready to start this task.

NOTE: The information about the devices added to your building using this method are not
extracted and therefore must be accurately entered into the fields. For device extraction you can
only use a VeriFire Database. See “Importing a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building Design”
on page 48 for more information.

Position the addressable device at their location over the floor plan background for each floor in
your building as accurately as possible.
Step 1. Double-click on the floor’s name displayed in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Main Menu select >Graphics>Add Object>Device>"desired addressable icon" from the
list choices or click on the desired icon shown next to Device.
The addressable device graphic icon appears in the window and an entry is added below
the floor plan name in the Building Layout Tree.

Figure 3.13 Add Object

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Step 3. The following steps can be performed in any sequence but all steps must be performed for
all addressable devices.
• Add another addressable device graphic icon. This will stack the addressable devices
on top of each other.
• Position each addressable device graphic icon at its location in floor plan.

NOTE: Remember that this information will be displayed at the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and
interpreted by the Firefighter.

• Define the properties of the addressable device by selecting and right-clicking on the
graphic icon, and then entering the information in the Properties window.

Figure 3.14 Device Properties

NOTE: If you have a VeriFire® Database the Device Data properties can be automatically
extracted to populate the Node, Sub-Node, and Address fields. Refer to Section 3.1.7, “Importing
a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building Design”, on page 48.

Step 4. You should now "Add and Define Building Contents and Apparatuses".

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

Add and Define Building Contents and Apparatuses

This task is where you add and define the properties for building facets, special materials, and
apparatuses on a floor. You then position their graphic icon at their location over the floor plan
background for each floor in your building.
These Building Contents and Apparatuses graphic icons are defined using these menu selections:
• Multi-Level - i.e. building facets: stairs, elevator location with floors served.
• Other - i.e. special materials and apparatuses: hazardous materials, the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

„ ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Action and Its Relationship to These Configuration Tool

When the Firefighter touches a floor number icon that is indicating that an Off-Normal event is
taking place, these Building Contents and Apparatuses graphic icons assist them with identifying
their locations and their proximity to the Off-Normal event. The Building Contents and
Apparatuses graphic icons are always displayed at their location over the floor plan on the ONYX

Figure 3.15 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Apparatuses Adjacent to Smoke

Detectors in Alarm

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Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

„ How To Add and Define Building Contents and Apparatuses

Building Contents and Apparatuses graphic icons can be added to your floor plans. They are not
addressable devices registered at, or monitored by, the ONYX FIRSTVISION™. They are building
components that are frequently positioned in the exact location on each floor of your building
Add Multi-Level Information
Step 1. Double-click on a floor’s name displayed in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Main Menu select >Graphics>Add Object>Multi-Level>"desired icon" from the list
choices or click on the desired icon shown next to Multi-Level.
The Multi-Level graphic icon appears in the window and an entry is added below the floor
plan name in the Building Layout Tree.

Figure 3.16 Add the Multi-Level Graphic Icon

Step 3. The following steps can be performed in any sequence for any Multi-Level icon:
• Add another Multi-Level graphic icon. This will stack the icons on top of each other.
• Position each Multi-Level graphic icon at its location in floor plan.
• Define the Common properties of the Multi-Level graphic icon by selecting and right-
clicking on the graphic icon, and then entering the information in the Properties

Figure 3.17 Define the Properties of the Multi-Level Graphic Icon

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Step 4. Duplicate the location of the Multi-Level graphic icon on the floors in your building.
Step 4a.In the Floor Access field:
Range Selection: press and hold down the Shift key and select a floor in the list, then click
on another floor somewhere in the list, all entries between the two floors are selected.
Individual Selection: press and hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys individually click on a
floor and it is selected.
Step 4b.Click on Apply or OK.
The Multi-Level graphic icon is copied in the exact same position on each floor that has
been selected, however, in the Building Layout Tree, the Multi-Level graphic icon’s entry
is only listed on the floor it was originally added to.
• If the original Multi-Level graphic icon is deleted all others are too.
• If the original Multi-Level graphic icon is moved all the others move too.
(Same X and Y coordinates.)

Figure 3.18 Duplicate the Multi-Level Graphic Icon on Each Floor

Step 5. You should now "Add Other Information".

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Add Other Information Accurately as possible position these Building Contents and
Apparatuses icons at their location over the floor plan for each floor in your building.
Step 1. Double-click on the floor’s name displayed in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Main Menu select >Graphics>Add Object>Other>"desired icon" from the list choices or
click on the desired icon shown next to Other.
The Other graphic icon appears in the window and an entry is added below the floor name
in the Building Layout Tree.

Figure 3.19 Add Other Graphic Icon

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Step 3. The following steps can be performed in any sequence:

• Add another Other graphic icon. This will stack the icons on top of each other.
• Position each Other graphic icon at its location in floor plan.

NOTE: Remember that this information will be displayed at the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and
interpreted by the Firefighter.

• Define the properties of the Other graphic icon by selecting and right-clicking on the
graphic icon, and then entering the information in the Properties window.

Figure 3.20 Define the Properties of the Other Graphic Icon

Step 4. Add Annotations to your Building Site Plan (Building Only).
All the icons that can be added to a floor of your building can also be added to the
Building Site Plan plus Annotation. Refer to “How To Add Your Building Site
Information” on page 31 for more information.

Figure 3.21 Add Annotation (Site Plan Only)

Step 5. You should now "Save Your Building Design to the Building Database".

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Verify Your Building Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree

It is absolutely critical to have the understanding of how entries made in the Properties window
display in the Building Layout Tree, and both relate to how those entries are displayed on the
ONYX FIRSTVISION™. After your building design is exported and copied to the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™, you will see their relationship (shown in the following graphic).

Figure 3.22 Floor Entries to Display

It may have happened that you added floors to your building design and the floor is not in the
correct position in the Building Layout Tree. You must have a bottom (lowest) to top (roof)
hierarchy in the Building Layout Tree.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 45

Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

„ How To Correct Your Building Design in the Building Layout Tree

The Building Layout Tree sequencing of bottom to top is managed with the cut and paste object
Step 1. Double-click on to select the Floor to be moved in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 2. Right-click on selected Floor in the Building Layout Tree and select Cut Object from the
list of choices.

Figure 3.23 Cut Floor Plan

Step 3. Double-click on the Floor above the Floor to moved in the Building Layout Tree.
Step 4. Right-click on the Floor and select Paste Object from the list of choices.
The Floor is relocated in the Building Layout Tree.

Figure 3.24 Paste Floor Plan

Step 5. Redefine the Properties of the relocated floor. (Refer to “Add and Define the Properties
for the Levels in Your Building” on page 32 for information).
Step 6. You should
Save Your Building Design to the Building Database
• When your current building design is completed:
• It was being updated as changes and entries were made.
• no save option is provided or necessary.
• When the Configuration Tool is exited (File>Exit), changes made to the building design up to
that point are saved.
• You should now "Prepare Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX FirstVision™".

46 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

3.1.6 Prepare Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX

When you have completed your building design, you need to export it before it can be copied to the

WARNING: Building Layout Tree Verification

! It is absolutely critical to have the Building Layout Tree hierarchy match what will be displayed on the
ONYX® FirstVision before your building design is exported and copied to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.
See “Verify Your Building Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree” on page 45.

How To Export Your Building Design for Copying to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
Step 1. Windows Start>Programs>FirstVision Configuration.
The New Project window displays.
Step 2. Click-on and highlight your "building design to be exported".

Figure 3.25 Choose Building Design to Export as XML File

Step 3. Click-on Open.
Your building design displays.
Step 4. Main Menu select >Tools>Export XML File.
Step 5. Select Yes at the window prompt. No does not export your building design.
The Configuration Tool will create a folder and a XML file as shown in the following

Figure 3.26 Export Building Design as XML File

NOTE: Modifying the XML file with an XML Editor is not supported.

Step 6. "Enabling the ONYX FirstVision™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System"
should now be performed.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 47

Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

3.1.7 Importing a VeriFire® Database to Start Your Building

It is recommend that you start with a blank building design when importing a VeriFire Database.
However, it is not absolutely necessary that you do so. If you import your VeriFire® Database the
addressable device graphic icons created during this import may have to be cut and pasted
throughout floors in your building design.
If you import a VeriFire database a new floor is added to the Building Layout Tree.
• That new floor can be renamed and repositioned in the Building Layout Tree (refer to “Verify
Your Building Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree” on page 45).
• Other graphic icons and a floor plan background can be added to the new floor (refer to
“Creating the Building Design that will be Displayed on the ONYX FirstVision™” on
page 28).

48 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

How To Import a VeriFire® Database into Your Building Design

Step 1. Main Menu select >Tools>Import VeriFire Devices.
The Windows Explorer window displays.
Step 2. Use Windows Explorer to locate and select the desired VeriFire database.

Figure 3.27 Find VeriFire Database to Import

The software application adds a new floor to our example building design and populates it
with the VeriFire devices. This will cause our example Building Layout Tree not to exhibit
the necessary hierarchy bottom to top structure that is absolutely critical when it is
exported. For information on how to change the Building Layout Tree hierarchy see
“Verify Your Building Design is Correct in the Building Layout Tree” on page 45.

Figure 3.28 Imported VeriFire Database Example

Step 3. It may be necessary to relocate the VeriFire Database addressable device icons created in
this procedure to their respective floor(s). Do so by performing the steps in “Relocating
VeriFire Devices to Their Floor in Your Building Design” on page 50.

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

Relocating VeriFire Devices to Their Floor in Your Building Design

A drag and drop method of relocating addressable devices on one floor to another floor is not
available. A cut and paste method must be used.
The method you identify the addressable device graphic icon that you want to move or relocate will
be your choice:
Step 1. Determine which addressable device graphic icon to cut from the current floor.
• Main Menu select >View>Object Label to display addressable device graphic icon labels.
• It might not be as easy to identify an addressable device graphic icon when the Object
Label is selected because of sizing. The Object Label setting is applied to all levels of
your building design.
• Double-click on the name of the addressable device graphic icon in the Building Tree
• The device icons handles display.

Figure 3.29 Identify a Imported VeriFire Addressable Device

Step 2. Right-click on the addressable device graphic icon and select Cut Object from the list of

Figure 3.30 Cut the Imported VeriFire Addressable Device

The graphic icon is removed from the current floor and placed in PC clip-board memory.

NOTE: There is not an Undo function in the Configuration Tool. If needed paste the
addressable device graphic icon back on the current floor to start over.

Step 3. Right-click on the floor in the Building Layout Tree and select Paste Object from the list
of choices.

50 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Introduction Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

The pasted addressable device graphic icon is added below the floor in the Building
Layout Tree.

Figure 3.31 Paste a Imported VeriFire Database Addressable Device

Step 4. Continue the Cut and Paste functions until the desire results are achieved.

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Customize the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Introduction

52 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Section 4:Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor
Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

4.1 Process Overview

The tasks documented in the section should be performed after your building’s fire alarm system
has been customized to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ using the ONYX FIRSTVISION ™ Configuration


IP Network

NFN Gateway


NFS-640 NFS-640 NFS-3030

Figure 4.1 Example System
Process Steps to Enable the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
Step 1. "Make Component and Communication Connections to the ONYX FirstVision™".
Step 2. "Turn on Power to the ONYX FirstVision™".
Step 3. "Establish Communication Between Your LAN and the ONYX FirstVision™".
Step 4. "Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher".
Step 5. "Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX FirstVision™".
Refer to "Creating the Building Design that will be Displayed on the ONYX
Step 6. "Start the ONYX FirstVision™ Software Application".
Step 7. "Test Your Building Design on the ONYX FirstVision™".

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 53

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Make Component and Communication

4.2 Make Component and Communication Connections to

All of the processes in this section require you to operate the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ like a personal
computer. Because of that operation usage scenario, you MUST connect an external keyboard to
the ONYX FIRSTVISION™. A mouse is highly recommended too.
What To Connect and How To Make the Connections
Step 1. Connect a keyboard and mouse to the:
• Connectors as shown in the following figure.
• USB ports on the front of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

Keyboard Mouse

Figure 4.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Keyboard and Mouse Connections

Step 2. Connect the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to your IP Network by attaching a CAT-5 ethernet
cable to the LAN port.

Figure 4.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ LAN Connector Location

54 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Turn on Power to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System

4.3 Turn on Power to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

Turn-on the power supply connected to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™. Refer to the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ Product Installation Document for installation information.
What Displays After the Initial Power Up of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
• Windows® XP Embedded will start and display.
• The Desktop icon "Shortcut to FirstVision.exe" will display.
• The Desktop icon "Shortcut to GenCalb.exe" will display.
• The Gateway Configuration - Launcher window will display and its taskbar icon will be added.
What You Should Do After the Initial Power Up of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
Step 1. Check touch screen calibration.
Use the mouse and determine if the cursor is tracking your use of it If not, click on the
Desktop icon Shortcut to GenCalb.exe and follow the on screen instructions to calibrate
the touch screen.
Step 2. Close the Gateway Configuration - Launcher window. Do NOT shut down the Launcher
software application.
At initial power-up the Launcher window will be on top of the blank building design. You
will get back to using the operation in this window later in this process. ("Establish
Gateway Communication Using Launcher".)
Step 3. You should now "Establish Communication Between Your LAN and the ONYX

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 55

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm SystemEstablish Communication Between Your LAN

4.4 Establish Communication Between Your LAN and the

The following steps are performed using Windows® operations on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

NOTE: After powering up the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ with the LAN cable attached, your IP
Network will NOT automatically detect the ONYX FIRSTVISION™. You will have to manually set
the IP address.

Step 1. Select Start>Control Panel>Network Connections>Local Area Connections.

The Local Area Connection Properties window displays.

Figure 4.4 Windows® LAN Connection Status

Step 2. Click on Properties in the Local Area Connection Status window.
The Local Area Connection Properties window displays.

Figure 4.5 Windows® LAN Connection Properties

56 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Establish Communication Between Your LAN and the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your

Step 3. Select the General tab on the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Step 4. Select and highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click on Properties.
The Local Area Connection Properties window displays.
Step 5. Select the "Use the following IP address" radio button.
The "Obtain an IP address automatically" can NOT be used in this case.
Step 6. Type in your information in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.

Figure 4.6 Windows® Internet Protocol Properties

Step 7. Click on OK.
Communication between the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and your LAN should be established.
Step 8. Close any remaining related windows.
Step 9. You should now "Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher".

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 57

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Establish Gateway Communication Using

4.5 Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher

The Launcher software application initially started but you were asked to close it. Launcher is still
running and can be found as an icon, a black box with an white arrow, in the task bar at the bottom
right of the display. You are already logged in as the Admin user which gives you control over the
Launcher Configure menu. "Setting Up Master Launcher" should now be performed.

NOTE: If somehow the Launcher user account does get changed to be the Default user, which
means you will not have control over all the Launcher operations, refer to “How To Log In as the
Admin” on page 60 for the details about logging in as the Admin user and get full control of

4.5.1 Setting Up Master Launcher

Your Master Launcher must be added before any other gateways can be added.
How To Setup Master Launcher
Step 1. Right-click on the Launcher icon and select >Configure>Gateways.
The Gateway Configuration - Launcher window displays.
Step 2. In the Gateway Configuration - Launcher window, select >Gateways>Add Master
The Add Master Launcher window displays.
Step 3. Select check box "Update the other clients with the new master location".
Step 4. Enter Master Launcher information and complete your entry by clicking on OK. You can
only type information into one of the fields, not both.
• Enter a Host Name.
The Launcher software application will detect and set the IP Address.
• Enter an IP Address.
The Launcher software application will detect and set the Host Name.
In the following figure is an example of a completed Master Launcher entry.
Step 5. "Using Launcher to Add Gateways" should now be performed.

Figure 4.7 Add Master Launcher Menu

58 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm

4.5.2 Using Launcher to Add Gateways

Your Master Launcher must be configured before any other gateways can be added.
How To Add a Gateway Using Launcher
Step 1. In the Gateway Configuration - Launcher window, select Gateways>Add Gateway.
The Add Gateway Connection window displays.
Step 2. Enter a two digit Gateway Number.
• You can type in two digits in the Gateway Number field or use the up-down arrows to
increment or decrement numbering.
• The first position in the gateway number is always implied as a 0 (zero) and your
Gateway Number entry will be prefixed with a 0 (zero) when displayed.
Step 3. Enter gateway information and complete your entry by clicking on OK. You can only
type information into one of the fields, not both (see following figure).
• Enter a Host Name.
The Launcher software application will detect and set the IP Address.
• Enter an IP Address.
The Launcher software application will detect and set the Host Name.


Figure 4.8 Add Gateway Connections

Step 4. You can review "Additional Launcher Capabilities" but none of the operations are critical
to the use of Launcher on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.
Step 5. You should now "Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX FirstVision™".

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 59

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Establish Gateway Communication Using

4.5.3 Additional Launcher Capabilities

How To Log In as the Admin
The Default account has no configuration control for the Launcher software application functions;
you must be logged in as the Admin user.
Step 1. Right-click on the Launcher icon and then select Login from the list of choices.
Step 2. Select and highlight the Admin entry.
Step 3. Enter "admin" in the password field, shown in the following figure as ****.
Step 4. Click on OK.

Figure 4.9 Launcher Login

There will be no need to access the Launcher software application after your initial setup unless
you add another gateway. After your initial setup or an ONYX FIRSTVISION™ reboot occurs:
• You do not need to log in as Admin.
• You do not need to configure gateway information with Launcher.
• Launcher starts and will find its last known gateway configuration.

60 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Establish Gateway Communication Using Launcher Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm

Using Launcher to View Connections

View Connections will display statistics for all applications connected to Launcher.

Figure 4.10 Launcher View Connections

Using Launcher to View Network Echo
View Network Echo displays your Network information similar to the example in the following

Figure 4.11 Launcher View Network Echo

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 61

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Establish Gateway Communication Using

Using Launcher to Deny Windows® Task Switching

The Windows Task Switching/Auto Logon menu item allows you to disable Windows Task

Figure 4.12 Windows Task Switching

NOTE: Disabling Task Switching will remove certain Windows Start menu items. Therefore, the
only way to re-enable Task Switching is to exit all applications, then use the CTRL + ALT + DEL
keystrokes to bring up the Windows Task Manager. From there, you can click the Log Off button,
then log back into Windows.

When multiple applications are running in the Windows environment, the task bar at the bottom of
the desktop displays these applications as buttons, and clicking on them switches from one
application to another. The ALT + Tab and CTRL + ESC keyboard shortcuts are also used to
switch between these applications. Application switching, or Task Switching, is highly undesirable
on a computer system that runs life safety automation, monitoring, and control software.
Therefore, clicking the Disable Task Switching check-box will disable those methods for Windows
Task Switching.
Using Launcher’s Monitor Fan, Logging, and Debug Options
These Configure menu choices allow you to toggle between activating the option and deactivating
the option. A check adjacent to the option means it is active.
Monitor Fan - This option is not applicable to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ because there is no fan to
Logging - This selection on the Launcher menu is used only under the direction of a Technical
Services Representative.
Show Debug Menus - This selection on the Launcher menu is used only under the direction of a
Technical Services Representative.

Figure 4.13 Launcher Configure Monitor Fan, Logging, and Debug Menus

62 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s

4.6 Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX

This copying task can be accomplished using various methods. The copying method will be
contingent on your PC connection. With an ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and your PC both as part of a
TCP/IP network, you can copy your building design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ over the
network. You can also use a USB connector, located inside the locking door, on the ONYX
FIRSTVISION™ as the connection point.

Figure 4.14 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ USB Connector Locations

How To Copy Your Exported Building Design to the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
Step 1. Establish a physical connection between your PC or storage device (i.e. where your
building design Site.xml file and Floor plan folder are stored) and the ONYX
Step 2. Use Window® Explorer® on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to find, select, and copy the
Site.xml file and Floor plan folder to the following folder on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™:
Step 3. You should now "Start the ONYX FirstVision™ Software Application".

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 63

Enabling the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ to Monitor Your Building’s Fire Alarm System Start the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Software

4.7 Start the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Software Application

To start the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ you can do either of the following:
• Double-click on the Desktop icon Shortcut to FirstVision.exe.
• Use Window® Explorer® to locate and double-click on the FITConfig.exe file in the
C:\FacilitiesMonitoring\FITConfig directory.
You should now "Test Your Building Design on the ONYX FirstVision™".

4.8 Test Your Building Design on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

It is recommended that you simulate an Off-Normal event that will test the interaction between
your building design and the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ response to that event. The following are
some things to verify are functioning correctly:
• Battery-backup system is functioning correctly.
• ONYX FIRSTVISION™ starts monitoring when your Desktop icon is selected on the ONYX
• The floor plan background images are correctly displayed on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.
• Auto unlock of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ enclosure when an Off-Normal event is received
• Activated addressable devices are shown in their correct locations over the floor plan
background on the ONYX FIRSTVISION™.

64 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Section 5:Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™
ONYX FIRSTVISION™ operation should be experimented with to gain an understanding of the

5.1 Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received

When the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ is started the first floor in the building will be displayed. It is
note worthy to point out that addressable devices, like smoke detectors, are not visible when an
Off-Normal event is not being received at the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ and also when an Off-Normal
event is received by the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ only the devices that are in the event will display.
Therefore when the Configuration Tool is used to design the building layout the importance of
locating addressable devices is absolutely imperative

Figure 5.1 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: No Off-Normal Events

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 65

Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received

Touching a floor number icon displays the corresponding floor in the building layout.

Figure 5.2 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Floor Number Icon

66 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

Touching one of the button icons displayed across the top of the screen will display information.

Figure 5.3 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Building Information

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 67

Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received

Touching a place on the floor will open a window that displays an enlarged or zoom view.

Figure 5.4 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Zoomed Floor Plan

68 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

Touching inside the Zoomed Floor Plan window near the left side, right side, top, or bottom
changes the point of reference of the zoomed area. Touching near a corner of the window will
navigate your zoomed view in a combined direction, like down and right.

Figure 5.5 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Moving Through a Zoomed Floor

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 69

Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operation When No Off-Normal Event is Received

Touching an icon will display information about the image.

Figure 5.6 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: HAZMAT Information

70 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

5.2 Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received

When the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ receives an Off-Normal event, floor number button icon(s)
change on the display. Also the addressable device icons on that floor display using a sequencing
display method that indicate the first detector sensing trouble to the latest detector sensing trouble.

Figure 5.7 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Events

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 71

Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received

Touching the display near the addressable devices being displayed will zoom to the area.

Figure 5.8 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Event Zoomed Floor

72 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™

Touching the Alarm List button icon will display a listing of the current Off-Normal events.

Figure 5.9 ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Display Example: Off-Normal Event Alarm List

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Operating Basics of the ONYX FIRSTVISION™ Operation When an Off-Normal Event is Received

74 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Add Object Label 50
Annotations 44 View 50
Device 38
Floor 34 P
Multi-Level 41
Other Information 43
Building 30
Add Object 38, 41, 43
Building Contacts 30
Device 37, 38
B Elevator 41
Building Design Entry Point 43
Copy to Terminal 63 Fire Display 43
Leverage 46 Fire Keybox 43
Open 46 Floor 32, 34
save 46 Gas Shutoff 43
Building Site 31 Gas Tank 43
Halon 43
C Halon Shutoff 43
HAZMAT Area 43
Commissioning 15 Heavy Object 43
Computer Specifications 9 High Voltage 43
Contact Information 30 HVAC Shutoff 43
Hydrant 43
E Locked Door 43
Environmental Operating Conditions 9 Power Shutoff 43
Export XML File 47 Pressurized Stairs 41
Smoke Vent 41
Sprinkler Shutoff 43
F Stairs 41
FFD Node Compatibility Table 11 Standpipe 41
Floor Weight Limit 43
background 35 Weight Limit 10-Ton 43
Weight Limit 15-Ton 43
I Weight Limit 20-Ton 43
Import VeriFire Devices 49 Weight Limit 5-Ton 43
Configuration Tool 24 S
PC Requirements 24 Site.XML 47
Specifications 9
L Touchscreen, PC 9
LAN 54
M Task Switching 62
manual conventions 13 TCP/IP network 23
manuals Terminal window
related 14 size 26
Building Design 64
N Touchscreen Specifications 9
Network Architecture 12
Node Compatibility 11

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 75

U–X Index

USB Connection 23

VeriFire® Database 48
View 50

XML 47
modifying 47
Site.XML 47

76 ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005

Limited Warranty

Honeywell warrants its products to be free from defects in materials

and workmanship for eighteen (18) months from the date of
manufacture, under normal use and service. Products are date
stamped at time of manufacture. The sole and exclusive obligation of
Honeywell is to repair or replace, at its option, free of charge for parts
and labor, any part which is defective in materials or workmanship
under normal use and service. For products not under NOTIFIER®
manufacturing date-stamp control, the warranty is eighteen (18)
months from date of original purchase by NOTIFIER®’s distributor
unless the installation instructions or catalog sets forth a shorter
period, in which case the shorter period shall apply. This warranty is
void if the product is altered, repaired or serviced by anyone other
than Honeywell or its authorized distributors or if there is a failure to
maintain the products and systems in which they operate in a proper
and workable manner. In case of defect, secure a Return Material
Authorization form from our customer service department. Return
product, transportation prepaid, to Automation and Control Solutions,
Honeywell Life Safety, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-
This writing constitutes the only warranty made by Honeywell with
respect to its products. Honeywell does not represent that its
products will prevent any loss by fire or otherwise, or that its products
will in all cases provide the protection for which they are installed or
intended. Buyer acknowledges that Honeywell is not an insurer and
assumes no risk for loss or damages or the cost of any
inconvenience, transportation, damage, misuse, abuse, accident or
similar incident.
This warranty replaces all previous warranties and is the only
warranty made by Honeywell. No increase or alteration, written or
verbal, of the obligation of this warranty is authorized.
"NOTIFIER" is a registered trademark of Honeywell.

ONYX® FIRSTVISION Operating and Programming Manual— P/N 52442:1 07/05/2005 77

World Headquarters
12 Clintonville Road
Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA
fax 203-484-7118


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