Management of Construction and Demolitionabudhabi

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Standard Operating Procedure for

Management of Construction & Demolition

Waste in Abu Dhabi Emirate


This Document is the property of Center of Waste Management – Abu Dhabi, and cannot be used nor given to
outside party without prior authorization
SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi

Table of Contents
Document Management ............................................................................................................................... 2
Version & Change History ............................................................................................................................. 3
1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Scope............................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Requirements for Obtaining NOC for all Construction & Demolition Project ........................... 8
4.1 Types of NOCs ........................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Why is it required? ................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Categories of NOC for Construction and Demolition Projects ................................................ 8
4.4 Waste Producers (Owners/Contractors) ................................................................................. 9
4.4.1 Demolition NOC .................................................................................................................. 10
4.4.2 Pre-Construction NOC ........................................................................................................ 11
4.4.3 Construction Completion NOC ........................................................................................... 12
5. General Requirements for Waste Producers, Transporter & Recyclers ................................... 12
5.1 Waste Producers (Owners/Contractors) ............................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Preparation and Submission of the CDWMP..................................................................... 13
5.1.2 Category A (Full CDWMP) .................................................................................................. 14
5.1.3 Category B Projects (Simplified CDWM Form) .................................................................. 15
5.1.4 Review of the CDWMP ....................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Waste Transporters (WTs) ..................................................................................................... 16
5.3 C&D Waste Recycling/Treatment Facilities ........................................................................... 17
6. C&D Environmental Service Providers Licensing Requirements .............................................. 17
6.1 Waste Transporters ................................................................................................................ 17
6.1.1 Company Licensing ............................................................................................................. 17
6.1.2 First Issuance or Renewal of Activity ................................................................................. 17
6.2 Approved / Recycling facilities............................................................................................... 18
6.3 Permit Fees ............................................................................................................................. 18
7. Inspections & Violations ............................................................................................................ 19

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7.1 Inspection Requirements ....................................................................................................... 19
7.2 Violations & Fines ................................................................................................................... 19
8. References .................................................................................................................................. 20
9. Document Control ...................................................................................................................... 20
10. Annexures ............................................................................................................................... 21
Annexure 1: Approved C & D Waste Recycling Facilities ............................................................................ 22
Annexure 2: Inspection Checklist for C&D Waste Transporters ................................................................. 23
Annexure 3: C&D projects NOC application Forms..................................................................................... 24
Annexure 4: Waste acceptance criteria at Tadweer C&D Facilities............................................................ 25
Annexure 5: CDWMP Plan Development Guideline Category A Projects................................................... 26

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
1. Purpose

The Center of Waste Management, Abu Dhabi (CWM) - Tadweer has developed this Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) to properly identify and manage the construction and demolition
waste stream generated from the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

This Procedure sets forth the process and requirements for the collection, transportation and
recycling of C&D Waste in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This document outlines the responsibilities
and requirements set by CWM-Tadweer for the WPs (Contractors), Transporters (WTs) and
Recycling facilities within Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The primary objectives of this Procedure can
be summarized as follows:

1. For Waste Producers: Set the framework and formalize the process for management of
C&D waste in Emirate of Abu Dhabi as follows;
a) Construction: Issuance of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for contractors to acquire
construction permits or obtain Construction Completion Certificate from the
Municipalities of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi;
b) Demolition: Issuance of NOC for contractors to acquire demolition permits from the
Municipalities of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi; and
c) Inspection: Random Inspection of contractors’ C&D waste management systems to
ensure proper on site waste management schemes are implemented.

2. For Waste Transporters: Ensure safe, effective and efficient collection and
transportation systems:
a) Issuance of Licenses for new and / or addition for transportation of “Construction
and Demolition Waste” activity to waste transporters;
b) Inspection of waste transporters fleets to ensure compliance with CWM-Tadweer

3. For C&D Waste Recycling/Treatment: Provide the necessary recycling/treatment

facilities to handle C&D waste generated in Emirate of Abu Dhabi following best
applicable international practices.
4. Monitoring: monitoring and prevention of illegal dumping of C&D waste to ensure that
UAE Federal Laws and CWM-Tadweer’s requirements are followed.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all C&D WPs (Owners/Contractors) irrespective of their size (number
of labor, size of projects, etc.) or quantity of the generated waste at all levels, including
collection, transportation and recycling of C&D waste within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

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The scope comprises the roles / responsibilities, technical, permitting requirements as well as
violations & fines for the three major stakeholders in that sector, namely:

1. Waste producers (Owners/Contractors)

2. CWM-Tadweer’s licensed waste transporters; and
3. CWM-Tadweer’s licensed Recycling/Treatment facilities inside Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

3. Definitions

Tadweer (CWM) - Centre of Waste Management for managing waste in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi as established under Decree No 17 of 2008 establishing the Centre of Waste
Management – Abu Dhabi

Construction and Demolition Waste - Construction and demolition (C&D) materials consist of
the debris generated during the construction, renovation, and demolition of buildings, roads,
and bridges. C&D materials often contain bulky, heavy materials, such as concrete, wood,
metals, glass, and salvaged building components.

Waste Producers - This includes anyone whose activities produce waste (original waste
producer) or anyone who carries out pre-processing, mixing or other operations resulting in a
change in the nature or composition of this waste. C&D waste producers subject to this
procedure are detailed below:

• Group A - WPs: Main Contractors involved in constructing or demolishing projects that

with gross floor area greater than 20,000 m2, Hotels and/or Mosques.

• Group B - WPs: Main Contractors that are involved in constructing or demolishing

projects with gross floor area less than 20,000 m2.

Waste Transporters - A waste transporter is defined as any person or entity engaged in the off-
site transportation of waste within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Off-site transportation of waste
includes shipments from a waste generator’s facility property to another facility for treatment,
storage, or disposal.

C&D Approved Facilities - It is defined as the approved Tadweer facility for receiving and
managing Construction and Demolition Waste.

Source Segregation - Sorting the recovered materials into specific material types with no or a
minimum amount of contamination on site where C&D waste is generated.

Time-Based Separation - Collecting waste during each phase of construction or demolition

which results in primarily one major type of recovered material. The material is removed before
it becomes mixed with the material from the next phase of construction.

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4. Requirements for Obtaining NOC for all Construction & Demolition Projects

CWM-Tadweer issues NOCs as part of the requirement to obtain the permit for
construction/demolition to developers or companies involved in Construction and / or
Demolition Projects from the Municipalities of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. These NOCs shall be
awarded based on successfully implementing the necessary measures to properly manage C&D
waste onsite/offsite in line with Emirate of Abu Dhabi standards and regulations, and
submission of supporting documentation to prove this. This shall cover the construction,
demolition, and commissioning phases of the project.

4.1 Types of NOCs

CWM-Tadweer will issue three different types of NOCs as follows:

1. Pre-Construction NOC: This NOC is required for new construction projects prior to
construction commencement.
2. Construction Completion NOC: This NOC is required for projects that were completed in
relation to the Municipality of Abu Dhabi’s requirements for “Building Completion
Certificate” 1
3. Demolition NOC: This NOC is required to be obtained prior to demolition of any building
or villa in relation to the Municipality of Abu Dhabi’s requirements for “Building
Demolition Permit” 2

4.2 Why is it required?

Federal Environmental Law 24/1999 requires that all projects or establishments obtain a permit
(i.e. NOC) prior to starting an activity.

As part of receiving this NOC, the project proponent must assess the waste impacts of their
activities. The NOC of Construction Projects supports the requirements of the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) System Framework
(Decree 42 of 2009).

4.3 Categories of NOC for Construction and Demolition Projects

A project proponent must obtain a NOC before starting construction. Any new construction,
demolition, as well as infrastructure project or any new addition to an existing project is subject

Abu Dhabi Municipality – Building Completion Certificate

2 Abu Dhabi Municipality – Building Demolition Certificate


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to NOC requirements. A simplified procedure is foreseen for minor constructions or single
buildings, whose gross floor area (GFA) doesn’t exceed 20,000 square meters.

• Group A: If the project consists of gross floor area (GFA) greater than 20,000 m2, or for
Hotels and Mosques, the proponent has to follow Urban Planning Council’s requirements.
This Group will demonstrate that the General Contractor working collaboratively with all
sub-contractors and specialty sub-contractors (demolition), should develop a
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan (CDWMP) prior to the start of the
construction and demolition activities as per the requirements of this guideline.

• Group B: If the project consists of gross floor area (GFA) less than 20,000 m2, the
proponent has to follow Abu Dhabi Municipality’s requirements. This group will have to
submit a waste management form showing the estimated waste quantities that will be
generated during construction or demolition phase as per the requirement of this
guideline (Annexure 3).

4.4 Waste Producers (Owners/Contractors)

Project Owners/contractors are required to obtain NOCs at 3 different stages of their project
life cycle:
a) Pre – Demolition;
b) Pre – Construction; and
c) Construction Completion

To obtain the NOC for different stages, the following main documents as stipulated in the table
below are required to be submitted. The process for obtaining the different NOCs are further
explained and detailed in following sections.
Table 4-1 Submittal Requirements for each type of NOC

WP’s Classification

Project Type NOC Type Group A ( > 20,000 m2) Group B ( < 20,000 m2)

1- CDWM – Plan 1- CDWM – Form

1- Admin requirements
Demolition Pre- Demolition 2- Consultant Asbestos Declaration Form / Tadweer
3- Confirm to Bolisaty Requirements
4- Municipality NOC application
5- Pest Control Contract

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1- CDWM Plan 1- CDWM Form
2- Confirm to Bolisaty 2- Confirm to Bolisaty
Pre- Requirements Requirements
Construction 3- Municipality NOC 3- Municipality NOC
application application
4- Pest Control Contract 4- Pest Control Contract

Construction 1- CDWM Form

Completion 2- Confirm to Bolisaty Requirements
3- Municipality NOC application

4.4.1 Demolition NOC

As per the requirements presented in Table 4-1 above, further detailed description is as
1. C&DWM Plan/Form as per the requirement of this procedure depending on the size and
type of the project;
2. Completion and submission of Tadweer’s application form to Customer Service 3; 2F

3. A declaration form issued by the project’s consultant showing evidence of the existence
or absence of asbestos in the building in addition to Tadweer official inspection form;
4. Compliance to Bolisaty and registration on E-Manifest System;
5. Pest and Termite control contract with approved ESP.
Figure 4-1 The Mechanism of issuing Demolition NOC for Demolition projects

Tadweer Licensing and Tariff Department Website – Applications (

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For demolition projects, a mandatory inspection is done by Tadweer to inspect and verify
the presence or absence of Asbestos in the buildings prior to approval or issuance of NOC.
The results of the inspection impact the additional requirements for contractors in case
Asbestos existence is confirmed, please refer to Tadweer website for the Technical
guideline relating to proper Asbestos Management at the following link:

4.4.2 Pre-Construction NOC

As per the requirements presented in Table 4-1 above, further detailed description is as
1. CDWM Plan / Form as per the requirement of this procedure depending on the size and
type of the project;
2. Completion and submission of Tadweer’s application form to Customer Service 4;
3. Compliance to Bolisaty and registration on E-Manifest System;
4. Pest and Termite control contract with approved ESP
Figure 4-2 below illustrates the process followed for obtaining a pre-construction NOC for
C&D projects
Figure 4-2 The Mechanism of issuing pre construction NOC for Construction projects

Tadweer Licensing and Tariff Department Website – Applications (

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4.4.3 Construction Completion NOC

As per the requirements presented in Table 4-1 above, further detailed description is as
1. CDWM Plan / Form as per the requirement of this procedure depending on the size and
type of the project;
2. Compliance to Bolisaty and registration on E-Manifest System;
3. Municipality NOC application
Figure 4-3 The Mechanism of issuing construction completion NOC for Construction projects

5. General Requirements for Waste Producers, Transporter & Recyclers

The requirements of the key stakeholders involved in the Construction and demolition sector
are presented below.

5.1 Waste Producers (Owners/Contractors)

C&D Waste Producers are considered as the entities producing C&D waste due to their
operational activities. A waste producer will be held liable for the C&D waste that will be
generated within his premises. Section 4 highlights how the owners/contractors shall be
classified when requesting NOC from CWM-Tadweer. The categorizations of the main

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contractors have been developed according to Urban Planning Council and Abu Dhabi
Municipality definition for project categories. Waste Producers shall commit to the following:
• Developing and Implementing the Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Plan OR Form (CDWMP/ Form) as per the requirements detailed in the following
section (complete onsite segregation of C&D waste and maximum recycling)

• The waste producer shall segregate C & D waste from all of the other waste streams
such as Municipal Solid Waste (general household waste, food waste, plastics),
waste tyres, green waste, hazardous wastes (empty paint cans), cables, plastic
sheets and cement bags, etc. and ensure that the Waste Transporter contracted
shall not mix any other waste stream with the C & D waste;

• C&D waste should be segregated as per EAD approved waste classification (Concrete
Waste, Styrofoam, Asphalt paving, Gypsum board /Plasterboard, Ceramics, concrete
blocks and excavated material)

• Also the waste producer shall remove asbestos as per Standard operating procedure
(SOP) for Licensing of Asbestos and Asbestos containing Materials Service Providers
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and other recyclable material before demolition of any
structure / building;

• Contracting with CWM-Tadweer’s permitted Waste Transporter for waste hauling 5

• Registering and fully complying with Bolisaty system.

5.1.1 Preparation and Submission of the CDWMP

Tadweer shall ensure that all of the NOC given for construction and demolition projects
contractors have valid CDWMP or forms developed by contractors on their own or via a
third party (consultants). All contractors shall be responsible for the plans, which must be
submitted to Tadweer for approval prior to project commencing. The CDWMP shall adopt
the contractor’s method statement; and shall include the information provided within this
procedure. Pearl rating system and municipalities’ requirements in addition to all legal and
other requirements relating to waste management shall be reviewed by contractors and are
considered an integral part when preparing the management plan in addition to this

When the CDWMP or form is complete, it must be submitted to Tadweer for approval prior
to the scheduled beginning of the project. This shall be done in both paper and electronic
format. As stated in Article 4 of Law 24/1999, “no project or establishment shall start an
activity before obtaining the license aforementioned in the previous article.” A No

Tadweer Licensing and Tariff Department Website – Companies Directory (

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Objection Certificate (NOC) issued from Tadweer shall be the legal document issued by
Tadweer that allows contractors to conclude all other related construction and/or
demolition permits to begin. All Construction and/or Demolition projects waste
management activities shall be monitored by Tadweer through random inspection visits.
Tadweer shall have the right to conduct random inspections to verify that the conditions
stipulated in the approved plans are being carried out properly. Failure to comply with the
requirements outlined within the CDWMP may result in the NOC being revoked. Where
other formats are used, the content of each CDWMP must include, at a minimum, all of the
sections listed below.

5.1.2 Category A (Full CDWMP)

Table 5-1 illustrates the recommended CDWMP Structure and format which shall be
adopted by all Category A projects’ contractors when developing their own project plans via
an approved consultant. The plan shall be comprehensive and informative and shall be
considered as an active and live document that needs to be maintained regularly on an
annual basis. If the project duration is more than 1 year, an annual report shall be
submitted to Tadweer summarizing waste management progress in order to qualify for
obtaining the construction completion certificate later on once the project comes to a
Annexure 5 gives a more detailed guideline on the key information required in each of the
sections highlighted in Table 5-1 below.
Table 5-1: Recommended CDWMP Structure
Tadweer CDWMP Recommended Structure

Section Name Content

Chapter 1 Management - Management Commitment

Commitment & Project - Project Proponent Information
- Project Description
- Site layout
Chapter 2 Waste Identification and - Materials Used
Material Management - Estimated waste generation
- Assumptions for estimate

Chapter 3 Performance Goals - Project Recycling Goals

Chapter 4 Implementation - Site Storage

Considerations - Handling
- Transportation
Chapter 5 Roles and - Project Director/Construction Manager
Responsibilities - Waste Management Champion

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Chapter 6 Documentation and - Waste Management Summary Reports
Quality Assurance - Waste Reduction Progress reports

Appendices Forms and Checklists - Mandatory Forms

- Appendices Structure

5.1.3 Category B Projects (Simplified CDWM Form)

A simplified form for developing a proper construction and/or demolition waste

management plan is provided in Annexure 3 and has been developed to help contractors
estimate their waste generation and set their recycling rates in a much easier way. This
form can be downloaded from Tadweer Site at
These sheets are the main requirement for construction and demolition projects within
category B as defined earlier in Section 4. The form is comprised of 5 main sections as
• Section I – Commitment: it is required that project top management shall provide
commitment as highlighted in the form

• Section II – Project information: Sheet A provides an overview of the project type

and key stakeholders involved

• Section III – Waste Identification and Categorization: Sheet B allows the contractor
to identify and quantify potential waste streams generated from project

• Section IV – Waste Management and Disposal Option: Sheet C – shall be used by

contractors to develop their work procedures matching their waste streams
estimates to their transportation requirements and disposal methods

• Section V – Plan Monitoring: Sheet D – shall summarize key waste data and their
methods of recycling, disposal and how the contractor is achieving his set targets.

5.1.4 Review of the CDWMP

Following submission of the CDWMP or form, Tadweer Licensing and Tariff officials will
review the plan to verify that all chapters of the plan are complete and that it meets all of
the stipulated requirements. This evaluation ensures that the CDWMP or form adheres to
this guidance document and provides sufficient detail. Tadweer may seek clarification or
revisions to the CDWMP from the contractor of the proposed project. Following approval of
the CDWMP, Tadweer will issue an NOC for work progression so that contractor can
conclude their construction permit and project activities can commence at the project site.

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5.2 Waste Transporters (WTs)

CWM-Tadweer’s WTs shall commit to the following:

1. Shall have a valid commercial license issued by DED for the collection and transportation
of C&D waste.
2. Shall have a valid permit issued by CWM-Tadweer for the collection and transportation
of “Recyclables – Construction and Demolition”, following the submission of CWM-
Tadweer application;
3. Waste Transporter should provide Two waste collection bins as a minimum at the
waste producer’s construction site if applicable. The bin should be durable and tough
made to withstand the rough use by labours during operation and transportation. The
minimum required bin size is 7m3.
4. C&D waste (as per Annexure 4) shall not be mixed with any other type of waste during
its transportation;
5. Drivers must have training certificates for defensive driving & emergency preparedness
training (to be submitted);
6. Vehicles are licensed to transport C&D waste following Traffic Department
requirements and CWM-Tadweer’s Technical Specifications and permitting
7. At all times during operations, vehicles shall be properly maintained, kept clean and in
good working condition following The General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police’s Drivers
& Vehicles Licensing department requirements and CWM-Tadweer’s Technical
8. Ensure the proper containment of C&D waste during its transportation; i.e. bins should
be in a good structural status (neither broken, nor deformed) and covered at all times
during transportation to avoid friable material being blown away.
9. Ensure proper manifestation before collection and transportation from either Group ‘A’
and/or Group ‘B’ waste producers premises;
10. Prior to any transportation, a valid contract with Group ‘A’ and / or ‘B’ waste producers
shall be in place with the following contractual scope:
a. Collection,
b. Transportation is only allowed to Tadweer’s licensed C&D recycling /
treatment facility in Emirate of Abu Dhabi (please refer to Annexure 1), and
c. Manifest completion process in-line with CWM-Tadweer’s requirements and
handing back the completed manifest to the waste producer;

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5.3 C&D Waste Recycling/Treatment Facilities

Construction and demolition waste recycling/treatment facilities are required to recycle

construction and demolition waste, which would otherwise be dumped in landfills. The focus
then lies on reducing the carbon footprint and improving environmental management. This
will consequently lead to a lesser load on virgin resources, providing the construction market
with high quality recycled products.

In order to admit any C&D waste material to these facilities, Tadweer has set certain criteria
for acceptance of such wastes and which are detailed in Annexure 4.

The C&D waste recycling facilities shall comply with Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for
Recycled Crushed Aggregate and are mandated to be certified under Abu Dhabi certification
scheme for recycled crushed aggregate within 12 months of the issuance of the first Waste

6. C&D Environmental Service Providers Licensing Requirements

6.1 Waste Transporters

6.1.1 Company Licensing

At the time of release of these Procedures the transport activity was initially referred as
“Cement and Sand Sweepings and Building Wastes Collection”, however Tadweer is
currently in the process of issuing a new criterion regarding the transportation of C&D
Waste. Once issued, C&D waste Transporters will have to follow the new classification
namely “Collection and Transportation – Construction and Demolition Waste”.

Refer to Department of Economic Development (DED) for further information on company

commercial licensing.

6.1.2 First Issuance or Renewal of Activity

After enrolling the company in DED, the next step will be to register the activity within
Tadweer. Waste transporters (WTs) shall submit the following two sets of required
documents in order to obtain Tadweer’s permit to add C&D waste collection and
transportation to their approved activities:
1. Administrative Requirements:
• Copy of Trade License/commercial license

• Copy of Emirates ID and authorized signature /Power of Attorney

• Filled application form for WT including their list of approved C&D waste transport
vehicles issued by Traffic Department

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• Copy of Vehicle Registration / Ownership;

• Certificate from the Traffic Department to ensure that the vehicle is registered

2. Technical Requirements:
• All vehicles (owned) must be equipped with GPS as per Tadweer approved system;

• Provide a parking arrangement for companies that own 5 or more waste

transporting vehicles.

Figure 6-1 Mechanism of adding the activity of C&D Waste collection and transportation

6.2 Approved / Recycling facilities

All C&D waste approved facilities shall be visited by Tadweer on regular basis to
ensure that Tadweer’s standards are maintained. The approved list shall be revised
accordingly by Tadweer and published so that all WPs can have legitimate outlets and
channels to properly dispose their C&D waste ending up within the recycling chain.
Refer to Annexure 1 for the current list of approved C&D approved facilities in the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

6.3 License Fees

Please refer to the approved fee structure for applicable fees for the C&D waste

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7. Inspections & Violations
7.1 Inspection Requirements
Inspection shall be performed at all stages of C&D waste management process, covering all
involved entities namely waste producers, transporters (WTs) and recycling facilities, to
ensure compliance with CWM-Tadweer’s legal requirements, SoPs and Technical guidelines,
other regulatory instruments, this procedure and other requirements in order to foster
good management practices. Tadweer reserves the right to carry out inspections at any
time to ensure compliance with CWM-Tadweer’s requirements.
Inspection of the various entities will be carried out following a thoroughly developed
inspection checklist in addition to inspection of facilities as per checklist attached in
Annexure 2.
The frequency of inspection is as outlined in Table 7-1 below. However, in case of any
unforeseen events, CWM-Tadweer reserves the right to inspect entities as many times as
needed to ensure that the Regulator’s requirements are fully met.
Table 7-1 Inspection frequency

Type of entity Inspection frequency

Waste Producers (WPs) if required

Waste Transporters (WTs) At least once a year

Recycling Facilities At least twice a year

7.2 Violations & Fines

1. Non-compliance to any requirements of this procedure shall be considered as a

violation of this procedure and liable for enforcement / judicial action. Additionally,
any of the following actions shall also be considered as violation Noncompliance
with UAE Federal regulatory requirements, Abu Dhabi regulatory requirements
including EAD and CWM - Tadweer requirements;

2. Segregated C & D waste is to be delivered to the C & D recycling facility (Annexure

1), which shall be the responsibility of the waste producers as well as the waste
transporter. C & D waste mixed with other waste streams will not be accepted by
the C & D recycling facility and as a penalty for mixing waste streams, a fee of AED
20/truck would be charged;

3. Disposal of C&D Waste in any place other than the designated recycling facility or
controlled disposal site shall be considered as illegal dumping;

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4. Contract with unregistered/ not licesned transporters for transportation of C&D
Waste and/or facilities for the treatment of C&D Waste.

All entities including waste producers, transporters and recycling / treatment / disposal
facilities shall be legally obliged to comply to the requirements and failing to do so shall be
liable for enforcement / judicial action as per the Permitting and enforcement regulation issued
by EAD, which is published on Tadweer website at

Any Non-Compliance identified will lead to legal actions including but not limited to suspension
or revoking of any issued permits and / or NOCs.

8. References

1. UAE Federal Law No. 24 of 1999, Protection and Development of the Environment.

2. Law No (21) for the year 2005 on waste management in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

3. Decree 2G24 of 2009 for tariff system of the waste in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi.

4. Decree No 1/2010 for Waste Tracking System.

5. Decree No 17 of 2008 establishing the Centre of Waste Management – Abu Dhabi.

6. Decree No 42 of 2009 requirements of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment, Health and
Safety Management System (EHSMS) Regulatory Framework.

7. Waste Classification Policy (EAD-EQ-PR-P-01).

8. Waste Planning Policy (EAD-EQ-PR-P-02)

9. Licensing and Enforcement Policy for Waste Sector (EAD-EQ-PR-P-03)

10. Waste Collection, Segregation, Transfer and Tracking Policy (EAD-EQ-PR-P-04)

11. Waste Reuse, Recycling, Resource Recovery, Waste to Energy, Treatment and Disposal
Policy (EAD-EQ-PR-P-05)

12. Waste Classification Technical Guideline (EAD-EQ-PR-TG-01).

13. Technical Guideline on Duty of Care in Waste Management in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

14. Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for Recycled Concrete Aggregate– Assessment and
Surveillance Plan – Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council - 2013

9. Document Control

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The document considered uncontrolled when printed or not stamped CONTROLLED

10. Annexures

Annexure 1: Approved C & D Waste Recycling Facilities

Annexure 2: Inspection Checklist for C&D Waste Transporters

Annexure 3: C&D projects NOC application Forms

Annexure 4: Waste acceptance criteria at Tadweer C&D Facilities

Annexure 5: CDWMP Plan Development Guideline Category A Projects

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
Annexure 1: Approved C & D Waste Recycling Facilities

Tadweer Approved C&D Receiving Facilities

Sr. Facility Name Contact Region



Al Dhafrah Recycling Industries LLC,
P.O. Box 91728 Hameem Road, E65,
Plot P3, Al Shanayan
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Phone: +971 2 585 1050

Fax: +971 2 585 1160

2 Al Ain Crushing Plant Star International Waste management Al Ain Region


Ain Al Fayda

Abu Dhabi Al-Ain Truck Road

Tel: +971 37847115

Fax: +971 378 471 16

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
Annexure 2: Inspection Checklist for C&D Waste Transporters

Compliance /
S/N Checklist item

Administrative documents

1 Valid Tadweer License

2 List of waste transporter vehicles having valid registration cards

3 Photographs of each side for each vehicle

In case vehicle(s) are rented, copy of valid rental contract shall be

5 Installation schedule (in case GPS not installed)

Is Transport vehicles equipped with all safety equipment such as fire

6 6
extinguishers and first aid kit ? 5F

7 Is appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided?

8 Review the arrangement of trucks and skips

C&D Waste Transporters Vehicles requirements

C&D waste transportation vehicle have clear write up of the company

name, phone number and emergency number

10 GPS installed

11 Vehicles are in good working conditions (clean, no leakage, etc.)

12 Vehicles have valid stickers and contain signs

13 Vehicles have maintenance records

14 Arrangements for vehicles and skips parking in case more than 5

This item is under the full responsibility of Traffic Department

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
Annexure 3: C&D projects NOC application Forms
- Construction & Demolition Waste Management Form (For Pre-Construction Projects)
- Construction & Demolition Waste Management Form (For Construction Completion
- Construction & Demolition Waste Management Form (For Demolition Projects)

Tadweer Licensing and Tariff Department Website – Applications


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REQUIREMENTS (‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Completion Projects)

Waste Management form Requirement Checklist

Section I - Project Information

Fill in Sheet A to include all relevant project information

Section II - Plan Monitoring

activities onsite as per sheet D.

Sheet D
‫ذﻟﻚ ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ‬

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
Date Prepared: (For Completion Projects)

Project Information
Pre-Construction Construction Completion Road Works
Asbestos if yes specify the quantity:

Project Demolition Yes No

Type Maintenance Yes No

Project Age (for Demolition and Maintenance Projects): Project Duration:

Construction/Demolition Area (GFA) - (M2) :

Project Scope and Description:

Project Owner Project Consultant

Full Name ً Full Name ً

Address Address

Landline Landline

Fax Fax
Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Environmental Service Provider Project Contractor

ESP Name ً Contractor ً

Trade Licesne No Trade Licesne No.

Landline Landline

Fax Fax

Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Declaration Sign and Stamp

I, the undersigned, being the project
owner/consultant, hereby declare that all
information providing in this application and in
the attached documents are true and accurate. I
will abide by all relevant regulations and
guidelines to avoide admin and legal actions.

@ GFA (Gross Floor Area)

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Completion Projects)

Date Prepared:


Total quantity
Total quantity of Total quantity
of waste
actual waste of waste
Waste Type recovered
(tonnes) (A) % recovered
(D/A X 100 )
No. (D=B+C)

‫ﻛﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎت‬ ‫ﻧﺴﺒﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎت‬

‫اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺮﺟﻌﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺮﺟﻌﺔ‬

1 Concrete

2 Metals

3 Masonary

4 Gypsum Board

5 Cardboard / Paper

6 Plastics

7 Carpet and Pad

9 Glass

10 Timber







Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan Template V1.0 - Tadweer

Issue date Version No . ( )

REQUIREMENTS (‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Pre-Construction Projects)

Waste Management form Requirement Checklist

Section I - Project Information

Fill in Sheet A to include all relevant project information

Section II - Commitment

A- Waste Management Policy for the project focusing on waste minimisation and preserving natural resources

B- Setting overall recycling rate for the project (not less than %30)
C- Identifying a Focal Point (WASTE MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR) for the project

‫و ﺗﺼﻨﻴﻔﻬﺎ‬

Please refer to Sheet B and identify your potential waste stream. Sheet B provide a guidance on the
most common types of wastes generated from C&D projects. Mention the basis of estimation and any
relevant assumption and information.

Section IV - Waste Management and Disposal Options

1 - Please provide a site layout diagram identifying the designated onsite area for waste collection, segregation

or recyclers.

- Use Sheet C to develop your work procedures matching your waste streams to their transportation requirements
and disposal methods

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
Date Prepared: (For Pre-Construction Projects)

Project Information
Pre-Construction Construction Completion Road Works
Asbestos if yes specify the quantity:

Project Demolition Yes No

Type Maintenance Yes No

Project Age (for Demolition and Maintenance Projects): Project Duration:

Construction/Demolition Area (GFA) - (M2) :

Project Scope and Description:

Project Owner Project Consultant

Full Name ً Full Name ً

Address Address

Landline Landline

Fax Fax
Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Environmental Service Provider Project Contractor

ESP Name ً Contractor ً

Trade Licesne No Trade Licesne No.

Landline Landline

Fax Fax

Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Declaration Sign and Stamp

I, the undersigned, being the project
owner/consultant, hereby declare that all
information providing in this application and in
the attached documents are true and accurate. I
will abide by all relevant regulations and
guidelines to avoide admin and legal actions.

@ GFA (Gross Floor Area)

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Pre-Construction Projects)
Date Prepared:


(A) Estimated quantities (B) Estimated TOTAL estimated

Waste Type of materials purchased/ generated waste quantity of waste
(based on BOQ) from (A) (in%) generated
(C = A x B)
No. ‫)أ( اﻟﻜﻤﻴﺎت اﻟﻤﻘﺪرة‬
‫ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﻮاد اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻢ‬ ‫)ب( ﻧﺴﺒﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎت‬
‫ﺷﺮاؤﻫﺎ‬ ‫ ﻣﻦ‬% ‫اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺠﺔ‬
‫)ﻋﻠﻰ أﺳﺎس ﺟﺪول‬ ‫اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻮد أ‬

1 Concrete

2 Metals

3 Masonary

4 Gypsum Board

5 Cardboard / Paper

6 Plastics

7 Carpet and Pad

9 Glass

10 Timber

Bulky work





Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan Template V1.0 - Tadweer

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Pre-Construction Projects)
Date Prepared:


Disposal Method and Quantity:

Total Est. quantity Est. amount of Est. amount of Est. amount Transportation
Waste Type of salvaged waste recycled waste disposed to and Disposal
waste (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) PROCEDURES

1 Concrete

2 Metals

3 Masonary

4 Gypsum Board

5 Cardboard / Paper

6 Plastics

7 Carpet and Pad

9 Glass

10 Timber







Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan Template V1.0 - Tadweer

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ اﻟﻬﺪم‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Demolition Projects)

Waste Management form Requirement Checklist

Section I - Project Information

Fill in Sheet A to include all relevant project information

Section II - Commitment

A- Waste Management Policy for the project focusing on waste minimisation and preserving natural resources

B- Setting overall recycling rate for the project (not less than %30)
C- Identifying a Focal Point (WASTE MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR) for the project

‫و ﺗﺼﻨﻴﻔﻬﺎ‬

Please refer to Sheet B and identify your potential waste stream. Sheet B provide a guidance on the
most common types of wastes generated from C&D projects. Mention the basis of estimation and any
relevant assumption and information.

Section IV - Waste Management and Disposal Options

1 - Please provide a site layout diagram identifying the designated onsite area for waste collection, segregation

or recyclers.

- Use Sheet C to develop your work procedures matching your waste streams to their transportation requirements
and disposal methods

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ اﻟﻬﺪم‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
Date Prepared: (For Demolition Projects)

Project Information
Pre-Construction Construction Completion Road Works
Asbestos if yes specify the quantity:

Project Demolition Yes No

Type Maintenance Yes No

Project Age (for Demolition and Maintenance Projects): Project Duration:

Construction/Demolition Area (GFA) - (M2) :

Project Scope and Description:

Project Owner Project Consultant

Full Name ً Full Name ً

Address Address

Landline Landline

Fax Fax
Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Environmental Service Provider Project Contractor

ESP Name ً Contractor ً

Trade Licesne No Trade Licesne No.

Landline Landline

Fax Fax

Mobile Mobile
Email Email

Declaration Sign and Stamp

I, the undersigned, being the project
owner/consultant, hereby declare that all
information providing in this application and in
the attached documents are true and accurate. I
will abide by all relevant regulations and
guidelines to avoide admin and legal actions.

@ GFA (Gross Floor Area)

Issue date Version No . ( )

(‫)ﻣﺸﺎرﻳﻊ اﻟﻬﺪم‬
Construction & Demolition
Waste Management Form
(For Demolition Projects)
Date Prepared:


(A) Estimated quantities (B) Estimated TOTAL estimated

Waste Type of materials Recovered generated waste quantity of waste
(based on BOQ) from (A) (in%) generated
(C = A x B)
No. ‫)أ( اﻟﻜﻤﻴﺎت اﻟﻤﻘﺪرة‬
‫ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﻮاد اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻢ‬ ‫)ب( ﻧﺴﺒﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎت‬
‫اﺳﺘﻌﺎدﺗﻬﺎ‬ ‫ ﻣﻦ‬% ‫اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺠﺔ‬
‫)ﻋﻠﻰ أﺳﺎس ﺟﺪول‬ ‫اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻮد أ‬

1 Concrete

2 Metals

3 Masonary

4 Gypsum Board

5 Cardboard / Paper

6 Plastics

7 Carpet and Pad

9 Glass

10 Timber

Bulky work





Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan Template V1.0 - Tadweer

Issue date Version No . ( )

SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
Annexure 4: Waste acceptance criteria at Tadweer C&D Facilities
Waste Acceptance Criteria At Tadweer C&D Facilities





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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
Annexure 5: CDWMP Plan Development Guideline Category A Projects
This chapter gives guidance for all contractors and consultants when developing the project CDWMP. It
illustrates the key sections required as per Tadweer recommended format and the key information that
need to be accounted for the initial setup of the plan. This SOP is to help facilitate achievement of the
targets set out in the Abu Dhabi Plan 2020. The Contractor shall structure his plan considering the
following sections:

A4-1 Commitment and Project Information

The CDWMP Project information section shall include the following information as a minimum:

• Commitment of Top Management for Proper Waste Management and Environment Protection

• The Project Name;

• Management Plan version number and date of issuance;

• Signature of plan developer, reviewer, and person(s) in charge of approving such plan;

• Key Contact information including project owner; Consultant’s name, and contact information if
applicable, and the contractor’s name and contact information,

• Project Description: The Project Description section of the QHSE MP should include information
regarding the location, scope, overall project and planned activities, environmental baseline setup,
key required permits and project schedule and key milestones.

A4-2 Waste Identification and Material Management

This section shall discuss the identification of potential waste streams and the proposed management
options for each stream.

• Waste Identification: The contractor shall indicate anticipated types and quantities of
construction waste generated by the Project, including estimated quantities and assumptions for
estimates. The Contractor shall use detailed material estimates to reduce risk of unplanned and
potentially wasteful cuts.

• Materials Management: Ensure optimum management of solid wastes via a materials

management hierarchy the materials management hierarchy shall be: reduce, reuse, recycle and

• Project Site layout: A construction site management plan should be created including: work areas,
materials processing areas, materials storage and disposal areas, worker hand-washing and
changing stations, first aid and medical information.

• Compile a list of the available recycling merchants and re-processors in surrounding area.
Recycling Incentives: Determine whether revenues, savings, and other incentives received for recycling
waste materials would be kept by the Contractor or credited to the Client

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
A4-3 Performance Goals
This chapter presents the platform for the contractor to set his recycling goals and to develop and
understand the cost/revenue analysis associated with the waste management practices on site.

• Develop Performance Goals: Develop a waste management plan goals that results in end-of-
project rates for reuse or recycling by weight as a minimum of the total waste generated by the
work. The recycling programme could utilize one or a combination of any of the following
common waste diversion strategies (Please refer to Glossary for definitions):

o Source Separation

o Time-Based Separation
o Co-mingled or off-site Separation

o On-site sales auctions and removal.

• Waste estimations & approach for management:

o Total quantity of waste expected to be generated.

o Include types of materials, total quantity of each sub-type of waste (Annexure 6 & 7)

o Describe onsite C & D waste management approach

o Estimated quantity of hazardous waste and management approach.

• Waste Reduction: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, recycled, or disposed of
in landfill, including quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation

o Salvaged Materials for Reuse, Sale or Donation

o Estimated quantity of the C & D waste to be recycled
o Land filled Materials

o Handling Procedures

A4-4 Implementation Considerations

The contractor shall address the implementation requirements for the plan mainly the logistics
arrangement and requirements that he shall follow on site as follows:

• Container Provisions: Provide containers for construction waste that is to be recycled clearly
labelled as such with a list of acceptable and unacceptable materials. Provide containers for
construction waste that is disposed in a landfill clearly labelled as such.

• Site Storage and handling: Position containers for recyclable and recoverable waste materials at a
designated location on the Project Site. If materials are sorted on site, also provide a sorting area

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
(Waste Buffer Zone) and necessary storage containers. Address the method and frequency the
contractor will conduct visual inspections of dumpsters and recycling bins to remove
contaminants and how all recovered materials are going to be made safe for handling and storage.

• Transportation: discussion of the proposed transportation schedule to ensure that trucks hauling
waste arrive at disposal facility during normal hours of operation. Waste shall not be stored at any
location other than the site or disposal facilities.

A4-5 Roles and Responsibilities

Ensuring there is dedicated team to properly manage waste on site and accurately records all waste
generation data and activities on site, this section shall document key roles and responsibilities for key
team members involved in the waste management process on site:

• The Contractor key responsibilities: Arranging for adequate collection, and transportation to
deliver the recovered materials to the approved recycling centre or processing facility. In addition
to Maintain records accessible to Tadweer for verification of diversion of recovered waste

• Waste Management Coordinator: schedule and conduct meetings to review the Construction and
or Demolition Waste Management Plan. Discuss procedures, schedules, coordination and specific
requirements for waste materials recycling and disposal.

A4-6 Documentation and Quality Assurance

• Reporting: Ensure that evidence of recycling, and reuse of recovered materials is documented and
that all waste arising and transfers on, off and around site are documented with a ‘cradle to cradle’
approach which means knowing the origin of each waste stream and tracking the waste all the
way to the final usage of the waste whether it’s a reuse or a disposal facility. The following
documents are required to be available on site as part of the management plan:
o Waste Management Summary Reports: Provide delivery receipts for the recovered
materials and waste materials sent to the permitted recycling facilities, or landfill with key
information such as Name of firm hauling and accepting the recovered materials or waste,
type of receiving facility, location of the facility, type of materials, net weight or volume,
date of delivery, etc.
o Waste Reduction Progress Reports: These reports shall include Total quantity of waste in
tonnes, Material categories, both estimated and actual quantities of salvages, recycled and
recovered waste as well as percentage of total weight.

o Waste Reduction Calculations: Before request for final completion approval, submit
calculated end-of-project rates for salvage, recycling, and disposal as a percentage of total
waste generated.
o Records of Donations: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste donated

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SOP for Management of C & D Waste in Abu Dhabi
o Records of Sales: Indicate receipt and acceptance of salvageable waste sold.

o Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable
waste by recycling facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets,
receipts, and invoices.

o Landfill Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills facilities
licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices.

o Reporting to Tadweer: All projects holding an NOC from Tadweer shall report on an annual
basis (If the project span is more than a year) to Tadweer via a waste summary report or at
the end of the project if the project span is less than a year with the final waste data and
summary resulting from the executing of the project.

A4-7 Forms and Checklists

This section shall include the following as a minimum:

• All the forms that shall be used to record and calculate waste generation data including
transportation and waste reduction calculations.

• Inspection checklists for waste buffer zone and waste handling and storage arrangements

• List of project nearby waste management facilities and recyclers

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