STS L2 Notes
STS L2 Notes
STS L2 Notes
It will be seen in this module that scientific The idea of scientific revolution is claimed to
revolution is a golden age in the history of science. It have started in the early 16th century up to the 18th
marked the birth of science as a discipline and as a field century in Europe. Why in Europe? The probable
of inquiry and gave birth to the development of the answer is the invention of the printing machine, the
scientific method. It was a time in the history of science blooming intellectual activities done in various places of
where many scientific ideas and discoveries, which learning, and the growing number of scholars in various
were considered innovative and useful, were fields of human interests. This does not mean, however,
developed. Some of these ideas were also controversial that science is a foreign idea transported from other
in the scientific community and in the political arena. areas of the globe. Anyone who can examine the
The scientific revolution significantly changed how history of science, technology, medicine, and
people study science and do scientific activities. It mathematics is aware that all great civilizations of the
inspired human creativity and critical thinking, moving ancient world had their own sophisticated traditions and
away from thought experiments to data-driven and activities related to these disciplines.
experiment-based ideas.
Scientific revolution was the period of
There were many intellectuals who made enlightenment when the developments in the fields of
essential contributions in science during the period of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and
scientific revolution such as Nicolaus Copernicus, chemistry transformed the views of society about
Charles Darwin, and Sigmund Freud, to name a few. nature. It explained the emergence or birth of modern
science as a result of these developments from the
disciplines mentioned. The ideas generated during this
period enabled the people to reflect, rethink, and
reexamine their beliefs and their way of life. There is no
(16, 17, 18th centuries in Europe ... 1500s to 1700s) doubt that it ignited vast human interests to think how
they do science and view scientific processes.
Definition of Science
Scientific revolution was the golden age for
Science is as old as the world itself. There is people committed to scholarly life in science, but it was
no individual that can exactly identify when and where also a deeply trying moment to some scientific
science began. From the genesis of time, science has individuals that led to their painful death or
been used. It is always interwoven with the society. So, condemnation from the religious institutions who tried to
how can science be defined? preserve their faith, religion, and theological views.
Some rulers and religious leaders did not accept many
1. Science as an idea. It includes ideas, theories, and of the early works of scientists. But these did not stop
all available semantic explanations and observations people especially tests to satisfy their curiosity of the
about the natural and physical world. natural and physical world