Garbage Disposal 5
Garbage Disposal 5
Garbage Disposal 5
are unaware of the waste they make in their homes. waste is constant concern.
Waste is a direct result of technical and social human growth. Distinct wastes
have different compositions that have changed over time and place. And waste
recycled. Waste can be viewed different by different people since some objects
that some people throw away may have worth to others. Taking quick action is
business. We all produce waste in nearly everything that we do like water waste
and solid waste. So in this study we will focus on the solid waste. As we continue
reading this paper we will know the different ways of handling solid waste. We
will also know the programs that should be implemented in every barangay.
Republic act 9003 An Act Providing For An Ecological Solid Waste Management
therefore, and for other purposes better known as the Ecological Solid Waste
ecological solid waste management program in the country to ensure the proper
problems of every barangay in the Philippines. In every barangay they have their
production and disposal in one of its flood-prone barangays, pansol. the main
aim of this study is to identify the extent of the problems and household surveys
to elicit information from resource person and households. We find that about
48.73% of the recyclables in Calamba city are left unmanaged – dumped, buried,
much must the city pays monthly to a waste management company to collect
This advocacy focuses on delivering the issue on the students regarding solid
1. What are the learning’ of the students regarding solid waste management?
2. What are the reactions of the students regarding the solid waste management?
This advocacy is significant to the following group if they will take this seriously:
To the school, it helps them to maintain the cleanliness of the school through the
advocacy that we made. To the teachers, it would help them to lessen their job as
teacher to tell the students regarding the solid waste management. To the
students, this advocacy lightens them up regarding the improper solid waste
management and they would know the effects of it. They would also know the
waste management the disaster what will happen if they continue throwing
garbage anywhere, the effects of proper and improper solid waste management
and the 3R’s. The school was General Santos City National High School. The we