Basketball England Risk Assessment
Basketball England Risk Assessment
Basketball England Risk Assessment
A Risk Assessment identifies hazards that may cause harm and then identifies the control measures that will reduce the risk to acceptable
Risk Assessments are a legal requirement and should be recorded and reviewed
Risk Assessments illustrate good practice forethought planning and collective expertise. They are most effective when discussed with
colleagues before writing and during recording.
The Event Manager (Person with overall responsibility) should then ensure that those Risk Assessments are appropriate, or should make any
necessary additions or changes. The dated signature by the Event Manager confirms that all staff/adults on the visit have read, understood
and adopted the written Risk Assessment.
Suitable briefings must be given for the 6 key areas below to all relevant people.
There are 6 Key areas are identified where potential hazards may occur.
These are the areas that must be reviewed before final approval is granted.
All visits have potential hazards and risk to staff and participants, therefore the control measures identified should be sufficient to reduce the risk
to acceptable levels. If the control measures aren’t sufficient, consideration must be given to absolute ‘cut off criteria’ and the activity must not
proceed. In addition there must always be an alternative activity (Plan B), prepared and risk assessed. The control measures identified on a form
are the written evidence that the six key areas above have been considered.
School/Club: Name of Event:
Event Manager:
2 Staffing.
The nature of the activity will identify specific types of hazard which
could result in injury. Competence & suitable experience, reflecting
the activity, the venue and the type of group, is therefore essential.
Ensure all staff are familiar with the Basketball England Code
of Ethics and Conduct, Safeguarding Policy and Duty of Care
3 Equipment
Suitable and sufficient materials and equipment is provided.
Equipment failure or misuse must be avoided.
4 Venue/Environment
Accommodation Risk Assessment and
Information. Site Specific hazards
5 Travel
Suitability of vehicle and competence of drivers. Identify main
hazards for journey and stopping points
6 Emergency Procedures
Accidents and major incidents resulting in injury or other
unforeseen events.
Medical consent and condition forms obtained and signed for every
Allergy forms
Signed: Event Manager: ………………………………………... Date of assessment: