33 KV Volume-II-264 Transmission Line

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(BID NO. TED-264/P&D/2016/JICA)

Supply of material, erection testing & commissioning of 5 No. 33 kV Sub - Stations
(including civil works) consisting of 8 panel set of 11 KV Breaker along with
associated 33 KV lines (42.147 KM) and 11 KV lines (34.963 KM) i.e 33 kV Sub -
Stations Nangal Dargru, 33 kV Sub - Stations Kojinda, 33 kV Sub - Stations Karira
(Kotia), 33 kV Sub - Stations Surethi under ‘OP’ Circle Narnaul and 33 kV Sub -
Stations Silani under ‘OP’ Circle Palwal under the jurisdiction of DHBVN.

(On turnkey basis)

Employer: Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam

Country: India

Project: Strengthening and up gradation of Distribution

System in Haryana
Loan No.: ID-P240

Bill of Quantity & Technical Specifications
Bill of Quantity
Bidder Name and Address:
Bid No.:

Price break - up for 5 No. 33 KV Sub-station (33KV Sub-Station Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-Station
Surethi (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-Station Kojinda (1X10MVA) under Narnaul
circle and 33KV Sub-Station Silani (2X10MVA) under Palwal circle ) under JICA finanaced Scheme (Package-

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Station Kojinda (1X10MVA)
Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA)

Surethi (1X10MVA)
Silani (2X10MVA)

Kotia (1X10MVA)
required for
Sr. 5 No. 33KV
Description Unit
NO. sub-

10 MVA 33/11 KV Power Transformer Three phase CRGO cooper wound as

1 No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
per Nigam Tech. Specification No. -CSC-XXVII-R-II/DH/UH/P&D/2012-13 .

2 33KV L & E Switch(630Amps), with clamps No. 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
3 33KV Isolators (630 Amps), with clamps No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6

33 KV VCB, 36 KV, 630A with 1000 MVA (16 KA for 1 second) rupturing
4 No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
capacity VCB for out door use.

33 KV C&R panel 24 V DC Operated suitable for controlling of one T/F (With

5 No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
Differential protection, master relay & 10 window auxre relay)

6 33KV Lightening Arrestor Sub-Stn Type 30KV 10KA with surge counter. Nos 9 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 33

7 33KV CTs 400-200/5-5-5-5 A with Junction Box Nos 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6
8 33KV CTs 300-150/5-5-5-5 A with Junction Box Nos 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12
9 33KV PTs with junction box Nos 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15
10 33KV Post insulators Nos 10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 30
11 11KV Disc insulators 45KN T & C Type Nos 54 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 270
12 Disc Fitting (T&C Type) Nos 18 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 126

11KV 8 panel board 24V DC operated with 1 No. I/C panel,6 No. O/G Panel
13 Set 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
and 1 No. Capcitor Control Panel

14 11KV Lightening Arrestor Sub-Stn type 10KA (heavy duty) Nos 6 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18

15 11KV NCTs 600/5A No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6


16 No. 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
CHARGERS suitable for 100 AH capacity

17 LT Distribution board for 33KV Sub-Stn No. 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
18 11/0.415KV 100KVA Station Transformer No. 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5

11 kV automatically Switched Capacitorbank 3.6 MVAR,

19 No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
(with isolator, structure and all allied material )

20 Steel Structures galvanised(as per drawings)

a Structure for 33 KV CT Wt. 87.62 Kg Nos 6 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18
b Structure for 33 KV PTs Wt. 87.62 Kg Nos 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15
c Structure for 33 KV LA Wt. 76.38 Kg Nos 9 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 33
d Structure for 33 KV Post Insulators Wt. 76.38 Kg Nos 10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 30
e Structure for 33 KV Isolator Wt. 288.36 Kg No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
f Structure for L&E Switch Wt. 288.36 Kg No. 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
g Structure for 11 KV NCT Wt. 92.37 Kg No. 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6
h Galvanised Gantry Towers - 2xDB-2, 2xDT-2, 2xDT-3 per s/stn Kgs 3100 3100.00 3100.00 3100.00 3100.00 15500

20 ACSR Conductor 0.2 sq in(Panther) Mtrs 450 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 1250
C Wedge connectors for ACSR conductor 0.2 sq. inch. 'Panther' (Nom. Al area
21 Nos 0 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 144
200 mm2 )

22 11KV Single core XLPE cable 630mm2 for Incoming Feeder Mtrs 240 200.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 980

23 S/C 630 mm Sq. cable Termination Kit indoor Nos. 0 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8
24 S/C 630 mm Sq. cable Termination Kit outdoor Nos. 6 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 23

25 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 185mm2 for O/G Feeders Mtrs 750 625.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 3625

26 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 300 mm2 for capacitor bank Mtrs 240 80.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 620

27 11KV 3 core XLPE cable 50mm2 for S/Stn T/F. Mtrs 40 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200
28 3/Cx185MM Sq. outdoor Heat shrinkable Termination Kit for O/G Nos 12 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 37

29 3/Cx185MM Sq. indoor Heat shrinkable cable box for I/G Nos 0 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10

30 3/Cx300 MM Sq. outdoor Heat shrinkable cable box for capacitor Nos 2 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15

31 3/Cx300 MM Sq. indoor Heat shrinkable cable box for capacitor Nos 2 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6

32 LT 3.5 core cable 95mm2 for LT Distribution Board Mtrs 60 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 180
33 LT PVC cable 2C X 10 mm2 for yard light Mtrs 500 260.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 1510
34 un armoured Copper control cable 2C X 4mm2 Mtrs 1000 300.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 2050
35 un armoured Copper control cable 2C X 6mm2 Mtrs 200 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 410
36 un armoured Copper control cable 3C X 4mm2 Mtrs 500 140.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 1000
37 un armoured Copper control cable4C X 4mm2 Mtrs 600 300.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1350
38 un armoured Copper control cable6C X 4mm2 Mtrs 300 100.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 625
39 un armoured Copper control cable 7C X 2.5mm2 Mtrs 400 140.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 840

40 un armoured Copper control cable 10C X 2.5mm2 Mtrs 300 100.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 625

41 MS Channel galvanised of various size Kgs 1000 200.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2700
42 MS Angle Iron galvanised 50 X 50 X 6 mm Kgs 600 150.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1650
43 MS Flat galvanised 50 X 6 mm Kgs 1000 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3000
44 MS Flat 75x8 MM for Earth mat in switch yard Kgs 3700 3700.00 3700.00 3700.00 3700.00 18500
45 Switch yard illumination system
a 55W CFL with water proof fitting with pipe (mkt price) Nos 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3

b 250 W mercury lamp with water proof fitting along with pipe Nos 0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 24
c 9 metres long PCC Poles for yard lighting Nos 8 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 32

d 50 W mercury lamp with water proof fitting along with pipe Nos 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Single 28W CFL with water proof fitting complete with pipe (Mkt. price)
e No. 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

46 Fire Fighting/Safety eqpt for Control room

a Dry Chemical type Fire extinguisher 5 Kgs Nos 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15
b CO2 type Fire extinguisher 10 Kgs Nos 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15
47 Fire Fighting/Safety eqpt for yard
a Dry Chemical type Fire extinguisher 10 Kgs Nos 2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10
b CO2 type Fire extinguisher 22.5 Kgs Nos 2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10
c Fire Buckets (capacity) - 10 Ltrs Nos 12 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 60
48 100mm dia ISI marked GI Pipe with clamps Mtr 12 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 63

49 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Sporting channel No. 5 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25
50 11 KV LA type 9 KV Heavy Duty no. 10 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 40

51 Earthing of s/stn. with earthing rod & earthing plate Nos 16 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 48
52 Earthing Rod Wt. 6.175 Kg Nos 24 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 120
53 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing Nos 12 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 36

54 Premier Insulating Mat - "B Class" as per IS 15652:2006 Sq. Mtr. 40 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 120

1 No. Table, 4 No. Chair, Wall clock, Safety Charts, Safety Tool Kit & Medical
55 Set 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
Kit, earth stick-1
56 11 KV Cable boxes 3Cx50 mm2 Outdoor No. 0 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7
57 PG Clamps for Panther conductor Nos 52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52
58 MS Nuts & Bolts off size Kgs 300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300
59 GI nuts & bolts off size Kgs 40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40
Total Estimated Cost for 5 Nos Sub-Stations (In Rs. Millions) 62.35
The following material should be provided in each Sub-station:
*Safety Equipment (ISI marked):
(i) Shock Treatment Chart
(ii) Insulated Hand Gloves
(iii) Safety Belt
(iv) First Aid Box
(v) Artificial resuscitator
(vi) Rain Coat

1 Other equipments / accessories / items whether specifically mentioned / included or not shall be supplied for commissioing & satisfactory operation of Sub-stations and
lines proposed to be established on Turn- Key Basis.
2 The bidder shall provide the Earthing Mat to ensure that the earth resistance is not more than 0.76 ohms.
3 No erection charges for Vaccum Intrupter, Insulated Rubber Mat, Fire Fighting Equiment, Safety Equipment, Earthing Sticks, Box Spanner and Megger shall be paid, as no
erection is involved for these items.
4 All Nuts & Bolts, Steel Structures, Angles and Channels shall be Hot Dip Galvanised and should have ISO certification.
5 All Steel Items such as Steel Structures, Angles and Channels should be fabricated from the raw material of TISCO / SAIL only, no other manufacturers shall be accepted.
Bill of Quantity
Bidder Name and Address:
Bid No.:

Price break - up for providing 33kV metering equipment at 5 No. 33 KV Sub-station (33KV Sub-Station Nagal
Dargu (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-Station Surethi (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA), 33KV Sub-
Station Kojinda (1X10MVA) under Narnaul circle and 33KV Sub-Station Silani (2X10MVA) under Palwal circle )
under JICA finanaced Scheme (Package-20)

Station Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA)

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Quatity required for 33KV Sub-

Station Kojinda (1X10MVA)

Station Surethi (1X10MVA)
Station Silani (2X10MVA)

Station Kotia (1X10MVA)

required for
Sr. 5 No. 33KV
Description Unit
NO. sub-

1 HT Trivector DLMS complaint Meters (Category-A) with all acessories for

complete installation as per Tech.Specs.no.CSC-45/Rev-III/DH/UH/P&D/2015-
16 subject to change in parameters i.e voltage ratio 33KV/110V ,0.2 accuracy Nos. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
class, current ratio -/1A .
Test Terminal Block
2 Nos. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5
Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 1 No. of Three Phase Meter with Modem
in accordance with approved design / drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let
3 holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading Nos. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5

33 kV Combined Current Transformers & Potential Transformer Units with

4 Junction Box Complete in all respects Nos. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5

U/A Copper Control Cable - 10C x 2.5 mm² complete with Lugs for fitting /
5 connectivity for CTs (Both sides) Mtrs. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 30
U/A Copper Control Cable - 6C x 4 mm² complete with Lugs for fitting /
6 connectivity for PTs (Both sides) Mtrs. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 30

ACSR Conductor 0.2 Sq.inch (Panther)

7 Mtrs. 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 180
P.G Clamps for Panther conductor
8 Nos. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 30

C-WEDGE Connector for 0.2sq'' Panther Conductor

9 Nos. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15

M.S Flat 50x6mm (SAIL/TATA) for earthing

10 Kg 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 75.000

Danger Plate Enameled with Clamp

11 Nos. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5

GI Pipe 40 mm² ( B class)

12 Mtr. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 12.50

Galvanized Steel Structure for combined 33 kV CT PT unit complete with G.I.

Nut, Bolts and Washers.sizes-65x65x6mm=100 kg &50x50x6mm=150 kg
13 (SAIL/TATA only) Kg 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 1250.00

Construction of Foundation for combined 33 kV CT PT unit as per Nigam

design and drawing (VCB-19) complete in all respect.
14 L/S 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5

Total Estimated Cost for 5 Nos Sub-Stations (In Rs. Millions) 1.00
Bill of Quantity
Bidder Name and Address:
Bid No.:

Price break - up for 42.147 KM 33 KV New line with 150 sq mm ACSR conductor for 5 No. 33 KV
Sub-station (8.200 KM for 33KV Sub-Station Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA), 5.500 KM for 33KV Sub-
Station Surethi (1X10MVA), 7.700 KM for 33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA), 3.100 KM for 33KV
Sub-Station Kojinda (1X10MVA) under Narnaul circle and 17.647 KM for 33KV Sub-Station Silani
(2X10MVA) under Palwal circle ) under JICA finanaced Scheme (Package-20)

33KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

33KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

33KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

33KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 17.647 KM

Quatity required for 3.100 KM

Quatity required for 7.700 KM
Quatity required for 8.200 KM

Quatity required for 5.500 KM

Station Silani (2X10MVA)
33KV line for 33KV Sub-

Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA)

Kojinda (1X10MVA)
Surethi (1X10MVA)

Kotia (1X10MVA)
NO. Description Unit required
42.147 KM
33 KV line

1 PCC Pole 11.0M Long. Nos 486 194.00 139.00 201.00 80.00 1100
2 ACSR Conductor 130mm2 ( Leopard) Mtrs 54000 25092.00 16830.00 23562.00 9486.00 128970
3 33 KV Pin insulators with pin Nos 549 221.00 161.00 232.00 93.00 1256
4 11 KV Disc insulators 45KN B&S type Nos 2754 992.00 668.00 934.00 378.00 5726
5 Disc Fitting B&S type Nos 354 144.00 96.00 126.00 54.00 774
6 Single Tension Fittings for 150mm2 ACSR Conductor Nos 354 0.00 96.00 126.00 54 630
7 Suspension Fittings for 130mm2/ 150 mm2 ACSR conductor Nos 720 280.00 190.00 278.00 108.00 1576
8 U- Bolt for suspension Fitting Nos 720 280.00 190.00 278.00 108.00 1576
9 PG Clamps for 130mm2 / 150 mm2 ACSR conductor Nos 354 144.00 96.00 126.00 54.00 774
10 33 KV Top Brackets / hamper Nos 360 140.00 95.00 139.00 54.00 788
MS Channel for X-Arm (Single Pole) 100x50x6 mm (2200mm) Wt-17.38 Kg
11 Nos 360 140.00 95.00 139.00 54.00 788
(using steelof TATA/SAIL make only)

M.S. Channel (face channel) 100x50x6mm 3050mm (for H pole) (using

12 No. 134 60.00 56.00 82.00 34.00 366
steelof TATA/SAIL make only)

M.S.Channel 75x40x6 3350mm (for earth wire) (using steelof TATA/SAIL

13 No. 63 27.00 22.00 31.00 13.00 156
make only)

M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt-12.87 Kg (using

14 No. 110 66.00 68.00 102.00 42.00 388
steelof TATA/SAIL make only)
M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt-9.9 Kg (using
15 No. 110 66.00 68.00 102.00 42.00 388
steelof TATA/SAIL make only)
16 Half Clamps Wt-1.47 Kg (using steelof TATA/SAIL make only) No. 706 326.00 275.00 405.00 164.00 1876
17 Full Clamps Wt-2.325 Kg (using steelof TATA/SAIL make only) No. 252 277.00 171.00 243.00 98.00 1041
Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow &
18 Nos 252 137.00 100.00 139.00 58.00 686
rod with Disc
19 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kgs 2520 1644.00 1197.00 1665.00 690.00 7716
20 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing Nos 177 54.00 44.00 62.00 26.00 363
21 Earthing with Earth rod as per Drawing Nos 90 35.00 24.00 35.00 14.00 198
22 GSL 8 SWG Kgs 2580 1025.00 688.00 963.00 388.00 5644
23 MS Nuts & Bolts Kgs 1690 417.00 333.00 486.00 196.00 3122
24 Danger Plates (Enamelled) Nos 486 164.00 111.00 160.00 63.00 984
25 Number Plates (Enamelled) Nos 486 164.00 111.00 160.00 63.00 984

26 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 59 24.00 22.00 31.00 13.00 149
27 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Nos 360 140.00 95.00 139.00 54.00 788
28 Barbed Wire Kgs 486 194.00 139.00 201.00 80.00 1100
29 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Nos 267 54.00 44.00 62.00 26.00 453
30 Knee Bracing - MS Flat 50x6 Kgs 1260 672.00 456.00 667.00 259.00 3314
31 Catenary wire 7/14 SWG Kgs 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100

32 S/C 630mm2 33 KV XLPE cable Mtrs 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 400

33 S/C 300mm2 33 KV XLPE cable Mtrs 800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800

34 CI pipe 250 mm dia 14 mm thick for highway crossing Mtrs 0 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 200
35 MS Channel of 100x50x6mm for hieght Sail/Tata Kgs. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

36 I/D termination Kit for S/C 300 sq. mm 33kV XLPE Cable Nos 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

37 O/D termination Kit for S/C 300 sq. mm 33kV XLPE Cable Nos 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

38 O/D termination Kit for 630 sq. mm 33kV XLPE Cable Nos 0 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 8

39 Grouting of PCC Pole No. 52 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87

Total Estimated Cost for 42.147 KM 33kV lines (In Rs. Millions) 30.71

1 Steel Tubular poles may be provided with proper concrete muffing where there PCC poles could not be erected due to high water Level.
Other equipments/ accessories/ items whether specifically mentioned/ included or not shall be supplied for commissioing, & satisfactory operation of Sub-stations
2 and lines proposed to be established on Turn- Key Basis.
3 All Nuts & Bolts, Steel Structures, Angles and Channels shall be Hot Dip Galvanised and should have ISO certification.
All Steel Items such as Steel Structures, Angles and Channels should be fabricated from the raw material of TISCO/ SAIL only, no other manufacturers shall be
4 accepted.
Bill of Quantity
Bidder Name and Address:
Bid No.:
Price break - up for 34.963 KM 11KV New line with 80 sq mm ACSR conductor for 5 No. 33 KV Sub-
station (3.500KM for 33KV Sub-Station Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA), 2.850 KM for 33KV Sub-Station
Surethi (1X10MVA), 2.000 KM for 33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA), 5.510 KM for 33KV Sub-Station
Kojinda (1X10MVA) under Narnaul circle and 20.833 KM for 33KV Sub-Station Silani (2X10MVA) under
Palwal circle ) under JICA finanaced Scheme (Package-20)

11KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

11KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

11KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

11KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

11KV line for 33KV Sub-Station

Quatity required for 20.833 KM

Quatity required for 5.510 KM

Quatity required for 2.000 KM
Quatity required for 3.500 KM

Quatity required for 2.850 KM

Nagal Dargu (1X10MVA)

Kojinda (1X10MVA)
Surethi (1X10MVA)
Silani (2X10MVA)

Kotia (1X10MVA)
Description Unit required
NO. 34.963 KM
11KV line

1 PCC Poles 9 M Long No. 437.00 82.00 80.00 70.00 145.00 814.00
2 Grouting of Poles No. 57.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 24.00 118.00
3 11 KV Top Brackets/hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. No. 386.00 60.00 46.00 40.00 95.00 627.00
4 11 KV Polymeric Insulator with G.I. Pin No. 1311.00 213.00 189.00 165.00 360.00 2238.00
5 11KV Polymeric Composite Disc Insulator No. 612.00 60.00 78.00 84.00 126.00 960.00
6 Disc Fitting (T &C type) No. 306.00 60.00 78.00 84.00 126.00 654.00
7 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 Mtr 63750.00 10710.00 8721.00 6120.00 16861.00 106162.00
8 ACSR Conductor 100mm2 insulated Mtr 1020.00 63.00 90.00 87.00 138.00 1398.00
9 PG Clamps for 80 mm2 conductor No. 306.00 60.00 78.00 84.00 126.00 654.00
10 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg. 3060.00 570.00 715.00 680.00 1158.00 6183.00
11 GSL 8 SWG Kg. 2656.25 438.00 356.00 250.00 689.00 4389.25
12 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6mm Wt. 12.135 kg. No. 386.00 60.00 46.00 40.00 95.00 627.00
13 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod
No. 306.00 57.00 72.00 68.00 116.00 619.00
Wt. 13.80 Kg.
14 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 102.00 22.00 34.00 30.00 50.00 238.00
15 Earthing Rod Wt. 6.175 Kg. No. 64.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 24.00 125.00
16 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 102.00 22.00 34.00 30.00 50.00 238.00
17 MS Nuts & Bolts & washer off sizes Kg. 1435.00 139.00 152.00 138.00 261.00 2125.00
18 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" No. 386.00 60.00 46.00 40.00 95.00 627.00
19 Half Clamps No. 590.00 134.00 180.00 138.00 277.00 1319.00
20 Full Clamps No. 306.00 57.00 72.00 68.00 116.00 619.00
21 M.S. Channel (face Channel) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) 17.38
No. 51.00 24.00 42.00 32.00 58.00 207.00
22 M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) No. 51.00 11.00 17.00 15.00 25.00 119.00
23 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) No. 102.00 26.00 50.00 34.00 66.00 278.00
24 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) No. 102.00 26.00 50.00 34.00 66.00 278.00
25 Barbed wire Kg. 437.00 82.00 80.00 70.00 145.00 814.00
26 Danger Plate Enamalled No. 437.00 70.00 80.00 70.00 145.00 802.00
27 Number Plate Enamalled No. 437.00 70.00 59.00 54.00 116.00 736.00
28 MS Channel 100x50x6mm 1600mm for T-off/crossing Nos. 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00
29 Phase Plate for each phase set of 3 (On H-pole & 4 pole) Set 0.00 10.00 26.00 28.00 42.00 106.00
11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel.
No. 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00
As per Nigam’s Tech. Spec., relevant ISS and latest amendments

Total Estimated Cost for 34.963 KM 11KV lines (In Rs. Millions) 11.98

1 Steel Tubular poles may be provided with proper concrete muffing where there PCC poles could not be erected due to high water Level.
2 Other equipments/ accessories/ items whether specifically mentioned/ included or not shall be supplied for commissioing, & satisfactory operation of Sub-stations and lines proposed to be
established on Turn- Key Basis.
3 All Nuts & Bolts, Steel Structures, Angles and Channels shall be Hot Dip Galvanised and should have ISO certification.
All Steel Items such as Steel Structures, Angles and Channels should be fabricated from the raw material of TISCO/ SAIL only, no other manufacturers shall be accepted.
Bidder Name & Address :
Bid No.
Price Break-up for supply of individual items & erection charges as per item wise details in BOQ:
Estimated price of Equipment
including Excise Duty, Sales
Sr. No. Name of Work
tax & Other levies (In Rs
a Supply & Erection of 2 x 10 MVA 33/ 11 kV Power Transformer at 33 kV Sub-station, Silani 19.782
Civil Works, Supply of all Material Labour and Construction thereof for completion of Switch House Building, plinths of Power
1 Transformers and foundation & trenching for all electrical structures, fencing, gravelling, earth filling, construction of culverts, RCC
b 7.897
under ground water storage tank with pumping set, boundary wall, Bowring with required Single phase submersible pump, PCC
roads and paths alongwith other allied material etc.
a Supply & Erection of 1 x 10 MVA 33/ 11 kV Power Transformer at 33 kV Sub-station, Nagal Dargu 10.594
Civil Works, Supply of all Material Labour and Construction thereof for completion of Switch House Building, plinths of Power
2 Transformers and foundation & trenching for all electrical structures, fencing, gravelling, earth filling, construction of culverts, RCC
b 6.642
under ground water storage tank with pumping set, boundary wall, Bowring with required Single phase submersible pump, PCC
roads and paths alongwith other allied material etc.
a Supply & Erection of 1 x 10 MVA 33/ 11 kV Power Transformer at 33 kV Sub-station, Surethi 10.657
Civil Works, Supply of all Material Labour and Construction thereof for completion of Switch House Building, plinths of Power
3 Transformers and foundation & trenching for all electrical structures, fencing, gravelling, earth filling, construction of culverts, RCC
b 5.778
under ground water storage tank with pumping set, boundary wall, Bowring with required Single phase submersible pump, PCC
roads and paths alongwith other allied material etc.
a Supply & Erection of 1 x 10 MVA 33/ 11 kV Power Transformer at 33 kV Sub-station, Kotia 10.657
Civil Works, Supply of all Material Labour and Construction thereof for completion of Switch House Building, plinths of Power
4 Transformers and foundation & trenching for all electrical structures, fencing, gravelling, earth filling, construction of culverts, RCC
b 5.778
under ground water storage tank with pumping set, boundary wall, Bowring with required Single phase submersible pump, PCC
roads and paths alongwith other allied material etc.
a Supply & Erection of 1 x 10 MVA 33/ 11 kV Power Transformer at 33 kV Sub-station, Kojinda 10.657
Civil Works, Supply of all Material Labour and Construction thereof for completion of Switch House Building, plinths of Power
5 Transformers and foundation & trenching for all electrical structures, fencing, gravelling, earth filling, construction of culverts, RCC
b 6.780
under ground water storage tank with pumping set, boundary wall, Bowring with required Single phase submersible pump, PCC
roads and paths alongwith other allied material etc.
Total (In Rs. Millions) 95.232
Bidder Name & Address :
Bid No.
Price Break-up for supply of individual items & erection charges as per item wise details in BOQ:
Estimated price of
Equipment including
Excise Duty, Sales tax &
Sr. No. Name of Work
Other levies (In Rs Millions.)
(In Rs Millions.)

Supply & Erection of New 17.647 KM 33KV line with 150 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
a 33KV Sub-Station Silani (2X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 20.833 KM 11KV line with 80 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
b 6.716
33KV Sub-Station Silani (2X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 8.200 KM 33KV line with 150 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
a 33KV Sub-Station Nangal Dargu (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 3.500 KM 11KV line with 80 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
b 1.163
33KV Sub-Station Nangal Dargu (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 5.500 KM 33KV line with 150 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
a 33KV Sub-Station Surthi (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 2.850 KM 11KV line with 80 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
b 1.145
33KV Sub-Station Surthi (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 7.700 KM 33KV line with 150 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
a 33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 2.000 KM 11KV line with 80 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
b 0.916
33KV Sub-Station Kotia (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 3.100 KM 33KV line with 150 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
a 33KV Sub-Station Kojinda (1X10MVA)
Supply & Erection of New 5.510 KM 11KV line with 80 sq. mm ACSR conductor for
b 2.036
33KV Sub-Station Kojinda (1X10MVA)
Total 42.683
Technical Specifications / Drawings

The material provided by the contractor shall conform to the technical specifications and the
drawings as indicated below:-

Source for
No. of Technical Specification Name of Technical Specification Collection

Outdoor types Distribution Transformer of 11 KV www.dhbvn.com

CSC-III-R-II/DH/UH/P&D/2011-2012 / 433-250 V Class up to and including 100 KVA i.e.
(25 KVA TO 100 KVA) with CSP.

CSC-VI-R-I/DH/UH/P&D/2010-11 GSS WIRE OF 7/8 SWG (4MM). www.dhbvn.com

PCC POLES (200KG) W.L. (F.O.S-2.5) 8/9 METER www.dhbvn.com












PCC POLES 11 METER LONG(WL-400 K.G. F.O.S- www.dhbvn.com


CSC-XVI-R-I/DH/UH/P&D/2010-11 G.I. WIRE www.dhbvn.com

PCC POLES 8 METER (WL-200 KG) AND 9 METER www.dhbvn.com


CSC-XX-R-III/DH/UH/P&D/2012-2013 33 kV Control & Relay Panel www.dhbvn.com

CSC-XXI/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 30 kV LA www.dhbvn.com

36 kV Isolators & Isolators-Cum-Earth Switch for www.dhbvn.com

33 kV S/Stns..

CSC-XXIII/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 11 kV Neutral CT. www.dhbvn.com

CSC-XXIV/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 36 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker for 33 kV S/Stns. www.dhbvn.com

CSC- XXVII-RII/DH/UH/P&D/2012-2013 10 MVA, 33 / 11 kV Power Transformer www.dhbvn.com

CSC-XXVIII/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 11 kV 400 A GO Switch. www.dhbvn.com

porcelain insulators and insulators fittings for 11 www.dhbvn.com

kV overhead power lines.

11 kV XLPE insulated PVC sheathed single core - www.dhbvn.com

630 mm2 power cable





CSC-XXXIX/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 33 Kv POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER www.dhbvn.com

33 kV CURRENT TRANSFORMER FOR 33 kV SUB www.dhbvn.com







CSC-49/DH/UH/P&D/2009-2010 33 KV, 3 X 300MM XLPE ARMOURED Cable www.dhbvn.com

Hard-Drawn Stranded Steel Cored Aluminum www.dhbvn.com

Conductor (ACSR- 80, 100 & 130mm2).

CSC-58/DH/UH/P&D/2010-2011 HT & LT METAL PARTS www.dhbvn.com

CSC-61/DH/UH/P&D/2011-12 Epoxy Cast Indoor type 11KV Measuring and www.dhbvn.com

Protection Current Transformers for Installation
on 11KV Circuit Breakers

Porcelain Insulators(Pin/shackle) and Insulators www.dhbvn.com

Fittings for 415/240V Overhead Power Lines

CSC-64/DH/UH/P&D/2011-12 For 415 VOLTS L.T. SWITCH BOARDS www.dhbvn.com

CSC-68/DH/UH/P&D/2011-12 For GALVANISED STEEL BARBED WIRE www.dhbvn.com



CSC-74-R-I/DH/UH/P&D/2012-13 For “12.5 MVA, 33 / 11 kV Power Transformer” www.dhbvn.com

CSC-75/DH/UH/P&D/2012-13 For DISTRIBUTION BOX www.dhbvn.com

For Technical Specification for 11 KV Switchgear www.dhbvn.com

CSC-81/DH/UH/P&D/2013-14 Panels Vacuum Type with 11 KV Capacitor Control

11 kV Switchgear Panel Vacuum type.

9 kV Lighting Arrestor (10 kA).

9 kV 5 kA Lightning Arrestor.
To be collected from PD&C wing (DD-II)
Power Conductor for Bus-Bar 200 mm² (Panther).

33 kV Post Insulator.

33 kV Pin Insulators & Insulator Pins.

Composite Insulators for 33/ 11 kV works.

Un-armoured Copper Control Cable.

Ni-Cd Alkaline Batteries & Static Battery Charger

for Ni-Cd Alkaline Batteries.
To be collected from PD&C wing (DD-II)
Fittings for 33 kV Line suitable for 130 mm² ACSR
Conductor (Leopard).

C-Type Wedge Connectors.

Technical requirements / Parameters

Technical Drawing:

Sr. Drawing No. No. of Technical Drawing Source for

No. Downloads

1 C.E./P&D-02 Standard Drawing for Half/Back Clamp for X-Arm.

Standard Drawing for Danger Plate, Number Plate, Phase

2 C.E./P&D-03
Plate & Fixing Clamp.

Standard Drawing for 11 KV Line Support with Earth

3 C.E./P&D-04

4 C.E./P&D-05 Standard Drawing for G.I. Pipe Earthing.

Standard Drawing for 11 KV Line V-Cross Arm for Use

5 C.E./P&D-06
where Conductor of 50 mm2 or below is proposed.

Standard Drawing for Earth Rod 20 mm dia M. S. Cross

6 C.E./P&D-07

Standard Drawing for laying of 11 KV 3 Nos. Single Core

7 C.E./P&D-08
Under Ground Cable.

Standard Drawing for supporting Structure for 33 KV

8 C.E./P&D-09
Lighting Arrester. www.DHBVN.com

Standard Drawing for M. S. Channel 100x50x6 - 1600

9 C.E./P&D-10
MM T-Off.

Standard Drawing for M. S. Channel 100x50x6 - 2200

10 C.E./P&D-11
(For H Pole-9M. PCC Pole Support).

Standard Drawing for M. S. Channel 75x40x6 - 2200 (For

11 C.E./P&D-12
Fuse Unit-9M. PCC Pole Support).

Standard Drawing for M. S. Angle 50x50x6 - 2400 MM

12 C.E./P&D-13
(For Earth Wire) For H Pole.

13 C.E./P&D-15 Standard Design for Out Door Cable Trench.

Sr. Drawing No. No. of Technical Drawing Source for
No. Downloads

Note: The technical specifications/Drawings which are not included/given in tender documents, latest
REC Standards and relevant ISS will be followed

Failure to comply with this requirement will result in rejection of the Subcontractor

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