Professional Organizations

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Professional Organizations
• Membership in a professional
organization can also build the career
 Gathering of the professional within the portfolio of a professional.
particular specialization with the
purpose of collaboration and
 It provides organization for activity for • Professional organizations recognize
our professional growth. their outstanding members and leaders
 Offering ng workshops, training, and in the practice and special fields such as
research. research, public service, and community
engagement through awards.
 To be a member of an organization, you
need to pay a minimal fee.

Types of Professional Organization

Benefits of Membership in Professional

Organizations Professional Organizations are
classified based on their main function. A
professional organization can be multipurpose
and could encompass all functions.
1. Accrediting organizations
• Must adhere to the set of rules or code • They are the one who is
of ethics prescribed by the professional responsible for crediting
society. curricular programs in
educations institutions.
• Always practice professionalism.
• Membership in this type of
Education professional organization is
limited and is usually
• It Provides continuing professional institutional.
activities development. Which could
serve as avenues for improving the Example of Local Accrediting Organizations for
body of knowledge in a certain field. Medical Technology Schools.

Perks Philippine Accrediting Association of

PAASCU Schools, Collages, and Universities.
• In the form of a monetary discount. If Philippine Association of College and
ikaw ang member mas baba ang PACUCOA Universities Commissions on
babayaran mo compared sa non- Accreditation.
2. Credentialing Certifying
Networking Organizations
• Activities conducted that provide • Provides certification examinations for
opportunities for building networks in the professionals.
• Certified professionals are required to
• You will make a connection within this renew their license within a specified
networking. duration.
Examples of International Credentialing/
Certifying Agencies for Medical Technologies.

AMT American Medical Technologies

ASCP American Society of Clinical Pathology
ISCLT International Society for Clinical
Laboratory Technology
NCA National Certifying Agency for Medical
Laboratory Personnel

3. Professional Societies

• Organizations that contribute

to the continued
development of a specific
group of professionals.

Examples of Local Professional Societies for

Medical Technologist

PAMET Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, INC.

PASMETH Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health, Inc.

BRAP BioRisk Association of the Philippines

PBCC Philippine Blood Coordinating Council

PCQACL Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories

PSM Philippine Society of Microbiologists

PhBBA Philippine BioSafety and BioSecurity Association

Examples of International Professional Societies

for Medical Technologist

ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology

AMT American Medical Technologists
AACLS ASEAN Association for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
AAMLS Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists

ASMLT ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists

ASCLS American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

IAMLT International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists

IFBLS International Federation of BioMedical Laboratory Science

ISCLT International Society for Clinical Laboratory Technologists

Professional Journals
presidency of Nardito D. Moraleta that
PAMET was incorporated and
Professional Journals are publications containing registered at the securities and
scholarly studies on specific professional fields. exchange commission (SEC) on
Sponsored by professional organizations, these October 14, 1969 with Registration No.
journals publish articles and reviews of books and 39570
past articles and serve as a forum for new ▪ PAMET was formally recognized as the
articles. only accredited professional
organization of Registered Medical
Some of the available professional journals for Technologist in the Philippines when
laboratory professional are: Presidential Decree No. 223 was
approved on June 22, 1973 creating
• Philippine Journal of Medical PRC.
Technology ▪ It is a national body with 46 provincial
• Asia-Pacific Journal of Medical chapters nationwide and four
Laboratory Science international chapters –

• International Journal of Science and ✓ PAMET Singapore

Clinical Laboratory ✓ PAMET Eastern Region Middle East
✓ PAMET Western Region Middle East
• Laboratory Medicine ✓ PAMET USA
• Medical Laboratory Observer
First Organizational Meeting
• Clinical Laboratory Science

• Advances for Medical Laboratory The first organizational meeting of PAMET was
Professionals held on September 15, 1963 at the Public
Health Laboratory in Sta. Cruz, Manila.
• American Journal for Clinical Pathology
 A total of 20 representatives attended
• LabMedicine
the organizational meeting.
 11 from allied medical professions and
PAMET nine from five schools offering medical

List of Attendees
▪ The PAMET is the national professional
organization of Registered Medical Centro Escolar University
Technologists in the Philippines. It is 1. Isabelo Samonte
NON-stock, NON-profit organization. 2. Rodolfo Villaroman
Far Eastern University
▪ The Organization was founded on 1. Bernardo Tabaosares
September 15, 1963 through the 2. Santos Sanchez
initiative of Crisanto G. Almario, Philippine Union College
considered as the “Father of PAMET” 1. Jessie Umali
at the Public Health Laboratory in  First Graduate of Medtech.
Quiricida St., Sta Cruz, Manila.  First Candidate.
2. Romulo Tabo
▪ The first national convention and
UP Institute of Public Health
election of officers on September 20,
1. Cecilia Roque
1964 at Far Eastern University.
University of Sto. Tomas
▪ Charlemagne T. Tamondong became 1. Corazon Diaz
the first president. It was during the 2. Juanita Sarmiento
behavioral outlook which makes highly
respectable and credible.


• Unconditional, unwavering, and selfless

dedication that one builds-in into profession
characterized by initiative, creativity, and
resourcefulness to bring our quality health care
and service to the public.


• Is the high-quality performance by

advocating and adhering to international
standards making services globally comparable
and competent.


• Is the necessary linkage, support,

involvement and sharing that will increase the
PAMET success and advancement of every member and
the association in general.

Sec number of PAMET = 39570
Circle – symbolizes the continuous involvement
where practice and education must always be
June 21, 1969 - RA 5527 was enacted into law
Triangle – the trilogy of love, respect, and
integrity. September 21, 1972 - president Marcos
declared the 3rd week of September as a
Microscope and snake – symbolize the celebration of the medical technology
science of Medical Technology Profession. profession.

Green – the color of health. June 22, 1973 -PD 223 was approved.

1964 – the year the first PAMET Board was


Core Values


• Is the strict adherence to a moral code,

reflected in transparent honesty, truthfulness,
accuracy, accountability for one’s actions, and
complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and


• Refers to positive traits and values,

moral responsibility, social responsiveness, and
Technologists with the Professional
Presidents of PAMET Commission on May 24, 1975.

1963-1967 “Celebration of Profession”
“Emergence of the Profession” 1972
 was elected as president twice.
 Proclamation of the 3rd week of
 First President of PAMET.
September asMedical Technology
 1964 – 1st PAMET National convention
was held at FEU Hospital Conference Week in the Philippines
Hall on September 1964.  First Medical Technology Week
 First PAMET Constitution and by-Laws celebrationswere held at College of
were adopted in September 1964. the Holy Spirit onSeptember 20 and
at Manila Central Universityon
 1965- Approval of House Bill No. 7682 September 22, 1972.
(Medical Technology Bill) on May 10,
1973 January -September
NARDITO D. MORELTA “Career Advocacy”
1967-1970  First FEMALE President.
“Professional Recognition”  approval of the Professional Tax
 Professional recognition graduate through the Bureau of Internal
of FEU. Revenue.
 Second President of PAMET  SHORTEST TERM IN PAMET. (In
her term, it’s the time of proclamation
 1968 - Code of Ethics of martial law).
 1965- Approval of House Bill No.  Graduate of UST under pharmacy,
7682 (Medical Technology Bill) on nagaral siya ng medtech sa USA.
May 10, 1965


FELIX E. ASPRER “Educational Enhancement”
1970-1971, 1973-1977 1977
“Legislative Agenda”  Quiz Show was started among
1971 Medical Technology schools in
 First Oath-Taking of Registered Medical 1978
Technologists in the Philippines was held at  Amendments of R.A. 5527 was
UST on April 17, 1971. introduced by P.D. 1534 promulgated
on June 11, 1978.
 New Constitution and By-laws were
adopted on September 16, 1978
 Approval of the Presidential Decree 498 1979
which amended some section at R.A. 5527  Monthly seminars and medical
on June 28, 1974. missions wereconducted.
1975 1981
 Quiz bowl was made part of the
 Accreditation of PAMET as a bonafide
Medical Technology Week
Professional Organization for Medical Celebration.
“Image Building”
PRESIDENT 1997-2000
 Safeguard Scholar
“International Leadership”
 Publication of the LABNEWS, which  Approval of the New Code of Ethics
became the official newsletter of the
of the Medical Technology
Profession on March 7, 1997.
 Accident and sickness assistance to
 Conferment of awards to deserving bonafide members of the association
members of PAMET
through the Bayanihan Plan was
1984 implemented.
 A joint communiqué on the formation  Registration of the Philippine Journal
of ASEAN Association of Medical of Medical Technology in the
Technologists (AAMLT) was signed in International Library ofCongress with
Malaysia. ISSN # 0116-6123
1989 1999
 Adoption of Beloved PAMET, the  PAMET became one of the Charter
organization’s hymn on November 22, Members of PCQACL.
 PAMET-Safeguard Acceptance
Program started in November 1989 AGNES B. MEDENILLA
1990 2001-2002, 2005-2006
 Partnership with Procter and Gamble “Organizational Dynamism”
and PASMETH for awarding  was elected as president twice.
scholarship to undergraduate Medical 2001
Technology students with initial eight  Submission of proposed amendments
scholars. of R.A.5527 to the Lower House
 Job Fairs for the newly-registered
Medical Technologists were held.
 Amendment of the 1992 PAMET
Constitution and By-laws, ratified on
 First batch of PAMET-Safeguard December 6, 2002.
Scholars graduated. 2006
 Visibility and pro-activism of PAMET  Acquisition and Inauguration of two
new condominium units as PAMET
 Symbols of Excellence for PAMET
Awards were accepted. office at Cityland 10, Tower 2, Makati
 30th PAMET Anniversary was held on
December 1-3, 1994.
 Acquisition of PAMET Secretariat 2003-2004
Office at Cityland 10 in Makati City “Interdisciplinary Networking”
which was inaugurated on June 18,
 Comprehensive web and e-
commerce solutions for
communications, transactions and
education via was
 Submission of proposed amendments ROMEO JOSEPH J. IGNACIO
of the R.A. 5527 to the Senate. 2013-2015
2004 “Golden Celebration”
 Adoption of the Core Values of the
 Implementation of the electronic RONALD E. PUNO
membership ID System. 2015-2020
 Approval of Senior Citizen Benefit “Empowerment”
Plan and revision of the Bayanihan
LEILA LANY M. FLORENTO Current President
“Global Perspectives”
 Amendments of R.A 5527 were
submitted for sponsorship to Cong.
Arturo Pingoy Jr. during the third
regular session of the 14thCongress
 House Bill No. 6539 Introduced by
Hon. Arthur Pingoy Jr. was submitted
to Congress in January 2009.
 PAMET was officially accredited as
provider of CPE following the new
PRC guidelines.
 PAMET petitioned DOH thru the
Office of the Health Human Resource
Development Bureau on the
upgrading of position and salary of
Medical Technologists.
 House Bill No.HB 4032 or the
proposed Philippine Medical
Technology Law of 2011 was
sponsored by Cong. Janette Garin
during the 15th Congress.
 Senate Bill 2722 or the proposed
Medical Technology Act of 2011 was
sponsored by Sen. Edgardo Angara.
Microscope – represents the field of
medical technology and public health/

1970 – the year the association was


 National organization of recognized

schools of medical technology and
public health in the Philippines.

 May 13, 1970: Dr. Narciso Albarracin

(Secretary of the Department of
Education), designated Dr. Serafin
Juliano(FEU) and Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes
(UST) to organize an association of
deans/heads of schools of medical
PASMETH technology and public health

The PASMETH Seal is circular with yellow lines  First Organizational meeting:
in a field of gold emblazoned with the words September 15, 1963 by Mr. Crisanto G.
PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF Almario at the Public Health Laboratory
black encircling it. In the middle of the circle is a
diamond shaped figure in yellow encasing  First member school: UST, FEU, CEU,
microscope in black and the letters PASMETH SJDEFI, PWU, MMC
 First set of officers: –President: Dr.
across the microscope green. Beneath the
microscope is the year 1970. Gustavo Reyes (UST)–Vice Presiedent:
Dr. Serafin Juliano (FEU)–
Circle – represents the continuity of learning Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Velia Trinidad
and the never-ending quest for excellence in the (CEU)–Press Release Officer: Dr.
academic field. Faustino Sunico (SJDEFI)
 PASMETH was formally registered
Diamond – the four corners represent the four
October 6, 1989 chaired by Mr.
objectives of the association:
Cirilo S. Cajucom (Committee on
 To encourage a thorough study of the Legislation) with the help of Atty. Dexter
needs and problems of Medical Bihis (Legal counsel)
Technology and Public Health education
and to offer solutions to them.
 To work for the continuous development
of medical technology and public health
education in order that the profession
will be maximum service to the country.
 To take a united stand on matters which
affect the interests of medical
technology and public health education.
 To seek the advice, aid, and assistance
from any government or private entity
for the fulfillment of the association’s
aims and purposes.

• Professional organizations are

assemblages of professionals within
a particular specialization or career
field that come together for the
purpose of collaboration, networking,
and professional development or
• The benefits of joining professional
organizations are professionalism,
perks, education, networking, profile,
and recognition.

The three types of professional

organizations according to function

1. Accrediting organizations
2. 2. Credentialing or certifying
3. Professional societies
PHISMETH • PAMET is the accredited professional
organization for Registered Medical
Technologist in the Philippines.
• PASMETH is the national organization of
3 Circles – symbolizes the continuous active all accredited schools of Medical
involvement of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao in Technology and Public Health.
the national transforming venue of medical • PHISMETH is the national organization
laboratory science students. of students of Medical Technology and
is under the supervision of PASMETH.
Laurel – symbolizes nature and the continuation
of life every year.

Green Letters – represent the color of health.

5 Bubbles from Test Tube – represent the 5

objectives embodied in the constitution of the
15 Interconnected Molecules Outside a Test
Tube – signify the unity of the 15 board schools
exploring various possibilities and aiming
towards the integral growth and holistic
development of medical laboratory science
Microscope – represents medical laboratory

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