Supercontinuum Light 2013 Preprint
Supercontinuum Light 2013 Preprint
Supercontinuum Light 2013 Preprint
John M. Dudley is at the University of Franche-Comté and the CNRS Research Institute FEMTO-ST in
Besançon, France.
1. Introduction
The many uses of laser light are so well-known that they need little introduction. The
development of high brightness spatially-coherent optical radiation has enabled diverse and
familiar applications in areas such as spectroscopy, communications, material processing and so on.
A continual challenge, however, has been developing sources of laser light at new wavelengths,
because different applications generally require lasers operating in specific regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Whilst there has been tremendous effort to develop new laser materials
to generate new wavelengths directly, there has also been extensive work using the processes of
nonlinear optics to convert laser radiation from one frequency to another. The last decade has seen
a veritable revolution in this field with the development and widespread use of the fiber
supercontinuum, a truly remarkable source of optical radiation.
A supercontinuum is usefully defined as broadband light generated from the nonlinear
frequency conversion of a laser that is focused to high intensity in a dielectric medium. Most useful
supercontinuum light today is generated in optical fiber, typically spanning the visible and near
infrared spectral regions, and with up to several watts of average optical power. Because it is
produced within the guided mode of an optical waveguide, the supercontinuum preserves the
spatial coherence properties of the incident laser, and thus essentially combines the brightness and
focusing properties of a laser with the broad bandwidth of a white-light incandescent bulb. This
yields a unique optical source that can be considered as an essentially arbitrary-wavelength source
of spatially coherent laser light [1, 2].
What makes the supercontinuum especially useful is its diversity. When combined with
spectral filtering, it can be used as a narrowband yet tunable source for applications such as
spectroscopy. On the other hand, when used over its full bandwidth, it finds applications in multi-
wavelength microscopy, or in the encoding of information at high capacity using multiple data
channels at different wavelengths. Generating a supercontinuum in the laboratory is simple enough
to be carried out by undergraduates, and there is a burgeoning commercial market for
supercontinuum sources in imaging and microscopy where the ability to focus tightly allows
diffraction-limited spatial resolution. Yet although it is easy to generate a supercontinuum in the
lab, understanding its physics is more difficult, as it requires knowledge of concepts from nonlinear
and ultrafast fiber optics that are somewhat specialized [3]. In this article, we present an
introduction to this fascinating field of optical science, reviewing briefly how and why the field
developed so quickly in the last ten years, describing the essential physical ideas, and pointing out
new applications and current fields of research.
2. Immediate impact
The physics of supercontinuum generation is based on inducing a broadband electronic
polarization in a dielectric medium using an intense light pulse from a high power laser. As a rule of
thumb the magnitude of such a nonlinear polarization and thus the supercontinuum bandwidth
scales with the pump pulse power. Since the highest peak powers of lasers are usually associated
with the production of ultrashort picosecond and femtosecond pulses, supercontinuum generation
typically using pulsed pumping. However, this isn’t a strictly necessary requirement, and intense
continuous laser sources can also be used.
Supercontinuum light was first observed in the late 1960s by focusing pulsed lasers into bulk
crystals and glasses, and this was followed by experiments in other media including liquids and
gases, and optical fiber [4,5]. It was the observation of a white light supercontinuum using a new
type of photonic crystal fiber in 1999, however, that revolutionized the field [6]. This was because
the particular properties of this type of fiber (extreme light confinement and specifically engineered
dispersion) enabled supercontinuum generation using low energy pulses from widespread tabletop
femtosecond laser sources. Before this development, supercontinuum generation required
relatively large and complex experimental setups, which significantly impeded its uptake as a useful
technology. A typical experimental observation of a femtosecond laser-generated supercontinuum
is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Injection of 800 nm (invisible) femtosecond pulses into an optical fiber (from the coupler on
the left) leads to dramatic frequency conversion and the generation of a white light supercontinuum
which is dispersed using a diffraction grating onto a screen. Note that although we see only the visible
portion of the spectrum in this photo, the supercontinuum actually extends from below 400 nm into
the infrared beyond 1500 nm. The fact that we are able to create a collimated line focus of the
diffracted spectrum is because the spatial focusing properties of the pump laser are preserved during
the spectral broadening process in the fiber.
This experimental simplicity rapidly attracted enormous interest, both from the nonlinear
optics community who wanted to probe the underlying physics, but also – and at first sight
surprisingly – from the optical metrology community who applied the supercontinuum to precision
measurements of optical frequencies [7-9]. In fact, the supercontinuum played a central role in the
development of the stabilized frequency comb which was a component of the 2005 Nobel Prize in
physics. We will return to the details of the supercontinuum generation process below, but it is
worthwhile pausing to briefly consider this immediate application in frequency measurement.
The precise measurement of optical frequencies impacts on fundamental areas of physics such
as the search for slow changes in the fundamental constants, as well as on applications using
frequency references in communications and navigation. To measure an unknown optical
frequency, we compare it with one known more precisely. This technique was initially developed
using room-size frequency chains starting from a stable microwave reference linked to a cesium
atomic clock, and subsequently generating exactly known higher frequencies up to the optical
regime via a number of other intermediate oscillators. In the late 1990s, however, it was realized
that this technique could be greatly simplified using an optical frequency comb generated from a
mode-locked laser. The optical spectrum associated with the pulses emitted by a mode-locked
laser is not continuous, but consists of a comb of discrete lines exactly separated by the repetition
rate at which the pulses are emitted (see Box) that can be used as a "frequency ruler" to bridge a
gap between two unknown frequencies under the laser pulse bandwidth.
A limiting problem with the frequency comb, however, arises because the absolute position
of the comb lines from a mode-locked laser is generally unknown. However, if the laser is used to
generate a supercontinuum that spans over an octave in frequency, the position of the comb lines
can be stabilized with reference to an atomic clock through two relatively straightforward radio
frequency measurements: one of the pulse repetition frequency, and another derived from the
measured interval between the fundamental pulse frequency and its second harmonic [4]. And at
the same time, the extended bandwidth of the supercontinuum allows much more flexibility in
bridging frequency intervals. Once the supercontinuum was applied in this way for comb
stabilization, the field of frequency metrology was revolutionized virtually overnight. Frequency
combs now enable the measurement of optical frequencies to better than 1 part in 1015, rivaling the
best atomic clocks in their stability [9].
Box: Some basic concepts of ultrafast nonlinear fiber optics
Figure 2. Numerical modeling of soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation, showing the
temporal and spectral intensity of an evolving pulse in an optical fiber [3, 13]. Color coding shows
normalized intensity (blue: zero background; red: highest intensity). (a) shows the ideal invariant
evolution of a fundamental soliton with perfect balance between nonlinearity and dispersion. At
higher intensity it is possible as in (b) to see regular and periodic evolution of a higher-order soliton in
both time and frequency. In (a) and (b) we plot normalized time, frequency, and distance coordinates.
In (c) we plot realistic simulations including higher-order dispersion that breaks the initial periodic
evolution and induces temporal soliton fission and the appearance of distinct temporal and spectral
structure. Parameters for (c) are similar to those used in Dudley, Coen & Genty [2].
6. Applications
Because of the ability to dispersion-engineer optical fibers, it is possible to fabricate optical
waveguides that are suitable for supercontinuum generation using a wide range of pump laser
sources. This allows the generation of radiation from supercontinuum light spanning a remarkable
range from the ultraviolet near 200 nm to the infrared over 4 μm. A survey of available
supercontinuum sources using different types of pump is presented in Figure 3. Here we show the
power spectral density obtained in each case and we also indicate the spectral bandwidth
generated. It is clear that virtually any laser source with sufficient power can be used to generate a
supercontinuum but it is also worth noting that only the results obtained using femtosecond pulses
would possess high stability and be suitable for the most demanding applications in frequency
metrology. On the other hand, unstable supercontinuum spectra also find many applications where
time-averaged measurements are important such as imaging and spectroscopy.
One cannot stress enough the impact that new developments in optical fibers have had on
this field [17]. Prior to the nonlinearity and dispersion-engineering possibilities of fiber invented in
the 1990s, generating broadband supercontinuum was an extremely expensive technology,
requiring complex lasers and large laboratory facilities. Also building on advances in available pump
sources, the supercontinuum has become an extremely affordable (and sometimes very compact)
technology, which has naturally led to the development of a very wide range of applications.
Figure 3. A survey of different supercontinuum sources as a function of different pump lasers. Ytterbium, Erbium
and Thulium are fiber laser sources, whereas Nd:YAG and Ti:Sapphire are solid-state lasers. All results using pump
sources below 1200 nm were obtained using silica-based fiber as the supercontinuum generation medium.
Areas where supercontinuum sources are finding significant commercial success include
spectroscopy and microscopy, where the high brightness and large bandwidth have greatly
increased the achievable resolution compared to that obtained with traditional lamps or LED
sources. For example, in confocal microscopy, the broad bandwidth allows essentially arbitrary
tuning of excitation wavelengths to perfectly match fluorophores. The result is optimal excitation of
the fluorescent dyes with minimal cross-excitation, reducing the requirement for laser power, and
increased viability for long live cell experiments. Supercontinuum sources have also found
applications in STED microscopy [18], an advanced super-resolution technique allowing imaging at
below the diffraction limit. STED is an acronym standing for Stimulated Emission Depletion
Microscopy and is based on using dual wavelength excitation to deplete specific regions of the
sample while leaving a sub-diffraction limit center focal spot active to emit fluorescence. There are
also many potential novel applications in biomedical diagnostics; the combined broad bandwidth
and local frequency precision of the supercontinuum as a spectroscopic tool has led to important
advances in the demonstration of medical testing using breath analysis; this is a truly fascinating
area of research.
One of the more surprising applications of frequency comb technology is its use to improve
the accuracy and stability of wavelength calibration of astrophysical spectrographs by as much as
two orders of magnitude [9]. Such “astro-combs” have represented a major advance in the
resolution of astrophysical Doppler shifts, the basis for the discovery of exo-planets. If this
technique is confirmed and widely adopted, it will be a truly remarkable example of how
fundamental research in one field can find completely unexpected applications in another.
7. Brighter Future
Supercontinuum generation involves the interaction between a number of different
nonlinear effects and the intrinsic linear dispersion of the fiber waveguide. Although its basic
physics is well understood, the richness of the underlying nonlinear dynamics provides ongoing
challenges for theory and modeling, and continues to throw up surprises.
The ability to generate supercontinuum with a compact tabletop system has reduced the
power demands for nonlinear frequency conversion, leading to new technological developments,
commercial success, and major contributions in many different fields of science. The optical
supercontinuum appears as a common factor in many breakthrough experiments that have
combined ideas and researchers from diverse domains from guided wave optics, to laser source
development, nanophotonics, materials science and biology. As new materials continue to become
available, and laser pump sources become more widely available, the supercontinuum can be
expected to continue to find new applications, and one can only express the wish that some of
them will be as unexpected and as exciting as the many that we have seen to date.
The authors thank Roy Taylor for important comments concerning Figure 3. Figure 1 was taken at
the laboratories of JMD by B. Wetzel. JMD thanks the European Research Council (MULTIWAVE)
and GG thanks the Academy of Finland for financial support.
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