all the same. *The lens of a telescope or microscope uses Thea air in the atmosphere isn’t all the s
crystals can have a fun prism effect. However, Some areas are thicker, and some areas are refraction of light to make things look closer than
areas are thicker, and some areas are th
when refraction happens in a cloud with thinner. Therefore, when you go out at night and they really are. The lenses of the telescopeTherefore,
and when you go out at night an
hexagonal ice crystals, a unique effect called sun look at the stars, they appear to twinkle. This microscope are curved in such a way that thetheystars, they appear to twinkle. This tw
dog is created. The halo is what creates the twinkling happens as light refracts as it passes magnify small objects or those far away sohappens
the as light refracts as it passes th
illusion of multiple suns. through the different layers of the atmosphere. human eye can see them.. different layers of the atmosphere.
*Ever wondered how cameras capture a moment? *If you have an aquarium or fish bowl at home, you
By now you might have guessed, but they use might notice the fish look bigger when you look
refraction. When you click the shutter, an image is through the side. However, if you put your hand on
refracted on to a light-sensitive surface, giving a the opposite side of the bowl, it also looks bigger.
snapshot of your birthday party. Manipulating Due to the way light refracts through the glass and
refraction and the speed of light creates some very water, a unique effect of looking slightly lifted and
interesting shots. bigger happens. Try it at home!
*The wing and rear-view mirrors of a *An astronomical reflecting *Parabolic mirrors are *Concave mirrors with *An overhead projector
car are made of a convex and a plane telescope uses a large used in torches and car long focal length can as in figure uses a
mirror respectively. The two wing parabolic mirror to gather headlamps as reflectors. be used as shaving concave mirror to reflect
mirrors enable the driver to see dim light from distant stars. A small lamp is placed mirrors or make-up light from the object to
The air in the atmosphere isn’t all the s
objects on both sides of the car. The A plane mirror is used to at the focus point of the mirrors as they form the screen.
areas are thicker, and some areas are th
rear-view mirror enables the driver to reflect the image to the mirror to produce magnified and upright
see things behind the car. images. Therefore, when you go out at night an
eyepiece.. parallel rays.
the stars, they appear to twinkle. This tw
happens as light refracts as it passes th
*When a beam of *When a beam of sunlight *When sunlight *The sky appears blue during a *During sunrise and
different layers of the atmosphere.
light is projected on enters the dark room through passes through the clear cloudless day because the sunset, the sky appears
a screen from a small hole or window then its canopy of a dense molecules in the red and orange because
projector in the path becomes visible due to forest it get scattered air scatter blue light from the the blue light has been
cinema hall, it scattering of light by the dust by tiny water sun more than scattered out and away
becomes visible. particles present in the room. droplets.. they scatter red light. from the line of sight..
*If you have an aquarium or fish bowl at home, you *If you have an aquarium or fish bowl at home, you *If you have an aquarium or fish bowl at
might notice the fish look bigger when you look might notice the fish look bigger when you look home, you might notice the fish look
through the side. However, if you put your hand on through the side. However, if you put your hand on bigger when you look through the side.
the opposite side of the bowl, it also looks bigger. the opposite side of the bowl, it also looks bigger. However, if you put your hand on the
Due to the way light refracts through the glass and Due to the way light refracts through the glass and opposite side of the bowl, it also looks
water, a unique effect of looking slightly lifted and water, a unique effect of looking slightly lifted and bigger. Due to the way light refracts
bigger happens. Try it at home! bigger happens. Try it at home! through the glass and water, a unique