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E-Government for Tanzania: Current Projects and Challenges

Article · January 2018

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Wahid B. Hamad
Institute of Social Work


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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2018 IJESC

Research Article Volume 8 Issue No.1

E-Government for Tanzania: Current Projects and Challenges

Wahid Bakari Hamad
Assistant Lecturer
Ag. Head of ICT, ICT Unit – Academic, Institute of Social Work, Tanzania

The paper is based on an in-depth literature review of government documents, presidential state of the nation addresses, global and
nation reports on e-government, and reports on service delivery concerns in Tanzania. In promoting the use of E-Government,
policies, flagship programs aimed poverty alleviation, ICT infrastructures and regulatory frameworks in effectively leveraged to
enhance service delivery to its citizens that consolidate the position of ICTs in the country. Some of these flagship programs have
been ongoing for longer, some have only partially succeeded and some have fully succeeded. Moreover, the paper shows that there
are several recognitions that MDAs have made to benefit from the emergence of e-government in Tanzania. Furthermore, the paper
reveals that service delivery remains a priority for the Tanzania government and a connect exists between the e-government vision
and the poverty alleviation programs aimed at enhancing the standard of living of the people.

Keywords: e-Government, Current project, ICT project, Challenges and Tanzania

I. INTRODUCTION Harindranath, 2004). This is due to the fact that e-government

offers the chance to improve services to citizen and business and
Background of study in areas with a low literacy rate (Schuppan, 2008; Liikanen,
The growth of e-government concept has made many 2003). It provides access to information on various fields of
governments realize the significance of making their services activity, such as data on economic activities, medical data, or
more efficiently and regularly available (Gregor et al., 2013; information on processes in public administration (Alshehri,
Komba, 2013; Wimmer & Traunmuller, 2004). Various Drew, Alfarraj, 2012; Yonazi, 2010; Schuppan, 2008). It
countries the world over, are now well aware of the significant improves government-to-government services (Alsaghier, Ford,
benefits that e-government bring for expanding service delivery Nguyen, and Hexel, 2009; Seifert, 2003; Sprecher, 2000).
to citizensMutula and Mostert, (2010). Tanzania is one of Further, e-government helps to improve the financial and
various developing countries where several E-government taxation systems and reduce corruption by awarding more
initiatives are being introduced to support poverty reduction and effective and transparent systems (Adeyemo, 2011; Yonazi,
sustain good governance, demonstrated by latest technology 2010; Bhatnagar, 2004; Avgerou, 2003). More importantly, e-
implementations and government strategy documents Dé, government systems help to make public administration more
(2006). The government of Tanzania recognizes the importance democratic and responsible (Wamoto, 2015; Alshehri, Drew,
of information and communication technology and e- Alfarraj, 2012; Schuppan, 2008) by permitting citizens to
Government services that will able to increase the range and contribute in government processes, and offering better control
quality of services using the public sector (Komba, 2013; mechanisms and enforce formalization to assist administrative
President's Office, 2012).In 2010 the Government of Tanzania work (Wamoto, 2015; Yonazi, 2010; Schuppan, 2008). Though,
has made a notable step of forming the e-Government Agency despite the above declared the benefits of e-government, the
(e-GA) to coordinate, administer and promote e-Government implementation of e-government initiatives in Sub-Saharan
initiatives and implementation of e-Government standards of the African countries in including Tanzania have in most cases been
Public Organizations Ministry of WTC ICT Policy (2016). disappointments Nkohkwo and Islam (2013). The finding from
Further, in 2012 Tanzania underway the Analogue Switch off the study done by Heeks (2003) show that, 35% of e-government
(ASO) implementation to migrate to digital broadcasting. The projects in developing countries are entire failures, 50% are
implementation of digital broadcasting makes the Tanzania partial failures, whereas the remaining 15% are successes.
achieved full migration earlier of June 2015 and becoming the (Dada, 2006; Kaaya, 2004) argue that there is a need for research
first country in eastern and southern Africa to embark on the to be done into the current status and challenges to the successful
operation of the ITU goal Ministry of WTC ICT Policy (2016). application of e-government projects in developing countries
In this regard, the government promoting the application of ICT particularly Tanzania. Therefore, the focal point of this study is
and e-government in several development sectors such as health, to find out the current projects and its challenges of the
education, government, infrastructure and agriculture in implemented e-government and/or ICT projects in Tanzania.
enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of sustainable
countrywide development (URT, 2003). The government of II. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE
Tanzania has also adopted an e-Government strategy (2009) with
targets to improve efficiency in government and providing a The objective of the research was specifically focused on the
superior service to citizens (President's Office, 2012; Sein and following:

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, January 2018 15911 http://ijesc.org/
1. To assess the current e-government projects among the E-government in Tanzania
MDAs. The introduction of e-government in Tanzania, more emphasis
2. To examining the challenges to e-government project in has positioned on in what way to support, transform outside
MDAs in Tanzania; and effort, develop communication and transaction devices to
3. To contribute towards the improvement of the e- address external stakeholders Heeks, (2001) by concentrating on
government projects in an effort to make an impact on applying ICT to all aspects of government business Grönlund,
service delivery to the citizens. (2005).With the vision to offer superior services to the citizens
and business communities and recognition of the significance of
Methodology of the study ICT in the public sector, the Government of Tanzania has
The study reviewed literature from several documents related to therefore prepared the National e-Government Strategy 2013-
E-government projects in Tanzania. Including the Tanzania E- 2018 to deliver the essential guidance on exploiting the ICT
Government Strategy (July, 2013), United Nation e-government opportunities and addressing challenges to add value in public
survey (2016) and The National ICT Policy in Tanzania (May, sector services President‘s Office – Public Service Management
2016). The study reviewed literature on E-government from (2013). In that regard, the key government strategy paper
other countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa National Vision 2025 noted that ―ICT opportunities can be
and Nigeria to recognize any best practices that are appropriate harnessed to meet national development goals‖. Meanwhile the
in Tanzania. From the documents reviewed, the study focused on medium term National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of
identifying evidence to confirm that the Tanzania Government is Poverty (MKUKUTA), the Tanzania‘s Mini Tiger Plan, and the
committed to a unified, integrated, and comprehensive ICT Tanzania long Term Perspective Plan 2011/12-2025/26 are also
program to empower Government services to be delivered more emphasizing the essential to increase the application and usage
efficiently and effectively to every section of society. Further, of technology in accelerating productivity. Furthermore, in
the study viewed at sample projects that have already been recognition of the need to reduce the possibility of Tanzania
commenced in selected Ministries with a focus on recognizing being further excluded from the global knowledge based society,
the challenges and current status of these flagship projects. as well as the need to harmonize independent ICT-related
Specifically, the main focus of the study was considering the e- initiatives, the Government promulgated the National ICT Policy
government related projects based on the National e-government in the 2003 President‘s Office – Public Service Management
strategic plan. (2013). Moreover, more efforts the government of Tanzania has
taken in recognizing the importance of ICT resulting the revision
ICT Projects of the NICTP 2003 in 2016. The National ICT Policy 2016 aim
The development of ICT in Tanzania has positively contributed to transform Tanzania into an information rich knowledge-based
to bring social, economic and industrial development in the society and economy, so that to ensure Tanzania and its people
majority of citizens (NICTP 2016; Cole & Roman, 2003). For fully contribute in the information age and enjoy the social,
instance, the introducing of mobile money platforms in Tanzania cultural and economic benefits of the emerging information
has shaped innovative banking avenues for people who revolution (NICTP 2016). Further, ability to identifying potential
previously did not have access to banking services NICTP 2016. achievements from e-government is one thing; actually realizing
In presently, ICT has been embedded in all aspect of products them another Kobb (2008). In realizing and identifying that the
and services consumed in our everyday lives (Cole & Roman, government Tanzania conduct a situational analysis for e-
2003). As a result, several stakeholders such as governments, Government readiness by examine the government itself in
international organizations, practitioners and civil societies, both relation to the following issues: Institutional e-Government
appreciate and engage in advocating the application of ICT in services arrangements; human resources; budgetary resources;
the growth of the human race (Yusof and Lim, 2003). ICT has communication flows between ministries, departments, and
been used by developing countries including Tanzania for agencies (MDAs); ICT infrastructure; ICT capacity levels; ICT
several years to systematize internal work and process data related policies; and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) (Dewa
Heeks, (2001). ICT is critical in fighting poverty, uplifting the and Zlotnikova, 2014; President's Office, 2012; Kobb 2008).
socioeconomic and living values of the people Mutula and Moreover, for the national development the Government of
Mostert, (2010). Further, the usage of ICT in government Tanzania has allowed the Ministries to be liable for developing
processes permits fast, transparent, accountable, efficient and e-government policy and facilitate its implementation in
effective communication with the community, peoples, business Government Institutions NICTP (2016). Several policies,
and other government agencies (IICD, 2008; Sawe, 2007; Basu statutes, and other initiatives have been undertaken toward this
2004). The consequence, the progress investments in ICT goalRwangoga and Baryayetunga (2006). As a result, the
infrastructure improvement and local content development has government has succeeded deployment of e-government-wide
also been reported rising steadily (Mutula and Mostert, 2010; systems that permits the government to become more efficiently,
Yonah, 2005; Basu 2004). This has made the implementation of effectively and reliably achievement of key business processes;
ICT projects, mainly large-scale projects that can have a major these systems include the National Payment System (NPS)
influence on service quality enhancements, increase a number of which comprises of the Tanzania Interbank Settlement System
problems, many of which relate mostly to operating within (TISS), Electronic Clearing House (ECH), Retail Payment
government (President's Office, 2012; Basu 2004). Moreover, an System (RPS) (NICTP 2016; MWTC ICT Policy2016; National
appropriate use of ICT has great potential to empower citizen in e-Government Strategy 2013). Integrated Financial Management
overcoming development obstacles, address social problems and System (IFMS), Human Capital Management Information
strengthen democratic institutions (Mutula and Mostert, 2010; System (HCMIS), Land Management System (LMS), Health
Cole & Roman, 2003). Information System (eHealth) and Geographical Information

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, January 2018 15912 http://ijesc.org/
System (GIS) (NICTP 2016; National e-Government Strategy findings are based on documentary reviews. The table 1 below,
2013; President’s Office 2013; MOHSW). illustrate the selected Ministry (MDA) concerned, current and
E – Government and ICT Projects in Selected Ministries planned ICT Programs (e-government project) and the purpose
The study reviewing several Ministries documents published of the project.
from Ministries official website and journal articles. The major

Table.1. E-Government /ICT Projects from Selected Ministries

Current and Planned

S/N Government Unit e-Government / ICT Purpose of the Project

1 President Office - Government Mailing GMS is a system that provides a secure channel for
Public Service System (GMS) Government communication and information sharing within
Managements the Government.
(PO – PSM) Purpose: Secure and reliable Government communication
channel and Formal system for sharing information within the

2 Ministry of Water Water Utilities Water Utilities Information System (MajIS) is one of the
and Irrigation Information System tools used by EWURA to monitor monthly performance of
(MoWI) (MajIS) WSSAs, whereby data and information are entered at the
respective UWSSA‘s headquarters and received by EWURA
and the Ministry of Water on a monthly basis.
Purpose:(i) improve accessibility of data and information for
monitoring, planning and decision making as well as for
dissemination of information to all stakeholders, (ii) support
effective management audits with the objective of analyzing,
evaluating, reviewing and appraising the performance of all
commercially operated water utilities.
Water Point Mapping WPM is a planning and monitoring tool used to locate water
System (WPMS) infrastructure and collecting related information using any
available technology, the information that is collected can be
used in decision making for different uses.
Purpose: (i) to inform the planning of investments to improve
water supply coverage; (ii) to allocate resources to deliver
basic services were for the most needed; (iii) to determine lost
investments; (v) to measure progress and performance against
strategies, projects and expenditures; and (vi) to address the
equity issues in terms of resource allocations for services.
3 Ministry of Health Health Information eHealth is defined as the cost-effective and secure use of ICT
and Social Welfare System (eHealth) in support of health and health-related fields, including
(MoHSW) healthcare services; health surveillance; health literature; and
health education, knowledge, and research.
Purpose: To transform the Tanzanian healthcare system by
leveraging ICT to improve health and social welfare of all
citizens. To adopt and effectively use ICT throughout the
health sector.
4 Ministry for Integrated Financial An IFMIS is a standardized monitoring and reporting system,
Finance and Management System which consolidates all the information needs of a government
Planning (MoFP) (IFMS) into one information database.
Purpose: It facilitates consistent recording and reporting of
information. To enable a government to take macro decisions
that affect the country as a whole.

5 Ministry of Lands, Integrated Land ILMS to allow electronic updating, processing, storage and
Housing, and Management System retrieval of land records and information, avoid double
Human (ILMS) registration of land and ensure payment of all related taxes.
Settlements Purpose: to address all functions of the land sector: deliver
Development tools for handling all land administration functions (cadastral

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, January 2018 15913 http://ijesc.org/
(MoLHHSD) surveying, land delivery services, town planning, workflow
management, etc.); Improve the security and reliability of land
transactions through an efficient and reliable land information
system; provide a technical framework to harmonize and share
land data; and track efficiency and transparency in delivering
land administration services; creation of a reliable land
administration services for the customers and improving public
confidence in the land administration services.
6 Ministry for Human Capital HCMIS is a computerized skills inventory for acquiring;
Works, Transport, Management storing, analyzing, and controlling the flow of HR related
and Information System information throughout an organization.
Communication (HCMIS) Purpose: helps in the collection of information on aspects of
(MoWTC) work life as diverse as salary, payroll, compensation, leaves,
accidents, superannuation-deduction for pension and other
employee benefits.

Finding and Discussion of the study effectively implemented in 2011 and currently running. The
The finding of the study points out the e-Government of Ministry of Water usesMajIS to collect information and used to
Tanzania. The fundamental considerations include the current e- monitor monthly performance (eGov. Strategy 2013; MoWI
Government/ICT project among the Ministries and possible 2016).
challenges that necessity be mitigated and/or faced by the MDA
on utilization of projects in order to attain the aims. Water Point Mapping System (WPMS)
The WPMS system has effectively been implemented in 2011
The Current E-Government/ICT Project in Tanzania and is presently effectively used by the Ministry of Water and
In general, the government of Tanzania like any other Irrigation (MoWI). The WPMS used by the Ministry to locate
government in Sub-Saharan African countries has recognized the water infrastructure and collecting related information using any
importance of e-government implementation in providing a available technology and decision making. However, fewer
government, private sector, collective or individual citizen level available functionalities have proven (eGov. Strategy 2013;
(Basu 2004; Mutula and Mostert, 2010; Komba, 2016). Along MoWI 2016).
with that line many MDA becomes liable for developing e-
government policy and facilitate its implementation in Electronic Health System (eHealth)
Government Institutions. This result the development and The Government through the Ministry of Health and Social
implementation of many e-Government and/or ICT projects Welfare (MoHSW) in promoting the usage of e-government
between the MDA (President‘s Office – Public Service services has developed the eHealth strategic plan for the aim of
Management 2013; NICTP 2016). The study revealed that transforming healthcare delivery by permitting information
several e-Government and/or ICT projects have been deployed access and supporting healthcare processes, management, and
in Tanzania. However, some of the projects are already in decision making. The Ministry has started implementation of
operation while others are still being implemented. The eHealth project since 2013 and currently it is on progress. The
following summaries highlight the key findings on current project is organized into three phases and is scheduled for
projects among the MDA selected for the study based on completion at the end of 2018 (MoHSW 2013).
documentary reviews.
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
Government Mailing System (GMS) The IFMS system project deployed under the Ministry of
Finance and Planning (MoFP). The project started implemented
The GMS project deployed under the President‘s Office – Public in 2012 and presence is effectively used and producing the
Service Management. It has already been implemented since intended results. It has automated and streamlined Ministries
2015 and currently in operation and its produce the intended accounting processes, financial processes and controls to support
results. The President‘s Office has deployed this project for complex governmental necessities and create value through a
official communications in order to avoid the use of disposable centralized timely, accurate and consistent financial reporting to
mail e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, etc. used for official communications provide overall financial visibility to management
internal and external of the office. The use of the official GMS (Mwakyusa2015; eGov. Strategy 2013; MoFP ICT SG 2012).
has improved timely internal and external communication and
information sharing as a result the reduction of operating Integrated Land Management Information System (ILMIS)
expenses for the printings of documents (MoWI ICT Policy
2016; Mwakyusa2015; President‘s Office – Public Service The ILMIS project developed under the Ministry of Lands,
Management 2013; eGov. Strategy 2013). Housing, and Human Settlements Development (MoLHHSD).
The project has started implementation of project since July
Water Utilities Information System (Majis) 2016 to strengthen the business environment in Tanzania,
This system deployed under Ministry of Water and Irrigation including land administration reform and improve access to
(MoWI). The system has highlighted at the Ministry of Water financial services and is scheduled for completion July 2018
and Irrigation ICT Policy (2016). The MajIS system has (eGov. Strategy 2013; MoLHHSD 2016).

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, January 2018 15914 http://ijesc.org/
Human Capital Management Information System (HCMIS) on the baseline study on e-Government, it has been shown that
The HCMIS system started implemented and presence is there is low level of application of ICT services in the public
effectively used by MDA and it deployed under the Ministry for sector in Tanzania MoWTC ICT Policy (2016). This show to
Works, Transport, and Communication (MoWTC). However, study conducted by (Lupilya and Jung 2015; UN e-Government
fewer available functionalities have proven to be effective by Survey, 2014) that highlighted a drop from 35% to 29% from
delivering value to the organization such as appropriate and 2012 to 2014 in the case of Tanzania. The trend is attributed to
consistent employee records, provision of customized HR the lack of systematic integration of web platforms, offering
reports, payroll processes etc. (Mwakyusa2015; eGov. Strategy potential services to a wider range of consumers. For example,
2013; MoWTC ICT Policy 2016). Tanzania is below average, at about 8%, in terms of
telecommunications infrastructure with no progress in
Challenges of e-Government/ICT Projects in Tanzania infrastructure development. Likewise, e-participation was also
In general, the study reveals that, the development and below average at 8% in 2012 but shot incredibly to 39% in 2014.
integration of ICT within the Government is uneven, with the Both of these indicators have indicated a relatively low level of
lack of adequate resources to dedicate to ICT programs, progress in e-government implementation in Tanzania (Yonazi,
disintegration of ICT applications, duplication of ICT 2010; Lupilya and Jung 2015). Specifically, the review reveals
infrastructure, and unstandardized ICT equipment, devices, and several key issues that must be considered as part of an effective
other online systems (Heeks, 1998; 2001; Grönlund, 2005; ICT project and/or e-Government project development:
Rwangoga and Baryayetunga 2006). Therefore, programs that  ICT investment remains an ―ad hoc‖ affair, with each
enlist international donor organizations have been the primary individual Ministry seeking ICT funding primarily from
catalyst for ICT diffusion into the Government sector. Some defined donor project resources to offset the minimal
ministries, i.e. Finance and Planning, Water and Irrigation, funding available through the governmental budgetary
Health and Social Welfare, Lands, Housing, and Human channels.
Settlements Development, Works, Transport, and  Underutilized of a majority of the implemented systems
Communication have deployed of e-government-wide systems, owing to a series of factors, including a lack of operator
internal LANs and external networking to other Ministries to training, lack of connectivity, and absence of automated
permitting the government to become more efficiently, processes.
effectively and reliably (Rwangoga and Baryayetunga 2006;  No series of commonly accepted standards is in place,
National e-Government Strategy 2013; NICTP 2016). Several or even informally agreed upon, for equipment,
other Ministries are still working to improve internal applications, or connectivity, for the current initiatives.
networking, information exchange, and planning for other  A lack of synchronized ICT investment strategy and
systems. Efforts are actually inadequate to date in reviewing tracking of ICT investments and performance
business processes and rearrangement of staffs to indorse monitoring within the Government.
efficient application of e-Government processes and applications
Rwangoga and Baryayetunga 2006; National e-Government III. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
Strategy 2013; NICTP 2016). Moreover, the study revealed that
there was no significant improved rate of citizens‘ interaction Conclusion
with the government as a result of electronic communication
application Mwakyusa (2015).A key challenge is the lack of This study has been originated to upsurge our knowledge of the
awareness of the opportunities, innovative design and current e-Government projects initiated in ministries, agencies
implementation and potential impact of introducing an E- and departments (MDAs) in Tanzania. Moreover, the study
government systems in the public sector (Heeks, 2001; Ngulube, intended to examine the perceived challenges for further
2007; Øystein Sæbø 2012). Many MDAs have their own development and use of E-government systems and based on the
website, but the information existing online is rarely updated. findings, to contribute towards the improvement of the e-
The websites are mostly used for one-way information government projects in strengthening and provide an impact on
dissemination from MDAs to the citizens to notify the public. It service delivery to the citizens in Tanzania In general, the review
is common to post announcements for interested people to get revealed that the development and integration of ICT within the
hold of and react accordingly. Most announcements are made on Government is uneven, with the lack of satisfactory resources to
tenders, employment opportunities, examination results, new dedicate to ICT projects.
tariffs, conferences, seminars and are done online to address a
larger (online) audience than those who are physically visiting Therefore, projects that enlist international donor organizations
the office (Øystein Sæbø 2012; National e-Government Strategy have been the primary catalyst for ICT penetration into the
2013; NICTP 2016). Yet, the persistence connectivity of the Government sector. In 2010 the Government of Tanzania has
internet is challenging among the MDAs. Internet connectivity made a notable step of forming the e-Government Agency (e-
needs a good network infrastructure, affordable internet access, GA) to coordinate, administer and promote e-Government
and bandwidth to sustain a connection every hour of every day initiatives and implementation of e-Government standards for
(Heeks, 1998; 2001; Grönlund, 2005; Machira, 2009; Karokola Public Organizations. Moreover, the development of Tanzania
& Yngstrom, 2009; Yonazi, 2010). This results a number of E-Government Strategic Framework July 2013 that proposes a
challenges, including the need for a gateway to access and fully-fledged Ministry of ICT to be established by the
control online information Yonazi, (2010). As a result, it turns Government to provide both political and technical leadership in
out to be the source of online threats, risks, and insecure the overall coordination and harmonization of policy
systems, leaving institutions wide open Yonazi, (2010). Based development. The implementation for Business Licensing

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