SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix Assignment
SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix Assignment
SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix Assignment
Company Vision:
Become the best business of a boarding house provider, which prioritizes satisfactory service
and comfort for the residents of the boarding house.
Company Mission:
1. Implement strategic promotional measures to introduce the company to
2. Provide a comfortable and safe boarding house occupant place.
3. Providing the best service to the residents of the boarding house
4. Always committed to maintaining the trust of boarding house residents.
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Many competitors provide 1. Land prices are expensive due to
cheaper even though the its strategic location
facilities are not complete. 2. The cost is quite expensive
2. The emergence of other according to the quality
public facilities that provide 3. It takes time to get a return on
free wi-fi investment
3. The existence of competitors 4. It is difficult to face tenants who
who compete unfairly like to pay for boarding houses
4. More boarding houses are late
being built closer to campus
and other public facilities
Opportunities SO Strategy WO Strategy
1. Not all boarding houses 1. The rental price is adjusted 1. The rental price should be
provide wi-fi so that it to student standards because adjusted to the ability of the
can support tenant the location is close to student
satisfaction campus. 2. The owner must always be
2. Not all boarding houses 2. Because the boarding house friendly because otherwise it
provide wi-fi so that it has good maintenance will cause the purchasing power
can support tenant causing the purchasing of the tenant to decrease
satisfaction power of tenants to be high 3. Boarding house owners must
3. A strategic place because 3. Can provide job always provide innovations so
it is easy to travel for opportunities for others with that their business survives and
work, school, college great benefits even develops.
and other activities.
4. Wi-fi, it makes it easier
for students to find
references from the
internet easily.
Threats ST Strategy WT Strategy
1. There are many 1. The rental price must be 1. Must check the damaged goods
competitors by providing adjusted to the facilities or equipment and the durability
cheaper boarding houses received by the tenant even of the goods every day while
even though the facilities though it requires more studying the cost of maintenance
are not complete. capital and repairs, in order to
2. The emergence of other 2. Because of its easy determine the exact rental price.
public facilities that marketing, the boarding 2. The owner of the boarding
provide free wi-fi house business is in great house must always be friendly
3. The existence of demand by the public, so that the tenants of the
competitors who therefore you must be good boarding house do not move to
compete unfairly at using marketing, for another boarding house, besides
4. More boarding houses example by promoting that the owner of the boarding
are being built closer to through advertisements and house must always do
campus and other public social media platforms promotions.
facilities 3. The owner of the boarding 3. The owner of the boarding
house must carry out detailed house must create a boarding
supervision so that the cost is house rule for the tenant so that
not misused by the tenant the cost is not used incorrectly