Regarding INR Log

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LATEST LATEST Response Response

Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

INR - Pre-condition Survey report and photos (Inspection Date:

1 A Survey C823-3-INR-OTH-001 APPROVED 9 00 20-Sep-21 21-Sep-21 N/A C 1 22-Sep-21 23-Sep-21
21/09/21 -

00 B Survey Pre-condition Survey Report & Photos C823-3-INR-CIV-0001 APPROVED 9 00 22-Sep-21 23-Sep-21 N/A B

INR -Inspection for Completion of Contractor's Offices. (Time:

1 A Office C823-3-INR-CIV-0002 APPROVED 9 00 4-Oct-21 7-Oct-21 N/A B 1 16-Jan-23 17-Jan-23
9:00 AM).
00 B Office Inspection for Pantry Equipment and Cutleries. C823-3-INR-OTH-003 00 11-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 N/A B
00 B Office Inspection for Broadband Satellite Internet Connection. C823-3-INR-OTH-002 00 11-Oct-21 13-Oct-21 N/A B
1 B Inspection for Installed Temporary Fence. C823-3-INR-CIV-0003 FENCE 00 24-Oct-21 26-Oct-21 N/A C 1 27-Oct-21 30-Oct-21

00 A Survey Inspection for setting out of Bench Marks C823-3-INR-CIV-0004 APPROVED 9 00 4-Jan-22 4-Jan-22 N/A A

Inspection for Completion of Engineer's Offieces Excluding and design and

1 B Office C823-3-INR-OTH-004 00 26-Oct-21 30-Oct-02 N/A C 1 29-Dec-21 3-Jan-22
IT Requirements drawings

Inspection for supplied and installed IT Requirements in IT

1 B Office C823-3-INR-OTH-005 00 6-Feb-22 7-Feb-22 N/A D 1 13-Feb-22 15-Feb-22
Engineer's office. requirements
Inspection for Furniture in Engineer's Office Excluding IT Regarding
2 A Office C823-3-INR-OTH-006 00 22-Nov-21 24-Nov-21 N/A D 1 29-Dec-21 3-Jan-22
Requirements Furnituers

B Trial Pit without survey

1 Inspection for Setting out of Trial Pit Piror to Borehole Drilling C823-3-INR-CIV-0005 8 00 29-Nov-21 30-Nov-21 C823-3-K&A-CON-NCR-001 D 1 13-Jan-22 16-Jan-22

B Trial Pit without survey

1 Inspection for Completion of Trial Pit Piror to Borehole Drilling C823-3-INR-CIV-0006 8 00 29-Nov-21 30-Nov-21 C823-3-K&A-CON-NCR-001 D 1 13-Jan-22 16-Jan-22

3 A Excavation Inspection for 1st stage of Excavation of pumping station, C823-3-INR-CIV-0007 APPROVED 9 00 13-Jan-22 16-Jan-22 C 1 22-Jan-22 23-Jan-22

1 A Boreholes Inspection of boreholes prior to removing piezometer C823-3-INR-CIV-0008 APPROVED 9 00 29-Dec-21 2-Jan-22 B 1 27-Feb-22 1-Mar-22

approved title
00 B Boreholes Inspection for setting out of boreholes. C823-3-INR-CIV-0009 block with 00 16-Jan-22 18-Jan-22 B
approved title
B Trees block with
00 Inspection for setting out of trees to relocate C823-3-INR-CIV-0010 00 16-Jan-22 18-Jan-22 B
DWG with tree
B Office schematic
1 Inspection for Fire Alarm System Testing &Commissioning C823-3-INR-OTH-007 00 18-Jan-22 19-Jan-22 N/A B 1 5-Feb-22
B Survey between
00 Inspection for witnessing survey of Excavated materials. C823-3-INR-CIV-0011 00 22-Jan-22 23-Jan-22 B
contractor and
00 A Trial Pit Inspection for setting out of trial pits C823-3-INR-CIV-0012 APPROVED 9 00 29-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 A

Protection of
B Trial Pit pipes &
00 Inspection for completed trial pit. C823-3-INR-CIV-0013 00 29-Jan-22 30-Jan-22 B
damages to

A Boreholes Inspection for setting out of boreholes

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0014 APPROVED 9 00 31-Jan-22 1-Feb-22 A

1 A Site Clearance Inspection for demolition, removal and disposal of natural and C823-3-INR-CIV-0015 APPROVED 9 00 27-Jan-22 29-Jan-22 B 1 2-Mar-22 5-Mar-22
artificial articles.

Crossover C823-3-INR-CIV-0016/Inspection for setting out of Crossover

00 A C823-3-INR-CIV-0016 APPROVED 9 00 31-Jan-22 1-Feb-22 A
valve chamber valve chamber.

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.
1 A Trees Inspection for Relocated tree. C823-3-INR-CIV-0017 00 1-Feb-22 2-Feb-22 B 1 27-Feb-22 1-Mar-22
B Geophysical survey Separate INR
1 Inspection for commencement of Geophysical survey. C823-3-INR-CIV-0018 00 1-Feb-22 2-Feb-22 D 1 23-Feb-22 23-Feb-22
for other lines

A Office Inspection for Construction of parking areas foe the engineer -

2 C823-3-INR-OTH-008 APPROVED 9 00 20-Feb-22 20-Feb-22 B 1 18-May-22 21-May-22
17 Slots

00 B Survey C823-3-INR-CIV-0019 10 00 20-Feb-22 22-Feb-22 B

Inspection for recreation of Benchmarks and establishments

2 B Dewatering Inspection for establishment of dewatering equipment on site C823-3-INR-CIV-0020 dewatering 00 21-Feb-22 22-Feb-22 D 1 4-Jun-22 7-Jun-22

B Excavation Inspection for 2nd stage of Excavation of pumping station, (2-

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0021 Scope of Work 00 21-Feb-22 23-Feb-22 B
meter depth )

A Excavation Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix Grade C30 N/mm2 SRC
2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0022 APPROVED 9 00 12-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 D 1 14-Mar-22 16-Mar-22
(Mixcode : QCS302SG)

A Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix Grade C25 N/mm2 SRC

Plant trial - Concrete
2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0023 APPROVED 9 00 12-Mar-22 14-Mar-22 D 1 14-Mar-22 16-Mar-22
(Mixcode : QCS2520L)

00 A Office Inspection for meeting room table with 25 chairs C823-3-INR-OTH-009 APPROVED 9 00 2-Feb-22 5-Mar-22 A

A Office Inspection for Overhead Projector with computer & white

00 C823-3-INR-OTH-010 APPROVED 9 00 2-Feb-22 5-Mar-22 A
Screen in meeting room

A Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 OPC

Plant trial - Concrete
1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0024 APPROVED 9 00 15-Mar-22 17-Mar-22 B 1 20-Apr-22
10mm M.S.A ( Mixcode :KL2510OG)
Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 50 N/mm2 OPC+ 50%
1 A Plant trial - Concrete C823-3-INR-CIV-0025 APPROVED 9 00 15-Mar-22 17-Mar-22 B 1 20-Apr-22
GGBS+5% MS ( Mixcode :NVY502SG

A Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+

Plant trial - Concrete
1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0026 APPROVED 9 00 16-Mar-22 19-Mar-22 B 1 24-Apr-22 26-Apr-22
50% GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :AJC602GM)

B Formation Level Inspection for side slope and Formation level Existing tress &
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0027 00 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 B

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0028 APPROVED 9 00 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 B 1 24-Apr-22 26-Apr-22
test of trial mix C30 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: QCS302SG)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0029 APPROVED 9 00 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 B 1 24-Apr-22 26-Apr-22
test of trial mix C25 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: QCS2520L)

00 A Survey Inspection for Provision of Surveying equipment C823-3-INR-OTH-011 APPROVED 9 00 21-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 A

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0030 APPROVED 9 00 22-Mar-22 23-Mar-22 B 1 28-Apr-22 28-Apr-22
test of trial mix C25 N/mm2 OPC (Mixcode: KL2510OG)

Inspection for witnessing 7th day cube compressive strength

1 A Witnessing test of trial mix C50 N/mm2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0031 APPROVED 9 00 22-Mar-22 23-Mar-22 B 1 28-Apr-22 28-Apr-22
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG)

00 A Office Inspection for Provision of GPS Digital Camera- 4 numbers C823-3-INR-OTH-012 APPROVED 9 00 22-Mar-22 22-Mar-22 A

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

A Witnessing test of trial mix C60 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+6%MS (Mix
1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0032 APPROVED 9 00 23-Mar-22 26-Mar-22 B 1 28-Apr-22 28-Apr-22
code: AJC602GM)

B Excavation Inspection for setting out for excavation.

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0033 10 00 24-Mar-22 26-Mar-22 B

Accuracy &
B Excavation Correction of
1 Inspection for side slope and level - currently excatated area C823-3-INR-CIV-0034 00 25-Mar-22 26-Mar-22 D 1 28-Mar-22 28-Mar-22

Location &
1 B trial trench Inspection for setting out of trial trenches. C823-3-INR-CIV-0035 cordination of 00 29-Mar-22 30-Mar-22 D 1 7-Nov-22 8-Nov-22

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0036 APPROVED 9 00 10-Apr-22 13-Apr-22 B 1 5-May-22 7-May-22
test of trial mix C30 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: QCS302SG)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0037 APPROVED 9 00 10-Apr-22 13-Apr-22 B 1 5-May-22 7-May-22
test of trial mix C25 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: QCS2520L)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0038 APPROVED 9 00 11-Apr-22 14-Apr-22 B 1 5-May-22 7-May-22
test of trial mix C25 N/mm2 OPC (Mixcode: KL2510OG)

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

1 A Witnessing test & durability tests of trial mix C50 N/mm2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0039 APPROVED 9 00 11-Apr-22 14-Apr-22 B 1 5-May-22 7-May-22
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS  (Mix code: NVY502SG)

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

1 A Witnessing test & durability test of trial mix C60 N/mm2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0040 APPROVED 9 00 13-Apr-22 14-Apr-22 B 1 5-May-22 7-May-22
OPC+50%GGBS+6%MS (Mix code: AJC602GM)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day Durability tests of trial mix

2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0041 APPROVED 9 00 16-Apr-22 19-Apr-22 B 1 1-Jan-23 4-Jan-23
C50 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day Durability test of trial mix

2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0042 APPROVED 9 00 17-Apr-22 21-Apr-22 B 1 1-Jan-23 4-Jan-23
C60 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+6%MS (Mix code: AJC602GM)

B Deep Well Inspection for Marking, Survey & setting out of Deep well
1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0043 S 3 00 1-May-22 11-May-22 D 1 8-May-22
Locations (18 numbers).

B Deep Well Inspection for drilling of deep wells (18 numbers)& Installation
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0044 Hydroserv S 00 14-May-22 15-May-22 B
of Pipe casing & Sump Pump.

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 56 th day Durability tests of trial mix

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0045 APPROVED 9 00 15-May-22 19-May-22 B 1 4-Jan-23 5-Jan-23
C50 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG)

A Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 56 th day Durability test of trial mix

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0046 APPROVED 9 00 15-May-22 19-May-22 B 1 1-Dec-23 3-Jan-23
C60 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+6%MS (Mix code: AJC602GM)

00 A Road Crossing Inspection for Setting out of the road crossing excavation prior C823-3-INR-CIV-0047 APPROVED 9 00 16-May-22 17-May-22 A
to cutting the existing pavement.
00 B Dewatering Inspection for Setting out of the Dewatering lines & Discharge C823-3-INR-CIV-0048
00 17-May-22 19-May-22 B
location – Dewatering Works. SURVEY

1 A Formation Level Inspection for formation level after excavation & visual C823-3-INR-CIV-0049 APPROVED 9 00 19-May-22 22-May-22 D 1 23-May-22 24-May-22
Inspection. (stage 2)

A TDP Inspection for Traffic diversion establishment at road crossing

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0050 APPROVED 9 00 21-May-22 23-May-22 B 1 25-May-22 26-May-22
work ( stage 2)

00 B Access Road Inspection for Temporary access roads to C823-3-INR-CIV-0051 Design mix 00 21-May-22 23-May-22 B
pump station

Inspection for Setting out of the road crossing excavation prior

00 A Road Crossing to cutting the existing pavement C823-3-INR-CIV-0052 APPROVED 9 00 22-May-22 24-May-22 A
( Stage 1 )

A TDP Inspection for Traffic diversion establishment at road crossing

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0053 APPROVED 9 00 23-May-22 24-May-22 A
work ( stage 1)

00 A Formation Level Inspection for formation level after excavation & visual C823-3-INR-CIV-0054 APPROVED 9 00 23-May-22 25-May-22 A
Inspection. (stage 1)

00 B Dewatering Inspection for Installation of Sediment Tank, Booster Pump, C823-3-INR-CIV-0055 10 00 24-May-22 28-May-22 B
Flow meter.

00 A Road Crossing Inspection for Laying of HDPE pipe at Road crossing area. C823-3-INR-CIV-0056 APPROVED 9 00 24-May-22 28-May-22 A

Page 3 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

00 B Dewatering Inspection for reinforcement, formwork along with concrete C823-3-INR-CIV-0057

00 25-May-22 28-May-22 B
surround of HDPE pipe. Curing
00 B Dewatering Final Inspection for Pipe Laying for The Complete Dewatering C823-3-INR-CIV-0058 inspection ad 00 30-May-22 6-Jun-22 B
Network from The Dewatering Well to The Lagoon

00 A Dewatering Inspection for Protection of HDPE pipes using Polythene sheets C823-3-INR-CIV-0059 APPROVED 9 00 5-Jun-22 6-Jun-22 A
(To close the NCR No: QQDR-22-C2021-055-NCR-001 ).

Inspection for pumping Test- Background Monitoring,

1 B Dewatering Constant Discharge Test, Recovery Test & Pumping test C823-3-INR-CIV-0060 TEST REPORT 6 00 6-Jun-22 13-Jun-22 D 1 21-Jun-22 22-Jun-22
Result Calculations

A Trial Pit Inspection for setting out 3 of Trial Pits for exposing
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0061 APPROVED 9 00 20-Jun-22 22-Jun-22 A
2 GRP Pipe (500 mm Dia )

B Trial Pit Setting Out

00 Inspection for completed 3 trial pit (Identifying existing services C823-3-INR-CIV-0062 00 20-Jun-22 25-Jun-22 B
and data collection) for exposed 2 GRP pipes

Inspection for Setting out of the Shoring

B Shoring Relocation of
00 Piles ( Pile Nos 1-17,22-29,32-35,37-64,66-76,80-85,88-95 ) C823-3-INR-CIV-0063 00 5-Jul-22 7-Jul-22 B
Deep well
Total 82 out of 95 No:s
00 B Projet sign baordInspection for formwork, alignment, verticality and other C823-3-INR-CIV-0064 approval & 00 7-Jul-22 7-Jul-22 B
embedment of Project sign board foundations- 4 nos

00 B Projet sign baordInspection for concreting with grade C30 N/mm2 SRC for C823-3-INR-CIV-0065
Curing &
00 6-Jul-22 13-Jul-22 B
Project sign board foundation- 4 Nos Formwork

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring Piles ( Pile Nos 35 and
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0066 S 3 00 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 B
38 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages,spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0067 S 3 00 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 35 and 38
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0068 4 00 12-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 B
35 and 38

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of Project sign board concrete C30 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: C823-3-INR-CIV-0069 10 00 13-Jul-22 14-Jul-22 B

00 A Projet sign baordInspection for setting out of Project sign board foundation (level C823-3-INR-CIV-0070 10 00 13-Jul-22 17-Jun-22 A
and alignments)- Type 3 at Location 2

00 A Projet sign baordInspection for Installation of Project sign board foundation - C823-3-INR-CIV-0071 10 00 14-Jul-22 17-Jun-22 A
Type 3 at Location 2

2 A Projet sign baordInspection for Installation of Project sign board - Type 3 at C823-3-INR-CIV-0072 10 00 14-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 D 1 28-Jul-22 30-Jul-22
Location 2

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0073 S 3 00 14-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 42 and 45 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages,spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0074 S 3 00 14-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 42 and 45

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0075 S 3 00 14-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 B
42 and 45

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0076 S 3 00 16-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 34,40 and 46 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages,spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0077 S 3 00 16-Jul-22 19-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 34, 40 and 46

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0078 S 3 00 16-Jul-22 21-Jul-22 B
34,40 and 46

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0079 S 3 00 17-Jul-22 20-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 43,47 and 49 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages,spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0080 S 3 00 17-Jul-22 20-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 43, 47 and 49

Page 4 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2 S & TEST

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0081 4 00 17-Jul-22 20-Jul-22 B
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos REPORT
43,47 and 49

A Shoring Inspection for Setting out of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0082 10 00 17-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 A
Piles ( Pile Nos 30,31,36 & 65)

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0083 S 3 00 18-Jul-22 21-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 36,39 and 41 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0084 S 3 00 18-Jul-22 21-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 36, 39 and 41

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0085 S 3 00 18-Jul-22 21-Jul-22 B
36,39 and 41

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0086 S 3 00 19-Jul-22 23-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 46,48 and 50 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0087 S 3 00 19-Jul-22 23-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 46,48,50

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0088 S 3 00 19-Jul-22 23-Jul-22 B

01 A Projet sign baordInspection for setting out of Project sign board foundation (level C823-3-INR-CIV-0089 Approved 9 00 19-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B 01 24-Oct-22 26-Oct-22
and alignments)- Type 2 at Location 1

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0090 S 3 00 20-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 37,44,51 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0091 S 3 00 20-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 37,44,51
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0092 4 00 20-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
01 test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0093 2 00 20-Jul-22 B 01 2-Jan-23 4-Jan-23

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0094 S 3 00 21-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 52,54,56,58 )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0095 S 3 00 21-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 52,54,56,58

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0096 4 00 21-Jul-22 25-Jul-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

01 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0097 M 1 00 21-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B 01 2-Jan-23 4-Jan-23

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

01 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0098 M 1 00 23-Jul-22 24-Jul-22 B 01 2-Jan-23 4-Jan-23

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0099 S 3 00 23-Jul-22 26-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 60,62)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0100 S 3 00 23-Jul-22 26-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 60,62
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0101 4 00 23-Jul-22 26-Jul-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0102 TEST REPORT 6 00 24-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0103 S 3 00 24-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 D 1 28-Jul-22 31-Jul-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 51,53,57,64)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0104 S 3 00 24-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 D 1 28-Jul-22 31-Jul-22
installation at Pile Nos 51,53,57,64

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0105 4 00 24-Jul-22 26-Jul-22 D 1 28-Jul-22 31-Jul-22

Page 5 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0106 2 00 25-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 B

1 A Projet sign baordInspection for Installation of Project sign board foundation - C823-3-INR-CIV-0107 10 00 25-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 B 1 24-Oct-22 26-Oct-22
Type 2 at Location 1

1 A Projet sign baordInspection for Installation of Project sign board - Type 2 at C823-3-INR-CIV-0108 10 00 25-Jul-22 27-Jul-22 B 1 24-Oct-22 26-Oct-22
Location 1
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0109 2 00 26-Jul-22 28-Jul-22 B

Description of the Work to be Inspected:

Inspection for witnessing
B Witnessing 1. Tensile Test
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0110 TEST REPORT 6 00 26-Jul-22 30-Jul-22 B
2. Bend and Rebend Test
3. Chemical Composition
for the steel sample collected with C823-3-MTIN-CIV-004-00

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0111 2 00 27-Jul-22 30-Jul-22 B
test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code REPORT

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0112 2 00 28-Jul-22 31-Jul-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0113 S 3 00 28-Jul-22 1-Aug-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 59,61,65,52)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0114 S 3 00 28-Jul-22 1-Aug-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 59,61,65,52

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0115 4 00 28-Jul-22 1-Aug-22 B

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0116 2 00 30-Jul-22 1-Aug-22 B
test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code REPORT

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0117 S 3 00 30-Jul-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 51,53)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0118 S 3 00 30-Jul-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 51,53

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0119 4 00 30-Jul-22 B
B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring REPORT &
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0120 11 00 31-Jul-22 3-Aug-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 28,30,32) PILING

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0121 S 3 00 31-Jul-22 3-Aug-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 28,30,32

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring REPORT &
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0122 5 00 31-Jul-22 3-Aug-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0123 10 00 1-Aug-22 3-Aug-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 18,19,20,21,77,78,79)

B Shoring REPORT &
00 Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring C823-3-INR-CIV-0124 11 00 1-Aug-22 3-Aug-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 67,69,71)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0125 S 3 00 1-Aug-22 3-Aug-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 67,69,71

Page 6 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring REPORT &
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0126 5 00 1-Aug-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0127 S 3 00 1-Aug-22 6-Aug-22 D 1 6-Aug-22 10-Aug-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 29,31,52)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

2 C823-3-INR-CIV-0128 S 3 00 1-Aug-22 6-Aug-22 D 1 6-Aug-22 10-Aug-22
installation at Pile Nos 29,31,52

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0129 4 00 1-Aug-22 6-Aug-22 D 1 6-Aug-22 10-Aug-22

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0130 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Aug-22 B

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0131 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Aug-22 B
test of trial mix C30 N/mm2 SRC (Mixcode: QCS302SG)

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0132 TEST REPORT 6 00 4-Aug-22 8-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0133 TEST REPORT 6 00 6-Aug-22 8-Aug-22 B

00 B Dewatering Inspection for Protection of HDPE pipes using Polythene sheets C823-3-INR-CIV-0134 10 00 6-Aug-22 8-Aug-22 B
(To close the NCR No: C823-3-K&A-CON-NCR-006).

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of trial mix C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0135 TEST REPORT 6 00 7-Aug-22 8-Aug-22 B

00 B CCTV Inspection for Provision and installation of CCTV System. C823-3-INR-OTH-013 10 00 8-Aug-22 11-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0136 TEST REPORT 6 00 8-Aug-22 10-Aug-22 B

Description of the Work to be Inspected:

Inspection for witnessing
00 B Witnessing 1. Tensile Test C823-3-INR-CIV-0137 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Aug-22 13-Aug-22 B
2. Bend and Rebend Test
for the steel sample collected with C823-3-MTIN-CIV-009-00

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0138 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Aug-22 11-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0139 TEST REPORT 6 00 11-Aug-22 13-Aug-22 B

00 B Site Radio Inspection for the Provision of Site Radios 2 Numbers C823-3-INR-OTH-014 Final testing 00 14-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0140 TEST REPORT 6 00 14-Aug-22 15-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0141 TEST REPORT 6 00 14-Aug-22 15-Aug-22 B

Page 7 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0142 TEST REPORT 6 00 15-Aug-22 B
test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0143 TEST REPORT 6 00 16-Aug-22 17-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0144 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0145 S 3 00 17-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 D 1 27-Aug-22 28-Aug-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 31)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0146 S 3 00 17-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 D 1 27-Aug-22 28-Aug-22
installation at Pile Nos 31

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0147 4 00 17-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 D 1 27-Aug-22 28-Aug-22

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0148 S 3 00 17-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 D 1 28-Aug-22 31-Aug-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 29)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0149 S 3 00 17-Aug-22 22-Aug-22 D 1 28-Aug-22 31-Aug-22
installation at Pile Nos 29

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0150 4 00 17-Aug-22 22-Aug-22 D 1 28-Aug-22 31-Aug-22

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0151 TEST REPORT 6 00 18-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0152 TEST REPORT 6 00 20-Aug-22 21-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing

B Witnessing 1. Tensile Test
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0153 TEST REPORT 6 00 22-Aug-22 25-Aug-22 B
2. Bend and Rebend Test
3. Chemical Composition
for the steel sample collected with C823-3-MTIN-CIV-012-00

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0154 TEST REPORT 6 00 22-Aug-22 23-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0155 TEST REPORT 6 00 24-Aug-22 27-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0156 TEST REPORT 6 00 25-Aug-22 27-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0157 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Aug-22 28-Aug-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0158 S 3 00 27-Aug-22 31-Aug-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 68)

Page 8 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0159 S 3 00 28-Aug-22 31-Aug-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 68

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0160 4 00 28-Aug-22 31-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0161 TEST REPORT 6 00 28-Aug-22 29-Aug-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0162 TEST REPORT 6 00 29-Aug-22 30-Aug-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0163 S 3 00 29-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 27,70)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0164 S 3 00 29-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 27,70

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0165 4 00 29-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0166 S 3 00 30-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 77)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0167 S 3 00 30-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 77

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0168 4 00 30-Aug-22 4-Aug-22 D 1 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0169 TEST REPORT 6 00 1-Sep-22 4-Aug-22 B

Inspection for Setting out of the Shoring

B Shoring Piles as per revised shop drawing Pile Nos 21-
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0170 10 00 4-Sep-22 4-Aug-22 B
(Attached References: C823-3-INR-CIV-063, 082,0123)

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0171 TEST REPORT 6 00 4-Sep-22 5-Sep-22 B

B Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+

Plant trial - Concrete
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0172 TEST REPORT 6 00 5-Sep-22 7-Sep-22 B
50% GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QB60GMS20)for alternate
supplier Qatar Beton

B Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 30 N/mm2 SRC

Plant trial - Concrete
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0173 TEST REPORT 6 00 5-Sep-22 7-Sep-22 B
( Mixcode :QB30SRC20)for alternate supplier Qatar Beton

B Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 SRC

Plant trial - Concrete
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0174 TEST REPORT 6 00 5-Sep-22 7-Sep-22 B
( Mixcode :QB25SRC20)for alternate supplier Qatar Beton

B Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 50 N/mm2 OPC+

Plant trial - Concrete
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0175 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Sep-22 12-Sep-22 B
50% GGBS+5% MS ( Mixcode : QB50GMS20)for alternate
supplier Qatar Beton

Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 OPC

00 B 10mm M.S.A ( Mixcode : QB25OPC10 )for alternate supplier
Plant trial - Concrete C823-3-INR-CIV-0176 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Sep-22 12-Sep-22 B
Qatar Beton

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0177 S 3 00 5-Sep-22 8-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 77)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0178 S 3 00 5-Sep-22 8-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 77
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0179 4 00 5-Sep-22 8-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0180 S 3 00 5-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 D 1 11-Sep-22 12-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 20)

Page 9 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

1 C823-3-INR-CIV-0181 S 3 00 5-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 D 1 11-Sep-22 12-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 20

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
1 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0182 4 00 5-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 D 1 11-Sep-22 12-Sep-22

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring S & TEST

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0183 4 00 7-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 63) REPORT

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0184 S 3 00 7-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 63

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0185 S 3 00 7-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing S & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0186 4 00 8-Sep-22 10-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0187 S 3 00 10-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 D 01 15-Sep-22 17-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 44)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0188 S 3 00 10-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 D 01 15-Sep-22 17-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 44

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0189 4 00 10-Sep-22 14-Sep-22 D 01 15-Sep-22 17-Sep-22

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0190 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Sep-22 12-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0191 S 3 00 11-Sep-22 9/152022 D 01 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile No. 63. )

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0192 S 3 00 11-Sep-22 9/152022 D 01 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 63.

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS(Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos. C823-3-INR-CIV-0193 4 00 11-Sep-22 9/152022 D 01 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0194 S 3 00 12-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 66)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0195 S 3 00 12-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 66

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0196 4 00 12-Sep-22 17-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength of

00 B Witnessing Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+ 50% C823-3-INR-CIV-0197 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Sep-22 13-Sep-22 B
GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QB60GMS20)

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength of

00 B Witnessing Concrete Trial Mix grade C 30 N/mm2 SRC C823-3-INR-CIV-0198 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Sep-22 13-Sep-22 B
( Mixcode :QB30SRC20)

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength of

00 B Witnessing Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 SRC C823-3-INR-CIV-0199 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Sep-22 13-Sep-22 B
( Mixcode :QB25SRC20)

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0200 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Sep-22 13-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0201 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Sep-22 13-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0202 TEST REPORT 6 00 14-Sep-22 15-Sep-22 B

Page 10 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0203 TEST REPORT 6 00 15-Sep-22 18-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0204 10 00 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 D 01 21-Sep-22 22-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 25)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0205 10 00 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 D 01 21-Sep-22 22-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 25

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0206 4 00 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 D 01 21-Sep-22 22-Sep-22

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0207 S 3 00 17-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 77)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0208 S 3 00 17-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 77

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
02 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0209 4 00 17-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 50 N/mm2 OPC+ 50%
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0210 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Sep-22 19-Sep-22 B
GGBS+5% MS ( Mixcode : QB50GMS20) Alternate Supplier-
Qatar Beton.

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0211 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Sep-22 19-Sep-22 B
for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 OPC 10mm M.S.A
( Mixcode : QB25OPC10 ) – Alternate supplier Qatar Beton..

Inspection for witnessing 56 th day durability tests of DT STR-1

00 B Witnessing (A-P) C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0212 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0213 S 3 00 19-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 33)

00 B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their C823-3-INR-CIV-0214 S 3 00 19-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 33

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0215 4 00 19-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 B

00 B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing Raw material Sampling for Concrete C823-3-INR-CIV-0216 TEST REPORT 6 00 19-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 B
from Al Watania Bu Glaila Plant- Sampling 1

00 B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring C823-3-INR-CIV-0217 S 3 00 20-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 37)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0218 S 3 00 20-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 37
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0219 4 00 20-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0220 10 00 20-Sep-22 21-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0221 S 3 00 21-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 72)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0222 S 3 00 21-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 72

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0223 4 00 21-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0224 TEST REPORT 6 00 21-Sep-22 22-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0225 S 3 00 22-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 23)

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0226 S 3 00 22-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 23
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0227 4 00 22-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B
B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring
02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0228 S 3 00 22-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 74)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0229 S 3 00 22-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 74

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
02 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0230 4 00 22-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0231 TEST REPORT 6 00 22-Sep-22 25-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0232 TEST REPORT 6 00 24-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0233 S 3 00 24-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 24)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

02 C823-3-INR-CIV-0234 S 3 00 24-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22
installation at Pile Nos 24

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
02 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0235 4 00 24-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 D 01 27-Sep-22 29-Sep-22

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0236 TEST REPORT 6 00 25-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0237 TEST REPORT 6 00 25-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0238 TEST REPORT 6 00 26-Sep-22 28-Sep-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0239 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Sep-22 28-Sep-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0240 TEST REPORT 6 00 28-Sep-22 29-Sep-22 B
Description of the Work to be Inspected:
Inspection for witnessing
00 B Witnessing 1. Tensile Test C823-3-INR-CIV-0241 TEST REPORT 6 00 28-Sep-22 2-Oct-22 B
2. Bend and Rebend Test
for the steel sample collected with C823-3-MTIN-CIV-018-00
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0242 TEST REPORT 6 00 29-Sep-22 2-Oct-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 56 th day durability tests of DT STR-2
00 B Witnessing (A-P) C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0243 TEST REPORT 6 00 29-Sep-22 2-Oct-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0244 S 3 00 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 38-51.

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0245 S 3 00 1-Oct-22 3-Oct-22 D 01 4-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 73)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0246 S 3 00 1-Oct-22 3-Oct-22 D 01 4-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 73
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0247 4 00 1-Oct-22 3-Oct-22 D 01 4-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0248 TEST REPORT 6 00 1-Oct-22 3-Oct-22 B
B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring
01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0249 S 3 00 2-Oct-22 6-Oct-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 22)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0250 S 3 00 2-Oct-22 6-Oct-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 22
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0251 4 00 2-Oct-22 6-Oct-22 D 01 6-Oct-22 10-Oct-22

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

01 B Site Trial - Gout Inspection for Cement Grout Trial mix (W/C ratio 0.5 – 0.8) C823-3-INR-CIV-0252 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Oct-22 8-Oct-22 D 01 9-Oct-22 11-Oct-22

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0253 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Oct-22 5-Oct-22 B

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0254 M 1 00 3-Oct-22 6-Oct-22 D 01 19-Jan-23 22-Jan-23
of Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+ 50%
GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QB60GMS20)

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0255 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Oct-22 5-Oct-22 B
of Concrete Trial Mix grade C 30 N/mm2 SRC
( Mixcode :QB30SRC20)

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing of Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 SRC C823-3-INR-CIV-0256 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Oct-22 5-Oct-22 B
( Mixcode :QB25SRC20)

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0257 TEST REPORT 6 00 5-Oct-22 6-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0258 TEST REPORT 6 00 6-Oct-22 9-Oct-22 B

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0259 TEST REPORT 6 00 6-Oct-22 9-Oct-22 B
test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 50 N/mm2 OPC+ 50% C823-3-INR-CIV-0260 TEST REPORT 6 00 8-Oct-22 9-Oct-22 B
GGBS+5% MS, Alternate Supplier- Qatar Beton.
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 25 N/mm2 OPC 10mm M.S.A) - C823-3-INR-CIV-0261 TEST REPORT 6 00 8-Oct-22 9-Oct-22 B
Alternate supplier Qatar Beton.
B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring
01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0262 S 3 00 8-Oct-22 12-Oct-22 D 01 13-Oct-22 16-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 75)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0263 S 3 00 8-Oct-22 12-Oct-22 D 01 13-Oct-22 16-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 75

B Shoring Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2 S & TEST

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0264 4 00 8-Oct-22 12-Oct-22 D 01 13-Oct-22 16-Oct-22
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos REPORT

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0265 TEST REPORT 6 00 11-Oct-22 13-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0266 TEST REPORT 6 00 12-Oct-22 12-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0267 TEST REPORT 6 00 13-Oct-22 16-Oct-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0268 S 3 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 21)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0269 S 3 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 21
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0270 4 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0271 S 3 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 19)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0272 S 3 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
installation at Pile Nos 19
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0273 4 00 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0274 TEST REPORT 6 00 15-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0275 S 3 00 15-Oct-22 19-Oct-22 D 01 19-Oct-22 24-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 76)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0276 S 3 00 15-Oct-22 19-Oct-22 D 01 19-Oct-22 24-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 76
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0277 4 00 15-Oct-22 19-Oct-22 D 01 19-Oct-22 24-Oct-22

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0278 Test Report 6 00 15-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B
for Grout Trial Mixes (1,2,3) in ACES Laboratory (Arab Center
for Engineering Studies)

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0279 S 3 00 16-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 D 01 20-Oct-22 24-Oct-22
Piles ( Pile Nos 18)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0280 S 3 00 16-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 D 01 20-Oct-22 24-Oct-22
installation at Pile Nos 18

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0281 4 00 16-Oct-22 20-Oct-22 D 01 20-Oct-22 24-Oct-22

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0282 TEST REPORT 6 00 16-Oct-22 18-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0283 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Oct-22 18-Oct-22 B

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 90 th day Chloride Migration test of

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0284 TEST REPORT 6 00 20-Oct-22 22-Oct-22 B
DT STR-1 (A-P) C50 N/mm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix
code NVY502SG)

Page 14 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0285 TEST REPORT 6 00 18-Oct-22 19-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0286 TEST REPORT 6 00 18-Oct-22 19-Oct-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0287 TEST REPORT 6 00 19-Oct-22 22-Oct-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0288 TEST REPORT 6 00 20-Oct-22 22-Oct-22 B
Inspection for Setting out of the Shoring
00 B Shoring Piles as per revised Shop Drawing Pile Nos 86 & 87 C823-3-INR-CIV-0289 10 00 20-Oct-22 22-Oct-22 B
(Attached References: C823-3-INR-CIV-063, 082,0123,170)

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0290 S 3 00 23-Oct-22 27-Oct-22 D 01 8-Jan-23 10-Jan-23
Piles ( Pile Nos 78)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0291 S 3 00 23-Oct-22 27-Oct-22 D 01 8-Jan-23 10-Jan-23
installation at Pile Nos 78
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0292 4 00 23-Oct-22 27-Oct-22 D 01 8-Jan-23 10-Jan-23

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0293 S 3 00 26-Oct-22 30-Oct-22 D 01 9-Jan-23 12-Jan-23
Piles ( Pile Nos 17)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0294 S 3 00 26-Oct-22 30-Oct-22 D 01 9-Jan-23 12-Jan-23
installation at Pile Nos 17

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-CIV-0295 4 00 26-Oct-22 30-Oct-22 D 01 9-Jan-23 12-Jan-23
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0296 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Oct-22 30-Oct-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0297 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Oct-22 30-Oct-22 B

B MV Cable Inspection for Underground Utility Survey for locating/finding

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0298 10 00 2-Nov-22 3-Nov-22 B
MV Cable Route
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0299 TEST REPORT 6 00 3-Nov-22 5-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0300 10 00 3-Nov-22 5-Nov-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 52-67

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0301 TEST REPORT 6 00 5-Nov-22 6-Nov-22 B
for Grout Trial Mixes (1,2,3) in ACES Laboratory (Arab Center
for Engineering Studies)

01 B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile 55-65. C823-3-INR-CIV-0302 10 00 6-Nov-22 6-Nov-22 D 01 7-Nov-22 8-Nov-22

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0303 10 00 7-Nov-22 9-Nov-22 B
from Pile 55-65.

B Shoring Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0304 10 00 7-Nov-22 9-Nov-22 B
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping
beam from Pile 55-65.

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0305 TEST REPORT 6 00 8-Nov-22 9-Nov-22 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile 43-55. C823-3-INR-CIV-0306 10 00 10-Nov-22 12-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0307 10 00 10-Nov-22 14-Nov-22 B
from Pile 43-55.

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping C823-3-INR-CIV-0308 10 00 10-Nov-22 14-Nov-22 B
beam from Pile 43-55.

Page 15 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0309 TEST REPORT 6 00 10-Nov-22 13-Nov-22 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive C823-3-INR-CIV-0310 10 00 10-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 36-38

00 B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile 36-43. C823-3-INR-CIV-0311 10 00 14-Nov-22 14-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0312 10 00 14-Nov-22 16-Nov-22 B
from Pile 36-43.
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping C823-3-INR-CIV-0313 TEST REPORT 6 00 14-Nov-22 16-Nov-22 B
beam from Pile 36-43.
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0314 TEST REPORT 6 00 14-Nov-22 16-Nov-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 56 th day durability tests of DT STR-3

00 B Witnessing (A-P) C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0315 TEST REPORT 6 00 15-Nov-22 16-Nov-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0316 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0317 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0318 10 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 28 - 36

01 B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile 28-36. C823-3-INR-CIV-0319 10 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 D 01 20-Nov-22 21-Nov-22

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

01 C823-3-INR-CIV-0320 S 3 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 D 01 20-Nov-22 21-Nov-22
from Pile 28 – 36.
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
01 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping C823-3-INR-STR-0001 TEST REPORT 6 00 17-Nov-22 19-Nov-22 D 01 20-Nov-22 23-Nov-22
beam from Pile 28-36.
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0321 TEST REPORT 6 00 20-Nov-22 23-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0002 S 3 00 23-Nov-22 23-Nov-22 B
from Pile 66-75.
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping C823-3-INR-STR-0003 TEST REPORT 6 00 23-Nov-22 24-Nov-22 B
beam from Pile 66-75.
B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive PILE RECORD 12
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0322 00 23-Nov-22 24-Nov-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 66 - 75

B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0323 10 00 23-Nov-22 24-Nov-22 B
66 - 75.

B NCR Inspection for Storage of Steel reinforcement material (To close

00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0324 10 00 27-Nov-22 26-Nov-22 B
the NCR No: C823-3-K&A-CON-NCR-0007-Rev. 0 ).

00 B Shoring Inspection for Preparation of Pile head by Chipping to receive C823-3-INR-CIV-0325 S 3 00 27-Nov-22 29-Nov-22 B
capping beam concrete from Pile 21-28

00 B Shoring Inspection for Setting out of Capping beam from Pile 21-28. C823-3-INR-CIV-0326 10 00 27-Nov-22 27-Nov-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0327 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Nov-22 29-Nov-22 B

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement & formwork of Capping beam

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0004 S 3 00 27-Nov-22 29-Nov-22 B
from Pile 21-28.

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

00 B Shoring OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) of Capping C823-3-INR-STR-0005 TEST REPORT 6 00 27-Nov-22 29-Nov-22 B
beam from Pile 21-28.

1. Tensile Test
B Witnessing 2. Bend and Rebend Test
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0328 TEST REPORT 6 00 29-Nov-22 1-Dec-22 B
3. Chemical Properties
for the steel sample collected with C823-3-MTIN-CIV-026-00

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 B Witnessing test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0329 TEST REPORT 6 00 30-Nov-22 1-Dec-22 B

Page 16 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

A Excavation Inspection for the Bottom Level and Side slope SURVEY 7
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0330 00 4-Dec-22 5-Dec-22 A
of Excavation of pumping station up to level 14.80 REPORT

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0331 2 00 4-Dec-22 6-Dec-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0332 2 00 4-Dec-22 7-Dec-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0333 2 00 8-Dec-22 10-Dec-22 B
Inspection for Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+
B Plant trial - Concrete M & TEST
00 50% GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QBGM450) for Alternate C823-3-INR-CIV-0334 2 00 10-Dec-22 11-Dec-22 B
supplier- Qatar Beton
Inspection for witnessing 56 th day durability tests of STR-DT-4
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 (A-P) C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0335 2 00 12-Dec-22 14-Dec-22 B
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0336 2 00 13-Dec-22 14-Dec-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing test of Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+ 50% M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0337 2 00 17-Dec-22 19-Dec-22 B
GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QBGM450) for Alternate supplier- REPORT
Qatar Beton

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0338 2 00 19-Dec-22 20-Dec-22 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

B Shoring test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0339 2 00 21-Dec-22 22-Dec-22 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the capping beam from pile 66- REPORT

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

B Shoring test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0340 2 00 25-Dec-22 27-Dec-22 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the capping beam from pile 21- REPORT

B Witnessing Inspection for witnessing Concrete Trial Mix of Shotcrete C M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0341 2 00 25-Dec-22 27-Dec-22 B
30/10 N/mm2 SRC (SHOTCRETE - wet mix) REPORT

Inspection for witnessing 7 th Day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test for Concrete Trial Mix of Shotcrete C 30/10 N/mm2 SRC C823-3-INR-CIV-0342 2 00 1-Jan-23 3-Jan-23 B
(SHOTCRETE - wet mix)

Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test of Concrete Trial Mix grade C 60/20 N/mm2 OPC+ 50% C823-3-INR-CIV-0343 2 00 7-Jan-23 10-Jan-23 B
GGBS+6% MS ( Mixcode :QBGM450) for Alternate supplier-
Qatar Beton

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-STR-0006 S 3 00 10-Jan-23 14-Jan-23 D 01 17-Jan-23 19-Jan-23
Piles ( Pile Nos 80)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-STR-0007 S 3 00 10-Jan-23 14-Jan-23 D 01 17-Jan-23 19-Jan-23
installation at Pile Nos 80

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0008 4 00 10-Jan-23 14-Jan-23 D 01 17-Jan-23 19-Jan-23

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

01 C823-3-INR-STR-0009 S 3 00 12-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 D 01 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23
Piles ( Pile Nos 15)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

01 C823-3-INR-STR-0010 S 3 00 12-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 D 01 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23
installation at Pile Nos 15

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
01 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0011 4 00 12-Jan-23 16-Jan-23 D 01 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23

Page 17 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0344 2 00 15-Jan-23 17-Jan-23 B
test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code REPORT
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 78

B Shoring Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0345 2 00 17-Jan-23 19-Jan-23 B
test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code REPORT
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 17

00 B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring C823-3-INR-STR-0012 S 3 00 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 82)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0013 S 3 00 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 82

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0014 4 00 18-Jan-23 21-Jan-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0015 S 3 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 79)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0016 S 3 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 79

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0017 4 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0018 S 3 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 13)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0019 S 3 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 13

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0020 4 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Inspection for Concrete pouring behind Capping Beam C25
01 B Capping beam N/mm2 SRC (MIX CODE: QCS2520L) from capping beam No: C823-3-INR-STR-0021 TEST REPORT 6 00 19-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 A 01 29-Jan-23 30-Jan-23

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0022 S 3 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 16)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0023 S 3 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 16

B Shoring Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2 S & TEST

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0024 4 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B
OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos REPORT

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0025 S 3 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 83)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0026 S 3 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 83

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0027 4 00 21-Jan-23 25-Jan-23 B

Inspection for witnessing 28 th Day cube compressive strength

B Witnessing M & TEST
00 test for Concrete Trial Mix of Shotcrete C 30/10 N/mm2 SRC C823-3-INR-CIV-0346 2 00 22-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
(SHOTCRETE - wet mix)

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0028 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 11)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0029 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 11

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0030 4 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0031 S 3 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 14)

Page 18 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0032 S 3 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 14

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0033 4 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0034 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 81)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0035 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 81

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0036 4 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0037 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 86)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0038 S 3 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 86

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0039 4 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B

00 B Capping beam Inspection for Concrete pouring behind Capping Beam C20 C823-3-INR-STR-0040 TEST REPORT 6 00 23-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
N/mm2 SRC from capping beam No: 51-69

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0347 2 00 24-Jan-23 24-Jan-23 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 80

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0348 2 00 25-Jan-23 28-Jan-23 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 15 & 82

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0041 S 3 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 84)

00 B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their C823-3-INR-STR-0042 S 3 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 84
Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2
B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0043 4 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0044 S 3 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 10)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0045 S 3 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 10

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0046 4 00 26-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

ur Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C20 Nmm2 SRC (Mix code: GSC20SRC) cubes casted C823-3-INR-CIV-0349 2 00 28-Jan-23 ur
behind the capping beam from Pile 28-51

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

B Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0350 2 00 28-Jan-23 30-Jan-23 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 13 & 79

B Shoring Inspection for Pile Depth of the Shoring

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0047 S 3 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
Piles ( Pile Nos 12)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0048 S 3 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 12

Inspection for Concrete Pouring C50 N/mm2

B Shoring S & TEST
00 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code: NVY502SG) on Pile Nos C823-3-INR-STR-0049 4 00 28-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength M & TEST
00 C823-3-INR-CIV-0351 2 00 29-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 B
test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code REPORT
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 16 & 83

Page 19 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
B Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C20 Nmm2 SRC (Mix code: GSC20SRC) cubes casted C823-3-INR-CIV-0352 2 00 29-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
behind the capping beam from Pile 51-69
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
B Shoring M & TEST
00 test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0353 2 00 30-Jan-23 1-Feb-23 B
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 11,81 & 86

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 54 & 56 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0050 S 3 00 31-Jan-23 2-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 54 & 56 C823-3-INR-STR-0051 S 3 00 31-Jan-23 2-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 54 & 56 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0052 4 00 31-Jan-23 2-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 48 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0053 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 48 C823-3-INR-STR-0054 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 48 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0055 4 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 52 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0056 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 52 C823-3-INR-STR-0057 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 52 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0058 4 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 58 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0059 10 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 58 C823-3-INR-STR-0060 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 58 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0061 4 00 1-Feb-23 4-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 62 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0062 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring C823-3-INR-STR-0063 S 3 00 1-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 62

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 62 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0064 4 00 1-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

00 B Capping beam Inspection for Concrete pouring behind Capping Beam C20 C823-3-INR-STR-0065 TEST REPORT 6 00 1-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B
N/mm2 SRC from capping beam No: 22-28 and 69-74

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 56 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0066 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 56 C823-3-INR-STR-0067 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 56 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0068 4 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength

00 UR Shoring test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0354 TEST REPORT 6 00 2-Feb-23 UR
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 10 & 84

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchors 56 prior to

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0069 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B
Anchor installation.

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 50 C823-3-INR-STR-0070 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 50 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0071 4 00 2-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

Page 20 of 51
LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 53 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0072 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchors 53 C823-3-INR-STR-0073 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 53 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0074 4 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 60 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0075 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchors on Anchor 60 C823-3-INR-STR-0076 S 3 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 60 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0077 4 00 2-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 66 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0078 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 66 C823-3-INR-STR-0079 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0080 4 00 4-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 B
Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 66 (W/C Ratio -0.5) REPORT

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 64 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0081 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 64 C823-3-INR-STR-0082 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 64 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0083 4 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

UR Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 43 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0084 ? 00 4-Feb-23 UR

00 UR Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 43 C823-3-INR-STR-0085 ? 00 4-Feb-23 UR

00 UR Shoring C823-3-INR-STR-0086 ? 00 4-Feb-23 UR

Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 43 (W/C Ratio -0.5)

B Shoring Inspection for Reinforcement cages, spacers and their

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0087 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B
installation at Pile Nos 46,48,50

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 47 C823-3-INR-STR-0088 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 47 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0089 4 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 68 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0090 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 68 C823-3-INR-STR-0091 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchors 68 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0092 4 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring Inspection for Drilling of Borehole on Anchor 72 prior to Anchor

00 C823-3-INR-STR-0093 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

00 B Shoring Inspection for Installation of Anchor on Anchor 72 C823-3-INR-STR-0094 S 3 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B

B Shoring S & TEST

00 Inspection for Grouting on Anchor 72 (W/C Ratio -0.5) C823-3-INR-STR-0095 4 00 4-Feb-23 6-Feb-23 B
Inspection for witnessing 7 th day cube compressive strength
00 UR Shoring test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0355 ? 00 5-Feb-23 UR
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 12 & 14
Inspection for witnessing 28 th day cube compressive strength
00 UR Shoring test of C50 Nmm2 OPC+50%GGBS+5%MS (Mix code C823-3-INR-CIV-0356 ? 00 5-Feb-23 UR
NVY502SG) cubes casted for the Pile 78



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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

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LATEST LATEST Response Response
Activity Subject Document No. Reason Code Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No.

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

B 2 17-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 A

B 2 19-Feb-22 22-Feb-22 B 3 19-Mar-22 20-Mar-22 A

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

B 2 16-Jan-23 17-Jan-23 A

B 2 30-Oct-22 2-Nov-22 B

B 2 14-Apr-22 16-Apr-22 A

B 2 14-Apr-22 16-Apr-22 A

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

B 2 14-Jan-23 15-Jan-23 A

B 2 14-Jan-23 15-Jan-23 A

B 1 4-Jan-23 5-Jan-23 A

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

B 2 24-Oct-22 26-Oct-22 A

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

D 2 16-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 B

D 2 16-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 B

D 2 16-Aug-22 18-Aug-22 B

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

D 02 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B

D 02 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B

D 02 13-Oct-22 17-Oct-22 B

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

D 02 29-Sep-22 3-Oct-22 B

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date
Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Response Response Response Response
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Date Date Date Date

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Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Rcvd Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Rcvd Date Transmittal No. Status

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Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Rcvd Date Transmittal No. Status Rev. Submit Date Rcvd Date Transmittal No. Status

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1 Shop drawing
2 Test report
3 Shop drawing with test report
4 Material submittal
5 Work partially completed
6 Survey
7 Construction
8 Saftey

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