Feasibility Study Guidelines
Feasibility Study Guidelines
Feasibility Study Guidelines
Prepared by
Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization
Feasibility Study Guidelines
Volume I Main Report
1 Project Overview
Project Summary (short description of the proposed project)
Background: reasons for this project, expected benefits
short description of the tasks and targets of the feasibility study
‐ donor
‐ client
‐ Implementor (responsible organization for planning and implementation
of the power plant (consultant, NGO)
‐ subcontractors (name of the companies or individuals and their scope of
‐ beneficiaries (villages or communities and their representatives)
2 Physical Conditions for Project Development
Summary of Vol. II Geology and geotechnical conditions
Summary of Vol. III Hydrology and sedimentology
Short description of methods used for normal discharge and high flood
Flow duration curve (chart and figures)
Existing road network and accessibility
Existing communication facilities
Existing electrical grid and power supply
Electricity tariffs
Electricity demand in a short, medium and long term view
3 Assessment of Layout Alternatives
Short description of assessment of the layout (technical ‐ social)
optional: comparison of studied alternatives
optional: rejected alternatives and reasons thereof
4 Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Design
Project layout (text complementary to the drawings)
Description of main civil and hydraulic structures in particular
overall hydraulic concept
sediment management
floating debris management
flood protection concept (intake, headrace structures)
penstock: hydraulic dimensioning and static concept
power house and machinery: spatial concept, static concept
5 Design of Mechanical Equipment
Selection of turbines
Selection of generators
Flywheels, transmission, gearings
Lifting device powerhouse (if any)
Volume I 6 Design of Electrical Equipment
Description of the control system and main components
Description of load and/or discharge control
Main measuring devices
Transmission and distribution
7 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures
8 Power and Energy Potential Study
Potential power production (for each month)
Power demand: daily load curve (for each month)
Conclusion: Estimated power sold / power deficits
9 Cost Estimates
Project Cost
Construction Cost (based on Annex A5)
‐ civil works
‐ hydraulic steel works
‐ mechanical equipment
‐ control system
‐ electrical equipment
‐ power distribution (switchgear, transformers, transmission lines)
Cost for Engineering, Survey and Site Supervision
Other project development cost (client's expenses, insurance, IDC, …)
Summary of total Project Cost
Operation Cost
staff cost
capital cost, if any (interest, amortization)
cost for repairing and replacement
Cost for plant and/or grid extension (if any)
assessment of possible plant or grid extension cost
assessment of timelines for such extensions
10 Project Implementation
Milestones, timelines (technical, social, financial, contractual)
Construction Program (eventually to shift into Annex)
11 Economic and financial Analysis
Input parameters (from previous chapters):
‐ annual energy production, tariffs and gross revenues
‐ amortization period and interest rate for invested money (if any)
‐ annual operation cost
‐ total annual cost
Calculation of:
‐ NPV value of present project and future extension cost
‐ NPV value of present project and future extension cost
‐ average specific generation cost (Rupees/kWh)
‐ recommendation for power tariffs
12 Social and Environmental Impact Assessment
Main conclusions from the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Volume
Volume I chapters 1 and 3 to 6 from Appendix I "Summary of IEE Report"
A1 Standardized Project Data Sheet (see attached "Standardized project Data
A2 Acronyms
A3 Units (cusec, CMS, etc.)
A4 Hydraulic calculations (intake / headrace / penstock / tailrace parts …)
A5 Cost calculation for civil structures
Bill of Quantities and unit rates for civil structures
Excavation works (soil, rock)
Masonry, dry wall, gabion works
Concrete works
Construction steel
A6 Cost calculation for hydraulic steel works
Volume II Geology and Geotechnical Conditions
It's up to the implementor to decide how far and by which means geology
and geotechnical conditions have to be scrutinized
If such investigations are considered not to be necessary for certain
locations or even for the whole project area, the implementor has to
describe the reasons.
Geological / geotechnical investigations are compulsory in case of a tunnel
or a cavern.
Geotechnical investigations are compulsory in case of a weir with firm
body and/or movable gate
Volume III Hydrology and Sedimentology
Catchment Area
Climate Data, Precipitation in comparison with bigger area (Province)
Regular river runoff
description of hydrological methods for regular river runoff assessment
Mean Annual Flow
Normal Average Flow – Wet season
Normal Average Flow – Dry season
High Flood
description of hydrological methods for high flood assessment
20y flood event
100y flood event
description of methods for sediment load assessment
sediment load during dry season
sediment load during wet season
Volume IV Topography and Accessibility
Existing topographical data
description of topographical survey
produced maps of the project area
Volume V Initial Environmental Examination (according General Guidelines)
0 Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 Description of the Project
3 description of Environment
4 Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
5 Environmental Monitoring Programme and Institutional Requirements
6 Conclusions
Appendix I : Summary of IEE Project
Appendix II: C Environmental Guidelines for selected industrial and power
development projects?
Volume VI Drawings
all drawings need to show
‐ drawing title
‐ the scale
‐ drawing number
‐ date
‐ name of draftsman
‐ name of approving person
File name = Drawing number_drawing title.pdf
General Layout
Hydraulic longitudinal profile of headrace structures from river at the
intake to the forebay for the following cases:
‐ regular operation, turbine full supply operation
‐ regular operation, turbine closed
‐ high flood
Intake (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
Headrace channel (layout, typical cross sections)
Gravel trap (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
Sand trap (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
Forebay (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
Spillway (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
other important headrace structures, if any
penstock (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
power house (layout, longitudinal and cross sections)
power house underground structures (layout, longitudinal and cross
tailrace channel
switchyard (if any)
transmission and distribution grid