Shell Model Lecture
Shell Model Lecture
Shell Model Lecture
In the atomic shell model, we fill the shells with electrons in order of
increasing energy, consistent with the requirement of the Pauli principle.
When we do so, we obtain an inert core of filled shells and some number
of valence electrons;
the model then assumes that atomic properties are determined primarily by
the valence electrons.
In the atomic case, the potential is supplied by the Coulomb field of the
nucleus; the subshells (“orbits”) are established by an external agent.
We can solve the Schrodinger equation for this potential and calculate the
energies of the subshells into which electrons can then be placed.
The electrons can move in those orbits relatively free of collisions with
other electrons.
Nucleons have a relatively large diameter compared with the size of the
There are multiple experimentally determined facts that indicate the shell-
like structure of the atomic nucleus.
Nuclei with Z and N (or both) equal to 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 are
extra stable.
Nuclear species with one neutron excess of a magic number readily emit a
single neutron indicating that the extra neutron is loosely bound to the rest
of the nucleus.
Nuclei which have neutron number and proton (atomic) numbers each
equal to one of the magic numbers are called "doubly magic", and are
especially stable against decay.
The known doubly magic isotopes are
He 2 ,
8 O 8,
Ca 28,
28 20¿ ,
28 28¿ ,
Sn50 ,
50 Sn82,
and 20882Pb126
An example is 4020Ca20,
20 protons,
which is the heaviest stable isotope made of the same number of protons
and neutrons.
Both 4820Ca28 and 4828¿20 are doubly magic because 4820Ca28 has 20 protons and 28
neutrons while 4828¿20 has 28 protons and 20 neutrons.
20 is very neutron-rich for such a light element, but like 4020Ca20, it is made
Ca 28
stable by being double magic.
Sn (Z=50) has ten stable isotopes more than any other element, while
Ca ( Z =20) has six isotopes. This indicates that elements with Z = 50 and
Z = 20 are more than usually stable.
He2 ,
O 8,
20 Ca 20 and
82 Pb126 are particularly tightly bound.
The binding energy of the next neutron or proton after a magic number is
very small.
If we treat each individual nucleon in this way, then we can allow the
nucleons in turn to occupy the energy levels of a series of subshells.
The existence of definite spatial orbits depends on the Pauli principle.
In contrast with the situation with atoms, the nucleus contains no massive
central body which can act as a force center.
This deficiency is circumvented by the bold assumption that each nucleon
experiences a central attractive force which can be ascribed to the average
effect of all the other (A - 1) nucleons in the nucleus.
This condition implies that each nucleon can describe at least several
revolutions without being disturbed or scattered in collisions with other
The wave functions for independent particles within such a well obey the
radial wave equation for r < R and are zero at the well boundary r = R, as
well as outside the well r > R.
The allowed energy states then correspond to the sequence of solutions of
the radial wave equation (Bessel functions) which have zero values at r =
Order of states: 1 s 1 p1 d 2 s 1 f 2 p 1 g
The order of energy states for the deep rectangular well turns out to be
(Fig 3) of nucleons where the letter gives the l value and the integer prefix
gives the radial quantum number.
Spin-Orbit Potential
Mayer, Haxel, Suess, and Jensen showed in 1949 that the inclusion of a
spin-orbit potential could give the proper separation of the subshells.
A single nucleon has s=1/2, so the possible values of the total angular
momentum quantum number are j=l+ 1/2 or j=l−1/2(except for l=0 in
which case only j=1/2 is allowed).
The possible j values are l ±1/2 = 5/2 or 7/2 . Thus we have the levels 1 f 5 /2
and 1 f 7 /2.
The degeneracy of each level is (2 j+1), which comes from the m j , values.
It was noted independently by Mayer and by Haxel, Jensen, and Suess that
this match could be obtained by postulating strong spin-orbit coupling for
Then, for the same l value, the energy of the j=l+ 1/2 state may be quite
different from the energy of the j=l−1/2 state.
jj -coupling model,"
For the same value of the orbital angular momentum, the j=l+ 1/2 state
("parallel" orbit and spin) is deeper lying, or more tightly bound,
than the, j=l−1/ 2 state.
The energy separation between j=l+ 1/2 and j=l−1/2 increases with
increasing values of Z, being then approximately proportional to (2 l+ 1)2 /3
An odd number of identical nucleons having the same l and j will always
couple to give odd parity if l is odd and even parity if l is even, a total
angular momentum j , and a magnetic moment equal to that of a single
nucleon in the state j .
For Z odd
[ 1 s 1/ 2 ]2[ 1 p 3/ 2 , 1 p 1/2 ]8[ 1 d 5/ 2 , 2 s 1/ 2 , 1 d 3/ 2 ]20
[ 1 f 7 /2 ] 28 [ 2 p3 /2 , 1 f 5 /2 ,2 p1/ 2 , 1 g 9 /2 ]5[ 1 g 7/ 2 ,2 d 5 /2 ,1 h11/ 2 ,2 d 3 /2 ,3 s1 /2 ] 82
For N odd:
[ 1 s 1/ 2 ]2[ 1 p 3/ 2 , 1 p 1/2 ]8[ 1 d 5/ 2 , 2 s 1/ 2 , 1 d 3/ 2 ]20 [ 1 f 7 /2 ] 28 [ 2 p3 /2 , 1 f 5 /2 ,2 p1/ 2 , 1 g 9 /2 ] 50
[ 2 d 5/ 2 , 1 g 7 /2 ,3 s1 /2 ,1 h11 /2 ,2 d 3 /2 ]82 [ 2 f 7 / 2 , 1 h9/ 2 ,3 p3 /2 ,2 f 5/ 2 , 3 p1/ 2 , 1 i13 /2 , 2 g9 / 2 ] 126
Shell model predicts ground state spins and parities of all even Z-even
(even-even) nuclei as 0+¿ ¿ due to pairing of nucleons.
For odd Z or odd N (odd mass) nuclei, the ground state spin and parity
are dictated by the shell model state of the j and l of the odd unpaired
particle (N or Z).
For odd Z-odd N nuclei the ground state spin and parity is dictated by
the odd unpaired neutron and proton and the j and l of the shell model
| j p+ j n|> j >| j p− jn| and π=(−1)l + l .
p n
Fig.: The effect of the spin-orbit interaction, which splits the levels
with l > 0 into two new levels. The shell effect is quite apparent, and
the magic numbers are exactly reproduced.
8.6 Solved Problems
Problem 8.1
Write the shell-model configurations and predict the ground state spin and
parity of the following nuclei: a) 12C b) 17O c) 27Al d) 45Sc e) 63Cu f)
a ¿ 6C : 6 protons and 6 neutrons : even-even:0+¿ ¿
3/ 2−¿ ¿
f ¿ 13 Al :13 protons: (1 s ½ ) (1 p3/2 ) (1 p½ ) (1 d 5/2 ) ⇒5/2
21 2 4 2 5 -
Problem 8.2
For 17O the following states are experimentally observed: ground state
5/2+, 0.871 MeV ½+ state, 3.055 Mev1/2−¿ ¿state, 3.846 MeV 7 /2−¿¿ state,
4.553 MeV 3/ 2−¿ ¿state. Interpret these as single particle excitations.
The 9th neutron occupies 1d5/2 state and hence its ground state is 5/ 2+¿¿
2 4 2 1
( 1 s1/2 ) ( 1 p3/2 ) ( 1 p1/2 ) (1 d 5/2 )
When energy is given the 9th neutron is excited to the next shell model
( ) ( )
2 4 2 0 1
( 1 s½ ) 1 p3 ( 1 p ½ ) 1 d5 ( 2 s½ )
2 2
With still higher energy the 9th neutron would occupy the next shell
model state
2 4 2 0 0 1
(1 s ½ ) (1 p3/2 ) (1 p½ ) (1 d 5/2 ) (2 s ½ ) (1 d 3/2 )
resulting in the excited state with its spin and parity 7 /2−¿¿
Thus all the experimentally observed excited states of 17O can be explained
as single particle excitations or shell model states.
Problem 8.3
When a proton (or neutron) is of 1p3/2 state, the other of 1s1/2 state,
the possible coupled states are 1−, 2−
When a proton (or neutron) is of 1p1/2 state, the other of 1s1/2 state,
the possible coupled states are 0−, 1−
When two protons (or two neutrons) are of 1p 1/2 (or 1p3/2) state, the
possible coupled state is 0+
Problem 8.4
(a) The usual treatment is based on the assumption that the interaction
among nucleons can be replaced by the action on a nucleon of the
mean field produced by the other nucleons.
Since nucleons are fermions, all the low energy levels of the ground
state are filled up and the interactions among nucleons cannot excite a
nucleon to a higher level.
We can then employ a model of moderately weak interaction to
describe the strong interactions among nucleons.
(b) According to the nuclear shell model, the protons and neutrons in an
even-even nucleus tend to pair off separately,
i.e., each pair of neutrons or protons are in the same orbit and have
opposite spins, so that the total angular momentum and total spin of
each pair of nucleons are zero.
It follows that the total angular momentum of the nucleus is zero. The
parity of each pair of nucleons is (−1)2 l=+1, and so the total parity of
the nucleus is positive.
For nucleons with l ≠0 , the orbits are ellipses. Because such odd
nucleons have finite spins and magnetic moments, which can polarize
the nuclear system, the nucleus tends to have permanent deformation.