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BLOCK-A, KOLKATA-700 091 Authority
e-mail id:dilipkmda2008@gmail.com

Notice Inviting e-Tender No: 29/SE(Cons.)/E&AM/KMDA of 2022-23 Dated: 17.02.2023

Tender Reference No.: 29/SE(Cons.)/E&AM/KMDA of 2022-23

Tender ID: 2023_KMDA_471735_1

Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, E&AM Sector for and on behalf of Kolkata Metropolitan
Development Authority (KMDA) invites online e-tender in KMDA form N,5o:1 from reliable, resourceful,
bonafied, eligible and experienced firms/companies/individual contractors/Joint Ventures/Consortium, who have
successfully and satisfactorily completed the similar nature of works within the last 5 (five) years from the date of
issue of this NIT in any Govt./ Semi-Govt./Govt. Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies(constituted under the
State/Central statute)/ Statutory Bodies and Local Bodies is eligible for the under mentioned works :-

Cost of Tender
Amount (Rs.)
Sl. Earnest Documents(Rs.) Time of
No. Name of Work Money (Rs.) during Completion
18%GST &1%
participating in
Labour cess)
Partial completion of the project
in connection with development
of Eco-Park at the site of water
1 3, 87, 27, 810.00 7, 74,556.00 Not Required 06 Months
treatment plant at Madhyamgram,
Panihara, North 24 Parganas.

 Note:-
a) Bidder should quote the rate including all Govt. statutory taxes, GST and Labour Cess as applicable
also in two digit after decimal.
b) The intending Bidder shall have valid Electrical Contractor’s License or may engage Electrical
Supervisor with valid Supervisory Certificate.
Similar nature of works mean:

Civil Works: Construction of Boundary wall with entry gate and building works over R.C.C. pile structure, hard
and soft landscaping work.
E-M Works: Yard illumination work, installation of high mast etc.

Intending bidder may download the tender documents from the website https://wbtenders.gov.in directly with the
help of Digital Signature Certificate.

1. EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) shall be deposited through online only as per requirement of the system.

2. Submission of Tender-
a) Pre-qualification/Technical Bid and Financial Bid both will have to be submitted online concurrently duly
digitally signed in the website https://wbtenders.gov.in as per time schedule stated herein under. Time will be
reckoned as per Server Clock.

b)The Financial Bid of the prospective tenderers will be opened only if the tenderer qualifies in the Technical Bid.
The decision of the Tender Inviting Authority will be final and binding to all concerned and no challenge against
such decision will be entertained.
3. Time Schedule for Downloading, Uploading and Opening of Tender Documents:-
a) Date of uploading of N.I.T. & other Documents (online) Date: 23.02.2023 Time: 14.00 hrs.
(Publishing Date)
b) Documents download start date (Online) Date: 23.02.2023 Time: 14.30 hrs.
c) Documents download end date (Online) Date: 16.03.2023 Time: 15.00 hrs.
d) Online Bid Submission Start Date & Time Date: 23.02.2023 Time: 14.30 hrs.
e) Online Bid Submission Last Date & Time Date: 16.03.2023 Time: 15.00 hrs.
f) Time and Date of Opening of Technical Bid (Bid will be opened
Date: 18.03.2023, Time: 15.30 hrs.
by the Authorized Officer)
g) Date for opening of Financial Proposal (Online) To be notified later
Tender will be opened by the Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, E&AM SECTOR, KMDA or his
authorized representative in presence of tenderer or their authorized representatives who may like to be present.

4. Eligibility criteria for the bidders:-

a) Technical:

(I) Intending Tenderers should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum
value of 40% of the Estimated Amount put to Tender out of which civil work should be minimum 120 lakh
and electrical work should be 40 lakh during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of the Tender Notice.

II) Intending Tenderers should produce credentials of 2(two) similar nature of completed work, each of the
minimum value of 30% of the Estimated Amount put to Tender out of which civil work should be
minimum 90 lakh and electrical work should be 30 lakh during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of the
Tender Notice. or

III) Intending Tenderers should produce credentials of 1(one) single running work of similar nature which
has been completed to the extent of 80% or more and the value of which is not less than the desired value
at (I) above. And/or

IV) Intending Tenderers(same firm/agency) should produce both civil and electro-mechanical credentials
in separate contract of completed work of the minimum value of civil works amounting to Rs 120 lakh and
for electro-mechanical works amounting to Rs 40 lakhs during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of
the Tender Notice . But one of the civil or electro-mechanical completed work value should be minimum
value of 40% of the estimated amount.

b) Financial:-

i) Average Annual Turn Over–Average annual Turn Over of last 3 (Three) years, of intending bidder, should be
at least 40% of the estimated value with the Individual/ Cumulative Total Project Cost applied for this NIT. For
multiple applications TIA will consider up to the exhaustion limit starting from the first response.

ii) Bank Solvency Certificate, minimum value @ 40% (Forty Percent) of Estimated Amount or above and date of
which shall not be more than 6 (six) months before the publication date of the e-NIT.

c) Scanned copy of Valid PAN issued by the IT Deptt., Govt. of India, Latest Professional Tax Paid Challan & P-
TAX Enrollment Certificate, Valid income tax (For Last 3 yrs ), Valid 15 digit Goods and Services Taxpayer
Identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act, 2017, Last 3 yrs Audit balance sheet ,Credentials, Work Order,
Completion Certificate, BOQ (if required), Employees PF and ESI certificates with latest challan and Registration
Certificate and/or trade license of the company must be submitted duly digitally signed at desired location in the
website https://wbtenders.gov.in.

d) The following clause shall be included in all the contracts to be executed for (i) procurement of goods and
services and (b) works related contract involving supply of goods and services by contractor: “Tax invoice (s)
needs to be issued by the supplier for raising claimunder the contract showing separately the tax charged in
accordance with the provisions of GST Act,2017.”
e) Scanned Copy of one affidavit before Notary will have to be submitted mentioning the e-NIT No: & correctness
of the documents and a declaration of penalty debarment etc. faced by him under any Govt./Semi-
Govt./Autonomous body (constituted under the State/Central statute)/Institution through on line at desired location.

f) Bidder intending to participate in more than one work shall have to furnish credential for summation of estimated
amount put to tender for those works of cumulative amount. The Available Turnover and Bank Solvency should
also be cumulative for multiple works.

g) Partnership Firm/Consortium should submit necessary deed at desired location through onlin e

h) Particulars regarding Joint Ventures/Consortium.

i) The lead partner (means civil work agency) must have credential and satisfactory completion of similar nature
of work of completion cost not less than 50% value of qualifying amount i.e. 50% of the value of work under
present tender within last 5 (Five) years.
ii)Each of the other partners shall meet individually not less than25% of the qualifying criteria mentioned above
under any Govt./Semi Govt. Organization/Autonomous body as principal employer within last 5 (Five) years.
iii)The lead partner shall have to apply for tender on behalf of Joint Ventures/Consortium along with
iv) In case of any litigation or in the event of any default arises during the execution/contract period of the
agreement, the lead partner will remain fully responsible.
v) The successful Joint Ventures/Consortium will have to submit GST Registration, Pan Card, Trade License
immediately after issuance of LOI.
vi)The lead partner shall have to apply for tender on behalf of Joint Ventures /consortium along with MOA/
vii) Technical credential will be guided by cl.no. 4(a).
viii) Regarding joint venture /consortium all will be guided by Law cell, KMDA/ competent Authority of

i)Earnest Money:- The tenderer shall have to deposit Earnest Money through online failing which the tender shall
be rejected.The balance earnest money if any to fulfill 2 (two) percent of the Tender Value is to be deposited at the
time of execution of formal agreement. The bidder shall have to mention the reference details in support of remitted
RTGS/NEFT of requisite EMD against the Tender in prescribed location.

5.a)List of common documents shall have to be uploaded by each tenderer at the time of submission of
Tender through online:-

i. Income Tax Return (For last 3yrs).

ii. Audit Balance Sheet (For last 3yrs).
iii. Valid PAN issued by the IT Deptt. , Govt of India.
iv. Latest Professional Tax Paid Challan& P-TAX Enrollment Certificate.
v. Valid 15 digit Goods and Services Tax payer Identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act,
vi. Latest Valid Registration certificate or Trade License (whichever is fitted with the work).
vii. Scanned Copy of one affidavit before Notary will have to be submitted as per (Annexure-I) &
Declaration by the tenderer as per prescribed format (Annexure-II).
viii. EPF & ESI Registration Certificate with latest monthly (upto December 2022) contribution receipt
ix. The average annual Turnover as per sl. No. 4(b)(i).
x. Bank solvency certificate as per sl. No. 4(b) (ii)
xi. Technical Credential:- Work Order, Completion Certificate & BOQ(if required) of the same work
complying as per Sl 4(a) of this NIT.
xii. Affidavit before Notary mentioning the e-NIT No. and the correctness of the documents and a
declaration of penalty debarment etc.
b) List of documents shall have to upload by a Partnership Firm in addition to Sl. No. 5.a)
i) The power of Attorney for the firm for signing the tender by a partner.
ii) Partnership Deed.

c) List of documents shall have to upload by a Joint Venture/Consortium in addition to Sl. No. 7.a) i) copy of
MoA/MoU on a stamp paper of Rs.100.00 outlining the joint interest to work on the project and specifying the
other terms of agreement.

6. Language of Tender:- The tender shall be submitted in the prescribed form in English. All literatures and
correspondence in connection with the tenders shall be in English.

7. Security Deposit: 3%Security Deposit will be deducted from gross bill value of each and every running bill and
from final bill without any upper ceiling limit. Deposited EMD will be adjusted as part of Security Deposit.
Refund of security Deposit will only be made after completion of works as well as defect liability period without
any kind of defect/damage of the property.

8. Additional Performance Security:- The authenticated estimated amount put to tender is reserved with the
Tender Inviting Authority (TIA). The Additional Performance Security @10% of the tendered amount shall be
obtained from successful bidder, if the accepted bid value is 80% or less of the estimate put to tender which is
reserved with TIA. Additional Performance Security shall be equal to 10% of the tendered amount and be
submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank before issuance of the Work Order. If the
bidder fails to submit the Additional Performance Security within seven working days from the date of issuance of
Letter of Acceptance, his earnest money will be forfeited and other necessary actions as per NIT like blacklisting of
the contractor etc. may be taken. The said Bank Guarantee shall be valid up-to the end of the Successful completion
of the work and shall be renewed accordingly, if required. If the bidder fails to complete the work successfully, the
Additional Performance Security shall be forfeited at any time during the pendency of the Contract period after
serving proper notice to the contractor. Bank Guarantees issues by the agency is required to be verified by the
issuing bank before taking further actions on it as per RBI guidelines. So, LI bidder should comply “While
issuing bank guarantees in favour KMDA, the issuing applicants must mention receiver’s details as ICICI
bank, IFSC: ICIC0006950, Branch Salt Lake, Sec-I, in BG text at which SFMS IFIN 760 message to be sent
by the issuing bank to establish the authenticity of the given BG.”

9. Release of Security Money: Security Money should be released after completion of Maintenance period.

10 Maintenance period: 1(One) year from the date of completion of said work.
11 Influence: Any attempt to exercise undue influence in the matter of acceptance of quotation is strictly
prohibited and any bidder who resorts to this will render his quotation liable to rejection. There shall be no
provision of arbitration.
12 Working Procedure: The work comprises of Civil & Electro-Mechanical components both but the concerned
Sectors of KMDA will look after their respective parts individually with their respective measurement entries,
certification, approval etc. As a nodal, Civil Wing will however draw the abstract and put up for releasing of
13 Declaration:-Bidder must have to upload and submit duly digitally signed a declaration as per prescribed
format for confirmation of his awareness of the contract.
14 Addenda/Corrigenda: During the tenure of the tender if any addenda/corrigenda takes place that will be
circulated only through the Government e-Procurement system.Contractors are to keep track of all the
Addendum / Corrigendum issued with a particular tender and upload the same digitally signed along with the
NIT. Tenders submitted without the Addendum / Corrigendum will be informal and liable to be rejected.
15 Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts: If any document/statement/information submitted by any bidder
in the tender is found to be false, the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) will take legal action against the bidder
including forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).”
16 Payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim whatsoever will be entertained for delay of issuance
of work order as well as payment, if any. Intending bidders may consider this criterion while quoting their
17 Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 (One hundred twenty) days after the dead line date for
Bid submission.
18 The bidder’s own responsibility to obtain all information that may be necessary for quoting the amount.
19 Others:- a) The Tender Notice along with other documents like KMDATender Form No. - 1, Technical
Specification, Special Terms and Conditions , BOQ, Addendum and corrigendum, scope of work etc. whatever
documents uploaded by the department concerned thereto shall be part and parcel of the Tender. The agency
must go through carefully the Special Terms and Conditions uploaded by the department before quoting his
b) Intending tenderer shall have to apply separately for each work of this NIT.

c) Sites of work as mentioned in the above table may change, if necessary, within the area of ULB concerned.

d) There will be no provision of Arbitration.

e ) The Bid Evaluation Committee reserves the right to ignore minor deficiencies at their discretion. No challenge
whatsoever against such decision of the said committee will be entertained.

The tender inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning
any reason what so ever. For detail information please visit https://wbtenders.gov.in & www.kmdaonline.org.

For any quarries related to work, the intending agency may contact at the office of the undersigned.

Superintending Engineer,
Construction Circle, E&AM Sector, KMDA

MEMO NO. 139 : /(1/13)/SE(Cons)/E&AM Sector/KMDA/Madhyamgram Dated 17.02.2023

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
1) The C.E.O., KMDA.
2) The Secretary, KMDA.
3) The Special Secretary (Works). KMDA
4) The Advisor, E&AM Sector, KMDA.
5) The Chief Engineer, E&AM Sector, KMDA.
6) The Chief Engineer, PM&C/R&B/PM&C(Design-Vetting)/WS/E-M/ Housing Sector, KMDA.
7) The Director of Finance, KMDA.
8) The Deputy Secretary, Public Relation Cell, KMDA along with 4( four ) copies of this NIT for timely
Publication in leading News Papers as per existing tendering norms and for display this NIT in KMDA Web
9) The Superintending Engineer, Planning Circle/ C.R.S. circle.
10) The A.C.F.A., E&AM Sector, KMDA.
11) The Executive Engineer, ECPD-I/ECPD-II/SFD/CD-II/BPPD-I/BPPD-II/D-V/CSD, E&AM Sector, KMDA.
12) The Head Estimator in Charge, Construction Circle, E&AM Sector.
13) The Notice Board, Construction Circle, E&AM Sector, KMDA.

Superintending Engineer,
Construction Circle, E&AM Sector, KMDA

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by DILIP KUMAR BARAL
Date: 2023.02.22 10:48:34 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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