Aboriginal History Timeline

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Aboriginal history timeline (1918 - 1955)

1. 1918
§ The Northern Territory Aboriginal Ordinance Act "ensured that Aboriginal
people could not drink or possess or supply alcohol or methylated spirits,
could not come within two chains of licensed premises, have firearms, marry
non-Aboriginal people without permission or have sex across the colour line".
§ The Ordinance also forbids mining on Aboriginal Reserve Land.
2. 1920
§ Groote Eylandt, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, is named an Aboriginal Reserve.
A number of missions have been established there.
§ Aboriginal population is estimated to be at its lowest at 60,000 - 70,000. It is
widely believed to be a ‘dying race’. Most Australians have no contact with
Aboriginal people due to segregation and social conventions.
3. 1925
§ The Church Missionary Society of the Church of England sets up a mission at
Oenpelli, Central Australia. The Aboriginal community later run a water
buffalo farm and sell X-ray style bark paintings.
§ April: Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association is formed in Sydney
to oppose New South Wales Aborigines Protection Board. Its inaugural
president is Fred Maynard.
4. 1926
§ Following the killing of a European in Dala, Western Australia, 11 Aboriginal
people are murdered in police custody; no prosecutions follow.
5. 1927
§ Federal law for family endowment excludes Aboriginal people and instead
payments go to Aborigines Protection Board. Aboriginal people are denied
maternity allowance and old age pension.
§ Aboriginal people are banned from central Perth until 1948.
6. 1928
§ Conniston Massacre in the Northern Territory. Europeans shoot 32
Aboriginal people after a European dingo trapper and a station owner are
attacked by them. A court of inquiry rules the Europeans’ action ‘justified’.
Aboriginal people are refused legal aid by the federal government.
§ Aboriginal activist and toymaker Anthony Martin Fernando (1864 - 1949)
is picketing Australia House in London. Pinned to his coat
are scores of small, white, toy skeletons and he’s wearing a placard
proclaiming: ‘This is all Australia has left of my people’.
7. 1929
§ Queensland Protector of Aborigines recommends to the federal government
that Aboriginal people be assimilated where they are in contact with European
society and that inviolable reserves be established for tribal people.
§ Aboriginal athlete Lynch Cooper is named World Professional Sprint
Champion after winning the 1928 Stawell Gift and the 1929 World Sprint.
8. 1930
§ Victorian Yorta Yorta man William 930: First stamp of
Cooper petitions the King to have an Australia showing a
Aboriginal representative in the federal reference to
House of Representatives, the main culture. Note the
chamber of the national Australian boomerang at the foot
of Captain Charles
parliament. A similar attempt is made in Sturt’s portrait.
NSW. They are unsuccessful.
9. 1934
§ Under the Aborigines Act, Aboriginal people can apply to ‘cease being
Aboriginal’ and have access to the same rights as ‘whites’.
§ The Arnhem Land Reserve is declared.
10. 1935
§ The Methodist Overseas Mission establishes Yirrkala, an Aboriginal
community on the Gove Peninsula, Northern Territory. It was later taken over
by the United Church in North Australia.
§ The introduction of the Infants Welfare Act (Tasmania) is used to remove
Indigenous children on Cape Barren Island from their families. From 1928
until 1980 the head teacher on Cape Barren is appointed as a special constable
with the powers and responsibilities of a police constable, including the power
to remove a child for neglect under child welfare legislation.
11. 1936
§ Western Australia Aborigines Act is amended to permit Aboriginal people
to be taken into custody without trial or appeal and to prevent them from
entering prescribed towns without a permit.
1. 1937
Assimilation policy
§ 21-23 April: Aboriginal Welfare - Conference of Commonwealth and
State Authorities called by the federal government, decides that the official
policy for some Aboriginal people is assimilation policy. Aboriginal people
of mixed descent are to be assimilated into white society whether they want to
be or not, those not living tribally are to be educated and all others are to stay
on reserves.

§ The minutes of the meeting say:

“The destiny of the natives of aboriginal origin, but not of the full blood, lies
in their ultimate absorption… with a view to their taking their place in the
white community on an equal footing with the whites.”

§ In practice, assimilation policies lead to the destruction of Aboriginal identity

and culture, justification of dispossession and the removal of Aboriginal

“In 50 years we should forget that there were any Aborigines in this country”.
—A.O. Neville, Western Australian Chief Aboriginal Protector [10]

§ Segregationist practices continue until 1960s with separate sections in

theatres, separate wards in hospitals, hotels refusing drinks and schools able to
refuse enrolment to Aboriginal children.
“The governments in the 1930s said children had to be taken away from their
parents because the influence of their own communities was immoral and they
were in danger of abuse and neglect, but the real agenda then was to de-
Aboriginalise them” —Michael Anderson, Aboriginal leader [1]

§ 27 June: In Dubbo, western NSW, trade unionist and Aboriginal politician

William Ferguson launches the Aborigines Progressive Association, in
opposition to the Aborigines Protection Board, after officials of the Board
had arbitrarily used their powers to harass Aboriginal people.
§ The Presbyterian Church establishes a mission - Ernabella - in the Musgrave
Ranges, South Australia.
2. 1938
§ 26 January: 150 years after European occupation the Aboriginal Progressive
Association declares a Day of Mourning. An Aboriginal conference is held
in Sydney. These are the first of many Aboriginal protests against inequality,
injustice, dispossession of land and protectionist policies.
§ A monthly newspaper, Australian Abo Call is published in Sydney,
advocating equality of treatment and opportunity for Aboriginal people.
§ For the Europeans ‘celebration’ of 150 years of "settlement" in NSW, the
government transports Aboriginal people from western communities to
Sydney to take part in the re-enactment of the British landing on 26 January
1788. Aboriginal organisations in Sydney refused to participate.
§ The NSW government changes Aboriginal policy from ‘protection’ to
assimilation following the 1937 conference.
§ December: Central Australian Aboriginal painter, Albert Namatjira, holds
his first exhibition in Melbourne. All 41 works are sold in three days. He
combines European painting techniques (mainly watercolours) with subject
matter from his native land.
§ 6 December: Aboriginal man William Cooper, in his 70s, leads a delegation
of the Australian Aboriginal League to the German Consulate
in Melbourne to deliver a petition which condemns the ‘cruel persecution
of the Jewish people by the Nazi government of Germany’ [6].
3. 1939
§ 4 February: The first-ever mass strike of Aboriginal people in Australia
occurs, called the Cummeragunja Walk-off. Over 150 Aboriginal people
pack-up and leave Cummeragunja Aboriginal Station in protest at the cruel
treatment and exploitation of residents by the management. They walk
66kms and cross the border from New South Wales into Victoria in
contravention of the rules of the New South Wales Protection Board. The
opera Pecan Summer tells the story of the walk-off.
§ World War II begins. Although Aboriginal people are not recognised as
citizens, two Aboriginal military units are established and some Aboriginal
people serve in other sections of the armed forces as formally enlisted
soldiers, sailors or airmen. Aboriginal people serve in Europe, the Middle
East, the Pacific and New Guinea.
§ Aboriginal children continue to be removed from their families during the
period 1939 to 1945, including children whose fathers are at war overseas.
§ The Aborigines Protection Board in South Australia is established.
§ As a result of the 1937 conference Queensland passes legislation allowing
Aboriginal people to receive workers’ compensation.
Also as a result of this conference a Native Affairs Branch is set up in the
Northern Territory.
§ The Queensland government establishes a leprosarium on Fantome
Island (Eumilli Island) in the Great Palm Island group, about 65 km
northeast of Townsville. Aboriginal patients are sent there to protect white
people from catching the disease until 1973 when it is closed.
4. 1940
§ Amendments to the NSW Aborigines protection legislation results in the
replacement of the Aborigines Protection Board with the NSW Aborigines
Welfare Board. Responsibility for Aboriginal education is transferred to the
Department for Education, which takes control of reserve buildings and
starts to provide trained teachers. ‘Aboriginal’ schools provide education
beyond Grade 3.
§ In the 1940s most federal social security benefits are extended to Aboriginal
§ Increased mining developments in the 1940s in Western Australia bring
protest from Aboriginal people concerned about their land. This lays the
basis for the Pindan movement, which was to grow from the 1946-49 Pilbara
strike by Aboriginal pastoral workers.
§ Discrimination against Aboriginal people begins to raise community
disquiet. South Australian Premier Thomas Playford requests the
Commonwealth government to pay maternity benefits and old age pension to
Aboriginal people.
§ White Australia policy succeeds: 99% of Australia’s 7 million people are
5. 1942

§ Darwin is bombed by the Japanese. In Arnhem Land, Aboriginal people

make up a special reconnaissance unit in defence of Australia. Northern
Territory Aboriginal missions are evacuated. Many Aboriginal people
evacuated after the bombing are transferred to ‘control camps’ in Victoria,
South Australia or New South Wales and some never return. Restrictions are
placed on Aboriginal movement, especially of women.
§ 19-year old Len Waters becomes the first
Aboriginal military pilot to be accepted into
the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) [7]. He
is also the only Aboriginal fighter pilot to serve
during World War II. Len left the air force in
1946 and died in 1993 aged 69. Streets in ACT
and Sydney have been named after him.
Len Waters Street in Ngunnawal,
Australia Capital Territory.
§ The Methodist Church in North Australia sets up an Aboriginal mission on
Elcho Island, Northern Territory.
6. 1943
§ A further amendment to the Aboriginal protection legislation in NSW gives
two Aboriginal people - one ‘full-blood’ and one ‘half-caste’ - representation
on the Aboriginal Welfare Board. Walter Page and William Ferguson, both
Aboriginal Progressive Association members, take up the positions.
§ An Exemption Certificate is introduced, exempting certain Aboriginal
people from restrictive legislation and entitling them to vote, drink alcohol
and move freely but prohibiting them from consorting with others who are
not exempt. Their children are allowed to be admitted to ordinary public
§ Aboriginal people use the derogatory terms ‘dog tags’ or ‘dog licences’ to
refer to the certificates. For many Aboriginal people this renunciation of
their traditional lifestyle is promoted as the only opportunity to overcome
poverty, gain work and access to education and social welfare benefits.
7. 1945
§ Aboriginal cattle station workers in the Port Hedland district of Western
Australia strike for a pay increase. They are getting 10 shillings a week and
are supplied with blankets. Aboriginal people then form a co-operative to
mine alluvial wolfram, which was successful.
§ An investigation shows Aboriginal people on Lord Vestey’s Northern
Territory cattle station are getting poor rations, inadequate housing, water
and sanitation facilities and are paid less than the five shillings a day
minimum wage, which was set for Aboriginal people in a 1918 ordinance.
European males receive two pounds and eight shillings (equal to 48
shillings) a week in 1945.
8. 1946
§ Aboriginal children need a medical certificate to attend public schools.
§ Aboriginal pastoral workers initiate the Pilbara strike in Western Australia
over pay, conditions and ill treatment.

9. 1948
§ The Commonwealth Citizenship and Nationality Act for the first time makes
all Australians, including all Aboriginal people, Australian citizens. But at
state level they still suffer legal discrimination.

§ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by the newly formed

United Nations and supported by Australia.

§ Melbourne’s first Moomba festival is staged. Approached about naming the

festival, Aboriginal people suggest “Moomba”, telling the officials it means,
“Let’s get together and have fun!” Actually meaning “up your bum” the
name was adopted and is still used.
10. 1949
§ Aboriginal people are given the right to enrol and vote at federal elections
provided they are entitled to enrol for state elections or have served in the
armed forces.

§ The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

Genocide is ratified by Australia. It comes into force in 1951.

§ February: A group of Aboriginal stockmen including Ampilatwatja man

Banjo Morton walk off from the Lake Nash Cattle Station demanding
wages instead of rations. After a short period they are paid one pound a
week. It is the first time Aboriginal stockmen walked off disputing labour
conditions in the NT.
11. 1950
Gwoya Jungarai
§ The portrait of Gwoya Jungarai (ca.1895-1965)
of the Warlpiri people, Central Australia, appears
on the 8 1/2 pence (8 1/2d) and two shillings and
sixpence (2s.6d, issued 1952) definitive stamps.
The stamps become widely known as “One Pound
Jimmy” because when asked the price of his
artefacts for sale he always replied “One Pound”.

§ The first formal schooling for Aboriginal

children in the Northern Territory is provided.
Lack of facilities is rationalised by the claim that
children “beyond the age of 10 couldn’t keep up with white children

§ Aboriginal children assimilate into NSW local schools, if all other parents
agree. This right of veto is removed in 1960.
12. 1951
§ The federal government convenes the Australian Conference for Native
Welfare, with all states and territories represented except Victoria and
Tasmania, which claim to have no Aboriginal ‘problem’. The conference
officially adopts a policy of ‘assimilation’ for Aboriginal people.
‘Assimilation means, in practical terms, that it is expected that all
persons of Aboriginal birth or mixed blood in Australia will live like
white Australians do.’
13. 1952
§ In a progressive decision, the Minister for Territories, Paul Hasluck,
earmarks all statutory royalties raised on Aboriginal reserves to be held in
trust for Aboriginal people. All royalties raised on Aboriginal land are
foregone by the Commonwealth and paid to a new institution, the
Aboriginals Benefit Trust Account (ABTA).
14. 1953
§ The Northern Territory Welfare Ordinance makes Aboriginal people wards
of the government, basically making Aboriginal adults and children, minors.

§ Atomic tests are conducted on Maralinga lands at Emu Field, South

Australia. They are code named Operation Totem. A black cloud passes and
hundreds of families are forced to leave their homelands because of severe
contamination. Further atom tests followed in 1956 at Maralinga, South
Australia - Operation Buffalo.

§ 10 years after the Australian government declared the clean-up of Maralinga

as completed (in 2001) erosion continues to expose radioactive waste

“The remarkable thing really, is how little [radioactive material] we buried”

.—Alan Parkinson, retired nuclear engineer [9]
15. 1954
§ Queen Elizabeth visits Australia for the first time and in Canberra signs
the Aborigines Welfare Ordinance 1954 that permits the ethnic cleansing of
the Australian Capital Territory, clearing it of resident Aboriginal people.

Source: https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/aboriginal-history-

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