Infrastructure: Chapter-III

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Chapter- III



Connectivity by road network is a key factor in the development of a particular area. The strong
road network undoubtedly plays an important role in overall growth of the state because roads play a vital
role in the field of strategic, social, economic, educational and industrial development of the area. Since
independence the length of surfaced roads has multiplied almost nine fold but the goods vehicles, buses
and four-wheeled passenger vehicles have increased about 40, 20 and 30 times respectively and at present,
out of every ten habitations only seven habitations are connected by either painted or Kharanja roads.
Thus indicating that this sector still needs great emphasis else the State will fail to cater to the
developmental needs of the 21st century.

2. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous State of India with 16.62 crore persons (2001 census). The
total area of the state is 2.41 lac sq km with a density of 689 persons per sq km (as against the national
average of 312). However, as far as road density of U.P. i.e. road length in kms per lac of population is
concerned it is only 169.8 which is much below the road densities of States like Arunachal Pradesh,
Nagaland, Orissa, Goa, Mizoram, Kerala, Manipur, Himanchal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tripura, Meghalaya,
Sikkim, Assam, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajashthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, J. & K., Andhara Pradesh,
Delhi and Gujrat where the road densities range from 152.3 to 195.3.

IRC’s Road Development Plan

3. Analysis of the present and the future needs of the country by Indian Road Congress led to the
formulation of Vision 2021 for the Highway development in the first two decades of the 21st century. The
salient features of vision are as under:-
National Highways State Highways Major District Rural Roads
Minimum of two-lane Entire length of State 40% of Major All villages with population
carriageway with hard Highways to be of District Roads more than 1000 to be
shoulders. Half the network minimum two lane should have a connected by the year 2003,
should have four/six-lanes. standards of which minimum of villages with population
Strengthening of weak some segments with two-lane between 500 to 1000 to be
pavements, rehabilitation of additional hard carriageway connected by 2007 and
those bridges showing signs shoulders and 10,000 and the total villages with population less
of distress. Construction of kms. of State length of than 500 to be connected by

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National Highways State Highways Major District Rural Roads
bypasses, railway over Highways to be four network to be 2010. Once the basic access
bridges, safety engineering laned. Present State expanded to to all the villages is achieved
and drainage measures. Highways system to 3,20,000 kms in the first decade, the work of
Expanding the present NH be expanded to by the end of further improvements of
system to 80,000 kms by the 1,60,000 kms. by the 2021. village roads and additional
end of 2021. end of 2021. links may be taken up in
subsequent decade.

4. Following target for U.P. are derived by interpolating national targets on the basis of 2001 census:-

Category Population Population Target of Proportionate Proportionate Existing Proposed Approx.

of Road of Country of U.P. country target for target for Road addition/ Proposed
(in crores) (in crores) as per U.P.for 2021 U.P.for year length Upgradation up
2001 2001 Vision (in kms.) 2011 taking as on of roads in gradation
2021 ( in base yr. 03/06 3/06(in kms by year per year
kms.) (in kms.) kms.) 2011 in kms

N.H 102.86 16.62 80,000 12,925 8030 5,583 2447 490

S.H. 102.86 16.62 1,60,000 25,850 14542 8,888 5654 1200

M.D.R. 102.86 16.62 3,20,000 51,700 22086 7,280 14806 2960

Total 5,60,000 90,475 44658 21,751 22907 4650

XI Plan - Financial Targets and Achievements

Roads and Bridges

(Cr. Rs.)

Eleventh Plan outlay Year Outlay Expenditure

2007-08 3929.44 4395.35

24796.18 2008-09 4804.95 4909.95*

2009-10 4779.14 **

Total 13513.53
*Anticipated ** Proposed

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XI Plan - Physical Targets and Achievements

Roads and Bridges

Item Unit XI Plan Target 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Targ Ach Targ Ant. Target
Ach Proposed
1. New const. of Kms 12336 4951 7862 6239 8500 6244
Reconst/ Conv. Kms 15000 8822 5200 1300
to St. Single
2. Strengthening/ Kms 18289 2032 1443 1548 2100 1922
Widening of
(incl. CRF)
3. Bridges Nos 207 40 78 55 98 63
4. ROB Nos 34 2 2 2 2 2
5. EAP
-Up gradation Kms 174 110 162 74 22 -
-Strengthening Kms 1501 540 587 426 478 174
-Major Bridges Nos. 3 3

5. Even though substantial achievements were made in first two year of 11Th Plan, yet to achieve the
targets of vision 2021 for U.P., the more attraction of funds for roads construction, Particularly for
improvement of existing roads, will be desired in coming years.

Connectivity of Villages
Total inhabited Villages Eleventh 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Villages (2001 connected as Plan Target Target
Target Ach. Target Ant. Ach.
census) on 31.3.07 Proposed
97942 60084 10960 1374 3576 2500 4000 3125

Habitations' Connectivity – An Overview

6. In order to provide impetus to rural connectivity, the Government of Uttar Pradesh envisaged to
connect all the villages of more than 1000 population by 2005 and of population less than 1000 by 2010 (
on the basis of 1991 census) as pronounced in the State Road Development policy of 1998. However, this
could not be achieved.

7. In view of the large number of unconnected villages, GOI launched PMGSY based on a new
concept of connectivity to habitations. PMGSY was initiated in 2000 on the basis of this new concept,
which envisaged a time bound programme to connect and upgrade all habitations of more than 1000
population by 2003-04 (in I Phase) and of population between 500 to 1000 by the year 2007-08 (in II

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Phase). However the achievement remained well below the targets and following revised targets are set
under the Bharat Nirman Programme with respect to PMGSY.

8. Working Targets under Bharat Nirman Porgramme are:

 Bharat Nirman Porgramme intends to provide all weather road connectivity to all eligible 1000
persons or more populated habitations with in a span of 4 years i.e. from the year 2005-06 to
the year 2008-09.
 The subsequent activity under PMGSY that is to be taken up in the Bharat Nirman Porgramme
is the upgradation of the through routes after ensuring saturation of all 1000+ population
habitations with all weather road connectivity.

9. At the end of March 2008 about 49,677 habitations (i.e. 29.22%) remained unconnected (920
habitations of more than 1000 population; 4822 habitations of population between 500-999; 18180
habitations of population between 250-499 and 25705 habitations of less than 250 population).

10. A total of about 1731 habitations are expected to be connected during 2008-09 under PMGSY
and a target of connecting 2411 habitations is kept for the year 2009-10 by UPRRDA. Details of PMGSY
scheme is enclosed as annexure-I.

Progress of Bridges and ROBs

11. During 2007-08 i.e. the first year of the XI Plan 77 bridges were constructed and one bridge was
rehabilitated. During the financial year 2008-09, 98 bridges are likely to be completed and another 78
bridge works are proposed to be taken up during the financial year 2009-10. A list of the same is enclosed
as Annexure-II.

12. Following ROBs have been completed during the year 2007-08:-
 ROB at level crossing No. 27A/3T at Etawah.
 ROB at level crossing No. 25B/3T on Jhansi Allahabad Mirzapur Road near Sirsa Mandi at

13. ROBs likely to be completed during 2008-09 are:-

 ROB at level crossing No. 26B/T2 on Nahtaur Noorpur Zoya Amroaha Road (SH-77) at
Jyotiba Phule Nagar.
 ROB at level crossing No. 358/250A on Bareilly Pilibhit Badaun Road at Bareilly.
14. At present work is in progress on 21 ROBs and the work on two ROBs are proposed to be taken up
during 2009-10. One at Niralanagar Aliganj Road, Lucknow and another at Alambagh Chowk Road,

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Highways network in Uttar Pradesh

15. The achievements in road length of all categories, including earthen Roads corresponding to the
target of Road Development Plan-Vision 2021 are as follows:-
Item Target Length for 2011 Achievement as on % of
(km.) 31.3.2007 Target
Road Dev. Plan- Vision 2021
N.H. 8030 5699.886 * 71%
S.H. 14542 8448.675 ** 58%
MDR 22086 7343.659 ** 33%
ODR&VR 269480.370***
Total:- 290972.590#
* With PWD =3794km, With NHAI=1906km. ** PWD Only.
*** including 151579.71 km of other Department Roads (Excluding Local Bodies and
Awas Vikas Parishad).
# Out of this Black Top length is 1,62,892.93 kms only.

State Highways

16. The existing length of state Highways is 8449 km only (as on 31.3.2007) against Vision 2021
target of 14542 kms (by the end of 2011). The Road Development Plan – Vision 2021 envisages the entire
length of State Highways to be of minimum double lane standard and also the existing traffic density, on
most of the State Highways, requires double laning (in some cases even four laning) and strengthening as
well. However the present position is as under: -

State Highways ( All figures are in Kms.)

SH. Standard ML.

82. 1% SH. Below Standard
SL. 2347. 28%

SH. Standard DL.

4743. 56% SH. Standard SL.
1277. 15%

17. Therefore the existing 43% length of SHs, are still below double lane standard there should be
double laned in the XI Plan itself, in addition to the strengthening of existing State Highways. During
2008-09, about 1900 kms. SHs are expected to be strengthened and a target of 1145 kms. is proposed for
the year 2009-10.

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Major District Roads

18. By the year 2011, the required Length of Major District Roads in the State (as per Road
Development Plan – Vision 2021), should be 22086 km but the present MDR length in the State is 7344
km only (as on 31.03.07). Vision 2021 also requires that 40% of Major District Roads should be of a
double lane standard but the present position is as under: -

Major District Roads ( All figures are in Kms)

MDR, Standard
SL, 1531, 21%

MDR, Standard
MDR, Below DL, 859, 12%
Standard SL, MDR, Standard
4915, 66% ML, 39, 1%

19. Therefore, the entire available length of MDRs in the State should be double laned and be
upgraded to SH in the XI Plan itself. Out of which about 700 kms are likely to be strengthened /widened
during 2008-09 and a target of strengthening/widening of about 951 kms is being proposed for the year

Other District Roads

Other District Roads ( All figures are in Km s.)

ODR, Standard SL,

2419, 8%

ODR, Standard DL,

1422, 5%

ODR, Below ODR, Standard ML,

Standard SL, 26069, 223, 1%

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20. Although the ever increasing axle loads and could be fixed the Vision 2021 targets require
immediate strengthening and widening of ODRs yet due to manpower/resource crunch, no specific targets
have been fixed for 2008-09 and 2009-10.

Up-gradation of Roads

Up-gradation of State Highways to National Highways

21. During 2007-08 and 2008-09 none of the SHs have been up-graded to NH. State Government has
sent proposals of the following 13 state highways for up-gradation to National Highways:

Roads Length in Km

1 Raibareilly-Pratapgarh-Machlishahar-Jaunpur SH-36. 168.800

2 Unnao-Lalganj-Raibareilly-Gauriganj-Sultanpur Road 185.770

3 Lumbni-Naugarh-Sidharthanagar-Bansi-Basti-Tanda-Azamgarh-Varanasi Road 292.100

4 Lucknow-Banda Road 145.570

5 Philibhit-Bareilly-Badaun-Kasganj-Hathrash-Mathura-Bharatpur(Rajasthan 283.030
Border) Road

6 Ambedkarnagar-Sultanpur-Amethi-Raibareilly-Lalganj-Fatehpur-Banda Road 286.465

7 Kurawali-Mainpuri-Karhal-Etawah Road 73.158

8 Sirsaganj-Karhal-Kishni-Vidhuna-Bela-Rasulabad-Chaubepur Road 161.530

9 Bareilly-Badaun-Bilsi-Islamnagar-Bahjoi-Sambhal-Hasanpur-Gajraula- 262.390
Chandpur-Bijnor Road

10 Lucknow-Raibareily-Allahabad Road 185.194

11 Jagdishpur-Gauriganj-Amethi-Pratapgarh Road 79.000

12 Fatehpur-Raibareily-Jagdishpur-Faizabad Road 181.960

13 Meerut-Badaun Rajya Marg 66.165

Total Length 2371.132

22. The requirement of funds for upgradation of these roads after upgradation is Rs. 2800 Cr.

Up-gradation of Major District Roads to State Highways.

23. 319.84 km MDRs are expected to be converted to State Highways during the year 2008-09.

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Private Sector Participation

24. Although PPP works are now entrusted to the infrastructure department, yet the progress in this
direction through U.P. State Highway Authority is as under:-

Annual Plan 2008-09

25. Details regarding progress and target of the proposed works to be carried out by the authority
through public private partnership basis in year 2008-09 are as under:-
PPP Projects selected/proposed by department/agency Present Progress Target for
(authority) 2008-09
1 2 3
The maintenance/upgradation work of Roads: According to the Selection of
The roads for maintenance/upgradation are selected as guidelines issued by the Consultant
below: Infrastructure and feasibility
Development Department, study of the
Name of Roads S.H. No. Length U.P., selection of roads as shown
consultant for preparing in column-1 as
1 Lumbini (Nepal) Basti- S.H.-5 359.340
Jaunpur-Mirzapur-Dudhi Road
feasibility study for per guidelines
2 Varanasi-Shaktinagar S.H-5A 135.467 upgradation/ maintenance for PPP isuued
3 Lucknow-Raibarielly-Sultanpur- S.H-34 315.976 of the selected state by U.P. Govt.
Azamgarh-Balia Road highways through Public
4 Barielly-Almora-Bagheshwar S.H-37 56.000 Private Partnership basis
5 Badaun-Bilsi-Islamnagar-Bahjoi- S.H.-51 209.130
is in progress.
Sambhal-Hasanpur-Gajraula Road
6 Delhi-Saharanpur-Yamunotri Road S.H.-57 206.089

The construction work of Modern Computerised Check According to the Selection of

Post and Electronic Weigh Bridge at 37 locations in Uttar guidelines issued by the Consultant
Pradesh. Infrastructure and feasibility
Development Department, study of the
U.P., selection of work as shown
consultant for preparing in column-1 as
feasibility study for the per guidelines
selected work through for PPP isuued
Public Private Partnership by U.P. Govt.
basis is in progress.

Annual Plan 2009-10

26. After the feasibility study of the proposed work as shown in year 2008-09, the selection of
concessionaire shall be done according to the guidelines for PPP by state government for the viable work
through Public-Private-Partnership basis. For less viable project, viability gap funding upto 20% may be
done by Govt. of India/State Government. Beside this, feasibility study of other state highways from 8449
km of state highways under Public Works Department is proposed to be done through consultant according
to the guidelines issued by Govt. of U.P. for PPP. Upgradation and maintenance of feasible roads shall be

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carried out through Private Public Participation by selection of concessionaire as per guidelines of UP
Government for PPP.

Rural Infrastructure Development Fund Scheme (RIDF) Financed by NABARD Progress

During 11 th five year plan - Road Works

27. During 11th five year plan, under RIDF Scheme, against proposed outlay of about Rs. 1012 crores
for road works, roads in about 3000 km length are expected to be constructed. In year 2007-08 Rs. 127
crores were spent for road works to construct about 907 km road length. In year 2008-09 about 750 km
road length are proposed to constructed with an expenditure of Rs. 234 crores. In year 2008-09 upto
10/2008, 396 Km. roads have been constructed with an expenditure of Rs. 67 crores. For 2009-10 an
outlay of Rs. 290 crore is proposed for road works, against which about 830 km road length is proposed
to be constructed.

EAP Projects (World Bank Aided U.P. State Roads Project)

Funding Agency – World Bank

 Type of Funding – Loan sanctioned to Govt. of U.P. through G.O.I.
 Task – Upgradation and Major Maintenance of about 3500 Km. length of Core Road network
of U.P. State. The project is being implemented in two phases.
 Phase I – Upgradation of 374 Km. (4 Packages) and Major Maintenance of 808 Km. (16
 Phase II – Upgradation of 579 Km. (7 Packages) and Major Maintenance of 1766 Km. (32
Packages), Construction of 4 Bypasses of 20 Km.length and 5 Major Bridges.
 Total Cost of Project – Rs.295200.00 Lacs (USD 615 Million), out of which Loan amount is
Rs.234200.00 Lacs (USD 488 Million).
 Date of Start – April 2003
 Date of Completion – 31st December, 2008 (Duration is 5½ years). However, Government of
India on request of Government of UP has requested World Bank to extend the date of
completion by one year i.e. up to 31-12-2009 which is under consideration with World Bank.
 Under Phase I of the project, out of 16 Major Maintenance Packages, 14 Packages have been
completed (624 Km.) and work on balance 2 Packages is ongoing. Similarly works on
following two Upgradation Packages, out of four packages under Phase I of the project is
completed -
 Baharaich – Gonda – Faizabad Road - 109.354 Km.
 Jaunpur – Mohammadpur Road - 33.873 Km.
 Bhognipur – Ghatampur – Choudhagra Road - 82.296 Km.
 And works on following two Upgradation Packages, out of four packages under Phase I of the
project are in progress –

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 Katra-Jalalabad-Allahganj-Bilgram-Bangarmau-Bilhaur Road - 171.435 Km.

28. Due to depreciation in Dollar rate, changes made in design on suggestions from World Bank and
substantial increase in cost of construction material during construction period, the project has been
modified/restructured as under:
 To absorb/accomodate expected increase of Rs.649 Crores in project cost, 7 Upgradation
Packages in Phase II of the project have been downgraded to Major Maintenance.
 A portion of 23 Km. from Madhoganj to Bangarmau road has been included in Upgradation
works on suggestion from the World Bank.
 To absorb/accomodate increase of Rs.400 Crores in project cost due to unexpected increase in
cost of construction material, Upgradation Package No. 9, 10 & 11 and Major Maintenance
Package No. 39, 40, 41 & 53 have been deleted from the scope of the project.
 Works of three Major Maintenance packages RMC-27, 28 and 29 are being done from other
sources and notification has been issued declaring Raebareilly – Allahabad Road (RMC-22 &
52 ) as National Highway. Hence above packages are also out of ambit of the project.

29. Therefore after above modifications / restructuring of the project, the length identified under
Upgradation Packages has been reduced to 408 Km. and length identified under Major Maintenance
Packages has been reduced to 2149 Km and length of Bypasses is 8 Km..
Following Major Maintenance works of Phase I and II of the project are under progress:
Package No. Name of Road Length Km.)
1. RMC-10 Bacharawan – Fatehpur Road 72.000
2. RMC-21 Lucknow – Raebareilly Road 65.303
3. RMC-24 Ranignaj – Raebareilly Road 57.000
4. RMC-32 Sharda Bridge – Ghaghra Bridge Road 36.000
5. RMC-35 Shahjahanpur – Farukhabad Road 49.643
6. RMC-38 Hathras – U.P Border Road 63.500
7. RMC-44 Jagdishpur – Pratapgarh Road (0.00 – 40.00 Km.) 40.000
8. RMC-45 Jagdishpur – Pratapgarh Road (40.00 – 78.50 Km.) 38.500
9. RMC-47 Fatehpur – Muttor Road 35.000
10. RMC-48 Muttor – Banda Road 41.500
11. RMC-51 Chhata – Bajna Road 48.000
12. UPG-05 Pilibhit – Khutar Road 72.726
13. UPG-06 Lucknow-Mohan-Bangarmau Road 75.329
14. UPG-08 Azamgarh-Mau-Phephna Road 115.498
Total 809.999

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Works on following Major Maintenance Packages under Phase – II have been completed
Package No. Name of Road Length Km.)
1. RMC-23 Faizabad – Raniganj Road 50.850
2. RMC-25 Meerut – Bulandshahar Road 55.590
3. RMC-26 Bulandshahar – Narora Road 57.627
4. RMC-30 Khutar – Rajaganj Road 42.800
5. RMC-31 Rajaganj – Sharda Bridge Road 38.000
6. RMC-33 Ghaghra Bridge – Nanpara Road 37.000
7. RMC-34 Nanpara – Baharaich Road 18.600
8. RMC-36 Badauyn – Kasganj Road 57.200
9. RMC-37 Kasganj – Hathras Road 63.000
10. RMC-42 Etah – Shikohabad Road 51.300
11. RMC-43 Mathura – Naujheel Road 37.440
12. RMC-46 Bela(Pratapgarh) - Patti Dhakwa Road 46.380
13. RMC-49 Meerut – Garhmukteshwar Road 42.000
14. RMC-50 Garhmukteshwar – Bulandshahar Road 51.000
Total 648.787

Construction work on following three Major Bridges is in progress:

Package No. Name of Bridge
1. UPG-13 Bridge over River Ghaghra on Sitapur Baharaich Road
2. UPG-16 Bridge over River Yamuna on Chata-Gomat Road
3. UPG-17 Bridge over River Ganga on Badauyn – Kasganj Road

30. Total expenditure incurred on the project up to March 2008 was Rs.176682 Lacs and Upgradation
& Major Maintenance work on 1891 Km. length of roads has been completed.

31. During the Year 2008-09, expenditure under U.P. State Roads Project is expected to be Rs.52500
Lakh and the target is of 500 Km. of Major Maintenance and Upgradation works.

32. For the Year 2009-10, an outlay of Rs.222 Crores has been proposed for this project, against which
construction of 175 Km. length roads under Major Maintenance and Upgradation of road works has been

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Naxal Affected Area Development Scheme

33. Taking serious note of the Naxalite problem in the state, the Government of Uttar Pradesh
launched Naxal Area Development Scheme. 731 villages of the Naxal affected 8 districts of U.P. were
selected as under:-

District Sonbhadra Chandauli Mirzapur Ballia Deoria Ghazipur Mau Kushinagar

No. of 273 241 107 53 24 30 2 1


34. Out of these 731 selected villages 539 villages have already been saturated by providing all
weather roads till March 2008. Four districts viz. Mau, Ghazipur, Deoria and Kushinagar have been
completely saturated by providing all weather roads. Expenditure incurred during 2007-08 was Rs. 66.59
crores. During the year 2008-09 about 104 villages are likely to be saturated at an anticipated expenditure
of Rs. 80 crores.

35. Excluding 4 villages of district Ballia which cannot be connected as they lie in the flood plain of
the river; the remaining 84 villages are targeted for saturation during the year 2009-10 for which an outlay
of Rs. 100 crores is being proposed.

Manyar Kanshiramji Shahri Samagra Vikas Yojna

36. In order to improve the deteriorating condition of the urban roads of the state, the Government of
Uttar Pradesh launched Manyar Kanshiramji Shahri Samagra Vikas Yojna in the year 2007-08. In the first
phase 348.35 kms of road length was sanctioned during the year 2007-08 and the works are likely to be
completed during 2008-09 at an expected expenditure of Rs. 156.43 crores.

37. In the second phase 373.93 kms of road length has been sanctioned during the year 2008-09
against an outlay of Rs. 175 crores. An outlay of Rs. 30 crores is being proposed for 2009-10 for
providing approach roads to houses under construction under the H’ble Kanshiramji Gharib Awas Yojna.

Scheme for joining Indo Nepal Border Check posts

38. In recent times due to increased threat perception from international terrorist groups it has become
necessary to have effective border management system all along Indo-Nepal border. For effective
management of our border with Nepal, S.S.B. Seema Suraksha Bal (S.S.B.) felt the need of all weather
roads, so that jawans of S.S.B. could reach their border outposts in shortest possible time.

39. Keeping in view of the above, Govt. of India has asked the state to submit an estimate for
construction of road along Indo-Nepal border in U.P. After several round of discussions and meetings at
New Delhi & Lucknow, M.H.A., Govt. of India sought detailed information about the roads proposed to be

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constructed. Accordingly a detailed project report has been submitted to Govt. of India for the construction
of 639.70 Kms. of road, 90 minor bridges and 35 major bridges costing Rs. 1502.7327 crores.

Institutional Development and Strengthening Project

40. In the initial phase of the Institutional Development and Strengthening Project, study to develop
Institutional Development and Strengthening Plan was awarded to M/s TCE Consulting Engineers Limited
in association with M/s Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Sir Owen Williams Innovestment. Based on
the agreed recommendations the Consultants formulated Institutional Development and Strengthening
Plan, which is the basis of present “Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional Reforms in
the Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh”

41. The following issues are to be addressed through Specific Institutional Development Study Plan
 Road sector Regulatory & Strategic Framework;
 PWD Organization Structure & Management Capacity;
 Training / Staff Development & Human Resources (HR) Management;
 Accounting & Financial Management;
 Project / Program Planning, Management & Operation;
 Procurement & Contracting;
 Road Maintenance Planning Management & Operation;
 Network Condition Data & Asset Management;
 Road Financing & Resource Utilization;
 Private Sector Participation in UP Road Infrastructure;
 Road Safety Improvement; and
 Information Technology (IT) & Management Information system (MIS)
42. The Contract of Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional Reform in the Road
Sector of Uttar Pradesh has been awarded to M/s LEA International Limited, Canada in joint venture with
M/s LEA Associates South Asia Private Limited, India at a cost of Rs. 11.76 crores with date of start as 3rd
April, 2006. The consultants have to submit 55 Reports out of which 38 have been submitted. Based on
recommendations of the Consultants six Cells have been established with the intent to modernize the
working of PWD and effectively plan and monitor road network. The expenditure on the project for year
2006-07 was Rs. 3.50 crores and the expenditure for year 2007-08 is Rs. 4.50 crores and for the year
2008-09 expected expenditure will be Rs. 2.50 crores.

Issues to be Addressed
 Projects for 639.70 kms of Indo-Nepal Border roads pending with Ministry of Home (Rs.
1502.73 crores.

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 NHAI act has no provision for solatium or negotiation with farmers. NHAI has not adopted
2007 rehabilitation policy of GOI.
 NH roads are poorly maintained due to paucity of funds. Diesel cess should be allocated for
up-gradation of NH roads.
 Approximately 96 ROB proposals pending with Min. Of Railways for 50:50 cost sharing.
 Rs. 305.74cr. proposals under CRF and Rs. 440.16cr. proposals under inter-state scheme
pending with GOI for sanction.
 Special packages are required for the development of Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal regions.


Monitorable Targets for 11th Plan

 Reduction in AT&C losses to the level of 15%.
 Increase in PLF of state generating utilities to 80%.
 Electrification of all villages and hamlets.
 Generation capacity addition 10000 MW.
43. Electricity plays an important role in improving the living standard of the people, therefore,
increase in the supply of electricity and strengthening and augmentation of transmission and distribution
system is a priority in the 11th Plan . In the last 55 years the growth of power sector is depicted in the
following tables.
Transmission & Distribution lines
As on 800KV 400KV 220KV 132KV 66KV 33KV
31.3.51 - - - - 473 1426
31.3.08 409 4259 6809 10862 3139 30550

Transmission & Distribution Sub-stations ( No./MVA)

As on 800KV 400KV 220KV 132KV 66&33KV
31.03.1951 - - - - NA
31.03.2008 - 14/7930 49/13230 222/17094 2019/17380

Generating Capacity (State)

As on Installed Capacity in MW
Thermal Hydel
31.03.1951 161 26
31.03.2008 4197 526.1
Generation Available (Central Sector) : 3498 MW during 2007-08

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44. Per Capita consumption of electricity is treated as a strong indicator of development of a society.
As per CEA report per capita consumption in U.P. during F.Y. 2006-07 is 221.88 Kwh against all India
average of 467.68 Kwh.
Comparison of U.P.'s Datas with other States & All India 2006-07
States/ Peak Peak Gen. T&D Per Capita Village PLF
UTs Demand Met Capacity Loses Consumption Electrified State
(MW) (MW) (MW) % KWH Unit Nos. Sector %
Haryana 4837 4201 2559.38 33.35 762.11 6764 78.00
Panjab 8971 6558 4592.47 26.61 1039.00 12278 83.10
Uttar Pradesh 8753 7531 4513.10 33.98 221.88 83558 60.15
Delhi 4000 3736 932.40 33.00 897.74 158 47.40
Rajasthan 5794 4946 4245.09 35.60 367.81 26676 91.40
Madhya Pradesh 6558 5136 3971.92 39.24 349.39 50213 70.10
Maharastra 17455 12679 14053.27 31.64 635.50 36038 73.30
Andra Pradesh 10208 8641 9017.77 18.65 616.59 26613 86.10
West Bengal 4748 4669 4599.08 23.64 282.32 34555 61.70
Bihar 1399 1162 603.90 50.67 41.72 20620 8.80
Assam 771 688 721.80 33.69 119.12 19741 16.8
All India 100715 86818 132329.23 28.65 467.68 482864 70.60

45. The per capita consumption solely depends on availability of power in the state and particularly
allocation from central generating stations of region.

Important steps taken during 10th Plan

 In 2003 GOUP declared the new Power policy with a host of objectives in mind. The first Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

and foremost was to involve private sector in all segments of power sector. The policy
announced major fiscal concessions to new entrepreneurs.
 Anpara C of 1000 M.W. capacity has been awarded on competitive bidding basis. This is
India’s first project which has been awarded on Competitive Bidding Guidelines.
 The revised Power Purchase Agreement and Revised Implementation Agreement relating
to Thermal Generating station at Rosa (2x300 MW )and Hydro Electric Project at Srinagar
(4X82.5 MW ) have been executed and the work on both these projects has started.
 Major steps have been taken to reduce line losses and improve collection efficiency
electromechanical meters have been replaced with electronic meters.
 Extension of Parichha Thermal Power Project by additional capacity of 1x210MW Power
 U.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) established in September 1999. Tariff Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

order for Financial Year 2000-01 to 2006-07 have been issued by UPERC.
 Energy accounting system has been introduced and made effective to curb theft and losses.

[ 166 ]
 Renovation and modernisation of thermal Power Plants have been taken up in order to
improve generation PLF of thermal plants . Similarly the R&M of Hydro Power plants has
also been taken up.

Impact of Restructuring and Reforms

46. The study of various works executed financed by World Bank was carried out in March 2005. The
study revealed the following benefits:
 Installation of capacitors brought improvement in voltage.
 Addition of transformer capacity has resulted in reduction of tripping cases due to over
 Construction of new transmission lines has resulted in reduction of transmission losses and
over loading of lines.
 Installation of new distribution transformers has resulted in reduction in transformer damage
rate which improved reliability of supply.

Thermal Generation

47. The details of Power Station-wise installed capacity and de-rated capacity of Thermal Power
stations under UPRVUNL as on 01.04.2007 are as follows :-
Power Stations De-rated Units De-rated Installed Capacity In MW
1 Obra 4x40 160
2 Obra Extn.-I 3x94 282
3 Obra Extn.-II&III 5x200 1000
4 Panki Extn. 2x105 210
5 Harduaganj B 2x55 110*
6 Harduaganj C 1x60+1x105 165
7 Parichha 2x110+1x210 430*
8 Anpara A 3x210 630
9 Anpara B 2x500 1000
Total 3987
Note:-* At Harduaganj TPS unit no.1 of 40 MW unit no. 6 of 60 MW have been deleted from
installed capacity w.e.f 08.02.2007; Whereas one unit of 210 MW at Parichha Extension TPS
has been added w.e.f. 24.11.2006 .

48. U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., had envisaged a capacity addition of 1630 MW during the
10th Plan which included 2x500 MW from Anpara 'C' Thermal Power Project and 1X210 MW from Panki
extension Thermal Power Project (gas based) and 2X210 MW from Harduaganj Thermal Power Project

[ 167 ]
(gas based). However due to change in U.P. Govt. policies it was decided to execute the construction of
2X500 MW Anpara 'C' Thermal Power Project through private participation. Due to non-availability of gas
UPRVUNL could not execute the construction of both Harduaganj and Panki gas based projects .Instead of
these gas based projects, UPRVUNL has executed construction of coal based 2X210 MW Parichha
Thermal Power Project extension stage-I Its 1st Unit has been taken on commercial load w.e.f. 24.11.2006
while 2nd unit has been synchronized on 28.12.2006 and is running under trial.

Hydro Generation

49. Hydro Power Generation capacity in Uttar Pradesh is very low as most of the hydro plants were
located in Uttarakhand and all these plants with installed capacity of around 1000 MW have been
transferred to Uttarakhand..

50. Sheetla Small Hydro Power Project(3.6 MW) on Betwa Canal in Distt. Jhansi, has commenced

Other sources of generation

51. In the private sector Vishnu Prayag Hydro Project has been completed and commissioned by Jai
Prakash Power Ventures Ltd.After deducting 12% free power to Uttaranchal U.P. is getting 352 MW
power from this project.

52. Revised PPA for 330 MW Srinagar Hydro Project has been signed with Alaknanda Hydro Power
Company Ltd (GVK Group).The work on this project has started.

53. Revised PPA for Rosa power Station has also been signed for installation Roja Thermal Power
Station, Earlier this power station was planned with 600 MW capacity but now the project has been taken
over by Reliance Energy group and the capacity of the project has been enhanced to 1200 MW.

54. In joint sector 1000 MW Tehri Hydro project has been completed in which U.P.‘s Investment is
25% and share in power is 374 MW.


55. During 10TH five year plan, 150 MW capacity has been added in the state by Sugar Industries .


56. In the Tenth Five Year Plan the provision of Rupees 1512.20 Crore was made for improvement of
distribution system in Urban areas under the scheme of Government of India called APDRP . During the
10th Plan period only 36 schemes amounting to Rs 1091 Crore for 29 District of U.P. have been sanctioned
by the GOI. Initially 50 % was to be financed by Government of India but later on it was revised and
reduced to 25% only. Till 31st March 2007 Rs. 293 Crore were sanctioned by GOI, the remaining amount

[ 168 ]
of admissible assistance would be utilised in 2007-08. A sample study of AT&C losses revealed that the
implementation of the scheme has resulted in reduction of losses varying from 8 % and to 1.5%.

Other Activities
 More than 25 lakh mechanical meter replaced by electronic meters . Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

 Installation of meters on Distribution Transformers in Urban Area started

 Double metering of Heavy Power consumers , Ice factories and Cold storage started
 Automated Meter Reading of industrial consumers started as Pilot project
 Franchising of work of Meter reading ,Bill distribution and Revenue collection in few
districts as pilot project
 AT&C Losses from 52.92 % in 2001-02 brought down to 41.7% during 2006-07.


57. The energy sector still needs major reforms all over the country and U.P. is not an exception. We
still need to improve our plant load factor, check on theft of electricity, reduction of T&D losses, consumer
identification through GIS, proper billing and consumer services, which includes quantitative and reliable
power supply & fulfillment of quantitative requirement.
Plan outlay for annual Plan 2007-08 is as below :
(Rs. in lakh)
Particulars Outlay from Internal Total Outlay Expenditure
Budget support Resource
UPRVUNL 100600.00 1465.00 102065.00 169048.15
UPJVNL 1100.00 50.00 1150.00 100.00
1 Transmission 36536.52 5843.00 42379.52 61185.12
2 Distribution 92300.00 92300.00 92300.00
3 PTW 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
4 APDRP 20000.00 20000.00 2078.00
5 Shell Company 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
6 Joint Venture with NTPC 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
7 Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar 37700.00 37700.00 47700.00
Gram Sabha Vikas Yojna
8 Dr. Beem Rao Ambedkar 770.86
Samajik Parivartan Sthal
9 U.P. Vidyut Nigam 60000.00
TOTAL : UPPCL 198536.52 5843.00 204379.52 276033.98
THDC 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
GRAND TOTAL 310236.52 7358.00 317594.52 455182.13

[ 169 ]
Achievement during 2007-08

 Renovation of 100 MW unit of Obra.
 Commissioning of Parichha Unit No.IV 210 MW.
 Co-generation Capacity added 422 MW .
 Refurbishment 5x200 MW unit of Obra is in Progress.
 During 2007-08, PLF -57.53


58. 1 Nos 220 KV Substation, 8 Nos 132 KV Substation, 140 Ckt. Km. 220 KV Line and 581 Ckt.
Km. 132 KV Line has been completed.

 116 Nos 33/11 KV Sub-Station and 323.67 Km. 33 KV line has been completed.
 The work of laying ABC Conductor has been started and 5000 Km completed.
 To prevent theft double metering of 500 KV & above ice factory & cold storage was started in
2007-08 and has been extended to 10 KV & above consumer in 2008-09.
 During the year 2007-08 energisation of PTW-21509 nos.
 Increase in revenue collection in 2007-08 over 2006-07 – 14%.
 More than 5 lacs consumer added in 2007-08.
 Strengthening and electrification work of 17178 Dr. Ambedkar villages was completed.
 During the year 2007-08 the work of saturation of Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha was started and
1712 Gram Sabha were saturated in 2007-08.
Physical Targets and Achievements for Annual Plan 2007-08
Transmission Works
Item Unit Target Achievement
A. Construction of Lines
400 KV Lines CKT Km.
220 KV Lines CKT Km. 125.00 140.00
132 KV Lines CKT Km. 1275.00 581.011
B. Construction of New Sub-stations
400 KV Nos (MVA)
220 KV Nos (MVA) 8/1800 1/200
132 KV Nos (MVA) 25/800 8/180
C. Augmentation of Sub-stations
400 KV Nos (MVA)
220 KV Nos (MVA) 10/680 7/460
132 KV Nos (MVA) 33/700 49/1159

[ 170 ]
Distribution Works
Works Unit Target Achievement
A : 33 KV Works
(i) New 33 KV Lines Ckt. Kms 1500 323.67
(ii) New 33 KV Sub-Stations Nos./MVA 150/900 116/610
(iii) Augmentation of Sub-Station Nos./MVA 200/600 139/493.5

Rural Electrification Works

Works Unit Target Achievement
Electrification of villages Nos. 4720 2758
Energisation of PTWs No. 20000 21509


(Rs. in lacs)
Particulars Budget Internal Total Anticipated
support Resource Outlay Expenditure
UPRVUNL 200000.00 1870.00 201870.00 153970
UPJVNL 1050.00 100.00 1150.00 1150.00
1 Transmission 42855.00 8759.00 51614.00 51614.00
2 Distribution 234145.00 234145.00 234145.00
3 PTW 11000.00 11000.00 11000.00
4 APDRP 2009.00 2009.00 2009.00
5 Shell Company 2000.00 2000.00 9800.00
6 Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar Gram Sabha 23751.00 23751.00 47256.50
Vikas Yojna
7 Additional Distribution Works 7991.00 7991.00
TOTAL : UPPCL 323751.00 8759 332510.00 355824.50
THDC 1540.00 1540.00 1540.00
GRAND TOTAL 526341.00 10729.00 537070.00 512484.50

Physical Progress 2008-09


 Renovation of 60 MW unit of Harduaganj.

 Co-generation Capacity is expected to be added 222 MW.
 Refurbishment 5x200 MW unit of Obra is in Progress.

[ 171 ]
 Refurbishment of unit No 1&2 of 50 MW Units of Obra is in progress likely to be completed
by Jan. 2009.

 2 Nos 220 KV 10 Nos 132 KV Sub-Stations, 14.9 Ckt. Km 200 KV and 202.9 Km. 132 KV
line has been completed.

 39 Nos 33/11 KV Sub- Station and 90.41 Km. 33 KV line has been completed.
 The work of laying ABC Conductor has been started and 2225 Km. completed. To prevent
theft double metering of 500 KV & above and ice factory & cold storage was started in 2007-
08 and has been extended to 10 KV & above consumer.
 During the year 2007-08 the work of saturation of Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha was started and
1712 Gram Sabha were saturated in 2007-08 and 1406 has been saturated in 2008-09.
 During the year 2008-09, 10456 PTWs have been energized.
 Reduction in Distribution Losses in Corresponding period of 2008-09 over 2007-08 – 5%.
Increase in revenue collection in 2007-08 over 2006-07 – 14% and 22% increase achieved in
2008-09 over 2007-08.
 More than 3 lacs consumer added.
 During the year 2008-09, Distribution Transformers Meter installed -8000.
 29 Industrial feeder have been bifurcated from other category loads.
 More than 5 lacs meters have been installed.
Transmission Works
Item Unit Target Anticipated
A. Construction of Lines
400 KV Lines CKT Km. 225.00 225.00
220 KV Lines CKT Km. 868.00 868.00
132 KV Lines CKT Km. 502.5 502.5
B. Construction of New Sub-stations
400 KV Nos (MVA)
220 KV Nos (MVA) 8/1880 8/1880
132 KV Nos (MVA) 17/740 17/740
C. Augmentation of Sub-stations
400 KV Nos (MVA) 2/390 2/390
220 KV Nos (MVA) 15/930 15/930
132 KV Nos (MVA) 49/1169.5 49/1169.5

[ 172 ]
Distribution Works
Description of works Unit Target Anticipated
A : 33 KV Works
(i) New 33 KV Lines Ckt. Kms 1680.00 1680.00
(ii) New 33 KV Sub-Stations Nos./MVA 150/750 150/750
(iii) Augmentation of Sub-Station Nos./MVA 250/750 250/750

Annual Plan 2009-10

59. Since beginning of XI Plan in the year 2007 stress has been given to enhance the generation and
reduce the T&D losses. U.P. has already taken steps for generation capacity addition for 10000 MW.

Generation Capacity Addition

State Sector
 2x250 MW Parichha TPS Extn. – Work in Progress.
 2x250 MW Harduaganj TPS Extn. – Work in Progress.
 2x500 MW Anpara-D TPS – Work in Progress.

Joint Sector
 2x660 MW Meja Themal Power Station in Distt. Allahabad in joint venture with NTPC for
which MOU has been signed and land acquisition is in process. NTPC has been assigned the
responsibilities of installation of power station.

Private Sector
 2x300 MW Roja TPS – Work in Progress. Scheduled COD- Ist Unit March 2010, 2nd Unit
June, 2010.
 4x82.5 MW Srinagar Hydro – Work in Progress. Scheduled COD- Ist Unit-July,2010 and
remaining 3 units after one month intervals.
 2x500 MW Anpara-C TPS – Work in Progress. (Developer has increased the capacity to
2x600 MW ) Scheduled COD- Ist Unit March 2011, 2nd unit July,2011

PPP Sector – Work in final stage of Start-up.

 3x660 MW Bara TPS – Bidding process is in progress.
 2x660 MW Karchhana TPS – Bidding process is in progress.

Central Sector
 2x660 MW Tanda Thermal Extension Project (NTPC – U.P. Share 56%)

[ 173 ]
Start-up activity on Projects
 1000 MW Obra 'C' Thermal Power Project (State)
 4000 MW UMPP in Bundelkhand Region (JV)
 2000 MW Thermal Power Project at Fatehpur (Joint Venture with Neyeli Lignite)

Request for Project in Central Sector.

 4000 MW Ultra Mega Power Project in U.P.
 Harness the generation capacity of rivers flowing from Nepal.


60. The demand of electricity is increasing continuously. Due to increasing gap in the demand and
availability of electricity, the productivity of agricultural, industrial and other fields is being adversely
affected. For improvement in availability of power, U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam has envisaged
installation of new Thermal Power Projects and renovation & modernization of old generating stations and
extension of its existing Power Stations.
61. The details of Power Station-wise installed capacity and de-rated capacity of Thermal Power
stations under UPRVUNL as on 01.04.2008 are as follows :-
POWER STATIONS De-rated Units De-rated Installed Capacity In MW
1. Obra 4x40 160
2. Obra Extn.-I 3x94 282
3. Obra Extn.-II&III 5x200 1000
4. Panki Extn. 2x105 210
5. Harduaganj B 2x55 110
6. Harduaganj C 1x60+1x105 165
7. Parichha 2x110+2x210 640*
8. Anpara A 3x210 630
9. Anpara B 2x500 1000
Total 4197
Note:-* Second unit of 210 MW at Parichha Extension TPS has been taken on commercial load
w.e.f. 01.12.2007 .

62. Total de-rated installed capacity of all the projects under U.P.R.V.U.N.L. was 4197 MW as on
01.04.2008.During the year 2008-09 Unit no. 4 (55 MW) of Harduaganj has been deleted from the
installed capacity w.e.f. 27.06.2008.Similarly Unit no. 3,4& 5 (40 MW each) of Obra TPS has been
deleted from the installed capacity w.e.f. 16.09.2008.

[ 174 ]
63. It has not been possible to keep pace with the increase in electricity demand under various
categories in the state primarily due to resource constraints. Therefore, there is urgent need to augment
generation capacity to keep pace with the growth in demand in the state in the coming decades.

64. U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., had envisaged a capacity addition of 1630 MW during the
10th Plan which included 2x500 MW from Anpara 'C' Thermal Power Project and 1X210 MW from Panki
extension Thermal Power Project (gas based) and 2X210 MW from Harduaganj Thermal Power Project
(gas based). However, due to change in U.P. Govt. policies it was decided to execute the construction of
2X500 MW Anpara 'C' Thermal Power Project through private participation. Moreover, due to non-
availability of gas UPRVUNL could not execute the construction of both Harduaganj and Panki gas based
projects .Instead of these gas based projects, UPRVUNL has executed construction of coal based 2X210
MW Parichha Thermal Power Project extension stage-I. Its 1st & 2nd Unit has been taken on commercial
load w.e.f. 24.11.2006 & 01.12.2007 respectively.
65. During the 11th Plan, UPRVUNL has planned to construct new Thermal Power Projects as
detailed in the table below:-

Name of Thermal power project capacity in Status Proposed Date of

MW Commissioning
1 2x210 MW Parichha Thermal 420 MW I & II units are already I unit – 24.11.2006
Power Extn. Project I stage running on commercial II unit – 01.12.2007
load. (actual)
2 2x250 MW Parichha Thermal 500 MW Orders placed. Works at I unit –Feb, 2010
Power Extn project stage II site in progress. II unit –June, 2010
3. 2x250 MW Harduaganj Thermal 500 MW Orders placed. Works at I unit –April, 2010
Power Extn project site in progress. II unit –August, 2010
4 2x500 MW Anpara ‘D’ Thermal 1000 MW Orders placed. Works at I unit –April, 2011
Power project site in progress. II unit –July, 2011
5 2x500 MW Obra ‘C’ Thermal 1000 MW Techno-commercial I Unit- March 2012,
Power project offer from BHEL being II Unit- Sept. 2012
6 2x250 MW Harduaganj Thermal 500 MW Pre-feasibility study I unit – August, 2013
Power Extn project stage- II completed. Preparation II unit – Dec., 2013
(proposed) of DPR placed.
7 1x250 MW Panki Thermal Power 250 MW DPR has been prepared. Dec, 2013
project (proposed)
1 2x660 MW Meja Thermal Power 1320 MW DPR has been prepared. I unit – Feb, 2013
Project (Joint Venture with NTPC ) II unit – Aug, 2013
2 2000 MW Fatehpur TPP (in Joint 2000 MW Draft MOU is being I unit – June, 2014
Venture with NEYVELI LIGNITE prepared for submission II unit – Dec, 2014

[ 175 ]
 The dates of Obra ‘C TPP, Harduaganj TPP II stage and Panki TPP mentioned at sl no. A - 5,
6, and 7 above are tentative and subject to approval/clearance from U.P. Govt.
 75% of the electricity generated from Meja TPP (under JV) mentioned at sl no. B-1 will be the
share of U.P.State.
 70% of the electricity generated from Fatehpur TPP (under JV) ) mentioned at sl no. B-2 will
be the share of U.P.State.

Status of Thermal Power Stations being implemented/ Proposed


2x210 MW Parichha Extension Thermal Power project

 The Ist unit and IInd unit (each of 210 MW) are already running on commercial load w.e.f.
24.11.2006 and 01.12.2007 respectively.

2x250 MW Parichha Thermal Power Extension Project

 Letter Of Acceptance (LOA) for purchase of Boiler, Turbine and Generator including erection,
testing and commissioning along with related civil works is placed with M/s BHEL. The zero
date for the project is 04.08.2006.
 The Ist and IInd unit of this project was scheduled to be completed in July, 2009 and
November, 2009 respectively. However, due to a delay of about 10 month in starting
/mobilization of the construction activities, BHEL has postponed the commissioning of the
units to Feb, 2010 and June, 2010 respectively.
 BHEL has performed the activity of Drum Lifting on 05 Sept, 2008. The work of Cooling
Tower has been executed about 16%. The work of DM Plant has been executed about 40%.
Other works e.g CW Pump House, Chimney etc are also in progress.
 The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 1900 crore., 30% of which shall be UP
Govt. Equity (i.e. Rs. 570 cr). Out of this equity., Rs 504.80 cr has been allocated upto 2008-
09. Rs. 65.20 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

2x250 MW Harduaganj Thermal Power Extension Project

 Letter Of Acceptance (LOA) for purchase of Boiler, Turbine and Generator including erection,
testing and commissioning along with related civil works is placed with M/s BHEL. The zero
date for the project is 07.09.2006. The Ist and IInd unit of this project was scheduled to be
completed in Oct, 2009 and Feb, 2010 respectively. However, due to a delay of about 10
month in starting /mobilization of the construction activities, BHEL has postponed the
commissioning of the units to April, 2010 and August, 2010 respectively.
 Construction of Piles in BTG area has almost been completed. Boiler structure erection work
is in progress. The construction work of Chimney is in Progress.

[ 176 ]
 The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 1900 cr., 30% of which shall be UP
Govt. Equity (i.e. Rs. 570 cr). Out of this equity., Rs 442.00 cr has been allocated upto 2008-
09. Rs. 75.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

2x500 MW Anpara ‘D’ Thermal Power project

 Two units of 500 MW each are being installed in this project . LOA has been placed by
UPRVUNL on BHEL for construction of BTG and some of the BOP works amounting Rs.
3390.00 crore (inclusive of taxes & duties). BOP works e.g chimney, cooling tower, CW
system etc. are also included in the scope of BHEL. 15% advance has been released to BHEL
on 13 January, 2008 which is the Zero date of the project. The Ist and IInd units are scheduled
to be completed in April, 2011 and July, 2011 respectively.
 The soil testing/ soil improvement technique and drainage pattern study at the site has been got
conducted by UPRVUNL through IIT, Roorkee and BARC, Mumbai who have submitted the
final report. A copy of the final report has been made available to BHEL also who have started
the designing the foundation/structure accordingly. Execution of construction of switchyard is
to be done by U.P. Power Transmission Corporation. The transmission lines (4 no) of M/s
HINDALCO passing through the project site are required to be shifted. Construction of
foundations for shifting the lines is in progress. In addition to these, shifting of the
transmission lines of NTPC and PGCIL passing through the site by PGCIL is also under
 The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 5358.60 cr., 30% of which shall be UP
Govt. Equity (i.e. Rs. 1607.4cr.). Out of this equity Rs 803.90 cr has been allocated upto 2008-
09. Rs. 437.70 Cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 and Rs.3.70 cr. shall be met
through internal resources.

2x500 MW Obra ‘C’ Thermal Power project ---

 Techno-commercial offer for 2x500 MW Obra ‘C’ Thermal Power project has been obtained
from BHEL. The technical details are under finalization after discussions between BHEL,
UPRVUNL and the consultants NTPC. The orders shall be placed with BHEL after
approval/clearance and subsequent finalization of the details/terms & conditions.
 The process for obtaining NOC from State Pollution Control Board/ Environmental clearance
from MOEF for the proposed 2x500 MW units is in progress.
 The estimated cost of the project as per DPR is approximately Rs. 6175.10 crore, 30% of
which shall be UP Govt. Equity. Out of this equity Rs 500.00 cr has been allocated upto 2008-
09. Rs. 370.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 and Rs.15.00 cr. shall be met
through internal resources.

1x250 MW Panki ExtensionThermal Power project

 One unit of 250 MW is proposed to be installed in this project. Final feasibility report has been
prepared by M/s NTPC. Draft DPR for this project has been submitted by M/s EVONIK

[ 177 ]
ENERGY SERVICES (India) Pvt Ltd. EIA study is under progress through M/s PCRI, BHEL,
 The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 1451.00 cr., 30% of which shall be UP
Govt. Equity. Rs. 100.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10

2x250 MW Harduaganj Extn project – stage II Thermal Power Project

 Two units of 250 MW each are proposed to be installed in this project. Pre-feasibility
report/study has been carried out jointly by UPRVUNL & NTPC. Orders have been placed
with M/s EVONIK ENERGY SERVICES (India) Pvt Ltd. for preparation of Detailed Project
 The preliminary estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 2500.00 cr., 30% of which
shall be UP Govt. Equity. Rs. 200.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10

2x660 MW Anpara ‘E’ Thermal Power Project

66. Initially it was proposed to install two units of 800 MW each for this project. However, the
proposed 800 MW units were found to be not viable in view of the available Indian coal which have high
ash contents. Subsequently, feasibility study was being carried out to explore the possibility for installation
of one or two super-critical units of 500 /600 MW each for Anpara Expansion TPP. This project has now
been decided to be constructed in private sector.


2x660 MW Meja Thermal Power Project (in Joint Venture with NTPC) –
 A Joint Venture Company has been formed between UPRVUNL and NTPC for construction
of 2x660 MW Meja TPP at Allahabad. The JVC has been registered as ‘MEJA URJA NIGAM
PVT. LTD.’ on 02 April, 2008.The investment in this project shall be on 50:50 % basis
between UPRVUNL and NTPC. 75 % of the generation from this project shall be the share of
UP state.
 The land required for this project has been acquired. MEJA URJA NIGAM has conveyed
proposed zero date of this project as June, 2009 and the proposed commissioning of the Ist &
IInd units as Feb, 2013 and Aug, 2013.
 The estimated cost of the project is Rs 9276.90 crore, as per feasibility report submitted by
Meja Urja Nigam. Rs. 250.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10

2000 MW Fatehpur TPP (in Joint Venture with NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION
 It has been proposed to set up a 2000 MW Thermal Power Project at Fatehpur, UP in joint

[ 178 ]
being prepared for submission to the Government for approval. The estimated cost of the
project is approximately Rs 10000.00 Crs.
 Seventy percent of the generation from this project shall be the share of UP state. The land for
this project has been identified. Rs. 50.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

Refurbishment / Renovation / Uprating of Existing Projects

Refurbishment Schemes

Refurbishment of 5x50 MW units of A TPS Obra:

67. In the 1st phase of refurbishment of 5x50 MW units, the refurbishment of unit no.1 and 2 was
being got carried out by M/S Techno Prome Export, Russia . However, because of unsatisfactory
performance in the work, the contract with M/s TPE was terminated on 14-03-2008. The remaining C & I
work is now being got completed through M/S I.L. Kota. Unit no.2 and 1 are likely to be commissioned by
the end of January 2009 . After refurbishment of these units of 2x50 MW installed capacity of, the PLF is
expected to increase to 70 % and there will be an increase of 70 MW generation over the presently
available generation along with 15 years life extension of these units. No fund shall be required during the
year 2009-10.

(2) Refurbishment schemes of 5x200 MW units of Obra ‘B‘ TPS:-

 Refurbishment work of 5x200M.W units of Obra ‘B TPS is being got carried out through M/S
BHEL. Zero date of scheme is 20.06.2006. Total cost of the scheme is Rs.1635.00 cr. M/S
PFC have sanctioned a loan amounting Rs. 1308.00 cr. in Nov. 2006. For refurbishment work,
each unit would require 9-10 months. However, all units can not be allowed shutdown at one
time due to availability/demand of electricity. Hence the shutdown is proposed in staggered
phases. At present shutdown of Unit No.9 .(i.e 1st.of the 5 units of 200 MW) has been
permitted by UPRVUNL late w.e.f. 2nd Nov., 2008 . After completion of refurbishment, the
capacity of each unit will be up-rated from 200 MW to 216 MW and the average PLF of these
units is expected to improve up to 80% with 15 years life extension.
 The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 1635 cr., including UP Govt. Equity of
Rs. 327 cr). Out of this equity., Rs 317.00 cr has been allocated upto 2008-09. Rs. 10.00 cr.
shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

(3) Refurbishment / Uprating of Unit No. 1&2 (2x110 MW) of Parichha TPS
 It was envisaged to take up the up-rating work of these units to increase the capacity of each
unit from 110 MW to 120 MW. However, it was informed subsequently by BHEL that up-
rating of these units from 110 MW to 120 MW is not techno-economically viable.
 Now, techno-commercial offer for refurbishment of these units has been obtained from BHEL.
The offer is being examined.

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 The estimated cost of this work is approximately Rs. 275 cr., including UP Govt. Equity of Rs.
82.50 cr. An amount of Rs 60.00 cr was allocated for this work during 2008-09. Rs. 22.50 cr.
shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

(4) Refurbishment of unit no. 1,2&3 (3x210 MW) of Anpara TPS.

68. It is proposed to take up the refurbishment work of the three units of 3x210 MW Anpara ‘A’
Thermal Power Project. The scope of work is being finalized with BHEL. The estimated cost of this work
is approximately Rs. 787.50 cr., including UP Govt. equity of Rs. 236.25 cr. Out of the UP Govt equity, Rs
23.00 cr has been allocated up to 2008-09. Rs. 55.75 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

R&M Schemes

Uprating / R & M of 3x100 MW Units of Obra TPS -

 Initially it was envisaged to take up the Up-rating work of the three units of Obra (3x100 MW)
TPS in order to increase the capacity of each unit from 100 MW to 120 MW. However, BHEL
has intimated that up-rating of these units is technically not feasible.
 Now, BHEL has been requested to submit their offer for R&M of Unit No. 7 & 8. It is to
mention that R&M of one of these three units ( i.e. unit No. 6) has been recently completed on
18.03.2008 and this Unit is under commercial operation.
 The estimated cost of R & M work of unit no 7 & 8 is approximately Rs. 200.00 cr., including
UP Govt. Equity of Rs. 60.00 cr. An amount of Rs 60.00 Crs has been allocated for this work
during 2008-09. No fund shall be required during the year 2009-10.

(2) R&M of unit no. 4 & 5 (2x500 MW) of Anpara TPS.

69. It is proposed to take up the R & M work of two units of 2x5000 MW Anpara ‘B’ Thermal Power
Project. The scope of work is being finalized with BHEL.The estimated cost of the scheme is Rs 750.00
Crs .Rs. 53.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

( C ) Up-Rating Schemes

Uprating of Unit No. 7 (110 MW) of Harduaganj TPS

70. It is envisaged to increase the capacity of Unit no -7 from 110 MW to 120 MW The above work
shall be done by BHEL. BHEL has submitted Techno-commercial Offer. The finalization of scope of work
is under process. The estimated cost of this work is approximately Rs. 300.00 cr., including UP Govt.
Equity of Rs. 90 cr. Out of the UP govt equity, Rs 60.00 cr has been allocated upto 2008-09. Rs. 30.00 cr.
shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

[ 180 ]
Uprating of Unit 3&4 (2x110 MW) of Panki TPS

71. It is envisaged to increase the capacity of Unit no -3 & 4 of Panki TPS each from 110 MW to 120
MW. The estimated cost of this work is approximately Rs. 550.00 cr., including UP Govt. Equity of Rs.
165.00 cr. Rs. 100.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10

(D) ACTION PLAN UNDER ‘CREP’ (Corporate Responsibility for Environmental

Protection) as per directives of CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)

72. An action plan for various works under CREP required to be executed at Anpara, Obra, Panki,
Parichha and Harduaganj Thermal Power Stations for meeting out the various norms fixed by Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi amounting to Rs. 532.00 Crores have been approved by
73. Works amounting Rs. 152.00 Crores in respect of Obra B (5X200 MW) are included in the
refurbishment scheme for which approval has been given by UP Govt. This work has been awarded to
BHEL. Further, the work of installation of new ESPs at Harduaganj (unit # 3,5 &7) and Parichha 2x210
MW has also been awarded to BHEL. The works of installation of these new ESPs are proposed to be
completed by Sept, 2009. The action plan includes mainly following works at all the Thermal Power
Stations -
 Installation of new ESPs for meeting the emission norms of 100 mg/Nm3 .
 Installation of dry fly ash extraction plant .
 Installation of opacity meter with online recording facility.
 Water Recirculation System.
74. These works were earlier proposed to be completed by Dec. 2008. However, due to certain
reasons, these works are rescheduled to be completed by March, 2010. Total cost of work shall be Rs.
532.00 Crore including the works amounting Rs 152.00 crores of Obra (5X200 MW).
75. There will be indirect benefit towards improvement in the generation as the standards fixed by the
Central Pollution Control Board will be achieved and therefore it will improve environment of the power
stations and its surrounding area.
76. During the financial year 2009-10 following works are proposed under CREP –
# Name of work Amount to be
invested during
2009-10 (in Rs. Cr.)
1 Installation of new ESP’s of Parichha ( 2x110 MW) & Harduaganj 75
( 3,5,&7 units )
2 Installation of new ESP of ( 3x100 MW) Obra thermal power station 30
3 Installation of effluent treatment plant for Obra thermal power station 4
4 Installation of zero discharge system for Anpara thermal power station 5
5 Installation of sewage treatment plant at Harduaganj 6
Total 120
Rs. 30.00 cr. shall be required during the year 2009-10 .

[ 181 ]
Hydro Generation

77. During the year 2009-10, renovation & modernization works of Rihand (300 MW), Obra (99 MW)
& Matatila (30 MW) will continue. An outlay of Rs. 100.00 lacs from internal resources has been proposed
for ongoing R&M works of Rihand HEP, For R&M works of Obra an outlay of Rs.250.00lacs, for R&M
works of power houses situated on U.G.C. an outlay of Rs. 700.00 lacs has been propose for the
construction activities of new power stations nearby the existing locations, with higher capacities
(Nirgazini – 7 MW, Chittaura – 5.5 MW, Salawa – 4.5 MW & Bhola – 5.0 MW ). Accordingly, a total
outlay of Rs. 1550.00 lacs has been proposed for the year 2009-10.

Transmission Works

Normal Development Works

78. Due to increase in demand of electricity some of the sub-stations/lines are overloaded. To meet out
this demand it is essential to increase the capacity of the sub-stations and to create new sub-stations and

Power Evacuation Works

Evacuation System for Rosa(2x300MW) TPS

 220 KV Switchyard at Roza P.H.
 220 KV DC Transmission line Roza – 220 KV S/s Shahajahanpur(25 Kms.).
 220 KV DC Transmission line Roza – 220KV S/s Hardoi (80 Kms.).
 220 KV DC Roza – Common point – 90 Kms.
 220 KV SC Common point – C.B. Ganj – 2 Kms.
 220 KV SC Common point – Dohna – 12 Kms.
 220 KV S.C. Transmission line Roza-Badaun – (90 Kms.).

Evacuation Of Power From Anpara 'C' (2x500 Mw) & Anpara 'D' (2x500 Mw) Thermal
Power Project
 Step-up both Anpara-C and Anpara-D generation to 765KV
 Anpara-C and Anpara-D switchyards to have 765KV and 400KV levels with 1000MVA
(4x333 MVA, 1 phase units) 765/400 ICTs at each of Anpara-C and Anpara-D.
 Shifting of Anpara-B – Unnao 765KV S/C line charged at 400KV to Anpara-C 765KV
switchyard and charging the line at 765KV.
 Anpara-D – Unnao 765KV S/C line charged at 765KV.
 Interconnection of Anpara-C and Anpara-B at 400KV through contiguous 400KV bus.
 Anpara-C – Anpara – B/C 400 KV D/C line and/or 765KV S/C.
[ 182 ]
 Upgarding Unnao substation to 765KV with 2x1000MVA. (7x333MVA, 1 phase units)
765KV ICTs.
 Unnao-Mainpur-Hapur S/C 765 KV lines.
 Hapur 765/400 KV substation with 2x1500 MVA (7x500 MVA, 1ph units) 765/400 KV ICTs
and 400/220 KV 2x500 MVA.

Srinagar Hydro Power Station (IPP) (4x82.5 MW)

 LILO of both circuits of 400KV DC Vishnuprayag-Muzaffarnagar line at Srinagar 400KV S/s.
 2x315 MVA transformer at 400/200 KV S/s Kashipur.
 LILO of 400KV SC Moradabad-Rishikesh line at Kashipur 400KV S/s.
 400 KV SC Srinagar-Kashipur line.

Evacuation System for BARA TPS (3x660 MW) Meja Road TPS (2x660MW), Karchhana
TPS (2x660MW)
 Step-up of Bara generation to 765KV.
 Step-up of Karchana and Meja generation to 400KV.
 Bara switchyards to have 765KV and 400KV levels with 2x1500MVA (7x500 MVA, 1 phase
units) 765/400 ICTs.
 Establishment of 400 KV substation at Reewa Road Allahabad with 400/200KV 2x315 MVA
 LILO of 400KV Obra-Panki line at Reewa Road Allahabad.
 Meja-Bara 400KV quad D/C line.
 Meja-Reewa Road Allahabad 400KV quad D/C line.
 Karchana – Bara 400 KV quad D/C line.
 Karchana-Reewa Road Allahabad 400KV quad D/C line.
 Bara-Mainpuri 765KV 2xS/C line.
 Mainpuri-Agra (PGCIL) 765KV S/C.
 LILO of Agra-Meerut 765 KV S/C line of PGCIL at G. Noida
 Hapur-G.Noida 765KV S/C line.
 New 765/400KV substation at Mainpuri with 2x1000MVA (7x333 MVA, 1 phase units) ICTs.
 Mainpuri 765765KV UPPCL –Mainpuri 400KV PGCIL 400KV quad D/C line.
 New 765/400/220 KV substation at G.Noida with 2x1500MVA (7x500 MVA, 1 phase units)
765/400KV and 2x500 MVA 400/220 KV ICTs.
 Reewa Road Allahabad-Banda 400KV quad D/C line.
 Banda – Orai 400KV quad D/C line.

[ 183 ]
 Orai-Mainpuri 765KV UPPCL 400KV quad D/C line.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Banda with 400/220KV 2x315 MVA ICTs.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Orai with 400/220KV 2x315 MVA ICTs.

Evacuation System for Parichha TPs Extn. (2x250MW), Tanda Extn. (2x500MW),
Harduaganj Extn (2x250MW) – and new 400 KV substations at Aligarh, Sikandarabad,
Lucknow (Sultanpur Road), Nehtaur and Aurai
 Step-up Parichha Extn units at 400KV.
 400/220KV 2x315 MVA ICTs at Parichha Extn.
 Parichha Extn. – Orai 400KV D/C.
 Gonda – Shahjahanpur(PG) – 400KV quad D/C line.
 A new regional 400KV S/S at Shahjahanpur with 2x315 MVA 400/220KV is being proposed
to be established by PGCIL in lieu of Hapur. The S/S is proposed by LILO of both circuits of
Lucknow PG-Bareilly PG 400KV D/C line.
 LILO of Azamgarh-Sultanpur 400KV line at Tanda.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Gonda with 400/220KV 2x315 MVA ICTs.
 Mainpuri 765KV UPPCL-Aligarh 400KV quad D/C line.
 Aligarh-Sikandarabad 400KV quad D/C line
 Simandarabad-G.Noida 765KV UPPCL 400KV quad D/C line.
 LILO of Panki-Muradnagar 400KV line at Aligarh.
 LILO of 400KV Sultanpur-Sarojininagar line at Lucknow(Sultanpur Road).
 LILO of 400KV Obra-Sultanpur line at Aurai.
 LILO of 400KV Kashipur-Rishikesh line at Nehtaur.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Aligarh, Sikandarabad and Lucknow (Sultanpur Road)
each with 400/220KV 2x500 MVA ICTs.
 Establishment of 400/132KV substation at Nehtaur with 2x200MVA 400/132KV ICTs.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Aurai either with 2x315MVA 400/220KV or
2x200KVA 400/132KV ICTs. UPPCL may choose between 220KV and 132KV depending on
their plan for downstream network from Aurai.
 Harduaganj-Jahangirpur 220KV D/C Line
 Jahangirpur-Sikandarabad 220KV D/C line.
 Establishment of 220KV substation at Jahangirpur with 2x160 MVA 220/132KV ICTs.

400KV ring system for Gaziabad and transmission network for Greater Noida and Noida
 LILO of Moradabad-Muradnagar 400KV line at Hapur with conductor of Muradnagar-Hapur
section replaced with new conductor of higher capacity specification.

[ 184 ]
 LILO of Muradnagar-Muzaffarnagar 400KV S/C line to Ghaziabad with conductor of
Muradnagar-Ghaziabad section replaced with new conductor of higher capacity specification.
 Hapur-Dasna 400KV quad D/C line.
 Dasna-Indirapuram 400KV quad D/C line.
 Indirapuram-Ghaziabad 400KV quad D/C line.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Dasna with 400/220KV 2x315 MVA ICTs.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Indirapuram with 400/220 KV 2x500 MVA ICTs.
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Ghaziabad with 400/220KV 2x500 MVA ICTs.
 Greater Noida 765KV-G.Noida existing 400KV quad D/C line (using multicircuit towers
400KV towers for entry to Greater Noida).
 Additional 2x500MVA 400/220KV ICTs at Greater Noida existing substation.
 Greater Noida 765KV-Noida sector-137 400KV quad D/C line (through river bed).
 Establishment of 400KV substation at Noida Sector-137 with 400/220KV 2x500 MVA
400/220KV ICTs.

Physical Targets for Annual Plan 2009-10

Transmission Works
Item Unit Target
A. Construction of Lines
400 KV Lines CKT Km. 192.00
220 KV Lines CKT Km. 853.00
132 KV Lines CKT Km. 540.00
B. Construction of New Sub-stations
400 KV Nos/ (MVA) 2/2000
220 KV Nos/ (MVA) 5/1000
132 KV Nos/ (MVA) 17/900
C. Augmentation of Sub-stations
400 KV Nos/ (MVA)
220 KV Nos/ (MVA) 13/780
132 KV Nos/ (MVA) 27/603

Secondary Transmission & Distribution Works (66 Kv and Below)

79. In order to provide effective and reliable power supply, the development of requisite network of
Secondary Transmission & Distribution is of paramount importance. It is from these networks that the
majority of electricity connections are given. This network constitutes a vital link between Extra High
Voltage Transmission (132 KV & above) and the ultimate consumers. Therefore, for maintaining

[ 185 ]
satisfactory supply conditions, continues strengthening of this vital link commensurate with the growth in
load assumes importance.

80. With the introduction of 220 KV & 400 KV primary transmission the role of 66 KV network had
been relegated to more secondary transmission and as such with a view to optimise the system network
further expansion of 66 KV & 37.5 KV network in UP Power System was discontinued and 33 KV system
has come to stay as main secondary system. The 66 KV network existing in some districts only is being
continued but further expansion are being undertaken on 33 KV only. At present the distribution system is
heavily loaded for providing reliable & un- interrupted supply to the consumers, this system has to be
strengthened for which various works have been proposed.
Physical Targets for Distribution Works for Annual Plan 2009-10
Description of works Unit Target

A : 33 KV Works

(i) New 33 KV Lines Ckt. Kms 2000

(ii) New 33 KV Sub-Stations Nos./MVA 200/1000

(iii) Augmentation of Sub-Station Nos./MVA 200/610

B : 11 KV & LT Works

(i) 11 KV Lines Ckt. Kms 5000

(ii) L.T. Lines Ckt. Kms 4000

(iii) Strengthening of 11 KV Kms. 5000

(iv) Strengthening of L.T. lines by Aerial Bunched Conductor Kms. 13300

(v) Distribution S/S (New) Nos./MVA 2000/220

(vi) Distribution S/S (I/C) Nos./MVA 2000/350

Position of Implementation and Deployment of Distribution Franchisees

81. In a step forward towards Private Public participation in the Power Distribution Sector collection
through Franchisee has been initiated.

82. Presently deployment of Collection Based Distribution Franchisees Model for revenue collection
in rural areas, have been implemented and is in progress as given below :

Collection Based Rural Franchisees

83. 407 numbers collection based franchisees have been appointed and made operational, covering
total 19277 census villages including 3925 RGGVY villages. Further appointments of more franchisees are

[ 186 ]
in progress. Cumulative revenue collection efficiency in rural areas allotted to franchisees has been
achieved 68.11 % up to October '2008.
DISCOM-WISE details of Collection Based Rural Franchisees up to October '2008.
Name of No. of Total No. of No. of No. of
DISCOM Working Villages including RGGVY Villages
Franchisees RGGVY based on Villages Excluding
census RGGVY
Collection Based Rural Franchisees
1 Agra 72 3302 562 2740
2 Meerut 82 2848 561 2287
3 Lucknow 86 5709 1351 4358
4 Varanasi 167 7418 1451 5967
TOTAL 407 19277 3925 15352
Deployment of Input Based Franchisee in urban area is under process.

Energisation of Private Tube Wells

84. By the end of year 2006-07, 856421 private tube wells were energized in the state. There are two
schemes for providing electricity connections to the PTW’s namely- “Normal scheme and Full deposit
scheme”. Under the normal scheme, progress of energisation depends upon the amount released by the
GoUP for this purpose, whereas under full deposit scheme, the connections are provided to all perspective
consumers who apply and deposit the estimated amount, required for providing connection. During 11th
plan it is proposed to start the work of conversion of diesel operated private tube well into electrical
operated tube wells. An investment plan of rupees 500 crore is proposed for the 11th plan period. An
outlay of Rs. 50 crores have been given for energisation of tube well for year 2007-08 and Rs. 110.00
crores have been given for the year 2008-09. An outlay for Rs. 50.00 crore have been proposed for the
year 2009-10.


85. Restructured APDRP scheme for improvement of distribution system including reduction in AT&
C loses has been framed by GOI. An outlay of Rs. 100.00 crore has been proposed for 2009-10. The
scheme will be implemented as per detailed guidelines of GOI.

Rural Electrification

Implementation of Rggvy Phase- I

86. Under RVGGY, UP has started work in 2005-06 and villages electrification infrastructure has been
created in 26364 villages against target of 28869 villages. The DPRs sanctioned by REC for these works
were on the basis of scheduled rates of 2004-05. Whereas the awarded cost of works came to Rs. 3407.23
crore. Revised DPR’s have been submitted to REC . Till date only Rs. 2335 crore has been released by

[ 187 ]
REC . Due to Non – Sanction of revised DPR’s the funds are not being released by REC which has
affected the progress of village electrification work.

 Electrification of un-electrified hamlets
 Strengthening of Distribution system in the villages being electrified under RGGVY for
providing electricity to all BPL household
 Electrification of the villages electrified as per Old CEA definition
 Conversion of villages/hamlets electrified prior to 31st March 2005 from Low Tension mains
system to High Voltage Distribution System/aerial bunched conductor
 Providing electricity to all rural households including free connection to Below Poverty Line
 Strengthening of Rural electricity Distribution Backbone in those villages electrified earlier
and covered by RGGVY
 Electrification of remote stand alone villages
 Creating infrastructure for providing electric connections to common rural facilities like
schools, PHC, Gram panchyats

Electrification of un-electrified hamlets

87. UP has about 1.62 lakhs of hamlets. The total cost electrification of 0.84 lakhs un-electrified
hamlets works out to be the Rs 4,203 crores as following details:-
Discom Total No of Already No of Hamlet to be Total cost of
Hamlet Electrified electrified hamlets
Meerut Discom 1,802 0 1,802 90
Agra Discom 20,197 15,676 4,521 226
Lucknow Discom 65,932 27,541 38,391 1,920
Varanasi Discom 74,034 34,697 39,337 1,967
UP 161,965 77,914 84,051 4,203

Strengthening of Distribution system in the villages being electrified under RGGVY

88. UP would require Rs 577 crores for electrifying all BPL households in the 28,830 villages covered
under RGGVY program as per details given below:
Discom RGGVY Investment (Rs Crs)
Meerut Discom 1,910 38
Agra Discom 5,238 105
Lucknow Discom 9,903 198
Varanasi Discom 11,779 236
UP 28,830 577

[ 188 ]
89. At present total nos 39436 BPL household have been connected. The cost of given connection is
approx Rs. 2450 per connection against Rs. 1500 per connection being provided by REC. This has resulted
in uncovered expenditure of Rs. 37.01 crore. This discrepancy need to be removed to provided sufficient
achieving the target.

Electrification of the villages electrified as per Old CEA definition

90. As per old CEA definition there are about 9,721 villages are to be electrified as per the new norms.
The electrification of these villages would require about Rs 680 crores.
Discom Villages electrified as per CEA which Investment
need electrified as per RGGVY (Rs Crs)
Meerut Discom 687 48
Agra Discom 358 25
Lucknow Discom 1,543 108
Varanasi Discom 7,133 499
UP 9,721 680

Providing electricity to all rural households including free connection to Below Poverty Line

91. Total number of BPL household in UP is around 100.3 lakhs. Only 28% of the BPL household are
electrified or covered under RGGVY Scheme. For providing free electricity connection to 72.2 lakh BPL
households, UP would require Rs 2,166 crores.
Discom Total no of BPL Total no of BPL to Total cost
household be electrified (Lakhs)
Meerut Discom 6.5 5.1 152
Agra Discom 17.9 13.0 391
Lucknow Discom 40.4 29.0 869
Varanasi Discom 35.5 25.1 754
UP 100.3 72.2 2,166

Strengthening of Rural electricity Distribution backbone

92. For strengthening of rural electricity distribution backbone, UP would require Rs 1,800 Crores
Discom Total cost (Rs Crs)

Meerut Discom 77
Agra Discom 133
Lucknow Discom 645
Varanasi Discom 945
UP 1,800

[ 189 ]
Total Outlays

93. As achieve universal access to electricity for all households by 2012 and modernising the rural
electricity infrastructure the total outlays for the rural electrification plan works to Rs 13, 603 crores. The
task wise fund requirement is estimated as under:
Tasks Total Investment
(Rs Cr.)
1 Electrification of un-electrified hamlets 4,203
2 Strengthening of Distribution system under RGGVY for providing 577
electricity to all BPL household
3 Electrification of the villages electrified as per CEA 680
5 Providing electricity to all rural households including free 2,166
connection to BPL households
6 Strengthening of Rural electricity Distribution backbone 1,800
Total Outlays 9426

Work plan:

Task 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total

year year year year year Outlays

Electrification of un-electrified 841 841 1,261 1,260 - 4,203


Strengthening of Distribution system - 289 288 - - 577

under RGGVY for providing
electricity to all BPL household

Electrification of the villages - 340 340 - - 680

electrified as per CEA

Providing electricity to all rural - 433 433 650 650 2,166

households including free connection
to BPL households

Strengthening of Rural electricity 180 540 540 540 - 1,800

Distribution backbone

Total 1,021 2443 2862 2450 650 9426

94. A sum of Rs. 1000.00 crores has been proposed for electrification of hamlets under Rajiv Gandhi
Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojna.

[ 190 ]
Dr. Ambedker Gram Sabha Vikas Yojna

95. Government of Uttar Pradash has launched a comprehensive programme for strengthening and
renovation work of the villages identified under Dr. Ambedker Gram Sabha Vikas Yojna. In the current
year 2007-08 a plan allocation of Rs. 477 crore has been provided to the power sector and for the year
2008-09 an amount of Rs. 472.57 crore has been provided.
Physical Progress of work for saturation of Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha
(Year 2007-08 first phase) upto Nov.,2008
Name of Discoms Target Achievement

1 PVVNL, Meerut 289 288.00

2 DVVNL, Agra 386 386
3 MVVNL, Lucknow 545 544
4 PuVVNL, Varanasi 495 495
Total 1715 1713

Physical Progress of work for saturation of Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha

(Year 2008-09 Second phase) upto Nov.,2008
Name of Discoms Target Achievement

1 PVVNL, Meerut 552 420.00

2 DVVNL, Agra 782 607
3 MVVNL, Lucknow 1035 747
4 PuVVNL, Varanasi 1017 725
Total 3386 2499

 New Thermal Generation Development Policy has been introduced to attract private
developers of Thermal Plan in State.
 Metering of the light and fan consumers and installation of high capacity meters for small and
medium category consumers.
 Unified Billing System for the State with IT Application.
 Implementation of Five Year Plan Business Plan for sustained improvement.

Policy Issues for consideration

 Allocation of Power from Central Sector Station to the State has no relevance with reference
to, Area and Population of State – needs more emphasis on population and Demand.
 15% Unallocated Share of central undertakings being allocated by MoP needs allocation
according to Demand and Availability of Power in the State and corresponding to population
and size of the State.

[ 191 ]
 Recovery of Cost by Central generating Station on the basis of Parameters rather than on
Actuals- should be revised so that burden of State Discoms and consumers is reduced. Burden
of Income Tax to be born by generators.
 4000 MW power project at Lalitpur in joint sector with NTPC needs to be expedited.
 Keeping in view the increasing power demand of the State, Government of India may consider
to established at least one Ultra Mega Power Project in Uttar Pradesh.
 Out of Six UMPP’s capacity 24000 MW being established in the country only 1750 MW have
been allocated in Uttar Pradesh - at least 15% power should been allocated to the State.
 The expansion of capacity of Narora Atomic Plant from present 2x220 MW to 2x700 MW was
raised by Uttar Pradesh. Government of India informed that the matter was examined and
Department of Atomic Energy has found the present site suitable. It needs urgent finalization
for earliest execution.
 The U.I. Rate are very high i.e. Rs. 10 Per Unit and additional congestion charge of Rs. 3.00
Per Unit where as the generator are being paid at the maximum rate of Rs. 4.06 Per Unit. This
theory has promoted the concept of sale of surplus power on higher rates in the open market.
 The rural electrification scheme of Mazras– MoP / REC to review the scheme of Uttar Pradesh
and issue sanction. Scheme for electrification of Hamlets of Uttar Pradesh has been submitted
to R.E.C.- Scheme of only to districts have been sanctioned.

Private Investment and PPP’s Models

 At present 2 Power Projects namely 600 MW Roja Thermal and 330 MW Srinagar Hydro
Project are in Progress for Uttar Pradesh.
 Under PPP Model 1000 MW Anpara ‘C’ Thermal Project is in progress. The land for the
project and common facility sharing has been provided to the developer.
 In PPP Model 1980 MW Bara Project and 1320 MW Karchhana Project has been offered for
PPP the bidding process which is in progress.
 Transmission works are being identified for PPP Sector.
 In Rural area collection based franchisee have been appointed on commission basis.
 Process has been started for appointment of input based urban franchisee.


96. The AT& C losses during Financial Year 2005-06 was 40.93% which came down to 37.55%
in2006-07 and a further reduced to 36.60% in 2007-08. Although the reduction AT&C Losses to the level
of 15% by the end of Eleventh Five Year Plan is a hard task however efforts will be made to achieve the
targets. Brief details of the actions being taken are as below.
 Prevention of theft.
 Checking of consumers and lodging of FIRs.

[ 192 ]
 Laying of ABC Conductors-
 Strengthening of Enforcement Squad to carry effective raids to catch power thieves. – JEs and
Inspectors have been authorised to lodge FIRs which increases the vigilance effectiveness.
 All Government Departments to switch over to CFL lighting is under consideration of the
 Consumer Helpline to register complaints and grievances.
 Guarantee Period for all transformers enhanced from 1 year to 3 years to ensure quality. Star
rating specifications have been adopted for Transformers.
 Plan for metering of Distribution Transformers.
 Increase in revenue realization.
 To regularise the Katiya Connections new scheme launched in which initial payment for
regular connection is only Rs. 250/-
 Appointment of Collection Franchisees in Rural Areas has been done covering approx. 19100
villages which has led to collection efficiency of 70% in rural area.
 Effective recovery of Government overdue of previous year & 100% realisation of current
(Rs. in Crs.)
Name of Work Annual Plan 2009-10
Total Investment Through Plan Outlay Outside Plan
1 U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.
a) New Project 3915.37 1562.90 2352.47
b) Refurbishment 523.25 88.25 435.00
c) R&M 73.00 53.00 20.00
d) Up-rating Schemes 180.00 130.00 50.00
e) Work under CREP 120.00 30.00 90.00
Total 4811.62 1864.15 2947.47
2 U.P. Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd.
a) New Scheme
b) Renovation & Modernisation 85.00 15.50 69.50
Total 85.00 15.50 69.50
3 U.P. Power Corporation Ltd.
i Transmission Works 2245.46 591.58 1653.88
ii Distribution Works 3911.60 2860.20 1051.40
iii APDRP Works 100.00 100.00
iv Energisation of PTW 50.00 50.00
v Shell Company 5.00 5.00
vi Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha 10.00 10.00
Total : UPPCL 6322.06 3616.78 2705.28
4 Tehri Hydro Project
GRAND TOTAL : 11218.68 5496.43 5722.25

[ 193 ]
Urban Infrastructure, Housing, Water Supply and Sanitation

Urban Infrastructure

97. The present era of globalisation and economic libralisation has resulted in tremendous pressure on
civic infrastructure systems, drainage, sewerage, water supply, uncollected solid waste in parks and open
spaces, transport, etc. It has also led to deterioration in the quality of city environments. In most of the
cities, especially the problems like pollution, poverty, inadequate housing, inadequate water supply, traffic
congestion, sanitation, etc. are being faced.

98. Most of the cities in Uttar Pradesh are not developed in a sustainable way. The present
infrastructure conditions are inadequate to meet needs. Most of the local authorities especially
Municipalities and Development Authorities not being in a position to provide for the growing demand of
housing and infrastructure services, needs to be made financially sound. To overcome the above problems
the government of India has launched a nation wide mission programme "Jawaharlal Nehru National
Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)" on 3rd December, 2005 to give focused attention to integrated
development of urban infrastructure and services. This Mission consists of four components viz.,
 Urban Infrastructure and Governance (50:20%30 center:state%urban local bodies/FIs)-UIG
 For Mathura it is 80:10:10 :: center:state%urban local bodies/Financial Institutions (FIs)
 Basic Services for Urban Poor (50:50 center:state/ urban local bodies/FIs)-BSUP
 For Mathura it is 80: 20 center:state/ urban local bodies/ Financial Institutions
 Urban Infrastructure Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (80:10:10 center:state%urban
local bodies/FIs) - UIDSSMT
 Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (80:20 center:state/ urban local
bodies/ Financial Institutions)-IHSDP

99. Components 1&2 are for population more than 10 lakhs under which six Nagar Nigam cities
(Kanpur, Allahabad, Varnasi, Agra, Lucknow, Meerut) and Mathura considering its historic importance
and from tourism point of view are covered. Components 3&4 are for population less than 10 lakhs under
which the remaining six Nagar Nigam cities (Gaziabad, Aligarh, Bareily, Muradabad, Gorakhpur, Jhansi),
38 towns of Adarsh Janpad Yojna and 38 Class-I Municipal towns are covered.

100. UIG focuses attention on integrated development of infrastructure services in the cities. Under this
sub Mission major infrastructure projects like sanitation, sewerage, solid waste management, road network,
urban transport and redevelopment of inner (old) city areas are taken up.

101. BSUP focuses attention on integrated development of Basic Services to the Urban Poor in the
cities. Through this sub Mission, integrated development of slums through projects for providing shelter,
basic services and other related civic amenities with a view to provide utilities to the urban poor are
taken up.

[ 194 ]
102. UIDSSMT aims at the improvement of urban infrastructure of small cities where as IHSDP aims at
ameliorating the conditions of the urban slum dwellers that do not possess adequate shelter and reside in
dilapidated conditions.

Efforts made for increasing the Private investment and follow up of PPP models

103. Government has issued directions to Urban Local Bodies for improving 50% uncovered area of a
city for solid waste management system through private operators. Under this system, contractor would
provide sweepers, primary collection and transportation system. The coverage of this scheme is for 24
towns in first phase.

104. Municipal laws are being amended to facilitate private partnership in various areas of urban
services and management.

105. The following projects are proposed to be taken up on Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.
 Multi level parking cum shopping complex at Hazratganj.
 Six lane Express way on Ghaziuddin Haider (GH) Canal
 International Convention Center near Amar Shaheed Path.
 Multi specialty Hospital near Amar Shaheed Path.
106. For the quick decision making and development of project, Project Development Special Purpose
Vehicle (PDSPV) has been formed. Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) and Project Development
Consultant Partner will discuss and finalize the constitution of PDSPV on mutually agreed terms and

107. The PDSPV shall take up project development activities till the stage of selection of developer for
implementation of the projects on PPP route and may also take up post selection activities of coordination,
monitoring and supervision of project during its implementation by the selected Developer on PPP route.

Performance of the programmes

108. For the year 2008-09, the total outlay provided for urban infrastructure under urban development
department was Rs.241572.00 lakh against which the anticipated expenditure is Rs. 265842.00 lakh. The
main programmes undertaken are:

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM):

109. The financial assistance under this programme is acquired from Govt. of India in the form of ACA
(Additional Central Assistance). In the year 2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 81056.00 lakh has been provided
against which the anticipated expenditure is Rs. 108997.00 lakh. In the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs.
89180.00 lakh has been proposed.

[ 195 ]
110. Component wise outlay under JNNURM is as below:
 UIG - Rs. 20000.00 lakh
 BSUP - Rs. 20000.00 lakh
 UIDSSMT - Rs. 24180.00 lakh
 IHSDP - Rs. 25000.00 lakh

Adarash Nagar Yojna

111. The main objective of this programme is to create infrastructural facilities like water supply,
sewerage, Drainage, solid waste management, slaughter house, roads, street lights for small and medium
towns in an integrated planned way.

112. Towns not covered under UIG and UIDSSMT and towns with population less than one lakh are
benifitted by this programme. The funding pattern under this programme is 90:10 (State:ULB's).

113. In the year 2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 10000.00 lakh has been provided against which the
anticipated expenditure is Rs. 10000.00 lakh. In the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 20100.00 lakh has been

Manyavar Kanshiramji Nagar Vikas Yojna

114. The above programme has been started for providing infrastructural facilities in the urban areas. In
the year 2008-09 Rs. 20000.00 lakh has been provided against which the anticipated expenditure is Rs.
20000.00. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 25000.00 lakh has been proposed.

Manyavar Kanshiramji Shahari Garib Awas Yojna

115. The main objective of this scheme is to provide houses with infrastructural facilities to the urban
poor. The constructed houses are provided to the urban poor in the following priority:
 Independent widows
 Independent handicapped person
 Urban poor living Below poverty line.
116. In the year 2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 130216.00 lakh has been provided against which the
anticipated expenditure is Rs. 126595.00 lakh. In the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 154800.00 lakh has
been proposed

117. The state has the largest urban system in the country with 628 municipalities however, it ranks 18th
in the level of urbanization. Number of metropolitan cities increased from 3 in 1991 to 6 in 2001 namely;
Kanpur, Lucknow, Varanasi, Agra, Allahabad and Meerut. About 28% of the total urban population of the

[ 196 ]
state is concentrated in these 6 metropolitan cities which recorded highest decadal growth rate (32%)
during 1991-2001.There are marked regional imbalances in the pattern of urbanization with Western
Region being the most urbanized and the Bundelkhand Region the least urbanized.

118. The urban structure is becoming more and more top heavy due to the higher demographic growth
in large cities. Higher demographic growth in the class-I cities is due to both area expansion and
immigration. Further, there has been expansion in the municipal boundaries of the Class-I cities. Besides,
these cities attract migrants from all over the state due to their stronger economic and infrastructural base.
Thus, the spatial concentration of urban growth can be seen not only in terms of an increase in the share of
urban population in class-I cities but also in that of million plus cities. The emerging trends of urbanization
in the state necessitates two-pronged strategy for balanced regional urban development i.e. better
management of large cities and inducing planned growth of small and medium towns.

119. Housing, is one of the basic necessities of life. The high urban growth entails considerable
investment into housing, physical and social infrastructure. It is estimated that housing industry in the
country contributes to about 6% of the GDP.

120. Although the State Housing Policy lays special emphasis on promoting private investment in the
housing sector, yet the activities of the private sector have been piece-meal. With the current policy of
economic liberalization and stress on privatization, the government is now resuming the role of a catalyst
and “facilitator” in housing sector rather than discharging the traditional role of being a “provider”.

121. A brief description of the schemes being implemented by Housing and Urban Planning
Department under the Urban Development Programme is as follows:-

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Samajik Parivartan Sthal (Completion and strengthening of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar Smarak)

122. Samajik Parivartan Sthal has been constructed in the memory of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar at
Gomtinagar, Lucknow. For providing long term stability to the Sthal and for completion of additional civil
and electrical works of this scheme, an anticipated expenditure of Rs. 11884.00 lakh is expected in the year
2008-09 and the work is in progress. For construction of remaining works, an outlay of Rs. 11000.00 lakh
has been proposed for the year 2009-10 .

Seed Capital to Development Authorities

123. Banda Development Authority has submitted a project to the government for the development of a
park in Banda City. For this purpose an outlay of Rs. 250.00 lakh has been provided in 2008-09 as seed
capital to Banda Development Authority. An outlay of Rs. 500.00 lakh has been proposed for the year

Construction of Manyawar Kanshi Ramji Smarak

[ 197 ]
124. For the construction of Manyawar Kanshi Ramji Smarak an outlay of Rs. 7500.00 lakh has been
provided for the year 2008-09. For the completion of remaining works an outlay of Rs.2500.00 lakh has
been proposed for the year 2009-10.

Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan

125. A Rally Maidan (field) has been developed near Shaheed Path Rae-bareli Road in the memory of
Ramabai Ambedkar to organize political rallies and other functions/ programmes. For rehabilitation and
construction works relating to the persons affected by the development of this Maidan, an outlay of Rs.
5149.00 lakh has been provided in 2008-09. To complete remaining works, to acquire land for parking and
carry out construction related to Parking an outlay of Rs. 6000.00 lakh is proposed for the year 2009-10.

Integrated Development of Lucknow City

126. A Comprehensive Development Plan for Lucknow City is being prepared for its integrated
development. In the Comprehensive Development Plan, there is a proposal to construct Outer Ring Road,
Parking, Bus Stops, R.O.Bs. Fly-overs, Sub-ways, Transportnagar, Water Supply Schemes, Sewage
Disposal Works, Electrification Works, etc. To complete some of these works an outlay of Rs. 20000.00
lakh has been provided in the year 2008-09 and for the remaining works an outlay of Rs. 20000.00 lakh
has been proposed for the year 2009-10.

Construction of embankment on river Gomti and reclaimation of land on the side of

La-Martinier School

127. It is proposed to strengthen the embankment of river Gomti on the side of La-Martinier school for
which an outlay of Rs. 500.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2009-10.

Development works on the reclaimed land near La-Martinier School

128. For development of the reclaimed land on the side of La-Martinier an outlay of Rs. 2500.00 lakh
has been proposed for the year 2009-10.
Rural Housing

Indira Awaas Yojana

129. Under this programme houses are provided free of cost to the selected beneficiaries. 80% of the
funds are utilized on the construction of new houses and remaining 20% funds are utilized for up gradation
of kutcha houses. Houses are constructed on the plots of beneficiaries.

130. The target group for houses under the scheme is people below poverty line living in rural areas and
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, freed bonded labourers and non-SC/ST subject to the

[ 198 ]
condition that the benefits to non-SC/ST should not exceed 40% of total allocation during a financial year.
3% of the funds have been earmarked for the benefit of disabled persons below poverty line.

131. Permanent IAY waitlist is prepared for each Gram Panchayat based on BPL census 2002. List is
displayed in each gram panchayat. The IAY waitlist is also displayed on the respective district’s NIC
website in which blockwise and village wise identified households are displayed.

132. In the Annual Plan 2008-09, it is anticipated that 2.54 lakh houses will be constructed. For the
Annual Plan 2009-10, an outlay of Rs 222.89 Cr. as a State share has been proposed against the target of
construction of 2.54 lakh houses.

Maha Maya Awas Yojna

133. The State Government floated a new scheme of rural housing for SC/ST families during 2006-07
for construction of 1.20 lakh houses. About 12.00 lakh houses are proposed to be constructed in the 11th
Five Year Plan for which an outlay of Rs.1875.00 crores has been provided. The pattern of scheme will be
the same as of Indira Awas Yojana . Anticipated expenditure of Rs 300.00 crores is expected during the
year 2008-09 for construction of 80,000 houses.

134. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 200.00 crores has been proposed by which 60,000 houses
will be constructed.

Maha Maya Sarvjan Awas Yojna

135. The State Government has also initiated a new scheme of rural housing for BPL Non-SC/ST
families during 2008-09. The pattern of the scheme will be same that of Indira Awaas Yojna.

136. For the year 2008-09, anticipated expenditure of Rs. 90.00 crores and an outlay of Rs. 90.00 Cr.
for the year 2009-10 has been proposed and the target is to construct 25,714 houses in each year.

Water Supply and Sanitation

137. Clean drinking water, sanitation and clean environment are vital to improve the health of our
people. Provision of these basic services continues to be among the core activities of urban local bodies.

138. In U.P., there are 627 local bodies out of which there are 12 Nagar Nigam,194 Nagar Palika
Parishad and 421 Nagar Panchayat whose total population according to 2001 census is 3.26 crores.which is
assessed to have become 3.81 crores in the present and is expected to become 12.84 crores in the year
2040. All towns are provided with piped drinking water facility except 2 Nagar Panchayats (which were
among 5 towns included at a later stage). In the remaining 2 towns piped water supply will be provided
under district plan/ UIDSSMT as per needs.

[ 199 ]
139. The Status of Water supply and sewerage system is not satisfactory in many of the towns as
compared to the prescribed norms. For this following strategy is proposed.
 Reorganization of water supply and Sewerage system in all the 12 Nagar Nigams. 6 are
included in JNNURM while rest 6 is proposed to be taken up with state resources.
 Reorganization of water supply and Sewerage system of towns having Sewerage System and
with population more than 1 lakh in 2001 census.
 Reorganization of water supply system of towns having water availability less than 50% of
norms and not covered under AUWSP.

140. Water supply level in towns of U.P. at the end of March 2006 was 4647.94 mld per day which is
expected to further improve at the end of March 2007 i.e. at the end of Tenth five year plan. With standard
norms, water supply level required at the end of March 2007 is 5170.06 mld per day. The gap is proposed
to be covered during Eleventh Five Year Plan and further plans.

Sewerage System

141. Out of 628 towns, partial sewerage system exists in only 55 towns. Sewerage system in most of the
towns is being proposed in JNNURM and UIDSSMT Programme. Few towns will be covered in State
Sector which would be decided by State Govt. at appropriate stage.

142. The main schemes under this sector for the year 2008-09 and the year 2009-10 are as follows:

Externally Aided Scheme (EAP):

143. Under EAP "Agra Water Supply Scheme (Gangajal JBIC)" has been taken up with the purpose of
providing good quality water from the river Yamuna. Looking at the deteriorating conditions of river
Yamuna day by day and the water a crisis which is being faced by the heritage city, the Government has
come up with this scheme. Under this scheme it is proposed to lay a 130 km long pipe line upto
Agra/Mathura. This project is assessed to be completed by the year 2014. 85% of the cost of the project
will be met with loan from JBIC and 15% cost of the project will be borne by the State Govrnment. In the
year 2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 9000.00lakh has been provided against which the anticipated expenditure is
Rs. 9000.00 lakh. An outlay of Rs. 26233.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2009-10.

Ganga Action Plan - Phase- II

144. Ganga Acton Plan - Phase- II is being executed under National River Conservation Programme of
Government of India, in the State. Under this scheme, river pollution control works of 23 towns situated on
the bank of river Ganga, Yamuna and Gomti in different components namely Ganga Action Plan (12
towns), Yamuna Action Plan (8 towns) and Gomti Action Plan (3 towns) are included.

145. Under this project, the sanctioned works in Yamuna Action Plan– Phase-I component have been
completed, wherein 16 Sewage Treatment Plants of 402.25 mld capacity have been constructed and made

[ 200 ]
operational. Also under Gomti Action Plan component, 1 Sewage Treatment Plant of 42.0 mld capacity in
Lucknow town and 1 Sewage Treatment Plant of 1.7 mld capacity in Sultanpur town have been
constructed and made operational. Under this scheme, 15 different sewage treatment plants of total 512.96
mld capacity included in sanctioned and ongoing schemes are at different stages of construction,

146. For the year 2008-09, an outlay of Rs. 3203.00 lakh has been provided against which the
anticipated expenditure is Rs. 5703.00 lakh. An outlay of Rs.2000.00 lakh has been proposed for the year

Lake Conservation Plan- Govardhan Town

147. In the 10th meeting of National River Conservation Authority (NRCA) under the chairmanship of
Hon'ble Prime Minister, Government of India held on 13.03.2001, the decision was taken that “National
Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) shall receive the same priority as the rivers. As per above decision of
Government of India, the projects for 4 lakes namely, Ramgarh Tal (Gorakhpur), Laxmi Tal (Jhansi),
Mansi Ganga Tal, Govardhan, (Mathura) and MadanSagar Tal (Mahoba) of the State were proposed under
NLCP. Out of the 4 lakes, the MansiGanga Tal, Govardhan (Mathura) is first priority by the State

148. An outlay of Rs. 300.00 lakh has been provided in the year 2008-09 against which the anticipated
expenditure is Rs. 300.00 lakh. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 300.00 lakh has been proposed.

Rural Drinking Water Supply

149. The provision of adequate water for drinking, cooking and other domestic basic needs on a
sustainable basis to every rural person is utmost essential. This basic requirement should meet certain
minimum water quality standards and be available at all times, in all situations, with readily and
conveniently accessible, in a convenient location.

150. In the years to come, the rural water supply programme will face serious challenges by way of
meeting the expanding needs of a fast growing population, as well as the increasing demand of the rural
population for higher service levels in the given scenario of rapid depletion of fresh water availability for

151. The other factors which have also contributed to the rapid deterioration of the water supply are:
 over dependence on ground water and depletion of ground water level which often increases
the incidences of quality problems
 sources go dry leading to systems becoming defunct due to competing demand of ground
water from other sectors
 large scale deforestation
 lack of the protection of catchment areas

[ 201 ]
 over emphasis on creation of new infrastructure but poor attention to the maintenance of
existing system
 poor ownership of water supply systems and sources by the rural community along-with poor
operation and maintenance
 neglect of traditional water sources systems and management practices
152. To meet the emerging challenges in the rural drinking water sector relating to availability,
sustainability and quality, the components under the programme will be ARWSP (Coverage), ARWSP
(Sustainability), ARWSP (Water quality), ARWSP (DDP areas), ARWSP (Natural calamity) and ARWSP
(Support). The earmarking of funds and the Centre: State share in funding, will be as follows:

ARWSP (Sustainability)

153. Water Security: 20% of the annual ARWSP funds will be earmarked for this component to achieve
drinking water security through sustainability of sources and systems. Under this component, funding will
be on 100% basis.

ARWSP (Water Quality)

154. 20% of the annual ARWSP funds will be allocated for addressing water quality problems to enable
rural community to have access to potable drinking water. The funding pattern for this component will be
on 50: 50 basis except for the North–East States and Jammu & Kashmir for which, funding pattern will be
on 90: 10 basis between the Centre and the States.

Operation & Maintenance

155. 10% of ARWSP annual fund will be allocated to be used by the States/ UTs on O&M of rural
drinking water supply schemes. The funding pattern for this component will be on 50: 50 basis except for
the North–East States and Jammu & Kashmir for which, funding pattern will be on 90: 10 basis between
the Centre and the States.

ARWSP (Coverage)

156. 38% of the annual ARWSP funds will be allocated for Coverage, which will be allocated amongst
States/ UTs on the basis of prescribed inter-state allocation criteria. The funding pattern for this component
will be on 50: 50 basis except for the North–East States and Jammu & Kashmir for which, funding pattern
will be on 90:10 basis between the Centre and the States.


157. 5% of the annual ARWSP fund will be allocated amongst States having DDP blocks/ districts,
which will be funded on 100% basis.

[ 202 ]
ARWSP (Natural calamity)

158. 5% of the annual ARWSP fund will be used for providing assistance to States/ UTs to mitigate
drinking water problems in the rural areas in the wake of natural calamities.

ARWSP (Support)

159. 2% of annual ARWSP fund will be used for different support activities which will be required to
be carried out in order to enable the rural communities to have access to assured availability of potable
drinking water, viz. water quality monitoring & surveillance programme; information, education &
communication; water testing laboratories; human resource development in the sector; training,
conferences, seminars, Mission management, R&D activities, CCDU, etc. Under this component,
providing potable drinking water to rural school children will also be promoted.

160. During XI Five Year Plan, main emphasis for piped water supply schemes is to be given to bigger
villages (Population more than 5000). At present 738 PWS are under execution in various district under
different programme out which 115 scheme will be completed at the end of march 2009.

161. The total number of India Mark-II hand pumps installed in rural areas, is about 18.51 lacs at the
end of the year 2007-08.

Physicial and financial Achievement at during 2007-2008 and 2008-09

162. During the year 2007-08 against an outlay of Rs. 462 crore, an expenditure of Rs. 423.02 crore
was incurred.

163. In the Annual Plan 2008-09, it is anticipated that an expenditure of Rs. 485.76 crore will be
incurred against the outlay of Rs. 415.25 crore. An out lay of Rs. 431.75 Crore has been proposed for the
Annual Plan 2009-10. During this year 12000 hand pumps will be installed and 90000 hand pump will be
rebored. It is proposed to cover 1602 QPV villages with safe drinking water facilities.

Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation

164. The new era of globalisation and economic libralisation has fuelled rapid economic growth
delivering large number of employment opportunities which has further accelerated movement of Rural
folk to the Urban areas in search of jobs as well as quality of life. With the growth in Urban population the
number of poor in Urban areas also increases in greater proportion. To meet the challenges thrown out by
this emerging scenario, a two pronged strategy is needed. Poverty which is caused by lack of capacity and
opportunity of employment requires suitable training programmes for capability enhancement of the poor.
This should also be supplemented by providing extra opportunities for self-employment by arranging
facility for Loan & Subsidy.

[ 203 ]
165. The second prong of the strategy should be to provide housing with access to minimum basic
services at very affordable cost to improve the quality of life of Urban poor. For providing training,
housing and basic services for the urban poor the following programmes are being run by the department.

Basic Urban Services and Housing

166. The objective of this programme is to provide basic services to various SC predominant slums
which still have basic service deficiencies An outlay of Rs. 9000.00 lakh has been provided in the year
2008-09 against which the anticipated expenditure is Rs. 9000.00 lakh. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of
Rs. 9000.00 lakh has been proposed.

Swarna Jayanti Sahari Rojgar Yojna

167. Main objective of the scheme is to provide gainful employment to the urban unemployed through
encouraging and setting up of self employment ventures or provision of wage employment. In the year
2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 2000.00 lakh has been provided against which the anticipated expenditure is Rs.
2000.00 lakh. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs. 2500.00 lakh has been proposed.

Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP)

168. Self employment and training are its two components. Self employment includes assistance to
individual Urban poor. The Maximum unit cost of the project for individual self employment will be Rs.
50,000/- (Maximum Subsidy will be 15% of the Project Cost Subject to maximum of Rs. 7500/-). The
beneficiary is required to contribute 5% of the Project Cost. Besides Govt. Subsidy and contribution of the
beneficiary, rest of the project cost will be financed by the Banks as loan.

169. Training is provided for the skill development of the urban poor. Unit cost allowed for training
will be Rs. 2,000/- per trainee including material cost, trainer's fees, other Misc. expenses of training
centers and stipend to be paid to the trainee @ Rs. 100/- P.M. Training period will be from Two to Six
months subject to minimum of 300 hours.


170. Groups of urban poor women shall take up an economic activity suited to their skill, training,
aptitude and local conditions. DWACUA group should consist of at least ten urban poor women, one of
whom shall be organizer. DWACUA group shall be entitled to a subsidy of Rs. 125,000/- or 50% of the
cost of Project, whichever is less.


171. For setting up of Thrift & Credit Society, the DWCUA group shall be entitled to a lump sum of
grant of Rs. 25000/- as revolving fund @ Rs. 1000/- per member only after one year of its formation. This
funds will be used by the Group/Society on prescribed purposes. Where an individual member of the

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society saves Rs. 500/- and Rs. 750/- in fixed deposit for 12 months. She will also be entitled to a subsidy
for Rs. 30/- and Rs. 60/- respectively for being paid as insurance premium.

Urban Wage Employment Programme (UWEP)

172. This programme shall apply to local bodies, the population of which was less than 5 Lacs as per
1991 census. The Programme shall seek to provide wage employment to beneficiaries living below the
poverty line within the jurisdiction of urban local bodies by utilizing their labour for construction of
socially and economically useful public assets. The material and labour components ratio for works under
this programme shall be 60:40.

Integrated Low Cost Sanitation (ILCS)

173. The objective of this programme is to convert the existing dry latrines and construction of new
water pour latrines in the houses without toilets. Till 10th five-year Plan Period, 401497 dry latrines have
already been converted into water pour latrines. The task left now for 11th Five Year Plan period is as
 EWS dry latrines to be converted into Water pour latrine (No.) - 222165
 A.P.L. dry latrines to be converted into Water pour latrine (No.) - 76135
 Providing Water pour latrine to EWS houses without toilets (No.) - 498812
 Providing Water pour latrine to A.P.L. houses without toilets (No.) - 191084
174. As per the newly proposed guidelines of Govt. of India, the cost ceiling would be raised to Rs.
10000 per unit and rate of G.O.I. subsidy would be enhanced to 75% of the cost with the condition of
matching subsidy of 15% of cost of construction by the State Government. The rest 10% will be
beneficiary's contribution. In the year 2008-09 an outlay of Rs. 500.00 lakh has been provided against
which the anticipated expenditure is Rs. 500.00 lakh. For the year 2009-10 an outlay of Rs.500.00 lakh
has been proposed.

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